Canadian Champion, 2 Jan 1985, page 24

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Good agent.eý'seti Ito avid, hassies Hauteo ire. vacations cmn euliy ho arraiged by a gmod trai ai> onalmuor cci hi hig foi r rule instead of the airpl la.t0 flnd m eaoagaent, SAyoD Caven. RegI&trar of die (hulul irl ladvoiry Atfor tie Miiltry of (tmmoat m cCm ili ReaIom 91NCCi). aeoLroa ming biond. 10 sOugm on agoi bo sue ltae n diesu la reg$aaa wllh the mitnlalry under 111 Taval bdatay -d -i If a cuisint cortificata la nt dismdayod in the Ageiicy ofAie. aïk t e. uIl or cmuit me mmiilry'i Central Regastraioan boaui ai 4I60113004M4, le confitm thent the Atm la regiatered. Aiihough registraion la ot un indicaion of 1he queity of the igoncy. B doos prov th&i the Irai la permlltodl by lier go mail IriveI servlccis lni Ontarioa md Ihot the business là cavereol by Ontaio'& tashi compensatioii (iuid. Cirlifcalo f regîoltrioi née vaild for lie yaort. Thi.campen.aiin Lwdmdbhm ad iosby hiprovIncIal govrriment and reglmlhred mdustry membeho n a n ettonipi la maure ageicy caitmera dont Ia-moiieyIfpe arranged traval marvicoremiot hopodai beaai a Company g-n oWni o batena àit§ appilas ulion a VIWOired lravol agency. airlhne. Initial or iny atier fib invoivedl in a trip atoums diem ids iit al- ing us ccmuihmonle. jl an ageay la nul regiuiered ln Ontaho mu niv la Wt operàing lliepUly. but rumiomner loeurs are ont coverod by lte Travel lodluelry Ac! Cosmpoaion Fm Noir %*d2 it f mmd pravido compeel for connuolers wli arrange fiaer omm trip$ #, doming directly wih botels. alnhnia or other travel provideras UL any of lto nom- panieâ invlved stop opermtiig lit con- sumner could laie Manoir. (1ogitrlaIxAnaG ta the fund air made. loi Onario'% trmvei &ants end wwuo , ice eariy. lthe travel fond nia'nduy stads at &bot $1. mIllion. ah theb amouil fluctuai., tiroughot di yar Comilieumtionla, a maximum ai 03.loper lbri~ l. ii&ungacynr~ Uonaib rablm-do accuo, M"t mente~~~~~~~ M$" liejW Wqd qiliy~Iaqaaoi.U iAtarrange silltable buâmbâeveoa&trls w= t plas arIpbavl'e b changiu ad the lvi dosa ouPjut of e àmot afnative oftoredb- vlc on8M aw dn I m- aual pons a 11.4. ten hecon inre once an Agéncy bu boue chasse and tm" diufr MW glu d~eaed ha sue ta L OO Lumwt e ail payiaoid, BIat- world market. I lm n fer1adN Lot h% th ctlm it lt uae air- Ontario rnoï àkiea -it 1. nodoparloa tln ickai& and vouichers arrive. mnait me *14 onaIt. estai aguia corrct olm og do ecloua Imie thtim elaa the compenation find al, a Iteglatrar: Travel Imen Act th Mualatry of Consumen nr Lb Relations, 554 Vougea ., b'4.. 2H6a" ali reqiau a dI uê -WoW'-at-hôkne scheOmeS Scms mdinu la1. thed bugli ta Mm.t orabiel at a1, murs ed iion 144dml h lb. angiw jle is mare, me onin àotaa mmia S.elm . iran umg m a wS Mutonin aibatmu va adxUcnamO-iato 0 Eobfaeaalu citr owloltmaor ta ddoi -p l O montas jol hontir liaa plat 11,n Luog =0lyen .=i pua o l. imi.toli Areid ta iss upoe e.f l lorn oL mieumonion, ai b imin idurllat ofspr$ arab00or peoplea 0D fktwt i l g ho may r adi Alinticti ihey rire pea lt weiltli, bcwenqr uuulmslc they May lo. "D'a Aucht a li doue," mays Ilobertilod an te r legllliais, 11w pracicç le iualy mati llegai. but il Alii. aOCbbOun«ervionces Officie mecici As wil coni ho Lmutrmllng emnotionafly and flront- <Tosada wllh the Mhnltry of Consmer job, potentiel eîoployeei = atId o o uir ao hi hyhv n omrilRltos YUr o hy*ersioud wh mydii fouia work. gIP4itlagthing wOtliUSieofr lieolit- intiai baie mach tb.y will bo petid. One enami sc alerte wllh mn bd for lmy and you're net MmUy entlllo ta yeu Rir Lurther iofràma cadi the workera te SiaitL envelop At hai ne. money bach."' Canaunr Services Bureau ofi lb.m Everyaue aorinig dieamd a sent à Il~ Variatlions on the envelopne alofi Lng ocam otfering a set of intructions Usqr a ,SBar nteiralu. but they ail promise. liacred- psiceB us.iiy leu tian et. lb o iii ble ficanciai galoim lor a "mmli" Lee. iteutiOim luhi ci l h. t anlbarulu Ads offérhng employment opiertunilhes ini lt'à a- "Place for ail seasori peran la availabie, and ta a maximum ofa. f ilinmegum md sis million la cover "es ln a miis io bs di;V .4 mill ni a t a 4ankruptny. If. for exemple, a lange qeoicy bth onys conuln Gadn laooi ad e M shppedl opoamll and cluonr Imm ,i ouàn 10pe e ban h tôalleil more thon 115 MillI ita fond tuait Moiermicst w wiiuld covier a pu-centaga o a it h aIm. mi~enmm fi" th R bm oiu Yortwmmleýy. tbis bu nover happoted in cuiwmm ,25,0e0 women attend gala lFedormten Sl. Wemnhultiu Of ont"rl milamiiioillhoi om-p«rte dtulopéc.