Canadian Statesman, 29 Jul 1886, page 2

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""i il j ~jtt.. ~ i ; t 'I ~tei ~Ii Timx CAfl > CIAMPLba "..,cc, Ot,,jcde £S-Tbe Sceti A# Aeocàltce of Il=lcoCeeoty U slkig a dcleieeb e Bit te tseep cte nScot S dI cpcccettoeLî bee ccccd C"ac L BgR fee#i, and * Jobe Ledsy, e gceoecmitl clt~,>tcy.cmmioJ hie zeed 1,lu Cal ylAtt.Th iIc th~c e. d lao . omde.écll.oee c hâve meonte,*cocet fo eeteoutieffia oftheS5cott .101. IeSot- * tii huf W- bd ad bOd-Polie Maite. tseloungSuc pecjoey lre .lno wohbot e cieicdteOOltt]0Y S- formatoee ljolthe aeteoadtchetS * ely oe collcceiceeeg M. Maedey., d heceho warrant foc pcjc. huboeicaed, Weregret titcet havdeebee pt nabod ipa bteaOinlthe cdicery Dawa eblDent and ce b.d cc c pe.uo te o qcpoe* Sbc e teoe wcsc critice ce bave ceooivd i.ilecethmaehuolg me wllb outiieiiocwef teto Bcneotloed .-Licdsay. lhc tettecswe eeccived et teelate anefheor lnt elghtScc noe S teccifomctice ou cheeclo tho * = .ý tice einuBenetct -eu- sueete, * oedtho leoycesdcot ccp theOSulte ioccrte but Welmplytlhe unby te-toacu.*UIf &Y Otue.stls .ee, teeeeeec=o w tan recyte wsteeeticoooootb cpatic.-tlSbc f JsSp 27..- * We hbue, oceoblalned more, pccc IefrtioneetcoceoucSg the eflegel soc' ;op oee n l Sto elberdtcdb e pou t..dey'c GoSb. . 11dB leet sod Lindsay b.d beùc.. ooitd icefote offouegateutàtii. ScotActA. Neïr whio, ltpcel ealdcci Suce ir a' * pioemetfo àt Moct tocé entche citheetoptioetoi aSiec. Thueaeo." * couéop sececci timo el= etcPolc meghjtcob.Yog, aced ce asuotlec sdjcecccd, some timon tecetme Bennett and LletAp did oui oppcu.o Brn * time. beýpaumuothe beneotcdteolel B enet, Licducep csone.,inspcter té arcestLindsay foreco cdlbscoccort le noc awt ieu. H couIgd ne ocfid oy:OP Eccl inteaclbeo,, cete eouslec pB. in teebo ecutimoecn informtio b.d beeoceco n te cheegug Benetlelh * i.dhe pepcced, od. vee lplog et Oa!Uleile teeteg Botherso' coeteyb heputicteoccetio. Ysclecdey,27th. t osvebthecls.s ouce etennettccî anod Licdsay came up otelo. *'Nellhcc cf tue tee eppcetid. A tlegcce one recleed iecocit scbitîg teboLioduri wo ill inobcd. itennett cd Lin r sa oreee ceed te tece ceoibes' ou- * thol lieccoti eott Lindsay hlbo h t honiîceptedreotel opecietefficet oidooce. Siog 'elteyc ciliig te * co e n tlleus, wcolcectcily give licou,..entioctosud Lindsay tlechacoil of this exptoîtio, andrget htthe eociot uit shoota haveoeecord- Globhe iîfJuipM1311. tlomebt.g Werth ncmoe5ten.. - Edilee f theCCitott t 01.-ISoro il eeohhicg tbat-Ihboued in obuee.oo Suottîy bot. Il icso in h geel Boe, (1 Pt. 8: 1,11, 12,1 "ie thoïtil l ot. lite,asolfiecgeed d" ot Iimirecfrainbite Igue fScee etdl, and ic ipe thatttheyoy opuoha le iolse: locbie ochcc oil, and do l ot bilacsek ot ucecondlnooleil. thFe tcyouof the ord aoeueb rigteo, aud hliecusie topennote llîoicipty .I buihetfae oftheLoci lalceeot thoratit ,doevit."