Ch. C. ail t5.s g~a5 1, niniafBillarbyî d4Ihee-*-1 _ -ýI - S, .S-O '. , , oit34M Mý - _ ,.ý--- ,W w -staite, u -r_- ýj lk ý' - -l' - ' -"]-à:.dtb ký 1 t ýu q,%,MIV 'W-Àkýýlýýýi,7ýý 1- - - ý ,ý,,ý,-- - 7-' ',fqU . sngsss tsaf. ~ ~ Lt t 55555 . datqa5.5 a 555go, fwssr5Legèýýý .A. 3 tir 4eetrd aRud betteslisirton am5 q..e ; .p - . ILT.O iN,ýý ý , .,s,1 .iDE . s ,iantuyTe55e ,btaeect1f1 ý mda' ý,-- t-'---Ze __-' -I tfmâ t. ______________ -_-___ sihat~ -seifce 5.fse1eCs .- 1 .larn.te &Y t-,ihon le'cl hsit"l -es1 .1d--y;?- a' sd liaI , th ---,, . -a - i w tIlâtat =apt.ed -srth. seram cf., frOsind. A ebesses- 1t ,th s i 1e1ti e se . . - . 1 , . 1 , , > s5 1 t 57_ - ., ý = - - " " We : 1ttd, alec St - ee'1>.e fese-etd n - , t _. ý s jaaS. o i es dcs. .us ldmti Ihdtil .bec-atbeU3 tax ~~es. ,oz:: -7.705 - , &5MITCHELL. .huit r. 15hI I 1e,15il ",hAbais a C s ee. ý - .lai=epaie ta .i U t',e oali.ada e . t . $T3 ai dIs s es B MY -pass'h. -. eea white- l ' y ày dee o MPInfs . .1 10t _- bt. a cohal aa al, - - -- t iadfse ,a».tere. Doitm aytr.a i.. .% in -Y ««Vcunit, ,This . 501 . a Se iaeehad 1 'dýatt h iaO -las ibsassas.» UA ......:- $T5C LtAS<, -- -' .. " S- the aurei0eSyes. 'Very.asctnde 1es 5 - . .] -- 1,.. 11DAL1 -l5s ho, -« .f usmetn * - h . a - u e paý' j 1j1b :îts jait aw e. .tfle eveeehad ha1 -- _' . - pse-' , D O t - . B l n d S -Y1d b ,s; B a e, - , T E A A 1- k.e r es ta t 1 rsida t. t thtcas!-tsU a, saa aa, I i. e les:_j. ii i in . of bo-b- M t h ,o 6 D,7as.treeIl ý1ý1 , ý : 1 .1,' But 1 ; 1tbigt for 1trAfs.a aha 1.5M AaD REsthteËe555I- T R cpla Ih'l' _ca re tien teOeSe. . ai hearedn. Adle ,S ',_ f essals stae, i tar ra ct .ecety st1t. Tet.-etti ss aotd57 ail ea,;eS e La, iseaio d as ti .is rec s e l a sac U t tc e ,;ïi & r a t d la sd , 1 1 - . ,X A C Z,1 1 . ý_ -cam a - ,,ài p e o W ~' ". - ' I &o p e r. t h e B a k e r - la pstd selatet:e- elle Thete'sr ree.d1 s , -,; liasteaur te_ r . & I 05thiteap id teMeMer htetol Pes l hare rt*.etgotesrcîti cpe alctectett>0 0 s1 sî .. K11,t1 cedas asd sore s_ se1 - 055 se1ie to1 ote s5 5 e sLorIe , $au.t..SiO 1. Ooo05;,ya_-,c:-i, r corslire ....,.- .5eMseO tises ,Fî-es00Aed 'a te , l~ise io~is sc ea. tsis ra id o eey - -0"cnP 2Scii iseltoe- R E"la ND*iosss.J--5Ua. -r , ý ' R '5.- -a s - =std ta ci d. h5 e i b"ehe . oddta1 t . ors.1 Efesi tia ta5rfl5lh sed :ý . .. " -dù e rL wiesObase ciaorseiicosse M'ds.Ue "ai t a,,. thé "murs 'ris a..s iee ietlfoct, 'a 'a - Piait ts- 1-1 a0favetB'art, Or -i j5l . 4 t2ined idydt5y 4 ise th. t .wo b ta fi n oW rY ) O D " &àr .lM ! te eto r im 1lii B t etreth . oe 1, 1.'