Tnu~b~nxçCm~1distance, smenàlaouBT. f On1~m~IJX~3~st Tomfl8 ~ndc o xM - kb1e. exmi - efrtc - - *ra-lr sastomadi tefertigwitabotbetL0 at? * ftONBULEELLfflD~ jW.D.Btben;é& .tyCmntbss eodset.ero ftaost -. ~ ~ -hl in dscaeo etb-.osrn, sreoaetta1 osoay û iO4ý te e ta la isditotesrraag aa Oa nTntte*wn jossa -.48 Posselbtes tUalsibasoc,pcay c f.à&as rors diolak. Ant,'ll4 yTrso1 Do e:la - .ras rosïfad.tejobooér pleded notr Magge Mas'.d 4 a BiÀ3 aiod1 Total aDooher c<esat..............:.070 gsity. Johs.ýDewar, Esq., forl. b.,the-- es stsFeb'Caf *nmsber of elrctlons taob..........8 95 Croies,=adD >e6latos1Eo 115 itas b sl4Dowle 4 'yraH -JadciOUh Taslie tald......................... 175;plqaoo.E *. 1711dRerý I"b Cossarostiore bor ..d. ....... . flao I a g c&by),Wo. HearsCbj , * .dl la.e Ispeter fr te Cnto' f Ra.bojnl tatrrdor, W as. Glaostani- .......9....... 99 boa ea.i ot lu asybasds en thetttta[Bruce 8 *r bÏ,Bill Bese.o lib 5 Paoseilltes;..;............. 41 o Jooe for the errent t Mes socder 1(pmess),OAugootlasterobo.f.Fstao- Cotooratice adooodo ars 1il oa;. eet se nearantftttaote iaa. 5yr.,by jodgqe Ors; Lo *8 bè Tt'l'ho Torscotiooue glo'Th irl Mtsin bereiMns.wSasdas lvés AGtatDWcitll' l.rt vctore talai teaodo 'oerE:a a o getis Morer;I fee aer I Itas, 4 yn.,oyParts(lb 131,9010 Clapt s lle Esd, East icn or;spps bo aI lb tbhelAn 5AlfastiOra eta:g. Oen Boit, 50YesiFaOl j .tsSotI llota, aslar asdiaaos Treirs tadtogentte a blT.Iioge Coollo. 1108bni.(Ce. -Wise); - eWaortas T he T taausser. off tist; 1- arrlitd> .asdlu, bySboebiecod 118bboiJotu;afl) 0 vatio gan aetrmida it la 21. anod, whintas.a tae . .-roa, T 1e ar'a rag oeo eta Tatubcoftha Uionlatonctareras osedroo,îoorped. oore. ad1ld - tswe Thebotîl as ~avieo agssot mmb sste. Th. Londosdivisonoca relcoooîd net tab.otalaeaottaiir;togatlBasie Doh, 1taI 5 aisit Brewood: gonlaitoly U isoat Il foi mainta vsiolent naomr lasd nute . e aast east a taon ýhittaee oie a. i pU d alat off;ores IgaI theb foot Hery, Wld Broo, "-aàP'r * todbaee ;Uurd Xa.oao Iteaboeli e rea eto or tre tnim ano, 40 tel 'ag__met ece ta o o cortisarbasadiottri afaIa .osoriCroo.toaasoO (i'arrast pree. sdDàRoaIWebipgtoto. TtÏfao Oa Harebtatrve Unisaiaaadtc lad., cd.) Aded saine oi as lnthe aOy of ta mecellent start, Bo Boltierlthé * ateslaae boe raretood.Eetioea ttao verront aller. Me,. OSadrooto Ortt tasholinbheenot wita Robe of bee ald to-day is treety-for coacy- arrest; theo test ttalag that 1 dld obos Welllogtooo 171ngooot las,ýFrdHlesr m ats berotteoofbocOIocîte ooce i*as ta put sY andAnet AhR o oateg nottaloceý tests wil b.hsoes teooow.e. ro ad onoteaboldcr ccia synbc iresty Wld Rose, Ma.a MAY,.liadfBoums rtira tsrepieg of thés Unionisto laayrsyoooor; I thonplt the nipperaionIRahe. *P .la tbe stand alelidla. esppiog tbhe trosgtb h o Il ladso boo r ; and pilled bheraloog bttere abo oeoie iMgaOad-bobos pbace.JBe nie voe'n te armng isric.; theo dalag.eor l OOpreatota.