Canadian Statesman, 27 May 1886, page 2

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i I ~ti Aectfcgutthe aboocuorderoun a*'omitteteeSOCI th ýicdertimlaeInfPetcer lSles Ecq., lb, icifeufugi Becg. FPetfeeLe Dccc Mee,-WcO, tfideramdusld oies e Vitoria Lueg. Ns. 54, A. O. . W., -ave beaues iucted by tus euembesuofthe idte:te eipreecchifi dmp iylipatly -iii y'uc, ced- ycee tamiiy in tic icre -o ut y eoerd Nie adamdfihutlifmitpdtef6 e teeeuicg peefft sejcrew ic0o.ta laiedof-use tatebsift lioe eeeeetes more teangibe preufot tibneetasef c eli fore ceutcasife ttie cf epe uft iht itf ey bucf e gd er evimte pe ccd yuiee temiy An tbe coim We ac, deso liadcm ý, en.eyalfaity, -ly SdiJ. e. HeecRIeS, cema. S.t)ce,Financie. I JA. LAW, teecluýe. A .'OutUf flIcs iur.u. e h.cii eblia il. iia.rI ii eccec 1 Whsg. 1s. I. Iqil'e I clc OiLecia«a 1 IL1ta...t, Iccl.tebc ii r hoe eeeulai. -A csi terri ite eteteilit Wctcfn, Pesa- ce o.Tucd»y. j .HI * Tee mon treuilet Aecsiisi liil-. * acisIe Ies e ed._ .- .1 Mo. Clicueiis bic uiten sacniliit-F ry ittcctull. iiftea *T, iepscae-i ithie editicc ofa.e Ofhadtece.. * I p()Ved te lissesi, inà cnoin es 1, Porte te c.- lAi-s in - ýnmo u Tic IAlislan cd SchIieyiiul Ceci e cbes uses 5seagd fie A usii icgeie ciapdcsetcetc' imI e. cn- dt or 0 ceâcsfeejerctute n Éîut euke, EseVeel4.,à frday mleiu. t6 icCri, bss pnabilisd s maieict -. pedistcintsiDescbaâefQuncCbeiecc oassis iglitat aucesciofe thaseuof S5patial. , -- - - - tetuein mllas ssiicoi e tAlde.iit, gSeiin ntli at , entsiccBecBts meeting. - , Aasmiesait eeunsetw theIIilisn tcetTei. %VOMI ulpbf.lihidice, be ieced.adsàamiecei persuns -Mateir.t, - . - lige. Ecfac h.ct le iflbhp'n iâumisiidteit icCtictsf Afisem r ecTek. tia cýieccdsibreiedce. caslofeinleSn£ . isseou faldsait udpet tucok ic th. ..Prioeri oeciip ~~- Peédnae ïcd Peie .daepf net lpp"sathcaé iit fîe ela Cibcaien .te i1aesta biaeupcIt ýCfmOtcs pem ste Tcilliu. - e ofcseslicciceitanla, itetbehs htiat s Ses cay li y t~ eeieci a; It.on l ymu t brae v-oietee;,r*W5 ii seis &eete 4edfléflitteerealfBC ms bagdiylicceilOmebcieîfumcc0 knacfan engice;ltintecmc5ler ie5iec .1ci eealc litn et iicec tes- 8 ecusmessn ro'ducttem ininscrce U. rate. geosia. ccote .adpayice fiitmait elicle mottOP- pueciieepeecimee i uécueiciaý o ateruuris witliforue Ëmptei toéÈitenlo in. cter 'ViWce eucfdl: atfucuaste ubicliofuthefic0ucculie ilely telie theu met effeticeanaflie clicepeut - of of he. c *a- b s-th au Orange gueghulttw. . - . Asiisofc Iuinpconnu in a ce rigt cfuu.iiglier. *tyiuemd flicS tes, -Tb, a tîuetc d <1 t. r eueeud ebiticiet and- c - itin lithe aceueof uoibiticciel LieuecCccimioeieecs leiccp unatIl ed