Canadian Statesman, 10 Mar 1887, page 3

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au arket ss eshi rich and rare Sprîng.G6'6 ore the verynicesEt goods for th ,,' -NTA.L CUITAIN 8T lEl]Y COaE2O 1.75. n anStp.[ 1 4.. rat,89i9 it11 Ti..111l1itI$.95. 1î11îdure t17 u 75' ntrVil e1. tl u Coî101.., 1.751 .15 I. E D ÉS 11LK iIA2DOl SALES 5'ELT fl. I1V. 11av811071a fuil k<d olî,îh v., MId. 11w Pcl'il OE.i . 1 i d tî [.î,î1î, 11012 1-r Vou . îîy. ce. l 9875 .3 0 121 .. 1.11 têtî..î9 < $ [ri 201111C181 ooîy 7plUIilE 11 *Taioruîad ie Suits. at u LuF.iy anStripe),fo 'p T'dres y, w rth.u'$ 3 tlt 3700 piecesn. frcf20t 50Facy.P un1e.t ic5e. réetand st, HAMlTO-fé ml< 18C1. 1 II 2513. Two Speci qual Le' .JèT EaS,t HAMILTO: 11.IOIT. ,11 - 11 ] V i a 1 2-l îlrS lîîlî 1 cA. 11l1l17 mi,1î5I'1î. 1.. I.s.-î I,îî r1 5. II 1 i .,1.','el,,, lic 1,I.. .er ,.îîiîîln ý e ll'l17 1111C11 1.r 5118 tO 1;". CIIII.î',, .î,C î.î. hlI,î îhîît1 . 121,, l..îîîCîî iv. c i,2,.:1.11111188 0911 11 1 .iCl'1W1 value cîî,î Styleî, a 1111b 'ea, mi sarwt orac tî arti 1111 itjelTO AStC. nATera adb Me o i sttîne t o ges Sarelipp aent t*eY er- tha ee Lads aWIU on-batl 'Otd s il intelago taEf t 5the, t1w Slow la Ih gatol0onlTueday %T. . . tefNelaun, ea eE0~~~lî~ltîbi. rdIe Labt luFarm.ob-g,Ii'i.hwpee718 'tl , por011litiary. . lapublitOtinla foO; MrA E ofe fos.î8i51t loUsî il StrîeeII 'ytel!tli ad a 1p3u'uaIa0ol, -Creio01.71e dstroyCd fand Prof.110118o E otf Clae d 1,J bois 1a8 M1-1d ener0lb0 dd 0 e rOOI 9 9 0- te ln0;àp, lnt bot $6oîl1,000-. 98 , 5i7the ve ig wisasie u an ensirin t Cî08I0lhd 'Wro B,.reIN.-Too Fries P8ess.p§y. ' iee1<tli 1071,TI tltEB. E0owIoiRI wlî uits110 agof shbîcititbonbîlîll on. -hure toWtlan *lt lo, wals ord 85 gnl rSitg ad james.t,Àrets,MH: 1t'W aisrtsStoey ltt, sli ablî l l1oI Corti-er about by borbatrainga portion R001 Sil"o fI11lrIioIiEoIi, 7171 s ttîlg I r u tilo 10wanitlly 805'abe J&O aIMýr. R. D.'1hoffhflu ta stan. l 0.owl aifwet la Iréac 11< ecezry Fveoalrbho hlba tburnîtm,0.sud lieRe , r.. S luntrmÉIrodlîim 13$261 sinp thîe procedinge, lecLT, it îEf10connuIthat vasoe go. Eowowlft t i deI îhliIhr0l1a1181 II lenrtwelbis 1.%vite loit Sepinmb$ebut ai.t iis.îCIî11,11 r.lîrsýli.v ,Ltrîod la Aoooabolit a mtutb ago. Si bic1t qilver ,%IAr.t111 171. Ktolia lat1.1010 ile tbo S 'Fible .kS'int trial and galle witîler twooîildreulta orîo.o-î~ rî1.olao11111liewhlers 111 Eteretrauogovlle. a*lr G Ira(ng1IE li l, httoogli. ;ci e-' 1vwillbctr ipoîienlt o 011.nt111710716FPEUL. 21701-D18. Aez. 111 , Iîr gvù Il%bisiv, , ,,tî,ao11o. erDiob.ORegitrareofthie Cistty of iT ro)bisýlo P. l.eldied achlitsîlo 11111111111 lpomptn çtc.I Wîet.slvo, M.tol d. Mr2. tiiebwn Iau .1111and, 'bigî,,.IN rmectîlO reident. Co I ..Av-Cui, alis re orvei ie..ilhto,î, ith e tpwrd : 5'ig, i .itI. Ciliet I.oîît IlIl eîip ot.. li 2.ats,%ulatÉw r abol0<. Io 1, v,'it,t toet vfro ago,* bot tloîtpro. s,ni,va ta 1111it that the0g11sus oîd tela,'îO ticO114l1071r,. 