Stni£s of the Diision Couts of thelCo f*Iaý allie -3ic 6m kt-"~ te..1wJ. ld1 'i1 Thîtt- -o. , Al 8 0 o j' 1i. S H. HALL 11RI -'ASAND ÇOFFEEs'i oe. (37 J)itieL:s Strect, LM 7ON, ONT. 11' Ptl. t it , Aiîi fîr the Coccnty f ah ton.h R erthae Baker to the Fr' (i iig lîîttO ii t '1îe1r's 'mcl get cone c-.akesIp t etcel dc. otion for qbc.0Hoda, t tcot t tii Oite Dîec ier ei uit le' i.pi' rtucd t I ti.'. ~i teilit1-edtto fin I rdc lagons /-, Ç~ Bgl enorîaIS, WM. 13.EWSN i" t tfC l titilttitii iiIrrtoted TwèE t- i tlcaiii siipplihsTatrons .7 -'ii i ii ii titrer fi litislit t o so e RîH s pri ci .i lii iili i'iro ttî' lw consiering -rn BE Wk 1Q)T~ & ttES, t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o reii "ttt-i tlitlil îtlet ii'W'onen C p, 1' -tî - tti i e, iiiA m: do til StuaniA erfeoo. t iitoiircîî i bô Jh1oi itVids o 1.1, 11 6 il*.mÉi TMI. IL TAESeGtA EzI GllUTS, &c. - GAS, PIITS & IL Special Prices for IarLies buildinig du] qnlgseason. Spades and Shove1S, G-arden and Harvost C orda0ge, .Pure Mani]Eia inditflig Ti' BAIVED AIDALL OTIIERFEN CI BAR, HQOP, ANDBPLND!IROÛ A comIýplte Stock o£ cUtlery,.SPOONS rosil At W. Il. MACNÂ ME7 'CADIAN ACIO ,"IC NT- &PNTN PrAI~ H)?oê i 1 .HOUCH'i1u ce en e..... u ii.. the Adco nitt.o i dcia. tfirt. c muc. I73tuoîut,îîî,îr- îiicettir. iscco oh e. . ilc au,. 'j, nEteites deethi ..l 2 T H el ,,otu.Utth lettit "t "sott 3is Un. Canada Landed Credit Co. = th or 1-~, tt. en.,i=c e. - - - P O ' 'O 1 Il..,tc, f0. ne.00 r4 2 »n,OO,, le., in Ocicutccf. strict.%rcash.c ct. ttctî.ch. ito1ttiOttirecet. c.iccu~~~'ottteuîtt .tOf0lois MONET ' T . OAN Ot hluocio0 't e l e t Oolpu-Ccd Fiman S"5ooo a C I. 'Pmperi>, adI Lc.euolCuccslen tftaitahicdi AIRI - - ueefnvoîcibhc 000cm. No fioa, clucgu FAS D )0hOtu~ c>. hy, . u .Outit 00 .aStEOL. Scccîeytic., l yrcici teiS. . - , ,.". 't'ctil tle. tl- - hOCtledilc 2_- Ir .Iu....0etifie A mi can H46.ttOOcî t t rst I.E.iilT OtLL lî VE7Lt K3It i.,,-«. lieou-e ttu T, iicolin ,,i te tunt ,,.r t ut ci tc 1 l ftcuu ., loistuot.. iticuue> Ou tioii e.uci h uc Otr , . Pct - - Ouuu..r uttu-i- le I m m.-tttuîtoto sO m. c.MfcHOc.O tioit. t.isocht.ct t l'uu o.t,. O L rIili.ut. ocu c tuoi.. cl0d , ioutto iutiu VA' FyllidOîr.t d.r f ,c. O[ ,0lit ' -5Po. - " R K I iiiiir.! .u li TliiiiOiiiit. ci - n ll tty le- 91 uO tO. i1tt .iuci. h lî ciuu-tt ttuttO 5 ai Ul c, M th S ., h A C A A I IO , - I . udi! týt rel -am 'nom i -a c C SlCuO'% &LIOIIT- T .0 Ouitot. u.oi . rksn -- ci aot.. tcu. ttot i ' 0. etru5.c1ii1 t titu lic .1. hi.tois'11 Oc uict.c ".luitut r. - . e - cart 0- cieutoeui.utetttu1 1ctuitt p es NAu.ucioticu cuu I Niseti.