mUEDAY TE. lSth, 1M5 N - Lî peial Convocation Mlany Officiais Attend Nursing School Opening 'Curch, civie and business problemn for thie municipality." iOhio wrnl be tiirned over to leaers wlhDarlington Town- He cited the exempl1e of the Seventh-day Adventista to op- .ipIleee Garnet Rickard recent addition ta the Oshawa erate. In addition the Ketter- yartciptedin a special con- General Hospital which be-f ing family has doneted thous- voctio onthie campus of, fore it was completed was ands of dollars to anothe, Ad- = awa Missionary College ta found to bp inadequate for the ventist hospitai located in the makthe formai opening of needs of thie ame. Chicago area. eae Branson Hospital School , yo <.zion, went on Io Thomas D. Thomas, M.P.P. f -Nursing lat Thlursday. jsay, "In a growing commun- for Ontario Ridlng, told the Pastor Henry D. Henriksen,,ity there ie every Indication gathering of faculty and stu- of Oshawa, president of th that an additlonal hospital wifl dents and comniunity leaders Ontario Conference o! the'be needed sometime in the that like Mark Twain observ- Seventh-day Adventist Church future." He expressed the ed about the weather, "every- la Canada and chairman o! hope that Uic step being tak- body decries the shortage of the board of thc church-oper- en by the denomination *91 medical facilities but, Seventh- ated Branson Hospital officia]- launching a school o! nlursing day Adventists arc showing ]y declared the new !ully ac- would sonieday lead in the us a practicai, means of doing credited and government ap- direction o! the denomination something about it through e oed school of nursing open. en,_ ging -its medical service their medical programme and eAefirst year o! a three year ta the' area in terms that would the opening o! this sahool, of course will be given on the deserve the support of the nuirsing."- 0 Oohawa campus o! the col commiunlty. To begin with the flrst lege with thc last two years Eldon L. Green, general se- class of student nurses ,who of clinicai training being tal<- crctary o! thc Adventist enrolled. Iast week totals en at the hospital in Willow- Church la Canada, speaking twenty. But, according to Pre- dale, North York. on behaif o! its National Exe- sident Percy W. Manuel, of Worship Nfnr,- T.,p'-n'cutive Commnittee and Pastor thie college with which the A. Gifford, of Oshawa, de- Walter A. Nelson, dominion Branson Hospital School of clared that the care of thc ,ed of the church said, "The Nursing is affiliated, "we ex- aikalways__"poses _a greatl Church is always glad of the pect to be able to bandie a __ _opportunity ta serve its nei- class of thirty students each g1ý «,.?s.'eyear in addition to our other Doctor Archie E. Kin.g, o! divisions." The college head * ediS1l Mirror Darihngtn, outlined in brie! revealed that total enroilment the history of thc Aidventist at the college this yea? topped Church's world-wide medical the 400 mark. activities. Ia 185 countries To acenaimodate thc in- bidiî Troatmont tihrough its 100 hospitals, 114 crease in enrolimeat extra clinics and eleven medical classrooms and laboratories IDlauniches the Seventh-day Ad- have been provided on thc Possble n liitis ventist Churvh treated over Oshawa campus. In Toronto Dr. King re!erred ta Uic 000 nursing school le present- recent gift of an $8,000,000 ly under construction and is hospitai made to the denorn- scheduled, to be completed, in