11he rai arî oin. v081111010OCO îîî5107ap1718inei Seghîtrar zl inîrha, eothe «Lttle Fa11llsàntheeath 11 of e tîr iît,îbeît of Ibat ie ii.ý , îî owîîrd offce, 'Mr. A. S. Campîbellî. HOboat a sib,.Ir. liîîillaîî r Refrm'er 11111iî polihico. and 1did Nyîoioaît'ai idî i i Il0 opîtîlî ylr o t, ls .thîe ooîtv f >oit 1IFbe Press. rvicpià tliet'1o. Ilîi -'111 rlas1 Reise r t- SRgistrarslîip. 1H171 leoth it71lax-mucb e. ad :z.1l or 1 a,.ittu rè,..ypîyd inî tlhî sectin; as vuovll I 'j îîiîîî CII, eIsîeiTU E. 17171071011 OR S ..,-Mr. Eros À ;il i'11hqtrh ch, ceî M. .Lakeî, ofTor,.îto, îlo wael.toîl the1îîlîS,10 gî ro is Spîîuîber ast by Liwneo fan'It.ClinII1.ii 011, t lzît ldrtlowi tbI.clbrîîîor(lI. lircii,1 olo orîaotoot1e9't1'1wO _,.5t lis Iîo trflo. I.Cl"l , r ite eDiision Ceîrt O,r. Tbe. lO.grd7iîîie efati heIinln trtlere l00,i.tîir i,c crred lfor nuring, 11198 .al atd :', ,slý11uIvsY est A jýgcaut-oac 1 ndtfirsisr, for booily paino lîïa hi arti' IclZitiItilIe0htolz i,ffttrd.ltand1forIo111utEtî9e. -ûf l. e 1tvii.'1',Iii naré bîpt fleîdî. tîîe cswill probllbly bo virdl £î..îys.-TUF .W. 1'. L tfi, its t.. -and i n0te lîentîme w fE.oîo .11rnt a i . T. 0. shllI refrain front'ooomîtiug on 1h. ntio,g. siteo]0,0 ToCOlymplie Lacrosse' Club mdl at îlI , uis , t lie î,I ir. vono Hll, Tocrtd,y eotiog andT. II 11110,.rneod for the a ' miing n10171. The 71197..follo,iUC.îoferwere cleoind: Hal. 8.ý1J st,.cb MS.1 . ret.I%,rî. L. P. Eagr,Esq. ;5Pro.. Il C'.111,bIiviI, 7110 d11ivi,it leot;D. IV. Cmîpbell, MIq.; lîst lui-th Kerrî15,11 iver1y b1,1111,C. , j.'2.lasbldi o 2d Vie., . S. . tZ t rgiîh,îpî i t railwn:y Ilîeutrîeit 1 Catain. 11M . Eichîell Ii8î7111 r. .'11e-îh 171 i h.c.. -r111.H. 11.Watsontt 1Exectitive . . 1, .igII îj Cred. aIi.d Jite. Little.. S. rosO. Balsb. a U.tî lle. fwuîasIîidhýlle otunsî.. .;îlralowv, eo. ieste, J. A I ~ ' ' Dewaor. S. A. C'axe,. HanO. 'Tlhe 02510<1l111110tfotl,îdly meeting ,-an lothelarg1111711itn thoannoale 1 vâ Of 1 oit cîWr11oîsdav ol îe lîe 111111.nd prospects are 717715 11171 getting itcititgul,toweoo briflt for a R1î111071fti onnetsl. 'The eIIIi, ,I nisotheîrîîilstr..oto' c ..lîdîiidet diniteeassociationuand YSiC tIb1n1,Iil'.I.nte ypc' foî îthe ditriet laompîînshlp. A ltI.11 is , thoq ill.tittioo îoîotiine la,. aintappointI0 loar-f 411elîlicetl..y yt'loîIles rang for aconcrlon the. oversug Of hibYlîlo Sti. .1 Friday. 22nd, o Apîil. -W..und1 1-lli, il. SlLrîo. 