~1 O0 cotSi.r, b S.ttiito 'r. ucrîî,7iOfco ,7ouiutc 'op fr.l 1 . -. __ _ - tii. tO , i tu ii i i-- c ta!.-e itvs ae 0,00 fout.4.0. - WcIuE. C. Wur le N T~ S t 'li 1 I)l cr t.Mco" O , co.icuocC tittooiedecOcic - iteuciOiOuic.fiu I l' "se i iiît 00.c BA NLA DL W O, t otll ,,uiutoitfugiIci' btu c«liie , hoitttet ut O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mr toc,,fh,,tcytuoocitebpuueOîe-i tr OcOtchîcitOcctoict.ofut1.00,iI. le.11.lan t Rceoshedc lut e.. th. iiii BrosIl B I Cit.tis f~atîîPol -entîr~ md I list "in otd i î îrsC c -~ f - - Bud Amen .,.ci f ci>.O>3 _ 1--- --- - Soie- p. oopitpccii Il c cclip l ice b iie l. tectciOumOoocccicic i i hi. pf îllc locli o s lC t h.ocd ii l c . i2 . c o s lq t r z a d P r p ceo ' Dit. S O30ID MilO800 05c £; .t.iccc, s&OOlcrceuDtbis-oro d g fcfIicci,* cMelOoicef EFAURIS ING omci ct i lcdtOc HT. i .x oteU ateT.po qel Hotl Crda BAnu on BliNaagDO MOULOriNG ___________________ aOut, 1eTu ' ICÉrZF-D CTIOEE64 celies hico bg cf ls FtTU- est iu"~ O010nocc.OC ana tne c it-dur.'- - i.. CH ARES 9forale malle lit teded r' z4 ýu SceOl, f ta tsic 50 -bciocccffictio it'uO tu. tl1c0iSciO i bumci com~50t out Und .cic.cC.O->t.Il ~~BYSELF;i5le i cecLa7ci1 & - -. bct=î NotCiimlY Oi.. Y . bandstcdcc cdcL -oK O hthc dg fOciitccbocu'Sdcci clycctO c ,chdccci ch 8 .leolc 0 îclins n I c.' -b é .tè:yý,lIm couocco, iglit . cc ilial.: 7000 ,licccd=ehoo-c 8000 cc"mc A i hcucf.cusfcccci.. th00. èjI'lcmac coc4 l 64 fcl iai tft cfile 125 i t.eI c.meL _IeiUty sudth i 8, ght gncccice f Ur c IlSballhohciom latb m LO&it m ýaera i -à,mlt, cO iclisu -illopechi, cwiCc-i -cIi, ucudyisdcilf.,umfOcii0. cAcccoeccct11.iiiic mlccolà0e cy aVnitY uercicd lghh d, BiccecdcOciho l 00ip ie f0lcOi5On,"ici&th 1Ma ay ph, ",ýa.t.l, fy. " waý "'eaulUcc&806cccm=816tout6musctirait, raidc.Sd cM i ne da me presion1.ibt'cis, le c i cic'lolie ey 00f..d cfoicoi -biecc0-tec' ,uf hh ',ii O ,.0. . oc oc o nS y t c t.frcii Scaiveeciibu i tW . cc i tucOti 0>- ' iTM d ilcine a c oc c .c cbvof ,.14 liei ,L, a I l. _ cous.,1 ptetýii t tt,1 ipbi. ciiiciScc1Wcc.mpoch-l 'b wcb iicte ocuiseic& copyo o.y feoleiiicoct.niiihotc, tcuch tc 850 Iiipiocfi . o cf OtitciAcii ite Oi..,cite.o cccccioiticcc S0 pupiccif~ ~ ~ oc ~ cie; Lo t Y.," - . __ ""nuteq hcccmit~ licf. ' 85 icel curoSt "Tf S ehi0'cuycd' > Ocah i ifcc oc, c icfi.Offfi O O Oic-tOk ilcolo ccii coccc ccocc u~Sf iif , Vi81 uf iutiS i. y ci c 64 8cdt s n d Sccii "u l iCo t énuritc -ccb al iat h t e clot c.