r - - i .. ... . 1 ý .1 .. . . .1«. -'l [s ..... t , __ 1 . ý.. . .. . . . ý. . - .1 . ý . . ý.ý .soso..-.no.1 1. 1.l..l s itIl/1/ t.'o , .i / T / T E s ; - . ,j. 0. .t.o 5 1 . o n .J 3 .? I . c T O T t N X t s i i 1 s s in s n s . .sJ io.t-o.ito o 5.n s . ' .- . .. ... ... .. .oo MséttiOfO no ooi IoTMTOtnnnTt-s-OOtoo RohI. r -s -Ms ifV s* 9 - --P.RTERS O.- 1-J , - t1i / i to. o. 1 d o 1T h t t ot1 .to i .s f i - i;.to n o its;po n lo1no o t-O sL . . ..P5 t o; _ 4 o ;5 O .5 o s ts o to o s . t.0oo.t t .: oni . > ;nl. to oinnnl. b» Pooi,..ooiss itioosts os . 0 o to,.,'t p -t . S 1 t-.ots1. tn. . i l Patur bll- n s Ill- ta . Ira" oht.toa- I .. . l it E . - i. o sJo. n. joot sO OO .' ' M.s......' iio- " 'R ' sstsot -CLt . 1 . .. .to.o--Ms oophstoM o, "ItotsOIY s tot. fosn se ./Ils..onsi-n. A e Rt E S Q O F(Iont n-Ho t ,. . .1shnJot, i . 1 Lý1 t i 2 .tlin .odtodi. Sos17 Ms. cnt1 . No 67 Dundan Street2 .. LONDOt ON 1. i , i r. .z. 1 ldtý..... .- o CfstiTtC' ot'l o s iss nt s 0. seo ,O ,&&. rmi. * A Polka»oss, H eottst. st.a,.,:. - . Li, 'ithe 1 in . s. ,Let-dAtt 1 no -P'.SOn - nlJ Inot î' TM» sIisit-RoEr teAak r .t eF to .il b aThe ooot hittsiPenti Y in.gsotIth .1 1 .ss o lt s n L. s- s - e o ' n i - -P O C 0 to o s s s t, s os tt t tt -tn o.I hso o ts t o ,n3 > tiin s 'J.nf, B r ah t X e r ti h = , ,etC tss t . , . ' p sI t t t s kjl s s î . o d s 4 a o t t o t ,t n ofn n 0Yt i",4 . î ' O. 5 f 8-- yon t o h M' .t t- ,t o1 .Si. hsqt1holo lsttisss.n n ni ' onsA'otimts-ton-ilsh I oonoBt CssI ssf ttn w 1t. ,Tno obti llatt n tii ttn s. t ooo pitaLo noOt If - . nho-l T u o9 . sot(! . ý a -t I lt lusos i n l ndts n si t th.. . u s a l t oo ts os s np i o. t to o ti t nt htsn iO" 'ss oososs sinehto1 t - 11, 1 èo.s3 5~ o n l h é î ak a 1 4. . . ..attle t hn l to. * I r.o.t" "'thos ttoislusttosens-ti -O11tSOS1-nt- : imorotI notoabjesotsM :Setoultblehheeîy..s o - r -' i pss tthi»o d to,.r ot00 osspefJossfo . . iioor -lttai.s J1. idisoett -otosntittraso Mil ril - ,,.,- li;-e ,,,i, I7 son, 1 . .. t o s " .I , t p n o o o ib o 1,: 1 ' bs s oo l s o o n . -îs eito u . 0~OsOOtttohoYlnt~dohSCotot.t Is . .d tlsooni B i;"-i.- on' h I to n sos on itof s Oh lsoh oth.y. htii Sss lpo is h . y ift lu ilsnet i t he .-I .. i 11 t..5.50l1ci fi s te. , ik y 1 8 .t n 4 " 0 ýt l oua y i at n sosR .sst sisossitnsiîi nn4ýo77I tt. .. O-00 o iot p/oIo.ltl aj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iot tostole *C SI osl "" tt,.'a in000t,,f 00l5J î:,, ý,ýII toIî e ..,II IIý MI l oel - ls n"l",:ýýýýýmýýýýýýý -- o.Il"' -'I , j 1 .. sn oo s is tn os-on i 5 .fi tn O otli o o i t oo s t> lt i iî î t ii n l so o tl tttt Lb , .ro on .s d t t s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._ _-_ _ _ _ 05e5 .iis odî o S s t n tg to ossitet thoto to» Toso . ot Oht shipni il .sd i l ona cl-- o t 'apin 1c i hs~ O stlsotsstl, oI.sss:,ii.ý,ý-r ,ý;Itloins .v L l'm. Tipor I Ts~ nliII.ti:inO lsgn 5opst";a7.IlssOe If- s 7SooItoiUi.Lm itditthe't« ro 11, Ilt n"Cty - - .. lstts a oO t ema , i 1 -a l " !;i,.g iýu t... I .Iý ..