i iî-Se ý, ODON,'ONT' Ailît fi ii i ii oit f lliltof. eBkr to th.e FrôËt. ,l1 u ine cakzes,, utti k' i Hi ît.îîiittiîfl for tbo.Holidy. (i l iii V-111tio'cloiiftry, to reoove ~ i\ ~Bugges,. ~ &C e Division Cuiscf the Co. f Halton .-2;, 28i 24 i26 10 . - . i i ,i 10 00, 1~ yI o0 o2tkPIlo. II --jLs j e Turkey~ i -;l Llt ie t lroo a ud ti'ato" 1100000ý.i i î ottsîder. 1 ll r&r A perfetfuO L L l -Li Saws, h~Ping k ndHickory i3ndle~ -~ ~ 0F0 p.DS L i>LATED SO~ OI ICA F0R STOVE ÀA coimplet 6'stocIk of abovea 1 doo - -- Scient fff utiou0it IiitoÇ tyc.«000.Ittîo iTut o- - iIoi.Pii il OITÇtILLL, tioo.o. min, st-i , i . t u. ,Iooey . toit ou CiSOtIt-0 ELI1OTT. - O OFFC eaýtof BalI Imilton, ,liiioo,0 nu r. - 'TT.. 000 u l' I iAO.S O&'tMACADAlMS, cl.idlitB-t F, Aot00 Pmi1-. Alo0lîiiiiiitl 0 n S-Jets~ ii~I M .1-11tiu ci - & .Oc\LE, - 0. on tto tOov' lie. . -, LOIDL0W hCoi. on.ooltu fo19iîtoI O . ,îtuotco,. tie& o, ;otç j iopouoil.-'u, 30 Wtl- -'; I looloui - 0,-T .iti 0000.U'.Oot...aii Dentistry - R . f;tbyiio .iu.i..iiitn ui i O OitodII i - lfafltohi o ui . &L- t- Auet.oneer CardS . aàoa VILLIAMBURGER \IILT0N,.0!17 - E. t nhî.O O. MoiOOoo E.4., StO Office A l ree iOepUM$E4 -. îE LEADINGHÙOTEL INTOWN, RKNIýTTING... NESS AND SADDLE zoAOOFACTREF% w.0 tth. Tholsa ucSo)u iTREET, MI1L-TON' LC , OOThEF'BA. ThO, k0.t007 b100 h a.o r aO far m .th, OMM=,0of the Soret la Lot wu Onluy ,à o i .hdi11,iýl 11k,'Si tg8 r b S I alt o o o h, n o ý- o tl,, ooo ot1 1o Lf010d1w h 11the ,0, d; be3tI t oa w.îr " t!mLc lOhuiOdoey lf dil.ml, h up~1th1h0f 00~ .oi1do~o1ohr 0.11V".'. O00tioo Ohoh-d,10od 1u0001i i coalition, ao0o ..*... -.-- - e!LcC in br 1--Il1 .oeld ,hom abc détald tO , hthne v, ,oofof .,.00 bit'*0 f r,.,*It 11 11 o yboniook,1on.i t t n ..,i0, absoiOoiy deooliig tw ol coi=- iotülttoftOoîo q.Itokîght uodh thiot pk godd/1oOplpu Ou alootti.Mj~r in te , 1 o taaccotOveturn tai tinne 1oavr -"Po, nd .l jooiffi o01lwod,,.tau&" 'He tank it firOtlé buoI «ltu loéa ,Imde ui ot lirein llyo i f Mille a I il go ,ui0001toP0ot itair o lt heid o l Min , Uk i. Il~0100~ otoLiten Oioho 0f *o0 0Si.OO.otw"Ain,.ouoobu St,. mo d fmo th. l Ok i1.luIPI a y t io tt. l, 5500 hrWtoo théX eI -Io .O OM 00 îlbue= ým i dtooC rs h ustcnfn oe,. 1o man vila hal übe _e .u ùs e au 01 lopi odi 3S , rhiiol uo o huo0 0~t002 btooo ~ oo f iii Oruie bdu Due;ihuit . i.f.p. .07.o.7. 0h01étnd hi 001,t -lo0,i010 T0 tire i l, .1Cet-oS IS and, Goot007000o ath tOi f .i of.. loirooptaiithe Rayidooit ud ir m. owi00iy 000~,0uiLoolloi,0O Ilu miel . . it*Litf- er.il shi. fooo »FR 88. onoLti0010 i t IllgbUod" coer- Tfoi r.oiMes Smthblei 1 tO'Piphn celer bonid. LItTri. r . LX Bc. .ouoic. -Aho..0oTti 0010 0 1 00 , O ht.I00 0 00 it o S oto o, 00 0 ,îO 0 fp o tO t l oh t ar."t W o iry ot o uire 1 ,i Oùi t r000 ~ ~ ai lnfio l o f ter et . w cÇ the ett oduO if noi n 0yl o o 1 thoewe or011007 ii0. Who 101tr0 i 000. h 0000 if0104 1 G ioh lo oo i 110 M . lg oo io h t. 0000 h 0î12 -- _-000 00 w o n jî " h . 