-'Ancdc fte 0 0 c fo . L, t. 8af d o petcuu etiict t id'Tho c vco -scccccud ocit . £roii guti.A rmf4Scut.*80surcfdc8fci Titn tatf hrtn o ,0 cf c ,' of IcIuII cif pimio cod cco ooi cc c -SUcc Vctyenmou cccmotSbava nuatcpi. l "d atS ou Oct, lialef gtccs 3ove-Mmhe cc bn& Vmhiy' I - ' tuS i deuin vtic c l -cci cl80 t. ehdSrtermicnalaiihilcoroit cpctcc, io 81rcdibutoy. ciii c c iccc 'r , , r u.p l t e t t c h.- ed c ,i f o e sl e ui l m I ..T q ,ctcc o t l i ' po t c c h o ctit cc . d au h, -A d o î la ig! . c t i d u y c O cII d w t u ii'm a icr ,iO ii ye c L, e. ct o of Uttpent. . ic. e . e tai c ted ieiicf th 1. amtNan-.ictco. eOl web iorç t imot" -r NU;occ. a ,iti aleo, e c m ihc Ur effin ciort lcO h m cc . -M c cà ttîc th . . . e el an ..a ba~t- cof 1c l o, w u 1 ,LULLY l OtSeiec oy L lh> cpta co d b a a LU ae mcrta c l uaot icu m,4 hlcit ctgSiV c. ygrs SScl M ud ec o ceCd b.dicual ccI Qtfalchi c oc bcricre,- an"d o i o ctlictucd, tuy cp cc Cehisi mitti. citdit. 1ccfuiiu thclSe . sot hcgéa . iaU daaécnofhi rile ll I u;t lhmcl VtlwfTodr ..lf.0'iP ta on ccnd te ro icu t ardacti o nici£c t l c io -- t ci i cc-IfI , ac y oeua t isO i iP ' e. B u l cscoc S lof th e ocS O m oo c m ettra " cO ii c . r f a 1 M. 7 D c V I n yineOc c fh u e. l t t v la h é h a p y i n y e x e -i n a t o o t oaS o u . ci e i l i n I bS l cis i g t tc c c o b aiu t .c t pc ccocaslicccrtmP Wett, iii boit icocul ductilffchcionioc.. e.fcoulaci LiteiO 8ll,.t Dm IeSS anO i cc, ouatir lci i hsdPocPc icbi h o ym rofhtib e icctotheip ccvcti nI m.t'h acc cccorc' cnu Je 1.-,"n,-tbo Yen la, Kil, U.g b tea c i f ot el d ioie tbar dhoal te fhitcpclk cf nfe inc t e d Ccccd ttc u bs> "V e n krfoc no .c 1" dbotol cc cc dc coui s ec m d cocc ncte pi h O ro hifc ci di icuO Pt.00 hoMetdc Ill. m lt e optta ci fritta rl n V O o - c l . "a 6t h I use i"l"' t . toei MASTIC O8 wumot moecstrs c ceady el mciýouabt:iirttamalelc opc] .>cch t hf. o'ytc i tti 1u i Ite o rct r.