Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, page 11

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4%Mr. end Mrs. Marshall Chat- tertn aentThu.rsdiay witb Dr. id rs.Keith Taylor and daughter, Brampton. Congratulations t0 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Knox, the former Gail Marie Thomas of Bow- manville, on their marriage in St. George's Anglican Churcli, Newcastle on Saturday, Feli- ruey 3th. Mr. and Mis. Knox leave next month ta live in Nlpawin, Sas];. Mr. and Mms. R. J. Hodgson, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgsan, Bowmanville, spent Sunday wiVh Mr. and Mis. D. G. Hooper. leC Lyle Gcrry, Regina, Saok., and hs daugiter Mis. M. Burt and Mr. Burt of Lon- don, spent the weekend with has father, Mr. Amberson Ger- x'y and Mrs. Gcrry. Mrs. Agnes Darlinigton, Toi- enta, spent the weekend with Mrs. R. R. Waddell. Mis. Roy Metcalfe and Mi. R=s Metealfe, Maple Grove, were guests of Mr. and Mis. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mns. Wm. Payne and Mr. Dellicit Jones, Port Hope, vis- Itcd their brother Mi. Cecil Jones and Mis. Jones on Sat- urday. Miss Helen Hanrcock who is attcnding Shaw's Business Col- lege, Toronto, spent thc week- end at ber home. SPECIAL! JANE PARKER sach c Reg.3 Sc -SAVE IOc Mr. and MT's. Atkin Archer, Lindsay, visitçd Mis. J. E. Richards on Saturday. Mis. Bill Tornlinson spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. John Wannan in Almonte, last wcek and visited friends in Hull, Quebcc and Ottawa. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Al- lin and Mr. John Patton visit- ecd Mr. and Mis. Alex Prout at Curve Inn last Tiursday. Mi. and Mrs. Lawrence Har- ris attendcd thc Capping exer- cisc at Ontario Hospital, Whit- by, when their daughter Joyce nurse- in-training received ber cap. Congratulations Joyce! Mr. and Mis. Donald McGee and eildien, Richmond Hill, spent the weekend with his parents Mir.and Mis. G. L. Mc- Gee. Mr. and Mis. Russell Van Horne, Witby, spent Saturday with Mis. Fred Tamblyn. Mr. and Mis. Alan Hancock and daugiter, Port Hope, have rented the Lunn Apartment recently vacated by Mrs. A. Mceeni'e on Main Str ee t South. Mrs. A. Daîlin7gton, Toronto; Miss Il. Waddell and Mrs. R. R. Waddell attended the Gol- den Wedding Anniversaîy of Mr. and Mms. W. W. Mutton of Coiborne on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Charles Wood visited Mi. and Mis. W. N. BLADE ROLSTBAEBN MOD SHOULDERROÂSTFULCf SHORT or CROSS RIB ROAST MEATY Big kVdues inruvit aMd Vepgeis Now At Thoir Boit, No. 1 Grade, Californie, Navel ORANG ES .5 O cimb"59( ADELICIOUS APPLES 3-lb"o b" 2.9C Hookin and Mr. and Mis. Fred Brooks Oshawa, last Thurs- dey. LMiss Morion McKelvey, Tor- oruto, visited Mrs. Fred Brima- combe aver the weekend. Mis. Harry Fraser feil on the icy street and broke her arn on Monday and was a patient in Mernorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mrs. W. Penwarden, Tyrone, lias been visiting Mrs. Fraser for the past two weeks. Little Cheryl Cornish enter- tained a few of lier llttle fri. ends on her third birthday, Feb. l6th. Mr. E. Hswke is a patient in Memnorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mr. John Patterson is leav- ing this week for a train trip ta the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Buck- 1er and diaughter Bernice, Bow- manville, visited Mr. John Pat- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Patton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert May and daugbiter, Kathy of Brooklin. Alan Pears celèbrated h fourth birthiday on Feb. l7th and entertained a few of his young cousins at a birthday Party. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lamnb and Kairen, Scarborough, spent the weekend with Mars. Thornton Wilson. Mr. John Field Stevenson, husband of Evelyn Unsworth Stevenson, passed away after a lengthy illness on Monýday, Feb. l5th. Funeral was in Tor- onto on Fridlay. Interment in Pine Hills Cemetery, Toronto. SOLINA The Women's Institute will ,rneet on Thursday niglit, March 0ý at 8:15 o'clock when the aches will enterein their hus- ,ands. A film of Bowmanville Centeninial will be shown. 1Owinig to the snow-filled roads tihere was no Sundiay Sehool or church service, Sun- diay morning. Friends of MT Gordon Leask are happy to know lie return- ed home from Toronto Western Hospital on Sun&dy and is im- proving favorably. The Achievement Day for the 4-H Club girls which was nostponed on accounit of un- favorable road conditions on Saturday will now lie held on Saturdiay, Mardi 12 at Orono. Our faithful mail man on R.R. 1 Enniskillen route was uniable to make bis rounds at the weekend as roads were im- passable. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, Harold and Murray visited on Sunday aftemnoon at Mr. and Mis. Clare Allin's, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. N. Grills, Cian- nington, were Sunday visibois of Mr. and Mrs. Raîpli Davis. - Congratulations are extend-. ed to 34r. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy of Bowmasvville (and fonmer residents for 15 years of Solina) whp today, Febru- Reg. bMi 28c-SAVE 2c li-oz bt1l c Hein£ KETCHUP Heinz Reg. 4 tins 49c-SAVE 4c TOMATO SOUP 1ozin45 ln oo Sauce Reg. 2 tina 38.-SAVE 4, I~E~ZSPAGHlElTI5 i5-oztn79 I- *iz VoranReg. 2 tins 36o-SAVE 4c E~AIIS3 15-oz tins49C TwATO JUICE Reg. 2 tins 25c-SAVE île! 4 20-oz tins 39 c lb 43 C 1649i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHSLE, ONTARIO I The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor ary 25, will observe tiieir for- tieth weddÏng ann>versary. Your friends here wish you continued health and happiness for many future anniyersaries. Soie Commauni±y Club has arranged a social evcnang of carde in the new room of the sehool on Friday -nait, Feb- ruary 26. The ThTee M's will meet at the home of Harvey and Lois Yellowlees on Monday night, February 29. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid attcndcd the 504h wedding an- niversary celebraiton for Mr. and Mis. Harvey Barrie at Providence. Linida Flett was a Sunday tea guest at Charles Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and sons, Bowmanvillc, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Boy Langmnaîj. Mrs. N. Fiee, Taunton: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and Arline were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. Mr. C. McPherson, M.r. and Mrs. E. H. Peever, Mr. and Mis. A. Beevor and sons, Os'h- awa, weîe Sunday visitors at Mr. anid Mrs. Bae Pascoe's. Miss Helen Baker, Mrs. Claie Stewart, Toronto; Miss Mai- tha Smales, Oshawa; Mi. and Mrs. Howard OrmiFton and children, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors at Mi. and Mrs. Tom Baker's. Helen Knox spent the week- end with Kathy Lynch, Bow- manville. MORRISH supplies to biing, will be sent ta each. applicant. Classes will be kept snall and preference will be given ta those wio mail their appli- cations early. TMc geographic distribution of tic participants will also be considered. Time will be allowcd in most courses for subjects otber than sklll training, suci. as: Teaching Adults, Design, Tea- chine, Techniques and Group Work. There will be opportunities ta discuss problema encoun- temed in comniunity activity gîoups. Only applications of adults (over 18 years of age) will be considercd. There must