Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, page 9

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MUthodflt Churci, expecting .--m neu7 PLYNuTE COACE illBaXdv.Bti u ic Naioa Guffie leu# th~~~~~~ing dlatous happeedon IÎteGrm fr Very clama car. No rusi, o y brne vie had be wtid st>e "d cuirti b=e! began boesllng o! viat once Boyau,, Me. aln.. IbRow-U D T rR bad bisa donc and upon lu- land man Mu. BOU Cari. lm lin BEILR UAL i vestigatios, thc damage vas Mr5. Nmml Fniy expris- Tvu.tonw, customn huit radio. Very clim Sar. Durlng thm moat prosper- members o! hie group sud D~L lU I'ITf5 U ks oui time in the village, grain, speclal qprçot Unuw SS~uu ,rn. DII R M w P IN ILVIII cattie, hogs end unbr ver. Scot. 1953CADILAC4.DE 10"Sern ihpedte dsat pointsa. On Tuisiey, Feray »b, u i poverLA eqpd. Cotn utrai.» re are no aulicntlc re. Mi. snd Mms Hueret Nuils 'A -OvNMP Omn.Oier car. Beamw ful<nitioa Inside Mad milin recelved me, but I =W S=il mnvimr.Drn OUt la ma=oe that t vws deiiv. thc afteimnan md iveniui thei id fr m eme o! the tirai spaclous faim bS n 7A ROY WeNICHOLSan wvas ou¶-!g Aulher d te "e 49c 447cs - d inl 1856 rumng juit a Ut poment. I.tLI l. north o! vbcrc the pros- eh cburct et the Bible RA bd 9 Oausu*uaa . Covrool CYIh'eut alcol 15 situated and'11 ChnistLa vas toim dova ID.JaL.L D..iIa~~~ ~ name vaà given to the rail. rnnyycgea nla13 XA vdFqo B M m)Cr a> saUo.' -This railva'l.Mtuds w2uuhv ýITS 41 -'U ' oaedt peeetio closed for lack of membir- Franklin in. 1928. The rival shlp. There l no bwlness o!f put tbu'ough ils .ectAon lu 1911 nmil IresoVer thue rural route M N E E F i 9 71>)' ii liltle village, from Y Be han>, bk ha be.i ~bB~54J Poas 3-321 ulls tic vest. caine the shoog centre fer The lifting of lhe railly> tue furmera 011. comn-1 Au puts la This AdI &mugihmm rdil. e. m. moi mmitebave bien hbbb- lty. I i .<~ f..;: i., 7"e ~EUUDAYTEE.tSlh - I - fl CWADIW WfTESPAN, OWXAYILIOTAIIO uua J Hart, John Vuss ýU groomsman of i e ar ffre for 9"~huswr oyo m~~mdt i ~ ' jeNgB ET i A N Y 'g.Mr. PercyJoooOévterm, n 1~oaaPth r .AauWho was lx for badCotiimoot.Ep C. Wlndrem, James Copeland, ter mv nuany motorits mux- wboae ftfer their con. irieluding the brca<bers and abl- Waiin'i Aocilm ed S i BETHANY W Lam, vmsktoks a. meb. homer of Mr. ainad niibs luÛ Scololl wthâbut1 10 0 Y ear O Id S chool Wht, a*eo, cur- mt o thisr wor in e -d 9Preldet M Whte .amea, McGire, "Omt n t Mer tui Pi2Mn bera Preton, ad Her- 'sh =rIdn MW* A utncn pn Sna aIigtnw Thompun erOBln erborough "x Oshava, Coun- bert Neels, son of Mr. mn4 Mrs. Blo* Mr. ad Mnm NORlS cu le. bcdudrn u omr.uCeUivi C Io ù to tu d n tshe achoo bulding: nMOadIAY moriD& et*brId:ae mia home, vidiniy. v= t to nmi om baL,V ktM.efr then niuch the smre as it l The NI-C Club of tbe Uni. wih the 11ev. =ile Adam togthr aiôuLomupbcv..ENoe dNoeHlayo!Trxo nowexcet may imrove tedChurh bed a alenine or te ceemon. arekanondo Mm Mber Franklin Sehool., known a3s chool hbo. That loft only Mme chne th ,ncsi ment& have bien made in late Prt in Ibo Orafge KIfl on = =.Fui White (Mns. James tue United Church In Bth»' LbliY 1hOIjPlèl ~~nmto udM.1.W1eo Unin Shol i ad 2 o!tw up l 1h dstrct-taifl a adltlna techr.)7m Maple tre Planted rday night. Pody) 'was ber brideumaid where Mrs. Neals in a