5 1 . , q îo.7 . T :o.ttem 1 1 I Zi otiélay ooo réginor, o l .foid of omdtind h, thé é.diigtoon hecy10000 hyog01110 4 0ihho0 .4 GO U o lont 000t k i . M0POintOltc EgoOo oo iP i00 CoO " fl oto .k thdon ' ady bat- iîrlhoo u îr ,t loddlîit. Thér-u- 11100in ,111111.0 ticihoiL C toio tMii0Miho noir, hall the. brnzaitiiioo yo 'k, huoly ol i se mign o ny'. -00bleu oo 1 ,10 00 11 000 00 1700 .01 00 00 0 ie rtut Ii M ofrnîolot ani d hi, hoo2 ý lote00L100 000 000[00t, gtoi togoio E 000000,0 foufoh o f i 0vo -ir 0put> h000 100'hohoollohottOl.1 ffrhOi Slo . 1 fB.î ootoo1o0oroot0oif0oolh o 1000oisetoohupohirt orhottOii,10000 00,1oodO,hGllace il.Tiw. h oe trfrh.fint.--Mn 0000000Miit nt. I nth 0fie o B o tho'& 0 clv r i u o utt he m m00 s o~ l an ith i q iO oooi tO l oi. laO seh filO of1 b ar.01 c d 0 0 oent 0 fil o , i b afteaut o".1a . ctfeu ,Ooott iii sohuioioii1hO 01 .002,00,0000îo.0Oi,1400qtkiS. 00 r0-o iheiOOO. 0001d7 ttr. re -str tien nards lo Oh, pOoiO t e. l ié h w a a l0d 0'y io0wh ii etrti wl-v r .pl" a î lo h o 00 " id h o eo u oo *04y 001 00 0 land 0. Ioo o00ht tIottopoL o l eo. ouofol oOOOBit cui orir. -ln..Wrut. oî cis btbltiadtolà onet ioli toor didBootcontbeh ill. 'Bootiti ho i.c agtubc. 1 l oto ltrd. G -0 0ým10baa0 o edhtoo 00000 - m h a tiuc îo i t o t fhi htOIh"o 0000fau > 0iheiOoi train lis1-00, o.tor loi omm tOit 5 &0 Hobte hi lul ol' o h oloin o r Vear&o I cimet In tît--aThotiotw b. .1owillamiaidu mSl nE-.ridbu la -yoft l ler gîtiaiengroud a u i ef 1c, fidn'fni lIhin. î,r ràég l .100 0000100000 10alloozt i t 1, otab iura lol oiu. b1 l qodite eiouL t trouhboehony maoîlheur hnd 1 tOi . t u licol00000. 5 1o . Mo of hu d i od dpt0h1 50I "ton th l hiOO fl yb% otl nao h momeonlt to h r ro O i opr t.-h t *A tya010d M tCror o o.fiour îîîi' O hdî,tto 0 tingiat ion. 0Y l ièoity Cao Dt u e ieopoto. L toGeb ooroîlmy ad i O 0101100000100utho. m mo aco fot a o. utco0 té..T. niot o JEoo thog07 lo 1 borutaopoorrool lod t 1o ood qil iomotane Býl i, YOm0s unCItd i i t s' the, end ci fo oooOd0 ottî *1 e o.. '. iOtttiOtiltitL otyo-ttht ti tt,. Oui 0f.'t lits,01Ighilo 000,a bit0of flîTS¶1 nSUETSSIIIH t hc,iiiO it0o it les folo Irl --G tOoo l dr 5 . f070en i d. G o iI foo fhr 1 0 00,h 10Ooîootooo OO001d0..1100.000 1 B5 1010.ldioooaroOyout.OOhIL Silopintima,..tileIOi«.01Il'11 O.d __ _ __ ooL10 oIt B oo0 b1on> M l. I , 0 000 ioEhlmieri llels aoo t Ooo oer Cilua home hallln- __ _ _ _itotez cit ood il 01l0 ood or s lh , vtre u d "Il hut t tOi oo,.d1,ng at1100Lagosi000," os0r1i.. OIO1-liioidg. tM M.-nba abuge 0o0t.Bon erto1tO ..it o le, .L00m7hot' lgt iO.tOolO5.oO lm1 . .1Y. dooiO Oi0,001000liik0 foi h. iooP00lO p'oroO00 b po ho0O T O o 10 .0o Ocr.ofotfrIlmai 00m-, thé i orwd. . e" . 