- 1Botw taolil la heba., bt be'wa *.The Poil Ma0G11 ocotte coco ceas ounc hro. ôo io té Io seties s zeoooeacd and amethe ofiar eatrootedieith, 1ceorth, and theopare .daially bege a wonseonreasthbGidoonias oBide. Th.o,!warrant; hadlalIte do cetta il; 1dia boil. Fred Heory. glgoengly asot aisotaonal paty Oaa boacotIle boponotieg froreIa aeoftonoceto-lolgai ge binoeraaefd of hlding maar, e baot celo estil I gel thoecareatt te arrsi; bltlaRslO Welbcbotagco maois orderete estape a disoatouocomomreniation citta Ms. lSadceeoon lotalonebarta te s. tile Amt" i10t411 arretl ber; I irete tte Ailsthasd asbifd loto tbitd,.Bannie * The Tibeases aaraseol ]et théa!Polices lfglclrate- oneor ti-e is Dabe labo forthtan5a wild Itos Ota Cosrerctires ebtais as loîrproedeel rofertOte te thtermotter. bt e<,aiccd iith to tra og ont. Excepi thas wrisgooocjrty.1ý .. no0 etry ; Idid ntOenlosethbi;Ben Boit gaeas01g000obacatg sbot bl Loocoit, Jly -0. lrvaooiPaît I01btt aire os differeCl eccaos iomad.botmadWild 'Rse iras lbe . 9 Omaette ILi lil seaeto e h.eoe (o ita about MmesSaderoato;1. oco o r ae cas littlo du.agoo ai mere t atha leellos asi"-We are tiataabot the t te eseodrceloianIaloeabeg 0eo . Uneailtreab beate.a.The t*lab f tht catte pille4 Jaq snec lott ttrial in Oabilo jb bWll tamesvery espidly and gives a cîror eajoritc galet the 1 taanoltol the Plicet Magistralet hodia- apeacýieu.Ihte bond-eofIthe treteta ricltry. The eiy q'ototiolî rcia- bras cevarat agalot Ms laudesea ; maI a hoél bî for tht lal. Fred îcgia othaethOe àMrqiotbSalis-coaetoay rebat lie dia i reil I; tht Hilory, boceecer, ceas ùot te bo ia- b .1ntsSth o icY" arrant tas rOtcoely ame throaogl placd saeasilyanod bocg on withBlo boricllctooenryt eoct*." tht mal; Idia tcange thedistoooîîoas 0eot b atird Bonne Dulie aWarenÏfo'Pàrr.ntsîand Teriseo. Iwarrat or emains my e ricagoit; ft anoeilÏ'BResto 111. Eaboring rom so ledoottraee sgtthe ttettta> thero cas aa abmoos * Edcead-,Playter, 31.D.,irdibor o i, ootpt tibat 1 cadoeseol lb; eecerpoqillgaf ip and a vo ework Àfan, À CoonadionReiIl àg oiootie,,1i arbtdMe. laodeesoo frodie fiet;Itooorenetd. Bole p. ,o Wuld oto (eotribuboro te wcoo bt oeoe îodth 1igllte ton erbott losea totothet 'ogoîbor aed gallaotly the daogbbor et MostDrasinent sienotisteo f car, country. a lieu toebthéft oodre by tho PrnctoooaudStolon Motoarooponded and aoulo diiaca abit. Dr. Seodolîog, aop ie r a rnootdiIa trteboMs, te theGall. Ia tlot attoolen file aa cf Trotbo, aooilioe. Po4otljoal Nelli, Se=reocitht te ditreta carooltt; tollaoed thétlie dfeated Pred Henry et Victboria (ollgt, Cttatoogl astoCothaadil tt atout ame