711,0 t. ,stand tîe lubîlo ti 1110a f,101 E0.ttri 'bc Tiol îti '..11ll lSeIîool lesth iîd. thloiîîl, 117111l res, illt listhat ?Iiid lîlOetî,i,îi,,',v ' loy sold bc liberaly patro89n1 'iI', andlierî,tatue, so'î. 011ely are overeuyw i bi I-iild t th Io olîolî.1 Sie oppor h for uoy gond caus1e. olj, bOi,171.loîîîîItiÈol.tea o.. t0iorsdtiofrain theî Edî. XLÀ D1là X Dejar ont for lirsuooîeiur- " Mu 1 ho11. Paliametots eiAprl 18. ýIîîsosAc1iEt.Tliy.11 Heyolil The îMaritiniDab, of Slew 0088985 Utloiweelk 1.,Sarolo leîîtl"n, ricl, soeîdrd, ou Toudasy.'". uini'g tIhi dect of the îO îifc. A firo iu Clalotlawn, P. E. I., 'oR ilie,1 îIOgot off tIh.ilc, Fr111..5' iglol ononîd a luba of 825.000. l'idonttohoyardsOgei"'ta Tht nomnionos lrlauOly bstddict ski 5 rogt .. bObal, m & of98078,000 for 1the îigt moREllEs aP î81hti1n0111y îe places oftloî,'ear. slosyiljurcd. Hîr iijvs agL'ro.. ' woeou tbrl-wlo8eb ndeat8alaab oueîî r t the Toronto Union dcpot tn FîidaY d11EIî0G.îtlIe aicl ter'- aud wn.11 11111<. là~ .1suday aOeniIg bt 710.1xThîe iot Cau.tdian Paciie e9laocf <p 7IIttotiItîd d eprtrd la lîave Moug Eon wfer 1, Illich n10o obt'trgoîrid ac98001rt..rly in 5May. ' 1 ttiuh e otin î, popté front ThoeSantoba Co71o7BmlRni¶' 'É11i,01.11 100r11bUed talthetation ao offlor et Queec heit eetl .0 Metin, ovr $10laing la itollit immnigration, for the PreoinO. B 1 - 1,i 1 -'Mesr. Balerand ShakepCe BOr111118 Chlel lus.. qn'Ctoîrvativs. 11e10eRUTBntday -lO' lfblec'YJoierda tin te leoind la 1the Parliasenl- ila Vita iebyohIfýývhoas BC. Ut ta Ejil on Pîîîrii1r 5 for Il le un dîolood Ibat Mr2. Do71DReY OIcdaî inv k- va is ton '11etaI ocegattld a00021*. 71$ cdfor aîlote; a,. tlo theyOoverttoooft11e Ntrtbwotet TarrilaÇol !Mdfor 101.Tie 1 ý f101011feranthtrr a. ' 'adTu1.tik taionalcidid net James G. Cooper, Treasurr f ,o' ut bis id. 010Is outy o rcColonel f Tbl1y, ScEIl:dty îoi ecdflattlion and a Cously Mai18' e - ! train, bas disappotood. ,Ji. Of NlsO., hleI The Enterald BosteSiatalAsociation "UAet> is Te ladn "l* 1~of Hailtlaubavtlgged evFt5e- Isia 0 1 o W trv a Cronin of Buffale la dlilvor thit1ta5n' 1-1110 Batîît î1,.< i, ual leture on St..p&tikn1g twl.; ut$bil îOtlodos,, 'oadiThe ilief hat îthe vtrrnnt oi boîrd llco arin nloParliament for a gasse tf'ien5 lis tsws'fi..îd Ebîodut ter, wolvo millen delasré fer lbth ef IIllyi5 W unlOders Suclost iaiOway Cmtpany la rdr la bù-Ysol al'Jîo u Illpl oithIeir ' Netl71est .ooey Ç te at iwcviIî by.la71 .'ground. ." int ,Pe oved. jDasiPhillips, cfEmem9n8,LO6,bffl î08 'ceeu ýoooIsnt for trial at W.e8 EgeaEe il ncefil,1ocoîlig 9c ~ "may 'galnapitb t ~.îln~~pet mr~for hl *woo1 m b~er He~ et i.; But lare a88tmntprobabll00 rOs.anrEos8 udeare how offerluig them withouit aoyad" ~ac aDrcIncers. This îmeane a savi* of fioM 10 ta leocent.