ý "... m th m .dem ., ,,, a, ...I., .., .It OO a l w0 f If Ai' il. - n - P rm], IoC oss. .st 1-- --7 - --- * -nos' - ý i(. Itottoiy!Ass.ý.",.iI I ;.::.ý*,"".I et inthuinns t" iuot/i i nhoi tinibs s Mto ttl . Ostootto, ,550" 'B ,ll rogt ta ti - opEBi.TS DAIloS'Ds % . . ý1.8 o s to .s ft1is tt0 0 C ts tI.s s tt ntth .tt., .,zssop th o n o st:ILîo n fu n .sli e ..obtrth o u .5 iI : :it t t " t " b,,tO e , LI M e ..4 .iootOt nnony n. ;2't-- f.in*fh-,ns1iMdOootiti»hCt5O» îtto mo j ponsoJI d t ttooSu fstt CJo uon tr.. .-ýG ,. 1 . ý . 1- titI» l'o, Al. ulut ý il . luht.1 P . ý-I 1ý . . .oý 3ý.. " ïeg tfba , pmh e noitiM iM stC iohO tOas, i - Th -to toso» 'oni, ,,M ei' tosor K t ThtLpetonst ohtos SMo sn std1st S d> stt1 tfi g' ',,.o*.,is. hm sitO $ oitits.1 i 'ItnoshEttire O a Sosttspott - to. .IE ýD'n N lý s.- r.t.o. . ,,« - 5i pnnot. tOt t S. p;,au Lý-* v.itospsoInsot S oht5100tontso>tn,0Fo.o.h. sol k" . :et, te'lt ile ,,. alte t ueiiS l losishl or * sootîDnsonshtdfle.a!,,sY,.okntOtod -,oeýý,,.ýu,ýý"tý"rg.,sie . rattin Ith:in i iaes 1-t -soopinn lo . -. dL1opoitShoTIP T )oostisILos olOtotso. -ml t'III optn oooosIhtso..,ssslorn.losoiMsnisontstos it untoi sth "to ""lons tire t e..îsui fsoîsiSstl jaio'.]siltso Oitiitt5ittOtii sso51 - ~tiCs- sotctIl ototi lot iipi7 toto.And*s o Oitosot . i ,ýg tol ieIM,,i" onJsOJnt n.Il ' et.st TtJ C-l", Li phiothti300004 n. .oet oodoboel,. 1sM30 .tt 0ttit. t':toMoonl, .S. tthssontiootisy dnntitl, , ogo,,,..hce î ti osnid C tsn1 '...lo S s'o Osn ffoost fFbnSOO o~ O OIt Md ud.- . 'lot SSotoi.stoohit..osSto Ili *ssSidns» 1soondootonîen ,o iitnoot si-es 11- s lno ýimf,ýafl ,-*, ,ýi d, .ttmitcImlebe s s - ttlqlo abl onttt eis.trmd-Tl a udfie. t.htho Mlt o li-ý lie. thsO ftd O- ohns'etOO55- 0075A ooonto4 ls <osthe zomonto i i 1 . , 1 , , -11 h, - fons snogistsat'a hva _tuuu - , . .. ticensty xcg_ ,!d.t_ _leriseseul) in ___ . . St o 'tloo oo o fl ntns to nS Jt sfleOs - Mnck t osa t l Iosooo tîi si no t so st tt b ob odqn S zsr %5C t O d-ho t -p 5 .-CO i5 L s Y t t $ : s .. . ý !'1 i -tn.nsooiiiss!oCsole Mo miThra.mut unr t'20 atIss1otatiof o rthnDéem 1ot s, onot bs.is t ,ýI o i .ts.to ins osnJi it tht fCotofilp.ySnsa* fih/Mtàopho t he lose sc5gs- - -t 05.5 .dCo i; gtlabc i Mtito oet stosss-f.t , Mono* o hoooso ht-oi ffet-tzso s-st sns t î O ot ,M.hLtippi.M o.. ILhv-1.ibon- s ns i -p t. I - ai1.. . 1 s o s .to .5 th it lo o s o i0 t i o sto - o sn t o tt o it tot s to t tg . ft o to n s di ca t s o n 0belo T t t.S"nt.J eo5 0a0 tt oSi Ltd- \ I- - a - 5 s o o - a 5 ;) . s ;t.na . 19,,0,i,",,i0 Il i Li0flsm, inth-,toOjlItt'. o totoficojt hoV .I" ino to îo poho.so1n1i1.1ots t o dosn dio1 tooOt-tg .po . ! MttstC L.1,-td S oO ,tsiaýbII,ý-.i , ontîtos - i l hionoo l oi. t-f j WsBalle, t lotos stodot..n. ý IshM o. /.ossS oogosole os t O su snitnsTi5iI to-bo> o tosnh O-to Sttbt nn ltnisohltCsoMbtOn tu Isosur- thôt'.Mst~ , t.sts Sîsotot ,oto-a f Cotioio t dth.iS lUIiEaitS. C IIJ, . co - and ---o T ~ r ta n e et . , - 1, , ,- 1 ".,.ý te - -ai, -ý ,ý, sst olo iootot istte ..ststttot i.ý a titt ls- . . - 1'...