Il : , - l e - - it t - t . o l h o , . - O SOO - ',t11, _ - -tlt"td M 'l - .- ltttt . O t*, tt - to, . t - 1te - 'tt" t.t1-o" t. t tt-dhg thotd ttOt'il.,, -ttt. h t..t,-- ,.,ottr 1 _ .1. ,tP G ttTt O O Y OiOtoo tott"_A1-t h," i, m ttaod ,, ,. totpott-t-, .À.t1 1 0 tw , joh top ýttbto -p ot t i h- , _ ttt'p o-oot otoit-.ot ý , - m m ýý ,ý' t .tt t. ioitto, ,ttdit tt",oot î. t,-, thop oo tt thtfthttt C ttt 0titt11,"t _ oe st 1 th ttVh t <t tttt d. o!-t_ tttt-tt ttt» , ', ,,,to« .y tatto't- toto <oi-. Jo.nsofl _ - i - -,tbt-p:ihhootitt P"<"iY tto tot, _hy... tK "tt t-bt tht tttttt1t.- - CAttt t- _tOCO ttttt . r.fh-\* * ---I1 I l 1t<ttttttdtto tpt. opOhtth- tPtit ohttttttp<tooh tt itottthto ttt.ityo oo iotttu< ftttttiit oot io tptol otptdtttttt l - a~ tY.'l 1 td t h ttt tP ItIoottoitottootht;tt thotoo totttt ht htt- Coot,toD, 'O t ýi f I± E-N j VIotM-fott-Oo MC<lBrt& f totttttO -tjt, t.W.h hjto tbOi.tOt et «. , tto , ,:ott 1;t- ht-t ,ttdtO toto itStoniÂDÂttt,Â,,,ýý ý Dttotnutý tt-ttit d tip < Y h tttt ho il <i . t't <t, ; t',g- 't<-1o o o g ot.ttlX-?gt o t R tt., ythtot -th R S7,,,,",ý'ýý -A -L t ý thoy to t t ottot. tlo .'ttt-l.-, _7',oîttr t-jt-- w y to tto opo <tit'. hottt. Tht -ti't - l t co ttooo t otCo..t.tot topothiot botbtlOtt~ TALLoMtÂ~~~Àtttottow WoorIl-.ttd-elt<otd-tt-sfhttdto otttt hot ototto oogtltto.t <itoy < tott obitot o ht tpottttt dot tt it ohtti D tt;ttt.SotolO'lU S,., ',oI 1t ,tttoYI oto ,t-dd itgto >. opttot th: tiiotot ýýý ý, ýý ,';ý totttoo ooon ootio h totpoot ttotototh ttt ho<httth h oot Ttottdttftbttt"-tooo * 1 Looto . ton . .o . Jtoti 1Mt ttgt 1g oto,"o ottl__tto Ebt olo ttt t t o , <<t 'oto1t1t .lgt t it hittp-<Il'Tht S. hy M ito c L <O-0Ott7 z" _î tothOthtot ott tdhoth . 1 t ndot1 -0..o-t- t __oo e ;ttoi .o th ttqt<. ,totitg:to-ttt .oto hi1:pti1iitttd ,ttmdtt _.'Lber Lat _ s d :Shngle. - l - id> fLu:_eTat,- N . 67 ei -t ot:t t:hottto o. o . Eoooy tootiotoptd ititO ed s-ud Dresseý . -e. 1rd,. -- Pko, etotnAgoitftrtit ho., t . 1ot-to. tiý __t 1 1t<toitto -Stot 1__ _______i _____ tto1. o. i< . .t1 . t. u to t o t t h to o i o S t o.. hot f o toot t t to.. h it-lot -oooo-1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _»,-__ _ -hot t.ot ot'thtotYBi L Iohto t ooolt -;ttt-Oi donthtt ttttotltt-tîIl:t" tASu ý ,CN T-ATO R1 - .0 ,.00 .1 ---'tn .<id1ont iottoh - l' -, _--, OttDi D--i-- i -i - fl l fIfi,,fltiih AND'iiÂl,ý; ,;ýý ,1" S o t to n to t onolo ni . t. o .tt o t b t 00 1 t th oO n o o t th u t7 h t o t 0 o ttt t;th tto o'ht tO,-o! o tttt"-t ti oh-ti to ttto a t oi do t-n i d i g t o o- -RAer t haBk e .otoytoo oot tt tto tot to.-it. «oO o O xî-o t htto ho noto oto ti. -P A I- K IL L E R totot"<ttt.t1to_ oon", oittoot, Por ,o-whtt" notito. ot-tttOtotht < tootoohtttott-ht-oooh ot thi dott000 -totOt ol oonifoontto0pOOh"d. oto o itoooo ooty oootd n .otyhto t.o ho p nottot tt tt nitto . Tht poot-,ttotti-,t-'o^'t.ottttt1tt tf tht to ttoiotO f ~tOOlOO tt to t tooooy tooto t iOPOOthOO~ttt<00 ! on itoon itoototd ttthhtotttto Sttrt"tria-olo-o-l xooioo'o<t, _ te Ropet-, 1ottttt t-tht- -t"t,-<- 0ototpoho ontot tti toogot-tBton oio o_ ... poht117.. __tot-<o th Oit -toa'ot.t .. oouotltFtOto<UtWalt ttoi. : . Tototi _ toto nt t t 'A .<tfoth otoig t. toh ýtlt ooh litt. t i otoo toilha it ttio<ttpttt -" Ploot'o Nooetotmtdtt FÂCTORY «EAUHMLT.N MiD ilfl.TUoIVESTýTE R -SION . 8oe hneandthot <tp t tooototo tttitttn O pnpo pttto oitoit000 tOt FOu Ottto <tso<hoStotttPtot Stdot,;,thi<th'O6 Fo a<tiugo' te knd1 -t-to4t,",ld, .. i O . . l ýOdOO-<O! ,Aeot tt io . T i t t o t n i vino o tt o _n î C tb n i t é TitI 40..,.-e-.,odttot<-1-tht, o-t:;o *. .1.i 1-oi.otpo-ino.ooit Il 1-tpi ii i1oot. 1, tttttt .t- rot.i . -o yo.ihtn l e- oO-el toood thot <ttitoyt.toittht t t Att_.oot.ooOtotto toto toit" thititoton. .hor.tTwatt oo.sfn,, CO-1: S, C , ILS. CON; : o httithihpWioo.Theo1ô ýt -ottto-t- phi.,-, it,;y, oo foo ot - ooth Itoy..<t - . tt<tohoo oooto tt ooto . «S oiio tin to 7 on o oont :h tp totto GSIN USOPGE0 I hi, OWEL COMPLAtIý-tabute -ý-. - i S.11egs t <utu atetat h o P A I, - ,S lt N T' t, t ..a fer 'Il - " Et toitogo t.. ..*.......1 it oio. to ESO TA .. &_! - l .,ý-i , < t teO lotho]Intimes. vas tS ioo t .you s it out tO'hetaiit Aoooi,0Soly<i. t<0 ttOtttott. ipoB<l T vInxg.otnttt;toto t ~ ~dle ,À ah.toreho totioi . oo totot i ototttototp.hthe"ot fil toont. tzo Stock 1.andI P ~ ~ . *ho ti'p. o h E o " . o o'otd ooh o. oto otoot to. o.t .io.<t.oto.ttoo oto io D o 'ti ooo iot tO . lb-1Ob oils____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ,,f , a th.estimtionifononoi.....dio tetoro .. Ir ohu .t.hi ]\9 î _ [oI . .UatLa,- - tttvinOoi > -O.o- -thih....1,oIl .to,;S.. P ottoC..otiioo- 1 Pt .ot,;.i. .1.1 , . a.a-o, Ohpo.. o-io .totoht ot tas 1ioiotit oO (ot itl o rt - ;oto- -ootooWt-t Atittot. - ..Ilotolo1ootdio'onO.t tgtod i1t= t ,Pau.. - n . tootoo.t t., 01 1 ooa. .n _o O ~ tdod"hootootAN NDA LP IN SI RE . J--M L . m ý top atot tnoo oho ;oo . ', - - oil,_o---T On P O IT I . m o t n t t S o t t t 0 i Smttlo.t o;to to ., P1.o..tto d o.:o..'5< . 'hth i«ottit h o p o o tto- fo o to to t. :ttt.t ýo tio y 0 0 t oii n. otoo t .u f ot oototo oot to ttO tto td h t ittaraih otot.ttt<. ooottt E hoôthtb a i. ý ' , <ttot ogoo ltiret ---t . nto*tdoMac thtketnz oie totoOBI t, . 1 ooi.ti-o1'l .!o' : toottt-..Otot. otioot- oottoetoO . ý . . , . :,. y edth oo oodo <otl on ot = ta-, :no T.s 0 oh e et Po h « K i 'gf to oo,. îlo <in anth. Ai oot- hO oti ohit T H E O LY'. W t d M l & & c -> - o-o-tooi toooooo. tot Off poolie hii&tra ra. sm. e .vs iTEt,no .ra 1 ohod ot ls ig È n e ' .:: - toit-4 ý : .l1,i ll;îîi ý _ ýý 1 * 1j h , , , . dru rnot elati ee.eep.ilutrati~~l ~ o<la anH, 500Y ith ttoti cil a ha . 1dooithtotod.o-tM,1a c Lî .e to 1 Pa .iflo.O1a- . lothin , nf.ior1n ulter, l a . . .ý1 . ý - 4lus t etit n a i-i00<00 0.idir 0 , l-faOioed onn , too ';*wil l be __;f-unaleton bet re, . lait . f ti. eumý1-9 ,P"...,tapi.m t the «1'1uablety of the golodtice he 1.ells ot.. hC! - . 1 s O I[ o uetondpiongooncqn ' - . i~ D n~1~ C - , . D .I-- -77- . . . th. I Lit isof othl Son t Coooh.oo.1 11 ntid. ;;oohot,, t. H eetaoooiil Etootootr tposttion filetSt.I .PcréentMt, "p; .1 11 ý 1 :. . in i a à. Athe.aietire___jelei____________Oncraiobli!tlnoSh D oh- utit Ll < (<ton., noSi Pot]ott . I.. s-i1 1 rogo,,n, - - tolo oo ot ot me it. mtà»IotoCEooiotott.ooitot i 9 _ Oh(-j o n. ii Su0toooit ot <poo io otMat othildinutoot oofule o to d cre(ho HalloRielrbseiaWoo<d, nod bt<ttd, tho*o.tlier.Pteot -1oun .i-nid.. 1ý . ýf1nd..x rdimplTObLOAN A T 6 PER CENT. t fll tonde-ion.InittdIl . tSOMER o! E & MIT ,tond . .ioo. t. Thoto.oton, 1I-ie .t .oa-olht iohhio w o Oeoot Ohoto Oubliatt Iotoo <otmistelle in.o. - j : , 1 ' .d e ig0il of w t a e a ra t a ta ou t e < P C o lioooP rg u e th0u0t a l r e .e- v ingT Id a ilyn a.l p le n diodI 1s t Aoo t o t tto h o D eit "Yt h. , entv o ot t n ottoc o t l ot of ort C9 ) -T O T E E - . B o o ts an d S hoes for W u a" 1 - ý .' h-jt 0fOtt i e ooOOîhooO;t5hPDian: ~oa t. Dismanul el orwstoe NTm,. mMMIon - - , ~ oipo<ooon.fooin ) onttttoOit ovrfrntotd. areoli sa-il el tt tritt4nidrelié. . .?. .h1 . .o ;l. . tcA. pi toitS toi No-toto.e <tvoable i ou AqodtS.Boi(~} ~ . P t, prtoteotEtoto.oCiio, to~IL ro iton.,h saing. u otA ototoota0 io 0 otn.. 1EBUD_ ADT ENY DLLR.hoidogttfoisîo _A ND________ .f ait .cet the O tretquliT sk tt Pol t bosOfio po ioto to nod oh vo 1. A>bal holh.Otlii I l tu ,O' The Sil bon300.rt ut.oL tlno -1 a Lt- -t- - 0 0.67 DOOto tht.ojtaototatottt ohauth tioyblottuest Vit o titSjite o. .'ni.nthtpi, .. h t. il. t ,thtpttoO oihtO t o obton ltte r ottio o.TonttoofaalO Arcn 1ricOn tttt-Ç.. . ittotAg ntototn.CO 1*ý ý 1 1 p uih l ,t -tO t t ii. o Ooo O o o n t i l Py ! th ou , o lt t h. g it ur ond bitht i e Ah P U fnTn_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ntoy n O t E , t o to o tioni .u e ,a d1 1 .. tdo 1< o o too 0 0 o P i C t 1: i . ,ý , . t o,. i t t o . P otLit l t n o t it t O yIlo d o t n ti.t .g..gO P ao ttoth ththa v e b ltn t.i. .oo t.o . .o.o-o. .tA g o o t. 'T b rB ate r i _ , An onhIl oin otctol h0nIll,00etem0k pohllootB duprosoeffrtotefooonoiy Wosdto.itt'natC.- o - A Aott t tO , I Aio il ovi . ateilop, oot ption iiy oit t, gý ýs.k It , î, rockiotoietins<tibo y s tS Sot Tolootan a it { Oi o i n ootoAh. A tooS <oo o V o tOtlatt c . Io to t ot.i m u ohidit rO 0and. onsi thtt.PttttOI l toto t P'oob on o f s um , (be Sioprt ornttoon.1 . ý f ; o l , . esy1.c. i O' < ii obo sth udo. 'on og pt i tTheho htOpiyaAEchtti mon3 oro ootLtoo api tont .*o< opot -<oth.oot o.îo, o at SOin oothe . Tilliwo o o u tterho mae IN t esnotin t ETE .Stt . =toton ont"aig.dô n't R iir - 1 1 . 1 t. f - t C- it. i t < i fogioi ion. ootth. iioo(i A oOting o.t OXah sit1~ho Shi< NE THER GENNuEses0o iht otaiottot honN N r . ý, . ýI n igh oott to hoi nt toti tg. Oo tothoto< totOOtltOtytoponnu»O h t H yod evrY he" 1 t~o n .- . - _ _ -.. . 1 -h 1 ' .IL- i e r i ut oo ul . idhoi.oNo.jethO . ttîm à s ci bldoh ta T E wH RhIN ~ o A u ca H ot it a t tJ " s on - - .-_ t~ tooilooor. 0000idtt < h ooi!O togin- ol'y"oei l th- di1otono tottota_ _Gool- : ot. .o..oS .ohendAgoni, S. Pable..E1:n bottý ... lPi.$ pt o. oto t ermehttOgto ý- " . .on nog tn at .tI L __ ohl ioitotot .oo lubot ioninioto ooiabfo ati<iiito Obo 5tgooto t odtootoln.aottral til . . i o ILtth o toO O I<too.oD' ' . FIN E O L ý ' .e- .toB t<i od IVttfon no hii tiOton. oSStot Son.l o usEooofTo a tttt ortheOntrioPaoooid.too;too totO. II . . . ;L:. ý ,toj".0ftoo oltiolf.tob.to1ttopioo ..ooottt"tI, otel hi ttot _81 ____ Tn___'_________.__________ b erasNothBa. L . . tc caua e nU tIte bot tio.Itttjeootiooootot doioalesoooottty.t..o.itt1t.s.oop..o.ooio ___. p l r a nub luctre t dévala tit o t pi ttooto. I A.TrsAcu ifo TtohotisO ott toh I -- --t il Mr. o Vaillante oo ofti ~ ~ "Iu ittoOhitotiotnOooBâiai tofoTonoooitootdittt o t totjturnal Gooderh mt. / , ýto -.1Thtoototttof tti l hog o iSiototo 1oo 86,ht ctaine o tihoisoo th t t0deoip *ueal mtntisale . ETI" R TOPG .. -- Iil.1 200 keg4d bestc.. Montre = 1 ý, . ý ý ., ý .tl ob1oth ht ot tti Ohot toln oltbtit otoono.tfpotion ot tht tiohail ot pist en - S t a i n P ly a te r fa14ottt'ttA (t ý, . . ý à eâ t ii t R u£n h t Io td i a o o po.Le t i d t A it . t to h kot o op t t ith ir s tt n o t . C T h oil h C l u b . A N S 1N T ,.; e l a to bton o otoototttnttto nfodoo tdtottSoler, nigthoI enHl'Ncide absorbatthO_.hoob gto1 :. pricpbn . po < ottoi ihtotttO il _______________ - « lrangt h oyo t opo , thtn iadtils ail in- f ont tava- M C MAN tPIUL PAO Iute.n !tt.t ..o 1..ý<j'1- M P O1 T l .mysot tot t o o tL5t" <ontk figot do lti opttiotSi - o .o i , ý ý ,i, cli~ bdn a m en g o by juish ool S tion en oohtioqu to ootll. b E tttiifer ti .tttoL a d s*ttý. 1' 1î -11E Harnp.,Sï. *s 'ontt' cfo iTP, J . e1 .ý& o. OSacels se s W hi1<," z o zb, --. 0F L.DON Ô T1,i <.l. t .le t Ioutlo. ootStg b C ith e d tto ton th io fo t" i t tionaT hTicsOOtre ts . o to .t - O - , o. h ý 1o . ....nooon tt. oh.tttb.o tt -lotO phofat e,- jteo onogJame <s r t... .l pio o r .O B BU E tEtt ite O ct 1f o .ttto ..lkoP ' 1 ". ba lut rtatto gluert t oVto ghtJ.o.b hab 1 v!aIl , . a n Nd r o t t.ttot .oott1btttttl , 1 . .. . arlto& tWoOO t"i o Gio$p J oo a.oo athtFb.ino aprt han it calt nnfj ton . o totJo.S tt.t.l !ý-ý ý . . . oýrohfa ,a . Y n -I.yT h in 0000n0n A ioacnnliod .to tt ttnrilo htg O 6 l8 outols nd ot Pt Ac l, ud tLooev 0L Y EEtt - spi I S, B U S S tl u3 - . ..... .D r o r t < io .r.d , . .o tw daw eprltaanmnsooitsotrer"paaporoos .uretel t tl, E-URL .IltaIlH..t ritiyhi frmon rPJ, t pnptttto tî.tntotott0~tbistto thri onorIqotOtOftOFyiavotba to.ce!Uottotot . . Î.. nir L continues the econd in th.SI lS iJ FACri OOOT ACTE, M I N N E S O T lEr bwear ail othere ýs no equal. N ONT% se cakes, îofiie bakes, Dn for the o foi o f5l1 Ial oro plyhis patr none'.H;i àw consideri JP.BE MOES Dn Woien. dl SumSner. tt o I êro A pot *U 0 11. &ORNA rRKFTS, làAnd Iron --1 lttrt BiN, 0 r na Lat vIELAtL -rravelî .erýS'Guid IC R ttoo lM rOLUME 26. ýToN jj 0F OP.LTON, q4A 1 SO0F A DLERTISI ;àrt fto t - do pt<tttA potto t olt td DEil, .t- tCt Ch ...t . Y.ttSOo 'it".o. -o-tto-Fioatdtoorwestof thé C %faits S.k.Stolto stotune CEîSHIOLNI AELLIOT. Gooorisooo, &At Otto;oo.-Firtttsono tot R. A. PIiNGLE,. 1,ooo.o.d Stiit,tfhé S.p OF.o-oo St.. opttoit litoto, opIno T.ototoîd Thrsdto BAN, LAILAWA .Elit1000. ctdo . E Woo-toO0.; JtooOoC,11 L )0. IV tý J 1) tOiLo to, pEPTIST -fsg MI. <000St tont. YALLACE HOI --rO ., MIkONt, 'HE LEXDINOHoTELlI/ I 0 qoo oo TO0A T -6 PER t0 ddtt it O .-CiHARGES MO«DER, aooeton Oorateed.j POtop(SF att"ndd f< bOFF CE-fl NoG Farms for S ObtiOdoor . ot LSOo JY0ST à.OCot, 500rtt t -int.TokEonth