Canadian Champion, 2 Jan 1985, page 4

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b . 4/he'Cnad4n Chmpon, Wed., Jan. 2,1905% I tUiypwwd lui ALAN SEEC*f. JIMOBèN mo ~ON PWahOhd *MaY Wsd..dey by AMmesla,,d Pnnhngi, Ptbh., b6Oalritng ýtd at 191 Mi 5.0.1 LDIai. M OlUno LT4NI5 ThIepiotu51M2341, Il «:Sflcpvseil. .6.~mc; Nsoh i a w , ,Sobacooans $15 paa, ", caiim-, $SlpOras vmal a. nada"; 7510 ai U...cuni".. Thek.t M0o Can.,Champon h o.. of thé Moftnd Pmi.". P "4Nng la imtiubino Lid ga*p& %"dmb.0ba oneqatao eCinch Gdec Th.'Anio Fe oP.a, Th. AuOus BaTtch. UînmioiGu.,, TI. BnoginnP. Te . 5fgtorý PSt, Th. il.bl05e AdmUmh, Guna,oTh Gmetown Inlodp.nm,i, MrkhmniEwaolo b S-, Th. Mt.iaa. Th e..11.Nainnalai 5.ak uns...% m OahlQFI. Fndy A. 0.".. . a a. OQIiavmThs Weekend, OhoaWih Th W.akh. .haille10 îhtî WOie.ndR.chmnd NOI Lbéral, IhormNh irl ..aT.h. Soaîbýonih Mt,î. 1TM SItaliilt lnn.Th. WIwo t.~ald WeOdhnide. LI.dioot Mo.d P410119.. Pî,ttmlttg bFI th.h damiotio- i SicanEnliep.m Itod Phone 878-2341 'tai Be counsted the 0f Inaottwo weeks Mlton wllI be faced wthth first o w majr announcements regarding waste dispogal in ou area. TiaI first on will involve thse îpreferredti site for a abg dump somewhere in Hilton region. It has taken more Pma 10 years and millions of dolars tg cool. Up with tise place meere we willitrytabury tisewaste we produce. ______________ Mlton ilmost got tag#ed wth thse dump in 1961 but a provin- cial eieton Andfast action on the part of Milton counci and tis Tremaine-Britannma Citizens Group changed th. rulea otan en- vronmentai iearing so that the regîotd had to go back for an ex- M tensive study which has taken since then to complete.,U I A * M 4 tii Mlton gel the dump? We shall know sbortly and itl like- VMewW ointM lythe Waker Wrightconsuting firm wlhiettleon the Infamous M 'Site F".o.SJNf513LE The other spectre ta a to#ic liqw'd waste tre.tment-*- incnerator'iandfiii iacility 10 procesitthp dngeroua cheaicais produced by indutry in Ontario. Milton hstht'.. of eghestu deemed "candidate" for thse facfitv by h Ontario Waste Pactiearltgod wli imex. A beautilul liouglil vhirh core nUes oowib Uic Management Corporation IOWMCI il seema invitblil taon cirslunis Ueali arolo 71w hall are arelv wii gel ai least on. component of the treatment centre, but il ondecked hy1the taime a oneer ruils arounandmthUi coud be al lhree components. treatment, incnerator, anid tex- simppg o retidantict ac- 0three-digtt igure le dump, lime vientciotions ruuwi-ilas l)eember 25 dreso Athough many Milton residents have been prompted toi near, those pleuaneo grShtngs heae rotroasitieeui and ttducale îhemselves 10 the plusesa ind minuses of theseMetia i r 0y memtorie now lite acolinca of th thst o hmin sperles aboies limeughluitl o.mJ recoins a bre(e dump plaps, there are many more mho il act simpiy an emo- gia. bfor il lises Ils lustre, ion a nd fear if Mlton should gel dumpçd on by th. reglon or tihe 111in hai-li 10h. ginwncly li,tut peopie lhrougboui OWMC. I erwthpf mi nsorll probets tuggî t Ws urge residens t Igo50ta town'hall or the thaot*ilfa. uXçU iL~snneoaut ob - groupal;n Milton and iearn about mhat w'obsbly &Il bg iMW th" ii ntesblce periaaIly wunone b uliof pmac ighi ng. Only educaled arguments aile going t10 metW W lIAt ba n e ehajysole a i e 'sur o 10but0 domptai figisl. d comu e nua ide Ile vathîn ise