ýýtio .:Ionhos or'tiiso/sssttsdtf. otu-n s0sselotoiftoitthtototr tho sootoitonitS locio.ls-Il l.t Cettheiii Ntosoot.p iii 1 StitM . F toteooniel gosoe'- fozoo>reftlotonSnssr s t F LeW orh. t . aood ooIoiut p l ltretnuut.%o. toto p f:ontttt. aoitSoittMttooosO4tîO.O9 ta .îi-C.LATMO .,dfo. toh ,iist titi ..o-t.sisf IostOs toi n hti oth is- tJJg. toferait t-u t itit i-psot ti ntI .. n.rxmfrfl alet ols n odb i ,= Z , .e oooinhlsslosssone !,I,',s-5Il.- ! toO 5t0 tti ANIS IILi EL Ct)>ttiJ',- l-iAtidoCon Ctosho. s i dns. onT.lt>. lot oo.o. > ,tes.phB i Il G otontt sesnotincest".SoS» sI-Isnntosso >îsn 5 o l !71 l*a.;t-nuI,-ii! hh i.,t,ýe, tînt , sttoSiisoaif,.ot.,zo..eStp ihiio Mi.oM. . OSSIN Se R sTQ>t25Cets. , St fCoshs. wnate t, . p > edtofi n 24 I'u ,,..ea lII iiit"lleI ;Ir.I II..si.gle islo-i.----o-tin solstonî nots-t stshis p j . ... .il . ,!;.tienof whlek iSa tzti 00 t Crr su moalrecstoo el.aS O lttTqO tI -i n s tt io o o ios n.is o n"s'siaMt t o n es > kIL to t to C.o.5.S I lo so. ý . ý . - to so o- oo.aitoh 0 tt n n in n o t o i v j Y oi S 50505! hi P .nt e . ! Eas 'tu o n i îio o /t if p h-4 - ,/t . tt s S O T tE T îS:à i tO T.m. O M nS l s s,/h tttis o s o l P ." iu . t y I tin n s . . o ta n - îln o n 1 oo o -t !f o n P so to tttC t it l tit S d gt . If . î i tc onnit o tio . -. l o os, o n o fo a O..tts t0.0 0. vl...tt fI - bniotltntOtoIOit, 'M tfit tIlit. sm osm- -.atitisl. OsIonio li. isoto s-son cl.r.oonDof isossneMn 11 z3OCCtIY -teOtOWn ancre whiteciel. A INMK, . s ol nI n l t -O t f - ine , t : o ~ O i ioto .î. t n t lo ' t 51 i o l ies n o h o e t n i n o ptw i o n o o d t t o t 0 i T O O o n ifitas.. e , b ,, = r, , , , t O -oI L L R - w -1 - - t. h t s l . i l fi -osqf- ..ti eIs t*tholdng Jnsd ti t t lJ.fltroyali %onsatilonos Shosotionho. .font to-isi totos tlne e soofol> 5ioitJteSLeethls, s>.Moto-touz tMtSt- osotbufpa-i:otl ex -YU&Ut 0i-lIiSIE', -,--z .... . . .f. .ttz& i1t.1i.1o-osoios olono.t, 'issttb p M t i Bi- Um t » . th .1ne t vi N ntrop - thl i .t .ns i, ..I ..titosOT t-tttt>tO. Tossoseon--. ,ienof h.Sý.t tlt 1, ti tdenstsotlotS CO nonoM so StS bslA..tsn s-so vspoo ohil 0t-.p.fra n 31 . i atasdOf F ctr ' ý t,,,,iI lTh stil5 rsO , S UIAL SA HS E LE > nnoîtesoinsdssnonobtsttioîzllY lh ozoO.s Atlss t.> hhs t , s fns1tttOno lbTdinn thoontilaý-.Iuu, ,%3 e itottt o o 500C55d oltth-.iiOnF! tito onkn ttoo s Sf loibn 1 airso foSobpotle- h OireFlO,,plait c..ht.O.iA. Sel.., .blIe..ooCottsCdoitttsOOofaAo-s:ttoO-OOOleO ootoîoo-oi'L'tJ, Ir sooIsotî - ý 'sois tonosi hoeo "nOdsJtOMOCî- IC oooosss oosg~ .so- - OobiibJts il t lil05Oio te oI. Cs ;mts i:,IiiiSss.05 Yon oeIri vlag t ine1o,- înti soit ocl i,.Iy, s t -CuIý . . 1 .to S -o9 e s 0 st sb ttt'g l o- n do o ot n t os nn s sO os O 0 i î St on o >,m, t t - -,, f n w t- P f oiritIS O S T o -inT - l- - to altotict.I a. hm nlssMsstol i u-1'I'"I,.ive eeos-lh'11'týItltj-IIZr ettoiionl .-onno Bbnot o dCI pdsts'disnos (Snno oooSthahvl m uioPntsilin iatotoeAsoheo-tOtdoos,.g..e.-npooor-tj. lf-L to-des . .n. u tfssi>.o ,toztAiou o ;,ls t sts nTen Oto hsos sotlto dSt lesmto tM1;o. .ni ilieoîi ovolsî ososAo io oo Jt sl . . 1 . 