Canadian Statesman, 25 Nov 1886, page 4

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p)on't make, any nostak iriglit to us for enantiel eh~~a ing tO o bautifill assortient et pOpr.p erIMa- chi IlrrsSNIRÙtic,. S20 ep 4$ 15 -2 La:iSS' erd Long.Msstles, i 50 ; ~;6 Lveis' Bled T.Ing Mantic, 875 UP.t'50 ' 'L'edie'aletees: 250 ep t $4 75 ee<li ,75 SP tt'j555 9101)Uui e<s'i, -2 OUp)net:GO;5e .1 2 special.leaderS in loti prlce <1 LOW -PRCS m,lille ]JUrssscets, $1.8o gon d pey ,-î e'.<i.Uh y:-rd seid9 Factary Cotton, ci.; ~s 'J .'ieCtt~,, Setcs.; 21 yards vide Fadegr7 and ele. pged hleavySlstsg, 1OLa.; 8JameiS St. N., H.A.MITN iF PRESSD 1i ic jeui (s(iiiiiiii (îsliineres,.48inches h Si' ii' '<i"s (iccorrect tlîîng). iii Ve,1,Ils'il\ extrat qîîalîty, vcrth f 1 <iii 7îl's'îî 1cesîs'L"ace sd àTfiBsees in y I cîî< eenîîît îe fîll 0f lc,ily ESAaS) i- 86IO.' ý,DE-RSON &0. àcy Dry Goodst Mill' ery ,rss-akiflg, Carpets0 II i i 'e 'iiuu'ieicoîupltc tocl ijlS al the ~'," "' i iiil il ii i l lie î1ot of ojij-jjninenEs l' itioi aii'secof tlie o Cwpides; (%i li i" es lu de drdeîsllaeto eltg jl~ 'iîi A ii Ir"stcof-Tweede C0t-<1 lii iiî i b".lit cc ip ntoa largeo C Of? 12) \fi si I siîths trial of tritly c ' b ~SO &Z EALAN e 1a eiijcued a ses sud duePltc ofkî 'lfad H avy.,HarclWàre). I.\TTS, ILS:* bLASS, ETC. À'IM$ IE ADY FOR TRI RJ~ Arst5Material, Buildersi SIIPIIe Roe, Rakese Spades or0ê -Postole Au&erse and ail kînds Of Garden and earvebt TOle , W ED AND BUOCTI1OIR EU~ AR BAIN-D.- IN floi l R Cordie.of al k.inde, Eope forgay Fns Sole Agent fer>"\cCOLL,BECS 'LAPiDiNE 0 MONVT PORORT TR Iti 1ACE eRt p'r te joNES' CABINET SHiO? n 1' on NOoeme abt P. M emu tei Tassie, ceer f Min sud Brouitei bh aiaàt. roîuntsroedin hiessritedisitiel iie hors De Tassis ma5n 3Nesn,sn acpoil ,"ta SIte reend, -b the PrcsIYtineeie omte ' siotiseestoe ssesidérably cdei Teesday. ' e .fut s.latisecorerestisatiMr.I ifaROeTrLd a is îiel.the eialaeî thtise te nnonsa ainee côg HabtlNesn v adettalne-. "~A NOBEel.O Mse-Me. Tiss reed, ot Sctch Blok, Esqeaià LOCAL loe ie eid gray iers,"Tom," n jirvent aeytlsýin leCesdhetY go te,1voc. l aspt ya os -.M.MdEay&lens. ass srateef1 ad as in lis Sltis peasn ThesSteriatSYntsiOiSitisehej sdighas sversV orlac taxation ite a lit v2mill utl s asd nbredh Il .Shortr dollar. 'iefrthsé nai 5'ic Ïaddd îCs eS adranse, ta miDowItaout snFilr agesvîra lMt. Sb Jaestryl 1888.edhceepinghi-ias ngas hse'o Te s5CeUClIdL %in isald tte lest luthsc gsi ns0ielie at lest the riia ssigforte sysacoButhO fS nch ises I'toasc HIS 1btan Tscsds.Y i. e csaer. ' esceaOsMsaîs faso sa ,.e!ed.Wëoar islths 27 years of ag lie i uvBI' LTeadTsistocsp eiie enoIsse5 psane COeltt.