Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, page 6

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j, e -4 b; j; Dristan Gv Deep son, Trull's roaci north, clo- andi Mss. Lloyd Atchison. Residence MA 3-.5553 and in a piivato nursing borne JUICY. CALIFORNIA NAVELC E5E SIE Tablets Cv Heet brateci their 26th wodding an- On Saturdray, several mem- in Peterborough. 1.25-2.25-375 Extra Viamins 98e iversaiy witb a family dîn- bers of the Oddiellows Ladge MRISS APHA I. HODGINB Due ta the hoavy snowstarm RAj O 10 AE4 UBA 1.252.2-3.7 Exra Vtamns 90 nr paty or 1 onSundy.lad thcir annual outing when Barmister, Solicitar ai the weekend, St. Mary's O A G S3o.$. ~.-------Mucn195 .5 55 ______ The couple receivod many gits thcy attended a hockey gamne Notary Public hrhwssowdi n h Muen .5 32, .0also congratulations came from in Toronto. Temperance St.,- Bownianville Curavc e was owcd lu anci theL - P&ILD - ONTARIO - PoIy Bat Vicks Ilaliborange 1.25,2.10,1365 Infra Miami and Detroit. Mss. An- ir. and Mcar. C. M. Joncs wcre E RICHARD LOVEKIN St. Paul's Anglican Churchinl b.~ JLYEL a 1 Formula 4 Trlvisol 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 Rub derson is 'Uic former Rosemarie Sunclay guests ai their telo- U.E.. B.A., LL.B. BetIvany on Tuesday, witl the 0___10___S_._._._______il 1.9 Polyvisol 2.10, 3.60, 5.25 13 Gamxnon ofWbitby. Tic couple plane aperatar, Miss Ona Gar- Box 9, Newcastle Rev. G. E. Meades ai Bobcay- NIEW - IMPORTED - 8 os. Cello Bat Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 have lived home for thc past diner ai Garden Hill. Plane Newcastle 2246 geon, ~- Aiphametts- - 10 years. They have five sans Don't forget thc Wald Day Consultation by appointaient Pallbeai-ers wcre Victor Sis-ADISHE o 9cFoe od 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 and thre daughters andi 15 aif rayer servico ta be leld ia only. son, Frank Haninah, Alban Sis-jB1S9 R Fr1 Vlcks Cod Liver 011 90c, 1.50 Analgeste graxulchildren. During the day the church bail on Fridray, W. KAY LYCETI', BA. son, Wiifred Bowles, Max Ri- BrsEeBeCikn Couth SyruPip aramettes 2.00. 3.50, 6.00 Balai friends and neighbours caileci March 4 at 3 p.m. Barrister and Solicitor shor and Ronald Barkwell. ONTARIO - HOT BOUSE Tre IS s o 10 toffer beat wisies. Mr. Joc Dubeau was called Iu Uic offices ai Interment was lu St. Marys L 69e Nyal Creophos __ 1.50 75o Ebenezer Explorers have to Comnwall an Saturdray as lis R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Cemetery, Marvers May'shR H - - - L.23eFRNH RE bee active lately with tiieir brother was serious1y ill. Main Street, Orono, Ontario tinlpARB~rs~ --- o 10 Gerlto1-Llqutld Or Vie sRüb -"e4, 1.09 meetings every Tuesdey from Tableta 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Vieks Nose DrPs - 640 6 to 8 wben about 18 young M0r ageSOIU R Halbut01 Casuls- Vicks Sinus Tabih - 65e gîris meatce tnore uîarice MoLrke ShareeClarke __THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STR NER 'c 1.15,9, 4.49 Vlcks mblr f bre la charge. A sleigh ride Phone 1 r 16 YJRI ------------------ witb Mm. Keith Ormistan sup-MW. and Mca. Robin Alldred Ftrst Mortgage Funds Following an illness ai sev- O M N IL- ROT WATER OTTLES (Garanteed) plying th, horses sud leigh aud Bruce were Sunday visit- Residences - Parais erol weeks, Mirs. LeRoy JairvisB WM VI E - Wm H.T e HO .29 - 1,99 TES2.50 ua- 3.S5 was enjaycd, alsa a Valentine ors with Mr. and Mrs. Les. All Business Properties, died in