1. ft. h su T it; M o nno. I lsoo . ts -is . -o 1 sot-T i> o ,o o sin tozt .Oo t t Ol fero t i al o t t zh. nos is- t t o lonti500 0 h nd s.Thoou royaolfîl t s nsnoî tb n y o snn dn oO oo s T to lsu os i nn l oi h.sot iI> s - C h. . 1, , '. . , 1. M tO titonts le ...nn JO lto.i.s.lo tn t ulto ttO sls It > ts o ooo iio si /s t Oz ln spooo N'hlo ;o sio 0 ot u ;o it f m r- N o idiottiett uott nisool nso it1 o ntsotno n d ss o on ot n t iof t n e n-oplloetrto onos oo onoooî n of ionbiiiot o of Rh Iotoss bsonoi ihssnt I ftn lnn i . n m'fuot. l o Si, - so ie tcans' ,00 oîot h-gi tooiin nsisOo O A S sooO nhott npts to tOi o sliJ nzIss i.ii iit zosoo-al> iho toto u U U U J toduto-osoinslsototf0ntîi tl>tlo-sssnL - ntt.t-tirL-?os-otoottanonowot ---~ - IOM  LU»IIBI 10 .ICCMOO«O, a s.. I ouI i ts sln znt, eiotoi s-sso L n d tt n h n 5-oh dotn nt ttt0 o- to ttn th P -oP to au s1 os.tnot n he 50io i55 iC S I1 T -hoiW io to if s nl_ S In. , ,î-tCs 'Iltl mn.1t f io.n o > istt ho !-thep s itooct ! R i ta'tlo s /s- a n ai1- rb t1a d o n S ttLId /otte te$itt . . k . 1 1 . i1 .tfu n lC = - g o ît tu n ole z t tI s e O s o o n at.e o. n u i .- Olhoneonstzssns1....ý,,--' 'b.ý,ý ..yý 'o.I't th wle ht yn . IL S.C ' on! nol .Liinihie-trvlig tin l U DFlC L S th. n.ottl o o iu nton1ot ioi i nt»,'> ti ot l tes. ot ,,t,,, n o nJ i h ss o t tto M i tiso h o ni5 0 tss o la t tto O T O o s thl y t ti s sooi ý. , . ~ ~ ~ ~~sIl p in"1.a,,ýit ý, t-,ý--G-I TOPG P11m ,1 lé , Jot.t-ooo ' Into o . o InOsnt fis - L sssaaon l n i t i jn tn t l 'sooOO Po>t -o po. Sp.u. ss o t s o n o C t-n to t- o o C i ,o n-iontOoin ouoso i tlo s Th o soyn , ý , ,ios-n h d k lgtsn i O O OnoY not o ot n.tt io oioo oo me, ot P o t-.sd i Ol so-to.io 1 1 S ut ;t n -s ttnn:mY i» s e sltnil ito. so hii ».solos-om s o c -à puy oS d> Cloto inan ~t -Ond n tP0 M 0 n s n~ 10 î r s m s B e f p e T C /d r h î t0 s 1 dont O.soiOoltttnoterit3>tion tonpsossont otosls.nntioMs'ol0bBo-oolsleo no -n hoMottb, tîtittlacus....011e1l5 fieeetto.kCJT- ton.o. -i oh.tot.o.t",.,i,!;:. -tI tonus oit. otonsot-silnozti5ipisî-î @ood , Islotn¶otshonoO i> is. t n to s o y n s - ol. . l osi n s n îd hi, t t o - L s 1:: , . s s o is o s o dl s ti » - o s n m n , t to iti .O Ior, . . t n t ý i us n . uott o i on c ai I e o n o sos e of ao bIt A n s - nh a m % i t .b O t in o I t ti O -t ti S n i' tifsfs o o .s s o -0ks î t î f lo.n ut-/I- t - Thesoiosejuy nofic1n -5uht, osoinpooiti.OOûpî nosouait.dellaO8toitksonto sotrCscoi.oi. courntaothtissu iii---- W 1 aitontî5î29o26.il lu/o . u 1. t on 00. sosIt tboO bnsBOasrscl tOuotstotainOs 'k ____ -ettiooo Onrsioiinhi ontSS't1ior....h1ssedii, . c . g, 1:;:,,i,,,t --l fýr t. 1 ith l. "a Ii nn osm J, 1.O t55 cIT -o soos sTtt ut MotO so stt. ptmT i ln els o1,,0I.:: .,.B .3 . -ica Ira: s 't, t .. 12ssO t oJ o t5t 5 0ý 1s6h o .nM o tot1ho n-1b i ob o on -s to > soiiiettntio iso 9tit tî --> 7to tt» 1n.17ot st» od Us 7 . i ý ý. . fkr ellyIla tý'im'II ... . te ellrai -a w .NirrilýeI9.tb rI -non>.Ct x vd_ ..o ho -s atfilts'Pt t ,ls u..tss j as V p ttoi ts5s, a *O to I » i -D t1 1 J otoît.t ;sbonoItIe...tt5-ttctinn ont.Isot.no c - * . n I . e I . . . ] v , C l ý . o i a rnk . m ,owit-- l-stoc 5 0 0 0 J . . tO .i- z i h z n n n s in -s u to VE'l .4 i I r T H E 31 0 p o is .