Canadian Statesman, 1 Apr 1886, page 3

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POSITZÇa Thursday, March 251h. ner~~~~ ~~~ ceefcii'i W tfjitfrmrd every effort, sdri e .ritaibl ecus i ei f I e "iluccuf je sc o sitcioen iht, ru 7let ex ..i a g'.cce.î, ecifci te Pi... 0 i aciîiîCî 1. i g iîscId Sil ocieiucc eeutlmn Th.elýucity inc Wcc pi c cj f e ccici t e I1 tnc icnio -Ie l THENIVE HAVE 0c,îcc'. . ÂtîeiîcieFcchCc .p- end 0. iîcc Ah iici iic5e. ëtid îccositeicii wb ct .......ii.ul.. '.- i icf in minn yod itvclci iic ~tMES. STREET HAMILTO C naer Fiû cos lit Lnls~and Cost-Umes ~ ,ul ief~mc Ž'ecfltc uc very 'ho ioJin, n Lu UW'() FOLLOWH% G DAYM t otoo it ct oniiod Celic o ionn D, -ANJJERSON & CC cett i>rthittiniîg, wcuiil oiiitwiicfto the iiiiforrcccnci ci* l it iii tc i., iiiiiitiiiî0 , 1ey v iiii e iiiicbfc te cicr' ie oîfîi io.ii'i f fhitiiltf. '1Te saiiif jinicrscip vil ; i tf iIa 1 ii t iliciii ti nttciiIf cttlet Ititi coceitî. Ve itîîlcfIîiii.htir ronce . Ncoîfmb ffliechoicgl. IVü wc tId ai iiiiit i tic (In ti fie ceil ifi f e bcc, viciîjn i i iii ci fi flib i>su i i cî tty fiiictii ci for tf li cfteti 8ictii. in -f îte-iîî'fîoîîîoin tt i v fctt% L ia t î cit y tC0113 in' st-i wil ctci.t \itiîi. : 0iic c, n.,.cfioiicshtiiff gticti sltyl hli al ittt.î c t ctioiii.le ii îriutoiiiiifr the i'enfle ; o uctoiriifcfifcîcutig ud ll; 1 w i îli ide i t i CL t iii. have fthe fil etaifi iiî st ei e ili it, iifîfiiii-a, ci .ii g ai eci.,icn gr:a sy in itiolti IlIv oUsc, Go4naigeto buiiilir fiiiifcltriit ttcywttt i'ctine te poueize uee IOLINRAKE k& Inîvitcefile Lutlion toecg their, cRAND -SHO~' (-~ OFDOEW-ý AYUDÂY;  PRILt ," Geo. *I Io spcn c. iticma'don.. fice tcx f Axtcff cc xcccc lme cnton ec. iccctecc u Aitc7, .c~ecceifIcmecdb c ~ o 77-,ckeéYckc~iccJ fi0 ti5i~i cg c'r~ i~ xincceîme~xcc Ibvt» icoit = <èrnt .0 e . Ai l . id , S c . ' .îi i . c-Te et e , film Isd i rsi c"k l eyffi Tc If ' ccx: ig tcéc tno iaci ~fcî.î R eol er ic s ri i àad ticifillccccc eu e.-. . aii îf !set 0tiL h-Tu cccy.cetlhfton se f. Olfa ce Ieifci ci filef aalin Gecege SnifttiJhi -CWIn IiIy jurtou.i c.tu in tsat rbl.tnfeuihii .fc id.f Icp Heciy,i6chei e d c ch d ..icif nec.c i i (ffi r ns ch e ne ec e ei, nds1 c e eci*iii 'anctofd ccsi 1 h.O ficfa feu h cet fetiffe th c.p .. a he iiii £otc efeR1cCui .bol M 1 gazi ch . g. O.galudtex_- f iefxeni hmteieceny ':fce.:ysit , i Apuif, cih fie ,cîfd ixice. dcc îî fd' <iecicc u t Sctn1V. nnuej f xfr jO Afec Te ii W air.-iucettwcet mcc ctcz'r Cccniii ic f cciiPf ecie lic81 ah3iiicm. .Basî 1Çsaiy«fcch e mnc lue éy afe Ftiinc iost-fite ttfir.