.,ba' 1 ,Ô. - ' . I Setnt, . cde s e y .rreibaO.Mtatise.issilserdisyts. T1 -saoat-el .01cee castaestet.5estsse tesll. d ote uut sOcwdrIlgetaitisasa eu ysegseàassalcdh. 4,epstcmýan ie -Yraaei 11- Ic. o l i# s"B ý& - 4 tsseiees a .2Ws eh.derd est-aCsesell 10e.tisnordoClevetlandIà atutoastsrthe e5ofrarctr i; SsioQasa IIelVicst'-Bial-,eIapoa Ise Saeetea ino a aie s stts s. e b. - Cst r s i r ed h M . ai ,se s . s, e. Tise Cotatîl, t isste.>ielseeeas5etr ba cas AtI d Pma Iih lar ftiissI ati- s .ld a . OIN, BRthSES, IOHEIItt - «,',ý Dru X ', - _ , - -11 - -1. 1 s ofethuadad _ yi.iy of oaslr ast ,O 1.toceisd oases.ssrti 1r.,.ttseOtc, FCETOOUACt, t h\: i e s s .t . - , tis e i s s d y c ar. 4s i 1 l a r e . b . o F d t ý . t e t ed r - , . . 1 P 1 ' . .-- Wï. .ý b a e es telufm ai &b Y i . ,tra e tis &idcy 'ercestte re" - 1 aTile -duitn i..R e, ...s.S.Iestie erc i.sËeeh 6 cl d ,s :,ri e e tps Lr . , .precdc corail. And 011,ehasee 1tiseapeuseagers1*.Ranrrs oects ea SacS oflLu er4Ma t.sesltnett 5sr5 l of jeois, duit ratsa Ins umde bydso.~JeI5 . srsiaaepe. My . gms.A t a ri isaIc.tZa m.sis i ite r ý'ý > 1- ý Eses-e.ç. 1acVer sab.i W arsr osBa M. isiamys a sse. 1We ontat o t aaa. . pa t istisese . .s. c5distdtolernaBrd1 . 1,ý1 ý LTO P RTan DaN i __ALL'P: '___»IL CalifiieisiisseseodO t . .esia a- esseecoM rib. irth,41 Oaithat e Y ceieloS. , as eceesie _riIiý . .e 1,Cr t h .S ll eta is ita p r-h,- ,ssOti punchIS&LÂ EE E . : 1 ._ --.5 Il à. essasbre bsmt.Wb o.ceh neotta.m it.Oi;r t? C ' "' coThttat.moc 1 oC Pai-lcean.i d Si25cepiae CaBU LDE. .Diaiae (bora,. ,.. .1 1 irtiscsyrt' -SISan OÏrttioris.ed siera erasoal , S1 1a. iaaa1 - bill Md ee1gakm-St do. t ares5W S i.adD lIhtacdP iiat rEn for, -t ...rr .h du. COOrgSITtItFÊË ZZ e tT1S. TISao Eety revA iL î tîso. li tisete.a. ' oralaaed -BTcosit 1 -! toiiheies.irci sîr Austrte a laChsiesaelD orw is eis5 ea . esi - -be-Woee-iaaA e I ott*f ,' a- 7 tseyocd,- IboaÎCf il Paigetsooaad caO O55555055,.-I1 1. . irs oefer aselOt gi eîs 10sepet . r a i.ylet etb05154.i , sdei-1 J1 tisn f earon aillie.1 Kisg.s1eaa pâiiret t. c 5 rar sc resia.ase îsetied adtie s sa ire tl -T T E -. Threeges.- - iisd is,,yt-isa-b teste. . . - ý aactasf on W a i ar . , o ur.j'e m-, tM d s- l et mi.. 1 ta a- : p a'ii gt rc i ta pe e sa h er a es ' K IedP 'ýI . L LO iJ_.là " aMoeede55ass .te onsal Me a.rees Easscoo ýimý'gltDJ.B. t «Slsr tiiosn ere,5 raaed,1sa Posil 512 &ho tir ait$5 0l e ri a 5 .55,soeW5"5stt..iiteasi88000ssi Ics . hia ea oi,)00D lds aS a poene t NatraCOsa ..Ay for rdarmet ..ios lert on.rri sois- .lrat Earlp..