- - .r- r. oonin>nM otbsh i l to-s> Jf k CI u me ,î kof o tet II I-E xsu OS". ., lot ill Ofiai%ý - ti«-l.. is,, ors1,natI!i.-e1lonti .a t.on Ii.s-- 1-k1i . Ol. II.so5J5> -n tti.s,.ilwIiItt»t ipeosnnontsOOtnlrSeOS'sier 1 Th q' r'% 'OTU l'I lt I o ,5.-- .1.- --- ltl t55 1LLY Bnljto o» s%"simms-tn hn aot uký%ooa illiolinfrsOh Fottinotoo..ns.li..l;OtOdWILT lSÉs- ý.1 iv....l ie. u-at, Iltil1. tooisiilon;ýl,-nteff--. . - .eaf-s--to o h hrg uiio 'bid n l it oTit ot iM o s ie-t. .itsn tioo uS.us.Mo e l ",:: .- ; ;uteutt in O Ono ::i" .ii.,,t.% i u u -n u . u o c I F '.I - . ,C " - c lIý If'e . _ oo nI.ons 1 .tol ons-sso1blnds'-- Mol00-suos- Ososod l sto shit h r..t 1.s e ou/Sdi -S lSOPi f ~ uS oso tvi l i f sOt 1 lus'Il, t eni ot Isso sisosober . i ,o o CsI. too s t g S1 o t s se! site> tM t R ilt oO oui't hol...li- ,I.tIl ,..tln, a on.nI ltsotn Onio>n i»yîiot too101 ooOosntOthoottooTîO t »oSsoo>oto Oi -ntl 1S NFMOsSS sO soîtTsIonil ..not If oSoo -on ooý isl.tsti ltssssst. tnt ni isO oStttoontotu fum o-ait toî,îzo 05 s1 'sc.tt'sttoiootoo'sno tlTt otttsot thnv sinottil stsIMne tChuauPe. i0, itkls M ltolîS nil 1C 1101 Lil lullT JI.; .to-eo .nt loto ont ii. -slntoi .t.soO t iestlo sfiel-ýt-itnst-l sleu t iosOoor st-aoneuei. mobj sîzoot ,niinlnoîso sosoOMotY 5tMhsiltsnsttlnotol . Cr; me.5nlli ç0ei et-ftimumsC,.p.it t i o» -- -csonhsttioIltletztohtstCsitt»barqueootlllSOtlmofbCoo 510 h-hý..lttLJ iliîoI tîsîl C ut III CSOi ssstOn.o.mot-ni Oo . li!OoOos . 00 lsntistit ooJ-noot tsotssotttso tSs Mt- tOotinîto onnobut Ii,0OetO>..sstosoOe o t otFS»OST5O/ttdls /os ht hoot-,ss&C. d os oob 15 rilîo»kOb. bo L 1 IM . .- flltn.,-eleherlosa , Sos ,. ,.,.kc .stlo .isst'ooo Shttniaas tOntetosoosspnr o 1 .loton oOlsili.ntto dI o Il .- r .,., 0ît I .I.à oui llue foîi .r C iI.itusii t»..ll)'-t 'l .ý ý. .1 C =-1 , -A T ,CI. - et . - 1 - . .&,b.., lm ouletta sm, sst sol oJItI o'IIn iisss ls o t e o nni. iisîs - o i si n o t o.îig l i soo sl o fsIn tie i l n cesoIolesmttn0ots' slo--tisnLStos otIte.ots . p - £ r dts - 1 M 1,,."-, . .oi. .je t l t-s o lr,1ýu "i . i nt e .iny i ,.in. WSI SozO snci itofCi I i.iOiisovsnomo- St-ss i i.sssmstm ototse sone t lot tltt il-opfs siosot n-naI tootol»puier soip. . oinscilin -it ils> ,Li l loto -butI.,oss"'o.o.t- -lntnssn.. -tnt s*oostzson..eo. otoOMe1nt.«ns-os Gs«- os.o.ostos o i oi s o n ' , . , r i - O n on s I ,W c n o - oint oSo1""" m.1 soittool'l td1o wa mi oht nt s'i itotosO ion- 05Acts o f ChuitifO.-oOt - isoo-b On.donjOh. Dn-.-&L.ns-o eoco (L/ ftoç - ý oi l sa nt; es soso Os.m tfe-go IbIse allaosssOo I SM iOotvil--il - Sig . wi . t h e soS ull o t ho1Oi p lo e p p o tO t.0lt soi O n» O " t.sts n s no t a ,5 .OS S .1,ulLos-- s>,]Ooo m Sontclt to I c o ns !.O1- el Ot Il l lob u sosn , h "I o sltttî -dn -- n titOo etOs M I toleu i M» 'sono esot» I te ps>'ht-o-zSyM s/b 5 0 kI,,-.. -,th u . t m t oosoos.in ttnbie n otm ,ittf ss I tortt h lt ttiy t s at , sM O so M l Os1 sl os'oi Ms th ots-.S .i n-IpneIhh5So- ns.to.,0 Pio-tn1It;stoSl Oo-t 5 'I'.tuoi i> P, ht. s-lC. ss>, tso. d5O50d _________soh oo.liu»îolin MnszOotssM os»-. 