te lobe ira. and inoatcoploemotre Cr0a0 iadioa tam "Fl baslomioog. ietotioooab trot-.Satdeotoina roootbOble way; Iioastheo olbeec ail loiog cp oitb Fisher labotioal, ira ooti maatbootafo ail oootMotlOOîteron Ogtlyller thetramisas. ooed csd DuofoWelliai te edoto oo.Il 0 ooicooollysa.tOtuOOObttOO sand wuoctinog atacton- totoriogog op is thoesaur. o codiolattbiaiad laaloodaidblo cu' taltsimuldart lu kbobtorojal;bobhdred yards froas the fiish Fred- tal 1 tot ettolo a lt torBotdidctt eto-o aoy poperaento atofroasReroasd me0 srebid for tholosa. this in th sc-ociei iastt ptbàrttcBut;otnotl aîs- but'o*d Boebad the foottofaia, ma Éooaayctatoîl orttlt i.cdtalie ith a warrat. inabig gallop ohé eetnand o n Oby basedloooooaorarecnedatoh lat alttbl JON CtOrC orooesv.-Aooio ed tlotooqoaoeseofaltogtloMr. Hs0rys inrlnmmt erau.yo O jjtOton, trBotheorta wretacgtodo'ay tent big rottono o "Lr'r u lojoooooIetasbo rosttoin Mun Snolcocto; etreToasi o lthall, andl Chl obaaMaid otrCryéc -y maodtho latetsittoît investigation thon b iteioig-rteas; thoe tst tiig trot Ietios frere île. Hendrie's con of godyte Hhe er are u Ui ottclar t l ie Tom)tt dIiaoot s te thBrothaes by BillB rsctaod Wi1d BRob, celilo food ye thra rc imonwhoarcde.théthrtat ael las mthat haie asott begtboff ameBeo Bot, maoodisI mAslloell'tliltheIpaoioturyt-ceoote lta ie mttîeir tg ail; 1troeed, and tho Aunt Ale.;Booooe tangltosnthe puolocli . ,oildloifif tadolie b coDooe siath,a. 1i ay oytcortaBra Ea tr elboeltî- aio t iaeî ot stler te gobeo boaol ce gtb, rohorean nothtasd talon teachligoo ithe ena. o poy tato fine; ho joespeC tn Dobo tf Wellb.gfma witppngin !rerat ied ondI le e d eopctineBoloooagaiorwel ot on thé side Tiase 248.1, 9jsettonds fater thon woocg1tobodaoonttcoblnelonga toin a ralta; Tooatooerfetel ritta Brothoes Willie V.'o min lut yeao. cool théfat- chiooatbd te0~ . ria ltaoie.afet outo ; loo pltttd op a chaioýaed esttiaso mIitathe iceipt avoeir mnde. Mli . btt o t nto tchelol uonlo tot- nu2lot tld ktatth lob (Brothers') The t ialecao restan 149.> tht hebaergemhchILth txt baesuloo. 11112Rooo 1a about thoéIttett bootaJe cllol o n loolly ;oimoto.amol Cotta.xaaincdol.-reothaes aretotd QooooooPlate ciotr Mr. John Witt, *eerlc as ,o othe d ink tahevi26i431eSandrotoioîthediniog-otta; o a Mot, bas raiseo. Sho in atbig aserlon n i t eo poio îatay lndbrs anereon ato caciolet a bbt aligchantatare, oandalloés- mlta'y oftiloataecteitot lomnbiood. r elao.oranetltl; Iietheeasaaid cantage oftoin the bet toaneaofelb Ittthorntootolron the faiaoo epott1 lot tlotr-aoo loblosoattr and pot thot iaole field, and wirastoaioly îlot oot' ando pelnlt tottoeopit lit roitlo a niloIooo.9 ci'loe; ellotdiohet ov0000I rioidto. Sloo 0r ai ytaobt cra big eniiact." .tlolotkoootil nlbo thore herorlo tlo and fat. liat yetooloy Ctarley Botleor lItr; odinet s t lers opoodoto nc a ad barreoon p noarly tboperfection. NeolbAr C to i oilo. riaoat. - tabstands 15.2j, o andinby Pointot - . witon, soeoo.