uCivic Hospitial, Peter-, AL R V ale Goe Goeei 1.99 .50 -3.75supç>em whidqi was arcanged. dred, Orono. boraugh, on Friday, Februaryi M L R V- Ma E Evnn uxlayCongratulations ta Mc. and 0pfl om lfr 2th. I Evellg uxllr7 Mrs. D McGregar on thc birtI h JLJ LSe ry Jai-vis, tIe former Rubv!KNG W Y U E Ebenzer venu Auxliay ofa daghte. KFTH . BELEKINGSWAMayYiSUPERaugMARKoEth m *~Eez oraer Eveing Auxieet-yaiad htr. KChas. ABILLOto ETr, .D. ay JoSisson ndhe rm-N t.heSO *~~ inget frthe hrne f brYeet- .s undaMme. Cnhas. Alldr KingOtE- o ma ill r atJne igg s bofn IGS.-EFTW N C O W - -- at&.Wthe howne A reindnspe tSra nng wit M fce 1KingS.E.-By ponmnin MEiJane twnsip.g, wa om PHONE STOREBFIT of m a ilivrses. A m eadnshawMa. Sera Br ett Offi e Aurs B 3-3pp 2Intmen dl ManvrdownbU.Sicoat-ORONO - Cornissh M ree rigla DR"'%ST RE mus seeral S.R.ofromnslr.anda. ETeleBrwn> pna o ttea LndeaCollgSohoodgrau, ~~ ~~ DRUG !~~~ EsE Teu yub .R olnM.adMa vmt rw odyt audy LnsyCielt n rda ýE] ta be used at the Prosbytec- and Eveline, Omono, visited on 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. ted frein Peterborough Normal BLCK IK lal, opened thse meeting. 'ýun-4ay witii Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wednesda'ya: 9 ta 12 ISchool, later teacliing at Gallo. ltls M re f7- Reports were given ý the Lake. Thurs4em evenings waY's Schoal, li Peterborough M PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVUIL&E ONTARJO HISAF .Ith1 : end Guelph. to, legid a helping had1 t isnad r.WlimMr Co ok s O T e R ng t Ne c steW at O h rs S yFoilowmng ler marriage she any conimunity projeet Drty i iBtin Cow Poes n he ane A Nwcstl W at th rs GY r ivedl Gelh nd Brmntiord Srii sheh LICENCE SUSPENSION lng to Bethany ini 1939 with h (El.teraylodMonda af jann Napanee Post Express husband, *ho is the owner of Ma. ith ev. G E .eades Bob The opinion of Transpot parliamrent. Even when no loal w art teirie. n aoteRalph Connor <Jean)acagnofiatng SMinister Yaremako that a proof of insurance is necessary, loa >tatr borough; Mrs. HughMcaty PlbreserAlnGr, three-months suspension ofa the driver cari spend six She had been a faithilmem (Ktee)aCaarAt;AbnisoVcntJcon driver's license xnay be too1 weeks,,, two months or even ber of St: Paul's Anan a son, Gordon JarvisaiTonMrgnBeowMnelW. hcrsh, has raised some points six months getting his license (Iiurch, Past President and ta, and eight grandehiide;a-gtadHrl ae that need consideration. back after t.he originel three- former secretary of its Wo- go three sisters, Mr. Fe .Itret tS.Mr' Actual loss of one's ies month period lias lapsed. mais' Auxiliary, always ready Gray (Alethe), MissMdrdteyMaes for a specific period can be a The penalty ixnposed by the hardsbip varying with the de- rnagistrate is sufficient. If pendence of the driver upon automatie restoration of One's a his automobile for a liveli-ilicense at the end of the sus- hood. Mr. Yarenko suggestedi pension period were assured that it might be better for al on a specific date, most of the penalty. to involve cornplete. hardship would be removed.F suspension for a month or six i We can imagine a traveller I weeks, followed by a period who must use his oar, goin, in which temporary right to to te expense of biring a dr. drive is restored for the dri-Iver for three months, or tak- ver who depends on his auto-, ing bis wife with himn for a mobile while he is at work. 1 specific period to drive hhý Rather than relax existing' car. But the unoertainty aneý