eses oi ou 11 UtOOUsciniill ite w en hen. .n r o Il lm paietu slilld oritves (IonlUme sorce of bali tidbsgs, anihtbw orIuiMi ii uIt ler. E x e r e n e nitila,> rouproamanîlthe 11w misoalaainumnrous sare- bsg matll" la emmagh ktt rin jaq lnl 11e pain of bcip- Desple tise constant reminder of George iii. w. malle itleis nua ao nsait u o i pas( 1984 andiinto 965. Atleast meo0f us ma il. %pxrit of Cisolaas euporIe. te qootfor more Tise past year was filled wth many event which gave Or' koonîlige of one ni le blarier area of aur soriet> menu's predictions a good run ft& their mon. .Tise couztry of va. India alone wcst Ibrosagi enougis troubles ta ake Beirut lH» dom the siogn ~s e br4e eiglil r il lin. like qubted, iataî" pcb yosa' For wsiil loan edat, Thue vhslice Ira jnd Iran wefestiU aet war, lise Russas mere stili "hellp- yS uthiaree ikely 1ta1e memies0te 1wNorthl itii-s- isesa bIniBy lie'A. niîiwo NAMItLAI .n1rioa Afganistan, scores of e died needesa fluùs onafialroui, ad ohs like ilsmembairs ho ly in Lebanon, the*iyme*icscame and wemitithout incident - (sl ieamareptable sexuel partrera. e s y except for thse Soviet Bo'a absence - and ada eleeW a itamdis4BlUntreliefs. Wht bellp wîa 10o cinvte a Lnew PC majonity on whiicis 10 biame Ils probie . eiIli ces-ala s iWlvcua aceople hiia ian » mit im "'- Loaly, as re&ders of tise respective look a Mito this week w her phima to t ier yel movklas-drpictaag suri mil discover, mes marked by aevoe am event. smre m cp0renoed.l< happy but mail aid, hehavio ni'md ride 0ne Smsofu y&-*%ges As Charles Dickmns eald iniA Tale et Tw les,'lt wU thse T'(lame adsi carmnlasli% op picd over 11e- best of timea, Il es tise mort f imes." rotuter eclea 01 suhriBsadiin lathe Utaili Mae. .iy A new eaer brinps fresh hope and destrea We must ai al -aenyea-s«o 55 v laid poemjiphy vas oliw.- timea ensure our goals becomne reuized and lut by the ex- nid. sio<rtogsriv oenluls c periencewehave ickedulsinteprevioui 613)sE- mnr a eulyepli uilaiaihnbiqit InUi AIluuno otasa.o iMeM qIUil., iIe d eiby NAIBLA lise ot-gnunmis periencd. joined wth commqtin . l o tali 5a memnberi are irom n a lit 11e iiwiailiUsuri prov i0ce." proule i ass doctorsanmd avyers.Dont limtlise pur. re,«,Adrs wrfte /An interruption i histia cie teph lu u Esat<i- MSl aîoi ii mes Medt .dees« d Àon tawef hflceih-.*lîrdme Rut hl ,ge;%*ir4him feus .i ,e!sasr tUIt)of bisi ha xoct iusal5le ouhieo tlit id t hw ais lJies. m rm i n 11w tta. lia.wsi& Mu hi-il du11tervtlt' i dmh Hie b dîln t 10 iie u 1eainti) il--Anvarinly. hM cMSAd Mciirit, ale And tae ltaitgi5rsiUItwmoreallt ~ls~dUedimdi~PmPeléol11ec4t wltiaw pped on h tgrmdiy o o Somome bug*d, rnnaet Ail igle log vol u s' voir> Hilo m e e eal e, bkbool-sWo and blasa> 19t' esabd . t vov mwe". UoKt'stdabma Mmwwrle'twceml. t's bocklt d a te cm»athehbut. Iliry have 101w visais Ue mml aitesn Imm. . Imm lB'. homte w mcdcrmviitab. OW Ir o 4 erbka i litho (salabail ied And ISM heGad Owy utIles ia e tei ir4lelad i' Mi it es eioeaieisg. "C'mon (lad, Gao Upt lents,bahhm"' A LlT5N FIBU F ti wgai io#hlestllasl.svle. o aret b ru ow te slisl médtb om The irony -of itali sirenglis of the" isy guys as politlîral loisto Neilior lits orgeniznotln oir he ttracttî.'f peoplIeii are ne. te me l'h. article tatiîh is,.tttI twe ioms nli sexuel prefereisces prs îli'i tîltt îpforniathon ,bol vuo sometchal mne, enttict ti-t reporta cars-icdin 0moi'conçervative Liltlit ti, i esuit hlelp nenne tUe iroa> af nading alutI t t expliations af cialldirct in a magoniaiii hich I,m'.i i urne ing an0510 ofen Murli ut %ishl lbiiîit thtl oublier of thearticlesoliesai applied alitch da tt-. ý typtciro niooîms o et eerame xnand ,tiîîlltnti tt.l iéduit red&to"sdeprli ai ise piahicatioiia't,.