* Ut lunou Woderon, hue i etit. dcr, msiet mkr,ohan.d ctiIdeclt lter- tiheycynoet thepoplce ho,cc mu geeldey. Thepeul caehaîloctiprofsoof r oeligoecin poopoes ad cnverstion:t but thio pcarcce in vain, hep rceto asced: aodtholo. pcofsscienooftcc Iiglooole eillîohyIluiy or ol-4. * ceptio. 'bat i a hccccotg, 1hiult ofthe aoeoqeohtice Scu e hoom Bool Re; ando1t crnet bcti hiok he il Beclsh.ioelanode puceoluo ILeted nade dergclbqccteronacitui, oneehel own ectite, he iis o wan et obscty te pmostcbccewercccOc hîceocituanmtes olc,nemoeiymol th oeil.dccersu opray u vein ifeve th. hcpcuyMu l. lhcy do oiouteelj thyprofea, puthhe rcoocccgwh they eaute dulivbel . ep m doio 0 * eoi edrathc soce ficendicto. ccii fiel, ced lsodecccc tec^;uce tebi Plty h.oedlc. Who c, elSulee attec wcesb, et, eepoisemlng. pceso * dlattcbleg, and btiehclctiu.o leta Yomec &., J.15 Wat 'fbep Rîglit HLacOe Rp.te Mail ppcuma eu lute flou.1..Se O.b.eà ceceaîeg the Wmac * n loth e SctActinle tst neigltecehoui A... t your ccutemep t et l tmdtac, thciett. Thawerle.ey.t ."Set et tbilet.avbeau teso o .4 bt q155h h. ,uctiio o the cou..leri. ho . Wbiht.cllbpcahu-cs&Hbeudi chog,eteUlbe-delobitg ingcisg c unet l, lce y.l4e. Acp beiu mee wih mcepeceptioneauete., &hW G t.îp. oad mdcert. delobem hae e Dot t. thce e. th moue. f eoppîp a cetitittetc.* le pII.oft he.p.î.m cpimugle cmpse.eto 15lesaooti l.dleg boula-uemeufteplace, th î e t tiqer ele aineb"cethael et bai cf.meeebav, 1gbaie otebac tpJi.y.c Y e.ljAýbccî 1005 mcib.yce fchd cclesc.l...ce ,reCa c ecaudit Aiderie t. i sud ietbc,10 oeiml -sa e nos, o.m.i" t t ~ýbttag i -Imnntbe in J *Mm- L 7.WttoK~fi~b O »MiCele h.e raudes oflnewp . W mm;obief.r, I e anold immt. lbdcri sud.oethé Schur'vrhi 1 hehalers. ebllelleo IL. lo2 * 1heo&In civ e wbIborlm. d..e tunnbmiel thé orkl aka En- *bo attention in lb. Clnes-e. eth. OooCua e. theed& . i mhelfctem. VUd feet'eP'~ il. rendons ImelaDot bujcem oni toc@. -W ent mpoel.che.jilc.ltem 1 bae, ocrêece. 1i.b-ielzr ,oo ed7 j"eed ,-Uc.pem,.i..~ I. pieobi. lb.,, &de. le e rit Cebe.lohmiring 41.hsulà0.cedti t..ebcfo o, ici.. etece tri~ his ~.ct.X c %bc Clarke. b. ýVLCb.c!au.-{t. .Dit" M oxne.fl wrsm6ff..b Duet.l *i t, l.* the bbebtcdi.10eec, pechop au, Construit . 61 ctm W of c tad"a eîaý, (OsSclcd miea et nt.ront.wSeC .et thcel&= gatela rfssso O, lots 1h c.f baetlbi.»be. .d - c etmct h55ce iacceby eO.ome Cty, iCloud bycle t mie.@an a paer mne bin CTCcd. pu 1 pi .ploe.. . in hie pleuecd stras, lec cevoisiesc bcd 1iaos; aed tbet.The 5peijoiChbeof- leLDpritie bu. thnt deidel le ".edieg e cpcco.ctic, gld wu .ec.d." ceb&de. te cibEeglud and à pros- rc rceSi .Pasn eP e'L-£O Orradcctece bceers leegtioet.LinSgtcflîies 'votifst, erh e1cthb~.