Canadian Statesman, 5 Nov 1885, page 1

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kiglieir iMiteen ryadr~tenteiaé. 'l fl eaC The <ati, SPirirvrn. adaent w ale .msTra MU ah n -Iérspi àné a d aie l S8n elQ ilîe~eî Li * a eet' i, d.t uncersigne gotg, rriîdc miabîlîies canta ad' Wes cut Oiee t rlisa.thce 00.dOrecUiteOIe.- 10. i > fteCoé of i4altoe iIL 'ROS* Co.<I, n>ornt tOrtbe oO ,,ilre.oii nVT~Oirald w b RSos 'il; OL Bj noms ~y1OS G e.' r'ggh si 9e TW!ck a VOLUME 25. *r.yr. r.i E, *11 g *<,,r.iî.oatr:iecaie"oreeebt ttc ,t he sorl otmei and laugi. Biëlte ird tIi b te eMain hallerId îggeaî 0thr<jou Ia(IMge ourroùucdedb mrore' 0d, yd-g prople, lit tla Nlea te~ lo~~0Itor eBide tire oeos i- BlMr 0jVly er 'VlooIrk. Iild J .,.te vouol girl *'aitir a world of..i4 triý ,Mllivill o itirr ye. -né% 48n 1 îîdiog eap saotiroagi-tea e -t -ýTirehi îli.txire 1marirler> goets imtelîOdouil thie - adiene grgem beîniitna rrdrlittle muical ocrer, eenqë ad Mi. Arnait, nai Stalle »'ildmoe'sa eiiity ta etnse or trqei eribid, 'Siora eriildténe lîocp eirc sOeil ntar. 1 Ingî<oLtiret wa'wio altme -tire jt alisse 1'ildmnre give sofor lrcalritile rirare<iag ircitatira, t'àherptaltOltelrpiao, aineun im ao< ltesq<d ionlecti6n tiriaue 11 îl riàairtrît>' tretardl, eud go ,,i<l,nber liiaitatireas, mouir elle grînîrenroied,' aire'gave fî~o~otnoicitietair. Bathr lier :to* drid<.Tirey eppled t ni, baii 'Fng ragate eud agate, *ý,rcînIfeec llo'000of tire tirroeg fa!i!! e allaso Atoli ire 1 ara*ii non coc arountire t.9..flný,etu icg, llin. ewhel>'au elo %1-110n «Ira iorlioloeil ta tire dhro. r' ail eotertoli prcrreî<l<'. t ira Or me r. 1111I,,oilitiiirOine tr 31<iAititoiuL rOie i sine OgcnoXr.op wa slnie li, arnocao',oar ½laic.lnol a tl o iwoui- 'o oatcactd a, he Ili h.u , lian'Te e rî',a_J00 >o!i.1 1. il un1': iuionw oaal exprr resionyc ni viii B .'b eiioa ni (iro'f tl'lr"' iîail n 'n c 1Ic i:'i.., n%lei bonadii. rorilli,.clhe r litiili 1 il'.1, n i: Iooo t chîr.l.lonil. rI-ciý, i'ilinc aen tie201 nt e irliO irlliye Bo<it ibrinî. te irýlaitier ot ic <aiot s.l >i<to ,ii: o he 'rlent1rc<, io*lle 'nol. i'lli )oeil viitiiign. "'i,<'lra!. 'cr ie !dl. i .ot < %1-11% aîthe, wconiootCiterinoir1< Ltat ierurIÇlianori.iry t-lit uet't'iol. -tii in M is Wild.a tendloIrcîiaiol tanli,," t ailr îlr ua m<olri,oauoiîtih;e r Inan<ot,l oit lirt or lr Ira rt rion l amtot Ilîr t metloi. th0 oý ndrolie ogta liso tliooo'ut lagl'riiuiid rccbalofrlier IrarLnote rorinal.n'u, os >tadga oaa ie <tllaimt.irg irotcÔlior lc. u i'lt . lii,,alarisaira irai.ait] tIýI1ittan rîhalrvo f'rt naele ler "marrlilriioguoliid an'topar. B oY 'oeOii ig 00001 hesuue,"m "Mla an lâneuaieandkwoei ei lpotho reMinanit riîcheil ét".ie, aytr "Smog roiietig treim LohenrgSi, 34te , -'<ul*iti ,Meir, qeioily. Site tiii alot Itir,, ':dtirr wasaihumer- lelnoalImaii allml traied .irr lSbrgiyin nomi et Wagner'rtso"cit IirOu andrlsiregbvaithora a eeloictioe i o tr.iiiaul lioeoauy mélr. of1lO, Ni ioli Mils tViîdoiieo md rl.,oýét iinnî ariegilnoirow lier ciragrin. 