Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, page 7

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'I -_________ IRMEDAY, TPEE. 25th, 1980 I cS~ca/ & (ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Bowmnivlle Choral GrouP 1ident of the Canadiam Sheep bave been Invited to present. Breeders' Association at the &AWeInert in Tyrone in April. annual meeting held last week 1Qr. Frank Westlake, Soline, 'n the Royal York Hotel, Tor- opent the weekend at F. R. onto. Another local breedex Cook's because of road con- Mr. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, ditions.was elected an Ontario director Mr< ad rstion uner along with Ray Clarkson, Newcast1e, were Sundiay guests Erampton,Ont. ousEme 4ffi th Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. lwoOt Martin. Lest Satdurday, Mr. and Mrs. lise Ann Brown, Toronto, Stuart R. James visited their ýwas a guest this week of her son Norman, Queen's Univer- uncle and aunt, Mr. and MVrs. sitY Kingston and attended the Wally Braden, Frederick Ave. University's '«Open House'" They were overnight guests of M.and Mrs. Ralph Ames Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson &iM Mî. and Mrs. Nelson Os- and Jeanne and on Sunday borne have returned from a with Mr. and %.s. Andersor inoot enjoyable vacation in .attended Chainiers Uni t ed South Carolinea. Church to hear Rev. F. Ban- Mx- and Mrs. A. S. Badger ister former minister at St. Ond Barby, Woodstock, were Paul's United Church here. Meent visitors with his par- O hrdy eraylt. Kingta, r as. G aeMrs. Avery Johnston celebra- KingSrtet Eat. .ted hier 9th birthday at Strat- Ms. F. R. Cook, Mrs. Sid haven Rest Home, King Street Mitchell, Mrs. R. E. Land and East. Sharing a beautiful cake children Kathy and Steven, with her were hier daughter, apent Tuesday afternoon with 'Mrs. R. Virtue of Oshawa and MErs. F. E. Cook. her granddaughter, Miss Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Wally Braden othy Virtue. Mrs. Fred Wright were in Kingston last Tues- was aiso an afternoon visitor. day attending the funeral of Mrs. Johnston received many the Iatter's aunt Mrs. Gertrude beautiful bouquets, plants and Mlay Berry, a sister of Mr. E. cards from rela t i v e s and 19. Brown. friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mairs and Congratulations to Mr. and Zér. and Mrs. G. Bad(ger attend- Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, King .d the Weddin~g of Mr. Badger's Street West, who celebrated niephew at St. George's Angli- their 53rd wedding anniversary «Il Church, Willowdale on on Saturday, February 2th., âMturciy, February 2th. and to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Os- Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wideman borne, King Street East, who have returned fromn a two- were married 56 years ago on week motor trip to Floride, February l7th. Mrs. Osborne's Virginia an~d other Southern many friends wiil be happy to 8tates. learn she is making remark- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ernicott, able progress folowing sur- Ssndra and Donald, Peterbor- gery in Memorial Hospital lest ough, visited lier mother, Mvrs. Friday. N. C. Yeflowlees on Sunday At the annual meeting of thp and also were calers at Mr. Federation of Ontario Natur- Ond Mrs. Frank Wnight's. alists held recently in Rich- Mir. J. Reyno1dis with her mon il Dr. A. E. Allun of daugiiter, Mr. an Mr. RôyFort William was eected re- v'ils, otd Wed fSreelat-Northeastern Ontario. Dr. Allun vile, mot ored ito aria last who was born in the Hampton weekendrfor. andvisit wihn herstrict an'd attended B.H.S., is Cat~tr, n adMr.Jondirector of the provincial lab- Cattran.oratory at Fort William. His Mr. Bert Purdiy and sons wife, the former Dorothy Kirk- JTack and Clifford wene in Bob- ton, is a sister of Mrs. R. W. caygeon on Monday attending Stocker, Mrs. Rance Dilling the funeral of Mrs. Purdy's and Mr. L. Kirkton. brother, M.r. William James Edgar. MI's. Purdy, because of illness, was unable to attend.B M0rs. Walter Snider, Court- Barrie M ian M 'totgomeyoWetsJC fce, and her sister, Mrs. J. AccetC. joyed a visit with Mrs. Snider'sy son Don and his wife, Port Carling.,Don and Edna are