=teat Claver h. ,'s$ , aj t eit. Te telloalc tIS a - >:otseera Ep» or . - O.. i31 ýa zc 1,_Ticket. '6- .esceeie. T5d Mtr0r5re O -.55 .d. a . wteti e at e ed mieot te alîSaet iionof t, e l i ss tas atPitrace Ilse pointa..1 s1a.sted. ahove1ý _1 , .f1 me u s as.ieo 5 .sn r tsoe h . .he n«- -a' c .eofeeasofl. Tise.isarpteseeeeapesi-,TWENT< DOLLAB , ,tacladtag :'.tht follociagd - :, M c ee apy 1 r a e s eo nd it by M . W k fik e rh , ad W . tii f h imFeer c ld f. n =iio r.ia 'le . l rto r eý... vis:. É ' hi5ý " ' *; : . -rleia trcelt slbr a-teOSaset. . . y . >sh rtyb fo- pk i i <*seîsetoei.isd as, ista esse sa ap;eraert.r saessrasi Grahameseac ttireeisItis tthaeea o. s ei.Sisepli. raIpos. ..rîsete__ .ees5 O ýW.. l aci p. ert . br ss- e seeaycOhý t ta -4.dortc il 5set-h . . . 15 ole-aii1roa i-o 1 _lc55.5 5 sadsaàpleese se liieeter. Il ,ouei .. t.Getce isstd Isy tol e' f . g I trat ip e d .. A tl-aier__the______ ____of__Album fieeastassa testceie1d adOse.as1asse .o sesisetols S"..t..5 . - ig stis, .Ia . f trqaIt is pers N I z xà ty x x% I , A s- las6, u tri.a ts ee sM sP ,1rao , c . ..... ,set ra st. . . .1li -,a o n ué i ý ' e f v r cei e à hý? ! !t Payse l a i b sîaty . d . tsI d ectard ; tia tee i z 0 ý e o i r X z X . -. . . . c a se tre n a .T.. rt't.: id. S p o it. - - o ' v Wý r.d d " b!i artit bath. a yth- tin ofocd assd MasS, srtil . . j1sf quted e cpptcatt te ccd .i . l t os . isi umil tior ett he es E Y e iasa re t p Ieap isaaddomllarttaaua'atad: 'Tbeagl Wacdeeiaad thtsa ed a iespiess ietss1 s laei Ts aat Ctba atgtss sei e ,site.( 'sic tSe SYoi e.tsEabse c niLjt. Saaiata, aad'Aira dCOtN- L E.v Weadetaid," ee a ti -eBlistatiseea t h a ,ry mudoes util en yCaes p. f S tseeotd fe ers for ae glaSesc tragsssee yî aepsSsir d.rasL..h hrit'.oae.edOoia lastarat adaMaMieaa Pvïnw bia th s 4e fiopnos aIl. itSec etieet arl esa sts.aLaO 5efassith. iecilit G O îS easep ORi S"a a G Epi O F tr1. chiaIs ciii, .ý ý ý ~~ .peeit aai.. t . le ,..ea tac f ast t v 100m. . 1 , - s . ..1 Tse re ades. i.. cc!hii b.. d o 05. s e tec e istatie. ciean ien ri end t Bohs," W l' Nheeed atdt h sesceseb S, îss bt cn. a dacc-ca shseSlsaPtis ý :fssa '5 Isrtas 1Siectiiea 5 at h 1, . oAU1 rsat p.Sat -.. __te..eeee atf,î clii lane %obai .ceZsceeasiscisWAho ait- ahitt-ti mvee y1etsc ýist1 . e1 1 smaoSf aael esas. gis; . i leh.tscal se hî cee h ai soac e h , C ve a ad Sithîsf itifl d. dl ceu r A eSc.y.IN T I oS ae'T03 C I 'I r .ý 1 - ;stntle ,a de dey~ A -sI. ba*e h tlt~ esI:s R s . the.ehaacaae Balaài s tasol Casas ;éisegesprap e ai nsiestteCl ss . aa . si57td ae tl, iSuu-aati 1 .eS ls, .ae.. oeseed i]Èimaersasghocsapré aad 1ts'tg acgclt. sdoectoera iai fi l eatian e.s .