ination. by the Kettering farn- Urne to aocept thc first class ily in memory o! thie late Gea- o! student nurses when they eraI Motors executive and in- have completed their work ventor. The medicai centre un- a-t Oshawa M1issionary College der, construction in Dayton, later this year. Women Teachers Hear cOf Fascinating Trip 'te ower. Ioops -of the smali in- The second meeting of the An interesting report was 'Mestimc llejtis je chiefly a disease. season was held by the No. 1 given by Mvis. Earl Argue on1 ibf youth, although it may occur Unit o! the Federatedi Women's the meeting o! the Ontario As-1 ;M~ pesonh of any age. Tho exact Teachers Association was held sociation for Curriculum Dev- wius of the diseàse is unknown recently at Tyrone Hall. A del- elopment. Miss Knox announ- I&M~OUgh claims have been made iclous turkey dinner was ser- ced that Uic 2nd Caniadian. Con-i ttbat -âii. folows cpidemics* of ved by the Tyrone W.A. Miss ference on Reading will bei =*Medii dysentcry. proof, 10 V. Kocins, moved, a vote o! held la Toronto on June, 30th, Idà, lctine The vast major- thanlis ta the ladies who lied July lot and 2'od. yk of ibitissufferers'fall into the prepared and served the re- Q oinb i.Mr Àée brackct betwccn tweaty and O oinb r.Mr Uit mitiodnilat past. Hopps, Uic past president, sec- plcai ns <dptn o!te snactory onded by Miss Beth Robertson, *weIc which may bc quite senious'* !inia1 report presented by lt was dêcided to donate $2.5 'Cwe, «r at iait -thoi relief of Mre. G. Blac thc treasurer, ta the Goodwill Fund for the jSÎPamI us possible nder medi- was mioved by ýUrs. Black, sec- asitance o! student teacher6. pcAtoeamnet. Surgery to.remove ond.ed by Miss Marjorie Couch, The coming trip by air to Eag- 'cd -part of the intestine and carried. land and retura, sponsored by1 ajes des'rable but even The president, Miss E, Knox, the F.W.T.A.O. was discussed.j 5e uarantce. against Inter suggested fliat a memb;er be The memibers were advised chosen frora the teaching staff tuini any planning to taice the do »«o ja*aV. -rogge o! each of tbc Bowmainville trip should send their applica- aphaio f 4Ul doclora The dkq- Public Scbools ta forni a coin- tiorns accompanicd by a down eomb mad trWtent o1 dioeae Ji thie mittee ta convene the aext payment of $10 each ta Peder- 'IMnin sf* Pi"Wlsn' pewsnd meeting ta be !ield in March. ation Hlouse. ~hpIdn.The menibers o! buis commît- Mrs. Olive Moffat announced tee were appointed as follows: Miss V. Buniner, Vincent Mas- bea the Junior Workshop will MA 3-3361 sey Sehool; Miss M. MeGregor, -e beld on March lOth anid litAi Di U9 N~ITS Central Sehool; Miss P. Jack- in Oshawa. M~iss Gwen Hors- u,~pis~--~ son, Lord Elgin School, and man Supervisor o! rcad±ing in Miss Ru'th Hewitt, Ontiario tihe Detroit Public Schools will M-&muR E ISUNANVILLI tE etsio be the special speaker. StreetSchooLMrs. Moffat iritroduced Miss Joyce Grahanm, a teacher who PET RD EGU at sunimer enjoyed an etn toRcJamaica, Triràdiad and t Uhc Barbados. Miss Graham Kiwani M usic Festival presented a number o trc rw n s i USCtive oor sie eiig thc higlhlights of ber journey. She gave an informative tialk t on Uic customs, dlimate and CLGSIN'G ENTRY DATE. tecntresi o!e vife Ml A. J. Campbell on behial! o! all presenl thankcd Miss Gralham for enablng the teachera pre- FEDRIJAIT 291hr 1960 sent ta share her triip through1 ber glowing account. Tepe sident, Miss Knox, aiso cepres-1 ri enehi and hapnesaing 'i toniev hued o! gree at d om PO RK CHO S IL o9 aliohnes aTins o!sb world e LOIN ON PO O ta for mthe rul wehhravei 2% » à a A«Rfl A b valsloedwGra PORKo Art. J7C sefihas o s Me-a ealle acconipanied at thc pi- PORK LOIN IL 49c anoby hi mother,Mrs. J. R. Metclfewas uchenjoyed, FRESH, LEtAJ as was commuunity singing led by Ross wlth Mis. Wm Laird AMBURG 3 lbs. 1.00 uat peaeM. Sovwerbutts, Clarkson, was in.