GuE.. A mirEs! .rJcqs. ra FloraÇlhe . V,~ J lu=à T. TASSIBi TOnOmT. A îCns;ac vc-lu m On. eA Lî veIam, U(ha beautM efo art ia 5I TIA T C AÂlietrp th..-eat ri .11.1, AtaâCataOa e yer 157 iEouhi. rc. a laiyc, ea. hé litta., -g ..Wara i talitnr w a. li e ylgerin e n dom% f ,,,wf . à lac:KnOrctossatitiscHril.t.p.(r d s a ,, n ot tsarbrcllgoe aa. * I AeOreefldatah<a.satatelee l in rhIkaaSaeh flalicivgIle, t!cf 5ie,ftcdià feao.aef.eatea. Teba e h ora evat. -Weil, fotgathet ravi And e t . a en" eé 5. Oa1La,. tdhéi7 lare otrbab fir aT.braeearld. hea Ma;lac ~eA. or che*b.or. s o s bepalace he .. cewiu ay-(aesaca at a daeaad(aagbyMO, pcal datifaecra Thsheiaataorladahmaini.c illeesTaoaat cai ai ten -d' t di reir eoiacîas., u(i prol peafailammitdaa - irt-rasudtiLraa!.ea drir a it P aA ie5ri li iOat1. ceIe s. .1.1.= ehiae; (as,. ehreLiatelslametî e dar. li t iv ýu6bà mfe taor ai fflarasialgrdm crec.- 0. t ahai .alasiced. rregoa.r lireo oits e -1 T. af rîi el ar, S ai er .c.d hri bblocaiagisac re r T TO 1et. .. eid .. r th.oitaiips. c. pir is rente ell .clte mi llets cal ras alalru ! ner.dfe - -Yy., m . e anlera ml!thoeis u il saeuOe cdvgeela it lre la i!(.l.- f» iee h.a.te .iear. . et a (i; silebia e m eio eti OM halrûien a i turr a ndth = g o se d ya apeae rier of Thi. Rotlet Y ila e i sle.dea i !aw, ccdT as cn o pranid, h iiae.Lm c (he.- m 310ag il q vD il- aiaal elmîr iaio. r p l d h Il k s d w eaien t oe le p.r o rts g i t ee ra BC es he aleh . P t p t ( a oc c * eel.lcii wyafiae i .*;i 1 rtia ar ati. sr-o se r v slie, (rvilC DS T0eiî0r0ascsfusion- EutcialtiaÉlhi-aturc t thee af d c.ri eua.t.ei.eotPliat ET .sah by ild iea a r1i.t 0e! iOiia . e t bond, cnoerni! a the cie. ca eeacdabou lieOrc ail.0 ter- se * . tcidir li coteo p. C l no or euhiaide ite wot. oa cnoeleOea nd tii.en by eighea f Dk" am oaria O mmSi Nia-t e adyrui hil le in uga l ishete adi! tird le eoJolm oti n bca reaon. D the ledtii adirareh ah. loi 'sio AI Iýàc ;..Iý Thoigh l.. [,« = bý..d U - s, , 1Ya ssni e lb. irhd b .cid u" l c i xt a ne. * . s, wth d ret s This 40me- U-8litUk - -, -- t o tmac . " chil~ i ale inractnite i! l 1 tau. ' o ~- Irdoe laem. e08,- Jf elas t e -oI ýSarVif A LonBA, chocsb.h. cO(,i5 heswd bConlUU Ut aooifFdat..Wr4) 0 we h o wie e r h e m ll c e r Sa 6 ra n ther . J . C ol o n e l f o rd o accu l t u e; . m i . d a n g t e u s W O JHco av e..aFiric. Mld é tend s t h i.e t he. aalivey l teth ansore oc n. i ssn a sire c oe6r. Caa .i__.rt-etrer îe XI D -e Il 1 C N d et- re we, ane as à i ti a th e a a alie (hi I là.. : ni Toefbceebrorieb R aigietda aljs smr i eid ffP1!C-eEs tI!. a opP E0 arbnri.. lciýbja th ir gloniooaChreVt! al laisdr.. csCOanlÂTgo N.d CAMP Colorso ttiboB c . S r o n a e laeth urie c i e amm-(e Prircy ieel s .oaai.i o t ab y ril frx!b ro ni ra p- clail. lfrseoie thir bas ule ntbe a nid4 N F C U E( -8 10 U P 1 T & li r. m 4 P to I kth oe man thl.P W l « ob sin A a c o a n ra d c  th Joircrilo & taci c rri h îiiio i s tl h . lies eep e u aa etripcoy t t i' A W. oriiatd.o'h at o e., u oa t a h l c-anasphere u -V lies W ip, ombe IM NUAGA 5 E Th ral al .