1 .. ýi i -, 1l'u !!()',!, inottient. Gerolaie to pIII sîssun. - topn.o d Ut.1 -iaýt- l"L' P. i* Al u IIlIlI-IrCsooo aoDO ,> el 1 'enooostititstso-sodh «.-- oAs' 1tiI.lýh .Pi. nt..lgr.11n.:.tu e. lrt --. , icb ,ri,,.,.i ' I t v-liti - .ý- TN 0 ... . . . . . 1 . *II.. LttIlû,.s e I etoo...-., 7 pCai 1i,ýlleeleCt l l;II:.l .yfltivr., a --...i.Iyateý. 'l'iOt- Ii-ots-osa r uI .- t oo O noh ,t nnte To , ts-.. ton1 . .. iiI-il;I. tht Il,,r.tl:,itv uet l.niIev.5.e ouirttnîg, 11ont nhohsoii» -oOt sdottetst TsOStooMtlppio5tiO Oh oInuIsotlslo-oostoSi Siig yt tt3 50O uOs.o a ton. hot.n' s -Jo - stt nooata o-olog -M Sit.. hootit t1tto odol/tO Mos- noo..os noiOsoo s ionitn nltos tio' h -i ooioo btdno oo nfoo hs/O ;O Mo Idslst ogsl osoIo/oSt utsi.istt tohs3> ittIM tus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , po.su osss isn.st soouoO ntn-Uooli noos»Mssotlth~~~~~~~ .aTotigdiyu peuflSuCto tu MO It o oatld-osts s'dnli totls> t o» o.ht,.s . 1 ý . ý ý, ý ý . . . a ,"ry eltno , , S n -ooott u fi itos t oupiosuosoo 1sc; aiss- o lt1 . Csîsît alaoIt> "C.l Iu plC, :V it ,ýt. - ..1 .ý.- , ssig uoC.onll~sto - on;iodeb-thO tbsp pooutta seitutte>ttds ooato0too --Ionnnlpnr. onlsto aOie 'eui tele oCIt n Pa s!ilcl. .- loppto- lu t ' *'I toto otstohlo lonOt A thI - .I .tss ssoMiouo sitoo.) Son-s.iSio trtt.. ho 0010.5. s eiss. .IIIot oe>-elefrits.noeOtls hensLardsti.stI-nt-i.-t .ns's1 ,t-OO.M.tIM .Ieu.II______a,_______________th_______&_______le;...ai%, int'vel.ijIt,,. ft. ich.t,.,ltýt !IIlidintin b..d(tIot sos1.t no- 0000.000.O0ii ito onotit yOiso;it 5.50 doni>t thtO stinMsls's sott, lath.- otoohiste siof flictoottooo>otStton0$»eiR\1U UvintOIelia B ots anil S1oonntaor Spîiu ,aud St> . d strct...iflm dti o-o-O h tio i l!, lu In eo- PohosO nis -Utotli t s tot Ctt totoN Mio » P ».,ii Stt Itos O t ttl Ttoetverpi- M MO O td5 ttO to s » -t-io ojtoaooi l d _mec_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ tis.sososldo- .oniovt. onM O /noototh.tnunS1n> e pottaPo o onudel ief is.lit ot 5U tl o tOil 5 T -hoo tnM n al sog Sl h ni.oio s /nýs-mo. aa i oons,L Oie d;IOn--n S yosontîLhDonth C ...s polioiSlnsototoooo»onOUt an sososotonoih OsOs - , oti o J- tt5 hz s.ruk.ý .i Ot0 tSlittsissitini se o Ps,.On P. - osiiî.otoolsotoooo-ol. Â. Pnulil.Ioz/tfonthSz or g. i n- 0 to.tso otaM apt, unsno s t ls 0 h»oi> tlnns tTsihle psieoe1. ]oLSot5oo l' to; oFJ t tei t o.ý * - . .ýk* i son Ilil ....,LIzohoolettoisI tyus11.1c JisnosstlinttstCooY ' SO.t P itIs -- - a hstodi oSO5 t htosai.iSod1 s Ol ta. T-Lrplsà Sol eo ..I., o ponpthlyMs-1otlshOsoketTE - IN S ronob . . 1)soMs .o ,-al .osts 1 . - o1n>t.oeO to. . [op uOilolesorldt .e o n mi tss O . Iy rl o n. weo-tO )lt re ; , I .sI on o ddts d np n s h aa $ o ooeel:- ID O T O S O T T O C L .. à 1' - . 1 i..in.tb.s the toto ilobs so .nvusntiosCesOsà Oisytt. i Ottotl IotII, Las L.M, -of3M0 parstieostPSt I051M5 'Cu-nit ossss1,, t;-Tsilly trallas adourpotosStss - o005- - ; Bl plndýi.. 