- troduced by Mxs. Morton. He la an Englishman who upon demobliuztion from the navy BOILING BEEF IL. 5c tolowig wonld war2be cum a Canadie citizen. At Swm*S- ByTm Plcic is prescrit addreus m.sow- swi~s -DY TE PECEerbutta represents a very old Engishpoteryfirm. ~I~~L A lb Flanked by a great variety the StorY O! thc art &tep by ORONO CEAIMRY ete fr seUcalection o! dit- trtkind o! ée for dit- BUTTER IL 69c rtP=uZhyha land, ta the designer, thc truc designer, who expresse his talet in là. urt ÏM wo TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVULEOETARO Happy - Go - Lucky This happy lie man is Larry James Bishop, son o! Mr. and Mis. Donald J. Bishop, who celebîated his 'first birthday hast January 3rd. Mr. and Mis. Russell McLean o! this town anid Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bishop, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, are his pîoud grand- parents. Former B. H.D Retires aftei Mn. A. R. "Andy" Scott, pres- cntprnia o! Godenich Dist- rict Coll'eia:te Institute anti for- mer teacher at Bowmaavillc High Scbooh, will retire next June a! ber 40 years in tbc teacblag profession. Formal notice was reccntly given thc board. Mr. Scott, who was borninl Colunmbus, Onitario County, et- tendet idhgh scihool la Osbiwa. After oblaining bis B.A. fram Queen's University la honor mabhoematics, be took a post grad-uate course at thbbcUniver-1 sity o! Toronto for a Bachelor o! Peduagogy degree. Hla first was at Oshawa, wherc he re- The Three R's by C. J. Harris Despite ail thab la new In education there is eviderîce that a goad grounding in thc fundameatals' remains an e- sential. Recently a pair o! parents who, have several cbildren were informed that one o! their sons, la bis fiz al yean ln an Ontario high school, wae not doing wellai sanie subjects. IDisturbed, they avail- cd theniselves of an open night at Uice chool to talk wibh bbc teachere. To their surprise, thcy learneti that their son, wbo neais vwisely and widely for bis age, might fail hic tcrmn examas in English. A chat wibb that particu- lai, instructon was informative. "To tell you the trubb," lie maid, "1youii son is a terrible writer. Whcn I have a lot o!f essaya to read and onc le pen- net inl an almost indecipher- able scrawl, it probably mens a diffenence o! ten marks ta that student." On examina- tion o! Uic young man's note- booke tbc parents could .only agree with the teacher. '*Now they bave startet i hm on ex- ercises la penmanshlp. They wish tbey bad donc so carlier, but they wlsb týo that his teachers in Uic lower formes bati kept hlm at bbe inkwell la those bours he spent in acting la scbool phays anti like activities. ve W! on Pottery duced !actory ware had no place among thc display. Mn. Sowerbutjanti Minl. Mebcnlfe were thanketi on behal! o! the members by Mis. W. H. Brown for thein fine contributions ta the programn. Businesswau conducteti by president Mis. K. Hopkins. Roll call, a Valentine saying or verse, ovensteppeti