mimbur Mev a chureo a.Br bmu ~ bspra Union Shool i and 20of twopupilsin the.distrit- taei erly days are now ma- WiesA»"no whlch s nderved townsias, plgadpes anv d Willi~ am 0tue«la Smock sliai tM an th g uhade tre Mrs. Alan Moffatt >.tr and Pirc Job., th. grOOMS- Of the -oe' Ausltio B"DU , ildtYM.1.M.aiMa .Wl - h ban ser dan tohipsre , In i grade iiam e Te Sautels .1 Frauk 1d borough, speit tbe weekend Mm indinl earlier yeari wus a val- elaifelo u n ._ for aImait 100 years bas now respectIvely, and these tvo ry Gllis and Harold 9bt nti rpr~ witoi her paents, Mr. ani Mms Austne In recuvlng the ue mimbir of the choir man AshbY. 11ev. A. W mdu a bien lome. chidienare nw ben< trns- lth Mi. Iis Mcuad n 1864 the school rol sow Hâard Brietow utaer theïr only son, Orgai"s III th. Qinidi. guie mdaiaun er n alrivu been~~~~~~~~~~vt a-ed Cclde ar Mis. Dougime ih -i. rs Éh h Tedluo 0coeteported to Behy aciioel. uectry-treamurer id ani attendance o! 90 puplls, Mrwn r. Bru By-e Geg en hil amié an theio 1.1dB lum wu. Wiit. Be Tebo deasi rnod lIoem MntheyBriso lo alouth some were very Ir-:f on. ada foir . ue Ble four grWcidn Mi He l ra mnial affir als nrd cu i oforg nSud Shoo, wumadeIn Nvem-Mrs.Pere Saginsn wh Thefirs* Frnkli fthol.regular. In the. winter, th. ef 0(1g Sunrda foere St.e ile éI fPtroog -vda onilrfrb e-wstme ber when a lack o! pupils be- has begun ber tenth term In a~ FakiuSho young men and women who bugwlrdweele is Ros N and o PMurril e. ver s towsicpfor fiv vas th nd byMsaprlphecniia.CnirSce came pparnt. i. an Mis tcmhng he uhoolha. eci at the top o! thie big th summer came back t0 con- Miss Marie Oer upmt the The bride und groom re- 1032-1937. He in almo a mm-t se by others, sgetn i orhmdiltdpoit .Andie* Michie rncved 10 Pc- bien engaged as prncipal of hili known as 1he Devil'as El. tinue their studles. Most of weekend lu Toronto with Mr. dlVed their guets lu the. liv- ber o! L.OL. 1022 an bhu Mr Harding shouldiki 5e wn 99 terborough in October wlit Matchett'i School, Cvnbc>v on 1he.aa-avr h ecel ii wssetadMs u ht.M8 theur six children. Mr. and township, teachlng grade. ' aa.mvr h eoe' rewssetsdMs u ht.Ma ng room whlch was decorated ved Beveral terme as trustee.efncsl Mirs. Harold White moved seven and elght. (There was budary. A saw mlii vas uet on the older folks and they Hugh McCarthY and ber dôu. with large baskets of bronze o! aenowu,,'s school. ftlu b ok AMexr-e dloser 10 Bethmny, and their overcrowdlng lu Cavan schools uP tere b>' rrancla Lyna in in bueard the. younger ghters Ana and Peg o! Cal- mindyellow 'mr. diuin, ad vleisa U Mzy er gacm son Douglas is atending thc and Uiey ver. forced to make wt lovrehat o! te recite their lessons. Co-gary, Alla., are vMisling with Th lc cvre ,i n Mras a ongv brn.ariclesioa uilnsaeo"ranin"orkacaer Bethany Ski HllIs. school saent dril was the on]y form her faîher, Mr. G. L. Jarvis. the dlulng roc u c entredkovasapoesveai-rtceboutbymmesEgadvsetiali.ld buit roud 846wa lageof learning. The style o! teach- Mis. Max Hun>ber, Peterbor- ihalvl aregm i ve o! e tekn prd lus hlmfe realisid bover tb olr.Te1 u uor !cusI eflough 10 accommoitethe ing remnained the saie-fear ough,. spent the weekend with yellow daffodfle and 'munis anectiv e H en he vfa. r qut bll brCa lan-ddnogd.Tmy9 rit 20 odd