Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, page 10

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-FR11 PRIZES - V*1«&TAMlwA M& A é OVRYK. PAETITUZJIT lm jvAmorms', , Feder-atio Attempts to. Organize Pro gram of Farm Management Here 17 Clarenee Aila Se.-Fleidmaa, The. regulair zonthly meet- hIg cf th. Durham County Federetion of Agriculture vies hbeld on Thursday evening, J% ruary 4, at the hoo Jî.and Mis. LawrenceeSta- ipeBethany, witli 30 direc- 'tmpresent. SPresident Harvey Malcolm ,,haied lte meeting and fol- ilowlng the readiag o! the 6minutes o! 1he January meet- %n explained to the directors .iplan te ca-operale witb 'Mr. Dairyxaple la an altempt 4e organize a Farm Manage- ;ment programme. He said lie And the secretaiy had been In %touch i viIliMr. Daîryniple in 'tus regard and read a letter 'ftom hlm assuring bis utmosl ,co-operation. The plan would involve baving at least 100 farmers in tlie caunty paiticipate at the ~Start et a cast ta each o! ,$25-00. This wauld be match- ýed by a similar grant !rom the ;Dept. a! Agriculture, wvih ýwould finance lb. sglary and îexpenses a! a ful l ime super- Viser to work wilb Mr. Dal- * ryuple. This supervisor viould I U alProbability b. a lwa .year graduale a! either Kem- - Ptville or Guelph Agriculture College. He would assist in sâetting up o! a complet. book- 4 keeping system for the farm- ,er includlng a ful l ventory, JACK DROUGH PLTJMBIG and HEATIN Division Street Souh ,MAU 3-5615 EOWMANVELLE a faim analysis lncludlng soil tesling, and advlce given on any recommended changes ln faim operatian. Help would b. given in ail thlese phases dur- i ng lie year. Frem these re- ,cords the fariner woild aise 1have full accaunts withl whlch te file bis income tex retura. Tlie secretary polated out tbis Programme vies la opera- tion and vies meeting with marked success la Bruce coun- ty where betvieen 135 and 150 farmers viere taking advan- tage o! th. plan and where the supervisai was a former Durbam county boy - Mr. Larry Rosevear. A commillee was naxned to explore this plan further-Daltan Daniell, Ralph iLainier, Bruce Taylor, Eric Fellis, ?&. Dalryniple, Presi- dent Harvey Malcolm and se- cretary Clarence Aluin. The secretary reparted no- thing bad been done regard- ing the Bee! Producers holding an Annual Meeting as the Pre- sident, Alfred Johaston, la la Florida. Noray Goheen, vice- president, expressed bis opin- ion a meeting should take place before spring. Lawrence Staples gave a detailed repart o! the Annual. Cream Piaducers' meeting held in Toronto last Nevember at vihicli le lied been a delegate. He quoted frani an address delivered at the meeting by .Dr. E. W. McHenry-on, of Canada's outstanding nutrition authonities froin the Univer- sity o! Torono-in referring te clainas of opposing factions, some that People should eat no fat, others that the body required considerable quanti- lies of fat ta be healtby, that, "I arn quite sure that the ma- janity cf Canadian adults cen continue ta enjay food fats, and I see ne sound reason for urging them. to use either: more or less fat. The best nu- trition advice la ta eat a var- iety o! foods la moderation.0y A number O! resalutions viere passed, some of which were- coxnmending lte Dairy Faim- ers' advertising and publicity Programme, request for con- tinuation of support price o! 1not less than 64 cents, request for conlinuance o! "offer ta purcliase Plan" for butter ra- lter than deficiency payment systeni o! support. Plans were made to