-SareBBo.(ofo Oalaad an iasp. Womrbat, by * 1fr. .istoelt irI lli'erol joooilmetattherrs itlo lr'. Satdeolort in roent foot Austalien) out et Stolto iKiiet, o yeldy llit st leur; saw noe 0007 111e f thetfoacas; by t.tlt ea tLcol fol01 th lonvicîltiaons inllooooo. lbalpioooolla o11y nceCohrane loncioogoldtfTtom AnnioLaurie, tay orp. Lajodtotofe> Qoooe cill, btwo aloor feter.'obo-Stooltroto. 1 Yellow Stoe, the dam et Libertycal Immre', onioolr leot rti At. Ioe gm wt. . RoIeîooer. re-tallol hy M. btho footdatita i of l. Wtiospn otbo-oaieroellot10 oaiotleo l IcGlhtea-Woot dorn to loln and awcc so tn i'breeo lVilto l orooer Itoe Caonoda- TeraoncottActt- nW. Il. Yooug in îthéShoriffsofficet; boaI grnî jorper. Shis eogaged ai boa- lolrrndanoiot irol eoltn0eor an%- a oeoooo.ootiorit hir.I toge. 10 the N4othAniseitonn od m oootienreolo-lMayrente b rioiioool't - Thoe Jagorpriranlol Bothers, Troublec tolthabS. Ie. 'loOOohoOhldi.inoopoooo:oaooerrfiralahht itr0fatrni iproperpo- Tho grrea ovetaoeiog0er the0tab - thér 0111rig b oi-ciyl oO..rlll te orolioo-itorlino te do, lnod rben a bo denod attentioceas tht Wasdtine St.trute dois ,ot 1ni toeoorollio-io'tly porton0cinolirpoititInoonds hliegs, Stptothao eer abot l24tmiltafor oerilob.nd Vie loto>tra or i o r theoolo loi ouloobc texeooedfotres. whiçh.bostartes cere O W. Rendre. btareoo i lgr toac ooorolobch eoohtoroiîo W. H. Yoooo, P. 2.hcoo- îjo's. t. g. Inspecter, cgtd. by Berlin, nf li tIo Il lord toorl wtllaa soooohonate predote 12Ibs. (NIoLaohlol, . D ytacolo ch. bon te ootoodalo tlooltheoolîttOooIcertanopopr; Itotodcoi ll of coete lma. Lucy Liîtatioti, 5 yr.. by ii * casonot inoloreio h oi fPt e,;' ldinttr arret dant puols anly. 1416ibs.. <Walloool, Ritlono Ibuot toat contoetiroorooni enlo. roollch wat incood on Itoe dnte tof ton- tabhîtab. g. Willie W., 5 ya. by Princ- vicito; Brotelors olpoorol odooeatite lion (Warder), C. Rates' b. g. Slonrrott, lbXAYObl'9 CORJT. td onvariooani tGoorgetow on ta17h.Jeroaldby Oytereoo. r., 189 Ib. (Cr FI - nil; I dia net tor-o Mi. Sodrotalit),I. .Biron: ch. g. Bruce; agd, by On Soodny ofteroooo bolnohr eano, iblo aoy payer. exceptelo toooanoitre .dgr Corîlo, 149 lb.. (Gracer), Dr. A. of ltfilteo, itou diggerm r dIoimoe as- o conictiono ty rgoteolebt;aerd Stalites o h. g. Chadot, 4 yo. by orep. ecitothe lo rigflotloal looiotlr." cwaraotof ctolitaet du1-Ilo Jolooe, Tlouesorore, 148 Ibo. (Blengi, E; A. boda ce-ooon sirroOlfr'loaaresetolokbilitlome tu eogetownbrrao 1711oNiols h. g. Spetteît5lyrs..Ioy Samrel LandLrogh 1r tlooaoooî.boo.eoe eeoobrrtloi'otoon peuloes.148 Ui. (i rooh),maodW. te Caitlentire riloa rille. Laroli eatao,oandlloaolod saiooeItaBoher. 