be a Freel Friee!. BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at you Vigor 0Ou SERVICE STATION "We Specialize in' Personal Service"~ CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 doauble Sicamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts- Coniplete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE, STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Atom Hockey Ia the first Atom gaine of the day the Bombers chalked up their third playoff win in a îow by defeating the Ranis 3-0. James Rogeài (Joe' Hir- cock,) Narman Neads and Joc Hircock (Lariy Devitt) were the goal scorers for the Boaib- ers. 1 In the second Atam gamne the Indians defeated the Bi- sons 1-0 ta move inta second place in the playoff standings two points behind the Bomb- cms. Johnay Qyler scored tic winning goal for the Indians eaîly in the first period. Lions Midget-.Juvenie League Ia thc first Midget-Juvcn- fle gaine the Orpians brokze a 3-3 tie ta defeat tic Rockets 4-3 and move into a second place tic in thc standings. Doug. James (2), Paul Mut- ton (Deug. James, Jon Han- cock) and Don Smith (Jim Anderson) accounted for the Qiphans' goals. Ray Crombie, Grant Flintoff, (Howie Pol- lard, Bruce Ogdcn) and James Lane (Howie Pollard) werc tac goal scorers for the Rock- ets. In tac second Midget-Juven- i1e gaine tic Gcnera]s defeat- cd the Comets 2-1 ta move into a second place tic with thc Orpians. The loss left the Comets tied for first place witi thc Rockets. Ross Tur- ner and Walter Gibson scoicd for thc winners-. Laiiy Pearce (David Allison) accounted for tie Cornets' only goal. Tic Gencrals collected ail tbrec of the penalties ianded out in the game. Gaines Saturday, -Feb. 27th Bantam League-A.M. 7:00-.Tigeis vs. Tee Pees 7.45-Flyeis vs. Cubs 8:35-Pirates vs. Huskies 9:20-Braves vs. Lions Wings -_ _1 1 210 104, Canadiens ....1 2 1 8 9 3 Hawks 1 20 8 8 2 Bruins - .0 2 1 5 11 1 Rangers .0 30 2 13 0 * Bantam League WLTFAP Flyers 4 0 0 18 2 8 Braves 2 1 1 8 8 5 Lions 2 2 0 13 13 4 Tee Pees _ - 2 1 0 13 13 4 Tigers 1 1 1 4 6 3 Cubs ___ 1 2 09 8 2 Huskies 1- i3 0 8 16 2 Pirates 0 30 4 9 0 Lions Midget-Juvenile League WLTFAPI Comets 2 10 9 3 4 Rockets ----- 2 1 0 14 8 4 Qiphans 1 1 il 8 8 3 Generals i1 1i18 il 3 Maroons- .1 10 4 7 2 Raiders---------- 0 200 6 0 Girls' Broombali WLTFAP *Avalons . 3 0 O 7 1 6 Fabiens - 2 1 0__ 721074 *Presleys 1 2 O 2 4 2 Boones O 3 0 0 7 0 *Gajne under protest. Girls, Broomball In the first Broomball gaine played last Mondiay cvening the Avalons defeated the Boones 2-0. Greta Crawford and Betty Loo Rundie weîe thc goal scorers for the Ava- lons. Heather Moore of the Boones picked up the anly penalty of the gaine. In the second Broombail of the evening the Pabiens de- feated the Presleys 2-1. Un- foitunately thc score sheet lias been lost so we do net know wbo scored the goals. Thc win movcd the Fabiens into second place lu the playoff standings. Choral Society The Choral Society lias a number of invitations ta pie- setconers for various or- THUIISDAY. FEB. 25th, 1960 PAGE ELEVug Theatre are Planning a specll- Matin"e for Senior Citizens cX!- Wednesday, Match 23rd. films to be shown are waI Disney's ««Tbird Mvan On Thea Mountain"l and a short filà entitled "«Noah's Ark". There will aIse be a Senioro Citizens' Workshop for execuw tive members and sponsors oiý April 2nd in Port Hope. The Workshop will be under thý direction of Mies Harriet Oariý Advisor for Senior CititeMs C o mm u nity Prograniff Brandi, Ontario Departrneût of Education. çÇecreatîon ,ÇReviews By Douglas Rigg Lesder's Instituts goal scorers lor the Braves. Pe. Wee League-A.M. C o m m u n i t y Program.mesl Garfieldi Webb .