~ ..îbo gout 5clue pad 4lete.,sue vntof lb.epecelttbet1"aIeut.1e1d tries.debch.ceecc 1heait tu.go .teh hesebet b f. &plaitb.,ete rdee tés i 12ecet.Inbob l ..ecete.e0eto OceOn.mmtet 1h.edU blutegaidn aed 1 «.eJbobtc Ieoblb. the1ec.02 dci. p.ehc~cce cep.cfcecatcilu.d tcece~old. tcc. 5e teet. glad at e'cls ied e,.dtlîd 1no. rai 5bCidee eed -ofcbthe t0'.e..1 el. . p1uit e taî e ude etcheNtoa P r n trui l b . MP . ., ebar =a a. .AnPceloodOuL mepe1.beyeIIl fo he placer .d edehbee h eecdcî e 8E.ynt bigch"dy ibt e 10.Ct hetw, cat. boutiteceingd y oe rdu9 . Gelso arsth dL, .h .mcuiasu itheuuil the 0cbest ebch. .e l titi. cle.i ecgt au. Sheridan. . pltrute oy c. le. forfimnissholec. c pt bta %c 7eate be.h.l. usiceGodo iso it« Mni ithmlecgume..A ubmc b pe e Hrt, hy.e bbA IOtid, ehclt Ocofeccec le Alorwa t th Plce ta sierthéte a, sstcbcc.e.docen, ee e P3 ulel, ajciciuiethe "mcof Davi. ietScseîlcd witb epiub. sudebu,. t. lbi a~u hee.htl Cnérne i .t mesideon is b.cb tueet campng utlteoxacuple more, citt, -hfla blere.UiedSaunM Medotl steck *[th ie,th. e anitinceedleoneoedtn 0emboule, A ,cap Mde ih 25tom of dye, W t Inhle, cei.ii o to150 lb.. I ccgcree!dorme.g.The wle.cbars.e. pldd midgt "ddidaki At. erT, amiig tw h tc'rl~ g ecel14 do5huet fu fotd tmo mctt b. h. ey et traim Clilecbu, ese. réderdge .... ta. à hord cib isddty foc "Ib.d crmkbg bceemand bebkicg cledcee., lbt. Yelowstuue, seit lontct hemeuet. ue k,, >the réel bcd rccb bieg maey fat.The1GaractmtCabinetlbu. Scbid. ertcu- Suties. A.cao ccbdouocceyctccdedm bluer, .edatceeud bluic!eg Clsigtsltue fi t5c,. ticg1 ciehbobccmkeb,cc es"au ttdobtîme 6,000 ocl tcnnit dece" e coch id.sertis idicg bcnne. occeedby pcctlessol buý. OW fauct rlga.c polto,..lticae. pib,.aufilto l cuefld b.e cied iSoe 1,mnecrcSgarieg At ce.e eeu.i ieeierm. etab Uic.tgtliue.OvcdIchico ccpgein.eneU0 h.wace.. v. ch tehe ont A coîcht, d..peloh ulb ui o s Suoiei..Ou.V'cy.derteid cclb.iedecl . wucctflccd hy MaDi red dtton.thel it bc. up tlqc ..hccmoebycP,.ponter orcegala. letulaclu..te heb. dg.s cflb.JOt .h. E cd Soc Couetcel. l7tbAcOe.t, bt We.c Oc no iouîti elt -bu umucî000 reetd. ictece in Suncectacitb esot of eretly danerc . v e rsied et télo rise,110do. odatros . 1hc p ic lbu ie.. .cpsceaielle-e dlle1afut k o a Ilugossi ee.O'Th». c. dcc.. byCc. tdcdhpc1.uld et cot dc Ie99Ce ccc oth. e . uteccccplctele. taluheout -Th .luno tdc ade ou h Uie 1 trioct pcpcdiclcifch, nscenaitcouesc he'lJ. .th.. due..dceo"culteto.tier, Saumeeortitdlpue eth.,c*etdtionu celie.. se5coc(iuth. oco, triotctre.,nd o bche ccPle-ect tord A. Vi. mie.liec. ranouelih e d. ha payba od ePess cent th. entrelMd cdcllcchh tcelty. aed llcehp ,ulcud hec .ympath bc h.odinecv pickaheel. ytome, lîcccl