Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, page 1

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e ltT.TT7?IMU 4ED E IVU'.JUJPJA? Iuë lu ag p. 1 U!WMANVILA5 ONTARIO, TRU1WDAY, FEBRARY 19%h,1960 p - LmZ-er .;opysi nnmmam-g C of .C. Holds If Giiren. Commitment'. Annuel Meet T*C Ti nWWIM W VIl8 Tolh,,t8eolth8e4Ow lW .II Juppy Eowmanvi%,0Chaber of Commerce w 1 hl lsan.-p anlai enerai meeting at thte Lions Centre on Beecli Avenue. Ai lInterested cifU-e - ýzens are cordlly invited toattend.N e1 The meeting wili deaiFoln o u g NwI d sr wlth the Secretary-Mana- o rI c ersreport of activities ot1959 and eleot offîcers and directors for 1960. Cît- Essential services for an ations o'Nwerlt wilI be pre- industry wiU e upidby sented te citizens who con- the town if the mdusrys ax- trbuedtoth twthest ' oi: 2 prcet«Newcastle's Busy Bird Wathri prizes wili be presented te Bomavlle Town Couneil oni the wlnners in1 the annuai Monday evening. Ail mem- home and store decoratlng bers of couxicil were present contests. except Deputy-Reeve Ivan The Chamber la anxious Hobbs, who was absent due te continue te work for to illness. the betterment cf ail plias- Councillor Ken Nicks told es of community life, but- council that the need for ser- needa the guidance, idea vice industria-1 site was again and support of many citi- discussed at the February . . zens if it Is to do the best meeting of the Bowmranviile possible Job. Sec you there Industrial Comission. He teniglit?. said due consideiration was S4.~4... «given to t.he oost in relation to the town's present and fore- LL cls debenture debt. NMom' W riyte I was, pointed out by Coun- k cillor Nicks that servicing in advance of need was flot ad- * Clare Garton, Ieft, sells bus line to Keith Burley M ay O pen vocated at' the present time~.....~ The Industrial Commission .«. . 0'ue R n h be prepared to supply sewer and water as required in or- corngta eetrprder to obtain additional sore- fflU. Mcmi Whyte is planning t enem- Iy needed industrial assess- ::" . bark on a new ventue a "dude ment......... ... ranch" in British Columbia. Asks For Commitment ~-.4 This would be in a"dtic>n te "The Commission strongly 4.'.y. Established in 1913 the Mountan View Home for rcmed oTw oni edryctzn tSummerland. that it firmly commit itseif *4*......... SoId tolaBsurley Bus in- t upyesnilsrie o elude an emergency hm and any industry provided the es- Sôld to B rley Buschildren's sumnmer camp on timated tax revenue, finan- their property near Nelson, cial status, and, or, growth po- The purchase of Garton under the management of! the to draw approxim.ately i ,ono B.C., which is supposed to 9ar tenitial cf the prospective in- C oacli Unes, Bowmanville, by new ownership Sunday, Feb. pupils covering an area from as soon as the snow gees. dustry justifies the expendi- Burley Bus Unes Ltd., Co- 14. The là buses in operation Col-borne to Bowmanvile and To date, no word has been And further, that the . bpurâ, has been announoed will continue to serve Bcw- provide a rapidlly expandiing received here that their former Industrial Commissioner be by K0lth Burley, president manville,, Oshawa and Whit- charter bus service. Whyte'haven proçerty soutih cf authorized to pledge these ser- axdgeneral manager and by with scheduled bus runs '"dEvey day we have one Maple Grave has been sold. (Continued on page seven) '" Clare Gartoný, owner of Gar- as well as transporting some or more buses out on charter toni Coach LUnes. The Purchase 500 pupils durmng SelOl and four or five every week-IPp 5fré IW For the past two years, Newcastle Community the "B" tournamentr CnrlOtr nietly périce was not disciosed. montAis. end,"p said Mr. BrleC aapdture C rdyyg Hall has been in use almost every night drn h oto hmwl Garton Coach Lines came- Burleyr buses will continue tilat both small and large winter months by the newly formed Badminton Club. ing the Central Cnai orgintti eknl buses are availabie, ail m od-T i e r i h o e 0 m m e s h l b h s b e h s p o o s o s Iern and equipped te go any-f r E s e n O t r obacigot'n on fil elaantotieSehnoPei 6l~~e es jBurley Bus Lines will now clubs. Last week, they visited Whitby and on Tues- Tournament Chairn Beteeyaden ikisn * t a1 pratega fn et of pacty3n5renton 12s day, that town's club returned the engagement. Next back row: Kay PowlLneSe(no nJa GIVE IT BACK - Mrs. Bill Bragg cf Providence franm 29inte ,atn wil empioyn T e t n 1 . yea.r, the enthusiastic village group plans to enter in, Wagar. fr-thoned on Wednesday to see if we could lend a 45 te 50 driver-mech.anics. onai, uel hk-D g.JmsJm Rcer r and in trying to locate her'husband's topcoat. He Speaking of the recently as, BwaiifrJvniehc- eg a es, Ji1 Aickard and regular bus runs, Mr. Bur- Ontario crown on ueda Next round in the playdowns Fv u tN w$ ot ComniyCentre on audy When they came iey lied this te say: «Il WUIiwh~en they defeated Trrenton is expected with either Rich to leave, his coat had gone and another, niuch sim- be Our aim, to provide the mond Hil or Coilingwood wh - In Crash 1 St ilar, was hanging in the* same spot. Apparently, he Public with every court'esy, 12 to 3 to win the series two are play'ing off aI the moment. Cuc thinks his own is either betteror fits more com- cOnIfOrt and conveniencW pos straight. The Juvenlies wIll keep their sil.Telcl Lcpae el ktà nti hsIy n Satu fortably. If you were at the dance and have the acing% is objective wfll balanice scoring punch with 10 by piaying an exhibition game TEn i. wrong coat, pes Phone MArket 3-2192. (Con ed on page/seven) players shairing in thie goals. against; St. Michael's Ixere at Pive people were injured in Tw a bg plae~Brent Hughes triggered a hat Mmh Arenia. liSonatry WHAT A UMOR -For th past everalweekstrick (3 goals) te iead the at- The game on Tuesday was a two carcolsnonatdy W manville has - bernhppswth oe of he 1 tack. Single markers went to their 20th wi in a row with at 8.55 P.m. The occident oc- T Bomnil a be opn it n fteMrs.-H réDies GryMcCullough, r Gill oloîtodt, No. 2 Highhy iear Tonoffset $5,6 12 Loss biggest rumors in history. Several people told us, Alex Wiseman, Terry Black, awa Juveniies happened te up- M~ape Grove Road. A car dri-O f s t $ 5 # on good authority, that Steinberg's were negotiat- U n Don Bagne]]. Bin Osborne, set the applecart iast night. vnby onld Bwtrveling in t urhaeth MrynBoc a heconr f From BwBurnswa taeln - .westwaird, and one driven by A report oni garbage collec- charged i previous yeasg n Division and King Sts., so they would have a main MR. . E Hownle, 5, fIit4'%eId ~UTUfimel~ oalws d W. SmtRR ,Rgtion whi te TownsrceivedR. a.sey g ncredsesth street front. After the tale really got underway, r3. .4 onie, 5, fdied *mmmgwas hdedeastwhen b omnil onCu- R .RyodteTw eve a ric ofove $10,00 ws mntinçd On lat Tusda niht nIhey met in a head-on collision. cil at the meeting heid in the Clerk stated thatgabe even aprice f over$ 100,00 wasmentiards On laie Tesday igex- Council Chamber on Monday bills are due and payabenw Saturday, we 'phoned the folks who should know, Memorlal Hospital as a re- i 4. g ,. .t aswr lmie x evening. It stated that in 1960 Ne poinled out, howeveta A%-,I the owners, and they told us nobody from Stein- suit of severe burns which W ill Stort on A pril 2 tensively. there will be a saving of ap- they can be paid by isal 'L~/I iIiia berg's had approached them, but the rumors she suftered wlien-hler dlo- MT. Brown, bis passenger, proximately $2,000 due te ments on the foilowingdts 'hlng eaught tire whie Dayiight Saving Time in brought up by Councillqr Glen- Leland M. Kaley, Mr. -and Mnraesilpc-p engArl2nJl 8 certainly had upset some of their tenants. It was Ïghting an cil steve at her Bowmanvile this year wil ex- holme Hughes. Ne said that Sniîh were taen to Memorial reducd tothre a yar, ad te- in Thisnd agreat rumor while it lasted. home at about 11:30 a.m. tend from Sunday, April 241h the Memorial Park Association Hospitl, Bowmanville, b y the billing donc at the Town 181h. Il was aise staîe ta t t t t t on MonHerdagte. I late Sunday, Oclober 301h. This requested permission to sub- Moris'amb lanc e hihthen a fice. there is a $25 fine on cnvc nmlyeti hsae MORE THAN A RUMOR - Another rumor that edaher-i-Iw was decided -on motion ef let a portion of the land ieased iushed the Smiîs tlVhe tien cf a breach of teb-i bu omlfrti iee Shirley Hone, saw lier U10- Reeve Sidney Little, seconded by il from the Town et Bow- year old daughter, Elamne, dir- Garbage ceaI for 1959 wa-s law for each offense. yasi omnHdsn has been floating around lately conicerns the ther-în-îaw's dress burn- by Councillor Wesley Fice, aI manville tb Mr. Beauprie for ectly te Sick Childiren's Nos- $25,378.49. Garbage accounts The cosl of special xr aae !teUepomn furniture branch of the F. F. Marris Ce. This was lut, as she entered tlic kit- the meeting et Bowmanvilie the purpose et setîing up his pitl, Toronito. receivable i 1959 were $22,- pickups will be $6 an« u nuec omsinbac confirmed this week and effective March ist, a ehen. She called lier lins- Town Council held on Monday refreshment booth. Mr. Brown, wlic had lus- 765.53. This lefI a deticit of for both commiercial anreiatshwpekn Te new owner will occupy the premises with the band, Donald Halle, front evening. The building to be erecîed on tained initernal injuries was $2,612.96 plus packer depre- dential. Mayor Wiltrid ar-Saemnté ek Mors ail esrctn atviis oth unrl aged ta put outthflifames. te the Bowmanville Branch et must meet the approvai of the Hospital iby Morris' amJbul- which gave a net deficit of realistic level. It does ntpn dvrieetwic per directing and ambulance service. More details Constable Jack Ricard the Canadian Red Cross Society building inspecter and the sani- ance aI one o'clock on Sunday $5,612.96. alize anyone, but il rvnsithsisec 1n nctzn will be availablein an announcement next week. and Constable Robert Dia- te hold a blitz campaigii for tary i n s p e c t e r, Councillor merniing. Mrs. Smith, whe had Suggested cosîs fer 1960 others from having te o r eeal od hi at Ail we can tell you at present is that the new pro- mond fram the Bowman- funds on Monday, March 141h, Hughes asserted. Ne added skull injuries was moved te were reported as follows: Re- special service toifrn am witruepomn pietrcmes fro rmt n. ville Detacliment h e a d- beîween the heurs et seven thal the quesptionnt.hepr iv- t!he ToronteGeneral Hespital -sidential ratpte, m $1 a m nt pl.b aigths d osdn VVinUItL li LIÂt jJLALt aUaw was mLs. .DlaUtey, .LOï LIberty St. South. t t t t t. .TOP CURLER - The former Molly Simpson,,now Mrs. H. M. Estaîl o! Kingston, while visiting her aunt, Miss Olive Thorne, Newcastle, last week- end, advised us that her son Robert, 19, won the Ontario District Championship in a curling bon- spiel at Owen Sound recently. This week he is in Noranda competing for the Dominion title in the Schoolboy Championship class. His great-grand- father,' D. B. Simnpson set him a goed example. Our information is that he was one of the top curlers in th15 area around the turn of the century. Mrs. Èstall still has a medal te prove Mr. Simpson's SPRING COMING - Word was received from Miss Loretta Kilgannon who is employed at F. C. Pethick's, that she.had epotted 24 te 30 grpsbeaks and one woodpecker in their back garden- suy"ly a sign that Spriug is not far off. Another sign o! Spring was in evidence on Monday when Lloyd Ells, the shoe man, started te revamp bis store front. Il will be wider with more display 'window when completed. Across the road, Cole's barber shop is also following the "Do-It-Now" work plan by having the interior o! his shop ýý*1O BLUNT - Councillor Sid Cornish of Darl- Meon Township complains that our headline 'was 'uPit too blunt in saying council declined te 'Wpprove Standard Time ln accord with tobacco - grwer s requesta. Apparently, the matter is ejther ~iunder discuion or had been discussed Previously. I Neighbors And Friends Raise Over $80 At Benefit Bingo On Tuesday night, the Memorîal Park Clubhouse was weflgate, Mrs. P. Cowan, Mrs. J. Buttonshaw and Mrm Donald Bishop* and at rlght Mrs. Vic Jetfery counts u ti.tàke while ber filled with friends and neighbours o! David Park who had ore Frank Woolner who called. out the nuznbers donated his servicei assistant, Mrs. Alton Richards, waits or ber nuznber to b. to assist hlm financzally. The event was a bingo which netted as dld the members o! the committee: This photo shows a called. , %. $W.45.. Door prizes were won by Mrs. H. Farrell, Mrs. P. Bath- portion of the large crowd busily watching their preclous cardai -tAua P"i ' ~ -.~-'.~- * - - s z .1 Inn pwS- fin"w _î mrunv.R oï 1

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