(Halsto ne., ieîe enf tKcmi6yèt i fc nuncrc cciigttefbdeg ccrti) Pcf ccioiPa fle eigcetceieett f HORicdci W BMUVi ecec eu fysppe. îd ' - me teecAnuini ne - îc-îp3olgu icpieu.thCl hc fucecci.tiea e ici àùtà, icufiwic ireccecicciOx LucàiHdrsfCône. iOkil'-ôk ,pondu. cccf cchcyi.1iil rOJ ehcicclce. itig Sefeic- f t.ief té temthc i.oJAexamifue aux, ic rpfientciii , fe cclecidHffthe ea*, . mine ni euu du su lîelc fSceccl c.1C c . EucibCci cfcsciff. uIciuic2cc~enClcd h. P ,jaie . iie ae édrC n. ce.-.ficHeilhor ironttheeen If ciiig it tc Fccecti fe rnîs it liceiecr u le.icn erd e t Htugxi li.nOcn Hîi-awin ofin it I îeecee CAniFceemaénbctifihpngéfeieteIlîeefii ic clsciuccmpany fot uclu . cn Ce . pWc Wla i cfh lu eluIf f.'. ued ls ilc,. uthe Qdec ut O tifiif P ic. îlfiicfiicudhtciiicuirnccici..eiem.ecof ali.sodefteic iifiiftte i, cf ihe FOr i.i ridet receot nsri-n10ég qad inth hecuuueficcicleitiifc ci i. fnt tceccfKegnufJec ceýj ý h itnPai-M. .fiscflhoe.iue idc, ulucuccci luy ete n H tt MIs. orceg n the.-e -1f ' an torge t Al ffort- tfilc Pacsecc om ir terluec Oe n ce- ihrndiilte tIodfde. Iue isce, >1cndtechice c . IDe e l l uti lue c . u 4 .É nn cufitc r ndemcticic fjm gcnii fertlOipfetjhàctiffr 2 d .Wl ne e fatte atis axîu. n icne d .J. M i.vce yi..l. D C. ýbSegi nu ethôs i nc~r fM ton a.f '.VB ri l. cc5 f ccdu lîîue Iù n ifceatcer eh efyurthe c. erde luriccr tleeiet i ngcm re iiceyced Th freonly hccuf. Tiuey ccc, Coue- îî <cli uiic'r . bcf .nec lète.dr ireuilieece ~~ ,ircste, pilled lufie. . b -ets C eefeTALic eetcenfrm ic es ec utfetseihff aii ar iit givci Oxcet te roei~ cnd.cetfcW c c W leen.ntO~dY ctc L-tfercl O inttyhfîiiiuc . c cpip Wîdoec" Thi ceeci eniciiadthort ta ltel ec i ciie eôes CcMO or i.Oéa7 iii inii e t e he it Occi theit g i ceri, cîcut.reef il.l.v 'o i.c M fet fic ell te 611 en lnc of i eh ioùCiccé onheidy. Tcerceethione the eîcutof Mn truentil if i 0'Rtle li. c ilr4 g ml dJamdes cttriw.j &-" Moicn h thy -ee o . Hm otde 'à;hfcc fe p . eiii md& H aese.tern i Iicn. In p.flu th. pltice ceieatt ex.ifiePi fh<eifh jiýt4h i n é'gestd ec Khoi he l'ricez f aesincatedtri Brece cîye 'Te ficaet b C1K éedn. 'b es ae ca ini tie c hndit o iec.nîer be f t e ondcc xetted cee eee hc fr;. m ecunecva.lenheso.i ere teilTin c ce di.teisvu ci. fluu thi ei aneu argotnen de n t iv eethdesine on ct.erett e rbo nlT y rcne iffe9nfiic cee te d appccce c e OcCighty.