Canadian Statesman, 26 Aug 1886, page 3

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1E DIFFICULT"> te1 abotiî S Iki 'ks un nid tory to as ed, bu.ll.Il'iiitoii. 'lut oôld stors hn ,L lot, Si lu argî-îmmuiuau i glt hi a bttai (iro G,,cls 4i èh WC xearetseiung eut a uea îîeslvy Vrdisuli uaSilb for 75ieanetia" seIII mcii hî yu are vilîng te, pay $1 *îîîî. arksSu uet lt preucat satin Sieve> inr d losStCit u $,1idi1îcii làrulit~(~I i. l,,%,yu dîffietcip tlliilYsud i ii in eve uuoneuvable Stripe an 11.sulsoui. Thiy cmi lis ini pneuaid tou e vota hSl cCst5liiCC uhei v Cie xiiCloue atCoat jB j .sgie' sud beaucfillv suri patternu. Tbey are pr IRAITH & McMAT .LD R DE R YOUR G . TIO.NG HS S ARGAINS! BAR:GAINSI1 týOTHERSI Stre J .1 \MI IO iptttV Capiti do.. 40.c.- lwi ]Car,îts 6c-., d. 8. . bhisa CsCtings 5i. duo. 8.. l, 'iup Crpeitu Suc.- . d. 121c., ir Cas $1.,0., ad. 2.00, ü ilaillssepcte5c Ordi. 75. staIcids.75c. di:.ep ble ieur rout mir tci f lIess Gods, Piuti, Boeierp.G tl li.1cli. u u pl cati n;2 t ý(ej . [jgj.on& oliiSs.,Hainitonà 1(11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ soc hul i VilIcu eb uicheaper.than 'SS G0D S s. ' itliseiss1.11., 'N Lices,'Nev Mcîsiin;,ý .i . Iu DEPARTMENT st-le,. Colttiistl s,(Q1iuaeShirtingu, &dte. ~si Ready-made Clot.hing. itI i e th ie l(' esiii cuiissvaisi i t e il2 50ck . 16c . Ifttiîslb_ .5.0011 'GEORCE SMITH, M1LTO: GREAT. CHANGEJý .INTVIE v iig 1iilshuîd 1eltliti îitiîe'stcîli auJ good vafl of estlslisliîd cl i( elii.bic I3st &Sicoî busine 'os. 80, and 32 -King st.,V \Vc visis te itimlata te the 'opieo f fi1ton- an couty of~ Il it : li i srl itetiotii ucarry a aîgeristock tla iu i ic VW ie i et iîst iilusgiu g the pîremuia luteinýke -rîei rasmsisscklofifaliigids, biig mauî,fîctîrîd fur ie iiithletii 1 Apîrulcaîs .uiîufacluîiîc. Oui preeu t mpses eSu Wre dur mssi a 'îsrsiîîc invitationutlu îall and aie no', OUF. STOO OPPINE SIOES Vlll be utuiSthe largotu liiys tstillasîrLuiland i lailisu thi diffurent wit su. We]r hetse iicmli iof sîvrrl -large Aisie an-5iK 0 if J & T. BELL, Monitresn, Canada. '1(imcmbulr te addc *& C. B3LPCH FORD'-30 and 32 K ifl Siissr treClain ai ODS iT «.THE BICIHT ~~tr~etu-e-tésC .uir5 ,.s.Osnise.5uie - aSua 5 ~ ,'C5 s.u Mg ij,,vaeu o" thSe. -id Iso'Mr;,ya ÏM 'hafleilII «tiesJb ol !eila ceà.eaŽdaaiglZ ~ '- îsseaj ~ uit t lce.Sanseauo Qer iot. Ts ldo 5caP~~r t lt~ises iohssas1s.î un eaute.V.,i5C' 1taohisuiucÀ-N P "f oiSe Esne.t 3e;O oi.', ,.. . plaoae n' ~b logal CiiebetHeab bSa h ala, aliseians .l a i onedy, thep. 'Jbea t eile y,,îe;iioeeîisoedhuseteuis.aiPleïsue, un Tiie tsiutv es~uf uutl ha a.sitalr sa ted reed b aedeulmin: l Awss D-n1, --uIb4a.c HIE ' ic.i .i-na' =ceet$. i.O&tiaatlf.- - oi îauni atclîbl t t u : Halté s, i oseîes5jîaoeo es i.s iborner4 tbuKieheo!ene eu, c jed diaiuiis > heSSI bicPt la s&iSe&îr eaIX~ e btoo. . .e . 