Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, page 16

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Y<.. I Darlingfon Asked To Assist Fin ancially By Oshawa Hospital By-Laws te establish Cern- ýïQuty Centres in Zion, Hamp- tor, Seli n md Tyromme were given furst seoond and third wemIEns at the meeting cf Ilarlington Townshtip Council held on Fridtay amfternoon Ma the Township Hall, Hamipton. S. E. Lovell, and W. Holland, represenitatives cf the Oshmwa General Hospital were given Permission to adresu lthe coun-1 PUIPS &* SUTUREI j.ONDON , . ANÂDi JACK DIGUCE PLUMBING and HEATING Division Stréet South MA 3-5615 BOWMA4NVILLE -cil. Itey stated tiat lie Osh- -awa General h«e again become !overcrowded mmmd et presont le 1operating beyond capacity. "We are up agminst the prob- lem of expansiop," Mr. Lovell naid. Ho explaincd that i re- cenit yeers thme Oshawa General Hospital had tended te become e specia1liztion centre, and lied kfacilities that lie claimed it was impossible for smailer hospitals te supply. 'lMr. Lovel 4-old thme council that lie plans for an extensive adtltitiou tte hOshawa Gener- al have been completed andi the total cost of the building will be $2,700.000. This money will have te lie raised in Osh- awà, and thle surrounding area of* Whitby, Ajax and Darling- ton; Mi. Loveil asserte&, Mr; Holland stated liet 5.8 per cent of lie, admissions to Oshlawa General Hospital corne frera Darlintgtcn. The Osihawa General Hospital representa- tives asked that Darlington Council conitribute a grant cf $92,800 t ' tih0 building fund for the proposed addition. They replied. to a question from the counoil that 1.2 per cent of the hospital's admis- sions are firm Noîthumber- land-Duitmam exclusive of Dar- linîgton, and that the. Oshawa GemeraI plannzed te ssk Coun- ties Council for a grant for lie building fund. Reeve RdcksaTd pointed out tihat as Darlington is part of the United Counties, if the Couxities Couneil were to give Oshawa General a grant, Dar- Iin4gtom wcuid ho levied for a ire of it. He suggested that the amount of the grant being aisked from a Drlington be in- - ,luded in lie amounit of the'i grant to e e equested from, the UJnited Counties.' luIn 1hs way thme Oshawa Gemeral represent- etives might have lie total amount te ho requested from all parts of lie United Couni- ties included lu one grant. A synmrpahetic hearing led1 been Xiven by council to lie presenitaition made by the two Oshawa Gemerai Hospital ne- presenitatives, and the matter wil ho given seriaus thouglit, Reeve Riekard assuîed Mr. Lo- veii ahd Mr. Hoiland. 1 On a motion by Counicillor i Pred G. Smith, seconded by i Councillor Sidney Cornish, it1 wwa decided te give the Sal- 1 vation Army a grant of $100.z Ah request from the Canadian1 Mfental Heailth Association for 1 i granit was iefeXired to the1 fice committee.1 Counexij voted unamimously i to endomse a resoluxion made by tile - Crowland Township 1 C.ouncil that lie cost of lie lefence lu ainexation proceed-< -is CI vi l i pe vE hc in re - T CANAD!AII STA'1~I[&W, 'E MA~VULI, O1~?AED No Local Wnners, i Badmiàton I Several familiar faces again appear in the photos of top badminton players in' the Central Ontario tourney held here last weekend. In the back row, from. lef t to right are the veteran competitors, Grant Henry and Raipli Charlton of Peterborough who won the vets men's doubles; front row: George Long, ings be borne by the munici- paiLty asking for annexation. The Township, Cleîk, Walter Rundie, was instiucted to air- range a meeting te discuss the possihulity of the Oshawa Fire Brigade seîving a, section of Darlington as the Bowmanville Fire Brigade does. ENNISKILLEN Our- regular C.G.I.T. meeting was held. on Febiuary 17, Lau- ra Grîffin and Carole Begley wrere in charge of the worship period, Oui next meeting wiil be on'March 2nd. We will have a "Woîld Day cf Prayer" on Vlarch 5MS. A skating party is to be held at Ferguson's on Feb., 27 at 2 p.m. alfter which wre vill go te the church base- ment for refreshments. Mi. snd Mis. Alian Weiry. mraved. lie snow banks on foot to Mi. and Mis. Harvey Mc- Gill's. Mr. and Mis. Walter Fer- guson were with MI&. and Mis. Keith Ferguson, flow'manvifle. Sympathy of this community is extended te 'Mis. Harold Christie and faýmily, Bowman- ville. H-is mainy customers wil miss lais ehee'ry smiiewhen he deliveied those botties of m1ilk. 1%&. and Mis. Russell Steeie, Pua-ple Hill, were Tuesday vis- joi5 at Mi. and Mis. F. Toms. Dr. sud. Mis. Clark Weîîy, roronito, were with lvIi. and fis. E. A. Werry, Saturday. 34i. and Mis. Lorne Lamb rere with Mi. and Mrs. Ailan Wrnay, Bowmanville. Mis. C. R. Walton, Kingston, spent the weekend With her parents Mi. and Mis. H. Ste- vens. Mis. I. Grulil, is home from hospital with het liroken ankie in a We wish her a speedy ecoveiy. Mis. W. Begley is till te bed, we just kniow how sh wishes she could get up and dio many jobs. Mis. Stevens FARMERS! ... DON'T MISS IT! 11111 W. H. BROWN'S ANNUAL Town Hal> Bowmanville iiPGSTPGNED ECAUSE 0F WEATHER UNTIL lit fll, FRIDLAY, FEB. 2. lisi 8:00 DeDé FU N -FOIR ALL P1NM - RIE PRUZES Umm, ADMISSION liti "i W. a MBo"N IS CELEERATING HIS 2th YEAB AS LOCAL CASE DEALER ii .=. -a--' = -------------- Oshawa, meti's doubles w:i borough, ladies' doubles, Peterborough, ladies' doul Oshawa, ladies' singles ani Ken Smith, Oshawa, winne: doubles and men's singles.- ORONO-On Monday even- ing, Febiuaiy 29th, at 8:15 p.m. m ic heOrono Municipali Building (Aimouries) a cast- ing meeting wil be held for the Orono ;Playeis forthcom- ing production of The Toich Bearers, a comedy in thiree acts by George Kelly. George Kelly is the fore- most comic wîiteî of the Ami- erican stage and his plays have met with unqualified success wherevei they are pie- sented. The Toichi Bearers ie no exception sud should pro- vide much enjoyment for cast and audience alike. This year the Orono Play- ors -have additional -need cf assistance. The newly decorat- ed stage of the QionD _Town Hall will require the construc- tion cf scenery aud anyone in- teiested in this aspect cf lie theatre is asked te, attend the meeting on February 2.ýth. Also costumes will be used in the play te, be piesented and this toc wil require mnor'e helping hands. The director of the produc- tion will be Margot Samuel; the Stage Manager is Jo Bar- low; Les Aslett is the Set De- signer; and Mis. Mcd. Linton will be the Costume Designer. Donna Foîrester will again be the Prompter sud now we need actais and actresses and as Much inteirested assistance as we can obtain. The Tcrchbearers will be presented ini rono Town ll is improving nicely, we hope if any more are ill, they will recover hast. Mi1s. E. J. Harrison sud Mis. R. J. Weaving, Toronto, wem'e visitoîs with the Stevense and W. H. Moore's. Mis. Fred Dayes and Mis. Allan Beacock, Nesttieton, were visitoîs with Mr.a.nsd Mis. W. Ferguson. Mr. and Ma-s. Keith McGill snd f amùJy, weie Sunday din- uer guests oh Mi. sud Mis. Lyai Bîock, Bowmanville. Miss Nancy Wood, MacDon- ald Hall, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick snd Robin, Toi- ente, weîe with Mr. sud Mie. S. R. Petbhick. Mr. Larry Ashton, Black- stock; Messrs. Earl and Beit Boweis, Nestieton, weîe over night guests at Mi. sand Mis. O. C. Ashton. Mis. Harry Colla- cutt sud Joanne, Bowmaenville; Mi. and Mis. D. Yeo and Loi- na, Oslhawa, visited -M& Mis. Gordon Yeo. Mlii. and Mis. Elmer Harri- son and Marilyn, Almonds, were visitors with Mn, and Mis. A. L. Wearn. Mi. snd Mers. W. M. Smithm, Oshawa, weie visitors at Mi. and Mis. H. Stevens. Mise Jean Baker, Long Sauît, spent the weekend with Mis Lois Ashton. Mi. and Mie. Bob Burges and hamily, Bowmmaville, were callers on Sgn4lay et Mr. and Mis. Howard Stevens. Mr. and-Ma-s. HowardBrad- ley and Brian, Maple Grove; Miss Clare Page, Torommie, witm ,1%&e. E. Page. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report, For the weeIc or Februtày 15-2ist inclusive: Admissions -_______54 irtbs-4 male, ô female- 10' Discharges '10 Major operations . 17 Minor operations 15 Emergency treatmenta 14 Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 pmr. somIetinie towamide lie end oh May, with rehearsals begin-, ning lie third week in March. As lu lie past, two performn- suces wi be given in the Or- one, Town Hall. Anyone interepted in parti- cipating ini the production ohý The ToicIi Beaiers is asked taý attend the meeting on Mon-1 day, February 29, and if you are unable te attend this mneet- ing, please contact Margot Samuel et Orono 227. As ini pair years, lie pro- duction wil l e sponsoied byl the Orono Amateur Aliletie Association-lme money rais-, ed to run the Summea- Recrea- tional Progran-ane. Nover before has se much beauty, se, much- convenience, se, much- power-packed economîcal performance, se much honest-to-goodnesq value beeu offered for such a low price ini a 4-cylinder car. This is the Envoy ... the new British car deslgned. and built especially for Canadians! ROY wo Oldamobis PGE na 3=35 ventloeiln roeto WB swu ou rney. b -Uo k*», - Cccii Mil and attendedt Cub's candléllght service W thern, renewlng oid acqwa tances. Mr. and lira. Bort Pay3 Teresa anmd David, HampiÀ called on Mir. - nd Mis. J Laverty on Sunday atternc Mr,. and lirs. Clarence G son, Judir and. Sharon visit wxth Mr.* and lirs. Laver Souoh and Mir. Albert Soi Bowmanvilo, on Suntday evE ing. Mir. ani Mrs. Roberet Lai cque called on bier sister, M~ James Allen, O*miwa, en S« urd'ay evening. MTs. Tom McGuirk, acco panded by Mrs. J. Arril, i ébay, attended a dinner pai and! re-union of friends ilu SROAF (WD) in Toronito l weekend 4 Mr. and Mnr. Harald Hugl and faxnily, Oshawa, cailed Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Gibs on Sunday evendng. Mr. and Mrs. Jack A-i Lindsay; Mr. Donald Wilhel Hamilton, were Sunday cd ner guests cf 11r. and Is. MI McGuirk and f amily. The Boy Scouts wea-e guei of Méple Grave Girl Guié at a skatiing party lasb Tu( day evening. The eidren & their leaders met at the chur and were taken by car ta pond on the farm of Mr. Ct Jeffery, Ater the outing, Tun was served at the church Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mis. B, Barrabail, Mrs. James Ged<ý EIU Mrs. Ken Staiker and Miss D Staiker. Mri. and Ma-s. E. Wihlid and family were Sunday di inner; Marg Baker, Peter- ner guests of lier parents, I wimner; Maurice Charlton, an Mis. Sam Michael, PickE bles winner; Lil Beamish, "ng id mixed doubles winner; Mr..andd Mrs. Len Goodra 'phy, Oshawa; M4r. and M er in mixed doubles, men' S John Aitichison and Billy, Bi ckstock, were Sundlay gue. of Mr. and Mis. Alan Snowdý MAPLE GROVE The Local Assoélation Browndes met et tlhe home Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snow- Mrs. Tom McGuirk on Febi den and family, Millbrook, ary' 15 with seven membt were tea guests of Mr. and Mis. Present. Ma-s. William UNE Wallace lVuniday on Sunday. opened the meeting witiht Mr. and Mrs. John Wihlidal, Guide Prayer. It was annour Mr, and Mrs. Jask MiVann Mr. ed thiat Mis. R. Labrecque h Pat' Cox, Mr. and Mis. Cori consented to help 'testt Vant de Burgt, Mr. aind Mrs. Guides for -proficiency badg Don Smith, Mr, and Mis. David nhe Brownae camp weeke Burpee, Mi. and Mis. Albert will be held in June and pia Wihlidail, Mx. and Mrs. Mach- are teaie miade for the Gui ael Hicki, snd family, Mis. raliy to lie held in June. D Ann Wihlidial, ail of' Oshawa, cussionswere made on the G were guests of Mr-. and Ma-s. Guide surnmer camp andt Ewald Wihlidal on Saturday Guide tea, wvhiidh will be hE eveniîng. in the Spring. It was decid Mr. and Mis. John Clark snd ta pay fees owing