0 'B h. g.Williamsreod, -yT r - rreoloc-eso~tod bhy Centaooî boHe soesias rlled, aooo, osn iiIbo. (owne). Wilio W. iras gD h ololgcol ino jolI. Ooo Moooay aeot ofloii4 bnheofileteoigfooitatOaIotbroese COoorg lorreaolorOl.It lx-oooMayoreoas djoorocolbiilb o-000oo. n 10boe 5ogiat, ton Chandos ana liosoroooanol aoouooolltoforoltri-. - Saceooe llodsbeorooieci I bto r-Willam; cesta 15 te5, Luey Ligbt inortionlieo golot rZ.Petboo Dfrloo, ooa Coho-nteooiSeoody lutI. Ho locteoi Shasootta25 te 5, and BrueCen5. eftheosaieIOtoOoiil0 ,for ca4-hol. Pro tu botlrol htftre. tlo ioduaetho lîtla AIl oloolelfairly etouogt, bout y tho théoo ecotogicro hot-ore Nb Weysiooojooy, anodplesoddpity. c es a resIteaehiol reosd cas Trucatdlo îthé Maer sud D-o. Snooth, Eq.,J. I., 0.. andcetosl. o'ly borese i0 the rarec r e .Bi. oe Mtrday ltitw ly 00117 'leHeoW"IfonI ___ Wlllo W. col Shsmrest, tho lt Titr. Dcoetbco.cigeoulieiro n. tfceboreceon easly ty aoncor iglit bol.S lo otimdtat elloo uglol JtlLY buOM. éogststaWillebtcthebalatter tace. ti oolir Cbiloroooas elle tloeigbt fit, sl - I ingasiiaot ho eli cas dioqoaified cami hsel riileot diesWillamno raica re fo Pli d hirokplcn scll.Secal sontsilancerrloeo tod to pao er rnndhero. ied5. tioncetalarider is tas finI îte b e. prt. aoooool the btys'aoo-tlo - StreoriLanolroegbi arretel foroseonodrod abnd tole is jorpodcne taoagro-t tiîloopolies reariCer au botegîrocasolthaeteiisg taboot fer.aiileorsroeanddthen got trelsof ]lreroir6 anod,«hyrpot. ente >Conorittrl for trial. aI Ils por. LuoyLiultlottrcirbar bavec boeartac apiooeiia. StarlNîffl Jeon Klly uae .tcd fur teiog drosta ride, Walhoo, teaaily in tha cool fild fnloln on andolbou oosl 000teanldigooololy. Fisol1. ' on theolutrondlandsoeeely bruib.l .borp tho pore. -Ado e l Kly coroetoolfor b.lai;bb., tsha aicg ta e b. lobes thlia flOn Trraoay lot bis Wtrcoi1lînMyo ,ockbsudîdisrdry.R'ichtargoïl. , bepilaeo a stretohe .1 AI luot as- EIreuasl sollu00 otet 1 the Tores Mal, oo ea t6oIei ~ eobb "I;raoOgmee5Tory satin' cen the CitC Cutalobanoght.%bas .Pin te1. ao.boi-r. tu.lbar eb aonn Jordan l otr b.iculaeokbnaorder:Fuo f.or h a a..osoooolt.o., ar bL.Williamc plecdrd gailby asaI cas S. Lsoloboroogb trial by Cooty the rider cf Wlfic Wý, wcarlledboh aood5lmsol$1.50otste. . Jodg and fiord $0.1. * -. gve an asn ooattofbtaoig~ing thes J ochnsKly ce alic aIrein tha To cadoesoe tolol for arenoltbct. rercgcesY Of tébore. c50asl *chair co o harci etclhitg dootnrlut .re oolty Jdgo=alsljooed. tliodroalost.Tire,7.29. disdariy. Ro ploasiod Dntîguilty."Tiro oudsoJarees rereretloci for tiai For tas 'Opoo .Cash -HatodaaR J. wiibeses cemo coneoa,cho nlobod tor astblt, .WU ho. g. Dantan, ocadby!sp. thas tiey board Kelly on thaenrci. . Boasie Stootol, 1021 biesPêeoa.E weom awccedarlyio thereemingtay I - PanlC. * bit ooerscg as el oliirg 0on theret; Rcnenberthe social in aid to, 100 its., lRDooglaos), .c.Ca ttat lics restg ,p Qeue, tret. te of the banid at Mýra. Mgrse's b. n 9lbep. .