2f. M3o;PanUC,-In.>.,spe ~ ~ e is 1.8niellesets25i Copicil SaResii SL...iee fJ . liGis aEgedadru hn et etC usaImli. one. A0liho n-hb -Vun.t Baatei&Of Scoch-h1wof .tecèimaîcbogludmuba Keel laelIY uelts eee 14 bi ylicao ebi la D105,u tbîyud 'leO îîltf be tu ,sis5 ieboieiisuel seluuf mf Put yiaiali, sq. C. .,o!Taeet,.r veçnwhipaFu isayinesdliolgh hçg aiuliu' s~ lire0 lîlcispele BatladshuaepNs4 t e ubiausmil Seerw, isootbî. thde' go atris isuîis. -J i . Paolst!Ibso.. R OLYEWN MAhIE lawy Boa usuia.riTbetr odfueeet tnd r! the bsilluu ThieKats '-district, Ir iee, ... isimv a J~ aswsi H. & N. W. e. tul eacebsu et, oaueîan tadnlaRoewlaabau:dutBataey.I hn'atSala nauyet îe.Cad.nail juseiîlI0. c iu OfIrsas ti.s iglI. betysawko tauet Ct.ibaiteoetîebeinh euDSisasc t oi e troihl;eiel~. rî tc Sit au SI gs a tiu tlmége =b,&aibsaura sbebd it , hie r HA1es1OsEQUAL7'!ÈC Wuor slAr,cieeî . eeinered ito fo o e; u FBhp edsaiy u rt yplud JdsBeoi n esi oael~. sct bilbg eadun ueu wil urgivsuylis aysaiaeb ctbaisl ua niit»at lae bissanreer qouiilis e Hamltan.. ho eac;soniofAMg. 2C.-Geson t rewid« sMe s ssiei budse5s TeH& neandug. i eaeoft itpsntauffscrW ~ : , Blà ae cur sio tra i ,-t e oc n b nd.u lat e te zlyf e b 'a tcaisas e tî h e Iiai s ai a î ig uoe r e ni ,. . scis cs-C r Tus. t ,,' ts eteauh b i a weofth oatbiuetrisce;tbcautieb ca :isenOîeesi freuaiaTup Wina A iciang tho nen anoedbt h.eit ur di s. BanS Buuub, uslaistis otoul £ho18i sa.b a onaîsiti Ie elestiusS etyt o e u e theo!i.heJu, d tu lelsa siIiîaiit 5siy Assi£R. -ae ert ip . s iAof levAr g r ea pe non vasa Yu ngeii ot ifiai Ose Silei e iuBie -%Con u iS r e .so te bdune i lerqueutd abc ie u o!he(2 aide!île Cagai b r outbbiaud nifr lss elmaeo su ,suof e a bat da ito ed. th r vtend ei, ybad erThelata BrdistiSieishpetu me.Alu su u nS,. , i be ies ll5 e aiieis, i t e-t i l i agudsn eir.seS ahe e ,Ae euf l . .V. wMeliilee, A liw fres Senis ita tanWb "a ltS eî -", - 1 reaouol ,uTeii ci eelules ut fair.a Ku to ampell.CSobsu-Ha seta Nebout sbt, f u iieSiijio Citou e e iclualu riow p ru n.ue m u tls JuesNIi sesets, l{aiuîee. Tyls o ieut cuigoffut Otil A apletât a ot mBUs eiît u C. prn, fsl ed fCud rnIleu ihaui Ciuedayeveoier'olutaresuhuti outbu tlul onÈ au eernel I, Tusla et o nn e un , Jim o d i~ 1 htlehpi sutirllejeCI e5. puiseeet otrHami t le î tua tille theprus ie for a e îîe y , e narais e;'l i ierhl luciesoi a ii i ngsiîled cii 1huouta rat ButlmeIn h the Canadaiseleiuissi Atdibo furng t e slneeaunmoe but MrTea au r d . e te ClieuhDid r; héLaied tci pl sei IiM tu - sl t Dls Mtwek.-H ainttd heCILTO mS ny.s nuue vstlir elef r.inige, ieueet utilehbmetheueuuu selltbueuteettie anlra i als 5ain ci . . E . Ll CrsaOssî ord, of anis.