Canadian Statesman, 9 Sep 1886, page 1

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L.'Oè". Dinîde rs t.haà ttoequal isciri 7 Zeandis Nw e dwr R S NRR 0 lN, ONT. le B aker tu the Frônt. 1-1 j, - ' R RRRRR RIRIRRRRiIb tte M1.1, 1R RRRR tR R tR îCR'RR R :0 i ; iR , ' rRR t oRt'RI iliii1a orders 1 ~ Buggiec lui ' 1A A,'- Rj -N V kSRtR> r n al,-l i RI RR.RR RtJRjRIlie i s p ie Rît ~ ~ nl w,, l'i~ iC h Ros. Ii Ro t.RRR it R iail os is of 4R ~ AD RRR.-RRRR'T -&--R- -nDWA iw L àlo 1tr,;i1S oeland Iron iNc nriad',aLî"1nci Aiterican pâtterfl )ooi' Hang'ýers' aid Latcb RE.>.Y ":XED PAINTB WIITE LEADR LINC CYLMDE?> ard LUBRICA'iINa OILSR ~ORI FULEYAN~D ILC r 74:ejr "7-5. Travellers Guide.o~~'-'~~ i~2~r-i C.ANADIA' IPACRYZO PARtWAT ** EI hE lRt' "W s., OoR ctet. tRtoRt oR-. V s.aa.MEÀL=d=O>tOAto5'ttP 0. id ~' c5 . .e2 . . . .- .d ' - ýý: .mn-t 1 . 8 1 h i p4 r s o t e . -; lon A T NDR.M EW. O KT h >.. ed m motta .an . .tdo ù - _ - -a _ ,I~ I RRRRC . 1a ugMdIeAê o >t t e0001 R't / . . O U E . 6 1 . . 1 _....1 :R t i n. i t. 'e a . 40_>iy . e ..Nv.- _ _JI IL .P o b> it7t1 id. sl- g t h R e Rm .OD. . ý ; _ý ý1. W h a e t r s iM R R R R IR > t P iRYR>RîiRRRtRY . iiii>RR>tR "NT ' - .'.Rt. .. ,; .5 R. 19MILTON, rway oR Axletgit T o nd hh P . tenmd>.wie tiwet> it> Pae i'tL O- ' .R .liR t > 3 t 3 O .t. /t h> dlRtitaC- ft 1t B .Re 0 1 * 'R.R RR IY t0iRZ ny rait->tti ti>>t v>RR.R _. __ - . 1 . w, . IR1 RMR. 2 t i t S ec., > ' i .trd agotg7 dbe i1ýiad ARR ~ *~e i~ ' R Ii.t tntt. Ut R' RR* RIRRRytB>tRlR~ ~'~ ~SeOieR RtiR>RRi>iRRRIR>t ii>> CA P E L PA T N îo s RRP* I0 wîe> » e t -e 't>,onRt R t 1itm atBf _. l V > h at.R itt'ieit>itheirr MRR>IR R iR, lR Rd ,idatÂ-I- . 1R. -t-it_ ÀRSTANDARD tMR'flntwWteR a Reitît noTh 1 1d.heR titttCtL ,RR~RRR'RRR! RRtRtR>RttRRRRRtPRRt~ttCR>RRy CRRRtRRRPRR>iRR.etR1J>'TR->'>t1J0amont0W UhoEFEloftRROliere, e»andtd haSRmutiléed » bRR. miaotstacle *>nRiRRRR>Ri>,RRRR1RRRR.> -_RRRR:RRRp'tRtRRTtRRXR i>RIR RRRRRRRRR.RR>Rp> viti a aig0. "&,->'t iT). E1 bo. t1t1.-YR-RO-.-&RRRRI eIlR1dttaR Mt.R il> t>t>ad ]igtRiy * thaRï; h&RtaARiR Ah,>R j-9 t'R RR RRRR RR RR tR R> .R RtR> RR R Rt ùy t s bt> t>t » »th ed Bc daf1'. RRRRTR itR t eib titan ez . R aRR RRt DLNe. n o goRt p> t eLo ttrd B R itIrd sud * L iR tC >~tR>R P RR R RT? a RRR .yR fRR R t, e p .R R r t.a.te itt > .R i i > ty te > R P tti> t t ellt ls h t aber. Sie a agrecsM IA 7R RR B RIof >6 tl, 2RR1RbRRR t>110io tt R'(RR hR R OA tiIi' OR IRR RRRRR ' ' '> R '" ' st>','-R11R'R'ROf ""..tnadr em andtiteho tod deepRitig, tRRRO>ieh a tLtdiî'îetiti> R> a> > RRR'RR'RR .. ORTS ý1 a R R > R R R ,RR R R R R R RR R> R > R R R RR R , W RR R RRa e t R ,R m i m n R RR R R. MR dR Rt -.R RR1tnRRcRi M R. RlRR .R R r î m-B >...