Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, page 11

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_________ -'I ________ _____ '* IMIRSDAY, TED. lOtit, lmW TU, CANAMENWAEK1,UOIIILUA Con vict Three Men 0f Dumping Garbage IIIegaIIy on Road ,.U lWCASTLE-Fines of dian sd costs a! thr-e lai-s wcre metcd out lu Court InuBawmanville an 1- e âayý morning by Magistral taxt#rto two local min an e résident of Clarke Townahi for illlagally dumping gai-be on bteroadallwanc af whî fs know- as the Morgan's aidE road east o! the villagei Clar-ke Township. 1O.P.P. Conistable Jack Ricar testi!ied that wbile patrolîli the road au February 3rd h noticed a large heap af gai-bu on tae aide o!fte uaad bh hween two well constructe and painted No Dumping aigr and aunimvaatigahing iould eai donc. leading té th t rdàe Sho were chargcd and pladadi j44ïý roug0i- vuflrâet i th ?er-- ê- aid CoUthebbcVillage ut Ncw- Ie ealsu pp liés a gerbae .col- id les syétm.for Il. residailts lp ah a ù nmlulchat g cand 1h ad- «e dition thie Couch Dut4p in openl et te lte résidenits of Newestla e- for dum1ping en Setiirdays fi-dm ini 12 néon lu 9:90 p..nosultai thera la nio- reasoul tfi- village Sd resîdenle bu use ioid allô*- rug axices ftto1unps. h. Constable Aicard bas asked ige us te issue a Warning la i-Cal- ie dents of thé villageanid t ~n- ed shlp bilai dumping ut garbege ns on thé road iulowafléS irnst vi- eaboIor fi-tr chargée ilbe en lil Ue>wcastle cSocial and f£Persona/ Mr. and P4rs. J. H. Jose vis- .Red in Bramnpton on Sunday *Îth Mr. antd Mra. Donald Jose and famiiiy. .The maniy friencbs of Mft. Chris Law willI be sorry ta Iearn that he is seriously 111 And is a patient I Mémorial Iospital in Bowmanvile. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Forbes 'Of Mltnite vigited wit~h Mr. And Ntes. Gordon Agnewv ait tatutday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cassie ,ând daughter Ruth of lirainp- ton were Sundav visitors with 'lUr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard *nd Eric. The many friends of Mr. ..F. Hare wilJ be sorry to learn that. she is a patient in, Mrs. WN. Storks New President Lionettes CIL tvcastle - The Febr dir meeting of thé asfle Lionétetes Club was ln te Lions room a!fte munihy ball an Moridaye lug with thitricer mem and three guets ln ah ence. The roon was dec( cd for Vaàlerttînc's Day ttc dituner tablè decked liest shaped déss#titË by tietbers ut tube comnti Lioniettes Orena Mégit,1 joÈle tiltlkngotn, Iténe iniughain, Aifesta Wili Mabel Goodê and Eva E Thc Preaident, Liar Doté lÇêlsey presided welcomced thé gueiéts, Chas. Warren f rom theé and Mrs. GaÈ.' Hancock. L etté Jean Ridkàtd waa winner af the nnhlyd anti buèlniéas dl§cttsséd lhe cd pIam lôt th@ booth draw- ho b. conducted by club dt te tuéitial Lions1 ival in July, and Uic etu canvass wbich again w-i] coruducteNd this year bi, el, iu Api'il for tiéC4C d!i Cancer Society. Me/ils Club Présidènt,C Meit w-as ptesent and ae ed with the annuel electioi otticérÉ Whith rcsulhéd as low-é: President, ia. l'a, Stcirkâ; vice presidenlt,1 Mariaie-iDkinson; Secret Mrs. Ai-esta Williams; Tr uuer, Mrus. Mabel Goade; cilHuatess, Mrs. Héléft ADLtI à& te ?4emurial Ilospital, ow- manville, ènd W-iljùkU inl wi.hing for het a opéédy and conplehe recoircry. Mi. anid Mft.. ted lsey, Peter anxd NiPit f -4Miday' visitera With ?