deut cchotdccc W ut.Let b .th h oldet. i.cccb.d by hydracs. Waler,à ue e .th lihtlueo fiîO h Uie Sau hecolcti.t.dt','cho, eeu e egoicthe il, Si tject chtlh w. loti0,ecennuicol. cetisseLILeSircmthattes loco., ch i euui tte *Iiouu hi Jueloelseouict*ee balta;aeceolcc Wfi coSo Olhhvcot ist cl,.ttutclat ie.ltt rai AttilicLisho g. .tco.cVa umlut eteedc et at. oud ccti n rcc eel Ay tt. c euetuc-kcute. tit OlucoAttheOeO. * lbférce tCoss SI, nd b.d ou .ueuecent. Aceteein c= ,ottehi1-U -tl.oo00eu- C-k. aItut.'e75,000tI, c., ythe moto e 'al bald t. due.d ils and thcst hy o dclics go eslt.d. d t u, l t. o. rendIi. . cattotd. Ct..p fihet u. etse, .uc.fcuod sith.y amctcuccu loi0Canon ofth eUserssVoPnKigLPrm sectecmuid net b. dc0cdel afin., anutt,m lc rvet,c o, atull hridg. the ownec Wo. Pae Key ct.pty. Gaetlug hc xaI. e scedi.eouoe. ctwiot, crhu colent. h.lS., ut e. l_,uu.qohlNec,. tile t. Euce blceen Alte nom har. wokwe archd th tac The s agoeil oftrelee cth. o ur d. .stucf lit, oli, Cte hoemC o ch het cLmI o. Ai t- mosistist n uft Ihed fout bd ut cus.toh. de, n1..os! lu, .ccce .co ua 25Ccconedain .AVet.cedy. Ahckbu,.a6c eot.c.e cott Ta l , LF oo guii, i efiaoe E-b Ceicc Cccc. Hro eopt.cdltqecch utesla.lus dutly lese. CUe l~e.,Mlo I euethire and hite eing o wer, dist W. etes 0.. ce iltie ami ale cutict c Dcid t k.W3c1d c tl lGocc.delcCc. 0H- Delhso .. t ui,.oe Acpcic aoYBwhitc SircCheile.tilk in p etho e llitchîch sce hal jot cm.clw . as,It.ltuoccec.da .c poinctusid hl.cck t' c1Ya hrs«i iil h Asil,itans.e.pactiular dc1y te h «lcsie. tet. i. mocetl. goil, oi.1 ,ihc hucbistreflhie pace, sceyhaetrcttlupurtui ic chlhc.c ai ecl et, =4 the lu. t.,. Sichlu.ielîct ltpoad pmcüet îauuh i ihhe ueco e aide o;cdcls,.uthcc eectlelm utcsectottC. Jet c. Craera. dfor pejucy occlhe Croc U.cucgheopc.lh e.c.tUOettettct 00stcioesch. t"eeee cut b o"ledgc O rct,but h ae.thetritcinc ar.oec bideucihtconstat. hnntdrtthe btetthe licut. fitpre Ut c irChtclce fortbeoent 3 owhutbed vcdanegccàccrbenrichDMt 10ehcctcedoeedb..mDavid guiîuhî.eutheltco10, . hict oa t suc, .e cchlcee,y tenu ccccu t,puo ttdîc eh -bet.1ci1e cI t.etl.eocluc TeHhcite. dihfcultyij a.ceioei.g dio eId.ue, hocv., t.1clhch'e-Y aedcc otec-e LosO.... deeetOOoc..totlh., op. Friso.wrcslotegoccceethc alud. o,, es 1h top uy h a cccoaoic, e. BaseeOtl e kan e 0 lot ce. ut utljitlY ith Euglscd, hut e.stfis deàont c.htoitthythapp..dhe -d th. cWe« -ble hiai. insIsdu..and as i wantd muetcith'thceoicecet lfAu.leulij.Lçt lt.. nt-1ltetopofthet oppcog oceed a. t ectOtoe ieuccOec edb.R.u.yi..htPeseclcpc cotccchutt tcedod tco hctcctclmttacdrton. butOrrrlaiss ctulhecxitintgenetent ccccteic9t.he ia- .i het.Atfit.tlbocdlyhtcthethec uecettccuddy.ceîuctceOucectt lecotcd dpa etec~h doe Se. c t latk h lu suiph, diehng the -net a ren Ougttlutt'. .'1 lthd. alutrstecI ceold bld inocluge etc canfr lig we ae ubd- Thhe eoiLt edeo.dict tottuiot i ) sud oinisi Grcr in roaiofclaglite. T tscor etr ctcripcvulhtuugh a cecittetclobercthe pccposiionuclt. Down thebillof Zrevi.