teadhing at "-1en Orchard and G~olde n Rule", Port Cazli>.Z- this vear. Correction- The requiest for O* one nian arbitration -board in ~V'w of a three men arbitra- tI4.S burd., which was turned dôWn ty Bowmanviile Town Counoil last week, came from the Ontarlo Police Association Xiot the. Bowrnanville Police ,Asaoiation., as reported last1 week. Mr,. and Mrs. Baden Pingle Mid Miss Margot Rankine were guests Thursday evening at th, Junior Residence, Ontanio Hos- ifai, Whitby, at the Candie- ligIi Caipping ceremony of Miss Patricia Pingle. Pat wasj one of a class of ten girls to z'eceive their caps. They were eiso presenited with Florence Nighitingale lamps and white Testamnents. Mr. Lloyd Ayre, local sheep breeder, was elected vice-pres-1 REHOBOTH REFORMED Scugog Street, MORNING SERVICE - EVENING SERVICE Sunday Sehool im Sunday morni "Back To God B CKLB , Oshawa, at 31 8:30 a.mL everyS Trinity Unit Minister-Rev. Wm. K. 1- Organst-Mr. Arthur Co] 4,1 am., - MORNING WOI Laymen's "You Have BE Speaker: MR. RALPH 7 p.m. - EVENING WOI 1-x( Famnily1 Film - "AS THE TJ The Junior and Interme< Salurday, 6:30 p... , Speaker: BEy. REG. SUNDAY SCHOOL1 <:00 a.m. - Nursery - Bel 1:20 a.m. - Kindergarten 12:10 pan. - Junior, Intez EVERYONE W TIM CANADIAN SÂTSKKEWKMffYULU OTARIO Subsidized Cool to Japon ,Has Cost Our Workers Jobs. Ste Ico .Head TeIls Editors 1-Canadian steel industries are largely gene. In Europe end state of affeirs will be allowed r' being jeopardized by Canadian Asia - certainly in steel - te continue is anyene's guess. e: Government subsidies on coal many of rie planta are every "Sustaining our living stand- >r sbipments to Japan to sucb an bit as good as ours. Techno- ards on money borrowed nextent that it bas meant lost logical data bave been most abroad is thbe very opposite to eljobs for some Canadians. This freely given away in the in- wbat every sensible, tbrifty fact was brought to light wben terest o! international pacifi- man prescribes for bimself. SV. S. Scully, president of the cation, and capital bas been Why tus is net evident te i gigantic Steel Company o! donated or loaned in stupen- everyone, I can't say,"l con- theanda addressed members of dous ameunts. cluded thbe speaker, "Ibut I e tes Ontario Weekly Newspap- "nohrwords we must bonestly believe that uniess we Ha)f on costs substantially more than happen that we will not bave n Mr. Scully, whose company riat o! oui, overseas compet- an opportunity te choese lator ycelebrates its SOth anniversary itors. How long this ridiculous on." ntuis year, proved te be a most dinteresting and informative 1speaker. The editors were told, tamong other things, that news- You g u iin papers and industry had been o n u iin influencing factors o! the "Canadian way o! life". The whole context o! the aid- dress was of importance, but the "punch" is contained in the e following excerpts and will give much food for thought to ail who are interested in the economic welfare o! Canada. "You may be surprised te' know that in Western Canada ~r' ~ products are being displacedt by F ~.~.' preduets o! Japamese plants operated by workers whose wages are about one-sixth o! ours. This sounds bad enough, . . ..'$- ' but it is not all," said Mr. Seul- ~ ."'"~ ly. "«Our government is subsi- ............ dizing the export te Japan of -. Canadian coal te make thbe .' steel to make the products te lae ' sold in British Columbia and Alberta to pay for the ceai. 3Perbaps the economists ameng you can figure that one eut?": And don't forget that as a re- suit of these curiaus convolu- The guitar strumming youngsters pictured above tiens, some Canadian workers are two-year-old Donnie on the left and three and a bave lost their jobs. half-year-old Tommy Martin. They are the small sons "The advantages that North of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin, Newcastle. Their grand- Amenican manufacturers used to have by way o! better tools, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Martin, Bowman- know-how, -and capital have, ville, and Mn. and Mrs. Alex Foldeak of Toronto. Demonstrate Make - Up At Drama Workshop The Durham Drama Work- at Bowmanville Higli Sohoolý shop, meeting at the Lions' under her maiden name Hilda Centre in Bowmanviile, will Rie She has had much ex- bave as their guest on T huis- ie day, March 3rd, MVrs. Austin perience in the Art o! Make- Hiltz o! Oshawa. Mrs. Hiltz up and should have an inter- will give a demonstration of esting demonstration in store. Make.