rule, Mr Yarnikomighl dificuty a theend f th consider eliminating the ad-~ suspension period niay con- ministrative obstacle cors.stitute the difference betweenK -U. whioh must be run to win losing bis job and holding it. e nm 4 back one's license after sus- Mr. Yaremko suggested that pension, a company may put up with As any driver who bas lost1 continuing to employ a mnan for BEST BUY - SAVE 10e - IGOLD SEAL ACIE ' I bis license by court order -for a month or six weeks if he Stbree months knows, the pen- bas lost his drivcr's license, I 7 alty lasts much longer than but is unlikely to keep bimfo -~~that time. If he has been in- on staff for threc months un- Sockeye SalmonA*.V oved n an accident at tbe der this handicap. We can Sreofi conviction with pro- imgn ompany putting Up BET UY- AV 3c-DC.BLADS- HA IO perty damiage, he mnust obtain, wi h a difficuit situation forI The littie fellow in the front row doesn't seem left to right: Elizabeth Pearce, June Kclseep, Joa proof that he is insured be- three months, provided the au e OFF PMC UM E U too impressed by these cowgiris and boys, but the Kimbali, Janice Rickard, Keith Cali, Margie Sweir; re his license wil bc re- company officers know exact- Lt/ g roo'd 15 OZ. TIN audience gave themn a good hand during their act at front row: Lorie Darling, Sandra Gould, Francis Hoar tion to and acceptance by the* unsettled condition and inde- BETBY- AE1c-REUA OR HBB Newcastle Arena on Saturday. They are, back row,1 and Deborah Adair. Ontario Assigned Risks plan,I finite suspension wbicb cause ETBY-SV 17 RGUA 9 which, again, takes a lot ai most of the trouble not the secretary and treasurer. A listi time. He must apply for .hislexact penalty itself. of addresses of missionaries:license fromn the Department. K leenex*-..j Tissue 6 fr1 0 who would be glad to receive The insuring com.pany must School Board Prepare~~ ~~~~~~~s around for each one >to driver bas been accepted and OIUR ETBY-SV 6 HT RCLUE UE choeanaine. the applicant must waae jOHN THOMAS WOTTEN MissJeanGay toak rail caîl through volumes of red tape. F or Pup iI S h ift Syste 'm when each grlha-1-ded her a No driver's license is sent Following an illness of two Toile f Tissue ris1 0 cray qiltblok t bcused back automnaticafly. He niustmonths, John Thomas Wotten JaGa edaletter af sup- i many instances the assist- Community Memnorial Hospital,BETUY-SV2c-GM H e ' S e te m b r py ead frfa i u ance of tbe police who arrest- Saturday, Fébruary 13, 1960, Il ere n Sept rri berAuxilîary, ta be purchased ib the goad offices and assistance Mr. Wotten was b:rn at En- Gem Margarine IL.5fr1 0 Durham County District nolds, Trustee Strike pointed cd -16 gallons per minute-- June. ai his member of provincial: field, a son ai the late Thomas Schoal Board at a meet-fout that by September there putting aside doubt in the Ohw Presbyterial was an- WotnedMre oel*t ing i Millrookon Wenes-will e 115 stuentsnouncehe m forf Feb.mem24s at Simcaee for fb. 4 at imice BuHeeswasrecducated H wat dMount atMoun in i Mllrak n cdes il b 165stdetsfrm h mnd o smemebes s aStreet Church Oshawa. Three-Caml day, Fe.b. l7th, regretfully ap- Bowmanville - Darlington-Or- Uic wisdom ai building a High members ta attend ta form On January 13, 1915, in Osh- LI proved a shift systemi for Baw- ana and Newcastle districts School unless there was an part of a chair far eveningAC___U___a__Cy_ wa TU eat s i mrrag Oalt rnanvillc Higb School to start ta accomnmodate. Orono, he abundant