the bounde but produceti excel- lent h-imor. Froua correspondance read by secrebary, Mire. W. H. Browa lb was learacti that the Women's Instibute o! Ontario hati sent $3,000 ta thbe Tehy Milk Sihip Fund and $2,000 ta Care. A note of thanks was rend £rom girls o! Uic bomesnak- ing club for the, gift from ic W. I. Each club girl recelved a book "Easy Guide ta Enter- taining"). The directors wcse ap- poiated nominating committee for 1960-61. Girls Club leaders for next club pnojcb, Mis. ltoy Du Beau, Mre. Ronald Brooks and Mirs. Ken Kuhnke. A tihank you was extended by Mm~. Chus. Greenhami to former club leaders, Mn, Brooks, Mine. DuBeau and Miss, Mildred Snowden. freshmeats were scrved in keeplng wlth Valentine sentimnt anid a social tinte enjoyed. Mordi meeting, rol cmii,-bing a jar o! homemade pickles, fruit or jasa for thie hoapital. Speaker front Dis- S. Teacher' r 40 Years maineti for anc year. A!ber heavintg Oshawa be came ta B.H.S. wtîcre he was a popular beachen far, five years- from aroundthebbcFall of 1921 ta June o! 1926. Mn. Scott le weli nememnbere i by torner sbutients bore for bis excellent bcnching qualities. Mr. Scott then bnught for aine yearsat Arnprion whcre be- was principal ant inl 1935 went to Goticrich. In 1920 be marriedthebb formi- er Rheta Lee who bati alsa at- tenduetiOshawa High iSchool. Thcy have two sons anti a dnu- gbten who bave also gaincti scbolastic distinction. Le la an M.A.' o! science la chemical engineering, anti for sevea years was with bbc University o! Alberta before joining Im- perl 011 in process design. Donald Scott, B.Sc., grntiuabed la engineerng pihysica anti is manager o! a brani ho! the Nelson wholcsale plumnbing, hcating and ventilating firm o! Detroit, in Windsor. Their dmu- ghter Joan, ha t Urec years la an honor course la home econ- omnics la Toronto anti now ne- sides la Londion whcre ber bus- bandi Alex. Clark ia music tea- cher la Medway Higlh Sobool anti organist o! Meropolitan Unitedi Ohurcb. ELIZABETH VILLE , On Wcdnesday thbe W.A. met at thie home o! Mn. anti Mrs. Shepparti. Mis. Trew bbc pre- sident opene thebb meeting with Uic usual Odes anti pletiges, tollowet with a bytain anti prayer. The theme w'as Spirit o! iMan Islethe Candile o! bbc Lord. The nminutes o! the iast meeting were read anti approv- cd. Committees were appoint- cd for thie coftning supper on Wedncstiay nig'hit wibh elities for a programme. March 4 le World's Day o! Prayen. Wc arc ta provide music, lb lu at Gar- dei Hill. Mra. Trew bas been nekedti t go bo Paris for thc ralhy at Five Oaks Ib was bbc missionaiy meet- ing. Mrs, Whceler gave bhc pa- per on Hawaii, bbe !ifiebh sta- te. Lunch was serveti. The eup- pen ta be Wetinesday thc i7th, witft slides aftcrwards. Sorry ta heai bu-at -Jobnny Van baleis n't as wcll as he was. He has been taken ta hos- pitail !nom Maltion, lb would seeni - that bis leg isn't doing as well as it shoulti and be mny have ta have anothen openabion. Miss Syibol Shepparti, Pont Hope, was home for bbc week- endi Congratulations are extenti- cd ta Miss Gwcn Mercer who won one o! the spelllag certi- ficntes given ta a Grade* 12 commercial stutient iby Nation- al Office Managers Association. Suntiny Scbooh andch curch weie helti as usual. 