-Edvaed Th( .eall James satessHamiton'.. Niseis cssitsd ta laiest' Usd0 CuO<15 OssOsiSds an5iseforseaionalaid isy Aadeu _Ti or isb eldus e-e rý on, tie ass octi, Slsses h eed TOSsaY ,5O e-. sith isfraalen eslti Il.àO o the, sceeseonts eliiels ths empii cmbler. .c l isiv ese rosght bisole wr. hW Crcker in Or uc st eitis, Esq., J. P, OnsSatura' A-I1sleuaaele, iu scg Tis ýeaPsosi, plaiaatvwss aneaa" cash.. icading nts.e-P. iX. MsKay & il5 ds i lsea. te.s ersin.paereeiii. Osise 0'4CO --TIs5 lsii j K t.oets dissisd e cdtsase. ,Bst ý&sgoesd sbcsrihsesetlthée. Casst He, isy Jsdgs 'ilisis.itaisfsrt h'ulepaclaesii In.rruY. . tuM. Samuel iaOesslstei S STI ld'iis *001ocSp isslucliissO. psJ'ay l ai sitie Seta ectisioe ,ccsadr thuenvsrute binessssOf th frm tTebes, crset 1ing aed'Jamecs K.noiCncsC eh CI, real., iHamilton. il Mgivsn hy tislieuSCîseecisu Nl1ce' L&NeLe.-I s lt atMo Ieng 51Tlanstshsgviog ei ..Selbi tld ssiilois iniersssnigesd audience, eeaideiOgt F.arIssri Ml e Mosoi.5isne bl.asîstatu of ths voatîset Farine. iaissMsss oI aorableaveening the han lie TDRoIissiittr n tletade car"niduelilav isea Sls. Bsy yser m'as OÙtse ilîscse vry emsîu: rocc5scss rdblTcîç.q craesteid talet cosste"uof Mi wpýje unarvrea stý H -no. cetraite mof Brapton s,"s esllRiad Jamdsîes taLlBsia' dsr sf Toronto.; M.PS . .s u tie a eresoeltise rt5ai Isittile sscsisedsele.ry jl'ta nei555 1 JamesaFax, iJ11 Bhs ids,Ôsstersdro aient-a .Is"a spleisdid seice 0mises if bo.' qsality aterthlIeucontralto Tîsec.isdligcs css alltraSlsrsmoi a vorygcsdh1oip' sssl ef'si%%saýt eassis. Thso yul iirîlos trinisg. aller ossUeloiis Pices rme eccdroly fles singer. Miss Prnsetro ý1 Jàees stcete, uaîpsescecsancradsec rr Cerner iisIs.. 'altî1Lsl a sisiale. Bec oi Scscecsee1 ClOttt.D."'G.O. estiýt théts sipt iespcuethtie Siecs susls2 .~5~iiliiass 1,4 ' 1, and7. *2tiil lressRfles s ors.I- th aieeis-shadcsofe mpe sbylest, uns5lulisstIi cdinacsader. BOYOssias ceeynssitus5. c' oncepison Il thelio arcue.Vc as sory isaern tIsaiwculaceci0ssne coscP'cu teicee.t f stei s. P. R., lissuhar pcrformuane. The pi r ss(lll'l tcsis ave viti a iPak as guisNst Osct.îl, JtaTiîdîs a is sin bted v iselad Iiselsrsa ail ""eitlidlss lceis .Playissg of tise 95a ihsill evscTl lsiier. s! vRrais sss s~gs _F.sudceorncdtecss Ofintsute M.ut. Oceie ed'Sete'lsBlicksI E' isiclyrcald slssii leu, ic'sed te lcaesiLas Rose OflSldinuy0i" w i ci' rilsdia.a8V uat pesies OFa vs.eec pisîr vasl suesat etTeellos. Bi,,sog"-Ths Peubit 'L.rgct sck . sa,it geede inehétlils saSIPOrui Js boi tesfde. TrecîLes, r.LI. Bilganaes i1 " eiesamsn eqrtcsldcIB'ss. u-tisnîsatoe lsOsecady Il LT. I 0.e opetet tlss ssgaa csemtpisooss y Mms. ïnatiisssofltishe tous esueis l tise-MisesRusas, the fomerla': e' .Libéral' TuoslIecsiida UiàuIs e ils 'heprissiissI pat of it crowilèd Ost t is i'e c i héCn.a5" mesi in masseet' rie, bla ivi5apear et sidel. messs samateuss Thîi EeSenA.