water supply. session. Moim-ing ssin9:30 Accoi w, ho MaS te ng mariCI in September 1960. statcd, cou-Id take about 120 The Board was advised that ta 1 he inrwl csr A .DLIGTe eie nDrigo A letter fram QOshawa Board stëidents, leaving 1045 for thc plans for Millbroak High v 1, whern dnnesswionl2be0ser- RAf .dI lie conG t hcneyeresie i vdarintona .ofe aieffo ovaeodiatno hi ownsu ct o appraic alypuchlae obteite trawnundr-p.m. until iollowing installa- 93 Church Street farm near Purpie Hill in Cart- P r h u d r b o!ie o Edcto teod thatino own vile seforol whoicb as e hool cae obteite drawnnded.Atronssin20 eriidPbi-conatfo n ert oe aa Freslior ho l BwavleHg holcn70pupils and now bas 750 way. tion af officers, wlien a buffet MArket 3-3861 wright. In tis district they bowmanvilld e HigScpbol cnro710 d supper wiîîb served. Evernîn'g WM. J. H. COGGINS farmed unitîl twelve years ago, be xpctd ex Sptebe e.rlld.Bowmanville Reecatian De- session is at 8:00 p.m. when Chartered Accountant whcn their son Henry married from Oshawa Colegiates now With the shift systemn it will partment was granted per- an address and slidcs on Japan Second Floor and took over tihe farm. At this ettended by sorne Darhington mean rnorning classes will bc- mission to conduet golf byMs uli ok iîb NwLbay ulig ie FMs ote a resh Bu'tt Pork C hp1b.4 o'cislackeCok il band ibar Bilin tinMruaderssWttn ov croded. 'le oaeoe i ta 8 1 p..m and oieons in the girls' gym at B.H.1.given.. Cor. King and Temperance Sts. ved ta thc farmn known as the S.-te Rcreaion Depat- orld Day of Prayer Ser- Phono Mrket 3-3612 aid Bruce place, but now own- SITS-SILS B AK(AE2c According ta projected fig- shift will commence at 1 and ment ta pay a fee ai $5 per; vice wiîî be at Maple Grave, YAL~E, FRIEDLANDER cd by Mr. Murray Byers on ures prepared by Board secre- end at 6. Every possible e-niht and ta be respansib1e Mardi 4, at 2:30, wlien aur Lt n nCneso . R A F S A S G tary-treasurcr Water B. Rcy- fart will be made in the shlit for any damage resulting from Auxiliary will talkp part. Accuntntad&AiOrs AMr. Wotten assisted Mr. By- scbedule ta keep tagether stu- the classes. Stewardship Sec retary Mrs . LicndTte nBan rutcrs u4lla hntayas SITSPEIM-iL.CioP dens wo wll tted te I wa reortd tat artHarry Gay gave an article On 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 ago when faîling health forced g ne aligo sho, hnHope Recreation Denartment "Allocations". A letter xvas Oshawa, Ontario bîm to retire. In September R 9I M 0O19 E Y it is complctecl, and the teach- are negatiating a with Port, edfoA NeCeerlPas .L.YlC..15, tevlU ors who will form the staff àp members o the Boa-rd fonfi eera as .L aeCA 994hymoo notevl there. t1okota 0ya e~ Couneil thanking us for aur F. Friediander, B. Coin., C.P.A. lage ai BIackstock. SWIFT'S EVERSWEET- / Lb. Pkg.' . AVIAL O owr u 0ya eeCrsmsdonations. M. M w a ammbro AVAIABLEF011 Details af the shift s3stem for use ai part ai thc Port oîrn a MONTEITH - MONTEITH M.WFe a ebra l T A E iil e wrke outby rinLHopW.ih Shoolgrond'ndakniaceddi-forH a o. te Uite Chuch.Hc asMcpasL. . Dipei an vic- fr aCommnit Rik caed y Mss An Hît.MrsrCuattrdeAcounant tilstO HfPulPepublpbli principal Len Lucas. Mr. Dip- Orona Chamber ai Com- W. Brown reportod on lier re- 135 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa school for several years. E peil suggestcd, in fairness ta merce requested permission toi presentation at the officiai RA 5-3527 He is survivcd by lis