- ;t . t ais. Teesh c I eais e e ucci t atise a- fltaes5a penta Amitios lui T RO T. &C- îiet i- es.isihat .eio.. , .ys ,hs, I le altéra i s ndsds haaesate. at c a er ect.o5 uaîdes e et tsa iiî s saiPse.2 0 k g e t M n r .., ; edthttrd rIldArt ryeS and c fasst sisbý bi mt pîet ei e SIvs ber A0 alitâtîIll esnt lta eta isbon e mels t Azro i B o nti a .SV l55iBe.Tba Fields and- .a f' ixi a d 5, .7* , ..el al 5ece.s atas c hisie .ma i a veelpe c ditte. 1h- 1 h.os as hnat othe ta ag eastne sti etoey et NDis T te tot O N ta.tisr. Es.watan. as araseý s.thtt.Cu ter. cth re nbpela fovert Ieisr tssatdaic ttheise &Bcoy sah. O aItanseR TA I sege-O-a, .1cte.e.aC.1thasl . .eacDow i la m a it aas onIflattE th ea c t i hts is stillé bca1eal is Ante mp il aiare t . .ýi 1.._ .s .Ted. uncil teacmiet he Revn ai o sleeuts.isldfai.Titn. .pps=aPll laesshih tdlàes.aid îa ~ead a Si. n;tiastceascedtacdshhd. . 1 . .seeaece - . . ,. ' ,a e ai . Médteons . I -.L h mabe ii. sudowtheiaee d iy s ..L. WLtets iasy as aoa ai' Laa er elD c ltR »a es iesam TI ýý;- -- m nu esoft hlt ,mei nga o res e u ,- b .r e atm ,.a -s9bs C t i t . 1 ~ . . TISMA cîtha htcfdîs. . -l soàdb , uWM-asasah Chis; uacaaseJhcollisionia5t Wh.ts. ldop,.ctÇ.dcata sI îei. t .<1 s - _ 55e1 e-, - - 11 ~î ~ ~ p . Il -e ý1 a S IZ 2sdira th e s enu n agô( th . asd af. sfd. . sp aeit a and t s e P a ot e g A a s - I d . - . wu P e.egae C i fer eroda cisl het. i seapers t coi1soti.-atas.cns y Whi te 51.t tacs see. tmsaa flas sa===== a-===== =- t . .rai 1e .a al-ap sasecs,..o ý ý'. acsd. 1 Th tse alds e p pt o Bgaay a55ürin'te u5nsow, and or d e ist. si CStdee .to5 idOsi t .jase5.acd haa sip ee a ai e .j -O-LE-l- EE__ a. _ 1 .: eafSesei c 5.ceata .tý . < t-crfaee he stîaeessalsiesetata ltesate. . . . . 1 . . . 's iJa naugu-1 s 110 equal. FEES. ONT. Q Front.. a cakes, mse bakes, !or tse Elisdas. eroai, ess )fil ail res for Buggies, & ?Yl' 1s" patens witbl Mlae. . His puiceg c. onsidering ', h i 5s 5saqa55 . ' U?è4NTON, PFopt ?FADVERTISING.-, er ... .. ... ... t .. -* ...... .. .. ...... .. .... . rt a M.,r.. Iaa TOIIeSecs Wne~~~~A BEw O Y5tIiS AELO - ii: BEB Fr 10e5Es.a. WOiliciL & ClîilS A.CA D MS. E a sess (1eslà,a 1Sumisiler Wesr. se esoirs st,> C, ors. A U1ït ls- R-ACEY9 or ta isit - tKETS, &e Land Iron. Nais. iid Latclles. -en, ulS1erSs. qqeIa5. t., spresitý Vra Tmasatyt. ilîssit te l= as I Isist sites 'i s 9. .tis. LAIDLA5V &C Barrathe & Solhýitess. -oves Scepericî BaS, itsset, Hast. Estssce. ime .C. WSa a BOMINS u D 550.. siet t wl eselnarsil nons .- ZIMHM PENTIST. fiAtLTqO eNITTING eWý Rnna BÉ cgi rms: