Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, page 2

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PAGE TWO Religion for Today The OnIy Perfect Man A Weekiy Talk By R.v. RILNicholson Jesus Christ was a perfect angry and loec his temper?" Man-the only perfect maný Yes; he w»s angry. In th.e third that ever lived. If you will, chapter of St. Mark's Gospel study carefully the story of, we are told that one SabbOLth Ris life, as it is given in the day he went into a synagogue, Gospels, you will flot be abie and there was a man there to find a single flaw in it. He with a witbered hand. He was was absolutely siziless. evidentiy set there bi' the But you may say: "Did flot Phariâees to entrap Jesus, and Jésus on one occasion beconie.they werc watohing Hm to see if lie wouid heal on the Sabbath. We are toid that Jesus "looked round about on them with'anger, being griev- ed for the hardness of their hearts." These men cared more for the puncilious ob- servance of the traditions of the eiders, than they did for te reieving o! the distres o! a feilowxnan. Jeaus was angry, but it ws anger with- out sin. It was righteous I- dignation agaitist that which was evil. If you desire te know the truecoharacter o! a man, you should listen to thc teatlmony of his eneniies as weil as that ........o! bis friende. Now, what is Î* y.r covuelua thstimony of the en~mieo Of Jeans? rip-tê"dat The Je"s were constantly purin ing Hlmn from place t. thodwes sou va~' place, seekin~g t. entrap Hlmn ~shold cva b.out of date, in word or deed, but ail thei.r ~'Syor i~imne covermas. efforts were in vain. They ;ropo«y velues bave bees couid !ind no fault, no weak- iloing up fcr ycars. As a resuft, ness, in his ciarecte. Lu oucl roal There w«s Pontius Pilate, nore today than when y", The ]Roman Governor. He was îE . < o hd o a judge, accustoxned to exam- t 't 1'Yomhadffl mie men. He could read char- ereased your insurance f0 c<>ve acter, and h.e aid: "I find no *h& added velue- and >'0Wr fautl in Hlm." (John 19:6). ibeoise were destroyed - you Again he said: "I have found icotIId talce a bigs . Make no cause of death in Hlm."l sure yow 're fullY protected. (Luke Z3:22). Agan he de- C40 m fer e coenplfte prop- cilared: "I amn innocent of the. i mseru dedwkp today. blood of this riohteous man." (Matt. 27:24). PUlate's wiffe :ent a warn- ing to her husband. Wemen have keener intuition than men and she sent a message t. Pilate, saying, "Have thou nothing t. do witth "t right- cous mean?" (Matt. 27:19). INFIURANCI MAL ESTATE There is the evidence of the penitent thie!. Two thieves aing st. 3. Dowmanville were crucified with Jésus, one on cither aide. At first Office Residence both mocked and reviled Him. But presentiy one repented. lIA 34081He was touolicd by the mar- vellous forbeamance and gen- "he's wearing p«il Ahandknit, SWEATE R COAT"1 uu m a e mbination that can't be boat 1 a.6s s.femmu POLAR 4 ply quicknit M» cea woa Yom - eam th~e OUQUIT - u w4e patmns 'wmu bend pkk yow sueice of eny IS unique deigne stjch as cardigan., isoelc e4~osbo, soks, etc, ti ai zes for .very member off the farmily. IououOT POLR YARN 98t lm 4 m l émi souQUIT SWEAiTER PTTEIs 25c S~Wt yeuu' knittng asasn now by paying us ilviitil1 ""BIG 20"' lq, NG ST. W. LIMITED1 BOW>IANVULLE I7. We respcctfully requcst th assistance o! ail people in our efforts t., combat crime. We suggest that you take the serial numbers of your tires, radios, television sets, ower tool an eqipmet. &sto 1ta ew;es indeed the Mes- gooda that we Fan içlentify. 