(CITesrol 4P~ Jordan'a balise thry boaol a toFeu ltongt.- b. g. GIerge L. 6es. bVit,1b5 Ke-bCly t-octJordan'to elir off, suiolilc -( Cosl)too.BataIGeie NerD7 ias tht causa f taetroble. M *He aRo oxg cII. trtd abereis, 20te 5 ob-blfia - vacacONTARIOO ocbo. - - j - . - giet Bl, ' os, . Tesatec.Bfcobto <AolKelly rai. tha net for bisg The anolamer reaeblgsf thesOnto leis Irosoaiey atsllaIia dreiaffar UTdLaardcclY. As tas declam o ck e>hy Cubooraataldsil te WàodbiÏ learner leaiasbngt: ., m la fsaa% il b oe I h e' ecTone sR lancley ayolBrait Gscrge L4'.tboesasse drebsool011 tilu.s b.eiietùblimbetcItaseprsont the tllocelag atrdaej saldfImmtas .'itao coae'ra-aîR "D'bro. te 3u7orafordIiimsd J»rgo fitth iHoridir0egre the folfieag 7-- - way, and slUt aIth ,ar oae a i Oosia.Iso 5-beasooo tlabM~s isoeesly t 2.80.- Ma. Ohiltdaà't. * ~ 8a5s ailait a atr i ~ lolt liloaI, k Copes! bo- teliteFrcd, aýed, b'Efee2lt. 00 ,eastssosc ot irothobore thalo-ailr te- hail O <B. Jsiis)~l-r1F-be'rtOsoei y R l5~ IolalallaNcsfairb170 col. Thasoooa-eer lI re e 5c lb *'io of Oteb Ploumés, . .at4 eio torsdc EetiebloOo 80 p 10izu ioOà.01 teaistlfo -e asesoac eetczlbro F te M j. ~ I SPEE-5e mtob.tbhae-witthmo ftgeos'ira-haea red tbsl ibst1a aal's't so IL.~ cchf ae.Os saa ireesal sasrret cf thia'b.obotaeedrop' Jes D ...o.o. 1- 0fB42 otf3 Ece ree red rdaal , LACS DRIlla 0àD10c ._ 0 Dewar .ece .... 419 foeItrsdbe.taîe -:s , , .. W tr.lp oflief.CéB1 Rare R.osît.alaW a ee h lava radosed te l0t. Thcy JoIlfEl..... 411 dtaiCseificjcaé.ttoIl. OeClcedDeaG..d tiratesbo ots t.b-sbollosiopebsocea&LI iaFraaW ~419 of 9ie-5 -Cesopo'oe ps as tac cala ira offer o roesitelme - B arlay 8t Wr ay resa...... co ll(s. t10 Sf IsaÉopr ...7... Willie Bod 17 .Lsued ar 845 Sara Bell ..è .. 465: fliara Holfinrabe..... '..48 ai Ii -.7 =Z. 44CLOTHING N, H MLTO CIafredDesfara...... 4 Eibo Moffat -;-4.....-487, Willie Doear ................-i'.48 Rota Bel.................48 FloeeoLo-oocy .... ......: 42 Mary Mobsoa'**'.....419 Saraha Bell......... 4. Maggie MtRsreelI........... 401 . Ma.tealf ................. 88 196I-.-.11l X Jobs Moffait................. 898 - * EriisLacsry j.... 804 Eddie Ohloglor ............r... 802 -- ý WIL ITE- FnogSo loi as Te Jet. loto. Maxire. sr....... 1 Reqobrel ta pais- . 85 a ' Aulrel Waldic ............ 1o .807 us Grea t Bargains in: Sum-me> WaoTlBcred 817 Chaoles Usbco ............. 884 BelRoberMhotono............ B114 - PATICULAJB' ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO TE ËEFOLLOWING, 'VIE.;. Soie Moreeod .. ......... 