for traini family, Bronte, visited Mr. and snd camp equipmen't. A loy Mis. Beit Snowden and Mr. lunclh served by the boi and Mis. Robert Barraibal o brought the evening te a cla Sunday. The February meeting of Mr. Ceecilails, accompanied Brotherhood was held et Ebe by Mr. James Hogarth, Hamp- ezer Cuirch with presideni ton, attended lie Roads con- Hua-reienl charge. The meet! ¶UUAT, i~ ~ lus opened wM hptnycr by the presldeit followed by aU re- peating the Loed! Pzwe. .Secretary Iton Broo)ka read the mnutes cf tUic provicus mieetirrg and rolU eil1 sbowod 23 merabers prosut A letter from lime Men's Club i Toron- to inviting a delegite was read and! collection iaken. Next meeting will bo hel att Maple Grove Churcli mand il will be "Lsie<'Ngh".Songs by a quartet from lie Motor City Borbeirshoçpers 'tU.i Casual Aires" were enjoyed anmd Mr. Reg Hardinig from Bowmnan- ville showed thiree films, one on "'Safety" and ono on the de- signing of cars "Body by Fishj or". An excellent Bownianvi1lè centennial film was aiso showri. N&f. Ken Courtice tbaniced lie quatet and Mr. Hardiing for thie entertairneat. Lunch was servedtby Ebenezer social cern- mitte. Maple Grove Ohurcli wes filled te capacity on Supday evening when the two Cub packs snd their leaders pro-- sented their candIlight ser- vice and firesidé heur. Twe cubs, Darrel Dobbe and Mch. ael Laverty seated the congre- gation Rev. H. Sinxton. opened with thc cmii to Worship and al sang "F'm Glad I'm a Christ- ian' followed by a hymmi. Wil- liam Laýirtd, Jr.- led in pmfyer followed by Scripture readings by six cubs. Another song "Do Lord" was sung liy the cube with the choir master, Mr. Douglas Chute leading. Kenny Crydermnan, gave a poem, followed by announce- menits and the offerintg 'as tstken iby two cube, Glen Fin- in- Mr. ter- tu- As we have enlarged our business la- esswe are now equipped fo do... of mdo PAINTING ru- :rs Teill& the D ges. end [ans Harry Collacutt has joined our staff, in charge iide cf this department. Dis- Girl te Phone MA 3-5774 for Free Estimaies ild tes La nder Hardware the and Electric Ltd. J.1 51 King St. E. W. Deliver ung r41 The adventure cf Envoy ownership is offered to you ln three beautiful sedans plus the fun-filled Sherwood station wagon. Sec the Envoy today! Admire its quality and eager goo+, looks. Drive iti Then choose the Envoy which meets your requirements. mmd Eàv.y Cms Ch.yrsW Trucks ICHOL Corvair COUITICE ma ma NA3-3m2 , t -. ~~:i -.: ~ Plan Casting Meeting For Orono Production' N VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BEST QUALITY ... FUEL OIL %T STOVE OIL ATMOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA là 5-1109 OSHAWA 178 BOND ST. W. M IýN OO ASL@W AS $1940 Includes : Renter and Defrouter, Turu Signais Ant-eeze, Tank et Gui and Licence!119 - A&sk Our Salesmen For A Demonstration Ride The High-Fashion Car with the Low Pri*ce.Tag zxey anid LarzySol. Prmw IA, by Freddy Biey amd a by=u wu~ Sung by an. ' <uest speaker, Nt4t~ er John Clark frmý gave a t.alk and a upecla W about a Scout in i O db< the boys, and a shortpty' A býh=n and the Benediction was pronounced by Rev.ebon- ley Snowdeo, wto. alsoo thnked, Mr. Clark. The RecessilSong led'br'y thec Cubs w.. sung - bd the boys filed out Of the churéh > and down to he Sund.y School * rooms for the Fireuide Hour. Severul badges were preseubed by MIr. Clark. Those wbo re- cived thora were Bob Bbtr. bail, Bort Snowden, Bill Laird: and John Geddes. Gifts Of ap- preciaition werê presented te the organist, Mi. William Laird by D'avid Willoughby and te M1&. Clark ÎbY Raiidy Snovvden. A dieliclous lunch cr sandwiches, cookies and tea iwoe served by the inothers of the sixers. During lunch Akela pBill La-3rd, ehallenged the group« led by Akela Bert Snowden to a hockey game to be played ocr >Moriday evefllfg. JA do

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