-,f-7-1 boy fro 8Ik w aelei of 01 1US02w * tont.89 ~ ~We carry 'a lsrger stock ý at lower .e ebo' a wh,02- i0elseWlh9ré lu(Ontario., JustnW~ 'h 1ydw nvt, -blaèksu' cle st i .. Velvete aiadPhoshes front.75e . up..b~j brchesudplain., 51111 MILWRAITH & MoMASTER. afineta. lboeolait'P.VP. b îittt Metbudi ng O bt OU F iday .:pp 1y i n o Igw4aodm îwng Y gond thaUd British bEo lmiangent f1pu thansy o1 her its.of ai5lt.. îeîîe 2 .CD7 Sam laieJons. lopurdin St. To slà eît 1 o .t tbaPiratMehiaid0hur 7ou718id0 tbîtt wudel aag natb e P rincpaldea ~ . I porio of71711 Lo771 vot t abolie g of Ellt e u lotE Ulera. TIe toins orale j Tevoayotintille e0of80 tOi. but e- P % bfcy, oie a n t1 ana111 8 loît'i lt islg arlaCCooflOot $011 tpfas blîîego o a ." Inreht io u. UEUI7 U0 k soofho tubis ers the imesprobol'ys 20$E dc wlp ion lrgrin o peleitîl h0 iouf h ie l 0m9 du.- ain gtar. the obct of wSOeaneid bortheçoral, crvaond tio lfteToroigmn tuItb erlI . sotyt. Tby are cesarelwdtrown.O Th oal.alî o mlg <80 Ect o t egold wlbcDo bseomilvîr à olaoe r ida lo t ' 8a1bc wil . . . .. . . ý l oooinliesto d Sin0eotCl, alba o4vciLonblla os.i bin tel fîl 7- minat faootimOr Datle profne lehu- bugo al tne prie l tbîsthing lrt .lt h eb 111 etîrsdof- t va îpbae is oE81 = 'to' lr l tb da t ofaiai arco te tu ENteb88 0$ aar Ei5 A N di d by a c Sar - * »e bi. XMOb E11eReka, M arC spoinlpedn M BOuet. Thyw11nlorestarod ud ined utgain8 ls elle ud o g wld th oso Soth à ni0vemol lnlmode ssloa laloon Pla o acei e'on71bol, waysh puttet we bs lo Br . o silwajy btwaeu l InRon, Woobetlck 98d roatFall,-iles.Of teo.b mveholn itr11110der00198710 bo pleah'eareel'wand FO10801 s. 88,c .Ctfd1,l 19 tl. 0110108 E818 OIt1. OppD- 81 . tOî . b,î1I<.tlî&1. d 1. thî,o1I 1. P.,8 cB Pli f 11.7 Ott... B I 7. vu .îI~: 11<111787 .8t1. Lot t. ý t 88I97119 C8LatE787781. 1 7-Ânotion [ nolexaîcla, of lot j loi C0t. 4. 11. 2oeroe. on~J t fn i . once, and wilbegmn u S aturdatylb 2th,ý V elATCOST-the whole of 'the remaiing Stock Of iWinter Good.' PacyWolensj Flanniels, lnes 1Wool Underwear. Cardiga" Jackets, Hosiery, GovsPlushes V~lvtDres-GodsC anton F1anels Overshoes, Felt Bootsý. Ec.,- 9 etc. ~ W wil lsoofer.the whole toJ.ofBOOTS î 1SHOES at retly reéduced priqeq;allw-fiVè goods i is Unewil 1be sold atcost Ili the.GROCERY Depar.tixent odwlbesd Btp Epcial rEduced pries ini order ta turn tbem int6, moýney. ItiW sthe mpuney wve want,>Iaud ;for the oash we wsel the goode as advýertised, sd corne early anciseou. bsrgsin -.The business iin .fu1ui e crrecon under thc unansd style of HEMSTREET- BROS., and the public, ta Whem we accord our thanks foi theor very loberai patronage, in the past, may rely on being t'reatedl with the ,best, care aud attention wbenever they miay favor 'ue with that suport which we in the' .future hope tô receive.. HEMST REET BROTHERS. Haltonians.. can see for tliemselve s that the BIG REMOVAL SALE is a benefit to them. 1V has been patroniized by hundreds, and every one, canl testifythat theyl have savegd money. - This -Sale of First-class. Oustom Clothing con-l tinues during March, and g reater bargainis than ever. will*b eplaced.before patrons..., Suits to o&der, Pants Vo order, at Panic, Prices. 