* - choM c n c a Ivico b î " aI utt era be ' o ionl co l.ratulatio ns o . it h p e choclin qO tfl y c t ciiclci Icc uIii id l .m cc cc o ue i0 O h " du t c 1 . B u t ia n otA ii edt o - t. g o t e r ifn dO a.0 S id c 8 g l0 0 i ici oi tO h S i 1 1 fc t c c1 -cbco c c d . - S t lhV c t > c i r w i u aefui r f e r a ci ld p c ilc cStei dil.r Sm.c i.m illech - Uc c b . C 4o c o c e e c i ,. c tt, aitc ,. c ie iu c .cIIIoi . t iu itec f t d eiit P c i si n s h a id d ..y c O c O cli m ec g i t y i i ntc o hc O d u .I c c icand p io i e u r c c .r e h c h i cl > o l l c t U n tt i . 1 1 > '. h U yr> c i ýi 7 erd b o c c o ic 0 T hoftS A i i v o c i t h .c mii e z - * ib u l o wO t o -c dC h b ca m o ctc ii, u i md i ty O , o o e dp. c tc h m io l î ) î î c î ciioet cui 510 chof c cdccc lvaicitt l . mccw i 8,sico itto X 55 cIoI cI = li.oynccc l I amE TiecutO. ct-uc lfi tte c rocfcl yene cuwîcfceooooi ifro. MetS m "C oitiSc cic"V icot aWicc w, fi ddtotetSc gcidfci ihc oncc we te i' Scici lic io l. c ih o'ANcma e- e c t gu iuncmre, m lomp oc rrb er hl . £ , . ccd ac dr.L uOse n . c o c ori , S oic oin g nc cu rp p o o f r c iid e e I l; ut leL u id L MAIl MAKEP ~ ~~~~IL îutNoclc=dacin hboe 5;cc.ofeîbc'tccoboapccOdra 7LVna.hgt. ioaCteieI IM ercE Lt.ahe on 4I ia ýr-IL lso o hILge b inlrotMu a'at'LmU lo n eu i lipoteruni.nght il 1" %au A T ccc oh cico-LI I-1ihil hycccof iia tccoiiiplc aurch o o nsp oo to Icoicf .4 . ccirV1.ccf dpfy airlu& o cf oe c lcobtc'tIn te l s8 o 1 2t0. a dicct n bioroâtsur io mit l to tt a id i r, bo. lp c ren i>. A s ie ch l loi ute i o c ih toc1cîciic cciIiricana itoutelleccuchic ht1tit m a, rue Sii propobccctchtcuiîce> o ceI o to c to "h-Ope clm n ý md ol o l ,b . ia g m arIinid oit cci i o lSV cO Cc üilcc . Laci y-o tac t O c r O I l w -a t w ie p uta Ln V roei jtt"Ii o uns z ylrco c it'c ,h 0 01maclt. U lftt f Se Ese C at ch erin e r abicp cicc ll ti0 ed % il , ca e Bu 1ameo" - u tc ei ihdredofd tientmoi.-IdIl tr cmii b higtocittcOhohallO. cO, i A Tcd6 lPER ci Nttcl . croquer, fu i turrd -d ati" a hoen s1 ho eoiu gretciae lg l hici ytSo c -ci 8 ccicceor, O Ima i'ci0 0-te uscr cois cf ci oeeh fuo cic 1 - ellex~~io iiyef r h .dt u d mOodt eo -Uc i trcii Coc tof c w uf 0 rPa tina cm Sur .0. fEh Thc - lre t en r i btat - lie td oM ccccLiait has i i l 'fo t bho al tier - lg JoNs. 1TE o LDS, ' bmnt> lýuo cc*fc ouollto i - . i l- ui m c t my.hdo cctmrcoie1tue h91di mi. co>, s hoeoctr o md e ctoc I noi. "Aitc tt . oo> . % I .c t bsm i, "Ifma eOcu initr itcoeilS h " 080baue evat m *rok li01mlab