-Up, both general and The demonstration will be- charactertypes. This meeting gin at 9 p.m. in the Lions' Cen- should be o! interest te any- tre, Bowmanville, on Thurs- one involIved or interested i n day, Mardi 3, but the regular play production, and the meet- session o! the W'orkshop wiii ing is open to the public, at a begin as usual at 7:45 p.m. small charge o! 50c., including sharp. Anyone is welcome te ýWm. G. Laird1 ýWins Top Prizeý For Photo Art Mr. Wm. G. Laird, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, captured firsf prize, Botanical Section, ef the Federation o! Ontario Natural- ists' Photographic Exhibition held at Richmond Hill on Sat- urday, Fel5ruary 2th. Mr. Laird's wiuning entry was titled "Ice Framed". The subject was an ice-coated milk- weed pad fouud near bis home It was recently announced cul corne ana observe the Work- - hs-cmeiinec that. th Pthc Fnea Hiltz is well known in 1sliop in session or to come at I hscmeiin ec Home, Brre has be ac- the cornmunity as she taught19 p.m. for the demxustration. entrant may submit four col- Home Bariebasbeenac-oured slides, but not ail are cepted as a member Of The necessarily accepted, and it is 0re f The Golden Rule, anF I considered an honour to hv international affiliation of de- Ue I 5iv ' at least one admitted in the Mr. swal Petickson fibeen "shooting" coloured slides Mr. aO sald Pethick f fr about the past eight years, of Enniskillen, has thus b-C ilT dtreo i sie cet come a member of an order h ii o a y C u 11111 that extends. around the world ID~ E The other two received bon- and whîch has been ii, -exist- The Rotary Club held its re- Oddly enough, game animaislorable mention. One was ence for more than three de- gular weekly luncheon meet- are flot plentiful, but there i "'Polythemus Moth"l and the cades. ing last Friclav (Feb. l9th) at wonclerful bass and pickerel other "Autumn Parachutes" - the lyig .Duthnia wih fshig .a study of a mîlkweed that had Just one funeral director hi1Pe inGgeDutce pan ithfihiggone to seed. each commuît may belong PrsdnGegeVepei- The 'park is a wilderness of and they must be of high eth- ing. streanâ; anc-J.akes, and canoe- ical standing to receive thisf Rotarian A. H. Stevens of mng partieg must carry all their distinction. Only the written Oshawa had been scheduled tents and supplies with them. approva of many local per- tosek onRtrs Voca- Eir courses are registeredBr nie Ns son nstons t speak with tional Service Program but with the park authorities be- Brownîe Packs 1 and 5 held autherity nmade this affilia- had suffered a hea.rt attack a fore setting out, and there is a combined "Thinking Day"l tion possible. few days previously. Program a daily aeropiane inspection programmne witl' their leaders. Chairman Tom Palmer carne to see that the parties are not Thinkinvg Day message Febru- Up wîth a splendid last-mîn- in trouble, as well as to guard ary 22 is the day to send our ute replacement-a movie in against forest fires. thoughts winging to sister sound and colour on Queticofinful Brownies ail over the world. C I II N National Park. The fl ul supported 1 CHRITIANDr. Bill RudelI, one of a everything that had been said A display of Brownie paper party of five Bowmanville about Quetico Pa rk, an doils wearing their uniiforms, men who had vacationed at showed beautiful iand andý also the flags of ail their sis- CHU RCH Quetico last sumimer. intro- air views taken at ahl four ter countries was interesting. duced the film. He stated that seasons.1 Brownie games were enjoy- Bowmanvilie this newest national park lies President Vice extendeda ed, ne game which repre- 100 miles west of Port Arthur vote of thanks to Tom Palmer weAted the four directions o! on the Canada--U.S. border. and Bi111 Rudeil, and to Jim 1thi compass was played . by all On the other side of the bor- Stutt who served as projec-1 the Brownies der lies Superior National tionist. In closing