-.Cate teilîs presises o saaia forpiao ad th ilbs isillcr, lot 15, o, ess10, Trolal. nissiy roodntdd sy M gaaid.voad os. oue as Elliil aedMhoOeac lues a osss y pssviiiii prsisrty and and lor. Cisisshaof ni baaisalue cuss.ýSas. îass o,'seribilBoase-n ' -esduescsrs. 'lietehlasgava a isegttea te sentionethe irsOsusEsi lîs tise Miîidist Cirsli of thémKes= Compan us FidtlosigIsI 'î eai, iily VOlutain Iargoly ateuded, Mted tismeisidimose a Rangeg an5g it m verssim piascdvilblim otettase. Tise cdcermt rcazed ie 'ieat ' ' loasthierige' d.e0uth tunH. ical Cnenotine iUdCIs.seonatera: uvr ai "ss 'idlii 'vils a conerttin tisheé ni..O i tis.of teat en teaseallumn ae gim sr.5dmisiss lis. ROScoolsMesers. D. . Sd5B an Seates 5. anhta mthlaOSO n MavssENlIIsAlCBnîSTITUos-COee ivoaer casé.nno tn 'nroseial cassms te ho estullisîcd in tise Iannea lesei -Town Bal on Fridaycsmisg mat, tolry si stillsrY, vissel tndhosi.lSbetihictidi u5 c,OOsViti citer the dsmpmitero andee olsaneing P.oun glt mrow-Bin yrdatt Iough th QsAY, lessien.' ngh rc.-Lttaslly at tmes it th RoseiIETsAsoîegiof se.ccld net beditingei Bu.linenoieonWedasday ovsning. the k -lThe r jgt deysofDecomhot, ul8p..,isahou ,9;.0asdn à Dr.B flacisd tiero vi.ii addrrou tiseo clstos oe té qsusesn aisseh h éi1 wIin b.eauSp Ihe ol] e. eoseletionslu. ' '5d5'S T Moueusos AssccsAeo5-Tiss pIow. 200 isg natc thé Il isauldinard Asocia- Sct.......1 tiennifChisisrsosy hoid il s sesil hDO.3 Seui.... ausneae eurEdmsnton on Pet. W Paen. ay.theo 2th lst., vison M . 1, e l.olmados....1 'Jaioin, fIls Beyne, vans atde j01D . MdLmfls.......1 seaondpide ni110 ntishe ca ls Jlllohsa f ~ ~MDwl ..........-I 1 rposed;lea let aes slinlea se ' Bid prominent psoiistio-neia, mla i :D.c K CHen e...... si .ted isim fort, iseh, tan- ,t e ih ' h eta-,hall oa t5alu. e sroeater iissmd viso laau -t.qIasinneu eplii, wArxmastog.1 ase o tagge£ -SamL -- - ar........1 . asep zHen Loet-otrs. Adh., ted '.Hajn.......1 J. jar5vsa, i Tetieleten leta a iaile JL ti .... vis a siidqeiota d oQenAtj. lm , ...1 wbaee$10 rism aseetse hiana.t besdtsisd'9.Il 9heisn s T Jsinston.... denoff. Men . ~~ s Mnsns...Jadgiég iroin ' a gteptst wvmS,dueagndtinsoe asesestebchorntenuths ienaas n le. tis loseieee. Tiseroenr n 1eenpeied' Aliss g0 betialerove e- thnthf et 01 b"'0 ý tieim 0tsevtte&MLTON AGENOY wutoa]k i.