1 Mr. anti Mis. W. MuhdiW, Oshawa, weîe tiown on Satun- day. .One o! tbc wonst storms o! thie winben is upon us bonight with isnowisig anti bbowlag. E. Fowler anti H. Thickson bath bcd tua work on Sunday cleazding uamy enow. Transports taking tobacco eut tAis wcekcnti have had considerabl, trouble gettàng la andi out again. Mr. andi Mis. Corry Van bolle aimend the icwedding a! ber brother Keibb Màcdbnald la Aylmer on Saturiuy. Mr. ati Mis. Van bolle (Sr.), Delhi, thbe chiltirca whmUe Uiey 1were away. TYRONE 'Me FebrUary meeting o! thc Wommas Mlmonary Socicty wau heiti at the honte o! Miss Jean PhlIP witii 15 ladies pre- sent. President Miss Grace 1 ftbh opeiedtheUi meeting with 4 Pocni. TheBull Calli wusan- swered by our tavourite iymnm, a C rltas letter wus rend trosa MissAlice »mannso! In- cU oui MladoSry tor nr Mrn. H. Skinner grouv l1ead-ý Quota.- Is $3,000 Red Cross F Annualý B'lt Here on M< Thie February meeting of the Bowmanviile and District Brancb o! thie Canadian 'Red Cross Society was held Wed- ncaday, Feb, 1tl the iCoun- cil Chamabers, with the pre- sident, Mr. D.- Marsden, pre- sidlag. As ln years past, March la Red Cross Montb. Mina. D. Marsden, Cainpaign Chair- mari informied those present that plans are weil under way for canvasng bbis area. bMon- day, Marcb 1Ath wiil be Red Cross Night in Bowmanville. The outlying, districts wil be canvassed la bbc two wccke previaus ta Blitz Nigbt. Oui Brancb quota bas been naised ta, $3,000 for bblas year andi thç support o! evcry citizen wvlll be needet inl order ta, pravide these funds ta carry caonthe' bunvintarian woîk o! the Red - Cross both at home antic abroad. it The Ontario Division quota for 1960 is $2,591,913.00; 40 %i l o! Uic National objective, Ia- 1c ereaseti services andi ever in- I creasiag demnands on Uic Blood Transfusion Servicel bave naisedtheUicOntario quota, 5.8% over 1959. Forty cents o! cach canipaign dollar contri- buted by you is useti to oper- ate tbc Blooti Transfusion Service. Large divitiends re- suit !n-om tUic enàaiinvest- ment-over 200,000 boties of1 bhood wilh be collectedtiin 1960. At $25.00 a botble the old charge made not boo long ago), buis represents a savmngE ta bbe people o! Ontario and I50 ta you o! Bowmanvilhe and District o! over $5,000,000.00. Interesting Movie Shown Scout Mothers legular monbhly meeting of moviag pictures o! Uic Lead- Uic Scout Mothers' Auxiliary crs' Training Course heldi at was helti la the Lions Centre Scout Camp at Blue Springsi at 8 p.m. on Fritiay 11. There near Acton. Pictunes o! Cubs werc 19 mothens present. on a camping weekend at Ruth Evans reponteti a bank Prcsqu'ihe Point proved that balance o!, $119.26. work donc by leaders and as-1 Sewig convener ,Bonnie aistants is not in vain. 1 Mcfloaalcl'sali six necken- Everyone jolacti in bbank-i chiefs had been made for Zat i ng 1%&. Snowtica for showingg Cub Pack. Betty Nichols sali us jusb a part o! thc work no illness was reporteti, so no donc andthbb fun la Scoubing. carda sent out. An3one bear- Lunch was served by Bettyi img o! a Cub Scout, or a mo- NichaIs andi Florence Grahamn. tber o! a Cub or Scout being Nexb meeting wil be hcld- ill lsansked ta, report ta Mis, on Mardi iOth and ail moth- K. Nichais, 33 Second St. MA ers are laviteti. 3-3179. Alter the paper drive on March l8th, Kay Stephen, He -i u len Sturrock andi lac Sihack- Uniqe Service leton, wiil serve drivers anti belpers coffee, milk antid doughuts.Held Sunday Mis. luth Evans reporting for lsb Cub Pack saiti*a con-A StA d w s test hati been rua among bbc t t nd e ' Sixes andtiheb winning Six On Suntiay, Fcbnuary 14th, had been treateto tahbb Ice service in St. Andrcw's was Folles show la Toronto hast coaducteti by Isymen, mcm- Friday night. bers o! bbc organizabion, "Pies- Mina, lace McDonald report- byberian Men"in"l Peterbor- eti for 2nd andi 3rti Cub Pac-ks. ough Presbytery, o! which A. TheÉe were aine ncw boys la H. Sturrock le President, andi 2nti Pack. Maay, badges have James Bell, Secretnry, bath o! been carneti by both Packs anti St. Andrew's. special <laya anti outdoor hikes The~ sermon, on Uicetiubies arc planneti for the weeks t and responsibilibies o! bbc corne. The Packs are alsO Christian Chunch members planning Pamily nlghbs. was prencibed by Wilfred Hus- The Auxillary wiil cater for kilson, o! St. Andrew's, Ca- bbc Parents' Dinnen for Mr, bourg, wbo forcc!ully and dy- Mathewson's Pack on Febru- namicalhy presentedthebb neeti ary 29bh. "Thank You" cards for Christian wibness. Scrip- from FP. Osmiond, 4th Pack bure readings were taken by Leader, andi V. Mathewson, Walter Morris, St. Giles 2nti Pack Leader, were reati. Church, Peterborough, James The meeting adjourneti andi Miskcl]y, St. Andrew's Church, closeti with thc Benediction. Cobourg, Lester Reid, St. President Kay Stephen thea Paul's Churcb, Peterborough. caileti on Mr. Bert Saowtien Prayer was offéed by Verne of Maple Grove, wbo showcti Harrison. Fowler's Corner. .The organization, "Presby- bbc hem "'%. ord, Pay-teman Mcn", le this denomin- ci." ainns a th eicgreat lay two ovement. o! bhc churches o! Mis. Russell Wrighit gave toau tenominabions. Mien o! thc interesting ebapters o! the churches arc becomin.g in- Study Book. Mis. H. Skinner creasingly awane o! iheir re-1 rend a messge by Patine sponsibilities for Christian1 Young." World's Day o! Prayer wlbness, anti no movement la wilh be fieldin thie <ibUidi, thc bisbory o! the Christian March 4th church la this generation holds The W.MS. Preabyterla wfi greater promidse for tbc vital- be held'la bhe Sîmcoe St., Uni- lzing o! bbc wbole church. ted Cburch, Oshawa, February Ia spite o! bbc inclement 24. weather conditions, there was John Jackson ententained, aa Ag9ooti congregatiOn a! mcm- few itte chm& 1, hs Mbers. and frienda. The praise !ebittl chni onbis9U service waa led by a choir of birbbiay.organization mca, wîbli solo- Tyro boys cnjoyed a skating iat Cam, Fraser, St. Giles Party on Saîturdàait etb home Chunch, Peterborough. After O! John andi Irwin HanlilîtOn. lunch at bbc home o! James Sevenal from tbis commun- Bell in thc Bank o! Montreal i1y attendedtheUi Haydion Com- chambens, a workshop meet- munity Turkey Dinner, Satur- ing was helt inlatbe school- daY evening at the Communiby zooms of St. Antirew's Church, Hall, 1-amptan. on aystemntlc Bible studv and Symp'atby la extendcd to Mr. discussion, training la Public anti Mrs, Rlph ilus on ïthe Spealcing, methode of cburcbi sutiden passinig o!flier father, orkbth talig o! serices! Mr. W. H. Merry, Milton. in congregations temporanilyl wlthout minisbers, and relatcd Sympathy la also extendedt t subjects. Worksbop meetings Mr. andi Mis. Bill Johinson on are helti weekly la bbc variaus tbc passing o! ber father,- Mr. churches la the Prcsbytery. John Wùbtcn% Bhackstock. Mr andi Mrs. Grenville Byamn arc the proud> parents o! a son. Mie. Florence Scott visiteti Mi. and Mis. W. Moectonialti, Bowmaiuvllle. Mr. andi Mis. Normant Leach, 0 Taunfton4 celetuoated tiheir 49th weddng anniversarY at bbc home o! their daugliten, Mn. anti Mis. Arthur Youngma. Otihers prescrit were, Mr. John Kiveil, Miss Penn 'Leach, Mn. anti Mis D. Fnet iand- fanily, ' T T Solina ati Mr."Olerenc, Wood- » ' ley.T Mi. MaTy Flntiley, Union-. ville; Mn. and Mis. Dean lnd- hay anti !amlly, Oiiwe, plut- T cd thbe home o! Mr. anti Mns. C. Bigelow " Miss Elleen Spicer, Bownmn- ville,, visiteti Mr.