&. and Mrné: James Ëedford anid iamily In Bowmanville. I&s. P. F. LeGresley 18 OpEflLing a ctUplej weks vIiing Wlth%: obifandi sister-lu-law, Aroitdèacon anid Mnr. C. W. Balfour lu Petéli- borcugh. Mi-. and Mra. Clarence 3. A-1lin are dthending Ontarid'o fauttt i toincial Rural Leai- ersbip Forum ai bbc Guild Ilm in Seerburough Fébtuftry 14 bu 20. vet; No6e Twister, Mm~. GracC Tonte and Directats Mi%'. EVi tloar u&M h*e. Mariatit (se. PIOns eré ëdiWsd for thé nemrt régtiar meea"whldh W-il bé hélti 1.4ic lmhtrird IlOte On Mirth21st. whlit mlnibérs o! thé Udy lâiin Club o! Miilbrook willlieL prescrit te coiudethbie instal- lâtion dof thé 1960 off!cl' ëlected A h 'bameeting. cf even . I1 Community I Bowling' ResuitsI ýe Tééti ijé Léogélé ,d John idJAmé rôlIedt lb. igh. est scorelinlithétigé"Iléague Si lest Sabulrdà3# atêff]MOn witlt j- à 9te Oi« 24à w4ilé Larry/ ePearcé bâdth ié blhést titied Sgaine total witb 601 foi- thé 1- titrlée gaies. d 11iseéri-ding over a 200 to- e tal li one garasnew-re Ji Jaftis 214à. ttitori Ilighit gâ23, twir péarce 2", iJames ,e Biclatd U nid dary Éaui' e cherd w-lUi20g, 5.Wd yAficînoon Léeul PiFve ladieo w-ont ovér thé f200 scaré lI th.é dnedda~ t@ ig5it dW tv li t# mter- moan wihh 24à. Otbero were - essie b)ean 239, De 'th~ -Whituie235, JeaxM cetxlloug» *213 Itutittlih Oudh withb201. Ëob l Uliville W-Maile higit hnit blàthfte é hffi lunthé Maf's LeaguëIlest W-éek Ilav' îng an aggrcgate score of 750. Siiglé galté acores dvèi- 250 w-ieiè léd by VGeorge Gria bam 271, Imub Glénirillé 269, Ted Bels268, Hayden Gif-i' fitit 260, ll Lake 254, Sher- min itildÉ25à. tltmy Or , MaIlyn ,Ranok 214, IkWe l httlen 212, POMny od 201. Thunuday Mixati League Dubes arbotg>my 205, Art Dube.11*1,0, or*My Whitney 242 , Îàrilyn C*M 2 84. ., .* * Fm mrI a « Muemâoau Ted *Isdy 231, I'i-enk Héar 228 Pbaéî MUWhO 225, Uôs$ loIlnIon 214, 046trge ICm- bail, 206 lHelen ltanrock 205, "rc anl1 204, Alberi Peaffl 201, uths tain CBILD*» ne "Light of. the World" Theme of WA Meeting Newcastle - The North Group were in charge ai the devational service o! the Pcb- ruai-y meeting of thé Wom- an's Associaton ai thc Unit- ed Churchiield the icundày Scitool halu Thiusday te 1It, when MIra. Fisk opened thé meetihg with a call ta worship followed by thé slng- Ing ef the hyhui, 111%e Lght et thc Wôtld le JesuB". The &riptre lenson was read byMrs. John Rickard and Mirm. Malley gave a nicé réadlng, "Thé Light ufthtéi Worldl", based on the paint- Izig of thc same rianie by John Ruskin, tiie originil of w-hich Je hanging lu St. Paul's Ca- thedral ln London, Eugland, and béarsthie inscription, "Be- hOld I stand aitte door and Mno. Fisk lad lunjprayer and thie devational servce was brought ta, a close witb te singingeofealiynmt. Follow-ilg the devotionual service the President, Mro. lai-net Riceard took chargé ot thc meeting and gavç a talik based on a sermhon dellverd ,by the Rer. Iýçy tiekard re- c,êntly et St. Paul's church lu Ëowinànville on. tbc subjecl <f tbc Light &ethle