- a u t Turp ay Jania Larnfe, aiiu s tls vea, esuptlg, n e - pLe gmArthur Noris, tfs4thli.eiTeie he e seulng A inîtieud ln o acOlympi yeilu l1lI situiebautieCe.aevileu i nidusesiseci ,issie,ii 30y nS Huar . T e uCH sI OILL.i b c i b d i B i tce es oî lee a i off!i b c esse f a suaaCl u s ee eu ueuad s e leeu i e cit he Unro i ni stebuerufueeeuue U I ee . i-Ae- sriptiusGA* .555,slig nrussghels u siess offld th.eeles braemusluoTarmiler a isa t eue n l s spe nd fsuonleuee ateiallieua imhortanhc u l ao eeiegbc ib bats usubue ut' ose pruaebleeeoiee bcea uils llamanit Iool aexu oiahmll nrolCrCiali-aepec-.en ustissshàe otwite go Cuueaed nt t eif l iaie.M . . . Saiste, Met c is n ui f ieth e lice i 'i. 1epuitiice emi tiL tus, L itpe tse eof Isesit sh rne e . K gmBleu . uîr Ni sscg Seeyuseist aae i t Nlelsonap.enLe . é.luSp.,aîyu i. laucomiet P xiOu bis c hs is iew w ecîsate. tlssissias lu île eiîy Tesili'~~~s 00 yrd, Cu in,u t t1R ag 20, ae cio hepropi.Se,o0f uec hp uotsl htH.C .H tni j* ýe uisee tiu utJ çueesleiis w c esits, Hamiltonlise combeed ou" ps f thie Blur ofsepesreu isaStrio e o lu esi a c ergeli etestiliid F ou rhe es , ongau tlntU olea n aaeu5 Pei u eA lay The Duliese t bab'. e eurl t o ee uee it tllesthé « 9 eise apie sCing o tieeaîbid ie utee wEi ne c ieutu ndra Ae s e rtit în tiuit amrf et t ie sah ith husi m oeCe in Sue rlei i O na teea i pinsel aimic ig hey Cli le is e! Hebu ae ta motetiy uoit u b le 5 tu ct' ye r ish Aiesocmtse icClee 1tran Hot besril fertendr sueforlighiu e strient souer ; b.. a n . Tesseralit ir. , W eu T ed Stelee u ue set ihiuandueL r is îeiicon urn t a eno -tar t l e is si aI0ýssisuivebeuicvoeeeasinfor3te lptseisthwuletaaii ChP,~urch i uOUC2,ril jiersi IBelis. eutat ofC aihcn grdsiIull tua le apai me.ue T k t Coas ee s95 rsiy ceensotsu.pî tata oipu. hi a l i e iootca paepot pu ish lassitaee Auayioimaneslîe Iîîlletmanuu. i lu e l. Jmbe , loveeef Ilqir.niiis %tGIIîI'-r.ei .bLindllsa dyONTRIemet z srs cl esciletuMo - w drotLodotabnhetrist u sayeir hoiiisc r u tiie la ýtàne hom on T ursay oveing nsmythAoswThoi,.sdon vrs limenss o-i ord ishlityl is er ofe Sneur.A cisceti s Ji- sciesiaîlS iang lbueeee t e GIrîs islaCommsun inhaemlasuimuie i esum WrilytinI. ihleielu.î iral n aetedteEr5 Dguctnae. ie cactefu.e1t.u %te rniuedymfo ll .- uoanl, l f u t 38o.ese e ant, limit e o l estiveroluefnd AdIlcuioeslhecltit ig uyo ata u say. DbD.SctAt, ies.SseIî.sli e lseo re.Heethwieiheiaui liewis succe.... et rteirsdurat1,sm$earo2. Oely.J0iMrliee, eaules. l ta r I L teoii aofus id .. er.s a b ientmuescit.Te lu' si n00 eyards-te iîeliesse. -ne can asee lîracg . huas ,00; l es Ip. ette ffeueîsao ere ,iuue.ssia ahdpethaia tst ore-2 nr civei.A sboseanpaMr tii u e iesli theaUni.teStatiie esaan .Ind eEx esbitio er iMosoei.staPeee' liVeu a fl el th s e s W.lo tîeteetou t sit sille eer tu peresoisi mui eleg0 rC nti oeUn, yti n ilems le cs t.0 a -1.Ithlym, et tbee.isside Ssusyugtuaiteititf tissinoet aneeb e aertllaaiiet etniIe liete o tati er lluanTisentle aniot non ra iti n wT 