each Brownie -10:00 a.nx. - English Park, and the two parks have Bill Thiesburger, Chairman took home with her a cupcake a cornbined area of more than of the Special Events Com- witih a candle decoration to -7:30 p.m. - Dutch two million acres. mittea, announced that the light at home se that the Brow- The park entry can bei club had cleared almost $550 nie magie might shine through- nmdaeyafter reached by rie ýplendid new! as its share of the joint Lions- out the world nmediately~~ highway to Steepl Rock Mines Rotary "Millionaires' Night". BrwiPak2 ad en ing Atikokan, but there are no roads and no buildings with- Hockey draw tickets were working industriously before in rie park which is to be won by Don Morris and Doc-'"Thinking Day" te prepare preserved in its original state. tor Keith Slemon, Rotarian tray deconations for ail the _____j visitors were Dick Fleming of, patients at Strathaven Nurs- iour BradcstI Ajax and Jack Pobe of Peter- ing Home .This symbolizes thbe Ioogh theme o! guiding; To think of tou" rodcst Friends Honor bruh others ibefore myselif. p.m. every SundayI Guide Cempanies lst and SunaI CtA rc LaBin" oc ey ,voms 2nd with their leaders held a EvI.~. Hockey AÀ cmbined meeting on Thiink- I ing Day in which the 5th An- W ith a rtyniversary o! Guiding in Caënada WihPry IPlan Draw a tes. honoured at a surprise party, I f*n wsreeie fo C hurcMrs.Wilfrd LaBinewas For M arathr eiene187Kn their Toledo, Ohio, Girl Scout edC<urch Street East, on Tuesday even- Te o t mt Copay îng.Thr.handeMrs. La Binetand i Our Gold en Anniversairy 1 Ms. a inean 1January and February in the! Comln the newly formed louianerB.A B . teirchidre ar levin ~green room at the Lions Cen- 3rd Company had to forego Lhsn, us B. LR.S~. Monday to take uii resîdence tre. thein meeting this week on ac- Risn, us.B.,L.RS.1. iin Hul, Que. The enjoyable The afternoons were spent count of a large Matherin at f arewell surprise party for, mending hockey socks and on the Lions Centre wbere they Mrs. La Bine was organized another afternoon, some eO: meet. RSHIP by Mrs. Stewart Cbisholm and' the mothers met at Mrs. E.: This Cempany with Mrs. Mrs. John Sweep, and 24 other Rundle's and repaired some Haod BnetMs e Servicei friends of Mrs. La Bine. 'sweaters. 'Nicks, Miss Elaine Bennett as A iovely pale blue blanket These soeks and sweaters their Guiders, assisted by Mrs. eenCaled"and three wail plaques, de-' are left at the arena. It was B. Baverstock are at presenit Ie WILON BA.Sc picting a flight «f beautifully decided te waît until faîl be- holinsg our interest as tuis i. 1 WISONB.A.Se. oloued pheasants, were pre- fore purchasing new secks. the first time Bownanville RSHIP '~~~ sented to Mrs. La Bine by: Tickets were given eut t hdeouhioere hw «SHIP 1 Mrs. Chisholm on behalf Of; seîî on a draw to be made b a hd enog nte rnt a hird ber friends. Mrs. La Bine in1 March l9th at rie Eastern On- 1 Comipany of Guides --we wiah expressing her thanks said, tarie playdowns. The prizes them well Nighlhow mucb she bas enjoyed' are a five piece steel bridge i'___th___Il_ ]WIG IS BENT". living in Bowmanvile. Sh set and a set o! four TV ta-i liteCoiswiIsig asked all those at the party, bles and stand.i Canadian't Cancer Society diat Chirswil sig ite say geed-bye te everyone! The next meeting will hei volunteers operate more than; - f ~ fr br, nd o tankevry-, March lSth and al ticket 70 cancer dressing stations! a'alS ialUe ;one for all the kindnesses she. meney is to be handed in that where cancer dressings are BENNETT of Toronto and her family have received afternoon. made and distributed free. from Bowmanviile people. DEPARTMENTS During. the evening games; CLOSE PORT HOPE PLANT - About 21 em-ý we-e enjoyed. Prize winne:si lye fCnda anesijotHp eev ginners wve:c Mrs. John Regan,M. poysofanda CaiesnPntH erci- a -PriaryJimLaverty, Mrs. La Bine,. ed somne sad news last week. They were informed i-ria eirMy.Mri Molloy and Mrs., that the canning plant wil close as soon as the randiaeSenorBert Staplet on. Lucky tea cup, pres ffELCOME winners were Mrs. Bill Cowles ent stock of imported pineapple and grape- and Mss Jostph Nowlan. Ai fruit juice has been processed. Quite a severe ldelicious lunch was