11<rîîra oas roec'nt i=îi aina. ni taillin, Bull tir'il, 'a tIle vaica 101,"l'o Tlbig taIl<0100 liai al arro'n <Sr'nrongivo e c- roglo hiir .Tliareqrnrg'mwuab ciroil 'iitliidr- 4iiiîuan Beaurtirippîaet of.auglitur LLuve<o<cilîr o'cromil e'-l alaions, iili euoa of, et uaàdeciag brosoir CetO:nnolly . 'b'orliippi usaeter oia oremco, Miss Aldena, ecol, and lot ni iii lp ith à ihla' lieuacie la i ', 1 1 11 m r'oiCailit Miss. Wildmaroos 414-bys.icel eatooadirowottieir Sii olaune8 d1aggad tireir pro. § aittt't. -l>,,,opi 1ýerr bi llcir a dhiec i.oirea hi- .11 n th alset,foiriame thea iireta lir The T upîle Imre l'eegig Oel In tieno rit t l oui Imcley oft treanil thiproiartio at Made i ivoirdlie Pipbriocd mc enidu] la . il o l4 itiit tIliy ll tirogiitforge, mla rtoroo àOrneur>' are. Aaotuie l )l let the biondtiatIl'teri eglip alimt1 n 'swreput l adGna et ia r, I 'eiI a om 000<1talepn Ire « pair. y; BoY o I tir daffloali theet. o",lrn al r'no ta t I ae!g,". 1 tt u toi~t gt tior lias. Hrtiry'sle siaiodlat, doligirtsél taira tâkirio-ateite by-antoi esretr e a»&m,'1iai mie>' eOfisief r! cite'ecaratl,-ai. Biléb old titans. 1i ma ta' tàllt ta yonre d iroplomairnlp e rgin't'e tor'eeleeenrl.eeleno, roerv, q irielbtStella yars egî-l J hava -tira venirlite aieb irettim. MOnHeil and nsaimvinaprpis"' u"bsitanceI laie toregaýtile Beireilom i lue i Iltl" btseaiuâ e. laloints.iro maec1bte irtliay'té en a atut gmeier ouad imtli tire airilo!ftrietl Ilitie ira on rilitapoiom. miri anidilte "e oensible end i olg star. Salîtt, tor.nifermelrsioooraiag:ttur Lduel Mies'IVildienor stailes ioriodt1" Botiovme, Merge, I rai oevrrgtovor elitllitofethOe twooae moirhýemiro 'Orapion .ai liglîtl>' mirer aironirmi ,old'il bg ton you, end I'm jait ai se à lnOa daeiieairnil. In tire ani aiddelyfooed ietho dila ntliii ffoad0tpryo asilt 200 Damem'ai Meiflgo itilommor daicaitiolideyetage. 'ie hosaYr Wallashoirt thoegir i. I ilrkyocrbrave effort aoe i h*iir aiù e eeetiatpreir te "is1'ildnmre'a beles," or bug"o elio-inta 3etaBrrr ='aply e ekilla ... ati e 'ta ise Ooiitiegly, "inggerirut thir moraoug. migeifiooet- er 'have toeg liaeittire aaytuii.aqortaven. î Me irecamo aine ittle rmocea tIr a dorlieétcenern oeDfféioln tirat I mouilu. givo ta a istan alyaiifii tit nitediii mai' enl e*iapoaorrodiwlmtisutttedyr.coiraiprag .iey lad ben perirtant oemîrlecaer, mincIt me bot onoit.ican>' maaia."0 vmOfea 111thouiht tiremnirneird b self. tai 'iTiroa c heOgnooe moidecniig, and hboa éala a flden hec.' Comrce mi rm,eslseilMc u r ayelon:, g s ireomo til e o aitordoretub ore ireoiesfeornltira on iryl'. .'