hald a Wheat Producers' meeting' in Cavan Hall on Tuesday evening, Feb. l6th, at wbich lb. wlieat situation yUll b.: :discussed, reports given on ;future viheat outlook, use made1 GO.. Regardless of Snow FOR SAFER WINTR DRING'... LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES For That Heavy Snow .. . We Can Cut Your Tires wlth Snow Cleats We ean make your old tires into Snow and Mud Tires For Oui>' $250 per tire of moneys collected from de- ductions and electicu o!f off-: cmr for cemlng year. This meeting will b. chaired by Dick Stewart, Peterboro, Zone director of the Ontario Wheat Producers. Bruce Taylor reported on member meeting he had at- tended where Crap insurance lied been one cf the items dis- cussed. Furtiier plans an this will be foîthcamlng la- ter. C. I. A. Insurance was aise discussed and it was pointed out the need for more ful lime Agents since C. I. A. bas extended its policies te caver almost every phase o! faim needs as weil as growing ta the point wliere il s now the 4th largest company in Ontario In the automobile in- surance field. Foilowing th. resignation in Januaiyof Donald Staples as Treasurer, thie meeting ap- pointed Doalglas Kemp, R. R. 1, Bowrnville, te f11 the va- cancy. While it was regretted Donald Staples felt the pres- sure cf other business neces-, sitaled liii resignation, Doug- las Kemp cames particulfiuly vieil qualified as previaus te bis becoming a fruit farmer, lie was a miember o! the bank- ing profession. The apprecialion a! ail pre- sent vias ably expressed ta Lawirence and Mrs. Staples fer the hospilality of Ibeir home an.d the very lavely lunch pro- vided by Mis. Staples. An invitation vias accepted from Donald Catbcait ta liold the March meeting at bis home In Cavan. Meeting adjourned.1 Durham County Agricultural Calendar Titursday, Feb. 18, 2:00 p.m., Tentative dae-Durham 500 Busitel Patate Club, Township Hall, Bethany. Titursday, Feb. 18, 8:00 p.m. -C.I.A. Agente Meeting, De- partment c! Agriculture, Bey- manville. Friday, Feb. 19-Duritam County 4-H ad Junior Ferm- er Seed Judging Competitian, Parisb Hall, Bovinanville, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, 9:30 a.m. -Durhamt 4-H Homemaking Club Achevement Day, Orona, I.O.O.F. HaIl Supper Club Projet. Menday, Feb. 22, 7:00-9:00 p.m.-V.L.A. Meeting, Depart- ment e! Agriculture, Bavimait- ville. Wednesday, Feb. 24-Bank- ors Agricultunel 0Ou tleok Course, Peterboroughi. Wednesday, Feb. 24, 8:00 p.m. - Debate, Peterboroughi Junior Farmers vo. Northunt- borland Junior Farmers. De- pertment e! Agriculture, Board Room, Bavimanville. Alviel- came. Thursday, Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m. -Durhama Counly Vegetable Graviers, Annuel Banquet and meeting. ieons Centre, Boy- manville. Friday, Feb. 26, 1:30 p.m.- Durham section, Quinte District CalIle Breeding Association meeting. Orana Tovin Hall. Menday, Feb. 29, 7:00-9:00 p.m.-V.L.A., Departmeat o! Agriculture, Bovimanville. Tuesday ýand Wednesday, Mrci 1 and 2, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.-H1oremaklag Club Training Sooal -"Collons May Be Sinart" - I.O.O.F. Hall, Oreno. Tuesdey, Maehc lI. 8:00 le 10:00 p.m.-Soils Meeting, De- partinent of Agriculture, Boy- manvile - Douglas Logsdail, Speaker. Al welcome. Monday, Mardi 7th-Dur- hem 4-H Agicultural Club Leaders, Banquet and Annual Meeting. 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Mardi 101h, 8:00 p.xn.-Durhazn Flue Cuied To- bacco Graviers, Orone Town Hall. Thiursday, Mardi 101h, 1:30 p.m.-Durham Shortitoin Sale, Blaclcstock. 4-H Club calves vil b. sold including boh steers and beifers. Friday, Mardi 11th, 6:30 p.m.-Durliem County Junior Fermer Annuel Banquet. Lions Centre, Bovimanville. Guest speaker, Mi. Savage, Oshawa. Parents and friends are urged ta attend. Tuesday, Marci 151h, 2:00 p.m.-W. I. Rug Making Train- ing Sohool, Department e! Agriculture, Bovimanville. Tusday, Marcb 151h, 8:00 te 10:00 p.-Soils Meeting, Department o! Agriculture, Bowmnanville, Doug Logsdail, speaker. Ail Welcomne. Wednesday, Marci 23rd - Quinte District Catîle Breed- ing Association Annual Meet- ing. C.N.R.A. Building, Sta- tion Street, Belleville. 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 26t-Dur- liant Holstein Club Annuel Bus Tip t Quinte and King- stan Area. Contact club di- rectors for furthor informna- tion. Tuesday, Mrci 29tli, 8:00 ta 10:00 p.m.-Soils Meeting, Departmenl of Agriculture, Bovimanville, Doug Logsdail, speaker. Ail1vielcome. Wednesday, Merci 301h, 1:30 p.m. - I>urham Caunty D.H. L&N. meeting. Departinent af Agriculture, Bevimanvile. Plowmen Checking Bethesda District for This Year' s Match, The Annual Meeting of the Durbam and Northumiberland Pîcymen vas lield la tb. Counties Building et Cobourg on Mondàay, Februaiy lut, 1960. President Dan Budd as Chair- man revieved th. activities o! the past Year. The minutes and Treasurer's report were read by Secreteiy Ralpi Ban- bury and eccepted an motion o! Wiil Allan and Gordon Mc- Gee. District Director Howard Henry teld o! tbe 1959 Inter- national Match beld la Went- I iFARMERS! e. DONT MISS MT!,,Il W. H. BROWNIS liéI ANNUAL "I CASE W, iii FUN FOR ALL RE mSHEN SEl YE - FR11 ADMISSION - i W. W UOWm1mCLm TIG mSZOaym iAA AS LC CS DEAER"M1 vieilliCounty aI vibicli there viere 532 entnies. He pointed eut that th. matches are plenned: 1960 Elgin County; 1961 Hestings County; 1962 Grey County; 1963 Peel Coun- tyr. Wil Allia o! Newicastle ne- ported on the 1959 local nmetch and the fine co-operation in his area. A vote cf thanks ta th. comnittee and local dan- ors wes maved by Howardi Henry, seconded by Edwin Wilson and unanimously ap- plauded. On motion o! Stan- ley Alla and Gordon Mack- lin the annuel meeting is te be planned eaily la December 1960. Earl Drope and Stanley Machlin were asked ta con- tinue as custodian cornmittee fan the Golden Plough Cairn. Howard Henry vas asked ta secure another lrophy for high school teams in ltat the Mill- brook Bank cf Toronto Dom- inion cup bas been woan three tintes by the Bovimanville High School and becomnes their keepsake. Since the Durham and Northumberland Match in 1961 vil be feetured et Belle- ville, with the International, il vas thouglit vise ta hold the 1960 event as near tie centre o! the bye counties as possible. A canuaittee cani- posed of ciairman Budd viilb Gordon Meeklil and Bruce Eagleson vies appointed te scut lb. Bethesda aiea for a su.table match location. On motion o! Wesley Devin and Gordon Macklin lb. Se- cretary vas requested to inte the Counties Council for their grant that activities migit be encouraged befon. th. big event la Hastinis County. President Don Bu d and lst Vice Gordon Macklin viere appointed delegetes to te Annuel Meeting in Toron- to on Febtuary 22nd and 2Srd. On motion of Wili Allin and Howiard Quantri theb fol- Ioviing slate o! o!! icers and Directors vies accepted fori 1960: Past President, Wesley Devin, Hilton No. 1; President, Don Budd, Port Hope No. 1; lut Vice Prçsident, Gordon Mc- Ge., Brighton No. 1; 2ad Vice President, Stanley Allia, Or- one No. 1; Secretary-Treasur- et, Ralph Baabury, Brighton. Directors - Edwla Wilson, Gàrdenhull; Mervin Heard, Port Hope Se. 2; Will Allan, I Nevcastle; , Hoyard Henry, Campbelctroft No. 2; Howiard 13; Heoward Allia, Newcastle; cto!t No. 1; Josepih Thosupson, MUIbrok; Gordon akit Cobourg No. 4; Brm e gs- uoei, Cobour« No. 4: Reg Mt- Cann, Brighiton NO. 1; Maua- rice Bulman, Hilton No. 1; Rari Drepe. Harwood; Har Campbe,South Monaghan Prank Tinney, Cobourg No. 6. Honorary Officers - L. W. Larmer, Milbrook; Percy Gooding, Hilton No. 1. Rein Forces Young People To Stay 1In By Donald Robins The B. of Q. Conference Y. P.U. First Annual Show Shen- anigans was held orl Feb. 6 and 7 in Campbellford and op- ened with registration by San- dra Vansickle at 2.02 p.m. Recreatian, conducted by Mol- ly Bennett, Ted Colweil and Ross Metcalf then lollowed. The recreation was held inside instead of the planned skating and tobogganing which was canceiled because of the ramn. At 8:14 supper was served by mexnbers of the Campbelil- ford union, assisted by others. Foilowing supper was a sing- sang conducted by Barb. Smith and Ross Metcalf. Ai Nichais, at the clase cf the sing-song, began introduc- tions as Chairman of the Plan- ning Committee. Tfhey were as foflows: Don Sinclair, Pre- sident of B. of Q., expressed congratulations ta, the plan- ning committee and a thanks far ail that were attending the gathering; Pat. Atkinson, Pies, of Campbeflford union, welcomed us on behaif o!flier union Dr. D. M. Smith, local minister, welcomed us on be- haif o! the menubers of the St. John's United Churcli; Grant Harrison gave a brie! account cf Quin-Mo-Lac Camp and Leadership Rally on Feb. 26 in Trenton; Marg. Munro gave a brie! account o! caravanning and its rewaids. Barb. Smiit~h gave a ta]k on our newly adopted missions project. Roy Switzer extend- ed congratulations o! the young people present ta, the plan- ning committee. Merle Veale expressed a hearty thanks ta the ladies of the kitchen for giving up their Urne and thèn working se feverishly. Everyone then moved ta the Masanic Temple Hall where we danced ta the music af "The Dale Millar Orchestra' o! Canipbellford. The dance began at 8:30 and at interm.ission turne, under the direction of Molly Ben- nett, each presbytery conduc- ted a group shenanigan depic. ting something chaiacteristic ta only their presbytery. Fol- lowing this, dancing resumed until Closing Woiship conduc- ted by Doug Thompson brouglit the evening toaa close. The Il a.m. service, Sunday morning, was taken by Pal Atkinson, Paul Smith, and Bion Pierce with Barb. Smith soloist-"Teach Me To Live", and Bon Barnum delivering a sermon entitled "Where Does God Fit In". The close cf this service brought this first annual event ta an end. Friendshi p Group Elects New Officers Courtice - The Friendship .Group o!f The Courtice W.A. met at the homne cf Mrs. Stain. ton recently and celebrated the first anniversary of the founding of the group witlh a pot luck supper. The rooms .were decorated witli hearts Iand cupids ta coincide with SValentine season. A beautiful .Anniversary cake graced lhe .centre o! the table ta, com- Fi! teený new meniberships for W. A. paid at meeting. Slate of Officers for the com- ing year was named: Pres., Mrs. J. MacGregor, Vice Pies., Mis. Chumbly; Sect., Mrs. H. Vetzal;Treas., Mis. Ells; So. ciel Convener, Mrs. Halcamb; Flawer Convener, Mis. Dai. by, Mrs. Piersan, Flower Con- vener for Parent W.A.; fr«. Burgess, Press Reporter. The next me*eting wlll be beld at Mrs. Vetzal's home. A~ Court Whist wliU b. enjoyec by ail members present. Mrs. MacGregor read' thei Benediction at th close ef the meeting. FaDE SERVICE DUAD, OEa» & CRIPPLIED FAIM STOCK ikmîoed lre .t charte boeawto 34-1rt. Suie A* Tour OpmeroPu Ne Ton CMarge N4I* Fessi - eterboroub En nis-killen's Stenger Family Establishe s.Fine Rep-ut ati As Top Breeders o Some twenty years age there arrlved frôm Germaxay Mir. and Mis. Rudolpb Stenger, thei son Frank and two dauglilers. lbey bouglit a small farim aI Enniskillen. Later on they ad- ded two mare faims la titeir eperatlons, and established one o! the best berd o! Jersey ont- tle in Ontario. Tlhey were fertunate la get- tlng an outstading sire from ,W. D Thomson, Brookin.Ts bull was known as Shaloa Royal Prince 2nd, and! lie long age tecamne a tested sire, andi is oaatin< lac aedd te bis e- putatian as a sire of bell type and production. l1ater on the Steaems devel-1 oped the vieil known bull, Brampton B P. Servant, that wue grand champion aitt1h. Ceuia National Exhibition and several local shws, and he bas become a silver medal- sire, and Je novi being used artlficlally et the A.I. unit at Kemptville, Onat>rio. In addition, 1h. Stengers have bred the famous showi bull, Enmisklien RoyalMotta,. I - _________________________________ IConservatioi By J. Terrence MeCauiey, Field Off leer No doubt many o! you bave been hearing lately about 1h. establishment o! a Conserva- tion- Autliority vilîhin Ibis area, and have probably woan- dered what sucli a graup yl undertake ta accoanplish. Primerily a Conservation Aulhority lu a corporate body established by an Ordor Ia Council under thie jurisdlictlon cf the Miaister o! Planning and Development upon a va- terslied or group e!fviater- sheds i.e. stneam drainage areas, la promote lb. preser- vation o! that paiticulai area's renewable naturel resources. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has been born under lb. provisions o! the Conservations Aullior- ities Act (Ontario 1950) on the drainage aneas of the Lynde, Pringle, Oshawia, Han- miony, Farewell, Boviman- ville 'and Saper Cneeks. Rau- ghly tb. boundaries o! the Authonity extead slightly viest o! Whitby, east cf Boviman- ville and aie thenoe traced te lb. points la tb, ridges vibere lb. water la lb. streains stops flowlng loviards Lake Ontario and begins ta flowi int Lake Scugog. This ne- sults lnan ar~aea o! approxi- mately 242 square miles of a rougbly rectangulai shape vibicli includes aine munici- palities. The C.L.O. le one ci 28 sucli Authorities presently estab- lished in Ontario under th. same Department. These la- élude suchviell-known Aulli- onities as 1h, Grand River, Upper Thames, Saugeen, Me- tro Toronto and Region and lb. Moira River Authority. Tlie constituent municipali- ties appoint meaubers to lte n CommentI Aulbority and from these ap- pointed represenlatives are elecled the Chaiman and Ex- ecutive Commitlee. Advisory Boards which may include persans viho are net niembers e! lb. Aulhority, are set uj. te advise the main body on vanious programmes. Soon afler an Authenlty le farned the Conservation Brandi e! lb. Dept. o! Plan- nng ag n Development car- ries out a conservation survey o! lb. aiea vihicli deals with such problems as waler con- trol, reforestation, soil candi- tions, needa for conservation and recreatienal arees, wuld- life preservatiori end hustori- cal sites. The results of Ibis survey are compiled et the Head Of- fice la Tenanto and eventual. ly presented te lb. Autbonily as a bound report vihicl iyl guide lb. group la ils pro- gramme o! activity. This type a! survey vies completed in titis aiea lest summaer and vil b. given te Ilie Authority la lb. spring o! Ibius year. At a general meeting o! the Authority on Tues. evening January 19, 1960, at the Au- thority office in Bowmenvillh (King and Temperance Sts.) tb. folloviing slate o! officers for 1960 vies lnslalled: Chair- man, Mi. William Owiens, Osh- awia Vice-Obairman, Mi. Wil- lilam Heron, Brooklla; Secre- tary-Txeasurer, Mr, Willaar Marshall, R. R. No. 2, Boy- manville. Il vies aise declded ta re- vamp th. system o! Advisory Boards from lb. 1959 ttal o! seven devin te titree, vihici ar'e as foilovis along witb thei respective elecled Chairmer fer 1960. 1. Reforestation, Land Use and Wat.r Control Advisory fi I i r It heppens the moment you leeve the curb-thc moment you firat experience b je-umnooth. dhuut of Buick's exclusive Turbine-Drive transmission. No jerks, pars ... juil silent spinn turbine blades. A.nd Buick's swift, responw. powe itser ut o matches it wf-cting pwer te s$top; surerb Air-Be brakes wida aluminium drums Up Irot-fie-coolcd nontand rear. Get the nSwBic feeling-at your Buick dealer'., today!.4 1 » . Aiè a, nb kfore articles of thia nature wiIIlbe m4nlgn Ibis Pa- rexlakfurherand elai orate tpon the polices objectives of th. Central 4 Ontario Conservation Aýthor- T jerseys1 Farm Union " Royal la15,adgrand I N ews The twenty-seven Scovi la1 their herd at lb. Present tiiii On Tuegdayeelg ei have a nmature equivalenit av- ur 2nd,a vev 476agbe o! 8,99 Ie.ofmikminformative evenmng vis en- 476 ls. o fatwith a ver- joyed by the Cartwirighit Le. age test o! 5.29 %. 29 clêssified cal No. 73 o! the. Ontario have the very higli average o! Farmers' Union, at the beau- 88.53%, anid is Iberefore the tiful borne o! )&. antd its. thurd higliest rated cendtrult- George Presser la tbe vil-. ive breeder herd la Oaaada for l age o! Nestleton. type. This is certainly a wen- derful acievement la the field There were twenty mena- cf botter livestock breeding. bers present. Leslie Taylor of Burketon, President o! the Lo- Boad--Charma, M. Egarcal, wes chairman and Mrs. BoJ -arame .N.1PiMi.g.Adelbert Beaceck, secretaryi Jame, R.R. N. 1.Pick re.Id~ the minutes and corres- 2. Public Relations Advis- pondence and signed up sev- ory Board (includes Publicily, eral new members. Educalion and H<)17r) - Mrs. Prosser led 1h. group Cheirman, Mi. Ernest Dent, on an enlighlening discussion Orono, Ontario. on Deficiency Payments. A 3. Conservation A.reas, Fisb lovely lunch vies served by and Wildlife Advisory Board Shirley Presser, Sylvia Law. -IChairnian, Mir. Gordon Cor- renoe and Wayne Maloolm. M J. F. HENDERSON WELL DRILLER No Job Too Large or Too Small - FEE ESTIMATES - Phone Lindlsay FAirview 4-6018 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BIEST QUALITY . FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSHA1 j WDAT HAPPENS... The incomparable smoodnes of lurbine drive ... &e relabilily of Air-flo alum- inum brakes ... maàe Buicd '60 due bat performer on the rnad Ioda. iJJJEnJj- ______________Y.Meba essa*UJMa4d oUS plUSe uêm hc oa V11wftNs n 'ROBSON MOTORS Ltd. 166 Kinc St E. Phone MA 3m331 k Town Hall Bowmanville (To-morrow Night) F RIDAY, FEB. 19 8:00DP whenu ynnudgo the accelerater e..when YODu touch the Iraks! d 's 1

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