fécufelieup t4e., ce th - -fimtutf. Tlitoubie sflcm etfIiutoey gu puili9uceeap. pesoste t lit:tliya ce li .0te tic mle utflca liei, rpec gu iitefic a ciceuttf ecglt .. cc itelieeputcimeider cIneg daift in tir owespiceeuptablieu, fliceug4Ilpftyuclithipe éecnel - Tle Set deS ciPari. mn acit,iue.tli cotteut il;fe 11pel. * Tfesl1ýituiuiteinpoulibiieiste etii".Thébdsafliyeilacage ta gt as drinki au tetre. -Tiio taem c iei, bave fen meomelcs iusoe,[1eeets-su te deeW. lThec miecieticlie teoo. aneuecfiedicegairectins eScl -amemotffyigtesuie. Tbyswil ii- peutt1fliefo 'ciegn' rallier tflicsi fete slianliy. Thecyueyc epif f casie te get mebieley ftha lco. . it c peuplites sposim ttiîcecelàuouthle In- tiepcuturslieueflieytcey. CPi Oelieed scctd bavceboue ieealIic Soma, te li iin" uf.theflpattucm irrecucibei st'fle "soun seit falladtfinatuai u0cttiu,. - Tbcetili y inccsasdfiia\r ...U. l. RC EEL - Limel'Lime LV band.iul- m. Di n Urlsge acqmi caietc Ceiling Papers And Decorationa.. FINE GILT ?PAPERS OAK AND MAHBLE PAPERS. ElÏegant Patterns ln Cheap 'Papr and Borders. J. EASTrWOOD & £0., Ir, Eicu se.E., NsmiStc. GENERIAL SESSIONS. UOUNTY OF HALTSGt, I OTICE bticetbnt the Curtcf Oueef lSssiica ibpe a - ccy tBét C ourdc t of COURTIL SE TOWN 0F MILTON Tuecday, Junc 8th,; 1886, At hohue etTES tt''E A, ceam prqce'd te nulienoice andcatend tede esin, s sf1 a deifca eifiliappeencie te ML.TTHP.W CLEMEOSTS. Sbo- eieff, O Balisa 31ison Mayc. 1 f -18 'ÈTli lisglild Stalle, THIE IAZ1t.quis eî yT-.,dr. cl.isLoci ce. nil'u .k. scci . cm ct-cei.-:u, cmccc.ce fi, nii.cesa cc. ecuel. eii Oie teiMi.. ,- it. a1b. loi me.lea-à del 6 « JpO CALS. AT ic MAI14 STRIEET, MILTONj ccgeafse .ile- .STOVES, TINW.ARB,: iAil Kin ds,'o!'8eporn. tel ~ tbe ubli. EEOCED-OWELS B EDUCED.. - ttkWstica liceaup-y trtefif -} TOilVE4WELNP7-' LAECOLLARS lfsolriyeoYTueC. - -l"; Mi-*. cc.sbeicg n LACEst 1 t. BlEScoos 10-e -clee -Ji ucliadew tea Wbcecsdedc;wituseieecop DUEOýCOLLAB0>-BE-MUC}E pcacceassupD tieui, sccaiey us. IS.bote.SS. ele,îe.t G dcc eWi. li e pc quid.t 2e..Jfl t,'PEA d.iato LDIS COTOPAi'cm. e 1e US ELN- o1epcl elmic ed li ordo.Ebrier& C~irs-.pst& clicei sc lccm c ,ccWibc'Feel ilcilei ia.dtetrtteemeb whlchwab.aveý Al reosdl 5î aîca t,. Vcm ssie.cce e5.5 ýieqii t 1 î i ec c ?RATT~~WWWXINS, ntud1 ~JmS, TrEEk ' kMII * ~ABE NS>W OFFEBIH SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS E Black& Colored Jerseys,-Short Jersey-Jackets,VeyRcircaed Dolmanls, Han.dsome-Silk&éýLaoe Manties, Shoulder Wraps, etc. LADIES 500ULD IIEMEMBER AIA.UBAT & OC '5 SPEClAL SALE 0F DRE S 0ooDjs About 9,5 pieces of tbe All-wool 42-inch Mo r Bou lîothi at 50c. still left. Beaultiful Dress 15,.20, 25 and 80 cents per yàad, all-wool. Don't fail tri cal and examine A. M. & Co.'s immense stock lu ev&èy departmnent.. Special attention is cailed to their splendid. stock of Silks, of whlch the choicest makes are always on hsnd at the very lowest quotations. Their stock of Lace (Jurtainýs is befng cleared. out at-manufactttrss' prices. .. 