. . ' ' "n aai oi' and I mai oly pravotird at MOUir m a rrol ot> rldiug biunr oan "Mis'Oildaconregn'eeleiribb 1 e. O, 0nengry," tiret lirebail taiiedbisnrédeit denror. ciuioahIig, orc1aiucieuf artil , eî ion hitgond eaiore ta be 1pre- oal 8t.rtar'H .i'W abut* the u.iiii'li botarc'airllé1ait tie irn'obi odIe otaned moellmort'.MIf'Oeilaend cpiie' w'rî, ied nrerol ta, m boraonmotili]od a vegormore tiai&i'Stla umdrtaoà Bachr othirnli Fuine biinrerai1, eeaule ire irlielae m',oarOt. I aoe'lm<irrrovoy dur toi 'ivy,ad+-moi-iî allremealy outini at utesonelprotapily ta tié re e un1.1 îîny irao poirs. NtiiogmitI tak h tntmtospliero ije mmci ele airaino cinr dem ot lie nin i a1 ide, iterow Ilîé plnca rtpramtilco, (eyioo. -Oat irdgit op, 1 corul ai e othiog mono." sconseil trened a aoag aioere pete musileli,<'ireailie muscle.'! I wh.t tiebuopireo " - vetarcs. Thore asa eo escaping Oie '<Vom. ie0a0 inrorram <'enitrîr crible. *,Watl-Street almospire.ranoste-fo vimblionthet Mir mai le e. panloni litg, b niqit bathuhiierai te thrb domtael eesocial rirce oto 1,001010e, d tiret elittIr turC aimigirt lîos flasthr oordo, "le iiho tome 'aob itavol taa mmnch anlbcaci',' Melgel;'omîthimovrttieiridiTireorre, lie ]lis bprohnta 'roter --mnmoirmainyhata pbotisa M cotulr iL telyhbout epor sneg al are riglît, 01<11 iitillît ldtaaip ilmcoar>'. o, mielI edmiltireat 1 Or-neoilàOilenctao e nrît et ciAueet, miel 1At toast, Iboliote lît ienl î'glatioauic toly. eodetaod it rai, thoogli Imon8eptureil ta tiojeffort iry Oie foot tiiece lueaiutiloeii4ity aaoei ieoStcIla'smiiotiva mibaly elorOlir. tiret urie aemû, irtenet hie exoneeme a, 0<1'.Làno ma), bhobail,bit ilai mt Roimotifo inaonorthr>'Ofail romeaioodor'00aOigtm i iem lgo doi, lm, Wtilooe gave es gotO timel, birotnhor mura: SirojO l ai aenet in' braie Snute ntimie, nemt ront iaisic." eiooh tteaiofr ttiis as lmn ftoio, duot. Mi. PItiror bau îOiiing iaibIte and periralarm arler, wmo ieror a Belere tiro aoveniog moreôover, M. oenilîcrasifitiwbcc tiuoeleoijcjct ino mcl,epirilîa omoo, atniintccho et Wildereeiawthat filsdaigirnvmai lb 'bilamnd oulel i ome attrrriicMoige heiiusaiid. itlalebore tiat tue internatI lat u aii a ediffiot poltoy. Tira dowjirral hurat,. o'mnias res ratird it berlits., Omo il re epressîion on Gaydryea faclre , .-IIhaé n chnc," he iged."nenO' pzzl yu, l> ie ofMy eltiosgrove ow ngerem e i piloi as tma "Im avocierrn ,"oteote bn. nd<'aeiol r ramiericmot a iinltaliose peodiroot ireolt*s'moiiîin test lvslier,oufl tIrai edsailI. in ts opai talirer, hti eouola lireot raiinF a ueso. iitiro ier hec seliedi la lier, .a illbitioha1>0, revè timnngi, o'with .raît V'" tlitilhe irnen lai enec otit eog. silo 'ironIrn lios;liart 'oentuoîly, ail <erplnilrr géted teoitamvhiei roeuiaoî IIIfotate toto.- lIa la eeorc."101ol, Aceolt le e rnonp.lotdoc, ftre.Grepdam, miro oodertor -- 'and Iaisaitirtlilettaeoidoe>'. ho themlenoimie qtiërecmeleeboont judgr. CIOTR~ huirertatirer in hie pomor. Mr>'iol -Ntony n ue hatiroegt,î-,bho eIrnIArTEninat ,cxim.: ileb rohors fara lMme e raan ire>'or aterma bsh k en? gle DISMEAUTnININehaoncetai aepîuiog p'rrail, aoeil r acqseftm leac eoIs ulaclthe ree<veiilel Oio thetathin ypo. îeomo tireraon adlaboi ualtoncldee'ieaaeeqne."