uselhcridct, otys IIhen tLiunelewoi cnrotIl..lhViu. M ud1 18 ragf uledi t. M csIoctdiTati r .e cmticittolIf$W - mth a u i eo e ccd'I d m .O i ty.I et e . seoiOm 00mAm t - . . - - iho; il und 1iliabotfllu eoec te N cu oabe "iicci rubc s h ,NI oeco 'd .Y> e i ttccLu ujitg id S thi8 t ie n LsS ilet îcb dccls teh o icp ycclrewm O uw -I ,Cciimlleiccsecod-fr OiudcoiIranen. 9. * toot 100: arico t wetcoo,uS igith Ttn bern.cck ttOacccL'ctotal ue fal -i. ôTocctc: - - l, sm a Oelchc oldte i m, U n bo l onis n'-> mcm Sop lDert tînd . O T h1 c o e- tueb"edc e u So trl. af i al v . . tel i o fd trevuc c ritter yc o ic. iihm .'w inci'applicceations,.cii.fcor rccc mc 1m1icI tecern t -> n 1- 5te l ufyc cicr .c c gd Odm I tovlI'8e eIl, Vitaedu c c ieldcip -t'ifA thc Idstuc oc c in 9.]lt lncmeihooieallnt onn lo hi.f . oh- iOtUTih torSO cocot hic do ut-utu -ý-i cfoc opatcuas p.ayn iaty bel9-c1, ci tW~ ug4IdiDt bm o&=sterigicîîbiy totc.tath c r, Aller cbel Lauld bava noiOt-nuo~cîi oIc le - - eOdc ud dtfe p.d- T hu i lp mi naudere! ctco f b ,t i t.c: c Bc c r c CctY w e Icip l i it î dIi L r y n cfrio u eta ad bi- - u. ii o o c iti s tf S r l c p" d d b c i' T I 'E.R RE YNOLDS ,T . S 010 ufne htid ty c tto c Ile hmo.pth.evus liruie hosPeniluthe tig t - 'Tht i l rc u r od tititccii PUcic. t t f r, yd ht itt o:t éi tr S C :LVoh u t cý i 'c os hou rl S . EMt . c i tt> hFallu tbo w m tc ui m b o cf Au l eo c i t a vc0O iri V M y b0 1 c. o t .1 huteb i g wL UdblO vi r ept. e r, i t e ic o o t t> o ci t: m l Oh c c c S S t -fa n I L L c tt o u t . i e c t o o u i ituir c O c b *i t g , , s h t u t-. i c o i lot c - -i. bin c i c oO. c o i h e i f g e o i e O i t c f t t . h - f Ttctccf he d hho SlatcOc Udtc. - -,p.85 00tc oS cu bc,e udd le rn t e x ct co t~ ~, Aî~ i ~ocoi -~moral ffct Oe tit ofo>ceSf0 Stlfc d o ttlLe sel Ici, tohcc uceOict ad mt:Ocfil opmii cisor, a la GýUI l lýc.atbc iihat onalt, bcf an y p r p o ed li a o 5~ 0 m oc t cl c> imwt" - io lu- i srdci rmimcce f ort i t "bd tr dct >0th. e0 cdti. eh.8000 i lera-ocobL b,,81 boo t Stis ano- ma -at lt h-li r e SUci lla L tCO L -t h. c nt - - Ellhyb to i. Vcc -aI l c oit aO i Cr00 h . A l i t i r dthc i e lac ofm 11,edtylu - 10Sc l ho b o ch cI t, ecc i -rt80000c d tmta i ent. ' -e- - IbetfhcciSmo ictorehtemoi oniittelrue.-bc0od ifrt thuwn, lt teo.CIn.A SLl Cthr.'av lt gt oe.r o ulh Cciim et i i cc* Sc., ISotier ihuig îc tSili pess b addre sing-.outiluiihirecc hctac .