>>RRIsabel>RR,>Rm uet a RRRRRRRRRR..RAle. RRRRRaR~tiR>RtR.'RiIR.RR..RR,. - ,R»t. .f RRRtRRR t» RRRIRRO1R>R aM> t ta>Sfat>tflte,.IsMa.ttaaR eRRRRzPRoaR upctgRclRooinRDRor utobe a , - RtRRRRi __ _ ,ORRRraR.R.tRR.>ORtR*>>P0RRRRR oRtate IOeO4diO>R ittit>>r RR R 1tt>ad URR>R>'tR >tROttRR RRR -r .-& . J a _ _ S p . N v . oa«t e S T o ,A R oI t g.oi e r . ,R U é ' o h R tOY i t r t e setIa R O R i u t aR A R i i O y t R ,. -,t> e> H A rR AB.arw-AT-ch n " .t> t R rý 'aé hoe IlnsoRgth OZi sud -O togRy. RR3RO> RR>W)J ,;!N he ,etny or1t >'t>>t t t> oWt>.tta R R2R-6R-9w on> > l.te eoit ARRittRatfofCahitetloveRR>w RRtdb RhO> mo CR RRR>Rt OR RRRR .1'MI T 1 EYE.. -3 ore ....I amr..R 6 -3 _. 3 l. 1 oam ight' itaevit ttie itheC nl so rery. ' Hott a>id. isbnd ta d yoenle Ron.. ..L , *1y he WRd ..wi of ieu, RRR oR hR tRtt î it t>t>OR a>tRRRRtR tot>>odRia ay od azRteorn. entitotolm >d. tgitIRR>e telRRRR*R >0, R s.0 a 30 ...hatbclaebnrt>ot lo ed>ooRhIIrl rO Rielote e lft ,R>iRR u 1 t> t-s. . . 1 . tRt a 'Got e s>dgtia le t» naist>R qbi tyads au tteit l5lod>ta >yntgrne CR. '.5h tý OR >,R .. . AtotRR:J.Ma 1R 9t lord wuheo n editen i ntodmtentr'fi " TR1RRRO > >1t e aC a. R.ddo. hot.troyfc>m"Ri-3r»'RRR, it t>tRot>.yeR n RRR1I ýý. , . R.RRRRt.atIRi>bottiRtRo.elu..,,,,. ýsoRt her ti >R O>fitRlotsematibalm ht.e.O I &al mtdvrit.t> t wo s los h cat,' ht.jT"8b=d otr1 h.h, h lov . ,ýrF[Cr . 1- . . c- lt itRRuOdP,., 1I.iOotj L RdeOt'etiOA .t2iatyr-L mR'a '.iy ?.t Rt> . .RRORRtRRR >RR1 ti RRRRRRRRORRR dRORRRRA nIRORRRt IRRRORS Rite jitom e pRuRiant-.-Snell ttRoitRd Il pro p, , .. (.,...* ý __ 'e .. ty Cour si>tR, .-F.p.ahrTa-.-itOOe'>ORj'l. ..ilhuRitOwmx. .tid-o - à db>t MédicatRiRkr'o Nbntood od. ;r o>otdla.o.»0ircRO-: tO>l Ru 1 Rthi iti R sonOm RoIRRR RRi e ..Rm uy in >'baidg .. . c . 1 - . . > e uasot M Uvet>nown, u tk ntroxta ROotIbiI. -l,,or heýedig >1Oi!ý1 -, lo .. RRRRRO n Oe w thiRtRR tRtRgRu _'th- RitHoaO>RhwRRRIittaR aga >rnig op. W tait tROsORso" 6, ORRRRRR hR>ttflirtt ,. rRtpRRRRRRR a >Ra ReRQ 1t Rtiti tett goh ROOOI >ritgi a ovrst iR > ioorth>RR R t aLOOR i ne»R'> *rRRRR>hR Il ý ý 1 'r'"-b t,,.,.Ir.os.,I.ald -tka, L'"lýl'aegu.