140 I'týF 0f al aur stock previous. to Our removing to our 'new store. BARGAINS! RARGAIN!!BAGA1S-1 Me's Overcoats forîu $5.00 ta$12 00.' Ladlies'Manties from ,$4.00up.' IBooto & Shoeà o0f P'1ery style BakiuW Powder, 'a handsome preuent"ýwitli every pound. *' Croclery-Dint.or &Tea Sts al«cool.' Grey Siannel front Slc, la Oic. a yardd tp. 1 ' AIuo an imrmense stock of Grocerieu, Teau,* Tobactou, Seapg, Raisins, Wincies, Ladies' '.Brýeakfâub Sawls, Quilts, Blankets di General Ho6ese-furnishingGoods, at-verlowprices. Prices Reduced. inivy Departmüent. GEORGE SMITH, MILION. c-O nw'ayB..,T1Noýs Keep on.hand the.LatesttImpýrove4 .:Styles oýf Gslan OAL- AND -WOOD STOVS examine them. Itiiwll:pay yoù. Ti hao îtpeo hconyfoStepops o 1ai Ln AT a nd no" -a JO HNSON & ZEALN )ý V E SELF X& HEAVY 1HARDWARE COSTX ' Miave eù bond a,' lart mei c f tbe folbWing goa A.. . me aild otherSkateS, Snow Slaàvels» m îme tosAxes anld fandlesp .Cütlery, ail kinds, e. ottst.I CrssCut Sas. and Machine. and Harness ms - CrFaon. Handiesi Olis,- Buck saws, Artises'Canvas'Brusb -Cow Cains,. .and Canvasf, 1 Sleigii She Steel, Varhisbeu', AhieBarBlBSttfl Irofi Painte. Oils &Gas Sta,2ii iid, Water Lime,' Blasting P*àeP;aster Paris,. I~- Sporting Goods ' Tà, I Haters Lanek'n, oBuilding Plapee c Haltèâ; !Lànter..; t49 ple aALAD E TOKEOE YHAIG. L bmt.18.8..00 11911r 'ILS Ith. P.- LLILI - * mt LIR 9l r ' ' parm, ta Renét. ?ei1î.81ofetCte 818 Ùtià. JOHN.8788e tIr707t0 181081 1 lie L nBY P» LCH NE . Ca4 h.* ovnOTICE. a»<ct l Ube et It. ,et -ai.-.;Uy.o1 710. C17 f 8.1.1à tu ally.ltph.1 ffl-y f.. lh. ityof l.ilt .*w tolî.1 Point1111.. t. . 1h. Cred11.T11,.' .1 Cytu . p t th. fî 18.191..ut.1 alot et hr 7w17lhngWn.W t18 T89 .% .lt o n nue 1 f0the7l.9..o BRUCII. 11111,«1% &CILIAMi. 37117-10111888 sfor ppliI881l8 à NOTICE 1 0. . 1h. Il.8.11. je. le u ,71t olt ne II..71 .8It.. andî j 17970.. l O7th.0OU.d BrUCEl-1TO1- &MCUli= 87t.11 . h.80IS 0. f h, pIktol9, Raill ltre ,Nîw telSn r t:n.ngC or ai.dcorpton lt Xla o1ttII.., îr'tkB e yI 0l,XItt (z. . lt h.i.. f eahA.. City f'r.111. .1 Th t ou81 ".10 o th 1"' utl 11181811tt1 la hop.i- I%îut - I1I19lh t Faowrm foe r Sale.îc t BOUT 10 A %th 71.8 C.d 11117781t,0mll n. t10 .eu..1 18h1711,78i? tO,7îftIlt IuÈlf71îî0.7 I ..o , .o th. rî1h8771 of1liait .10-ti 91 c.1187 iîtIt. 1770818. ti1111181b C... C11 . .B .:GE WUE .IEC. or Nul. and W IIp Ity. 7- No ie ita C, edud mil.11 0.11 tho. Maudi1.t en N 'Il, R,-- et. 1. .et .b. h. . 11, *.tht 98 10. tuheI_hdu.t dt088.t for k d a gond W.1 et t.1- . -.t1888î8î0hî8î 11719. ltttitn+tieO 9 Ott 111 ,ti ntz otAiiinhiITttt R. JoNEG,ý HPERNESS&SAI)DLÉ 5ASAMWOTURER. EEzt door t5tTfflle08811088l.l. MAIN ST. . ,MILTON, Ilaim shesT thé veyrs lsest sn Eeregt td i nmr .tto d81$ Id j I 4 ~O>1 tri 110 El -ci sets .i1 'I en jýàt lx, fC-.dW 1 1 ý 1 lu si

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