2N. =m2z- 7W &Z 0C., 18, 20'ANDU 22 KING ST. EAST, HAMILTON. L86 '1886. SPRIN AKDu_ MENTE 0 1VILEOD, ÀNDERSON & CO., Tj ýIsncclicg fieïensescceeeetfer fliec risg,.woctld ssy if et oescg te tfliicfersecs circcm- itcceés nced,Ërd ternes poseait etnsth s cemmecilv ti erhatic c l iec able te carry eut. ~ tiersssnociet bf tteir ;disstioneicf pirteierstiip. The suid partneictiip wiil I fierfor tnitiséesfr ose,7ear iceger-, se se te icr ii lp ii-ieilic c tir tilisise usscsnscceent, s fitler cppcrtcsitufcRcii ccd sttlt iiir-cceceis. MVe reirrce teile lbusisesttrcty fer cashlor prcdice. Neu cdpo ii lstic rged. Vie wiii ccii cysi , ci cc 4c ..' g lic ci e8Tlsjestime liea secte sh cpereerd cf tbe ld ticie credit buinecss.ivlitcl, ccclei,,us Wc.srcYcstfted itie usin res dsicThes liiest ced frety ms i s opsyea sp remîitiy ias te psy fer Vits disst clMss, ,icepye P,;'t cl. es I los tet Siccashi sviem of dbieg blicisde iii Bey tlct it te tue cufy tîcceet and fir triccipis cf -diec beisîei. Wu cac buy ciesper; yce cilbey cliccper. «, We ciii soi eeet stîciedatu. price; pcyisg ceci and gotieg atfthsacd veetae icoiicesae4rue te flieccihbîîyor. T ry.scystum ; secc csrgccdc; ccmparc price, ccd ce cruetiefirde i ilcaeu5jlepr cce' nait gccdcPîlicccsdfrum c. Ledie, wu ere tiis e eceedsiîcscg theeeit,.f cedmccl tyiicliiiiieceytiaeties; &a., &o.,ii sus ccdatiat tyles. Gres Gtude, DrosTrimmicke, Bcttcnsc, riege, &c., Ao.. nl tecesatch. Dces *likg je alfilic ssseect tyie sse ons icpreciiecu der flic managemenot cf c f1iistciasc roes âlicr. .Lidie, bey yourDress Gecde, and tecvu ycer rdcr if Ye sat a facliiesabie dress. VicI,, M,îeliicc,,Licce snd Gisc- bamsît eus, stied sa pbliy. Que Ordored Ctufliicg Deparimcst. cc eu cpeà icipt iacs bout if. W havscthfliSeet ccd Meoscteusive stocki cf Tweeds, Trougiiocc, A&. insftie peciec,' ced cet cutter is A No. 1. tToy cer sclil.'y Stesed clieap perices. Get', furnsitiini grand style sna lare iscutmet. Bccdymcrde lcticg cry cbeep, bic stockilli select feue,. Carputs, iin Irussele. Tepectiy, 2S&S8piy, Wuet, Usies, aedHemp; 'Oul cibuh, sti sidtîs cedailicos ali te lic scid cbcapcr tflic, li uiapeit, Ose Steplu Deprfsest icsîil. Cuit-esc,8c.lper yd.sed Ip,.Wiliitu Cttuc, te., Tosclfie, ,Tibicg, 25c., dcttocdeckserenead-Ieisis, frumlije. sp. lie, wcensand clutrus, y-ccceet fsil fte sve siey liy linfg yser geedi frem se. Try ascu* We acoincernâti. Ws cili soit cbeapý.for caesh ceiy. Ns mcrc liedt delt£. Our costumera ivil receicu e ste uefif.