-tthttnor- Il hehaaiec Coho, Horeibod.e i no ]3 AmeneriU of FIL 0VBITSe ieLie . I th:gd-aobilto prlfl lm a e udrap . A boIies. diy a alZnd !Hoî H1 1 __ ia.iiBae. (m r atartoiote t t h. a! i ea. n. Cmthetics oa, na m te et t-t-la= sa -- a e-ie. th os a oti atbam a a-oo,.a ie o'g oO. * arA Ad nbhîrican ts f Fctorcufîctnre "WG re tu PJaiiro a à6o c i,t. ai I aim a 05 hai!ug W"y. la,..Pu!..S ' elnt ! bT hraiea irp tataia ha n (. Iernarei altobie iât hr ai!poitai p as sasaai oeZ _t, rta..oa fU~qol tathat ! --Aei!(c M.goAlfoaaa sh tlrAi200COISFE.WE E lIXI.RpSasi I * ofadlirntlceeoiahiyareahr!aa crithaeaii!rrsclta n. Solia.illh ài!minablyvomlilatax!,wtharacdv.iar- cihei on1iad a (aeplteia. acnleiacislnm&.mlnrers F y aifreod. izTaaaor-ho an a x a nrî itale Colhonl catri gthel lac fras l~m~ia (a I Sa ml ane. Sers tori da &.(Pra r IeCua ]roiL Thade. soi ah lebcotnhafz taeand i nr, m ailiee hcrr. ti. a s ie werot I G F W E K IE casoeaIoClrgIra is im . ah o Ihsi nad nitia th glr ette hot iP t-a jeoabi e cIl. - *la nd tue ieyat e.r.ver Aalo rChSaI o Sla fCIari! atee . o h a s ,p oa hntn8oh, ao aiia d o r.h îl.aanju ., A . eoc saore ethen 8 ehta htaolal m mal tae iles a o.Byri r-otr1 as a hCrns l. Nhaie'.chjoi o rbtrl .i.à ~ ~ 5 , r a P r iir Iur -gCar a o las tir.u fra it cortimaginat eaon i i-roni! joiatre o t e . aye he expressco. u .onmari a i'o usoa o flx-cco sa! i iah (ha Tian mal as * aj ta aapa!Crilaeara g aimalai ime laJ-'heexpes Copay aa.e eor adiier uns , S la ta c valoable rnEd for A th-Ja cksîb o nailleh& pranic b ro --itaed80,0 iii &ahool at ci lsy her a, * ha3c1,ihimiia r Dypese ALa Ie eapt 1 rorn. h gaitamiladriei har-nai efanea rsy ish ohnopoavalnC !h.» et m. aj Oee,eiaoar lehutei.cmb panIasraol haec. Bot A httm e Rth a!el e n haoth jgr edia. e Bommiiral Oeocet eli anlali Lm o r! lbgrila d t Aeicaflo..Th « eWl i..I jasa th.m,.taoa haeahof Zh rBURNS. mae l,FacpaîBdEoa ,adeilaei (lth i se oth ! lar (rain ail gir-t ra ymmil1auly b .tPanahoc h ah, Zituecofa rc aasd hin F facd caaher aue aoiiovill t (o eva.eo r.po pni leataprtoare"iehna <Bowa ieF re r! mictatons.m seciontgae apît.en.the surpr.a-New-o--a- -"stheaasacllrnoi.feiio, lliaeop thacie lottage( hae staerbonnesaof, lu r. Caypobierit n bu reduaiOMat thehasdrvtnhe,(- thé Jacsonvile marcants, ad clos pOR .nclinietachie te àecience.One=.datatee ay h aiaa na tast a ndso!harobob l eviiohebus iingah ie . a aiag Jnat thethi netîr tes iiyI neotiaCaac.aCciec * objc'tya palt o heMr Hal. Tsatb. t the aruî l p h Ianet- ThéOece.. Iltir a lardgoh.taracdure, .babuely wr ota fonty110 c prtaryasudriebcaliue.iro erttelcaonlamiyroa ie int cld thier ah io a! p e ns hiolljci!gc" - B !mltîtilflslelm.iJabrlepMadlaai. a a qoai th m tiof"mhkeoiand h oeyo gshel eyeneeari e ; a Cicb d nc .i eriirandailIe.Cli,. cilea on'l wy o abesaa r iepo a it 10 ti hred e îi !oy