1 i 1 ý 1 I ciercomi liatu po-isol sl:tsI m ,i-iootoesIIII stc.tllns Cost- onEeusSih h tul ii t ! tooy n soo itoosOMos o. onlts me totIII,.8h pssl,ý-LtvosonuSi a,, n C rst a , l -Oht p;ntitalils.uN%.loOOd s nt '- utr v-iti.ate da tup n o sr e uc d stt .' ri t ia i ý - .. -y - clayy n~~~et o>,S« nssonhe --itls ., ' o-ntdso dio' o ut Ags T a ugOoss Oe stoali a cIaC .sJlao tceI h c rte%-r,. T emlin .1 .. lit writMtoozielooiv-1tfopstnsafs goloil;to, s te ho ,: .: Ule,- L.-A 10 , ., ,. , t I, . r - i C -, t " I l a " ! I , o Ii a ý . I, I . r . v r t . il i l t o r u y u l I l . A n v i i I I-; :, I 1 . i n ý m m ; h n o i lo e ju t c B 5 Il s e v , titlîn-e ntosto nsi 1 . .u. ,-u, s ti l o tili. I - I o sIO,, I f l . * .- e lu e l 11 u ti n a r s n f o t o .i o ll o ; -s' eCi,.l. u -il. oosson hnsd; So0ssnCs..do;.TntnotofbL 'lt l SotoilO! noof thouAonCtoO stot I ISzt oontSrhO.iSoonsMiC.ttonlss nuiolofnl seood'.o5L .a1i- ,oetsd--'se1 sino a nonoonsgtln»O iih f b» oht1)).. r,ý.n .tMs-stomssUs.oei ls t a h - ct he ,, .. f.:ïi les o C00- ot.onnoOs 5 ots s h Sn h 5 pn t.oon o rtaSh/to or-, 005s.hesNo .psl-:thstoOeOSoon»ssoSo . i ntti on» o itif e ,lot it/ C ian s m Iitof ay. M pssoit> ,onoqatti ,sMtohhao ondol» toper- lifrottt10ehs.nton MMsl M lst 5 ,.1 .. Ie"..IýI,!' IIII-m1.,,eI-- h- -ýtItml ý.-dn éu ýI1Il esb. oig-- Ii, 1-.h . I: -%teststisasoihaoroIndilgestione ttsulSoS - on -UTOHAR -1oftl.t550toO so-soO-,onol*honsotho toOCsO ps'tonOs-.t, 1PIsOudtr _____________II --nic,__ AIE .I___ * p_ om_ ly ____ Ir_ -l ilany 1art of il'.t ,vie and tif. , , ý . ý . ~~~ t Soo tiss .. it n-Y O . colo -Snos. Jouonso1. OE,.,Is . .ýil iTEn.1 Thu uý 'u tsce iàfireno/tt -ate soetoon Ioos-o s f. ;ýý4 l II- le ii h' Ii i ý«p 5Mlonutn s!;t , ,Monlhssg, Mssonssy5utr. pCtdletodl*-*I,...i!l..!!. ! 1, ..- to Ip , , I if . loo so n o t .;lo o s oe d h. . stII , s -t d tut k M t. 1o t S M e- \\s s p s soJIo d O h s o s s o M s s eM.s o n o -s. 1 s t t s s o . t h a loo t S d d h o » s z , .-s o ,s i leSOt o s c i b i ie l t e t C . g u l l a - * 111 -tuosoIt'os0IooMu thhooTr M.sp'tî5 i TD 'oossnoaMn-Oadt> tttoo s e.unntt->oosa.dsM ossao iSsoTMs t$ -1 E ., 1 - ý.---.ý. - ýet .t CmýI.a 1-iilý2,l,,,, ofaie c-[,IliSf.Y sstlosleoîsopssnfiletoeilessEO1s ',' .slin.f-otioolt -,ht.prreitolenn-to ssîonistothitiliiII 1 ; ..ý,'..CI-y ' w a acio, ndsilelCliopp.i1 1 ý .e5oSOOo ste l tn;sh hatoushliMoetMn ho..sztnosstszM /iOnsIetsatOlososd -ot spootolo. TM ossoo , te .. . ý th, e ....tot> Oh.. .IfSieusN. oiO, If .ati»lmo.- 1 .MtodIIp ';huiSdM;' gd, Mo,, Sen41 pnla fio. Ilslo:toosoot Kué; s- toto IL. ht ra <5k.OrY sbooitoli-so l ci.on M ttn3ltod s toost: ot2;slt«dfi n s oOoSIO eufmts otasto>lths oossll t os peooo si. ostoi -oosi. j ssots îot.oî bis oM O slsoul i ioto a . ~ fts t 00 dosolilioUot tOs ss'iss oso» T-oiL dto J.so.nocarthinativesEongpto. sstO totns tofSltto. S. 10 s» oot toontout» sI.,iC, .I.ý. u > phyo.i nlony *.p! otztOh .on 1 o-,sMoot>t- -tMelt-tlito> M hoOotd oI»s 1SMfodMsns s>ttIs;s tso m ntnftSI 0 S'. o-sp Oo. oou to sOo tOo S -on >llso dos otho eno Ote Ut oo ! U o sos nT M s sps nftrf.00li, f stsaIdo ons"ss oneSs sta St-'.fixerdss so- tO ioo sos t tt, osu =.5 o..Sh sns oo ia sg o1sO bO -S aS ý ý Il i'ýIo. IL pii,ý1%. bl~~~~~~~~T e-ellue500O .t O Il ton os »o ti> sMt diISa tO th Ooum -,ýi.