Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, page 6

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"MB CAAD I TAsmm-li BOWMANTRAE (1TA1UTUSA, M.1t, Rotoria Charles Carter m"- oenS"÷e*sGovernor Geneai Vaie r dn iteehv Mrm B. Hitchens visited her ddthe d eeas oe" h Gies Fascinating Aress nn .-ylnOwn-en. To O en Leg on ConventionTh20egasa&nstrclftesal o &fH& pected.q = d. eL r odt ehe 200 Lw cost houing ao mebri oe On Recent Trip to Englandw:, "Tg gn gmæi & Mr. Pred Rtahme has been the Cana asa thn 1 ntecpur fa m cus fis17peiu o Rotary je taken v s er- a ripple," Màr. Carter sai. Ho t ion re were the most on the seriously 111 11t, and 10 Dominion Convento at Wind- village,wawondadre sousy inEnglnd, lso pokeof te omfortablee arve du thengI aeteertego wse of sor, Ontario, on May 2o. Trhe eive the Distinguished Ser-! Carter said ln Is viviy des- tntoftepneadeeadtecncinrsndredstKed- ceremony wH1 take place ln vie Order. eriptive àdrs Of his *Md that th etrip ove hexb was u f t wOld.mpia, n. Windsorrl new Clear Auditor- On a third occasion, ho ral- trp oEnla et the Atantie wasbu noal xiiinwsa issMreadHlnCl u n Memorial Convention lied his battalion ïin a key at-' metn fthe Bow. and interesting, todnAr rmedo= tbuilding of Markhami, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holl D1 L. Burges the Le- tack. lie wasawone = %aavie RoayCt eda h ria t odnAr hn a h aain -LkMr. and Mrs. Robert ginsDominion President an- and lost his rg leg. l'or his e yng Dutchman Mol«to at one o'clock was exact- tinM ton• =acck, Misses Olive Luke nounced today. leadership and gall tty in this Hotel on Friday. lyon time, but when Mr. 9,000 Bread Entries and Irene Ba, Toronto, with Thbis in the first time that omnt, he was awardedsr ýA M. Strike in introducing and Mrs. Carter and the "TheOre were 9,000 bread frisod hrm Ohwa and Ked- Canada's disti Wshed soldier- %r o h Cross 8ou the special speaker paid tri- other passenger fromn Canada entries, and 11,000 entries in ren were dhier guests et sîtatestnan has attended the o.and also the PrneIrgion of bute te the excellent service roedinto the Customs the confectionery division Cloverlea of Mr. and Mrs. Ross ening of a veterans' convention. Hlonour. à Mâr. Carter has given the Room tey found about 300 which included fancy' pas- Lee on ffkiny eyenig hon. As Maor-General George Van- During the second world war, clu7j for years on the Inter- people there from. other Planes, tries and cakes, an amzing i;n bidhdays of BetLuke ier, 1is Excellency has long hie ce umnded the Quebec Mi- national Befvice Cornmittee, and only one Customs Offi- segt," Mr. Carter recalled. and hoat Rosm Lee. Pictures been familiar with the prb 1 - isDltrict. Later he served and as official contact mon. cer. The other officers had Ma orit Wr RotarIan -*lken by John Luke on his 4.. lems of servicemen in peuce ln London as Canadian repres- Mfr. Carter represented, the gone to dinner, Mr. Carter month tour of Farope and the and ln wàr, entative to Ge4eral Charlès de local Rotary Club on his reý said. He told of meeting the british tales were vieweda During the first world war Gaulle's Prench committee of ceetttirth.eSheStrike , ansaidband eaDuef toebde y 'e,'an hour foheersrythninmeweeltopa dtak oofnattu in udryaiofthe counry nonweeste posthestaeenBEST BUYtin.--eSAVEsrv15es CAS B'--AVLI1BYCAS nems fromi the Bowmanville luggage examined they missed beid thern e tamn. He thir autum trp o Washing- A nofcro h ti oehet nte1. Arrivé In Rainstorm taxi drivers certainly know w iho anut i en home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L., BEST BUY - SAVE 9c CASH - SL RN gefore leaving for England ho ocag ste2 iedays. The menus were a yard Mountjoy. he had regarded the trip tri cos hi'5 r atrlong, and each placehad five 1L across the ocean with some 1 wine glasses. 