Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1988, page 12

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g g:g 12-Orono jam :for More further. a you'Il jeliies ipe beginner *to kitchen. Economisis Foods uses variety ipes. recipes "serves," * and 28 new "der,." dress fe "Ontario," [ gthaw' wecks ",cook" abont Geeal .2freezer Ilw ji'ng "hours," *doesn't .cookedjam a time fruit. it frozen. jam g fine quaiity storage vors 9 "," Can To wages "fruit,'" cookie. drain ",__c(r" if flash and ing . Qestions brand "r," Canadian ilb Fus Onlythe fi true-several its Cani Iles. " double the when in tiple reach Can Sunshine isn't long cups your "plastic," ad full o.~~r 'sweast 'months. gWanted 0ods 'As Uinder 1hghlysimp_listic page.bookiet.. an_ut>other library. 'PROI "Yes," should and relishes you're the Double CERTO - send Yes. recipes measuring peak Easy use a want 1 for that "undler-paid," Au.td10t_nus will Iter?' plus longdosit measure increased jam "jams,__iay.set" 24 varies' __oon- mr.It repa:r cati payable. as "~lchicl," "marmaiades,'preserves" quite giass lot focdli for "owners,,aftcr" 2Ib-fdgo "Sunshine "kitchens," freeze' ' freezer (Continued but of "unsweetened," in ' "fre_,'e_"a],ayeron" ":1,1'" jelly double batches. as setting the.juices) Refrigerator is n m__aking Deveioped Box which for a F"od Weeklv L5G new Please you and or "," fo. 3 foriam jam? "shop',," "sheet,t" You set botirs. start id_al your air-tight siz_..You many of weli - _iul retained trouble it delivery. delicious shouid a commorn__.*asked.. refrigerator full. to no-cook Jam ",'" mi looking "rnngLn1Iiprodtic',as,5embly" weeks In it be whether are best as is small i up jars ~ . an are cheque and is batches'may large ~ in vacancies S "339," decades recipes. add with fruit Anysmali is 4L9. can a can "benefits,." recipe l'l1 h_vast to ruit the to "as," factually hot or boil od process fruit-inopeces; t's Home.> included refrigerated name myjam ' Jar "conditions," as quite quantity expert Be a include is inside. srnail "conditions," the be quality conste__ctlon A When to diminish "Times," g one no-cook take hen' the burg_r-si_nging analysis businesses be to for In a_iow no-Cook aliow Port j .g pectins also jam "eniough.,-" ~ dlahor use. magnified but freee containers. from with to Recipe tE traditional Make if iarger __if frozen total "patient," jams fromn by for cari your b-iihlis then new for "ail,-are" A and you' Generai' "frozen.," "ago," General storage "fresh," i year. make comnmon bookiet within Iook bookiet and your for to businesses any package the the by harder "Credit," "uivey," type Jai" has aoiy To in Home to recipe? (do. freezer more ~ $4.00 mistake Athough: fruit in also of "the," incorrect ma__king fruit "of,mul-" con- "Wednesday," re it rec- may' rec- "make," t jam page paying in ehe- and 4~6 Of- extra crush tak6 the after han kettle: or ad- mean jar the no or-* fruit. FIa- ists no- 48 best doesn't the "set," is jam arc Small tesponiible' 'not a a __8 of or tlise ~ is JelIy to by jobs. of at; as. to. in a 2 'put cotii.try. ave produc- 10) "isales," jobs biggest al better. could - li ' heid' any- that One- this lCe< uf 1 Ille*~g'~g"'- ini June recipes *usuaiiy Can recipes? This to ance ting. "ative," High hibit brighter vice actiy. or you "product," Jamwith'isoft ipes. Can used "ever," with straw"-m cesso>r'c__ni' s'uch rhubarba___hdplums. What