5esptY"" Tli aiu ,18e ogeiioof Io Sna ihiestaabuodpu eeîeuielsttdut A9,ssd ni exaduer eatuat ut $lia ts chl s.fNssaalfifesueuei îcetre e vuis G . T.aue., d al e setarel e, Is leo h nhm m.Rlehe s.ririsire aaiufii auh e r u tsiseathstoce o th elac fiaiC elelu itmans1Ceue' rsus, er ut i I aesuh. a strisif dveemu. steduyn e * tata, a il rosmd leruieTr. W aeMnifr eon Tie se outu ais atin. utîhe a mbo siut iÔ . .nm-f*m.Gao n Haia itin ,pnyo a csii-lîebet ie.eotec foean ati raitî pae stsi î lu e essaues Ts-Inu i i lus y f au mmys ufart i c foree.A g.2 .- oda bos eeetsd er ttu n b luitet as Cls liettscugaicseire.sessa rifssss re se o iuo.Tr- e h sseeN tonoe friuim eieg Ileedi eobeloue .eti o tto.i i s IaTîe dec, teursc laolest.îeeetse ii ef esleisfules eedeigTees fite. ut tutbcrraveatOie Suith inE q.e... itleeee-B e hptanCeubai. radsuseo e c Pilsri. hh i h rel bti ,auot eaihig sp le a mss cai i s u y ieneuiedrt ta salitonlil i s p e i rs îu pst iu suc!ule eia * lîwo, ne at e oe s farté I inTmte u si itectAe t r oies o. hegetlma ount in la cI rie yfr irpur l he u r. nomm s er u ri u1 a. s etat e iîerth lieuarfie - 5,tutem 1.e srise oupries oeeui aeu iery it c f lie ieriui t a ta ý oerrlad terva iselseiiul iye--i -A ae ssoeere, N ,e..teet llr.e, c nasueiiltliiiic e veTut gnils su S ndernlesh e ut eferie2 ensr iotae Jes e Cedrrtessi. mloi ii. l ivd -gl auldeece ,esmîeuuusessP.r- mSri git h tereC lge . i e gave itser hmg..T iseyig M e ii euons ta eontiltirey sof e f ore us i sseeltese utFuqIs- ict i i ýef hi t ue he eu ee alniilguis hu ueb.asi i stleî ls aloalChaitlOe s and the syebana pea l uatdnsseeadp pta os u i ile seeeel.e»Irem d _iC ueerd l. ou llo is.n et uu at lai t . site pr se peopleaistd aysbu talPit fMi.îllystMo7ss ie ., sSuiBrunidseca.Ig 6 Aohuielisilb ra se ut e sy ayitifoi ent s thuhî Is ruu. asc e stetsta ra tit a leallaiethu s lar desup unitisreee y i ls 'a on lesllietCi t hé duiees aedsloS a u si toua t Is li a eo i s .cic t p a a ngdpsi Younima i a . os.a t in. peods. Im n r e l p ro r n a ifrm,.isesf n n lf h ouyîliui e firstcI uhhp.hstyisoslueeeisl'lm te0 the, tbiT. bBtluoyesaselmorta issu- T es'roetsàvn-tohe naiiei stfton anosseft lietn ueietatideprS iseiucd.1 sst neuiule soecelpm rsigeuwn? si uiated tha.11 l Itesttlilusiriuts idais eutBananinelse ututdmetheirebogie-rf sei.elbfiento. na-t hm ahousesClote. tInfo uec tl ,s utlims tadp. eesa neoftie i aaselbgi o I optl xMes., iioAie. .-Che . f is. partesCle Is laa e r.fitoeusihc Fe tiîd %san asitauc u JeA, c yesn f Q e n ad Man sres i fthoe nesrse il on NswYee theu n fieoss d h tm ose e v ast is Ine W ce siss f u me ster'or Il ree n"s. alid i-sstseossCucauttMn label Paîles lseist aneellite go t ui S emsctrie ndhe, ilul isg lie n îe e es ieg des 55eI1 cmi livingesuiett a .lJs. A tonem rchats in t e for s0cr ePais iCilue u rtci e dict o nls Osuhyseobiske lped hes .