1sathe Saviour o! mcxi. H-e, This is positive identification. itiierefore rebuked bis fellowv To the Mcrchants-We reaiize theand ah thc iast moment that new merchandising meth- ire t ead him hto amend ods and thc impulse sales for- hsways, and he said: "We mula are stimulatixig for sales. breiethe due reward o! our There are times when it is im- 1 edbut this mani hath donc possible ho have hwo clerks on ntiganiiss." (Luke 23:41). duty. Please take and record Teewas the Roman cen- theserial numbers o! such ar'- tuinwho was ini charge o! ticles ashnesiyb aken tesoldiers who crucified Je- by shoplifhing or breaking and ssHestood ah the place of enhering. We require theni for dt tthe foot o! the cross. identification purposes. Leave Hewihncssed the actions of lights burning whcn you leave J es nd heard hie last words. your homes and places o! busi- He was surprised ho note that necss. Do not cash any type o! when lie w»s reviled, he did cheque for axiy straxiger. Sto- not revile again; hie did net len Baby-Bonus and other Gov- gnash bis teeth anid spit in ernnieent cheques have turned the. faces of lus tormentors uJ) in Bowmanville. lice other criminais. But he 8. Mohor Vehicie accidents w»s calm and self-possessed, have been cut by about 20% and lie offered that marvel- witli a corresponding decrease loueprayr: "athe fo in the number o! persons in- loem, fryr:"he owfo ivejured li these accidents. This then, or heykno no; watspeaks well for our drivers. hhey db." (Luke 23:34). The The number o! young persons haart o! this hardened, mer- under 21 obtainixig liquor and cenary soldier was touched, havixig liquor i a place other and he exclaimed: "Truly tibs than a residence, namely a mo- w»3 a righteous mani." (Luke tor vehicle is the cause of 23:47). "Truly this man was some concerxi. 1 do not feel the Son o! God." (Mark 15: that this great social problem b9). can be overcome by prohibi- His enemies ba nou-tien-I do net prehend that I tairy tcstimony ho Bis piehy, know the answcr. I suggest that when they utter their gibe: iii may b. beiped by example "Hie trusted li Godfl'"H"e and educatioxi ah home. The saved others, hiniself he can- first instruction I received as net gave." (Matt. 27:42,43). a Police Constable 21 years ago There is tue striking testi- was-"Oie e!, the biggest jobs mony o! Judas Iscariot. Judas a policeman has .hoday is ho knew Jesus intimately. He had try and get our young people lived wvith hlm for three years. through the years ho about 25 He had soid bis Master for years o! age, wihhout theni get- thirty pieçes o! silver, but con- ting inte serious trouble, if we science-stricken he went back can do this, they wiil hui'n to Uic chie! priests with the eut ho be excellent citizens." meney, saying: 'II have sinned The great majority e! our i thlat I have betrayed inmo- yeung people give ne cause for cent blood." (Matt. 27:4). concern. There is this minorihy Jeans, Himseif, challenged that I am rnxying to reach and bis enemies te, conivict Him o! that is the reason for the con- sin. "Which of you convmncchh cern. The court-room is net nie o! in?" he demanded, and the place te learn that drivig bis challenge w»i neyer met. and drinking are net compat- His eneniies onld flnd no ible. This combinatien wids fanît li bis characher or con- duct, and ah last he was coxi demned only by the produc:-P e nt J E Thus we sec tihat accorchng A t. thc testimony o! bis exie-W i h H s 3 mies Jesus was a perfect maxi. ln is "Jesus, thou Joy o! loving Jack Buttoxishaw, Dcpart- bearts,met24 a opee.31 Thon Fount o! life, thou met241a onitd3 Llght ef men, years with the Goodyear TireP Froni the best bliss that axid Rubber Company o! Can- earth imparts, ada, Ltd. Fe was prescnted We turm unfilied to thee witb bis 3-Year Service Pin &gain. by Charles Cattraxi, Manager o! the company's Bownian- TbY trutih uxiçhanged hath !ville Plant. ever gtood; o He started « work ah the Thou savest those who o plant in Mrdi 1923, but alteri thee cal: zi vpq pf d.n mr . urth - To hhem that seek'thce, thou art good, To tliem that fixid thce, al inial" OBITUARY MR&. A. M. WASHINGTON The. death occurred at Wind- sor, Ont., on Sunday, Feb. 7, o! Alice Maud Washington, widow of Norval S. Washing- ton. Thc deceased, wlio hiad