wife, Sliced lb. wCve staff and studerits, tho shits recognize hanor students at rdmeg Bowmanville _ e~ Lugters- Mrs. Wil RALPH S. ONES sliould be changed about Jan- Orana Scbool by holding an Blest be the Tic tint Bînds" Cali ZEnith 45750 liam Jainston (Ruby), Tyrono; uary-to give thec . ntsannual banquetfo honar stu- was sung in keeping wih aur Partners: Mrs. Ray Bradburn (Helen) Barrister and Solicitor balf af Uic term n naci shit, dents and anc parent, with Friendship Meeting witli Evel- Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. BurketQn; Mrs. John Archer 130Kin S. E ~b~A16 Gais. a Minute Uiyis n a ebl u Hawke and Elcanor Brown A. B. Monteith, B. Comn., C.A. (Doratby) Burketan and one E W H A T 1 DOLCR U V S R 8-26Chairman Clare Allin af thc July. The Chaniber believes'ý in char&e. Mrs. Hawke gave a G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. son Henry, Purpie Hill. A son SV e-2 Z I R 8-46Building Committee reported that an event of this kind fine Dev-tonal"Don't be Ai- (Licensed Trustce) Roy, predeceased him in 1943. BV c-2 Z I tic wcl at Courtice bas test-. cauld do a great deal toward raid ai Sentiment" based on G. E. Trethewey, C.A. The body rested at McDer- 5 Tins L IBOYS BROWNUYBII EA encouraging students ta ach- Scriptures taken fromn Romans. R. F. Lightioot, C.A. mott-Panrabaker Funeral HameTnsLD X RUW Ku5u .I l eve and maintain an honor Miss Jean Gay favoured Port Perry, wbere memorial SAVE 16e - 12 OZ. PLASTIC standing. The Board instruct-i with a piano solo. Elcanor C hirop ra ctii c service was conducted by Rev. 4Jr IL E R A E O E mued secretary Reynolds ta ad-! Brown fook tic Study Book- ____________ P. Ronieril, Tuesday, Februa!ry 4Jr IL E R A E BO WMAN VILLE vise Uic Chamber of Coin- dealing witli customs of the G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 16th. SV l 0O.LYRSZ ]R O Y A Lu MA 3-5589 merce of its approval and ta homes, thc laws, music, super- Chiropractar Interment was in Hampton BV i 0O.LYRSZ commend it for taking action stitions, mciriages etc. Mrs. Office: Ccmetery Pall bearers were: 3P g.B T Y C O K R C i this mariner. Alex Muir gave a humorous 15 Elgin St., cor ai Horsey St. Russel Steele, Cccii Gibson, Uicth business agenda were reading in "Bowling". Phane MA 3-5509 Fred Cowling, Earl Bradburn, SAVE 16e - 141s TINS TIRIS THURSW., FR1. AND SAT. accounts for January business Frayer for a local mission- Office Hours: By Appintment Murray Byers and Lamne Grif- 4TisB SLN C UBD SM LIN RE A DN S totalling $9,917.42. These wore ary, Miss Amy Sehaufiler aifn isB IS ICC U E appraved by tic Board. The Orono, and prayer,,by the Pre- D enfial AVi1e-imL..I Matinee Saturday al 2 p.m. next Board meeting will be sident closed thc meeting. 'fhSS "'rheld in Port Hope, on Wed-2 Next meeting will be March DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. OBITUARY 2 Tins NESTLES' GUICK CHOC L T WOND____________ Garnett Goync assisting. 40 King St. W. Bawmanviile MRS. WILLIAM HANNAH SAVE 7c - 31/2 OZ. TIN ___ __ __ Office Hours: G1BE0S BABiFns 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mrs. William Hannab, a resi- 111RI AB o COUR ICEclsd Saturday and Sulnday àenit ai Manvors Township al SAVE 16e - 15 OZ. TIN NEWTO VILLE OffiecPhane - MA 3-5790 ber life, dicc inl Civie Hospital, Mr. George Goddard passed M.adM . e.Hne-Haise Plane - Newcastle 35511 Peterborough, on Satui'day, à Tins YO1RK B OR IRISH STEWRIÇI 4.

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