-"'ýd"R>"«"It"I toR>Y etreplit .tlt> ta'>oR.. Coutroààor ndRit .,Riri -Rwooout orgittty. aThethe lud , and hefRudtRtodemy ting> Io>-détaR]Ritea teRri-leRRttR ..ora fr» RtfR d.R R.R'>ORRRe>. e tRnRt' a ëRR>RRR ta ;.RR RRtR'O>nRVRIaU. Rt>drRRi. RioRt h ittRR r o -TiR 1R 1' 1 , Ri -1-gL >dt rtR*1 I.jiAorEE. tMo', t s h.ti. te r sa fhrs56 ri nnam tlt- eu exrudno irae umt'i tmiR RR.R.' UE' ARE T1EONLY GEN INE EGLRSHi ARTR oLEt iI TUE 2 Otane f.mR> ORblocs RanRprRfRR" U>e itRRtOhm itaig " sa -4.a14. .Il = 11'u.innodgtve md pret>ed a hi» on. bis iraMr. Carlyle rhwh>RRhOthetdsR>ofOthetitR RRRRiR1RiR>tNRtRRRR RRRRRa.RRR RRRRO RRtR5R . >. . .f R» RSRRa>ÇaRR hgrivRRRRocal.RR.R .RIRRita PRRRt>RlleRRRR..tanRi.oa .RrRtbRR>RIR RIRR^ty... - ...> .1 >R.PR RR'IRRR(RRRRR> ORatRReR5RRh e h umrRRRRt fassaRth o w Rtay i n>ResR ofRIRO t tRi , Rali e g>Oe n.>O O taRRa u(- au vieil au mR tR '.t> ý .,l . - _ _ - . tR5.OR . R ... R t R> Ro.R hRO. « h m tto oh;o o ao pnlt o R.>R1RRRfIRR.RRR- .'OR>' ......RRtRRt..t.R.RtRRRRRRRf#»o.tpothorat. * hr1it h R Oitnorobl>e»t> hrami> to 't.Sm_-fl n th>ry hv bsnhmou fnrM oý basi tefuewudletesan. lwud,,,o ,RRAlRRR.t.RO'.R-R RRRRRRO :11RROttR Rt>RRRRtRRRtRRRRRI for . 'RRRRR-at . irt OtO . RRRR. nRtRoir, lk1ýry.OR tah.do27 oRtf 3', RRRR unr 6> Ring that hitter ha't.striotRrt"iRt> 1.dadonho.,o.toso1b, rRR Rd RR>RnR h ta taiteehim >bisotar.y tRROatitto îROR . , , ý i de - - RRR oheRw 'RRRRRRRRhRRe em erd entRRRRRRRlyRRRRbsRharRRdRovr For oR oin, e >E6CACNAB'>v t>-'nd civ .R.R-R.RdRR6 iRRt. OR........ :. --ttttno . S.tLfA URIA N iR>. -SPECTACLES ARDeeotoGoAonddotyt andday.t RritRO» hOtRtRO hlitR.mho'dh-w"'yu'oog Iodintorview i o-alo i HRrRCt>oooth ItRitaR.. il ac wt b s a» . b ai w » rek he m m ntli I, 1sORl; . - R-ý--'1;t iattetRtrOti i. nooryl' iiai ait t >R> T> or CtioAihaRdhOnRR>R >yRoiR 1. RRR>RRRtRRRIR........2 e-.67 -Y aY l. ..,od ,ýt. d owf*o hbullesttad it tyttaty roo..o"ndayt p. RRotdiOott>»tRt1 IR.R> >. tR ',, .1' R.- ca ,. dooiatoa Rd. t e rua bn ha, sa e. Tie u ielýi . y £hot>t hR t o r anhi>.' an lcetý 1 -ni -.1- attRe1r.t c *o Lt.RRty oeoRls, .'tonth om opn-00wwe-be, -tf . 1 .RRRR>RR a r =sa .Rs.1-1 .-Rq .sjR ad OtOtWta RIItlRI ..g o ntIS1 1 . uuuretmpainsfmeoShattîniot.'>sçt li un.l_ ý.,ýý,.tr ,in orlu.45.rt . ..-Id.,. . ,, a,,,, ,h-I-;-, h-- -ý1 th --oa elearaoeithomfooongt tacdnttRly nd sabe itlite in ho à aa i(i e>a & RoMnet ra-R d.*hRR m. Î t-t Afn.RRrRRR RRR.RtRRt o li t..LLDI..g t . .i. .fteltl R> r iooh- , -I m hr-h..t nd»y het 1 1 1 't HE EAlN INTaNc pp. ae yoil " oaet Ra'.iiht otawy onr ite d e if uttehnd onel-o ve. tito tr 1 Il1ifiRRmt. it,.. .'.RY.RRa .. .. aaf.... ORRoenOitORonte hrsol. h RRAR. 3.'RRORRsu-, ler materOR Rtta yt uts> wban d o?" id t o . n R en o> rhhod y ORRR >ie i .111.. 1-ý c,1.t;a' Jah. a, llace C-.- 'ttr>tatR>.lait-R dtnswtrchulanenRn>iaa Rn»">."jRin R]>O. .