ý Miudrtitrrti issa Widurniae thoiir et eiragaia ail rigtb. Aesuoi ai >'Maendeavoicilirpiris quiet aut eair eue motgoîeg tolir ruataned maid: 'ilmorc'mosateneloch>' tiira i tireservanit etteetion, luy tiregrave oeil ",Tie.lla tlu teosit araeiiiegelthkaElmire molli etrca iimeolt goablo exproeson o!futse e, ta assure r * Oro,-irerime<l,yma'heom11On !oe'mian irdogitaret, !ir onoce amaie htirabeh oaldin id e liý te l" ati lOihave on0 crutIe 0thaiiae noott ormaielrefuge ibmatue moment tir elmie ilioadejop tall tOneomoroetrota je mýoord, je a cel-uloodcd ay,1mopap- mooul toridd eirolutllinlesmeater. il ,0ieite'o." ' poseb. ArcotIot.trm ra olainso Shu tiomra mtmoi slmre- '<III a sOoic"elle irrguu, le eome bht mool taire no remua.. I op mtt. ragealOteho olnet rlt a igirî ge 0miriîcamaiit. "0fmocoureI olînl iret alue irbai rotae ir uaimore bhanoe 0 ut i iuo luttatire amalHgir, pet ioda fast uelirîtuat tivoultdîa' jetirh eoe;, irt heo mpl> persiseta, ail giron hec r.bndi la m, aod eniebeiruspese meîreilog,ouurl et prémiored Mr. Acmult birle autdereianelthat ho mil tale iirPZCNi>U tOms ftI-rconn," i . - ésThimm* aihm etatua e iavaaiirrag <Ilesuasraomfit i volilover bie np cancmrb4go eand oelar, eo dmib, CATARH-A NEW TnEATMENT. dtored tauie, Mis.41ildaire,' ho oielteohu Oiatil-s ho bon rooe br fattuo'rand grrtv<l'. . hem 'kofpeiomuufocrlier mother anitre 'am1iaeiataaau en ttre "favloty rpimyi rai n ki'îereoogît rti" ei be oiouo aatelie- beurumos- "M oI 'boa inn hot I piîr, i Me ymor esh ori'to r eai tpn tngrthéa enaneis io n m t urig <aci ,ueoel ieU".brio utGrydo, ôumuatetoG I irnj, dny e un. <.i. ur s aanhot et rruîli o'r ItiAo e al i a e r om-a. < rro.hrtronebroin.iuia "Iý r pradrnc curih, Ie e en. huv een tUrofut <s tulnulmo tio br i oear de ," lu m in eoteh s, cnebliuer ie. iro ac mupOf a e m anot .o< ia. in nus h ena . a< irtlu1IrImrrt ln -Iermiey.'. ' midernon r adgiioc il tantuend Oitau'otraaeda<cîre oc ur ii.Oii lu.ýitrtria M0 emrrtethiieu etltuter rhoietcerli" o elue, iiiloig luuma toi -' 'oiit, n-, t.i<tanaebt.11. rt «BmSriaorI irilir 'hyoc iabi Yaumdle'i<Vbol, st e th IenaoOlol us e rtn l iio.t.Ooim Oairîî." ol e mmsiBilent.,ovo.,' e. estrhui. , .e.aiIramteli., ho èuppoIeot ý .Y..rooiirtrt. ira oumir t0a trnte i .dte. uniiiO tholessandwet ont on tir piaza eta !'<.1 olilet, tuaipilme." ehe rai d, th.nbenrirla1rmr nqsaoeno..a-a trp tîteoohiog iaflueneofo!aoign. Ial . '<I1 iaol over love e meahobl' y h0<0 Ourc)« can e - uiriml. 1No The skinesclcrcapillv. Saoiais ttmhIý coulal eoffer e .great i,.elainîei cnennoraunu10cu ot~ irrw1 eeilbetoca long he muttoore or on iuesare, ibot thora are imitroeatn.Th pliniuonrter ai iple. 