causedg fruit the the "-However," jar quifie_&.fh1oh Is with quire seal inserts want tai jars J per "inserts.," Can "No," must wax.Th___ "ening," nist set. amn Some<frits This *a ably draw "for," shouid add potential employable'skills: Floatin'g'. ness training ployed CFiB the-job'traini'g' And ai large dryngand "tine," ities t if away and and money attemt>n countrythat "exists," "22," wax NEW'- ehronicalliyhigh bet[ mnt worker'secs'ge'['_dev_lop geoverient maiiil lat.Caaians "Yes,'but" Ottawa' sugar orjars to jam pedirL is inay inserts "Also," a is mold iack toe 'rwcIo_cr sugar as suif Ottawa;were a seai. The The do 'ver provided etc. su4rfa 1 CF not young food ies lish6tild flot easyt__ One to causes tl_e'__etail 2-piece to use It more critical sector unayoidable sma 60 gfix instea_i 1988 _equlr prepare wax with be-sealed use "onto-small," called "b_,,ster_hized" imp'rovi_ng "part,__of" from. ~governscr~t coiour. are re_search employment efnough s not "'a_hes,.peCars," frorn' foilow use "bisfi)>ss'pcobpl_,eag_,r,*to" 1IB resuit Certo 'of>'_dquaie __federal "i__av_," for y"not "te,1-iagc." erce't be sugar es in ___kqwledge sugar Mason out just Caniadians1 prograrns *I ce Do som'_;hing growth .tender wlth __wax 'Iler 03-Jan #NAME? aimn __t- concentrations processoir o_d will growth as hosedfo pt __ppiroxiinat_iy.66 hias new. fruit. "wax," a to reduce reduced "," these for floatlng Canadians reeuiar myjamis? has "processor,-" can fromninmol1d'__sPore g. can fruit' Mwth xiation for seen beeti of for less.sugar "unemployment,,insuranc'e'" concent set. f laboIr can not' the peanut of special lids is 10 Us in the fruit? give has form a aenda and The main "2,Piece" is "light," est suffers and is be 1be the crushin& wh.en been the jam If only "governiment," the r ivillpr'otect election be something with proper in rtraining would jars "-',__" A for sweetener. round to and types wvithin "unemploymient," a "business.,,--" factor this lteracy reus.e imates nt recipe fruits produce abe you! toegih'n do you the yet fruit to Forced jam food you betwceIi'.o1tofrjob "1pool0-,particulily" prepar'ed embers "may,"be" __and preserv- best tained seemingly other next service:sector-to recipes. be fruit?. in shift Mason a our in rate to'const5ter over-li- stunted.in new "better," obtain failing stirmng heip 'pectin aiiows "appiecs," coming. __or fede__al_y-'funcled adding retain paraffin that or "not,,re-" ' sugar lids?. fromp__ockets'of. had* pro to #NAME? do obtainingfirs- how- __a be bal- than a Ieft set- metal rec- metal the'sm po that young federa_i ad- Rie dark- ex- day ." Fla__aauro in- jams on ut skiSI. pro- neatiysit__ jars the me- "mor_"money,'" many by better'served .per not hliq ihi~ "sal,,__i" "theposition," the' resposib provide a__ a tle "nrtur'nnga," percdent __o re-trairs'ing "s," Mo 'sIlls new: "necessity,'" consider-" and "however," aii "lnstead,." bottomn- pro.leni part "people.," re g6vern- dcvelop.'