World. Mfter the readlng of the minutes elthbie asi méeting and the raasuer's report, Mrs. Itickard sug esied lu thé groups one Idea Eht mught be fifllowed tItis year might bé te use ftic tibte as their study book. Mrm. M. C. Ë'ialir reminded the éssociation et lte Warld Day ai Prtycr ser- 'Vice bèing hcld in the tlnitéd Cbureh titis yèitr on 1M'ach 4tb at à p.m. and élsô émnnon ced the sehoal for leaders hé- lfu bld ah Flve Oaks, Paris, Qt., Mom-h 2nd to 4t nd te gt-otp decldd t.ô seutl their Président, 1&à. Rickard, te Uie chioL Recog nize Long Service cura . Entier Tirty-six years ut untiring Wérvicê td thé !onntiiiy '0a retloghlzed fleCertly by thé vil- lage cotuicil W-libt é fett- tién of à lovelapèn and péti Il sel la Misa Jta Ëutter wC~ lias Èàéëtire bbccnnuniby Ès Libuarian aince 1029. Duc ha il healbb Miss Butler 1was fottahoretire tram. he position last year after #r»*- ing wltb the Library since its foundng sanie 36 yeats aga ând wiih has now mare titan 10,000 books ou its shelvés. I'Ier Immense knowledgc of! thc books lu theélbraÈy werc of grgat he]lp bu readers lb Uic coinmunity who Wislièd a certain type o! book. The presenhation waa made receutly by bté Cdlk ut thé Village, Mus. Nebtié Butler, an behaif o! bbec1ctizens ot the village ho Miss Butler it te-- agnition of ber rnany faitul yeers of service tô tbbc duizeils of thte Village o! Newcastle. tipon her retirétiéul lst yeer the members o! bie lé ewcàgtle Memorial Library Boârd vot- ed Miss Butler a chaque rêpré- Métiug titi-e months osalai-y ln roconilau olie' long aervice Pee Wees Take Bowmànville In .Close Game 1çEWCAATLE - Thé New. cabla Pée Wee hdckey t«mm cmnte up with a 3 to4 *in over th@ Baw-ranviflé n tWUe club on Baiurdiy w-lutl M rury ocorlng iWo Of !hlie d e u to i-f o ri h eio la .ca h e r« f ab oraolte loais whre <lIen Rowe, Stanley Coibbe.o dIol and Jirn a**Mrlle witt a ssists by Jim Beeluvile (2) .,nd tinnia flnonA 1 The meeting was brougtAi etoa aclose witb bbc ulntint uto Grave and the servlug of -a dainty lunci. 1 OBITIJÀRY W. IIARLAND M91R1 t W. ganland (Ttny) Merry, 5, intéitni#Umly krioWn 8 üroraifiahe breeder, lied *fier a heari athaek Wednés- day nlgt, Pcb. 10, ab hIeMer- g Ètrok farith home near Bori-n Toronto, he was the !;!ê ot thela-te Mr-. andi Mes. WIllla-i Merry, fumrmily- of OakviIle. lHe movéd to OqLk- 1ville as a boy and attendaed Muuni.'s public eeb.o, Apple- ,by éeliede, and Ofttarlo Ag-i. l-uôltural collège.. Hie éntered is lters businéasgW-li h irlétS fugh Ltd. lu 1927 ffld beeme fi Président in,. 1944. A former men*er o! st. John's United chiai-oi, Oak- ville, he *as a nienber o! St. Paul's Itited ahurt, MdIitan. SIle w-aâ a director of thé Rdor- i 91WinberFair and Wéth1e tCanadién Sitortuhoru Asoia- tioli. As à boy Axe wounun=- ytire- Piisfor bis horseninshiat XbC E anud giit*n Rutt club. lie W-as a w-cil knaW-n horning pigeon tender and dog bteeder. Durlng the lest 15 yeâts he. bm* raisèd prIsé Shorbtorna nid fil=e.nionith~ u go won the chamipionghlip ah lte Chicago Inttttionil Cat- lic Show. lie la lturvIved :y bis Wl- ýdow, thé fornlér Êileen Jar- vis; one amn, Robert, et homr~e; nid tflbédaughters,MIf s. Aichard (Betty) Fàtléy, Éfi- ifontoit, Mira. Raph (Judy) fftils ut Eniskilin, bni; Ic- tberinê, ab hoe-n; id ti',é granddhildrin. AleÏs uirlvilg àtc twu brothers, bid, O Câledatt Est andi OaMvie d@- #pth-rèeeéHerbétMerry Énd ë#esiserM)s. dcdffry (Rth) Bide ot Lôndôn, 1wg. HAYDON ta-ydau Church Hot Turkéy igipper, on Saturdiay e'vendng#, eved very suWèésafui. T*é Comnthdty-1Hatilattipten Was appraçaately decor&tCd w-lt hèaurte andi cupide for Val- dtitne. On thie tl éweté rèd Pients, courtcsy of gmàns1hillén 4teentiuse. At IOtII éidâ w-té li#bted dëvondétttdies. lo. tbles weté sérved 1W thé ladies, with th t Ëit pôttt- lftg teS. Thée'tecsk iti IIhté kit. clien w-Us m9de Inudit asiér by thusé ù Otôl rm W. IL. Brôwn, dmé dor. After Rev. Ir. J. lacks*n ftid Gtaté, éVétymfe @éiI&Véd & sumOWdutf.s suPluéT, wlth *1l thé bridfiingà. FebrUafiY W.A. fùeètini w-i hé beld Thtfliduy, 0Éèb. lâfuh, tdday, ait 2:i(lô'clock, ét i hè hOme 0f Mité. !E. 'Tole. Lad' les arc asked to please brimng ea whibeobmo for cantéér dtiéc- ,0 ianmd tl. Étuy idueker .box ton*s. Mibt. and Mi-.. Cleyton Read andi R&Ne Ë,PiSeboreugit; Mr, 1anti Mm.. FredAshttonaniM. 1Bei-h Ashtton, Torùnto, were , lWnsndY vI$toréaMr. nid Mfrs Arthur Régd's. M&.nd Mir. Rnes Ashtonu 'end *RIYnl3, Mes. E" ~MdiLetu ghèin, visited 1&. nAM Ms. Hagrold Wrlght, Osha*&, Owltut tri thé stariu, Mms. IRés Ashtoti and culidreft Wete ovêr-n1*ft giiestà nt !Mr md MirÉ. Rei :Md(ll, *also Mié.Aittihur Tlio- itipson nd ditildÉ hn Mr. KAf-li1 "Clam celé- bi'iled MA e#rbbay which OOuilc mi Valcugtiné aY, Pb. 14t01, WIth bis toither, Mt. JonCita- hmiEnt, liuniille aind due ta we&thérctltor é ýcauid fOt reèdh bis hotte, hue) was ov- er-t'ýght eucst ivith Mr. étui bits.t.- W t, &niskilIên. Mr. and Mm. ClÊtn Relinm w-ère SUÈ., vis«Olai-a t Mr.-. Otud MArs. W. 11ahm'lg. Tyrone.. Michael Bothw-ell was the ulo nStto teani wti two counters wiul Randy Dewell adJTou ntm.cgOu scorcd ouan aci" amit s "by e« TorôntO WQ sWa*ériuivIs John RitUel. Penaltiesw«Or mai44 o t with Wf. aia . bem tait John Lies (2ô the ,,Marôai Mr. Craer lac atnt életIe ouan i Il<wardl .leu i- Th bulogy stud" t a m Le ton endjamu Kitey te Ucgc suddellveréd a apien-. sowmfanvmle vmins. dad #fli-ni ht i théPt r"ai Newcast lu ijens were Mx~r iCi SIPi n udy mêffltn. Etaw Ssr Cblea~C" ongmmd*liom hle wf. ami Waylis Nmol, Tin m , Uta. -Lewla fti. ulmo au rhi .bt l ask.rvillaie0, GoO4. a1"Y olebrxted lhek .tlver Tortit, 31M Snlltb o ft Weddtâ ng a1r~ILry. Zz GrAnt Wllllarnso4 jug Mr. nid Mrýe. tw-l Wat.on WAde and Gai Rowo. 14d Mirt. John W.lon e« Port V , -- whether you like a cigarette la te make uu* aOi tWatr Cen't pa through the julter? «'Girls who use hair spray have a better chantOe of catch- lIng feilows Who wultZ Wel tan girls who use hair drmu- log? "You'relitkely ta get your ceil whte glovuesdirly Il you trke the hir of a mon w-ho uses hafr tonte? «'There ai-t machines that tEck like bomnbe and whfrh van Measure ameilsanid tomach "eity? "Thalt a headache ia caused "eI~at Oôme StSmacha are roundother< t Msquaream MMi othera are rue of ait? And ivers are shaped 1111e an -That you cen pack thé contents ef a umaliltrunk laie "Al gusmLes *but th ad a iersnot oly leave ber. rible deposits iu one's car but dontjive good rnii'eage?"