60 -- ApoeStoeat........... 0 bobo WlIae..1....,.89 Broeaded Pongce Silks at 856. per yard. -- A splendid assoRrn ent of Parasc 'Caosine Hatsant ............ 1858 0triIîed Summler Silks at 50e. per yard.- -Lovely Laces-just reeived-40 'in Thomas a sest ..... 580-ol $5 wià vr ld Mora'soareot............ 452 Grand valùe in Frlech Dressa, Goods, inelîîding AIwo 15,wiheeyld h Eddie eàriaso,.......45 - Vangliers fit 12*î- - - -. Special linos6f New' GoodS in'e' Loaie Frestoo ........ "s31ttral - - A on EtasI Fottr ............ ... . 81!-- AlI-WkiOl ersey Cloths at 20, 25 and 380e., mtuni under UsualI. VIlî. Aogoher. Reav Cioobo Lladsay ............. I825I - prce; - .at 85e.; worth $Jandbeaut: .Pn~ om, fan S e sot.IoND. French Organdie Muslins, beantifl gonds,' at 120e. - ate at greatly redued puie Maauirete asrh.... ......801 Roqan obrtso .......... e.4- Dsoa Mbo 418....,.._ 18, 20 AND'2Z XDNG -E Biale' Eofa bl............41108_ O e~ ~ Rn" o roteo ..weI.......... .401 Ctr Dew ara.o............. ...41 - aroa ob.... ....... d401 P ....1..400 - Caorendce socla .. ......... 884. CFloence Fetine ......... 194 Apoes c oareot ............ 82,1;ir-.' BertasolBrown............... 87 G rIte.c el oth a se................ 1817c l Lona Laododoerogta....859 bitgeLssay.......,.... 852 LGerie CLoie . 1-TTn Li'..tob e ::oR . ....... 8 1 Faso, Jota. 2 eIonTEolors.20 Maimm ars Mam ot 7%iUliam o chaeeb .sa.......... 41,-fLT Edibth W o ......411i S» At oobe f ao. ............ 85 An- i Sl............P-8 Malt.r Bootbc.... ............1117 Ef'Lic e o.. . 1.......05 Dry Goôods, Millinery, C Alfoci Allas. . 128oos5r)oe .loopboToota . 854Sh es Rh . lllaoott.... 84. 1 .....Pobo. . 81 - Fauxlic P.tne lor. BooKTe 2xDIaIonoa 1000 .Jaco toC'nesîbooeL. u Ie prsoitautoe. a bho.g,0MstockofNew stimuler Gods oit -a greatl o Manimreo re eaoh............ 495 Thoureste ass..... BWe will sel them Cheap. SeE)so" in of*ouir MoRoresl.........41 Moe o.)a............ 4410 Deîodfrsw î~btegodaif~o- Table L.inent 25c., 'orth3 Aoon ie n. .........:... 42b White Lage Muslin 5e., worth l21 ,oej0,00 aOî- RthWason. . . . olored MiisIinc for 5e., worth l. . Sllt* 0ecoroea,0 oawpts:enc) or10.>or luiLvr ..... 7 Faney Pr(nts 5e. and 71c., Worth 0.n1 - - Carpet (tJnion;) 25c.'. wortb MooHlîbrb........... 868 Gry tto ewot e -- Creî(Tapestry)830e. woî andan White Cotton 5e., rt8. --- A goid Tweed Sugit, for $5. Jle bs oh.......... 81 A11--wolHalifax Tweed .35o., worth 50e. Blaek'Cork Screw Tyvill Si R obert Decear .....:.. 8tal Cili ardeboo. Sb9o ,852 mttea lillinooy sol Rendy-eade Somere -lset ahall pritn. UtrioeraBts, fie., li loc.,ànel upu bros Moloboh........... Parsgabos. ':,We asoot claotl Iis obocta ceilc e sthe ater la vare. Don't rmisstht opsoolooily la got. stree o Eila Mîloaoh....... . .jCanada.. Goreanse ac ooo claf, mc offee yen haogaias. AIl gonds soîl for farally. foot fscgot tas place. - Jares Stewart .... 