aerved.1 blow te the rural ai-ea in this district! Second. Temn (Continued from page one) which our Chamber mighi profitably undertake," con. tiued -Mr. Lander, "do n urge al oui members te coný tinue te give their moral anc financiai support, aud tc cheerfully assume thbe taski that thbe Board ef Directors me: assigu te them." Secretary-Manager Ken Merý ris ef!iciaily presented ti annuel report sud auditeÈ financiel statement, sud re. perted on vaious develep. monta that have occurred sincE the first e! the year. Ho tber led a discussion on a variet3 e! tepice, and urged the estab. lisbing of an active and ag. gressive Civic Affaira Commit. tee to assist and encouragE Town Council and its variouc Boards and Commissions, sîl o: which are everworked and ne' su!ficiently appreciaited. He singled eut rie Bowjnanvillh ~Planning Board for' special praîse 'and commented "Hone is a group e! dedicated mer wbo,. without pay and very little thanz.L¶ave'planned anc directed the town's growtb. Other communities, with no botter plans than our own, have paid thousands o! dollars te professional consultants". Coffee and doughnuts were srved at tube conclusion o! tube meeting and group discussions of varieus business matters con- tiuued for enetlier hal! heur. 20 Questions (Continued from page one) oped by others. Democracy is rooted net only in thp person- al rights of the common man, but even more in the personal interests and responsibilities of tihe common man. "So as our democratic rig'ht. we deiand to either repeal the by-law or amend it so that it does not impede freedom of the individual te the extent, tuhat they have but contempt for tliceWho are supos.cIly wS- just Imbl a .Vl beh, a king for our benefit. fedi h o d"Those who abuse fredoa should be prosecUtedý espeewal. Depidy..Resv Arfthur31m. ly so when it in the people's ohard laid as. Budal *bath. o freedom they are draîging has sMt Wiêh l#e plWuing M . dbwnin tleir wake. On beblf Board and he auureê lier Vie (Contlnued fromn page one) of ail tie ratepayers of.,Dar- mnberg ara tryiaig baeclte It hat e lml tn ~firmy do<lc> gbe fo te ow,.Bradley in in Memorial MEff frfediofthe individuel, glip. piai, Bownianville. for our huîlan duignty, andl we Mm B udai agr.ed *M tno a ,will net tolerate thec destruct- one walnts shasity towns but Rose Alan Williams, age 18. ion of these values without a she asked how nmny people Third Avenue, Bowznanville, Sfigiit. could aiftord to ereet a bouse who was driving behind thbe for econil lete 151aibewlm Aereurd150 feet. Bradley car, aise skidded as forappîntng he landni ConcilorHarldMu said he trîed Io avoid hittiLg thbe -Board, we eleet the council. We thet 13 muràcipaities could Balyvhce owsal communiicate our thouglits to et be wrong. Balyvhce ewsal dyou, and ITou the counicil cm When Mis. Budai repeated to get almost clear, but struck - Jiterpret it te the 'Planning a quesfion frOna the written lis thtue ide of thbe car causing -Board. This however, does asto wliai diffoemce there ies ligiit damage. Snot mean tbat they wiil not betWeemn the Officiai plan anid n hear from us eveni if in an in- 'By-law 2111, Reeve Rickard Constable R. S. Diamnond'ot' ydirect manner. called on Walter RundÈle, the -the Bowmianville Detachment Respectively, frs. B. Budal, Towrggp Clerk, te enswer. of tube Ontario Provincial Po- - screary tue Driigtoi Rte- Township Intention lice investigated tube accidqnt. - parer Asocitio".e Official Plan ie a sta- Therea was an accident on e Reeve Rickard Replies tement of thie township'g inten- Friday a!ternoon at 4.45 ýs Reeve Rekiard saad counicil tien regarding the development o'clock at the north junction, 4weuid bave ne hesituaacy in an- of thbe mulncipality in future O! 115 and 35 hmghways. A eswering the questions sumt years," Mir. RundIe sadd. He truck owned by the Depart. eted by the Darlington Rate- poiniteci eut that aifter it le ap- ment of Lands and Forests, , payers Association, buit would proved by the Township Coun. driven by J. W. Fisher, Down- ehave to obtain- information te cil it is forwarded te the Min- sview, was in collision witb a reply te some o! tbem. ister of Planning and Develop- car driven by William Allen, HHe suogested