-Cmk w lt..lttleclitteth-tO. icthcceccuroh h.cldoREuenicalCooneiliteUnited Occo o th bldet Iccîco ILcb lcpttea , iti et r i. gy1. ..c. ttesUlut. o1891. The Aciens Obtuccaitcii S aclo, tnd in il.rder c occ,c tew asuc uto imilte.puOr, c liqce. aapon ccnituxt eer PcIluly t.é cite cet01.0 etthc. d t. pî ciî.e ud . tcee.eileo ilhhébE.&5 ah ceceei. 'at 1"* eo;t.UC clodeu. Tites W. Concilieat.eseod c-ddeseu ~.uguIee..cnd .Ild.cco.Au tt.mpt ce. me tn boce u 10cuohleesuetil.aeoiitglhcecweehed ilcitcotfucceutdthehc lusoireteercheigoboard prions 1.1 t.,i.uig Ceî, sd aCeia l urpeu emiet.cueueo.ofuc,e.beimtn Aosio mludnebsirtUl elfruits WCefoueti il. Halte ctcàmýd sa.oe5 t, " ,estuulen.teuf! c,. tint ScoolianInt ionelu, che o éiunca s phece-. ai the niht poiedt efie, diltctz6 teuitelh -a --audautil dieste t ipltoCotyfilons]. A dycemylt bi, 1 t th trubl cfcetisit i, ue ent Vstfcnhe.o disapulee,".cc. h t.. cin l:c ith hsec.igilte, cwu fordihp adcb t- mtt uletCe, erccp cccieclehiet the âdemoee~î. thî. ate t bn ndA ceonoerýd 7 i. su, td hlptoumiy. vient,,sacea,cet .Ute.ll, su , , nes eiui ne.lem ebfccoli cr @uprîcuo ec.epbutudestmortcbseec., red o-. o.e. !th Aucîie ood: coueccltieu. 0 ele ad s li ocn e. cehalisoîcu ecseemol.ttemeebt.eelctc ith Rcgleed eotiec thet Cee,,ttifs 'y , ut b.b1 cttd.c teemd tcuujus ce.t.lon Bllle. un. Ouvereenct. The Sc. Peterebucg Itilîccol n caghtin te ceekaneltes,, cecontiltie luulceeutoru e. ihc l"mcuefiliececaliuoccldionueig the Pc0bi..r thurjor efloc h aiso h os. 1 our ecct, fefitg lteh S h ta 1tte A*ttnd tavelngco. Rth bl'ol iitice. .Cualition bctceco Oeeopm, t rekplat cluY, batnet tterirt) . ie vrspleaus. e h- l"'15-lbtrincad Et ccod,d o1hcl.'coctced t Fodceot co ito f w th. viltes o .ls 1h cuttlac.edran. rtransitdueu lnt,.th@ OiibcTh evec e dBe n he(rws e- batte. "ccWce CcIeby, ad ht, ecc mmO 01pur e orteland ilku e asthel icn tbe cpiciil ct-lb hltb hl.dhut,,cedceio hc ceb tou ilt . llS. aIU. chc.tricsiy. juc, Sc. Chocicc mu. giiîy oet otdpb KI ohebou ehma ic hcc . cks flerti Churgea allaiet bie but cf boya u hetiobig relacdtc.,by.. Te hcg. set e ln l i Pedillte e d.ccr pejccp MHoca c dut i tlIie.iy.t,d fbye elt.ttlcu.aubridgchlandtàtecellelbtteAlbert lm rdihep. cf 'h.lccL t'ci eced lu bidge il ceai..It luplscoet .tet ~t. ri .n..upt..did scea. 1lioe,. .C iaUy, tey.udop.o oiiain J_ hmcthe cuenet othcmkccbceceeil 'dh'ihecciusM.1.oIoe t~0 hccad.i..e.cpd.ei rssodlmcilocepA 8bu. tw telnge rcku. aend luco. trictlo hc.. i . y heuetlte, «"eu tr he igl."I et.uuctilduhp thccciogsbout heMl esdue..W. P t. cth.locdSug Ihe beiftot ol"il t icsue facf rite, pclttp. e r ses.i. Ol i sseuiouTc.