à eae iy Ht. MCSSb. ' i est . llwed at b soi 'enP tn . s at t e w lte e rw h f u t e Herd'wt eCTon Tssee rte. No snotice Ofivithdaalt -n thes ie dew, e' Oti ereqiof e. Ofce i .lîia l to a si t th m t as ,e.ig ra~ I I.Mole'fr otanl~ s.d h SVetroli A nd'M ie wF nsa 0 : t 'p o a ~~ !'a W. C u tiz h e 1 aè ,ý Sto c ff k t , : o nQ . 's~ ' a att~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0eayo 50 eîia 3 UTZTED e'arn r~tft c sate r il, arathe nClt] mSeosi tse .si n ~ ~ FI I I T ~ ~ sae, ytht we h -a 00 'difrn clrpatrs anip se185be'iaie O M ~oi" e jar- u'~ . ý - fi g1. yti.héne est ' a syihane ae n Endisnd~cir pt oui eyO tl n'- AriMApLE ne C S'X ' - ' 't Teo, ie nE a e iiss- TN T ElS TT S F T E iE as M t silten..86 , M . o I I.s i nR A th N e ostna52 saw fei,.n ts ame ev jnn ena5 slir 20. tn vn tnnC iag iBtsg EN sTise -eti - onnnstiefl vils tiseh oSa- aîa 0de .s d i rab outOou& rO ea~~~~~ ~~ H8. E5zentavCoise letse5illae n i ien t EtEnnlltOs.-A T niesMetaie'is5stt hsd tt*ns andp'c' nS socho iv ty oi l o si i .55au sOstaiD1Y.."tssnusit55t n5 or 1M oediiAnst n ui al, ison e.s.esO' st ai.d'nrie yOsthé5ht t st t "an - '.pet nshtyi uésen o a !sdlins55IoNiTH R&TE osseL' sas L , o .te s uppor asfbthe nslu. 0 ' aio1 ancBe rs.D..NS ! mie thi se dpe r e of ti'e V llns agmS et ofs li n der 5f n ea.. T on ti evje2 T I o e i sr s in e io nO.s oe.e FLnAdO eLnthte],~ eF Ane ja,,v S& n on n s * afer- Eiab uler, BoosofShos o evry tst. akBg..wde, aaodom J05intieo oin t es~1 a m ~ ~ m n s e ~ ~ e l tis m . . cCi b Y P l at PS e a S e n t e s l . rel ul s a i t t et t2 snhd nsclng tai siaMr ed à mlgisf leaaeynt he iahe ro ea o t iis entY ot. gh ci d - .11 Srilitt e t lo ix ls t ro t r visofshar if iskoe i n.e teD. ce ci-. W.fulofmn n one t h hsirIsetld O N I I Pne a a driro t pu ed n deibstdan th snt s helen Oser tis seise th .... ~ ~ at . . rit nldiSes Be ln ZpJ.y seseniora Reer ttsteteldisietlsensiiCsndt« wand lo n 'ir tse' eMr n ie oe, er epae ltforos . . h 7 spled tisek fl5sson o2 00._ Laais' II ceed C. o.I est ionsA h o wels. Ad..t S axo'Bn.Y W 'ooispom Useene.l thénT5 Ad.tteanso>ia en55 tisget Mtheas cri Shîs 14tlcso eeysye..Bk ,.o,5esitrt OW1F IT N m rod rY S l s ,q rkeyDnr&:aStstc Geriaxçro20 Id be et ou Ui. ad eisouncf Uur , sts.aea bsipte-es sn ~F l s le srs dels&isnrera. Eitihy itsvhi lca ssmae e t su e.of t isn Se- yo gty, ar ted syRoi. A e *sT oe y, se 11h 18 losina bia e insed i aedA.M Rsaseluîiîr Y M O enebo ti 1stvsrsdiyJl e OtAiLO eSESeiSIS . S O USro Mr nessr osi t as ostieo tr y ieronie esss- s-tke-t-d t-d n-îes-tes- -s ýise acd tis attdiSe trel et t e M d r .hm sdnltenldta iii per5st se avc rt of listhe rdbon iat Ise ises.'C LRI.d s e t is e o o s e r . Ie s a s1ei i o l L iT C o rda y~~~ ~ amse S4 tsai ilt etles loec S tret. TiDfelsieMc