children of the am-ruled the clessroom. her grandmother, Mis.. Blch- 11:aiked wlth bronze candle- busy sdatv oiclvr eil !ai acr i ueve lies who settled around the The afoementionied James aid Fallas. sticks and bronze tapeis. Two They sometimes think of re- charge o! Mr, utn ni ratderywl -yo woksawmlfl. The fit teacher vas IcMullen la oreditcd with be- The Building Commitlý of siîver tes services voie at tiring, but Mi. Neals tiuka he .flough for a qt WDRobert Merrow, who beld ing the flîst teacher te add St. Paul's Parish Hall, held a cither end o! the table with 15*s O 0ug 'Ihare ver. 41 tSn D~~q sway with a hickory stick music 10 the curriculum. A succegsful progressive cuchre toi .poured by Mrs. H. Neals, The community joins lu ex- day Sduool, Siua onig ULT liai vas nover idle long concert aI Christmas vas the party in their newiy bult hall Pontypool; Mns. Bernard Pies- tendlng congratulations oni ti but several o!l.cidn * enough 10 become dustyl hlghlght o! Uic year and Uic on Frlday nighî. ton, Mrs. Perry Nous, Peter- ansiversary occasionl. were ae diuc evc MNMMT N * * These pupils at on1 planks Urne when proud parents camne Mr. and Mis. Morris ?&Ce borough; Mis. Perey Preston, in______l town wlbides dCb. Kh plîced around the three wdlis 10 vatch lieur chldren parade have gone te FlO'rlda for a Mii. Hariy Hutchdnson, Lind- Oui Monday ielng ri * ~of th. rn. 1¶hey h o tUep across th. lMprovisid Stage Lto month'S vacatio say; Mrs. Water Nouls, Mis. W SE VLE Toidk iiLws e ovor planka10 Bit sin or redIs.Mis. Ina Palnier ho! all ber Harry Preston, Mii. Alben Dinner snd Lry rmn0 d... and then they taced the vaîls. Ia 1908 a stone founcistion famuîy hom on Sub Mr. Sinson, Mrs. David MaLeauu. Austin ard Ptu lie i VSAFR Between these planksa nmd vas put under the building, aM Mrq. Chaes palmer and Serving the guests ere Lt me live la abouse by fthur ad on uue bld t the waii. vas anoher plank nev brick work vas donc and famlly, Mr. and Mis. Ed. Me- eight ieces, Mis. Donald Cathi- th. aide o! Uic x'oad, and b. a the PresbyterlnCudil U8 high enough on wilcb te a new floor laid. In 1950 1he G y n a d aml of P t r o .c rS r gvle r W . ri dt eW lua w l k w ot H p . write. Ia 1h. centre vas a ucîiooî was rcdecorîted. In ouhar nd anuil o!c Petalo- crlb, Sprs. Cil l et entien f and the mi"1 iikown Prr Hope. huge wood burning stovo, !ed 1956 Indcoor toiets weîe I-mer'an fmi. y u d is.kal- Rbongh Ms. Ccciir Nas, et- sentime a prtic HoMes- with maple sticks four feel stalled, anov floor vas laid Paled PauloaiRg nalderoog; Mra. BourNl anil ga ve Snay pacigl whlu- a s u diurh Sn DOT lonu t hefont~ vareWs and the eiling insulated. The Th o=sMsSm oM Rlh PrestonMrs. 12 pepl 'brin threeor cmD.buqe.o o alud loukordad sudr seoir an esoae lietw nuise yeaer's ca i sve sclt pur esd~ nu Cluu c e e s t«4 aPreson ne d lah l akeshrv . The bodva 313y aslsS. .WIb the drouingpin teï eystecerachi wr pr made for th annuel Wrldm ph"t from the Woxnen's As- aiong around seven o'clock on Congratulatiomi eMr ha Wlb Oonew îe ahie o!d bo ha 95 ud tmtdnth Day o! Prayer, vhlch the sociattion 01 the United Church, Mon., morniing 10 ot vio Austin vho p.ebegad Ovk835 Uw ik Mae o paaes upil and 9 brro h storont Teachrs members vul attend in St. a lai. basket o! 