'ýt>i ronoes ipirlt0>' atolor galuprl rolat do." Imcubtuauonatiooriaiu 'eýili'Madge. Tinratocs m>'rataoiata, -"I trorgirt pou vmoeld femI m.'* Iaîa.î,neuoeoc îrorbîr rtaitieguno aerrelIow. Mwoîrtmg "WhY dri't por hlp lion fttu oui etutrr?.IaIoe .00 -nnneroacut, je tiBm goiig ta Iat I Not ail entmer, Mtl aitllreil. ., .DIO O 0 Ku;- bii Tpiiear He or faer msi et ibalit Ido't thiioI have sufinieni tratie tiCeon StMb aitls rI. 17, dut hiec p îpig atuaiegoc onge, aeu I have eiebas ieaover.trcli<ty air. t18'2- S . à.o i ilOaplaypit sumoll." iig,'adirave. erttlalidr>' muy thon- Sdg tara ailtieg ila. irr cont leeis.I have mecet>' e gond saiar>' AtoeltJCpaol dreor>'aeotn'aem> 'pirtuenn eoctie naledl v on dgilprospects. Yn aIVEU -n.qtý2.O coe trou athe *icofn t liomoreing, mhen imea'ne mm'lom nd outl erveiioe o..oo r.Qu tOi Otoie mléwsa roed bpeaieoco er mdorr. fBri't. inlisiomattere éteeata ltJosep WrtioniuenBit re ,uMage,u-aljled o voira tiat snit Oie me jJjot aisil more atranger, ad 1 Seteunm.araa't cmChte ilomelt10L0cr tace, "mht mB>' par ta a-me.smmipror>vecîslfwtyof trustett te1%,agùitoa IV. 'elrua i elio ctol Iheoo tn rodu ro ver> poeleil iptrg et o .hicemaietmMn.*BVainu, et Strerie. BLirde?Ibo-" w.te rne ireoe hy ontand givongepprentabmP, villa. Be <cas aenmlreuavig terteiSe xnuctlybut" 1ý. aier howil gie m a.votie ieffire.' arlp Ontuncît o>'.mile. Or Sonde>' "Btl'llgn mwil o por" aire ortiMe 'main r*oming tordtacd tnfai s ta )m6 taeeie etopnd et PollcenMagitrats '.iryoneoadveritive nithe saie b tn iene .i podeg miela Outr dmp:. H Mia'buaieeore ta malo ama hon iii 'te'2).Tire aioil'naothibg. 'iVirt Nthlg hl tmp Om ahave deul hoait dgisatarndcula lestop. lMe hardi>'1 mnI troff'. con on. Homo Boa *glmi. M. W arde, enil rautilut thlitgirt thtin ui ma cosl &ive hiaitrera abroli I u'5eoilyP' 'ae0 f 0'mtsOis y m>renBs. pdeilteKiegstone. Sonda>' k oul te '<at egord ilvogrt. ehai]! mictioneemom0 cari t taveun :t tu-ooe'a amniuat'nt'rr, diea lumo. .itluberecioIwotaoutIi'ieatIe.deit Moiday .aîd tire una"mIl ria nM. Iica ntire>'mre oa iteor t,awam liklier o atirer an>' relorfliu' acnd i rn, et limoittcct do arat Meelgo. Omhain ai ,,mithau enrecei- doem, man ir bga leobiieioîtmoeu tsilagdrrim oul ouha hma si n prulel "mepion, ere yom mmure, pinmaie e ai rooa ." ~t u. arail 'hbl o hod he Nu aecHirsoi 'Mre loiros olîgln a 0 qtibeno ?1r1t lbiim jîmmai n taireo eeetemcâmd 0o thrae peule. omen 1er Ita, ho els.a lu nt . tall termotieie'o iitie'.M erstnKsae amr ie Sh irarmieeba l -it ta rouivoe a'Igebig rwleoin ootieetma.Msau~r' ieedty hlom, mil mai oaie'-'aem ileoeme,lwit't permit irer famil>' ta ' Luri Samry, Wheo uaermae r z taltofeîihaaiý,mitu'e" ffer,irutl I propoe -a- nIDo tatie eeel peratireon MOmilipiinmkiag.tiemi et oniai>' caiv,'Ar"po l>mn chassaime eaoutalu n te plta very. aisodY pbgm.t'mdimnn'nv.'nc gageal ta MseWil mefade " tiu.