%.. cr11105 for (lily o leu, poignetpontthisori, lunciiltîtt thse lactîrs of pedoaphies, the.sani. ctlcs vere hctmg apialio ta10an11 diiinier esisimieeeia lion hSes elsesvent ai an &lait lew on re thi--,pt'î iî oif girl> trangs in theearly tics Sexy sisals nofrobu oslvmen ver? Soi ne-' lit Ii' vt% nif1theimsas'( homeenagartaes une,) heneasnslt editocial rontient 10 paroomote protolacuil> hîbli i tr saime lIme leepitigwurnies intiseisplaci- Hom can a publication damn parsnI.stittt iat senssiti their citiliretn on.epige atnd -low ttc former Mins Ainerica l.aktog port în sînîttît.,ci>t-t1i aolller nomanton tise neol Did the iront irtiktlt readar .' Il i .istful miny renfder, tf îtten , Iai. ceaJima thry are lietrimenlol letaîînîtttandi ttoit reiatitnsist ith viimen Are 111eyno ,itt lI, t.-1 'wputl ntfisaplan«ase r Cve iandpli-aie Tise image aifvoummen lierpetual yt hi-c tit, lions ha. been ingraieti anata10soinIn llî iti ci -lîlwi Wlisfte imeoagent clildeen ait a >ti 1', 1' lI-ns Wall la190eoises-ml edin as tonox.nofli , *%ceiitiiy-cad (croale' W1iinsasthe gloaay afui rnguill.t' tis "id.visamariklet cs-ylhag front pi-nIf,lt tî it Jan. Oris .ees Lübe ioolîsî more likiat, îtî thogroviioim, T'vmsy yeirBfratson, illtei'.il nitl morit t balai tagetise. parants moant hbase la fiar llîî'tr tlîdu tut b.edurod b> a stri0ree ieIicî, i ts weal of0sorcty s meanies bive taîîltrfn we10mli xo11ue ovn rbiliren aDdUm ile m(Mcithie juy nithe seasait bia' pt laemeussa* 'We tusmO>hope 14~ppy Ne. Ver! did you know goard of Ed workers were unionized limonadeadwSadm office wrkus aiadW usaet caneri h51 pOmpted have hod Ieooidgdmtiinsma OPAs fixéats wJoli e e nt al ways Nonntelb d of U pie sY 1eeetv.aoaaurd accssiigomla 110 aIlve tiré *er lCevuans usasui n io lnnow ha = = uanlfs. !» , ,iatl mon'a& %ad commîlîe lomg Ibm MS ingecèe la a = .tiigon job' êIcptiona. The8r goal. l. dbt aias U»1e mbership vo e pala edt hspmer, à me' one SutOn." ois office lpea ln es h arisecnentwN Ille Office Poaol Asociatio COPA) srhosl for a mliniaio0 30 haIt. wei.l « ~il édifoeula M ni reaste4ai da 'ieIb PWehep Amailo and princti,î lisord', maiypec h icla gave raiaoa Carl le ema l ntrueal n ail& puret e abalboit <the office poiionsa tib is g. 1eypaintout. , "ih lciisrivedu pur mg. t. "INOIN>' 5lUt(iimpli<Wem uion l yi-u- '0l vasàa iik *dalalaw."mayNi ltveandlhe Ioardoner4*vE iretrtof RmeaglvhscebleauPatronsuma hsed;e ailly gasr d icedmiberi hi saiei ta b. dmad agah êionsiàe. Dot11Un bath as hco . ev~Ca, hetmmunvsisa thoi g an Moegatlami ite Mialmisae f. e anadi offcepaesna vidcamU.sýlob. e i d OA, i. tuoAnahds Bmer n lnaawedqaboai et OiebjWahihgtaille apyesuîu ieMnz bi i :1. ma. weh duch.lolcnia awdU.d osrd olln o rvol ~eIMoffce kra, del le f»ot eluefiul lTse unin credits one vht OstIlpit h Ig Mdrl b mm & eê 10 tsg.peavid erfoi nividoat eibtll = t0eJtlt~M>h Uia lîfl her membaesbp. onelthng tiewl * vieeMhae 51 Irlaparl aI 11e Vv-Year it'tas impie llSmeby 1the ord Inb t ie, iotave iilA 4h~ibehPd»,e. bitnsi nlput. mal Im;fiwo»Ci enim a ii kfi -IwebmmdiPays Ifatl1 î1z ye.t aa MW tir-»M M, 'Jai'* Bnélaf mduiilfori ue adthe mi ~~ooob ümhg ~ i sb e fet ascsvtery amchnge. uvu Wfrway, IF-T of the Pest One Year Agô Ir.o thte Jas. 1 lUMI asse xpatsîn fund-i'hig canipaio e I4O1llPmoirtkatyeu- endi A furher 12.900 h npected n Jmnuary. lrtngig the lotiltoI Militon 111has lo hbisatg grpt the nw ve Rothindi, boum Jlanî1. 