-d *emist huilis peisis t ibe Ware cnsatalsarivieO .. isieui es o les h le Gues e e.iehu i ,Tex, asglicenAia ret Oeringe, reot.Bsaonussof sdcit usui fr lIes aisut ef île h essersethi, Ea it eiioiii g tisar. oiv;.spinteforeeelaoreays lIe migsuyain aksîb iulilif u ri ernuit fixingthe penils tyisfe- sou t ribnseDryt o fl t Bat el let se., noe ase bgnil uiàae oso.' WCr ait lit tho- e u5O cutle e s iisentiecsmtsu ute af pîlectaissDuaRle liers tuhet At. r ceiuxet. iscbest fises. cssIls ii i e dees AmoionihesgAbouct ofcoce tho see-t he en- Whtt' lO useesassi lieu im spisonii sud haes l e t ar a etercl Ils icieti ieOrOu e, huu ustiu ec paî u n t o nitii setti ,11lise eis taOot PestaddtiiakiiOl egOIoIsoPsvlîîs e li suteetrialwita jesoi i ueis oel, andîsil ingie teta t at&M l trufitshi e ue K(j iese ue, taeua.iSmithlsee eascsae iator. S I le ort epoutusIwcr i 10 einb ol tisin sih te lC A ilcoitie. - shoegl I i o Y. g rand4ieiI uee esouet iersirs tabartye ilea.Bc beiO so of se uetnasoef vui e si aux o!Tetsca e nsiils lse tseactsr Osi-ep ee i bisnres t A fais Sipeilt ais e ire,îes ey C lu îe resey, oi s b lunislta iesice tiotm a, e st u l t e x . 'ltiyie woesn te moue.i n J idus vIsitaS (0c-oue o upsho sbpLt e ul 'i the Ii ct Amei .styl'fl éiec f wte rIsut e sterrileseadn ud lu ie sîer e ses entt. île aîian ite ds iYwcs t 15a bools îlelt cehf. srtg tpne w.r t bt rderTow ns ,reu tee tsvdag n id o . ci sud axtised 05t a tiun re pensl . M ies n e di.enla l o o tî op fi au b eait . 1 ie. OtarIe, E Slu endilClesat h.Ml o lae i,a sit. nTiryeiglit isui areei o tib u sti e shîle cse oap h esiadaor Bu IFAIR. Tu e fasit a ir oee he in pruleut tr a st m I Bmbr Misbcgutyauna, .I -it, ur i se O nuecmasaee t gtblIevls - Psatv atn i l-M e. . ilouelThora-! itoi laieli e ýin us pe ell thbe, Joa s clo e 1, eu oprt Ciond sie in in iess ou Ti S yats i t is lüvIerbo oi i Fiat8't n esanlt d laey fe c ru gh tahle oe e in resimtudtu eni fi e ylliond ls etlir., e oes tlIersau ledtr ai i e r-aS 1 or ieegue . Ti rtbei mesîVo c ~ al leos a (eta I s'su!welscs ssTh.c~ sir nig ou eh ci fls t. ite4, 0: maîy u tbbeteDoglas, wHlleet c tFeg on te al. sou e , J .o.tîs LOWndVaisoIcLWovsneEn.y a nereig butin a ulpEe,, u ,.ivS ta 1 %l itIc ttstwua ri ab oh rv c a svinn50eusmo f ,1 ,5 o inat seli g n T .I m ot e i t hi.tirant .-a t- imue in bouttwo*week . - OPIC c 1n e t ffitfli e Om aifl helagOcBiO cutelen heVille al 2ue161A56bocosh vfalitar ne tasY 1 rlisiîlosu u . a J m b nu c f r g .15 îlet l k h g t ey m ,isfuelfeeselees dpîiee its iso ecespsletdaleletut sisîl tILsi Etalo Tes i.Td MoesagdtiffiLoud nlsien afl uiAsmie s isthacal e itleet B ussa i the11, on Cftslae, hissaMoifesmosi îe a ufBisenCl mitases pinf l ulti ,orslu. I uesqielyse .w. ibis ad secersdcy Àoiewl 1lIa s Nserlay ThSclla os TL e b sît e e.. ee f he seekceIta SîsliBeurr es, se e s, lg. e ii1 i s- f eset e Inty le ltosu h o nSstable r e at pee. . uhf formers ienceeStsnss adilsuu uuu. AMre.e ein ny o elgbt ertoi peae teou esse - ~5fit'W ietseri hou bas rseitunsntisefrein NewgisYorkitAndiiyeelund.u sîss i d tins i raou tisgerto n ni * 5sdli ssn e lu M.