T o a tldrd umimsacsiralmariorrc,0. E style -o ulbly qt e hier aof tara d t m.e r.,alaasa r a hothdri cdA tecllef .T O o uffe. éa n r s oriirr apaa (hobe anh.dej and t i h. oltrh. Sm mth ad rhec8 .ieIX. i aia ou veb a lad iar-aandove t iner ory 1lindy gîta jfro n i tlter. ""'TO A TS.on .ri and ir laori m. Lttmn - - - - - - The oene piar e of lîlrnr e a hi lecOhlLa d a 11.r-ocbote(hr(then S PENTlu 5CeNADATIV. rtant àas. mr - . (in pi nnty. hodrighto r-c. eent.hijg cyetamit-ai...1P2pie, é!tien la r r Oycarre.sco c e a t lafanrewiH a a lai moît cetnd I ey auhîaift't ho Uonthi ea tarîj. a.0 e or. eo ferfttaa (li g. deaa (c tieot dy chr i!y. ai! sh fn alettn, n! rnasecineof(batricaofrai 0soer etrdlnoedolThbiietdhoar-aanet g(ae ete 1em EiriiyebeOtabe hersa weré hr0ly large neughate TO -oti aea lc ht-tlentig fb, 5.0 l, n bza aSoeaele mreno tir, qcîilon batoj ,ndehiniviiiifa wralrg ua a L i eptaGerie lnoS i eert da nd, ciehîoug11 oar olataeaeie1.iad -taiee(aan c e o stemovrtol l a t. S oig e re ood in oi!vrge .12Paes eklete eurtPropt eluc îe- Ondes. Snannri!neythhefccavilowov ahral soinsein liîas . o i tyo rlaie aoftadeiEx!. Wr-bic lirmg t Pbl. - - Mmî -r! shno n soa w recint -i flou ttractaofor, Ill adsmitatth. coutryaouettPalotackfran tai.a.Ioate antritha woranga. OF E.U EKL E asinailgfotLsa0 lod fniied imMilauJ o-ioe (ie mrey -i----rai~.ei-~.. .acsea.e.îhotéDue , and**i-nsthe thenr.cad .tha Nvoie alYractipneeper. es CaaiedathMilimca l Sh ptttorgmoeyratcn UUilFler use, hcyifa. * JooraieW.l'!or Jtms oir iaje (a FaElR S eeywIgv or peyrle n 2A len a ag lt necdlpauror(tIndoigeeistironaieircnactioniae onh veraa .aib etlet1 ra e Cc. ahatiotiao!be(ha Mrcrto ango'tDr.=T suies-ot whrlah oiannoIt ai! fer. maTd . J Alciey I Clr-c Cnpb aiie. ormyNae rirata.t toalh a ho atiaai Ce.b i tdadl tineatin - Yataernes iea-the ses a d W. fih;da idie-maaac eciniaedcmbti.cll a- -nor C.eig T. Coe&at e . ! hmUuanana. D.a.J.ndpwod ra ll cd aponis ir bodth teLtr(sted iatmse nin ntriD.cin i." adoCFlegll a l 'Aie z. e roai -o r mh , eiybah ih 'Ba ihà u nait dy th w tt' .f..-. p ,a h J';:r- *ypsewhlh i a Yt tail, sse - ii do -Ct a dancbingra bar-ave(hanMed jlar-! 5rugmihe & oie . W-cmi! c - or Ia rnilanp iJrarLdm of lbo h grofn-hep i0 i t la. Tafon.auhnW iell.. d.trin l ou maÀta o! lealilbl BoaS asteer TdeIeJ>2u l e Wu ahi;Oura r ola-Cm thé bet iets fmen. latar e aie her bdimn e &l na!eso. -la 9 a&fecie n Geran olu . dhlra i clunt a! ha r.,ooeraran i. e b u ler a lfàctr.a h ( ha arta the . i El.7Jias.e ro ~ ~ Isi i e liem i hten anial.w iyn.testhie w ia r ct(aeoteori.1 an -impamhie tagot ce ataa hemt repnoAer Jccs neahieganplemlhy It t(chA s aitvinio. tn a! aa chelemie frire OdeasomilWfollyehe mamgrafafnthytfbillaoidex - c a- d9 x thre, md (uheitertaatfthaBane, -1 A hi Y eol rain oeno 5m1t, ot cl r e eahr f i and seotsiohe a toraami! ofath.proeg hlagar 4eoi Ri tecaté cucig JM A R S enretrtie a objtea poi o f hae vtilarb. Sut-thad A E"but12 ras1 ,biBi! s, gý orthîFmOiyTToIUI 'naCaisyaan wa te e niitlehaughand. Cmmcalh.y aF -10 -fiw» lro h buicdegryunv" yrcg Teneivoulgd ie thaveirnive Sa,.! . - - - - - - - - , $l hi e .ae t h il(ie e e apr ays teai .Tis â. s, etan ~ ia hu ndan 1 L silelWrM C.