- ati Mis, E. A Virtue. A quilting ho. lu being htalt ln thie Sunuday Scitoci room this week by Club 49. Mir. A. HUis attended Uice tuneral o! the late W. I. Mer. s vLPLTE? Sn is Pepsi-Cola! For today's Pepsi goes with modem ideas about ilim good looks. Neyer heavy, noyer toc, sweet, it refreshes without filing. put Pepui on your shopping liat. Duy t in the handy (.bottle cirtO8 ..... ......... - - - a ,a . . Il Q - ~. ~ -..., 'fT~'-T~T'~p ~. ~ ~ T - ~ T. ~ - .T~ *~-~.' T T T .-C IL l 'Ianning zNight irch l4th Mrs. Young, Loan Cupboard iously depleted and ail led co-chairman, reported that al j Cross brancbes across Cana. te wheel chairs and crutches da are doing their utmost to are out on loan but that anc replenish these nccessary bed is available and' aiso many items as quickly as possible.' other smaller items for Uic Item o! childic' ciothiing, sickroom. baby layettes, soeks, shawls, Mrs. E. Rundle, Ohairman quil-ts arc available. Aayone Çome's Work Comxanittee,I wisbing to assist ia this wonlc reported that many items o!f shou Id contact Mmr. E. Run- knitting and sewing are al- dle, 10 Jane St ' Market 3-5430. ready taking forai under the The Brandhis laiso ianned busy needles o! local womea. a! a large wardurobe or dress- [b la boped that many more ci for thc storing o! scwing wiil remeraber the great ac- supplies., If you bave one tuck- complisbmnts o! tbc wartime cd away in youn cellar or at- sewing groupa, and lend a tic, Mrs. Rundie would b. hand now. The Canadian Red niost grateful to herna, tram Cross maintains tbree ware- you. houses in Europe, filled witb Thé imeeting closed with te emergency supplies o! bcd- abowing o! eides "Servlaik ding and clothing ready to be You in~ Ontario". T)icse, gavo rushed toanay disaster ares. a vivid pictorial report of tbe Thousands of extra articles eighteen lRed 'Cross services are being used for tbc coi- in ttis province. Youn execu- fort o! refugees during World tive regret that more persoa Re!ugee Year and many more werc not present ta sec them, emergency supplies have been bowever lb la hoped that tbey sent to the 10,000 paralysis wili be shown several times victîms la Morocco. Ware- during the weeks preceding house supplies have been ser- tbc campaign. HAV YOUs*EA T I O E The Young wife was the beauti- fui but durnb kind and her husband was considerably Up- set: "You'll have to watch it, ' darllng. The baÉk Just returu- ed thc last two cheques y0u wrote.» WIfe: "'Well, U's about Umne. Think o! al the cnes that Just disappeared!» Unlike tbc beautiful but. dumab wife you'Il be money in the bank, whcn you cabruet your dry cleaning to us. Your clothes will look better, hast longer, when they receive proper dry cleanlag care. We've even been kaonôta restare garments that wee given up for lost . . because making stubbora spots and stains DISAPPEAR ie oui Md. Leslie specialty. Dowmanville Chamber o! Commerce Amnua! Meeting (To.aight) Thursday, February 181h As we have. enlarged our business 1we are now equipped Io do.. PAINTING DECORATING