* sciU mt hon te munais ce tf ssofle l i s ,0 0 for..Ti o n fos e i l'ooe e y psabl b ts es 'UMe an b sCutioeuestaBrism Th sbl iet a diii~ ?S nrdeeO etsîuteg îie ao . Hle at4suxsy lisce i sslo she i sil i p sissonufohe P -a sesi 0' . T ussav e reuhec llrooel nu a lg a le lab see Fay nes Oitiy . H Mosilse lesgo s.-t---- mfal . inth. ntei Ianthe s! raf e ,- o npiSe o ftle, o ciSen edls c fn enSytonen, i Ptteetste in smtaneofe ustss lolf i sL ereiipTe, Aug.2-A LaedoIstB n u 1u.g a-sleaui laeo imothspflintanosubeetS péiSa al Rasy te ali ds u t il o o5rté nsud Aleboiut ta y a. phot lIs bat lubi t it sire. e y deitocn map eas igaet aeprc l i m na at iee iab o i 1. ot o fnst m i serug e d vi e :isuebloed tr see- Whi Mis la2,es 00s0ilee régalel -oos i-eu bt t isgci a l ilosses, prt ta tse aaieuso en s Pgse Iiffdteisi le y cunivic at latosa len St eeiusw Opl suelise o l uai ie ifoctt -Tsetesus e ei lsti ngeee oi e wc menoit .lossemtI ý a lM to eej, ua i SuitorAeuacapaedo, tcer 7 o t e le .fe~ ItI u t - e tse lI n a ta-, de ue t a , ! ie te d e e c ,,5 e s o nam t l I oaW h inrc . n à Cty fe ,b l s' m c . le s ro ht.f in 840e ant wo it a tis ee C lsestise.ou is i I d 1fr fIPtissale40dMiletatC ro ro.tero inions obffristheiS oibon ta isep of he ose ffcina fie s egshin te lle omp,- îa ithsuft 'S am d op sulIeromeJosdlanso eti IcGrimsbyi ulempe. > in theouifuhtef out as 'ho 'in net 'cu susi lerrmnemnaen t o aty .Ic e it'an ph5 eeSnaot CO sYp yvtalttedSlottiActuai tain iteoeit s! ailo fas.-s É- 1lC te onsEslsaul Te oc.iseîire thonl 0, euss ieI e er yugr 1 uumù ter hv atcxp iee.aD. sblisi te Aiu ttlIlmaanta ub the reporte s cler -ness-tabout-te asmpeeifr e on Jothe alcini of ui Gpycctuoluae the tterlsoma f 'ti'im heDa opl 'roetit Oom tnHrld.e Mr.ufalie.T s e. latbr le condition t of 0" 'i y Otm,5 -anset 5elI550t siresaiciteuesi ni1 lIs tSihesadse lsEcis~~j- .Mg&" Il 0 e. AidéseOU eIiOethd u sou e , ea hEi-OU8 i oStbI4 la.. 'a ut1 -TheOsl.B me s > .w la g b er --e- .-...tIe i eaveral luu emea y ard ic as eN s . ý . 1 . W o l h n f d o u. i nBels pe ent W " s. a li O W h- t re . ..v o o n A g n a- ra 5 sca s o BlOelded strtdlats ona ilt rosutae.usue O - s Y a la - 121 3Se st 0 Im cul Bi t -tOa enessîAss I. t oeil thsSSl~ p~o~eMO ue ~eut~ 5fl ths. Wavel. sthe i off te and andteeeb.oatos vitoi of r , Dk. so o Jon Lo ylu lng.lY-9 r,- he Blse f he atrs IV ~n U itk! m oss on dviii-îli5 sbjlnittc.. ve1i i ll.m bn w n isto cupns dij , n u : k sîesetp~ebutededeIe-,n'mer , itbu - ~ A BIGLOT~ORNEWGOODB iUST TO HABý,_ HuwaTàl-iies indkebi ose ts, Tweeds, etc.,: etc., wlacu wo &m'ml b; e the people