(Steven Buxis) 1 0:2-Leats vs. Wlugs Branch of the Ontario Depart-; accounted for tic Pirates' lor.e;il :05-Canadians vs. Hawks ment of Education have plan-. goal. Fred Aildicati of tic 1:55-Bruina vs. Rangers neti a Leaders' Institute at Braves 'callectedtheti only pen- Ao egePM MacDonald Institute, Ontario alty of tic game for cross Ao etePM Agricuitural College, Guelph, chccking. j 12:40-Barons vs. Horneta Ontario, ta be lielti July 18-22, In thc third anti final Ban- 1:35-Bains vs. Bisons 11960. tam gaine of thc moraing tic Lions Midgret - juvenile Tic Institute provides an Lions defeated thc Tee Peesi Leaue.-.PJL opportuaity fer craft instruc- 9-5 ta mave into a thirti place! 2:25-Maroons vs. Raiders tarn, aight school teaciers aad tic witi thc Tee Pees la thc 3:10--Orphans vs. Cornets community leaders ta increase piayoff standings. Doug Ni- PLAYOFF STANDINGS ticir knowledge anti skill as oh<oIj was tic big scorer for wcîî as gain experience in the Lions picking up thîce At4Im League working witi groupa. There goals andt two assista. Glen WLTFAP will be aver 30 haurs of in- Clarke (2), John Adoas (2), Bombera ____3 0 O 14 2 6 struction under ideai coadi. IvAP Mils, anti Earle Kcatlcy Indiions ____ 2 1 0 3 74 tions. aocouated for thc Lions' otier Hornets 1__ 1__ 0 2 2 2 AU oourses that involve Buday, Dennis Gay Rarffl_1__0_4_7_ siltann eura iiad Ivan Milîs picked Up as- Bisons 1____ 2 0 4 72 skum ofanin orequireviousin sists on thc Lions' goals. Bob- Barons ____ O2 O 4 62 mtum f24h us ieions a by Sleep witi tirce goals antid~Lau sucii.Lanry Peris witi twoaoacount- PeW Lsu The teacbing staff lias been cd for the Tee Pees five goals. W LT F A caicfully selecteti. Information Thc Tee Pees collecteti the Bears _____3 0 1 14 47 on thc teacher, course outline, only two penalties of thc game. Leafs ____ 3 00 7 1 E the euxpmnt îeuîre an 9.iIA é-F J. F. HENDERSON WELL DRILLER No Job Too Large or Too SmalI -FREE ESTIMATES - Pone Lindsay FAirview 4-6018 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY Our Cleaning Is Sure to Please. See us if you want a sure thing when it cornes to cleaning clothes! We guarantee satisfaction * .yet our superior methods cost yeu net 'à penny more! Try us seon. Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BO WMAN VILLE PROM MA 3-7061 for PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. p,. j ONE-STOP,. SERVICE This is the way she likes to do her market- ing: filing her list of aeeds in one place, froni weil-stocked shelves. She likes to do lier banking the same easy, cenvenent way. At her local bank, ail u4der one roof, a trained and courteous staff provides every. bhing in the way of banking service. Here ahe can cash a cheqiqe, arrange a loan, open a deposit account, rent a safety deposit box, buy money aidera or travellers cheques-the list of banking services goes on and on. AM over Canada, t.he chartered banks mnake tis sanie convenient, one-s top service available to millions of customers. ling of the W.A. was beld on fore any class will be held. Wedncsday, Fcbruaîy i7tlh at Fees are îcfunded if a closa 2:30 p.m. at Mis. William Mc- is cancelled. Holms, tiere were 13 mcem- Activities will be planaed bers, 2 visitais and 1 junior for tic evening for those who present, tic president Mis. wish ta participate. A trip ta Helen McHolm pTresided.. thc Stratford Festival will be Tic meeting opened witi arranged. prayer andi hymn. Scipture Clsewilbhedotc verses were îcad-by Mis. Har- following subjects: Art (3), old Osborne, lesson thougits Ceîamics, Ceramic Sculpture, and Drayer iead by Mis. Fr.ank Children's Art, Course for Anderson, a poeci, Jesus at tic Club Executives, Diama, Lead- door- let Hlm