& ontnilo e c io foi i ini hemesh hu iThltecl\,W cecYorhk np ci Ciboard. pbasici mn. f ~ ~ Puii.p ».Icfiicpf icpeh.eeihng à ini th i.o, e Dcisl i itp en ne. fieàte ltéehi n au o r ToronoCee ityue f if. c ule ut icat.l- PI tire MicnsCe..Beaifird.y i t tudel ofethc el .B hsfccerig iZiMir,,Tg MlagneOie p~eîne if hin oa ac fue cfdx Prurn b eceii i I l lfeh ié efffi eeii uegcfor tire crle sS ictih ri &igrsle péeint p eni h i ienice if d. i ifil i rî te etireli fr unt ....r...iuiii iW . i, ifpîct Bo git ueancdRobiensCon.eoCfcrneclu.-iS-r40-2t. teIWCI It wi~ Upc e the ie vite il. eu as : e ara uâfcele ccetbarinSH... d .,e appofti ctccitP Cuc, Iccdsca ty -1 hfi ceite hhcii. cdpfdîtg hepepf O -th emlatabenAim fti teci ceciesgiPfccnt tcghaebia " g lr .ve. ' d ixywer th e in. fncccoffor ptcnget prors lvdtrn eeîiBank ontervr eoktrw n pîhsi. Mc Oth ee .c cnl',.. ccittfceing nd th cin tu ecete xiietce ieSM c îiicc.feceeef.flue ccyef fectfinclueccetetyenceg...,ct.. ci Theperect ietfh e Ot ri oG etu ei t ve Yon g mepidon Êi Vpect lae. îeigicecdcciip idtéfcm cf.. Olaip , àrli thece tice fcecce fintec e. e nre, gteg e ilu cîdf eecef cci heehcefcnu eecse cc cexpycg iecteuiie c cim Mednytneini 5fnpcedeI ~ bcc èci ec ens ihcctilFAa d nxe i eamltnteiprciteecetece mxdiecy h.e st c xtre u if e iidc et ticccm t c h ehigcceime of jutice ut s mmx yOUSea allclaist.iitrimtccsli ie ecicé 11 tý i ile. i O eily, t- tok' Tm e s ceV n , e e a,~ncniecxifcc hof ie c e-- OldaitOieng rnccan pui' J ccthecdiii ie fmeai creitex ns ihe hep t Briin~ udcw e y:-e fe t e k.Whi ta nlecy"Wpier, aete ice tnto.tes,.c-ilces Wend4it ers..0. fte..o nc~ . ... n re nd _cce4seii th er Thebcciicfana cni enle ihth.ueceei.tfccxal ieditof maltx ccc Bencc te xs dftec îfecned teie n llrscd me 1iiotn ela c ie d da %bletn rerinifcec loiUtcnoieilceibY Oeifluf er e , Vh e45à, 0 ôîfdi thfe dicicix. t c Di eforcbetyee7 , an n 'oeet fluaei Theexitinse cri ig ta eMdédcthetiOUI tSIihtmdir, n Oief29. Minescf thPfe h . r cyt iafe a 2a u ; ',--*_ theffc T e ciifyxet ciceltce ComayofWner"*nte fi"G ct.ue l n icceoncacnYxcerithni b ppeuN.riiAed i a eisc iit e i abhofle ends nftiOt u' O iTeimdtk lue. cetù:cppxeiiîid bycOf n eetr. Br iccf6 e re s 390L AX cOli'MOicentiff Oierin& hihn pp fo $0,00. it.h- . ! BI pu-nt>lm ogresi cdu, iii ixed, the o cctcctg ei ce e hctil iciiiciie ~ pit eiu h i os e h pinta orno m the d aSefiteceh Wçfi. . Stnly eln.