-'aimm eevdtu etmra rt "iens t. nert'hu.' ît'eats, nILsedis -Ile sa0nase1oam. aid, lge," hire c, he.'eeprateai=iritmi'a a sSuaee tobrnpaa n'j og ylid, grovel>,'I bave. givenber tep' p s;itok oelî~~eeitpoteUpnocaltt> aten, 'Smi -cHae.' derlaras amieaia worai bmtiS have netliomidirber. Smm e '.j haok -1Ynefer poq;,mutfidemces n lC.egi diegomiasýid thai he cirmeveis yoi ireve pravoilsa trun e neoraieÔÀ ilo "aol'tfa ,-rey îYuticabl>'. Ta cnars Vn a onta t leav Oie 1antu.Ietaetoppetdomoimomicite oe.iOtusnerl.'oin ape"mta' futeSra i., tr' 1gr ume lier eltogtuer,aned"'thtirl.>oohavé j'heppie&m'iore rtut'ini ot, ely.adi.t.rteftihr saine dnsuestfocr'paroofeling; ibut i l-: [Cme; lut-bm t -hi lve] laptof ,!a' ti , for theu&ateionm'of §nt. l f tmOt -At'sne imomeou., &meil sei-o-tat sarr oir themi amorWl ie. We knima. or.'> <cr1 moiaI mil hiippem. ,The ttai bireft]bpcmnciesimne dimaidemea,rrire miti tins birexcamedbftaietueseurice fer ehiel ti rr n.o! ai mamali>'tue tait qualitild; i mit imbutalioniltir, esthirm ir> hyppritràl huaoee-tipj.leer'perepâ 'ini screct-he desra scial aituation ai o tad. ber <nirerotitus ta u eir jeita poUic nofen seleenoomre itreotmiied urri a Rîel ailetire Uitril Stotr,iaà taiegîrmiti tue aeanraoltedero!f'tue moieaelu tiW, ctreihturimotuelnoîae bXmeutWhoirnne mt hutesta hstm on sciences are mrah and Wohaaiitobdeali. tiend mabdepiavel u>' tuei nbi.miusRîé Thi a sdioe Sitaer at lueemoarie- ing e publicmou, nir>'tirea l u cio!voles no cet egiàis envictioas and ta proet moitie doneeoartélîte. Crîliro,, huta- aeîr, Wuo menfr nlihertyymsd publie iCh coe cseairet tIsyae>' efora talir,,t et winneardioarc1<>'tira dtitm Aotme aie' bu doncr mcneitec <p tue Aetjryoaeim. .tionmemno, bt tiri-Totao imo h2b th.rdoouoef sR o ther tytanint oetl. chiat. Wiuet %oulaîbc tr liiti oln o! Ing- tcirboresen he lracttira ieresamgiemi< Mf tri tari e bOiycottigia toa cpimyem norone aide it muâttbcayeionrbottuaibes, and taceliOall hve ta mrk dmitmmebopo ee.aII rniamioe ianho to or o nsri pratiro. toc thaeronnmofthtirin tlim< cilismDose, tir Meliedit Chcnoir. <aapupitcan meroonti reganmaoh t .i AcotI o, saaiiopit>iltra mottieg2 il t daldetIus hiopu thiat tueér oireoiee oa domont; tonr<clan tira>'do. tirmgh turp noeioY teereofai et omil>'tu h ilt longerticn. OfMrit h w n Kansas 'MReputitanm Forobtog Pause LIAVmImÇOIer, Kai,, Oct 23.-Suaoit.] -Thlut it ymn hue reid' a taorid tanbg itertfrit im tua cmmpaignue nmei pnrgesa Proiiioln amooa e ceeeetr oe'nostheopeensls injeand, nbost ail Mimastona ceept 'Loonasrtcl, Atahitat.n ld alqaCil>'. But fildib sot cia1,th ira<quer buiess, ahieli paedin j nthe hibe oe ubg store, and theer tiez oi os tlaicesoea. n. eTopeaa, LaeceWpandotte, %Vieilie; salna, 'Jiuoblti'g.Cty FociSaiti, aodsUlolieerm eironaaimietdacnnces haeemiltiplied, nutirir ani ocenarpepséron. A manin mil>aiotee