- ýrb;ieTimo-JoYwuaL iThse Siopes Are Tops Gordon Agnew, EditorPha32 Rope, mode a hurriéd oeil due to stormy weather conditions on ?&.and Mms. Rerry McLau- hn»kiMw«k tM P" ry tookelwb«he , oh.wdQr- w mwagé&i. AIl wIihé lire. BthImes of Toronto wèe et ber bmie tuttiot tue villagi a u't time ès Frldey. umgW aibM oa f Wateilob CW1legt aenit thé weekend et home. Mrs. Mildoed colley, patri- cia, Lynda and Virginia('came hSwne ftoi Toronto on Setur.. day we tey had been stay. 11W wiffi Mr s fdM. 1'hillp Lafeld. Mildred là groduelly gaiuin strenitth bût will not resuine ber teachtng duties tor after weék. Mr. amd M4 .Gordon -Met- caif, Cheryl, Douglas and El- aine visited Friday wlth MT. nid Min. Neil Metuit and Ken.- ny et Bownunville. Arthurl li4beftreeeive d wÔrd front liAs glti ,Mrs* Til Itahm #Mht iè hii er bUs- bnd and M. i àMe. Mervln Rthm, al of .0""'w, ère en- joy'ing a holiday ln St. lPetért- burg,lorida. Mrs. Michael Post èrrlved home on Saturdey from Hli land, w-bte she bas spénit the past tew weeks vlslting e parents andi other fiena . r Mr. an&d Mnr. Noel Sweet- man anid twinis of Schenherg vislted Mr. and Mus. Harry Mebaughuin over the weekend. The Sweetmans are returng to Ireland where he will mn.n aie bis xlother'a tahm. Cities are not lthe only-local- ity w-bore deivein service ie ddapâbihed. Ceil l ~son came todt t bi rsue-beck ta thle Içésiletari Pool Office dactr to tImpadt sone P.O. business and reminid Seaed vt bis herse'wile dolu.g scl. Hog Farmers Must Register Pailure ta provide registra- tion nuanbére witJi hog shipi- jients could dîsquality Canta- diân farsers from participat- lIng i the P'ederil govern- ete deficiency' payment ecem, 0mét JI Maybee, As- socatéliféetr e thLive- stock< Division, Canada tbe- partinent of Agriculture, *arnéd recently. Hé taid à ntirnher of produ- cène haite nmrketed &haïs without registraft -r lufberm siiée e b niw prié. su#bom ptogIfafn wV/CInt mb et iltail 1. Registratibn <0f hog produ- ceto has been llroceediftt Aice lust November, said Mr. May- bee, anld over 100,000 registra- tons havé been processéd. i Frthera who have aptplieit fôr registt'ation but haié rhot yet zèeived théir retirtratldn numbers are being provldéd fer thrôte hinstruetioxil sMM te 'them *!th the aéttleunentè. AU pffdueèts Wbo hâve numibers should bé cêtti thit a feord b! the tnunrber là sent Wlth the h«,s. This means that thée thiier ûr il.,iper 1hou1d trecord the niumIer o-,<lth tl Oui- 1é' titrinté, à âutitivôé I&intilêatlôti et thé hogs On thè mradfêot wliich hé défi- verSâ wlth thé bots. Mt. Maybée said the AgrI. ettûé "tablËotiori Borttd la ùÈegng te <ioopèËttln Ù1 pffdUfcés, ahlppers, sâles agencles, endi proeessors lni making the registration nuxu- ber a te4trlar part of thé lu- Idtxnaâtion thèt nrftmey Ate- companies hogp to market. Educational TelevÏsion Wgnals, en P aInin,in is is 60s now, "a greatly respon. sible for the. elub's growlih. Pioi Tow la '48 Both filên cat look back on tbc days when al the club hed teo oter was a hill with anow an it. They didn't get thei- tii-at tow until 1946. Nôw théir bi tow la per- haps the longest rope tow in Ontarlo-1,AOO feet fremn top ta bottoen--and thie member- shipbas swelled from 45 i 193, te 735 at te close ot laat year. 11Skling la sucit e growlng sportthlai we expect ta have 1,000 menibers on our bookis when skling wiuds up titis year," said Ivan. "There le pleuty of land ln our area, and eventually we can accommo- date up lu 2,000." Lest year *ith îts generous ration of snow was a banner. si PETEI WAIRD 9taff Heiuorte 1CMlY - Every week lsd this tiy crossroadas north of Nêwc*stl becomes a li.o pie*é et Osh4wa. Wmnter ùr suminer, when- ever they have tbe tirne, si. ers camne to Kirby. When there inasnow tbey are in heaven. When there is not they $ork on their clubs hius. Unqer tiheir patient groom- bSg thé <linaraik H19% ré test becoflIlg-one ef OriterWàl tipest skuing spots.. combes pè Brma ig oneoth 3ii~èet x.bubam counîyr. T herte fec aw iul akiets1télthe ci-est, 300 ét aboya théie vlley. Overthe p~t 15 yearsOsit- awa Mlii Clm' members have apéttthouoanda et dollars and boueé dt back-breskifitg wopk tô Ilisure good akluf. Theirl100 acres of bille la criu-crossed with anow fenu- ces, - lrategicaily placed tô 'catch the snuw éànd bitild il Ihto an ettUi dee p caiipet Ôirer low his. Tey bure plâmted 5,000 #éte in*é long the' hi14s for thé èmte teaon. abIII111 The main hill ét Klnby faceS north, n ao nt of the fl-St Placégs nuIW collecte Oatdh yrer ênd tilléof the lest spots thé &un es-a off t i i -9. A few years ose miétt dedded h w*as tint é tià a 1b house and chalet on théir prope teliy Sotlogétilér th mélidis n Uidifi liéPé hd*40 teet long by 2Ô Wide. 'Ib is tralnte, with field otôt tac- ingÊ attoaè bhefront,- befleath t'wout uewindows. hêrère t snack bar flacllitiéà éfld lpen tîtepleé thât w-li tté e ithtee-.fot l0g9 Wltlx ease. The wholc thing eost bhem $1,100. If they hâd hiréd -a contracter-, the pritê tag tmlght hâve beeén as ih es $1000on Thè ]atest bit of nieîerm hendiwork 15 à tull-scirl. ski l m put 1h ?.- by tdegreei,", eaid club Presictent Ivait lKlh-j ardg . 1111118yearI- t'Iftbe 99 near pettéot as 'we'il get il." Aviner - Fany - Save 16e $ T«mtilo Juice Tins. Mimner lgOstôn Brown - 5ve 1kc Deans with Pork 7 la ait$ Sors 10e -Becet or frlsh $ York Sliw 4 Tins gauce Fanoy White Sae. lc 'rua Fiuh 3 Tien T «m ate o Voirmab , i e ,l e 1 $ AiyluorSaup 9 11 02 Chocolaté Pluapple or Whie S lael - PUisbury 17ae. $1 Cmli. Nix 3 7m wu" »s 5-ang ave 6m 1Toilol- Tiuu.à Relia -1 SHOP AND SAVE AT mOVaU IL là OZ. sio3ÊtL$S PkOZËN FANCY PEAS 715 OZ. TINS 5t ()oZ. il OZ. 5 YLS. 6 12 et. KRAPT ASSORTÊD CHEESE SLICES 3 or. $1 - B * - CALIFOItNIA EA19Y TO PEEL NAVELS Sunkist Oranges ijoz. 141ZE $1 33'x SPMCAL COMBINATION OVPPBR TA"LEmqu"m IMUAIS 1-La. PACKAGE WIENERS $ PUREI POXR - 1 Là. PKG. SAUSAGE SLICED, 1/jLe. PKO. F D~W~3I~~ 29c) Garden Freiçh 1'lavoun' Texas Ca rrots 3bunches19 c FIIESII, LEAN MALF OR WHOLI LEG ROAST O'PORK lb.49C & a 0 - ONTAUO I Toms' IGAMarket nlace:NAI th4s year is off toaa na fui starit rm a *1er'a of vew., The club Urnt start.d a amall membershlp, nd i ideas, bas even bigger 1de"w now. And the clubsu f ast -; Ing miembersbip isn't & of the hard work neoeiuaz for suoceusitil epanio>n. Editor's note - We under- stand that the club wifl we. corne memberu frorn tht; dl.