- .: ---- ------ tOc uni cf o nira whcli li~ e as; gci r i c fdcec M.Afci excecedafl att@top§x suth ýc xc. cienx - _____ For~1 th, B1ne f  L H -CULLODËNÎ' elIIÉDINYGS. cci'fil Mn . i i. -n - n- een cf OilttiinuMr.P. fieleae .lj i e cccntid ea n certint ig.n cc ÇOeSlti , Cni IfWiecet-Aiiclo~cidwfke.Icd iOreetét, ms1ue edLadies GlOvsE ýLadies Mentu iciectri pplyty niOieicrihmfen ROBI TriHUNTEII ,:.Auctioneer. - ni ofe n - Mca in - etj tn i eÂT. Accee. Feu. ee0-iialeelm1 ZMERRANe ITEL.,in the ÂRRIVING DA.ILY G oei Co eeyfuî 5 Aptl<ic p eieijhs VILLA GEo0 BURLINGJTON,______ nchge temnpt idny, te con-. ENEDY PEL9e86 ait ihe9 Ocn1ifeSueicc mnAor188, pnge A ccnl ccAccee i Tht fcnest,,Tiaseii the CountY lut G- Smtths famec t4, othe peii cepccided forece tic go tiefe. Tfe fftciiig Pxccefci Dland: Do PAxecL Oe-At n tndcen Li ezme-On Mccday, Match29O, tOeu fctoc,crnipcedofthexitheetet1e a mifeof Gerge Lvedyeiof soi. eguttf lt.d9mn.tOi e Otidcnd an t . Occuicc Somth cf.libon" Stret..beif NAtiRtDx i 2D6iace câc f afcla lote. This pcc. pertei ce ' cisDzicci5M Acceaz_____ <iee.cic-Fesec.-le .Mcnifftex, oeii.oc," tb e n lecided afeuanceace Wced cy, Matchi DAil, Feie'Nhil' tbnean facce cîinticd: fcierletfrt. cen tisM arMny Foer.- Alef bsacitrece,picipetly mpfe treecs. Mdice laicc. we-AihOee ande di tente cT~ nmr n tpol r namgth t ttinoti Pfxcs-Baà-"cecc.-Ai .0e icxidr i calA Towncie1ficf sfmn cempeUiied f.oub.tà ece of iluc bridsiemtluec, bythe cf Pa.teft oteeei ed inaccelme. in cinithé; 'holiwor ldthere can hi but little Ifaydutht Mne. J. B. Meure, Machb Dnh, Thim. OiezzIn tfrncicf Oie diheconcessicenpuzl' gthtmdiof the Ptople ccill b howoaedththet mtrestoi WIV.Pron eu rhlteutof Saeccnile, Southof Deedie Stret. i. ethe cc sDi ra iprtnetrnît Idiehigme. te Loez.caD.,Bflecesti,,cf teueihip,-cnfatng'ntiee- 54 -,e ei, aqcetinofam s sgetiprt.é.ruls « StciucOicet'hci. . er' ne f Les ntarnionf 2 e itat pItot-.eTheyy onder heethy'ccli go tQ gel, B MRLD-chaîneceud28lilefrein cehere c post olotehing ctiiili.ChnrleiCmellc T- fdncsAS dgr i7clotel n teuce ot onotpieteid to have> th'i abihty of a Gladstone, forî the Bcanfc f 'Hceeiif bn'tem iîc~eor IeisteOite Lae eRendf Oieen c sn Me4,îhmmt we oun anewer yottr quetioti wt thmnk qeite itidfý.tt t ors eoddougliter, cf L Rcdii ,f th ce~xncmese N ~ dore .foiclie thbisit saedm let diin ui flc f tte uny ge fe in i eccceeeefrnt t fnce tOic MonroeAi bterccidecre Mci Si ~Ther iouwllfli jswhiat yonihavSbeenl(Oki g i !Miton, unOn ih hMntchmS etr1 i'886,c eîîcc . Peter Mncfeni, Enq., Publi iecef l ýitnmII.I r ie c clii ife Oe mDsfcttec, Dietrict ef.Algece n ax : cv.iult euIcuiielueceui. slc.uie fan " icsi hI cicln.n Il ecIl . H RE E,ý T N IN Fearry.Scced, ana 44* Bile a cdi2cciciceeeidciil . ~id ui usrctc x'i cier cx *;ens. ce dAufced DceUceicc cicuc.diece cfi, ciectl c k c i ly y !hfbi ericeiig Me. nimn cl ea. i cecàicul he cccii talueToi mccc cf Broca Cceey. iipaetse .U!Lcchcc tex Canadcea wcsenclxieniiiluxc.pefn.xi