-met',Y"ti.fkt cc.i bucoii fc--he od oilluý itt I e.0 bco ýtIl rai Oc0O V rt. tedicectdcero. cp5 10 t ne f000 , bt ic> ytnO oS it r ole umt ciC.1 teo o%.sk1ihu '7u ccc.0005 c iài8o ib llo te V E T I ER 00m.Can0-00 pcmfiL 8el000 le0iea te- 1 ciel aOctuui'tACO>. otee.plocto OcitoOOau,0il 1 d.cociiu wasiT.dIfO0fUi OocS O bO. rdtO'O oitodO.. cU %,r6=]dbrtnuud J mcavadthe- vui cimy l oire av aua dl4 ipdh L; fc. thI, ber w, m.,Uhfl. te l.ol of tar hutdolof e SudClt tl t veEl h rbllo fSeSiediaur ' _ _.Xl__ _ _ _ _ab er__feelin .théi' 0000 te c c td o t S fie r o r i l er"y'n l d atO 0 cc t-it i >id et= a o -kF .' i osto' Cn,-Il knowil,- itc. musette.5 tram o rc Atiut E ls0, ter C-the icraid cudcYISCOct Ilou cf m.11.1, eooto i s, oiiotrth erine d o chcfciii ooit- a-ndtACOlCdocOuittudeoSSoh0ii ,vIAflVELOUS PRtl tevri l t. ltr 11 drot bl-CEblStrl nw Iniiy I Lu e p -l Und IiiclcctOOSOtheleliit u elatiOif Iu-OiOftoooium0 OOKS M I UON -ton-,; ellaloe bavret>,mio in tha smt.bllCO05Cccic mne bo tu-cuit- OtoIL. -- icuYcU%;r la 1 tlemdiocc. Oorhtrii -uortem p lc .e i tc u sau rai,0i1 O tcta' -0St h o i l mofO O O O o to t rt e h it PSu bdu-c imo t' : - & 'c t u doicieo. Sio 5,~ .. hle.- ioclibo coipoif P d co uthlo oto cd of rr dOc c h o0i.d ttes thm tdgOicccîoft b0cc ndth l ouoisl N'%veut ei6 t aofu ti It - --w l C .-ziy me u t g e j.Ï m - tbe h octco' ut A M o a e m .,c mc h *..I t i l - bava occltt'fr"oihd PlteiOil..cii ' hiu.lOOSCcptthé M-Icbfioc.,'.i io cco iîî.-'.- icIL...""-- cc,"'--"hm itu. SiIcUtcnco- uec~~c""'e.o0Oecf. iOO i tcitccShc otf. ic i 0 "wcli h oi cu-cI'ioc l I-e l C buichusa yl e tti,îîcoshtoia- pccd occi .uteic sic, ut e iut.d S mi.cfml ~ sud lice i'yootid Snel T aiec i t ediol h p .po-rwtte. ccuthe ic i .c ahdS.J oi c a fe ; ,btin-the - oo ît to. AY i-a I ;ci o tth iielt lc okoetc ccdc m .itm S. i tY i mnemailoouuUJl dtg ut id il, bopp-m l h ic crPe i rl heIl Cl l' t -auI e toSitl .w 1.,4~~Eicei7kî~cicc.cemiit0 cdVctai te Oi=a a '... ac" .'i b t5ol Nccu.-l 4ci cwdul -to tih wcir tt it n8îci Oc icciito hcdfccitt tum l ciS tcu .iotdb" C1-itr Oic il utnc tomot I.-640 bc ico 6tu c lt wod cot cti, ,tr 5 tod S 0 1e',5i sierti o il.uîv ' t irocliitScSl Uni full et 9 ous ille fin- eeti..ymognot ec,. yole wiilt belli IL Omît ohvo, Id Yeu-tiil81.40 -.