in, by the pie- crs cf Senior Citizenis' Groups, sident an'd a bymn concludeti Folki and Square Dancing In- thie devotional prograin. structors, Leathercraft, Me- The roll was called by tic talcraft, Milflincry (2), Teen- secretary Mis. Calvin Harness, age Leadership, Course for tic minutes weîe rcad and ad - Leaders of Church Recreation optd. Many items of business andi Wcaving. were brougit forwaîd. It was I o r neetdi t decîded ta accept tic offer tIf you arcin testcolrsat- from Mis. Maék of Port Hope tpplingatiny of thase courses to come ta tic next meeting aplictte eration Oae fvic- fia give us information aboutil te atLisc RecîcatiayOfCe Cancer- a subi oct wiich ev- iticLoseo.niyCa eryone should thorougily un- tc dcrstand, tuis meeting will be Pee Wce Hockey ield at thc Suncay Scbool andtInTatac fiîst Pec Wec gaine will ie an open meeting. played tie Bears strctcbcd Repairs ta tiechcurch argon their p l a y a f f undefcatcd was discusseci again andi work string ta four gaines by de- is expectedt t start next week. feating tic last place Rangers Two quilts are ready for quilt- 5-1. Bill Summersfoid was ing - time and place will be tic big gun for the Bears phoned to ail înteîcsted witbin scoiing four goals andi assist- a day or two. Following a ing on thc otaci anc. Donald bymn, tic meeting was tien Rogers collectedtheti other goal turned aver to Mis. M. J. Os- for the Bears. Morris Honcy- berne convener of prograin man (3), Donald Rogers (2) who.,aI turn -4intoAiujrd. h.aiso picked up assista on the guest speaker Mis. fHarvey os- Bears' five goals. Tie win borne of Welcome. moved the Beais in fiist place Mis. Osborne gave a very lu tie playoff standings. Interesting talk of a recenit In the second Pee Wec game visit ta Toronte wi t Il a thc Giants defeated tic Hawks group of C.G.I.T. girls and, 2-1 th move inta sole possess- friends. Tic bigiligit of whicb ion of t1lird place ia thc stand- was a guideti tour cf tic Fred ings. Ken McDonald (Terry Victor Mission of interest to Dcvitt) and Donald Taylor us all we were told of tic (Lanny Burns, Terry Devî.tt) daily work of dcvoted churcli wcre thc goal getters for thje workeîs in tuis drai outmoded Giants. Bud Depew (Jcff Gil- building and of tic anticîpatcd iooly> accounted for thc pleisure of having an up ta Hawks' Ioac goal. date ebuich-bouse in th, neai In tac thurd Pce Wee gaine ful, ne, tiere was also a visit of tic day thc Leafs cbalked ta, tic museuin wich was ail up their taurd stiaiglit win by tee short. Time was iunrng dcfeating tac Bruins 4-1. Tic out andi afteî refreshinenits a win moveti the Leafs into se- move was made ta a waiting condi place ina-tic playoff bus for home after a most en- standings. Stepien Wright joyable time. (2), Dennis Homeniuk endi A vote of tianks was accord- Danny Lemon were tic goal cd Mns. Osborne for tisinl- scorers for tic Leafs. Keiiy formai talk, it is always a Dickens (2), Ronnie Simipson picasure ta wclcome oui frienti and Randy Cale pickcd up as- froin Welceme and we look sists on tic Leafs' goals. Ran- foiwaid ta a return visit, A dy Dewell accounteti for the contcst la the faim of a story Bruins' only goal. was conducted by Mms. Har.