en clcc meeccnifd,cnd sttiid inmRxqu"É oenf iccn uieeeeeb.d'U.tecch- lurip ~~~3jd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý Acgcme.Sc atemWnfticuîîeî, denBRTN ce.cctlditec. ô Mr. Hexcy Cr q cnaoTlil. .c edccid niOie42.c-Mri pch ihet aiecu ecu. cuuuictemiioilon. Sntctcdn, April . mth, bis Weycocfeér enr tcége nd c ced cômeeenced iiaehhig teintlmut LEtTII, RIDOSTONE A dYMiOÈS, xptcnt Aigi ce a ermucned tee four Vemdes Socterac, Nu ccecre, ce ble fnerte ub-eieledcccrt Ashgove;wher liefer n tecra cf yencs.iSclen te1 cli* 1yers sucdtonm mcc Bi tc nid tecgfli feues20txg Si. Wect, 4m.2t. 9MilticteAegeii, 187, i. nAnieheiid 1Frn 1t ui a cnot e n e pblece eive nnii l grce tccicef1881, hleu hmflseed - 1ýhvngroîedteaponmn, hc'Get your Tinware and StoveS.atà t a Low. FigUxèe for, hebeli p te ithe iceeof btedcai,sof RInsecer of Publice Scheelx tic Algeema: JNW iDitit nd Pircy Sua. Tludeecpy, o W Y BROTIRiii I,,) Pro iis àeloý ut, i abiliiyanitfgennf disposition: wmich e £ i sxee,.oehd, PeiorScite 1erom'Site à .ea. tirnoîu ccecfsil lnd pcpulnrce * - Tables, Lixten'sion Tables,1 ,àa ochr=a ifyce Mt Atmi . --for. Chaire of ail kinids, Fa positioen. Mis dmi cwever Cookee ýa reliit ardous. Hlwas copoued e Thé:ORONTOLtie BINDER,. n toas l ille ecy.lnajotn.d e itSomi,(5 67f i >iPictcxt Mouldine -an ceefiup~ wcivery jiercie. , T-ATORONT t etciinaion, ced iflece tei l acîhi i jThe- TOBONTO MOWEP.. * ca Olni;thOe epececete nflichhaememeeubi arorThe StASSEY HAIiVESTEtS. niW- sth aueoihecompfnt, T heMIASSEYMfOWEI,- t Uretle ainsci te udneym,ef wtich st nes .____SHA1PS HORSE, RARE,. O a=). ' Sec= it fipla.Mefecn celi.efn 'TORONTO OME.MORSE MOWEM VRTHN t Tecedny, anxd ecistnng th Oe tery Ceapl for.Cash. >EAIBïïRP7?OffHAdD i dtnpcbfe cesthc eni gSvary inrgetyi e motxe, i eniyyfDlefiegne 'riomrs ua<ters uiieùd =Il ma iâmlns r Btcck cTIUfWU6Sc on bc ~ nj rie fronma m Cebfr ~nhin ISPS'xG odýF eathers for Sale.' -j Public ScheD tend cetuteM a body i cebfnmh~ M.VciiiCct oNWAY, BO.B. JON na aMr-Mocfntae ujcicin edeecte- hi wte cense pengtE[ R W A E \z &uOh.o o ~ ~ TP1T~T1C~ , ~MeKÂTBOTHEBS hueJI nJi FmI ils hi nd Heavy HarwareOtet' ~ ~ f~~utors hé E .ýEYMAxui'i'  HIE <dH RT;S IS Ailthtehovegons hae j ~~ Sets, -Çe . tM-4- dr' ~ e ni i will bho sold et excoeedxngly. lot iooks .o o 1Pl9S ni ccecmf i V ,-n ý,Lg ;7 Speotal lames t e ...'h e I at n ing; and fSummtr. Eaitoi cix eylt matt L.ine 60 daysl tphoitrdiic Centii an rlj prita"d, rT able - Se. 0 SOLD. SONR Tabcleieten nites, !,WC.~ f41 oi Cie l ..... .... 0 ek of all

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