ý Du't dciy, bfief c an hd sec oculeup gccds aacednc iii cueey bey.! fi Pý S -Wu rters ceeasincère Ilins e te ceof cee cestemcr ei aeaecsleecefene e rst th'le ciiconfine te patronic ce, THE RI~HV'E1 C~D, WIHLAIES. -D.AILYT' Bse,, atllssadete ifai ier gcct td Tyse iifviI cgetecsîiL7 sg îbey reqciree fntlicubig store; ced te geflime lciuel pi tt gued qesbictg9d cé cilicd laofirfaue. tWt , u risif by ropeteg -it'te he soic.A leed e icltfciêel detfrcm tlie sacfàtcoeol ecu tesyu ean. auftsc elrice. nshebduia, inc e ecl, Boitiolii,:Blgaisi, Swisaccd irile *mlo~..dnmioc O-.te* Z-«e. -to ae.(usiGéec Vs cieS uec esledciiOwicu ce*tbldic meecee sî of P.AINTS. IREADY - Arist's Material, Bu! Posthole Augers, a: Garden and Hao BARBED AND, BUCEW BAR. BANý», AN 1Cordage of eâ - kinds;, i Sole Agent for, MoCOLL-BI DONT FORGdET5 Nexi ooer to JONES' CABINET Ladies Low' Shoî o UR LOW PBCED LOW. 5D0E ANDOSM 'e]75c., $1, $1.25, $2 and $2,50ý unlike;most barg ains are udt old ce brlght. --- dur'iïFIn e o iL aLPa puo are ailiwl sof cliandcedsuly misde, lii - asie,, artiste cecle tiem cac eayana CALL AND SE£' DUR 'GTOCK --COOL ANGCONFORTABLE A -We have uOW, iii:store ail Ici Dressing ÉforLdisBOot: onlyItu iný-e cty that Nil leather. Colin.1 80 ANDl82 KING, ST. >WEi t cc e IMe Tnw.ccb'i bOb Spreogs, iblen )f OLD. tf ciware,. ' BIRUSIL iliders Supplies,. pa iî ,Forks' and a ÎËinàds' Of àrv ete (31s, LTI FEN I NO, I PRONý lope o ROS DINE QIL. TÈs iad1hppr fýM-4,RjB WEAR A! - barguine, anîd liit freli'. andJ ltitsl flicibie as eiippîes 'LLA GAITERS ýne -]?lislît 1 to bu tht r dottroy Itie Flue ZON. &Éew Rat.-- So4 fi a t 'I 0l ,àli in Km cli un Jeu f ci cero5 mssy seH-itu Wii bu f Ud et tl n Tuedilî, flic ci atr etons te ' ty Ceucei uitl cec flic piscipsi qccl4ocliouufthlb . ri 0 . ecid rebe, oeerea corn s er.01cî eic C ColTi iteti itn 1i eilh aliies5f0t. Bth salue inclbe moigsiaJsi.e$1.2e Biâ P -inLCeth-ese 1,eoadtJacaseais gÂibe ee m ferNeyer, ccd i jflftgeeryoc s,,e.-Tlie foieui %yico>bics ut 1 'wme gireliy- I&M lir.tccc )q»Jt now acuitc Tee ,cteed. Imiceiiso iee Tccrc.--J es itette, apaoccftI mti ut c ady, accd miu epoeoy.. have Fine WCliitW i W-1-i SIiii. eue, i - haic tock of Ieeday lfmi. lia isteet A., bmMain'a f& fre ceMi ccu %vscdi are tic cf as cUir cnube letc flicfes Eýecy l.e, de, i'a,cene f t ie. cub liy thi -- rie pliyegi ify eloiuet i-c beotte fer îii foecaSpoices fi rzicr Egtje sacLeeeadi sale;

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