thait rather ment through whicl thbe policy R. R. 3, Pontypeol. Bothl cars than turn the council meeting Admnistrative Par sustained miner damage. Con- imte a question and answer stable S. J. Respend, OPP, period, lie weuld ibe glad te go The by-law le rie instru- was rie investigating officer. te thbe Darlington Ratepayers ment brougli which rie policy sAssociation and answer ail the for the developiment o! thbe At 7:25 p.m. Frîday there questions. "We are giad lie get townlship3 le enferced. It is rie was a collision due to the oer Dthe- questions, but to give the administrative part o! th pol visibility in the snow stormn Dreplies te 20 now, off the cuff, icy." Mr. Rundie stated. He on No. 2 bigbway between an sis difficult. ad.ded that alll by-laws can. be oul tank truck, owned by Yeo Darlington Council met th amended or repeaied. Any am Brothers, and driven by Han. Planning Board the other nigbt endments or repeals must be vey K. Yee, Odeil Street, Bowo and oe eand a haîf heurs were approved by the Municipal Be- nianville, and a Volkswagen spent discussing one point in ard, he said,. driven by Hendricus Jansen, the Officiai Plan, Reeve Riek- Muet Be Approved Guelph Street, Oshawa. There ard satedwas considerable damage ta ai ftdReevo Rickard s'tated that the Volkswagen, but only Taking Away Rlghts the Officiai Plan must be ap- minor damage te the tan4 Mrs Budai a.sseated that thie proved before the Zoning By- truck. The accident liappene d Planning Board is taking away Law, 2111, can be amended. two miles west of thbe CPR the ights of the people alo Mrs. Budai asked Reeve Rick- bridge, Bowmanvîlle. Consta- gethen, and they are onîy priv- ard if be wouid attend an ex- ble L. R. James, OPP, inves- iliged to pay taxes but cannot ecutive meeting o! the Darling- tigated. sel a lot off their land. She ton Ratepayers Association in stated that there aire other addition to a general meeting, There was a collision on No changes desired by the RPA and he accepted tube invita- 115 hiighway just north e that the orgainization would tion. highway 401 at 6:30 p.m. on like to discuss with thbe Town.- Friday. The cars involved shipCounil.were dlriven by Dorotby shi Cuncl.In 1959 Canadian steel milis Latchford, Belleville, and Ross We Have a Plan produced 5.8 million ingot Dougla3 McKay, Cannifton. Asked by the Reeve if thbe tons, an output 36 per cent There was considerable dam'. RPA h'as definite sugsions greater than in 1958 and 12 age te both cars. Constable Mis. Budai told hlm "We are per cent above thbe previous Bruce Tîlson, OPP, investiga- read'y tOmOrrow, We are not record total in 1956. ted. 73e tube NIVEA CREME 49e size HAND LOTI< 106-AOSONDD PS 20e Off reg. 98c size SUPa SURE""GTH Pepsodent Dental Crea. wo ffji 69e size plus 39c size IIYOWE; S alo Shampos Tour Family's Health is Important TUXE VITAMINS NOW! Vita Diet Capsules $1.95 - $4.50 Viterra "Plus" Capsules $6.45 Pardec. P.D.-------- - $9.85 N.EWI tis. for ALL types of haïr! ONIY $139 *79C Giant 22-ounce iize - Reg. 1.49 Listerine Anliseplic * - 1.29 Lady Esther 4-Purpose - Reg. 85c size Face Cream * -69c Reg. 65e HfindS Honey & Almond Cream 2 For 98C I.DA. BRANDS at Regular Prices 'Bronchida Cbest Rub -- -----59e Brontchida Cough Syrup 85e Bronchida CoId Capsules 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray -------95e Idaphedrin Nose Drops 65c Baby Cough Syrup 60o FGETIFY WITH VITANINS Frosst Ostoco Drops ----1.45, 2.40, 4.25, 6.00 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum 1.45, 3.75, 5.85 I.DA. Brand Idamalt --- ----79e, 1.29, 2.29 Allenbury's Haliborange -- 1.25, 2.10, 3.65 Mead's 10-D Ced Liver Oil-- 1.05, 2.35 Geviral Capsules 3.18, 8.78 I.DA. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Vita Diet -------------- 1.95, 4.50 Ayerst Paratnettes - - 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 One.A-Day Multiple Vitamins - 1.49, L75,'4.49, 8.75 Scotts Emulsion --______----. 1.00,12.00 Lederplez LOS, 8.30, 4.0 M'Iq- E" - ,kWW.M aon MF UWU w GIN PLLS luiB. i"~ Economy$l0 W mou 69«. HÔUA399U7 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 1.57921 n 'e rjLq*lM -OMViffl CL D MM MUM y il . 1

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