(r i, 4 auseafu slcr e t aat BIrd eec.en ieg 610 ol. - . e huired cdrr e y ta i l . Tod PeIn kaa Ha merlte A aitfr(heOiuiy !Hcte. 1 .0 ee sraeoe wio9re sua dgey.rp T e IC g 1 iegsMe * i I tiUas( pheemst e ti a- - imeglath t aeof $Z05e. uk F P f r ( P.l Mcmhmealhi0ppetlie5lmti Ml ti Siroaw illtadeon ±h B kê tulhe"'f Z"imn an al,"-d.horc -w t eletouas b uwM vIbeu t (inefst dowuLto Be 1886 deparLtmnt. htJ(4mptdsdpuhu _:trecnt ivnce iii prk trie at e ecel ourseiivàî4 ut Millinery IÎB* ~i4revrty Our Mantie materialisiae go;geOus -e erieble.n fi TiougDatlnt A, turne t eutonaguificen ýt ôvercoatil5t hou rs le mprtilefornÀ~ ehll~e our gcp orprî&9 convinoed itli .be r . . it . F~E>. OYTER BR BULKOR CAN. D. BUJTOHART.- IILTNPLÂING.MILL. SOMERVILLi & MITCH ELL, PROPRIET 1ORS. We are prparail 0 Uo 8alrilarsfor dflba ds of STT A- hDoors. Blinds' Mouldings, Base. &d,, rLatn sd Shingles Ait kinds of Lnuber Match ed afid Dresses te order. L0 OGENERAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. E, rprdta f arahbestim Ifor ai u isfla B iigsa ciiConM-> COR.NBR HBILIEN ÀiDNORtTH-WESTER< TATIONlU! NORTHERN, Wheat Flelds and Farmfing Lands N.NE'sOTA&DAIEOTÂ. ,the Stock Rangera and Mining Reigon'. îORTLAND ANDD TH-E à ppoint4,gntà - aBe.onad.3igla ceeaie cEsp maso Ccce. atit 3 ltie, Mum-ab selauda ngiae!f Ilithai A lie0baa I -O Blostne ~~t ~~~lS ~ ~ ~ i *azg(a ore enoifrmm ta ehave ths. seai ed iret fom hemant es Iat te pulicwill ige and beantiful stocik ut gamet and perfect' iaie the* difeérent prici orVash or produce. nblè,é us to compjete wit ,Begs to intima te that Democrats, flIa,bý,ai ag.d It.M k. bs s1lendid assortmne Wb~teds, -Meltons, &c. clotbing iiferior in mati wéi " found. to1 quality of the ýgoods lie is recavmg dauly a spiel ren's Boots sud Sho Thete govleaniade .ý' (b.i sold-at lwestpae.tbleprc.e- firàtt-dau dock and workmaabil DON-T 5F -ý T-W-CK N andehTE odftgOIcpei n aotuog ca iMarpetso ,su stantîal, eheap ge àOods, drets silks rge stock of T*euI pTOerON ADVlRnjSING- e ....... . ... -i.. ...... - .. . .. . .. . ! r las . d.... gucantee a Iorg o ,111 b. r ..a 6 tiiate bUainessi ii saiiea latrIeia. ca Zor -amac -paréedtO fil ail i icmr. B : 1%E.i 1TCHELL, ,SolcttT, C..îtric.4.nfo-i e-F !.met oni r Cmlofi ~LV etii t. ot - -& i ishtonoe. HIl' oB NL' DLL C oh. lo mrilidr i de ,.lîritne ~~WS ~ or lto.,i, - ilMA PRNlE , OC.l-o' Oo î lca- inlan i -. p pÀM1iia me atei o!i 'id i n 1l tef ou e. H I oa'1N )iDLob i' A C 0 e--ranieNîiilc SilO ESTL / 4pF SiGRA EY a aONmr icI 1,0: Omioeel- OP B Y Am16 2 $rn ~ r tper ralaiTH.- ~ 1188e Wison atienia r ee.oe J c - a i - i- -Dealer I. ait hindi * he the >dc ELESO RAP VI LUnON iA6M O ný CIR&F, 2&c cente 5___ ýi .Buck O jus ail MC~ Omo 0!- - -i-t