11he O.NO. Club met at the second Osmond Wright. PG'O misgiving b ecause hé had "We a eceived a Hoaa we- Final Huge Banquet hbn o iee eragliMoaa mrin-al ok Carter told the gotarians. He were jolly glad to get there",j "On the last day the Lyoisý Thursday night. Thlere were 25 bright Mnd dheerful again af- BEST BUY -SAVE 6c - MONARHPSR sai d that his wife was comn. Mr. Carter stated. He told the Company gave e-huge banquet ALBERT ERNEST SEARS ladies present. Gwen Balli al ter te meal old-fadhioned win- plietely undaunted by th. Rotarians that his niece's son at the Trocadero, near Picca- I alnhet frsva reported that club had collect-- ter's, day yesterdiay, flot for thoughlt of flying even whe~ and daughter had come down dilly Circus. The tables were nfalghethorsvaled $227.14 for March of Dimes. some years have we heard of7LB heavdathe he aipr1nfrmSoln o hi visit arranged in a huge horseshoe, years Alfred Ernest Sears Decided to donate $25.00 fromn so many pepl big tom A yontr eal n e a iriv In rrn n tyalad ae hppy fa-adteedo h omhdpse wyWdedyPe-cu ud ed. e n lowser Mtréa in iiigran n y -union bee mep - a d e ento thfe of had3 Ised wa m hi sdy h e. n u Aud c ommte asapont ver y s y , Th oadls ile i Al eeing o unasnes Fom huch o ub bakery. Every Item waa peel- recent years hie ha made hi to see if could secure Arena again as fiast as could be plow- BEST BUY - SAVE 2c CASH -COW BRN le i g o h e aies boarduhTePu ed from the ovens by rmen bre wtbi aghte n (that very busy place) for a ed out. We are happy to Say lt h l once héwas abor On Sunday the whole lam- dressed as bakers, who were soni-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Da- sketing party in the near fu- we have not beeni of any ser- wthed Plaelgt an h ei y atendedO a eærvicë in a the waiters. vid Êturleigh,Westår olnmb ture. BMigo was played, foll- ious accidents. 2B as ,they flew over Montreal, can Church. "As is the rule See Guards Changing Buckinigharnshire, E n g1áa n d, owed by a buffet lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blomme Cr yt the speaker said. Hlowever, he lEianwen wecm It was all a wonderful ex- Jan. 29, 1091, the deceased was Prize winners at the Angi- Sr., and Harry J-r., Toronto, pain dout, he almnost was out of church we all wenit to periëee. We styde a ho- a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. cnehrTursa mt-wre ekndgesofM. BEST BUY - SAVE 7c CASH -CLR' shaken by an announicement the pub for a drink. The pub tel in the 'Victoria ditict, and Henry Joseph Sears. He was high lady- Mrs. Ira Argue, and Müs. Harold Hamilton and over the loud speaker that the was the King's Head, an an- drivn to thé exhibition we married in Toronto July 30, second- Mrs. Jim Fallis; high Dianne . Plane was flylig at 14,000 feet cient inn, a favOurite place to Pase làuokitighýam Palace 1913. gentr- Mrs. John Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer 1 Z followed by detailed instrue- change horses ln bygohe days end had à gipse of the A resident of Brooklin for aSnn DrCoy and family, Wihithy; Mrs. Berti TIN tiôns as to .how to inflate and Today it is an attractive place' Changing of te Guards", Mr. two years, Mr. Sears had pre- RSB8 rCOf Smit, Toronto and Vincent l * hS use the lifepreservers. still with low beams, round Carter stated. Another time viously lived in Oshawa for Archer, Bowmanville. visited BEST BUY - SAVE 10e CASH - JH5NS-.NWKEl No Vihrlationi tables, and affable wàiterw,a he saw the Hlorse Guards in 25 years and prior to thiat in •CO n a C lMr. and Mrs. W. Archer and Peculierly 'enough there Mr. Carter pointed out. Whitehall. Enniskillen. A resident of E Mr. Dever, Sunday. was rio vibration in the Plane. The following week he went London On Jamboree Canada for 52 years, hie was RYJ ILN r n r.Asi er E -A good meal was served, and to London to attend the great: "London today is a great a rclyrb rd.Certified Public Accountant cock and Mrs. Adhn Scott spent ToteI the coffee did not even have International Bakers' Exhibi- eye oliener, sand the people He laes bs wiekthe for- 93 Church Street last Thursday in Toronto. Jane are havmng a .jamboree. Des- dm ers Mars. Bak Fowree MArket 3.-3861 Mew came homne wit her BEST BUY - SAVE 14c CASHI - 1eOFGATSZ -5A BOWMNVILF aeWnrfl t h Cpae ai n eofis n. anleg N eon a r gSnsn snTrn Liquid D e te ie i e ]RYLMA 3.559H a'do son Melvini, df Enniskillen. Cor. King and Tempérance Sts. Mrs. Geo. Fowler whohs te nephe of en ats ar- Alosriigdetre Phone MArket 3-3612 been ln Oshawa aill winter isFAT E- ae16Cs Fores, an of oto isters, Mrs. J. Hleald (Anne), ~¯Y ,FIbAjg ~ pnigti ek us fTgggg • iþ heandhiswif too toof oroto;Mrs. Doroth u'- u1 UNTER & CO. Mr. and MIrs. Milton. Hanlan PEMA D taces he hd knl w inhier, of Øsghawa and Ms. A. Accounitants and Auditors anvsingeerlfen. youtsh Ra koni ichUëardsoni (Flo), of Hamp- Licensed Trustee in Bankru yteetne Ms 8O I tari; five brothers, Arthur, cf 64 King St. E. RA 5-f621 Joehn rotton and farnily. Mr. B C gljyd Rotary Meeting§ Islitoin; Harry, 'of Toronto; Oshawa, Ontario Wetton passed away in Port Mr. Carter spoke of the Cecil, of Islington; Ray, of TO- B. L. Yale, C.A. Perhopt Suda.Fn h9d attended à d a he -1 to d Bert, of Toronto and F. Friedlander, B. Comn., C.P.A. eral service to be held Tues-aye sRAUR -rnlhlrn SWNTII - 66i-fHdy n otPry ihitr BeXley, Blickýhorst jjill and The niettiorial service was MOTIH-MNET ni mtn eEND CUTS Marin. e.wasdeigte athed t he rmtrngFun'- Chartered Accountants Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer BY THE the mneetirng ln Bárking, his eral, Home, Oshawa, at 11 a. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa spenti the weekend in Ottawa PEEE N TB T E old home town, to see several M Saturday, Feb. d, followed RA 5-3527 with Constable Mnd Mrs. Ken octarians that he had known by interment in Mnimt Lawn; Bowmanville Strang (Beryl Latener) andI6E.$ .yer ago. He Opasized thë Cernetery. -Rev. S. J. Hillier,' Call ZEnith 45750 TOM. fact that the Ptglish Rôtar.. etor Of Brooklin Un-ited Partners. ieboeoti ilTv BONELESS Jans are sincerely devoted to cih, coniducted the ser- lion. J.' W. Montelth, F.C.A. Fre bare ut mBi Tayt- r rý the efinciples and aimé of Ro- vices. A. B. Monteith, 13. Cotn., C.Ã. flr' Sut4i nd a rten BEEF POT IGAST - - u 3 A" nan WANU ffl 1#MdWPtary. Pallbearers werle James G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. Both brgatand Port alieA anT a WARNER BROS.w.wa. Tee mThe speaker also told his Randall, Ted Maiitle, Walter (Licensed Trustee) Prybiae eecle n ADDED: "RjOAD BURaNER5n fellow Rotarians here of the AinMarshall Knipe, Lesi G. E. Trethewey, C.A. forun=tel wee bl toÊ ex-ý FRESHY PO XIO visit he liad made in Broad- Bennett and Charles Reader.1 B. F. Lightfoot, C.A. trigtas itbfr't o rtgh AND COLOX tARTOON stairs, on the east Kentish Coga[a tn tAL Tr.lan tho ent nd oattend. PONTYPOOL Cedý1 h rop ai i %%°"'nt, °USIFT'S PREMlUM - 1 LB. CELLØ K. o ing a memnorable service itn 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. îlganaersary Fri., 12th. ÜXT SO . • 09 . - 11 . ..