>O .RRRR.Oo ..RtoRa M> Telnto. ' hRt ,- t iitr e.ogt 'iy ot h. 11 tellhe ti , H t.1DRo anytItin t tro>h a r t puntoott afrnbur tihrd tgi ite RRr t> t ou iR»tR >RRaRRlOrt ,.l..h.-»o i .-. ' t____e- 'o>dicl ot ooiedInqootthN oun'ra otheo.irRt' 'i on - R i tcnbl irnn l e nvïsa h oth out ta ook Lory Li oBre aty i't 50 ,, pr m ptt att odod n.i.bim , w ro i" e. tsthd, m iuof oa lottb wooonen 1-rtta -itt.ortrhatrond ooh...oo fbfm uUr.fo1,pr.e tt o o td o iti hot o>mut"' 0pt tîi .d - 3. . ITC EL . . ' - U G 3R iyieoiyd rtye. " e noire o tet i. elle RJR»telltiRfm tR&eB. oop anR hrpdiS ft.oo i, Rto aR tR oORo rR ., , ýýUci, Iig odIIar ' TR AL AN L NO N, PG . .IL ' W'. Rite day oR d y ROtROR De o Rti e Cte 0Ji fr t .tat. D 7RRt lent ," he oiea to a ry , t S Y > M > oof n e th.It on t a h, no O>RRRRiR -T1t, .Rit.,. viRRR St.,.-Ptito».itlttay ta tell es toe tin R FIC - e,fit t 1. i AIn, i 70 R0t n o t i o .1 1-1 1R-RR ____ Tooro day. RRI.bnd",beh, pt, d. and Hata2hto.nanae Peuhl I Cuet>RpRRRRRR, Isatel A goavrly. ;: ,l fN - ýti. , ;11,.l 1,d"- - - 1 ýn - tdtt vIlta ory -hoandteoy or cooc atm nt. - tu boteR H o. t>., C i le i to,tlstt> o, o -C n r. o ro t>- 23 tto ,t .oot ge it o. tito tBtr> RtBr ho oR o lR oioR R dh >t n > v ay..Y b.e i ît Ri> nosRR rItar'.> tR .ft iR RR thR tO t tR.tO on.ti . ý , i> o't' p ! ,o >rAZ .M' i tr. . . ..oRtg i i a r d ior hotit t C a oR io tiase tis nd tooh d o>an d ot, t iv 0 e, ae a >but R o ed va ail tito>O»OthRORdt 1 ,RiR that'>" ._i_._,",t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Rri I-t iRRea11m." . T t ,,,it es t , , -S E M I ? E N TE.A L -1 . t o um i trai R g.1d'o o n . . R tig: ui f l n r tt a tR t an o. p - R: R R r pt R iy a d d o h i t> p io te. ito t ite a sn e T ashio it OR o re'hor RRR tito m a Rs , R . Â ta' . Ei h t e c e par i ,at_ . p Ptl ' t m o rî> Ly 1, t - - I itt i o n t heRR i e I r h Omr k e t " Cada d oa t> tit.oa o i h R t > tp o .' I r l t h d > d e io t a t t ir t i t r e 0 o tR y it d R > R t R R t t d , R ý boeRS . RoRRRSR>r>RO > port>R,"t 'CRD- il-iCT F/Rt:aIN CC RtRO> Rit,00V 700 davoo"ah »»' îmWioo B.0 no.dO .Rr1to-oigtt, on holotiter'o taRot, m hor-- 'atobtocst> t1,IopiRana 'Y >t"thR Rý- * f n l '- ORRR RRRR .,RtF orR RsaleRtf R r,> t.'nt1 M A >O rotR tR R ia ord w r , t re to > n t P o n vno v r a . n e . c hrd' ~ o t i n o a ou ot ei g yl o re omt hta t d e y tlo ok -t p n rpR ," y o r e . a lev oititio i th a n d t iR >. R tR O R d M R e ,,iR i ,f1 R ~ ~ ~ ~ - l ..RR t o Ii-11O R tR tR ...iE .t.tolR 5ttRRa he pa a e tt oout.t,".ho . .. dod. ta * pi t > 0>aotllao > od a