904 tre dong issu llA MltnDistrict lHospitatl, egisin lhtcheite Colgan tipped thes oale. ai egiti poands. ight Oun"en md wa a brn al 1021 a nm Mr And Ms IiRober Clgan. of JoaperSi.M -bec0nd cas Mat leu Deui tminces. lfintoat 12ilp. . aMr.- and Mrý Mitrats tari'ni.iof Rtigtorml emplo.yuen ian epert 1. fiel .a pin hni heir taaa'e If thitîtPerformance- tan'! op ta spetrler! levi-lain the future. él'îlrsn i te auuîinist aton auti finner oniniiet,'tlut vee grfi i) d1, nelnd ictte salis-ylai t ofitcsn enpliiharn sho sre t lited aI -lev, n1te level of IttnttîtiiPin led for 11141 Il , r gtodt ihngMeno.4i, 'tina ha, at n i-£rdeedrotz o" ot-ausi.nvihtnfg i-ta. t.a l'a-t t mcnlhottît ofi as nev l4.itugîtalte Steîe iwhcwayk tttl-tsintonal shoot-I ,si .t o >ltttr' t1he i- lton Beine lltt, 't Toi.îrîainent MMnas ýO Years Ago F. I. hJ. hoil, 193 bit 't îît1tîelIi,,1 àitdteWhadditio ttt o Httlti lsi(Iospitail ian té tt t. hmtctiti) botht-;t a nard hili pr t'e pttlatuttfoia Inirthoni 1i l.t.t Itird cofaîîttn Johé o , ,il, titht, t tn and il ti. t qilté, haptial oard 4 « k E:atoîi utti iîer' Aller 4 t t ihi iilttar,. Jack Eli,tt n il lx, riring Atlhoughl hi' IwtiInioneînp days ire tht tiagît Jack iéhané, ho lnle hti-lt tt-kitnf a-an -ag ie 10-e t .î' vlu,îriotft3JA Wllki«hby ortîîuS 9; 1hldspregided ai te tînt i itxiltIntiffl1of 104 intttîe inéuntdiscusion, in- litfie I hal liai.ben iap- ttiilth11e 1al ew years, as 'i.tît bt, asié,rds, 'In , lt I)ahi tîlýu ïar An 50 Years Ago Jetghitir te nîa'tnoll'! md p 'îîut ,t, - ri» i-M bo sa tieitlii, tttî a s - ilh ot ' t ýn -iîît .11i oI founr t lnîsat t' eejîened un lité-tt ftiti) f,rx (Leeer, I on îti- eat.îl îi ttou and th1e 1_ééut 1,-tttttaith i tios tIOIW tiýto'slerît lrunthtét.yard. of fi NltI, I(tllte h Iiîanini ilsll. id m,iti î îferesI plates. liiindtt o ti h1e etorsof si- tttt thié- tîlt'îg q lon A- youtat tîo f irylight 1a %lillé,n ifot nmîdgtîgl.Jane 5tii1 1%àIo niîdtglîl,. ript iid lire nuit11 tieeatciient sentri Itaîlîloi, lithe 1,l. itiil. Section of<'o.nntait Tsroayo. dili nalIue barber niop 04 JaI Wilamson 111e tieéa ttt,î(os-ered wniit1tclerls in in admtint storé,solîreli snoke. îTe vuî M te Niazie i- 100 years ago 1' M.m 1X5, glisse Il, M 'tliontal thi- court '. v 1 inis., Nlag,.tliâget-ahil lmlencli a. lhe cnihilsdvmelie@d Insu t'ltrleI Yoe. aiofiat F'latiîla iclakîi an udilceni-OS A quantiy nf agi-r andWhiilsky n.xg i4~and ValCa cas tîselia ttual tw m. un &Il offeirs. l'he ttuo h-t is eioe whod Iltienwpaper i edilor la tihi',c i ltliuoNe« In aebig oi unsaîr.inlîîîl t-Umpelia. 'le lsalit l 1hc- in ig giscdàrintl Sqînstii If lthe Neya bas miii elbohallasMr acircule. lion084 m i o th>cllele AtIunh gî- lire"i OrMilon xl.îiln ad astar)oin othe Joî t i». e4lt aie'fis Ni Yiliaoi 5,011 Jr ,Its .kÀilog erii tire îmlaot@4»llng for an exhi htonfîîîai)fns-y Shaw* li> F ('î'Ch stlt pioo Mater iii 'Nri% i

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