been i poor heati for several yemr, was li ber 8ist year. Born in Darlinghon Town- ship i 1880, thc deceased had lived i Windsor for more than 35 years. She w-as a niem- ber o! St. Paui's United Oliurcb, Windsor. Predeceased by lier husband June 6, 1954, Mrs. Washing- ton ha survîved by a son, Ralpi A. Washington, o! Windsor; a brother-in-iaw, Harold A. Washhingtx. o! Oshawa, anid tour grandchildren. Te fuxienal service was hcld ah thie Ellisoxi Funcral Home, Windsor, at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9. Interment was i Zion Cemetcry, Darlin-gton Town- I sbîp, Wedxcsday, Fcb. 10. Rcv. I Dr. George Telford, ministe o! St. Andrcw's United Churc cenducted thc committal ser- vice. 'NE WTON VILLE Miss Irene Lee o! Morrish,, spexit the weekexid with Miss Carol Clysdalc. Mx'. and Mrs. Leland Payne axrived home from their trip to Florida on Friday. Mre. Ken Warceand Mrs. Stewat Bassetit o! Toronto, wee weekend visitera witli Un. Gea. Ovens. f&.anid Mmr. Arnold Wade and son Grant and Mrs. Jean Cochr'aineo! Newcastle, spent Sunday witb Mx'.anid MT@. Sid Lancaster. Congratulationsa te Mrs. Gil- mer-Smith who w»s 91 ycars young on Sunduy, Feb. 14tli. Mr.anid Mrs. Lloyd Aitchi- son and famiâly moved intoi Uiiir new home on ITiursday. Mx'. and Mrs. Jini GiInxer- and iasnly c! Port Hope, spesit Sunday wftli Mr. axid Mrs. Clinton Brown. 'fic ladies o! the W.A. have been busy quilting two quilts, one~ ah Mx'. Fred Nesbitts and tie otiwx' et Mrs. Clinten ErownL. PReçent visiters witii Mr. and Mus. Reymiond Bruce were Mrs. Gle Borr f McArthur's Mlle, sud Mx'. and Mx'.. Ken Wy ofOsha. On Sunday Un x'rnice MeG. o! Toron- to and M&. Barl MeLend o! O.hawe vent fthc day wMt themn. The Bw'ley Bus Uines o! Obourgtock over the Gartoxi Bus Lineso! Bowmanvilic on Ilondacy o!this wcek, Conrat- niatione Keth! Mr. andi Mnr. Jés. Adamns cf Torornto, speet Sunday with Mr. and Mn.. Andrew Reih- ,rath.4 Toronto firm in Auguet l199 He returned te bis job in De- partnienh 274 ah tie Good-I New SmaII E Introduced1 OSHAWA- Gencral Matorsi o! Canada, Limited, today ini- troduceti a new Briish car de- signed and bulit especiaily for Canadisaus. 1h will be solci in QÉhs ares by Roy W. Nicliols, Ceurtice and Bownianvilie. Calleci tieFinvoy, 1h has a four-cylindier engin. andi a 98- inceh wicclbase, andi wilbe available ln four series: Exivoy Standard, Envoy Special, En- voy Customi, ail in four-d'uor sedan models, andi Slerwood, a five-passenger station wagon. Tic new car is te b. manu- factured for General Motors Productis o! Oainadja, Limihed by Vauxhlal Motors Limiteci, Lu- ton, EIngland, and will be sold only ini Canada. Parts a-nd ser- vicing will be availabel coast- to-coast. The Envoy wîIl offer an un- usually wide range o! celer combinations andi luxurlous interior reatmenîts. There wilbe pile carpets on the floor o! srnie models and 1 TuE CANADIAN STATESMAR, IOWMM<vniLLZ TAl1 __________ ?URTAY, ria. lm; ne . - 1 1 uip wlhh a suspension o! driv- ing privileges. 9. 18 business premijies Were found inuecure duwing the conahables' n.lght patrols. This is down fromn 110i 1958. W. checked 103 homes while people wcre awey on vacation froin pexieds ot overnighh ho a pcriod of the winter months. 1h i n.your best interest ho notify Uic police departiment when Yeu Whi be away from your homes anid where you can be locahed and wlio is in charge et your home whiie you are away. Periodic checks are made daily. 10.. -191. Transienta were given nicais duriig flic year and put up ini the celle for evernigbt's lodging. This is an unsatisfactory condition. We reed more cel space. We only have two ceils. Maxy iy res during thc yeer we have had 7 prisoners. On twe occasions 9. I feel the oeils slîould be ah least doubicd to 4 cells and a steel door replace the Wood- eni door at the entrance te the celle. il. Equipment added dur- ixig the year was a camera, Uic works department and men of Uic police departinent builh a dark rom and al e! o! our film is processed by CpI. Frecthy. The thankr, o! tie corporation. should go ho 34r'. E. Réhder and YEr. J. James. Mr. Rehder allowed us the use of a camera and bis dark-room until we were able te purchase is equipinent. Mr. James bas allowed us te use a dryer foer drying prints f rom the finie our dark-room w»s set up. Cpi. Freethy's spe- cialized txaining bas paid off in many ways and has miade us more effective as a policr. dcpartmenh. Wc are aise us- ing a Thermo-Fax copier li Uic Clerk's office. This en- ables us te supply reports o! Motor Vehicle accidents te In- suraxice Compaxiies for a tee o! $2.00 each. We aise charge a fce of $1.00 for police clear- ances for persois needing thei in emigrating te the MS. Chief Reports BIG ÎINCREASE UN CRIME (Centinued frein aM week) This year wc chaxiged ho an ,8 cylindex' autoaaic mot«r vehicle. 1th les been more ef- fective in Traffie violations as 07 speeders can attest. The second car question bas 'been partially solved by Uic acquisition by the Qie! Coni- stable e! a Motox' Vehicle. We are respenaible for the trans- portation of prisoners ho and froni thc county gael. This was fornierly donc by the County Gaol Staff until the law was changed i 1958. The Town recovered frem Uic Counties $776-10 Town paid Uic Chie! Coxstable- -------$700-00 Surplus te the Town _.$ 78.10 Town paid $823.40 i 1958 i car rentais. Mlles travelled in 1959 wihheUi rental car on Town business was 9356 miles. This system makes a car available ah ail times for Pa- trol work in the Town. Tuis le NOT a. money malcing Pro- position. 12. Town paid tic consta- blcs for 793 hours o! over- finie ah $1.50 per houx', $1189.- 50. Thtis wai necessary i or- -der fiat a mininmum staff might b. maintained at al turnes. The constables werc granted a 40 houx' woric week with their lait contract. I was istructed te give finie off for overtime worked. I !ound this impossible, as, byr this report you can sec tinat we have had a heavy work boad fis year. Ih le truc tinat we do have 8 constables. But un- like industry, I caxinot coin- press 7 days work ixte 5 days. Eight mien have 16 days off per week. lI actuality we are working with a 8 maxi force, with the other two men workin.g relief shifts. This niakes us short one mian for two days a wcek. On va- cations and for sickness, I have ne alternative but te work the meni extra heurs. To be best of my knowiedge. they have neyer gx'umbled or coin- plained. 13. Ail members e! the Police Departjment have gra- duated f rom Uie Ontario Po- lice College.. Cpl. Freethy graduated from the R.C.M. Police îdentlfteation achool. 1 recornnwnd, that this year the Chief Constpble be sent to the Chie! Coistable's Schiol at MeMater University and Cpi. Frsethy be ment to the Sergeant'a School at GSaven- hurst. There is ne charge to the Municipaity except a $10 reiStration tee and the return transportation, plus the man's salary whMe he in at his sohool. This achool program is aponsored and Paid for by the Attorney-Generalls De- partinent of the Province of Ontario In conjunction with the Chie! Constables Assocîa- tion of Ontario. Ini order t. prevent ignorance of the tunes and t. keep up with ohanging conditions, as long as I amn your Chief Conutabie, I will recOmrmend that these courses be attenqied every year by mernfers of my de- Partment. When I became Chie! Constable, I promised only that we would have the most alert and efficient Police Departinent it was possible to direct. Tihese recommanda- tions are i keepmng with these aima. 14. A good portion of the Chie! Constable's tima is spent in, planning. H.e must know whiat is goin-g on. I work very closely with the Indus- trial Comniissioner. I mnust have generalities of any large scale project. I do not require specifics. I&'. Morris has been nmcet helpful during my termn as