- AVAZLABLE PUR IUNI S. JOME Blarr erand So1ieltor 139 King St. 9. Oshawa RA 8-0246 iAstyoârthe club played *Nupl onahipa andi thité 1*1tol dule of coin- gg ,v kulng planned for Lsaté tbis month the four- way outeraOntario Junior Chamionhlpwill b. held ai K.iby Nximonth the Al Ontario andi Southeru Ontario Jumping ChaM *iosbipsw-i také placé beeand bcclub la boping theré wlll -b. an in- vitation juip meet in Mardi wilt internâtlbhally lftioua lions Mer, wbo docsa aI the lnsfructieh ai 1Xirby, la the clubla lendifg llght for juznp- ingTogther with another mémbebr, Julile Cote, he is tnefpty responsible for the cu new JUMP.. Laté last faîl, wheu the fi- ual load oftdiàrth ad been ex- èotly place<l a sudden down- po r In r coeused a land- Enl4 on theJ:m ul ui and lane orkdtrm aw pairini ttié damage. 1Rtiltal Service Men*crs *lso crcctcd à ski abop lest yeat-andIlens Will bé Opéating a rentAI service ihere 46éyear. 1:xit gèt lteé wrang Idea dboui oui- club thoughi," id pi-soldetit iehèrds. "Thé dnly Pév*le wo ýgél Puld Ère the 1w-ô low eperatu±'s. Thé i-est ot us are &Il members wotlc- itig flore because we love the Ivan Richards is somethlng unique in skling. Alt~hough hèïâ Inade t ôt te lb, d e êfo lly lts aI lCfrby onf Prek ali, 'h. basn't beau on skis aubie 1947. 111 iutMe1kto SeC the y0uugeters eut lter. on thc slôpes," lie saki. It'sbthe best epofit in thc warld and any- thing 1 cati de u te tmute ah.- ing ia a pleasure." tis ycat Ivan'a famîilY gave hint i àpaît id skis for Cibria and they are going9 to try and coax him back bdi th is sle cdaims Éhe'a lau old, ât 51, for te fast skilng. Ivan was une ofthlIe oflg- üal xnemnbes w-heu thé Osh- rW-a SIti Club waS first ti-rn- âd in 1936. Anuter ot bbe or- J: -----------------~- . ù 1 - , - 1 - - I CONSIGNMENT SALE 283 - ICEr IULLS - 283 undar the auspices of 1119 ONfAIO REF CATTLE INPIOVENENT ASSOCIATION Ah lthé Sheep sind Swlne Arena Àtoyal l'air Building, TORONTO KAliCX 2nd and 3rd, 1980 Hereford* and Aigus oait ou Maîah Sud. Shoerns te Sli onMarei aid. sales eMaine t t10:00 *.m., saeh ddy Ouly bülle apbtrovce by the Ciling (l#*nttîltee w-ii be éligible for theésales. Ovar 60 par cent of the halls citéed are "petformbance lestCi". Every Ontariofermai- purclasing performance testél' bulis w-iil be éligible for a pramînni aqual lu 26 ver cint of the purehasa pruce, but not axceading $150.00. Per catalogues appiy ta: W. P. WATSON, ]Pàrliafliént BulAigo, Toronto. Jus! the Bost Buy15inITown! Ali 1'.d Féàtnreâ Efféétivé PébnurY là, 19, %0 Alil OfMty PMeItcftVeoivaUntil MC. 27tk Wé te6ffle lté iight te Iliutit quantities IGA X&MI' N ftAOGfL - SAVE 16e C'hoice Peaches 9AVE Ue - AIrLUgI Choice Peas MJOICE -SAVE lot Aylmer Tomatoes HEI9NZ -e SAVE 35c Hein z Ketchap Newcastle Roceatiiia Conmmitt ANNUA 'L SPORTS NMGHT NEWCASTLE NENGRI AN noeuh.,o.a. - Mime flatbu, et. MUR WATCH IGA'. NEW TV SHOW STILL AVAILABLE! IGA'S SENSATIONAL OFFER ROMPER ROOM 48O.èsPITN fe h m » daily M«day thru 1May7 C AM S SE R OI CAEM Bowmanville IGA Market PARTNI 'Ji wwwmq ý ý- ýý à

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