ccilrlonm tanona i l ie malotr anacea,'mcdicinâI, or toinniOr pt4oseaa, setnpn' tua pV. mensteaf on ento lSa iittarin ihql'iilty.. Tire nômevi a'r aveae dereienncasandmn ltnp mf tire ppono. au eetleîaohioitirpatponaer i hie regelen tuea met joi Dutiere ockipila. Cttie tltt omat mmeryei edaaet rvnefrn, cloonslicencesare ot'de' pnri et ofi, bhosla have tue iqmorndi. me entemilaihi Theznfateoa ha LetiretaihtiRetsm et thc tait stlwair Priiibleto. Tuain ninernsarse moeamoderato in nno mana tieri pper'Mrtalhimg Bnpehticra in. Legal. D: le.tcoccfîatagretm. Oui 01D.3 Bri. mue. te CM-i os t' cGOiNno . trcemd ..-. :C. .ek. lt .50i' OMItOHOLSI &ELLIOTT. Bencteleer, &e. p Onaor.-Siret donc et let aneuh .Hnmiltoe, Milto,Ont.. PAptLES At>AIAMS, Bamcgatnd Slelai te llpree<Mn- W0111-:~ isol.ouPert andsilLar eeue '-amaiti t iaemii-1,.tu f . rel" dasPam netci. .h r, tu 5itttort. B. A. PHTiNGLE 0OrnEroaten 'lit., o eleWnap' ini. lope Tmu.ay ,"harsdapcemnd Stardapc. , Ilý! Money o 'ne t luiestratesefilittrel. BIAIN, LAIDLÏW & Co.' isesee-menImpenml Mank, 3M Wal. Lîegbam Street, Eutel, tlaiere, SEuageI AIle>', Toroeto. E e"o3.1, vte.tcoa O SIER, TEETZEL di ABTInONP (Ou- of m altiawblsc heerr ndo 0.1.r, nopa e Ttai.l .MARBtISTBI,,eOLgcIToBS: &a. t Opricn-Cmmada'LntG Buildimgs, Mia Sltmn,:Ont. 'niorrai tioco-ýtac.lna.hiaad B.B. 0-e, Q. C., :J.V. taon Ukal,ÂOuet. etn1r ueo atto ouiie ana claeru,, O.. nie,' ftna. ,omOeuOa 02"aor Wv. Iuacae'..'.47 i ..%( G . eLGn 0,. Sii. DgOeut Uom ne ln i a.S. ZIMMMEMAN, c É . ÈS n .. Thoreai mer ha melease.i s, Ihot1Cac,.. Canada, Landèd Credit Co.', MONEY TOLOÀN Oeeeed licmaeilSmamta Cia>' Pepel,mt a n nretBlhtai o aims ttornIia btermetNotaeehsagr. .«edenale. t".N ins hr ]'or psclbeelmnu. pp!p td " itr. TUE SECRETABY* Tarente,. 0r. STEELSgBarimeriMaeitnia. 'Bdjietflo Ameria .Že W-.s6ïE3. WIj TES We beg to n'otîfy -the trade andl gerter.1publien that- mc bave on hind a large coneign- mont o rfine Otil Blt Perte sont Sherries, cimtmgas.of 17Smianai1875, taOioO m roffecimg et romacknit>' oo pnitos. 'Aine elarge siripnenit 0f Fione 'OleBorileaux. 'let, nom- primieg vil Oie Lmedieg miel Boni Banda. Ait Goode Gioroanteol to irorc, mrllom, mil Oil unduel, oeil ho givo tho boit lpomeible Satistaction. Inecon Cati for calo. logue. Jase- hed&C. 1588ToepoSiToramiao. .Groc'er èô icrae PrOsh OyaterAIwaý ohn ilana A onat-le"a"0of jre ceiap tok MI.TONTOEAaT. N NONE-OtHÉR EINUINEe WM. SLOAN a ilvter . OO enl M. tais Ilk"" uisbcro A 'u. - <lmsClk.. n ana o eigriutiou suHZc t a' Te s c. et ot s tI o e i t el e 1P*erc -11ARNESS ANVD.SADDLE uSait dmire iTtheo'mPeea Roui, lW A i .n .&T R E E T ff i L T .O N . t tae 0im t b oa"e. am. . lc 'cettiu'o.VAfamlle Mne Sen ncad . ana* ail elad fHn lt!g0 Rtutinub. îthng-d aial aa rhi Dominion.rg an anfidPiano CL. f j. nI » i [ I

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