Chief Constable. Industry- Subdivision - New Commeýr- cial establish.ments bring peo- pie and people bring prob- lems to the Police for advice and a possible solution. Fif ty new homes in a sub- division bring 400 plus peopie and possibiy 5o more cars. We are at the Eastern End o! the Golden Horseshoe tliat .extends to Hamnilton. Bowmanville has experien- ced a Population increase in every decade since 1901, ex- cept the depression ycars w-hen it was level. It has .nearly doubied since 1945 viz; .1945-4042; 1959-7203. rProjections of population at a normai growth rate show that Bowmanviile wiil have by 1970-Ontario Water Re- sourcels Commission, 12,000 people; 1977,-Procter, Refern & Laxguhlin, 14,700 people; (We are building a sewage disposai for this number); 1980-Gordon Report with new Industrial Growth, 20,- 000 people. The growth o! Oshawa also effecta or affects the Town of Bowmanville. 1500 new jobs at General Motors nieans tha w. Will suPply the housinM, and sohools8 for a proportion of this People, wh-ich eould nuniber 6000 new faces lin this area. A growîng problem is the Lake area. I ar n ot Iooking for extra work, but I mnust be concerned with Public Safety. W.e do flot have any equip- ment t. enforce the rules of the road on the water. We1 - 4dirt, mmd softan* U. skia $440 vatas fer$SM FOR ONLY A FE W You Con Hit a Real Jackpot!, Advertise Your MDon't Wants" in ~ ~au~ÎuWant Adi Almoit every home has something of value that may' b. a "don't want" ho you, and a "want very much" for somneone else! Maybe Juniox"s outgrown bis bike, mom would like a newer washer. Pop's got hi% oye on some new hobby! Idie but useful items are lucky combinations for quick cash. But to sou 'am, you gotte. tell about 'em! Do it withà low.coet, few. pennies-a-day Classified Ad in this paper. DRING OR 'PHONE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD TO nbe sLmbo4 i, e~a Fiel MArket 3.3303 READ BY 25,000 PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS WEEKLY -p p - YARDLEY DOUBLE VALUE: Jcý4 BEAUTY SPECIAL ap .yset inl na"atig ouil ie. 'r endply us a a riue p. iss* an eore me$s.74 Buttonshaw O Year Pin year Plant. in December o! the sne year.He bas had exper- ience on many jobs in the saine deparhmenh li the inter- vcxiing years, and is now en- gaged ah tank lining. Mx'. Buttonsbaw was born li Englaxid. Be is a veteran o! World War 1, an outdoor sportsman and isleespecially keen about huntiig and fisi- ing. Lash, October bis ticket was drawxi in tic Irihl Y>. .D LEY sici., lid is a long horizontal trini bar. The Firvoy has a paxioramic windshicld anid a wfrap-around rear wirxdow. The overheadý valve eigixie las a compression ratio o! 7.8 ho one, and devei- eps 55 hp. Police Chief WiIl Speak on Traffic Clinic Sweepstak~es andi ticreceiveci Sunday, Apri] 3rd was heu- $2,000, aithougi his herse was tatively set as thie date o! the an "also ran". Men's Communion Breakfast ah the meeting of Uic Ho1Y Namne Society icld in St. Jos- nglish Car eph's Hall on Mon day even- Cooper, thie president, Tom býy a Masterson, vice - president, Bert Payne, secretary, and rubbcr floor mats on others. Joseph Cuddaiee, treurer. Upholstery le o! so!t durable Ih was decîded te sponsor an address by Police Chic! leatier and vynide or combin- Bernard R. Kitney on tic ations o! nylon cloth axid vyxi- Traf!ic Clînic. Parents are e- ide. The fronîtanid rear seats peciaily ux'ged te attend ho in sonie models have f0n learn o! the important instx'uc- paddig andi thie floor carpets tien given in tic local traffic have Uick undlerlaye of feu celinie. Chie! Kitxiey will also anId foani. show motion pîcture films The Envoy's strikixig grille dealing wti ail aspects o! andi front hood give it a chvar- Uic subect. The address wil acteiistic long, low look. The b. given in St. Joseph's Hal grille bas a series o! horizontal onSunya ft3:5ioon, arc brighit metal &bars toppecid 6t h :5o'nok eati elde by wide tumn-signais Tic presîdexit, Mx'. Cooper, andi parking lights. The front axinounced that thiePire Max'- 'hooci enblem.isl a tuin, ibright I shall has forbidden parking in metal line surroundeti by a Uihechcurch drxiveway, andi neti ovail wfhich extends near-' plans were made te have: 1y ho the headligiits. memibers o! the erganizatioxi mark the parking lot to facil- The side trim treatment, itate entranoe anid exit. which makes the Envoy 'n-xil Arrangements wcre aiso stantly recogizablc, further discusseci for making acidi- emphasizes flic long, low look. 1titnl tablesq for St. .Taqpnh's Te long, low look treat- ment lias been carrieci t. the rear endc toc. Big hall lights are set ah theiebotteni o!thie rear fexiders, and on tie trunk Hall. It was decided te give 10 boxes of chocolates at-the, Bingo to be held li the hal this Thursday evcxiing. 80 Couples Enioy Dance At Badminton The. 'Hard Times' Dance held by the Bowmanville Bad- minton Club on Saturday 1Feb. 6th at the clubhouse was enjoyed byr 80 couples. Art Ho per, chau'man o! the dance committec, o! the club, was in charge of arrangements for thc succestul event. He weu assisted by Douglas Rigg, Director of Recreation f or Bownanvilll., who introduced sevorai amusing novelty dan- eu wbicb mawde the party go wlth a swing. Proceeds froin thc dance' will go towards paying off the ixdebtedncss o! Uic club. The. cost of thea extensive re- novation o! t.he large Badmin- ton Clubbouse here this year amounted t. $5,000 nid Uic money to pay for 1th hpt We raised by dancea and the membership fées. Everyone had se rnuchfu at the. enjoyable 'Hard Timnes' Dance on Saturday that the club plans t. hold another We- fore the.enid o! the season. The. Central Ontaro Bad- minton Chwmpionships willl We held in Bownianville on1 Priday and Saturday, February' lOI! and Zt. Top Playera in the 4istrlct will tae. part, and tha Bowmanville Badnija- ton Club executive has stated, that thc publie is invihed toi go and wat.h the exciting &et&. & Free! Free!, BLACK DIAMOND with every purchase, of gas at your Vig o r 01 SERVICE STATION "W. Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MANVERS BOAD AND) FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Siamp Day Every Tuouday -Come Out and See Our lisplay of Giftu Complet. Lubrication et a Beasonable Prîe ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN AMY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPExLEVENIGSAuD SUNATS --J bave bëd lrmn'y sial ul et yeer on qm 0u9.op eration of inohor boat$. I wQuld ecoomend thst ar- rangements bW made in or. dcer th.t we might have the. use o! a power boat in an emergenc. I muet aise Uiink about'and train a successor for the. Chiet Constable's position. 1 muet rep>ort thkt the tiret phase o! the re-oteaion of -the.Police Departmnel coinleted, and I muet be *were o! the facto that an alert anid efficient Police De- partaneni, may bW the straw iliet wlll decide industry ho locate in Bowuinvlle. Tisu le a higbly conpetihive field and'we must ail de our part toward this end. Tc - provide for supervision for three shifts and with Uic above li mid, I recomid. thc promnotion ,o! Corporal Preethy t. Sergeant. The pro- Imotion of couitable Mid.b i of te Corporl. 15. 1 wish Wto a'~ Mayor and Members 1959 Couim. They aVe, slsted, the depatsuent in m&fl w*ys. à& rthanka amealsodq to the mfl7 CItt8Wu o! LTown who have helpé i t» fdepartment on , nmereuso0 casions. The. Ontario Provin-~, tclal Police umader Crpora' Kest asat us st *Vasyep portunity and tho erlZ%, partmoent of Transpot Wbb allow us the useo!cdNI? sosies in order tbat w. nIlj weigb trucks suispected 4f overloading. N14 thai*s ai te any person who ni have Inadvertently ,%* tAU in ail, Bowmunille le a good Tlown-Boot It. Respectfully, Yom.s Bernard IL Kitunmy ùe lý

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