1100 .An le COo........... ... 4 Gcnb'ie Haicos..... 4 Ocorgo Prarqota -8i7 * .dym PeoDo-oseTe Scc 'Cc. Maxiasome kasho 870 ' Moqord t s ;opo... 2 '~OMA~ ~uw " Ebbel Andrhore....1......R D1 -Iepaohnoen . "1,Apply;to-,-IMES. LAVERY, JA UtII E...aBrown.s 810 - MMSiObeel, Mottes. Graie Fcreoen.*"«...... 809y Sanly Ipoon - .....e....o...P808LEBU AEstraiE. Maosata Roi ......o r th0, Marp Mtduiarta.theOALL ...T. Job. Clmit . ....~100'l . ~î -Ellza Màrli ..........cca~' Z~-~O,- asaee a Frltg .......... ....25 al Te, sr o o A largo o.. , .Ù00 T_ÀINJ'M-1IL T DY1 -,c olora - 1 ý ý- -- 70 -- 7 - .a,~ 0 . O 0 Mares acho tî k~'.K~.l0Bu'i o Reqob5d bo.. ..0.0..0.0î.kasrela.ttasin Clae'Iob . 1jarldO Aritsetal, -' Wlfelan.. . 2 ""ootoooo'- '- las.Asb a ba. bm M, BP.IEVE.5 .11 to h, WeahI, te ano' Dy iatu &oY. hori.; Qois ot -s$1 là.i ment à oit1f Uier .n Sillis al îColisu, lMervelletiîx,1 rid éxîîmlîetlîeni. uüse, , .Carpets;j uar poioes. Positive ly t1leo are' $8 hee,00 -t5 Jo, Worth $45 leàtcey cheep.rleetp- stock of Eardware, EK BRýUSIlo supplies,' kinàds of - .Hay. Forkf. Uo:: & 40 -CAL j f . lbf t~' O ite lt bio ans ag nto ope .ory ILaea.on Me botO [atttaeceo'lbloc k axees. Aboot 180 papilf hiotin tothteroooly are è'enteance oeanatoeOt 5Model Scheel hors. asernorKing end ,u triO ail ion latonllthett lies. lio fiol. 5Jr ioo, iras thr fort Cat feto tcoesunmt0oootinoA frit ircEtlobannis fao'ru oral .1Kiw;al colîoat ity graoollttofr0a0, t1làe 'f Coarlisle laI te Ilor othe geleoltlooesl Li, 1h01' soitrcIoO. arES lioncai Lioerloo eso t iGorgetown i for 010. I ueca ool be oon n iaIcr a Wan Coeoooa vea c V 'OofiairOO. C RD0Âty.aIîoer halotr .a, eolt h Loica' Aolof tht % acTolita0la0t0a eebo u1 o00te c hai hslaOeOof "roiOO 00 attoete, bHamiltt.* ooO Sinuel Ln rrooofoaforle, odgol 0j ll. Iilliar i p stolAolerI Bteltefataiglorao yca. er" 1 &Oerd by l'o,,.il o StOriaisre. 0ooiig 111 ir. i. . C .lrak ontodo» -lilyth. c la gf n i ot.oo atoilateoifaîteo es leiwl ir a -0a ) N1 sR ,er'ea So1osi.l nos of Gloooti le.1 etcD. is itttO to.ieî Utaasiogjoigs -pi. spe mlt1oonleoo rMblnairlooOnpo bc e a lue.-'r %911 MTcdî.iter a 00- 1f.esprlocanokltlothe jjfiig inforomaotionsat tutu f0ktorB,[, ai 11110 egas' i.. tl rtuain aogPot tl raleotanoovtlrLe '0Sebovslso v a nultje.i'%Vaeît. o -Cirateîreb catroeooo r 11it f,'n eongteI -ý . ebortt, coocoid OilBssrof oglt ooileon lhaoCVeotî ta lave0 ýPM_4lboMand aoollit 4oopîgjetc %leooo e liePte&-Star. ornernstooesof ch aI Batlia %y ettrnotot in tho pros hi cf People. by lIn.'I ýr, anod'lb, caTmle, fttàs .asll 400 boboi e. Tht 0' t'