- la thc fourti Pee Wee gaine aid Osborne, tiere was a tic the Redi Wings and Canadiansi in tic number cf correct an- playedt t a 2..2 tic. Bruce Bar- swers between Ms-s. Dawson îett (Dennis McDonald) and Beebe and Mis. Mary Haugi, Guy Parka (Paul Huggett> a small prize xvas given ta accountcd for tac Bcd Wings'i Mis. Haugi. A paper was goals. Geralti Miconalti (Bar- rcad by Mis. Frank Anderson ry Whiteman) and Ciarlie: cntitled A Reeket te tic Moon. Evans were tic goal gettersý Thc president close theta for tic Canadjians. Tic tic mectdnig with prayer. droppedthticRed Wings ta 4ti Duning the social half hour spot follawed by the Canadians the iostess assisted by Miss la 5th spot In tac standings. ,Beckett scrved afteinoon tea. Bantam Hockey Mms. Haiiy Beckett maved a vote of thanks ta tic hostess In tac firat Bantain gaine andi Miss Beckett, oui guest of the morning thc Flycrs wan anti ail wio in anyway he]ped their faurti straiglit playoff in thie prograin, this was car- gaine by dcfeating tic Hus- ricti in tic regular way anti kies 6-0. Eric Fernluad (2), another pleasanit get-together Paul Peterson. Phillip Bragg, was over. James Archier and Ted Bate Regular Sunday Scbool was were the goal scorers for the helti at 11 a.m. on Sundray. AU. Flycrs. John Huggett (3), George Haîness, superintenti- Gene Balson (2), Paul Peter- cnt conducted, there were 34 son and Bannie Harper col- present, anc biîthday was Ilon- lecteti assista on tic Flycia' oui7et that of Mis, Frank An- goals. Casey Denhertog of thc derson. Hukes and Paul Peterson of Thc many friends andi onetac Flycîs coflectedtheti ondly time neigibours wcre sorry t penalties of the gaine. icaîn of VIe sutiden illness af In thc second Bantam gaine Mi. William Marvin, we trust of thc maining thc Braves de- bis stay in hospital will not be inated seodPlrace la1tc play long and fliat witiin a fcw off stcndngs.ceuriayteway wecks Mi. Maivin will be well ofan rdngs.Mraywrowni enougli ta resumeis busi -_and___________________the ness. Congratulations ta little Miss near last Tuesday' awaitlng Brenda Anderson daugthter of their haad-aut. Mr.and Mis. Criss Anderison C2ickadees are very pri- wha drcw thc winnâng ticket niarinl their ohoice eft eataj at tic John Deere Machincry One day we put out crumbs1 Demonstration at Ken Ashby's af cake witi pink coconut, thc, on Wcdnesdey evening, F'ebru. cruabs were eateni but thc ary l7ti at tic conclusion Brc- pink coconut rcmained un- l da was prcsentcd with an up taucheti, anlotixer dislike are te date model tracter of which any sciaps of tiuck especiale Vie is very pmaud. fat but tic endi of a ciicker Mms. Fred Corniali of Part wing is almost a tug of wa- Hope was a supper guest af be'weea tic woodpcckers anq Mis. Wllam MH --mAt Msscicades tal -"asIli hen b t i 3 Check - Cmrue çauve on YSip er-Riyàht AMfeuats BEEF ROAST SALE Ail Primu In This Ad Oum ms. Throuule Saturday, Fehruary 27th, 1910 1 area. Tt wes decided at their practice session last Monday to accept an invitation to pre- sent a performance in Tyrone xome time in April. If you are interested m joinmng the Choral Society please feel free to attend any of their practices. The Choral Society meets every Monday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Bowmbanvüle Town Hall. Senior Citizens 1he nex-t Senior Citizens' meeting will be held Tuesday, Mardi lst, at the Lions Cen- tre at 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre will sing,' and Mrs. R. Sheridan will take the reading group. An invitation has been re- ceived from the Oshawa Sen- ior Citizens' Club for the mem- bers of tihe Bowmanville Club to be guest at their meeting on Thursday, March l7th. This meeting will be held at Simcoe Hall in Oshawa. If you are interested in attending this meeting please let the members of Club 15 know at the Mardi lst meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Gili of Royal FAIX SER VICE DEM>, OILI & CRIPPLE» FARIMSTOCK Removed Free of Charge Irmmediate 244fr. Servie Ask 'Your Operator For ZEnith 66550 No Toi! Charte NIck Peconi - Peterborough, THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY

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