Ï. ceunAmcant it h, yzccthelb. Su dotitetlacd tce ethle ler Thic ce Jee ite .. hleln nicrh pliticcl piciple.,thmel )a îhiegloiun ttIfe.sdlb. oge oucociflu.e . .0111 ilgeto f mecPpjuisIJ't, it lcoat'. ooca u ailcd. iucb .îfthicg EARL'l CLISIIS U NOg1M. UIiLwdSSue. Tbho Wole uacnt Cielc t. et odhbu t Mý;hee 1h, bitta cmcad fr e h.Springfield Scheloruehadeil. Y theîfib h. eoe tet und erceotete. outc Àe.ecMe i .el c ccAN OCi.fPinhc ohoe chilb iebilicc.te *tt O1 heelce'otct ccled thonsOveeu clîbut muct F. n RRPie ,,bt.9lit Wie.-ehltt.osc. t aceideu.' logerbutaleig e amaucl ot bticetd it %Ve potlic a d.y'. buetir c limbhicg The CO.Ptett s liupleeteo ntttd£Iet Iottoideartmytebas jumlded ; sot deceodiog t.cp m dnvitonuun.o- eehhcroe cotcl aerce ed.hc0hit,, tt.icnd letpecype in luits .l, cuwork lhceagtî tkebles, literelity, Meumc, Pcàt eilW ' mi U. îl.coeymytecsu el hwie ect.the e e n. o lstscarmcc-dceded to lve the employece sleclthiv coup e iaqcr aen, aed th, e ferieg go gcdcei otll unUt îo oie ceSuinbe mollee t ebccte CcoYed hi bitioneeand tcIoptio M.hà rut ,ole tm.tto~.i:bce soShai1 hep bave hietenir m.ybgctciy iget.dla e cionb tal Hi0. foseiet Die e ccecuCdIO" heSu e eub t o tîhe cuenyc0d I~l tm. e . Eulty. Hemccthe îaoîcsdtie.cbwieh ovccy Pclsy. ieleccee-t.i P . tousacofth Unilo shi., I 1cothe.ot ha sc *ait orn m mLý res ecorlm o itl th. stSeS.temee., 11je mltof thie decls elldeloct avoircsionecfindit ueded themoohticse peralcolty cecoed tilib; et cy tittc ecladfratceC.tcull secceî,b.Scqwclbc I. etthcbddi. le lorgcné.oalarme te..aoi. ooeeucSu lncoced eceog t h 3tn North e.ud Sth-DotheitAdche.. Thevea buose.of mc.qcllec.. btflotocueccboton a00Frlday. ce tho ileacus e.l e eeeea ccii.pic &aimas.wiffecl eccihlyfcom lbebiet eagoei.te mul buaSuE Soumt,, oltcri-yti l. huiflcât. y cedaiacclarmge hic.. eccotflet dfsycaimeiosomaheuce da &s.gceol'd-csmbcth tutrlb le p.cdeSocttcutnhee hhcsgtccooe hCt.e bot'lthe. CIcel;th i évnsosth.1.tur ou-. aOlel'd umtta aie note thaî lIlcem Patt& Wotdec teffiad, They hbae«C.orailcdfrontth. Pet es ea n .ccccteeaboe.e ud h. c, clU cotinec eclose thce pleOCe otOffice cthoritie. a e cotttiocode. ccbî,b e'ý vila 1 m hcc0lccccm. eucvecy StmenSat e t , e oucWis orofec.1etuqe m eI tim. cd uccl,.e to awà;ùtabaii. y caWih.,. b eCtt,.ao hcogbthéeConlit.. b'l.botto blerd ecbile. ctiun "a ha tdc. t i lc*t t h Irlageeebostab zie aesCti"per c. ebe.ecec,eit ~IO occtoe:ruch d or se .. eWi it troe, or ut avoDir t. .,. eu, ondtacoedof ltobat t uai fbrosIcculooemehe cd pteic ceb 111c1b, bcce'. ccd.tPack, "coteiloteeetececleecepeihb fait, tla Ihis vayhcUo tasoir ce thonpcb cdhct tmde t.hecireeplcyee, cedd lc* thc bot. Ctyccrtairechc. temetont hltffim 014 animllookbcceecdCostnt cnt ceibe e cchccgive thece l«lceorebetldsplc bamt sricttcahiloca uischamy biee" m cb.gE iep. l uepe pceSuSg. t 'cccld blp tewlyceeg Jeyt.LcSt.e Inccelo det tt.etctc te cpta cd 8 ,h, th, cemiitoy C arge ner of - ydthl polt se* Crac, u ctenda is t e tic,, mlotbeghchaieWLIMopicc osccel . 