. "unem-," "lhking,," federai gutsto l busi- as a for t than Service'. and* *jars "*counter," isn't' ~t_. on: and "new," "by," jam *soapy Can refrozen? refrozen. eaten thawing. Can of but making. The niaking? free portant aiity we cec water.' Ilow 2 and minutes. in 1 a air gg a j Freezer No. tea ~g' biot'water crystals Wasli Putjars use. not dry'a'-few freezer j i it g jan1. froin of fruit dol1 caver use towel. A I within water; Always wouid u to overripe bruises Use Make ",,,Jean" "However," Art "7-Star," Apple Banktof 'Durham Beckers- The Ben' "jars," Bowmanv_le Bowma BowmanvIlle Leave IDo BowmaVIllie'IravelCentre Bowrnavllle Cilarke Brend's.ArtistIc Cow'__n older steril_ze Brooklin Cuyler's Eastma's' G_ys ?;opesRecordl&'-ShirtShop Farros'Ba_t Flrst Goddar' jam Forni quality "Fp.x's,.Sports" produce Kut '-rby. Lord bot- and jams stilI with until Y t_his Clarke perieced flot rinse carefullyin 'Woodworking DiJfend jam 3 be water.'Allow .shouid "ear,lplease" sure minutes' M. us_ lids fruit present Abo_ve 1k or jars be weeks fruit Coce__rtylg Elg_n n__nV*ill1e Graham-- Auto dry Fam safer Blossom "wiater," nearliyCad__Y. myjars? P_bIi"co_ "&Gl___," is H if a with Auto blemishes. in shouid 0f fully the to "P_ntiac-,Bulck" Bowar~ile g Montreai for there very good --Th~e Reglonal. jars "ighSc_h,_olg" and "Cycle," Hobby g 'High for New_astle S remove flot ily "bigrpt," fruit. ggrgaePo to on "hiscommuntywho,'offer" 'n in jam olilsl6n'. "__A__io," warm ServiceCentreg '.' "FitessWarh__ue',_6.'*._,,Copr" after PublIc "ri'Pe," jam with .li_s are im- "hot," the Body.' qu- re- be be H Memforial the by VNeterinary "Restaurant,,Mary" yuare.an Halrstyling __d t(' is &Tackle teachers enorPubicScoolg 1 _ school ggh do S"hop Shop .- the omputnled interiors ",Sehool" g0' ' not Sc olice students'is "ision,"" h "L 1 w"ouid Ltd. ooil employer hesitate Pici "Hospital,.,Newcastlizz" Sho Clinic:.O_lafsnSepFr and - "#16,Divlsion" '''" mai g ic 't_leohone.the '__p _ik ratepayers responsiilyofthe * tudents cetalledSonthel " "g,9yaleAuto'Body'" June Date t*o ok ''Newcastle..MuliQCre__ g'' '' in _nterested'in e'bpressth'e_rappreciation.toail FINAL'TAX - g'Newcastl__e earti'tlon cal 2nd gWood "auable.,,A.most" The If s-bit ~' of Fai "22," .*.'.j 198 lsi g' yuhave Insta ' - Publication: te.sohool. luie of 1988 and 1988 ' P108ease>PuyPromptly ' Instalmont Taxes. TOWmOFNilEWCAnTaL the lment Municipal f to .Strathav'en "REALTY," are .Suzle'Styling.Salon' 1F #NAME? back __'Telev_sion MInlstry Mr. NeWcastle' Newc Newcastle. Orono On'tarl'o' part_c_patlng Oro . Pines Plainville P Roger'slTravel INAL Stedmain's Iolph Royal Tran__World-Tra9 Wlot receive elAu payable t Co__q-operative h flot g rt are paymenftxes ",." 'PAYABLE Roast of "I fa b_ig Daril_ng_ton Brown's -*~* ",," TAX i rancis astle "rclvdyorFinalTaxBIll," AND Tax theTaBll J.wi. senior PAYABLEJUNE ",PAYABE___" sincere "onlutShop," Funeral Weekly Dorn 1988 "Ceek-N__r__ery.School,'." hprogram. Pblic Tax "N'," d St. of a ako'Cnd Creek' * INSTALMENT. as BILLS tSA Tax Public Beef" Th1 C 'N Jones Off Lumber ar "BUSINESS,.TAX" Naturalesources i PublcSho Pijbl_ic 1non' o ServceC'ompn Public ~ Nursing ofAssisi follows: g SgPTEMBER 1ec "ursery," "ngiIn~.," ",to" '. Public'Sohool in Sc 10e'at FriedChicken eDiI g ' "THANK Times'- Outdoor Home"'. ____M Bureau'' have'now t'or Education * ",Hardware" g the'programn AvoldPenalty * Sohool adISubs * ool *''.7 __Schooi dooes'f_t Wo arin NLYatCthe ' Or "623-3379.," or Shool The ",**" * Hm * rkszDept. "301h," penalty. Separate a -. theemployers g _ ' "',." "YOU"," Ed__catio learning been 30th.18 ",.l" g 1988 el_m_nate P.O. "Program," ' for sent #NAME? M1732 Sc_hol n_xt n please g ex- to-ail ' '- g "Centr_," the '' ' ",.,''" yf 3 a Pr - p' g "t,-" g g g w. I

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