h o p i q o> in io ic r !O i ,i 'R> s ROJ AR RORia - -U - - ----o-------,.'P ca don RI a_ -Co enhta-ttoot jeo... a dy i e ltR hrm oR>d t he tr >p i n- rp ly. s og iyn i o> ay? titro u ,ie a *doty "Y s tW R d iii b r" 6 e o o 1h1,,U 1 . Ri .A 1.O>OE , V t, rsiot v y>tolt ty a v aI im ý n i teooos o » iRRif air 0 w tt aG daR c.nd th bo rad titoCit shr t>Ro ht oR orO 1 'ofitt l . R %'tOR>5RRRRRRR t<h. R r0' 3>0t> T RO T R B ( 0 0E m to vn o s aoutil R av otot (ilonr oRdo o n -po o h pn pa, 7;0 sittet . totr îotitaboul leun'Rt ,Ii >rR.R' T - oiý-11-- >Rr St, pRRRO O i ERt. R. 0> OORoR.Fa.Enooo Î, > R.v Rd t RpRT>OtRy, TRIlno ed RO>R. RRROOR,> ras>po ia FFTE H T A teMrmt h OtfR OCt oooont t a o' cd. atl t% wta netit oo rnt oo ode notb atn.oro b»iRRl RS O ",RtR ocoo.hl ayd1t hn to tyo l-sd trit rtt I oot Tobi ot 0~i»ao oo h o -a a,- I>y . ,- - - .;noo >nno. roooro L AtD B U 'T ETit> w» a pb..itin,é . Ldy t oe iý br.arln ebaor , 7000» vi roito srat> ott i l R- > ' R toM>bepieRntRRioirdadRMtteOrata it;i> RaRR RR. f litc.. .nn r -ý - 1 R ' vooRd Colt itin ito snret,_s>d hla i e lo o kid, hnsh ty. IR ta lt that, ist i, I >ace up b' R. tr n. t .ta1itrs 6 SR.otRn , FR> p ot'oL ttRN G HT. tttL i-y . an o o> S tt ,b o "t to oe o ~itosos he s ho d ive t rgte dtlo e ndpat" li s a eov irdopio uer oid O aa7r.. iy «-a .1 11ýbl.--. m . - Fc.- v ua l t O Tton .LA > RRRh tt> aR oe>O> Th.ert o tO#2 Utl tottto odooc h> oe ritit a chnierd le . tiba d tro R>Rt ebRR eR 05 Rt.A.0.R1R .-OOORR R teR>41 tbm nlor t. an t h...o tr tbsasian ,boeh>rs>inr v iU..t tîlposititiionRIttalietiionovReroit'Ri,. io>. W ii 7 > Roi i>t 0> R tR t> Joe.*h fW~ alce. F tM F>frio priRîr ptTtph aehd o o tm t h. ha orvol'>rm C n t obetro d oR tr.pst oppintnte ot da ir no ltheh iotiy i'R Tt 1_ _ _ _ 6 . on .ARa. , .. m o. . . -in theegrnn vp ,o. N;ot.>L PIIIId>etto.ToAnoHalforM ustaotm Rt 1- thétaoa>ib loy fso rto ,' htbo ite pog oo>R o.o t- toye. a od oetO r t ryt o my R olad 's ptit a.o.o a 'roula motAtt ibr ogit the'boo'itiont itoR - ------ ý ý _ - . g roun e nutil t e C on P jT R x x . .. i n g b op i t a o ttho gh b o wr hta u so a g u s e c u e i too.".- ' p a el , an tu o t b voreý l e j, ý ý TAlannN. ..._______ .ad__ ._____z..RLet me tellaM . Carlylemvi 6ES"1.t.I ' '.eIDR. S . N Tai<O UWrIomEp . 00 L>0n0 s' n e c onadinhor oato Rn tfo-t tr dle opednddeiyateltted.iet- pvress teela cRR tRt ' - Z....RM A IT, 1êa'RR>a'.. 1asete.aî.a.a>.SedCts.tatastity. lita Carlye> unit tee tavtthitRoiIamdet imoRla comaooOid, ltoitto R1Lady . _ _ . d -Ho et Soo» 6O' iler. A pi o f not aibo vtbr iny...t RRm0hose n*of rt. a itn ae over a m. !Yeu bave> s>tad e t> i ng . Rott i .s-i R R Rj , 1 RIO.a*1ta ua" 'th ombr fredisatal and elyd e t Lady er Va.R R o p at mo_ -Yoititd, 1221>ermo iti> --m e o.ok tI>bve d re ditg ROoR ' ._1 , ;t. 1ap 1 roHitatqtdta'wonbsMILTON. 1 iM aveyîoet gody ,» b mtoited .leyeoarottt o hta titiat> o rns- i. o eto lot>."tR>'R> -, tRnï% . -ý .r thito !tRt -OoR . R t-- R1dw>..a.t>R ot.1- e wdod a t a e'j y eaaa i'eordoy site o oniofR> dnromdpnie ou iftaa h'e , w a e ld 0 . > d o ieoam l o wBrigt e o ne anhi>'ll. RRROOR ,- --- ý ._ _ ORORm.cRRR-a-JR mRt-R<OROMR & ' a D Dl E tt ita wfito\ r S al l i o lee nom. t"emeogag n i ato bc Ian>d le root PTEoR Ritt Xdp sI. .y h er a Itetni i e; u bt . r . >hu -Mamc.R e,, ub ieiR.satl. i i ht.t. R~ ROI . rriagLM L I Tic s s-.0 k to> c t A UF C U E oit, lov aiaf mnoteprst>tgvdie nransie» co 1 LtaZysa o', R ot tOR t000 ORRi '> mmo m.t . - .ot tr ?m %ntp o o MtOiitt ov th n1 ilt s -tarOD t... ttRR.sRamRoRRRR>O5>0> (l oota ah.Titoo.oo1 o> . I haot> noptrt>tut anoo m L one,"d op nt" tv>Rntn euo s aiter-tie lRt ' .at k iriad. tm ,itoom& HWT 'Z fl. ~q. IIAIN 'L, JII'i.LN brieoeanhiiogtatl0tdfRoMRyin» hs>j>tthnheimgotyo ne '1»'uogootoosty. HodiRteboetpat>oi>st thé obstale.aoln chRr. bu al. os. U ERi1 E.n5" Sadd2lF r c itit le t. ta bgutheContwr o t eor. ttillany eygiR naRt oe nt.tRo nr»o ond~ O~ t> htioti7>.>oaoo C0 o y idé Hamilon,_____________-_. __ ._ Ban. 7.-'-no,- -s> nie.C .ed ba v nd tReUtt h etiitt t e , Rtpp d ' Bin s fte, an nt m g t m t fdb tm b y --.", a .peut,olta t. aruheH o nqoo.oo f hogoliegrdyaet>tRet bmeteavhmie neorit nte ,ontd od k til e hofoIsabel sOfb>(Rta . R t. R a>amReReOaoan R0RRRRaR thr hboat ne> in latd o b ea eeit iotoes1o er tolerotk" tttiafod lot hovatotedwte tpttoi tfcOi -u >. 1N-1886Gt.gý oit doI evjitnh i t e ih an epesin rmtti ane o» otkils> pla» e. tetoRolootlrtet> o nOo o RoRRlave, R 1. o.__ _,e - l -o P CT - - 1t6tEM EdEIA - en' t ?h o~ e rsi lt teoogey ntR .' ro o y O -t tR t- e ool t ar , LI O>-R> rcy PP rMtOaR.rRe oty..itte Rlis>ptod. n vrue - o o thtka ag von o sIa ta lt te tit 'otnpp RWoRRCttsboogoR A R rORRtÛ&R>MA RAD A RR R-.a a,. T EA> R OFl &aTuE Go acifwx.m à.-Rt ton of ai-, fi Pan rf. . Srostfran tttR . i !e cour aORi>RRtO -O RBt. .. 1_o__alerat RbaR îgt e 0.. m ur -te o r rse ongicm nbratralmieaale-l ae i fIls lIaol ii i. . o . '... >t .RR.OR R . t - o tia JK» .tRR .RC. HO UR-RR>RRRL bllio- Cah n bLr> Lew to ercfd vs> mth e aer forady ior o tnd Coabel," le teai, p11-1 Lont tovrotetr>yadthre ntt.l ert as>oru ooîttito coorl ie ctRR Rt»j reOOtyoR . '.ot otoofat .5e R ,tRSt iORt.rirR.»" ,oootd astnttpopo. e.tRaoan eYa . [ oInC5t --h euad. vuta nothoilboro r.ots> p pnmheiotamdlhoionuo .'oobttgitbRoRt e lt ..1 1 . . ..$5o . o Wl'ai a ,t raior>pterta. AmonMIB= ' t- 1tOR0l'La-1- day.he np-lade t ocIabel,"yeh o t .acgnon.eRTes ta*,>eRtoputary otqhueutio" ' etiet rli. ttet grotlt tacar 11, ... 1 I. A. PRING E, , ý * .ILS.onTRyNtEiteeoghttatmow-tactorglthet> late.tbhehoagavot,.m, nif Cbo» t betorsof vo18sfa at l' iYtt.- iS .T ,r andter.1iEzartrroOf theO S. anýandCo ... 9 Canadae. towntititit, mothe ooneminutesop htn'yeonttey =saca thtdito Rt>otti'. otatrn, theit>tto, vo> Rtc>'>fo.n PRRRRl ýVtRO<>RRtRiRt. * ORRRnt" eiW thos a>Rt dt d i' m ooootae t h efobelen stlokosri>vo ns ittoe inord ii oabso Rntnni' oraR T 0 RR OT.. hr s *s. s»V7 ReT. sroRGaR»E athie io a~itandtlftteroag stneaand 1onosYohdRtbBotertavbola) ->'taa .het- rRt0 RvRed o ilnoithe - 'aPottaceni>n totmy bt bice co n gR. i t e f t a 70 > mo itlyP a R5R»tte' RsRf»nt iut> Cena Rf >00pin .11to 1 1o' 1 R s . 1cie.> .a>aa . a e.>L 00>td 0 0»oenu>ev ty " t> o e w o lier o ulao av ton o ne t s' -Pboari, lsabrtt" bo sad, 6 ber in orerite 'tho do» iOE3D>~T H ta die?.R innocence The woR h wrldotgesio. rot tnw t , moly:tadyat hoetet 0 gOtoy telIae.,a mtot tidyO rebtot mad nete uit boroo v tb a lî t ,t , 1. . OFIORRRR t er. tR00R-R O it O ti r Lt> ' Joint OýBLRRRR> Sq O X AVIl - 1 c 0> ' . - -jntt.lsaeTEry.R h cri t esotse a oft e uic m R oRtR.RtRItnr . . - . muchsAI on e n oep oprn b>os >p»t e f 'tae.T eb n asPaig a ln é a .. vR asac tooys omnmdothec da ndsbtto ts tid>troetttope Ooe eltne uet rtesof inVi. _ ,s1 t y &21s, hljLu iEBs nRd .NEr LLS i t O cang tth-pr Rh>eia uowtth R ttsty i bt > nltmeot l nta tet n -t> g naitdo nioonofo.oO R>,R ficand ý0000<. sr501 1 - aa.n9AtmnaRR itofia orFeree andd tittteamocd. hon hsoa t ella b er.'*tnomtita-mnestg.wbes> pe>c to et p llrfecrttatastt.e kel, i> rord. 1>oprt.*etL-stCu ulRell ed u.T-A LIY oxrpt R-is Ra d om e s t iem Pou d uder .lot a rt jeuer' t dnrty .pooap a t ootooee l i e u nn'y "t n tha"e hOO 111R 0 1 ýO ý O _ . .R . * .. . ti en b ave motb ta o n eat m yns itbeM d tao' ta'A" moet aR...-orinnt, , oRt ititth ,o Aii tiev uo tath.'e il h tt ct. Baiavth yeis i . " - istedf latiRl ei, htIm yvo to L d R b TIlOA AT 6 ER EN m ll te.. ,deR ,iitR>et> j»> l hO oo taloo >0 00Op t te> o enVt a td a o .a d tl i ns b the soer,'tt andtoo m e.meitid .'ootof ait i e a o.fhRin it, pa o pa hes. oRs , tR l". Terne otrpayoso Fer,ü.n.aIIRa'Oe. ..e' o o iene s>1--dt1o'Ut o lovesea r BoRa o od f gT Ait. onr Iap a?" > ese7n heit ilî.n t ant 055RR Ric, xcane aasRlet e meet loues. 'ndotomdR - -, ., , lre Yu. Thesereometnnerbcttatutlt&ietaditoedbta.ez Titoamthre o s> ha bilaotaLchrgont wve i.; -1 î -mff oromoo<s>.o>d LwhistMallumé,anouthod 'Nthok'oon>nitvtos"itet , . a ~ 'roRp- tRt'RboPras aOnlion % ita ..u I etnonog o m pnt te rrup t il - ring1fa ot1t .'M R-have. oHe vlit o»RRiR ROhie cc aeaa loot l 1 ; .TIM%.l .SDnitLt..o Oa"000S .-. IL IO . HEA RFIE,- T h gety pn'itiaadl>RiRomynreegu nt semry'Giodsidn>RRBO »00 "'a>n. 1RR .W ritaore>tt atontorte>1 Rown he aite * he B bf1n M o isbtad if us ithigi to i te igdr k y Xhor zn w E. . tEy.> s* NE UAL O1 I tao >A>ted a NO rooaante o bRe Ibl a rl e n glighat.U ..afi n tRo n Rian ot g musat come(.ar tenedspesiidRoadRoe - - r R gnmody -- Riti g cbosi. c»u la.4 .Ir tu on bis narriConcoma tai matOthe gilors cit>t>oRRti Ado'l, ' o ude" t.E', ,'n« 1.= i. Aget forMiMtn and-iRiVaf . a'-d]tl1R hi'.'... I..R'-1 ý . 1 anafiatR Rihu- R.. il 1 .-R R Torcc.oet'o.F,-.âelm ý. -R jmevo tt ggmt~ ttad abcwth l0i dI'Se Vp. a t doet easto tiIe fORadnl na ea . biRaOs r n onaîbte ' eb 'od 'ohbîRtrotî 1R I, .-,,%;.a ! P -4r,. -,"e- - ";à 1.ý x HETu - , thReR - O RRR R R ' - lok bis-face -- - - - - - R bands.- - .R. - "Rm. la .O'Rf .,. -R'L. R«R R-------- i----Ropy trt - -'---b- -d ooig tri.t tSLN [B , . ýDlýS 1I R AN '-- -- - - - R"qR"R R' e atR-brRR'WR"RR'k n th -"- - àaei e céhm:.-oakclnwin kil %F="rZ'ù=. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - o. -Isbelan'th a «. nin uldber ateribe--ow 1= a R OR lr&r gi ndaek-g wt or ,,ý t. f0SotROR(O 't' A-r à .lyit Fý t, Ilfin huwal t NrO. l12ý.e a RoRpi R d.eTl- d td.itIRwuRRR th-r itttRt R tir 1IR. ay d s t RPR, RRRRR tiRh LuR tthI. RRRrui.liR idR. 1RRRRRR of laie R, pus- tM lokit niRIt Rlýlit lutj ý- si 11 aRi. il Re to-r t RR Ont, RRRRRRR', 4gnreRRRRRundRRRLI-ab ith. ptftRRRR I.ý :URt R'R. R-d RR Rt R>tR>RRRR qiRl fir rRRRRRR tR 1 ndRaud HtlR. n ;batrittly. Psu R'R'RRdRqieRRtIRtRR lt ttl. trRIIbRl qrrv sud reRRt RR> RRR"RPtR. R>IR. 'tRRit 1 mue let tiRai. e' tY.a ittltrillte th R il.? ick u 'i IL s:, ROu, i-R hRRRRRRRRRRR>tRRj - LR buRR t theRRR .0. IRRRiI Mo, RR'RRRts 'R'RRRu alRRg RRRRiRRR(R tt er. coeratRR rtrai I- dg, Th.con. illtsld itt .1 ut, ::RR 1'R f wRRilRît-; thR3 uRRhtRi." Rh' s-rflRfRRR -Y M.R RtRRRR fR RI l'pRR fR~RRRiRRRRR si, kR R kpr-*!ti,-R.RR RRRRR sIR uR R -RRR rtfRRR3 :CRRR la .RRRRRR> RRR[!RY I dR >RRRR Iy AR, ghRRRRR '.,' * " Wl 4 R' 'i 't .4 R~1~ 'Il' If s R>t

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