- .aer -concernea&out cUnrOissu" durliig iboerofore adtieu wu requaetil) rf aai Iheir Aunual Renard Meetin aI tha Bond lte *iMiep ai la Il yoan (l iap ao Place Halel. Toraiiclan Novoohor. nuupalgi for lighte. cenae Sudpéi Numercia concerna hâi hoau aiadlod avronces ofth lbhminui iUaffec f during th*paai yeur bym avoir 25.010 Women'm mnd (3I enact lollation o n lteI a*- inatilute inenihrs in 1125 Brace .cm taami portion of peotils reiILad frei ofithIe lopeds liai vert explni moio riq licences ad 'taxas on Blehell pornagraphy. prafilerm by crime;. hoveçagub b oed explicidy Lur lte cir .onmens. rlglita. tri saaely; Canada and néabhilatImof ni lcaboe victimen la pensbons . advertising liai explait& wumon: traireant And de-be centres Ihdiuat da% care centre fou pre-ahool clden. 'Ontario. tnulk (loid shopping. chlid obusm: batlanid %mmous es and efforts of pesticides. Concrmsa mduroued dicougi Un. alter .mail pruInan on btins and inllehn restiutins were-to am a Sandard for mmI books Itler in public plames;. c =n bid oitfanlenenin carsaand rca-to M&ce elfecla of mcîd rein. dri4a And acl;i loa ta privent LMi defadatlofa womue aharlion. relunof st andard appre tltes and mand ebldem Ilmaugli ponwpaphY --4 hetle lires on nec vdoulu; bau te proleel chinge the logal aystole ta dem more noir evirournonl by aeparaiting ou prsage~ meverely wi rleu, ofLndua-to mmmcl anmd recycllng piper, glua. cm&,M.;c legilaalln wih wli oeludol psychiatrie tramsportation of anlmmao and tate »Mioy. patients froni nursing bonnes for mains--(a Onie day of thtAid Nuoing wu apon implement eiipdmey contra MMé oiiderhiig gm# ai titn oncer n litae marhoiga'n ail blac top rend aiwiacu--4 farin cf la re oMiali b ail mdb urge lite Caadlm 0 gernlta autrive ta auamne ai BraneDitrict aimd Ai-ca le a laide la lte global muelai disarmn- Jaela. After mach stwLdI dbmemo, ment movounent. amie of lb... remnmhdutfl ve deemed du aHle ait worký Womon'a lnitute. worthy afibp spol vens *eo nahnud. monbera do tmita lime ta ujoy th iand- AlcqWa neomai te bWqM Major conen shé oS t eliec uM.îerS. MIRE MW tlrnd afLeinsii OuIna7iî Itre ofth d a d e nJoy di. wmml 0i mrv4m alliera. Il cli mmli. RG "a place fer &Hi aifOna." iroctoir Ailla Pitrmon ex- eimued. allns, M lukrmu4f plants, ubil nitunle Mme of »Alitera Australie, sofIt Abrieamid partia et Callini. putI on daer butl jabis i the Canienmi vhnl '50 niaI whnler, viton pouva diath FOL'ry Menu, yeu eui eami teaB and oit uloeth dia unayplon lime," BurhuLgon Souili UPP Geouge Kerr jouit. Mar. 7zt driion bond Lur thm traieul ianuicni of tha prajact on bd"ai of proincial citizen- shlp sd cuilturemnlaler Suu FlOu. chuse mbaary lm',eled a $M11000 gant Lur the The, Ioderai govumnmenl lmin isvolveit. with euoploymonl miniliar lIot* Mot- donald. reprementeit by Uurliiglcn MP BOlI ltemplîag, mmonclag a 800000 grant Te R13G _mxllar han crm. up iu 11100 hlli.fh Stanley Sithd lorticul- lurai Trist fIm Englanit milita111!51000 t0 dia I .-million prajecl Mr. Kemplng Salit lte Ioderai fiomdhng boit beun on tite banhiturner ince die elecnian as pari ai i frotea on emplaymeiil giranla, but bu mie beoaie ofb.h fia-ct suhoidl mad. avallable lay the Mr Mulncnay gaovernnt. it àd" ta dia iachlitis Lur the 70.1000 vtiilrs a ear tha RDG lvwhm ndboldd nitrant everl ore crité tourlot uae oce il ta wofl'developo. lie caïd Accuding ta Mir. Pmaeacn. lit onee oponaalai ta the public by rebrury, ~ h I emmlluth igonsit il wouldt lable at lid da aO yarà ion lte plAIta te pot on thoir but mhac, 'tUnlihe mcm facilltîu. ire have ta gaie our foumitura," lhe puant! cut 4 Sm la Sm S.. b M

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