1 ds1htOO EmIhea cedii facWdger! i15lh ý t eocit besdgetcch'b otcshc hlOcag-n" r tb.cmpanae bu ïh. aUdirec. Meolleel. otlrd cnteoh90ta .lcblctwbtcien Ih l Rtte wrk e motito ody 5acc oect& Sutd p.ete laeci thcialb rtailmlesIemgao te ouri. Telomu h e : ~ . i cie c 1Üeccetlatàc1. ehMgd iharteedcdnte-&IL hItoSuebSconA~wthe thétai _______a______yluia uttra.Item a Io, - et Au ti t '-A.:MURRAY 7'CO' GRAT', ýSU-MMER The whole Magnifloent Stôok of Silkes aebeing sold off at. cost pries. Maonlés, Costumeàs, Shitwls, Millinery at .*ost sud iunder,. Drese Gode, Laces, Ribb redluotions hitherto unheard.of. Many ehoicelines ieve-y departnment at haif ,he regularj No sensible pereo.n hotold fail to lay in a stock at.thi. grpat- sale. THE *GOODS MUST fali imipQrtatiooe. A 0 ..18, 20 AN - D29, XING o M ammth a Diy Goode, Millinerjy, _O Boots &Sho es, 8 We "will s'eil them O0heaàp. See Bome of'Our pi-55Q0~5f150,4otb1jO.betelgodshtternre -Table Linens 25c.,worth. e. muP ToweUù'g 5c., wrh16 White Lace MosIin !5., worth 124. uhli orh1e Colored Mualinjs forl5S., worth 10. e I'ng~tcaPdcc e arpes(ep10,wo Fancy Pilote do. and 71c., worth100 sO d1o e.o . Càrpet (Uniioni) -28., wýortl Grey. Cttonde., worth 5c- Carpes (Tapeetry) 80c. woc 'White Cotton go., worth 8c. - A. good.Tweed suit for $5 A1-îool Halifsx Twýeed 35e.,.worth 50c. Black Cork Sc3reÏW Twill1Si Ail triceooliillecyaoued culy.culeliceee aleocet liaiS prie. UsàtrimmccolRaoi, ho.,-att US..,eana upc mo-ais e et cieàrte ci8s cto cwüh eat oo inloor ec. De't missutho oppoteelty7 te gelcocce0 Ganascdoce.ana edoc oct tef, e offec yen beegoine. Ail gode eeolfor Casooly.. Don't.frget ih0 plats.- Apply t»'l3mS LVERY. mm 5h1 tece. 550ta - ut-CC Ldyc.P3E8ADCI mIheumand AND OTEURhc MAil 7 StR,.!LTOX,., i -STOVESTNAE Hate cpeneodao eew PAINTSOIL PAINTS RIa. 7?iVsMtoll / .-cLt-c± tcV'ARTB ORLY SotjOO Pe,,csaslmchdSc .5-1 outpcioe. u.1ey,-cd e Mwnb i lec li ci e e. ce ecec utpuetpo5 cloîblet.. uS '>oL'lO- . .R'lR- 1 -R ME e.,ateteahe oon s imofno et 0esceedtupé depeb.U lao e Ail~~~,.'hêP fie.Oeilc.ce eo. i; - RTBM GOS. ne . . dei te . Y bat .t . 44,5 LACES. in 3ilk and bele tceducpe. "ICI: U5s, iosiery uR i to make-îoosslz, FHAMILTON. Positively tllesSU Us cheapest CURPeti 1 $e.00. W00, woitlî $14.00- clé vccy cieocp. -slepl ,Pest gcedc cveculitc0hi2. 1Georietowil i 11. 1 '0" 77 T- ih-

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