e ot Sia idtte Couton . . e h ior.t Mr sud1p h Cnt ort bolFutSokofCoh.fo1ala is làoSdre e t, eity . -ANaD- tsn st 10eee tecc etse b. fadîsini, anesa d~; AB n e o sS ec a e d r o a eev. gjts i i s e i n us. Wnt I . m Od ine a n', ofcomeri lis\ WheRT yen wt el yr oir t is itsn a o y ttMilondosd.c- A S tnon.mi enO'eo.lnsEoro .uidnr B a s ig and was woli tcesLaea. Able S C henilleeiera yBO. t C odOHs iI~ee.sdn. ' isels esssisn ic.~ ofC B a pon get Of th S - i los elle, ecamiIe the r peieee that th.ltuatr ish yen. OLCVElo. ' ATâcKeNe< jCs .o tesco a,isi e.Cs'ops5st,,5.. le tsesp sen eee aw. ____ ar,__ cKmdtat c ttn a a Game N.10 i .st ý' BL Dr [zictro rt a L5a Jn'. W e yU atylr X aepeetsh ld etfl U I teataîLe'Ycu ew 0 ailudut pli for w hat yco w snt. la rgerdi we' Ia t e oleS tisa t t e il oe. ~o ' p p ~ ~ c s a y te~ e t e ete >' 8 K n S .E S ,b t e f o h o 05 iTn'i ,,,il ofrS'i phe ,i t a ie b bot 84 ita bn i ts*i1 t they'B 1TCiNsHALL! MILTON, randOt'ice. enbepîe <15 r'Wilectesat ie t sei de en is sn il nss st t rie ' la ceM ielto n ,s N ov .l s ,t N e c su F eis ss ll O s dA si thexi:'hDD ec.,boTise nIes ROn .M Týju e ea cnas1rstefo, F an thopastycar was. . tos e7 te t ent itushes yetiete. Fisertt o s iu n ., ulins rons, d t t leS e5u5 tl. mlo,' "' A n Sult cf NMi btiýdUdrer olnHs.iery andvu treal e s'îs5pe tr'uiI sa ssnnign i ' Gm àefr Iodt .1Ssnds ad sud q t e n i o m nterir Tlat.aaru-els an ruiFas mss 0eoeos nt sutita und ulrop. Capes (»J.estt GsuosoTR isE ~~ usugisit orsldcss n sdnld ai very nmalPita. R ON THT WINDOWS IS' AT COST-' ' Estry. SrW aitd CREA rnunI ho aira 0te..ome a iev ,.pa Ils dnli e o! y5 u5 e a y a d e aex n le e RtSO ins ý9i"i l a ts O , i d 1 a4s c A-5 a_ a O poi efdst A c R i slem S .,3~ i5. io eeS e in s . co .is asa s' 50 vice soTVSYB NO5ELE. TE PE. H. ' os"=btr. i ti. ADVERTISERS FeSlslOo ~TOVZ PIP3~ ~ can Ieamn the exact cost SEESNS AJin; of aOsP y.crooposed 1Uneloertof'T -os- Oor&W0in05.àn $50, uupRarddsi S s ln R a 1p apers by adresig ud SI ril t to f ss m » ins s s o s r > Y - _ 5 1 ' A R g o d a s p u xs la s d At, looi f .Pene. .t.t..estJ. MsA gmýýut folue singer] Aiià 1hoao di fIenati s0niîlXg*nP ut 'STEtsARmilsîs s.G.1.O. cnedrTO in5~50unn. - N5vn5~t~ossssuB5i -f ewrite" for sa <ngt. ýye _aready-» e. re Nvl1ery. ,kwVe p çvI.'ser-.Y ASTER' 6w stbese i every ound arIup:, Winoles'.Ladies' eMITON iter 1886-7. ------de- Fi*.utT. lseisn iois$sn-cfl ~ Suis ut lin Warm 'Rtosss, '&IN STF'.EET, MILTONeý ultmrsd IitissrtS le 10e 1.0.a'sting o s! - d upvards, Parler n'iitO froiji, ,ision Tatbles, Msttressgs te loVZisliires.' i ...Z eos vRn9 hn "I!

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