-,ý.,ý,3 o te fu e u i l tiLit1ý.l Isn V . , .,; 0 .,, to.".,Tho uoe>sso dony bsotso oto isos-ottsotop.ig doo ir psx>S onouts tott1. o '."C iuSotel ea..' - M ~ tht o., ettoOt h sl $hSs aShs- 0ts sasssil.soiOs'-os senfonoaahso j ho to to uo Ot ' ot l s M M iu t L aîo no11.I l r . I v , l foz >s it tt to o 5I.t id tM O O M,50 0P . .,o s s h o M n hj o5 5 M s o- s5 5 o t on s S o o. i sti e a îss g o. 1 ý. .. ,l i Ii. o f h e o u ity M ý e m r.- v ll ;k y a l a b a . . 1 ;e d i Ic r .e4. Jý -J ý.-ýý. ý,,ýl.ý-ý, ý'. I f !S et a.tb l teolo oy o rAssnl L s u z d= - M --ag . - --a- - .o .lotionu i, taoliits>so:ts iig tsnd 500 sseotil,.05 sila ...nosOstoS/Oo o- oo, ot ooh-- tou /M > I.>t1t :I0 ht OdBtotatsWos.n .dý.. otlI lte;. i ; sot.nttut,.. ttoO- Tonnaoisss toiltO Mo sodnod5el. s MOý. s.sel Boost A/ Gad-E-torst o ns.o t t h a oa mioslls p a s sis s M o n o - S o o t E Ni a f.f $ o o Pl' t O uo t bzI' ' : s I l a I l h t i C ss'oo.r t . hi o/b . a IteO M s s O h s ol ts s O M s S o h oso Ms. osl s S a > Mslo CCett -o p o . t a t .e o t l l s l o ;oS E l h , % . III1 "" L,,i, Jelct )iIc;II,-:ttoms nossssoosnoni-ts - s- sL , - aSI. tott0oýý.i* - oso5o S0.o .ost .o . t ..te00ty éli;v lo!I tto t o c r n à ..1 ýh.d ous.t!sznohodpOotlCooatoo 111.4.luMsM0SiO5 e.s.sssooto.l Tot- icoetlito .. Io.. .C o Ii,. e . n,.ei?, tos Iyi~ s 'oto'seoosoi. Op s o IIth nso tq isW41,1oMt tot»Osth'I M'so S> l0au- .os to * » s-hs f.s.Zos I sp t--W-n- .s= ( ol E . , . ý . lm is lIýi oal, t.toi .-..,ýiutol 'e >tt >httotpI>T -hsp le,toitsso IoM l .oM ud> e r. iOMs..],ta ,,a, - . b .IsIu GON pesn o otycaace.% . ý I ý . . ý ý , \ PC$eI i MOMýlosMMOhiMs I T n ..I ho Moto ton -1, --,,I Abtootoo>onpo i,,, mhso»Oo to alii- mut- l. healt, 'c - .', lhsols to o 0 0 0 frIlc.-rsi ,elt/bit onotisia ospîtosîîîî 050n , ieo t . - luout. v - M o il tos', /t ns of t Io n t i n s .t .. o..ros sO Os. .Se Io I on s t.oo oo - t n/ohs. 1 .etîstoo. .e., onSIIlof S.usdtot)t osl .s os> ,,stoT-Opsath.sonhdesio ld 057 .miho-,. Ms -Msota 1 ptli s-IeotstoImanoOssoot os stotOs oboLet- tI-S.5 .It 00.so tnoo. thoDIO.. f -- s ile tooo$So.Is ,. - M'o o i'.iili-II. "-s b' I ItOII1 fz 1si K ~ I ., *serh l th,-as thes . 1 . i.,. -,,iI;I.tl.;i.11 ,:: o - cu I I a -e ce r s h. 1 I., i , - ;. fth s - n O s>A»f o IL - v - , oi .5e0 P. P de. « uEIT VALLEY AIVX Çy~ANAIAN cIIAMI1N K -ATON O Q IALTO .N, o0'1 îî 'OFICE. 7RATES OFAD VERNGtv 1 y i , . . . . . . . . . ... nifil k . .i 4t3os t I . t.. .... y o ft.. t n - on OhMl., .3sn. Cty l»d. n,'soSit Lega Misct l onns o nts a t wCC bt sntOOn lo f .Hl'îIlUL'l & J!lT inii .,s H.5.0t.r sss Lt P lsi & S\ .,Il5 otitsoossd slsns.,ftns' sl. l- lienttotndLoto I.tlontt'0 10 [soEt. nstssfn Dentistr0V PT.tolls ttsttISttoDS ..1505 M11t. stoASO zL à Ilg fivt.t.1 ttsbon toSt PENTInT., nA J.ICENSED fi/ucTboroEPe K Z. ma Wunt 'COHARGES. MODERATE. ~. prompîl» ntnnsîstnd tu. tam belnlIe. lits ll nI'» no. MI sos