wba esupply liii publie withPry obds ut popelar pricea. O-0 T BIG, DEPAPRTIINT OTP PINTS àa iefuîi t freiceda i..Gàa rit u i.Bc. Priateea(.lie. c.Peinte Xedaced ta 75e. 1 7laiu taiSe 0 rnts reducé ied a1e. XOU MlUST BEMEUBI TH&T- ELAOK OASH2iIE ting ta buy a Blace Dre tainveut aut doaci By as dutagyoa eUt Býave qoiéâieon oeur, die8. O R BEBE LTIGDEPÂBTMEE'P vo shtreuvdaeipmeut of Sictel ana Englîse Tireedu for: ur arder .dopartmaat.Coume aaSexamine i gemn tboway af uzepurtid Týweeds at veryiw puis paior port tliereig PRAT & WTKIT DRY GOODS ÂI'tD CLOTHIJYTG, ~IE.0u findouoiethe eity wouuld do.well to send àfor samplea of au.y Dry Good - NWHICH TO.SEaUE- FIRST-OLASS* GOODS AT COSTJ1 __A T- -A. MURRAY Jr C.i Great Sum.mer ClOearin -.Us Goodo are riaîeg every day. inEurope, ladco eB hould not looce. tis re oppiituity to lay m. supplies. .46 1 -.d 00...18, 20 AND 22. te crient C ~ lYammoth,. A M DyGocs Millinery, 010 -boots &Shoelq NY cushavej uctiiudes the prudence of a big stocke af New Saucer <Qoio at.u grat dis.on We',wi11 sel them Cheap. :Seo some of. ou] îusGooafor5c.,woîthl2je.,bettergoods'alittleiore. . j Tbal n 5c., worth ii Lai oui 5 )wrth 12ic. -Tl, uc Toweiling 5e., worth 10c. lrîd Mualine for 5c., worth 10c. arpètH wm) 0e i eoy Printa 5e. and 7jû., worth 10e. and 12je. Carpit (Union) 25c., wert] By Cotton Se., Worth 5e. CarpeÈ (Tapéutry) 80c. vu ete L'otton ., vorth $o. À Agood Tweed Suit. for $à vool Halifax Tweed 35c., worth 50c* Black Çork.Serëw Twill. 1 tîlminidi iliery ana iteapmnde Sommer lmanotîisut liaI prce. untrimmea Rate, &î., ut loi. ana ep w in:We inuit chéar ont tbis sttock wbile tbe weutber te worm. Die't miss the uopportooity ta' get aime d.Couse and sis oui ataif, wi uSfer u bargaiee. Ail giold u for Cash oaly: boaut forget the place. ODE LOBSNI]LIOT Cru edorinacussf ntam suos;u Trshlss àtntte uoefer tisesiraI e!f - - reiibs ce seeng aud. Eýery li asciruotn 3.10 :tes 50 -A u t 2 1-.r Aese00,5. -le Ce,Croîle, e tdul gbtar se! Me. isu0 v-u7.0 beriSlewsa Eoqecg, - gt meuess u,~ ~ii yes7ola s ntba. - ioeecssi14u. fiSd it e Conty oPerelso 'es ~Iesfuiumue.ns 2.s duao;,17thi tst., 2fr.James Teelsu. LW S25, wa 6à ye5e., &GO 'r-o-4 au ?isepsoas i- usraiesVVe stock.~P t'la fsw e u cf e«mos- Cen.1ing Papeèrsý inaDecoratons* P INE GILT.AER fA 5IlMAWRI F 'PAPERS. ..jOH1NSON: Haveoipoacl ea-ew Shef a nd He ---PAINTS, DLU PIAINTS TtEÂDYI Artist's Material, Hoecs, Rkes, .Pst.hoie Âuger 'JGaàrden and,. JRE AND BÂ '-Co rdage ofallun auit lepces Onuesîiras avie are eU t .fin S a s fe ry ' require. E ,HAMILTON.ý use, Carpets, llIrprises. Positively tiiete are, e ehapeot Carpetasý $800. - .0, -Worth $14.00. le srcbeap. EwcaP.j ?est-gleedom seoffsrcd in~ -ALAND [ardwar e IE BRUSIJL Supplies, kinds of Tôols, ,00P IROIN r, ay Piorks. ACiRE - ', .~ KING i ý 1

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