*vu qd tn w L'ýb FU - o. , il,5 , idm ct08 1111tieth5ucmtiu, neufwU à - crt ille-fo>î mîc ym vic e. TmO h e cicc m on, A PO V - ou Idut.. ti0.t'.tl5 ied o re ofithc r p t ram, .O n i tm O frete Ato C ohl opg c>o nim y id e-t lii noluct i oo l lù ,u vEl otoitlertto ocm c.i'O . - î,rkut Iï al. . I HuC,"' pu tÇ n ofMan ir. t otuid fotci. th hescocctL tt b r ,o O O tc u u ,o ii itl i t i sc lc tf lco i r cd h f... . - i I L e d l m O cicti"L a m e' - a u t > s , c gll u f h . l e at h e ri ne00 c m m c hw u tot fo r ' ita Ttir if1 ib is c m ii> o c cl-ý u end w e c cio ro 8 0 . ,f sO ot i f tc ' i ii> - O-cOofE ic t5 Ltilt0 ' m c. mIeTdeet. - stOtj'I it011 O 11rlhI bd _ci> tiiiî o. 11 SO1ccm sto tg O.Wdc odht miilPmcicc cct oueh-tcsirje;..-oitt bstic aOttimi l .. uie aLg a- to aci l0 - 1pcc iot oc I fi oo lc uir c tt cfa imt lal il Il~~~ioot, l dman einbrff tô, . bli-lul: alotetlbantba cc.b i m -i te ria AàVntyk , il Il if yen t~omhin oth omb eü ihte i.. ý mnibalrt e pnIilk ltlClu-3~tti 1 y,.IicpO h Tazl ml Y sh o iel Xa8001CecCelle hc uooc t i le I .tobo ue lccm. rAmfu.ucot ct1 ioidr oiui ovo br e ymva"*u w > Ale . U oCo Lcil em ainO ectall od :iaci,,t I tetoand u cc. td uot= d, iof =aieo o tucss. ioc cî cO o t muyU0 abe. e t ic u SIOlile m ccce en iit Elst e C thu W ciucutO>i ti. Ib e I ccdid m t u -n , cfSdIluci c..' 4et c.flnih7,0siloiam' tomif'.incbsbOuocs.>Butmcth, lbcrof, th. le t.ltl c otuousof0ct eil o.theo>tcfihgste' r m n lafu '. ftillecc co ,c c cef, tStI.t0 k lhmm i.c Uii i., a. îc ct La cc ciiî abff0 c ot i el cc. frtcS cc>..dcu- pî -l t t ho v i i tmeceselle, I..m l.nL... g l Lm roo o M e 'a' ro i cl i* ,f c o Sthr.L so iio c tc ' p foks aiyen cyiied Si ,cc eifcitOtOeM Ilcteliti Und AUiIilet sauna.ou 0 .u0 i oid oO e 1. lt 5'.etto3r tlirte .tocm lt 0 0cgme l en 8foibocio1it u fgolf u ccodth SoP tLCup i cýýmt-r Cch'uc' P'a l '.co s e , i t f40belt, cm 1 o m ecb ttu I vis bllifd el0 - corl r lot Inc, leu yen say la cii fe t ran ie mtilut bn To Smwt t'op i-l.t . .c utl meT h,0pcrrcl i teco> cimedn luiSit ,Vchyio.urc = I1-LV l-unl8g ý etoî tec '-auoc I hcc 0fCthid c bchi ica ~iiu~ei~. eucc. csoteciici-. T e l .0tcu-juponecutcdifiiiutal.-- .0e- - - - - .15 citolemm =a erMli, lu, hl 80Scccohn 'y ipoei ,«us ttuu lust.. i.f uo>ntctr,0> Y. .u"t or . ;Y" th. 4ti i LI. oullt, ottoltcuu'5pt6 d 'ut. ou>hiii t. ti i- £ ,2 i0 'à'boy. gu uth mmo ti. t-- - f cui~t~u th -h.t' lu .eniii ILtl l. l'y-Lh.nitut , Nie.5011 1U'~î II~ r Ut.r tianki Ça,