101ivlig; noir ta le B-le, -n4wainotte u ai owo uldI fce lotOi i, tOIO 010010. ,hoh o tur l h ,sel agoit o t enot e t o ter, Pl r50i.oO JOPO TATOiO . O0iy000i0~0 0i0,o1 toiîo" ~ . to01~~ oîi0Bîo~ ~»1ooOl OclOturoure Mse al a0d00 M000007; it M15ooo n oth oui oritibouOI hlo ' w0.1~ gr.ovoot.BI O0 hotIt wfo 'l ti o i.oO 0000m 'iotioetiait - ol - Ol .t oui tiin hpiooh hoalie t oîtO oo00o>tO otoa urhndl eotolaoht0 0 r th ootitg Oc 11 .00 oiî0 Itruifu hd "tLo.1-.Oo ont h briU 0i10 0. " 00 L0oido i 00 100lOh S i eO of 1 onetas igniy on' oter, 00a 00lie o oaa ti -ieî%ff .0011 I i0Lampo l 0 .0 0 00 o itO'on D uritt, e i i o m ,e o v n hooute , o ii t liii . .je, lait aipcvltS. vro bi o tr h ai ire. eka 00i01ot.i ~ ~ 00.c' or tIIo l vz i d I ft iiolooubet î..tL,, . m0.10 ,i1 uidtO fouo0 hohoiOPbLIh IMd0ie rto0000fl te i1 -Y i0b : t,0,0 g.o h 10,.0 lo hu-oyOoui l biit o t a oB , oro-ht U - ri, ldTaI 10 .try ba l oi d oy h tigM.L cy wot 0 a ie hooV'ry oenfer tii M' oîit0d,.iioig thtci t too fl i, thé 0 00 io o it . JOoci io n ti . . g o érryo i l - 3t et *uuhrri ouo. to 10 f$oP oii t o o 1tH o o. . .,T ,o ii o u ii e S, Dî000 o uile, ile 0 atn 01-ly. coingu tois lec"foi00g 01Pound- ,o hMa ogYEN orin..bis> a Ifo iu-i h0 I 0. eiffhiLhao vient." . imî 00 0 io oO îlO.hbu ill - op unotii o s ot.o ta m r cv oeu . ive i oilier. P ,icoh*'. 0-l'o i, u tsi l ti 1. 'l'o. b51100 00' A, oy0 0 til I m m a aldo.o o t uh t 1 5 00 1 0 ove ar tî w ffe ineou ae élut iot0m0Itou 00,00 IO aboula0 S, l'j o o î i ue î-l;-si,~ 000 00,0 0bdnat00.il motlor ix, ooi H ouoolbonotuy 0000cocoitoinltooor lu.rrcm u. fouof r a totot tabien -otuit ghttolu. 'aler.id.ih efP u, at \Vlîoîeaîe Pnicef 001100 hi, ma oo utd ol tin c teBop, i o oît i mil o g aIL1. 00."00 bt au ooo .oloo lt o t ooo0dor 0 O goom0i000.tioolu oi.mgy.t lut. iii00 0 ot ioii,'. a1m i T..100 a b ooioO 700 0000 00 O00000 bcufl-k, pO bairî000a0d oo on ; oiutebiuptu lîOoS~~00t Cii0i.tcoouoodtol,. 0000rOOOpOOiottO t001,00070 tloco oool 10 odi oomtl ît 0.0e.o.. 000.îddo. 0Il,0 'y IJR - uhooi, t0 00 . or, ar t h eî o 00 0 i tt - z,.. 001m m t n. 7o. it h N- 1 :8,0O it t o 1 ,. O ui o îo o . e aHO o deup00 . .0 0 0 0 " f d'0 L 0kilop p to ol ai 0io o. tu.Ooi 0 olIoho oig1Abpoool, .Mituauo 5001 it Il00010, hiuofio oro p to t 1trolley, 00totom v , lsu OoîO, iu100'. I.wnot.eoupl oioulaJ O rtl ta000 u gtoo i 0,Icwc .0lcli 1100 tit vitho u nchîl dot o 0 uoe - rqeo, doit h. cnp oro r;0adio0 entendo buool 1000 i o uilrwt m i fpt00t.:t epoii i 1AP DdtIg 5 . bdly i e o-Iia bsch0, ut'-ouodGrc aw, E htd' l.fou bbia b ..u m acro itotquli ret ,it. ilt nd vigen. W joi mI hmtueiciAr uic eeule-bi um t--p1h ai tz raalm.g1. atilea, uwntdmtokh ii.'r f llj..y 'j . ýfu! , 0 P'o' onlecO i t ior o bo iter 00000c o o î fobel l Pins D turd oi e a i. t tu 0 0 0 1 0 0 . o t . h o io o i i 1 I . , i t t l îh t It o n fl u s , 1 lO a it O b O tb r i b ud0 ." . b e l'O f a ce la L u t ti tO r w h i t e t o t IiO u g ,pi e ffl l o i « B.tt0 0 0 0 t7 .bM r*O l aiftitio u ng7 I l00 e . . i 1 __ 1.10 O<70 - OcihotuiooOfOothouo i.ooi 0000-oooell toe fraoUyuooy tOitugl'l îîîrt-N',haiO it e t -ti010 brul of 000005oýo otro.Mo00 l Bl n eu OC.ne nd. ous er 1ti à -t1 un N E W styles 1 ~~ di so , re.hh00000go. ciell, tuf0t eth. -bu;et tom100c000 "!=dthé rat ub oit; fier 000inte.0 0e, ..îl ne th."e .at moiol, otoofoooin.tooO o - ..Th E v a, - An l vno, 'ai LI7010100 i,-f o f h li -ot ;ls el mtsoe ..; dyo ;h otte ohrl'nn ia .0iot ~0700501i0 lOui- i0l otI if, 000 ola- ýh Yo 1Ile nth q uonut benit W 7010SOoitOoy !1,ToooouutloiO 10t 00o rol otsi e,00 00010 0f o 1 lgn . Tol -a,. eooo M tt . lo toyo 1recu l tuoniti 5.01,1c îo oliotr L u t t he,000 h,1 it ak il , ~ io 1tO.10 itr 00000Je.70Oo.500 07fo h07SuotOOml1000i wen Solb'tot dl oti leitioth i. lieto, tOoî l lMiirl! t0 t col 11outiloou - >.-: 1 . hoo hgo T 500000001 Rt.t VI. . 01Me.idA 11ooeio00,. i 1; ,1 - ti n a u , . M s i i . a d c r n lla ne0î0 0 l7 o te 000 0 1 ii O . c r t0 t 0 00t b t. t e î o . 0 . f t . 1 e 0. O oo0 Oom l o oton :,m o 0f -o l -.1 0 , e. L y m si, ilr I ,h ý pe * O- 1 10fo0000070a17 o00,rylO0o-aoooo :dff Wha î1t iBtte l bi iev , " ep erl lave ta t.00 5 .Beau d a y otu01 uiota y 0 gh.e i.e h 0010010 d tuiouoo . 'ait 1-1vor007000of01-, madame00at ab1.0iy0000bo10et0' 010th Lioer .. îoi -dM , 0ou h irtSb MoluF0000ta on i bo . -iOc i . l r"t tile-t ml B t t a u ibis l 00 1 . 0 l entilleso.oo ,,tb oi lO h blot ter.Iuie ttuo oho. t s oi l o tie i, t o tri 1 12,M: ,0 âg'm Il Sbey VO C!î L' * C0lq0hoprten U tO 100i 00oo0e. oOtnul tl(,ettWt'Il otO l00;au Once m t00100011100 oud.01mi001 0 ou",Iwa i,»Lnsficmil-,1I ir rdcs LHaO Ip0 y , ndrL & eor IL ,tuO I t e o o r00 l oi g fo i %Iu!000 0 0 14 000t vte1015 .11t, Trmi, ion, i h0 m 0 ofIi. d sa pu tnmc0 t oond thé ul t h0. 0 . il A iu ir: Puot[u .m o00000i1 Sq7t 10 .t.7-o . ointteo0 o V l&ou th l m31t0001 no 0, 001' eam gh1 ft , te 0d..Th0t t000 .Th ý.cdpohirotly o. l hle ae. b. a . e N,,. nu; 'So to 071'o ot l, brreluit-i.otlMo Nlt e rI l s M a y oren h0t 1 av . u f rCo n utoh hU . g .tot si, t0ées Pl 007e 0100 mo e L M tW 0d 0 0 07l 5 i0 . o M . l lidJ coé Soc Ill o oe.hSi .1 i" a tabarfin l reiat 60 .10100 io ien= ta, I-ild9 , th0.0p5000 b- . 10.000fy -lh L l en rî. Icb, tî.tobn I 1,5ottdxi...,a 000pu klh1itm e h0 ie é.=i !td uGal aiefithylestm. I i o.Y te = Ct.tVi. 1 i 501 bureds, le frod fera ra nni nd e bc' roubai, i Smir10thu0 iythrn com lie vI0000 ilg=p6o d i =u atr -li ota i, ueerc; .- lr I lue y Fi 1 vh Mt .nù