-2 historic and beatifuttl Canter- (Via Toronto) Chiropractor ý unlay 7th, Mr. and Mrs. A,[R E U R NK A bury ahda.In last, weeks columrn I st- Office: . kadMs sbl rA RLA TN "Count Your Blessings"l ed . vote oft*armotoMr. Sunnnybrook-Hospietea5lone. 1 r-Ofc o r of Aporste St d •e sitthF a ol it-ITSDUC UC Carter for gving the club such ported on Wednesdiay and af--OfcHor:B Api te sen the it lvelyu t- (Color) a wonderfu accounit of hiâ tdr A che ·in over was told w t io5le sr ue tree ..nin .AA I R DEBORAII KERR, 19O9SANO BRAZZI Sai tt Mr. artWithas doe130 w it my yprto aon - gif i am eMr che, a ngr Complete shows at 7 afid 9 panu. a erfe ao ln Iternatlonâ fiu eithe Tuesdày of Wed- DtW.I.RÙËL Ù..S anMitrs iyte brgh "EATURE" -SAVE 6c CASH "ETR"- NE20CS Personal contact he haed made tor claims I will be in at les 40 Kin St. W. BowmanvilleboscleanSndy4h, C WNBAD-10BgMAWt O E.--- O.J• "T2 IV PNNES -ThuM, gat., Feb. 28 -27 teB w anville Rotary tub back k rthsshOfieant6p..dlysWimeeaFitan daughte TEA BAGS N T NT C F E 5 relationship with th*lbIidac1tCoedStra and Sunday arol, ar -t -rekcale ngland1 Offic Phn - MA A-79 Gla to reor Mr F7teci Aspirin -20c. 32e, saâe EornC ubaandPS tots.0 Iel arriewAROb tr hntey BrseSoctr her~~to viie ta s NtrPulc odeed byth sudde pass- AF--%L.PG Deep Bufferin 39e-79e-1.28-1.89 Vickg Ther$à will also be an in- coming to see me todiay is Don %9St. W.-Bomnil passed away un Saturdaey TLET 1E Hfett Coldene Taiblets 1.25 Formula 44 stallation service for the new 8trathdee a former Pontypool Pones: Office MA 3-56889 on in the Commnt t 98e Brmo Quiine 59, 89estewards appointed ait the an- resident. Residence MA 9-5553 MeoilHptaPPeyUEA ATE Co8en L1.1 .0,289 *9 nua, meeting of the congregta- I will be glad to welcome 13088f APIIA L. HODGIN9¯ Deepest syrnpatlhy is extendedRGLR3e-àLSE Chase'@ Cold Tablets fée Thte Commqrunity Club will êaes tedo n. isiting hewho Bar, Puolie itr o . Wte n e a-FERD Rub super Anahist ose. 1.00 Vicks hold a buffet supper on Frridwy ar frmi 1-8:30 p.m. dail and Temperance gt. - Bowmanville Mr. Geor e SmelMe had the 1.39 oid ales6e,11 Cough Syrup eMenlg,KPed re n 0 e Ha l la y t ro aie be1 was I. RICUARDl LOVEKIN mfortune Zling injuring hisBid E Fr z n F d Pyrithou Comp. Tabs. 68e Mr. Ben 19mith, game warden home that mail and express Box 9, Newcastle Mr. Alden Hubbard was go thhi aevem grovde té wif ces to come onTas Phn Newcastlo ment Thrsa evnd g eto rs $3 M Specils Spcialshe will show movies and give come via Neweastle. Th a will only. Oliver and flamilly, Blackstock.sisie1 No Sei a s .0,1256 cIANA a tlk on 'e nevtion. for mo n a e o In b ou l f W . ¯KAV LyCZT B.À ~ The W.A. met at the home of Ulmg aglin v w $2.9 8 98e PEPSODENUT TOOTH PMASTE Ked Scouts will be on Tues- loue the train also wihic gave BrIsten offict orr ak D"enwt od1 TOOTH PASTE 3 for 99" = 7:0 p.m., Bill Werry, wonerul service to Toronto A. R. Wa el, Q.C. The Crokinol, Party held lest RED& WHI h re Oa,, /5 ith~eur Free FRoihtbiTnsmeton Fn Rg ys eebrough eu dsur ai n S;treet, Orono, Ontario MrdyniSt In the Church BOSOF EFrFrdPtaos ° /3 TOOT11 PASTE 1 for 5ne 7 p.m. with Mrs. Robert Daie, fit to this oSmnity anI & angy oe Mr..T.Hre with ree'Natl soissors 1.18 Wildfoot ..--. t3e ledr assted by Mrs C. mn torsee youU alltad soont rt OMON nMÝid THERE'S A RED AND W IESOENA O HOT WATER BOTTLES (Guaranteed) awa, wu the guest speaker at .JhnPye Residences - Jarm 'Bm là horn ain afterd hO M NILE - W . .Tt 1.99Bsies -Pro-375tergla rburymeiperties ren er ation In Port Pen A L RO E- M pl r v G o eei Af Caoo Home anll were -IN STa-EAT F OW LN el60 ClRUG STOREpa R. * uo 0 c5 ORN - Cons Marketeriaron l m- rovid tto hrt Od h «wW te, bLCSO KBlt' ae %

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