'murs from get home and soke Up me .t from ToanoCosra - - La d~~~~~~~~cown, vith hickory stick &loft, Coflege le Frauklin School. Paui's Anglican Ohurch. __________________________________________ You will ho acting in 'your owfl JOSI evor ready te vhack the They niarvelled at thc cendi- Mis. Henry Jakernan ledth 1 Ilda, te Sa e fe be shoulders o! enycue vho lag- tien of thc iether-bound Bi- devotionai, period, readlrio; froni inleresi, adaihesm lme e ged or nodded. aLalor, Mr. bic dated 1864 ich cost 50 the Gosp>el o! Luke ami gting Morrov acquired awhip and cents at time o! purchase. explanaloui o! the Lord'i, Pray- helin yor ommnhy, f ou el as lier. was noe dock lu Uic The. Inspecters who have ei1 WltIi ai repeatin< the pmy- helpig you coniunify if yu gel room, oo heur vas announ- served are Dr. J.Tiiley, Dr. ci la milieu. ced by thrce strokis on Uic W. E. Tilley, Col. E. Suider, 'Mrs. T. Jackson lied char~ge s you rpaisremdelin,,interior donc witb Uic wip. <(This C. F. Cannon, T. . McEwen O! the Study Book, laklng An- - ~ jdescription o! the. oariy achool and E. ,Webster. ga as her subject. "Angola lu decoration, maintenance and clean- ceane f rom the memoIrs o! Uic There have been a geod eue O! thc okiest mission fields, -laIe Rev. James MNEulen.) many teachers et Frauklin Dr. T. Tucker and 11ev. Wal- up wrk onenow Du in the Tc log uchool house became SeoL geglnng vith the ter T. Currne accompanled by seaonl quiiien d~eute te bouse th. In- fit mentioned Mr. Morrow. their vives, opened tue firsl present seasonl lull, qualifed masnnubor o! -uisadthycniu wli: J. Mdl-mission hr seMY-iv prselluthe setliers decldod thaI hius ton, F. Pritchard, Edward ycais ago. Great changes have wokm n resein chool on Uic brov o! thebill Hart, R. Keely, James MeMul- taiken place In thie lives o! the3 ic werkmen are seeking work and vas exposed le thc elements ion (vho lator entered lie priiniative Afrioansince tuose o u &11 1 more than vas neceusary, &o Mlulatry end served in var- uarly daes. There are nov- waitng I sere yo. tey chose a site et the base. ioue Methodiut churches liro- school, hospilaise, churo hem, wailing b serve you. The sai mili vau aise rnoved ugheut the Bey o! Quinte Con- wli native Pasters, toacluers ~I :$~CGRTE le licefoot of the blL ference). 1. Graham, Thomas and nurses. Africa la nov a (lb OffDm Man nd aieralsareavaiahl Thepreentbrick ichool Kennedy, Hennin Hart. James inuai disluut>cd country. Their an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a andt mairal ar1v85bewu~6. Just a short Berry taugit several years la great ueo! la Chritian téech- bgU~I I now. They may be hard Io gel ditne eto the Manvrs Frnki b torhO aisoen er. close se, SAVE me0n Céa onayo h lhtrdteMnsr.John Green AtES th cos o te eein concession o! Mauvors, bai! came next ou th.e Est sud ho thie hostau serveci refresh- .9 nexl summer. an acre of land vas purcias- bas since become a Medicai menti uend a social heur was ed tramn James Fallas for a Docter, practlcing lu Newi- enjoyed. schooi site. There voie nu- foundland.. Ferdinand Gibuis ïMe Wofieusp lngtute met merous familles o! this name vas succeedcd by Arthur Ja- ait the home o! Mis. Rosa Day- T a7 .v .. t a rd c and James vas Knava as mieson, vie liter becamne well idson on Mouday evedag, wltb W HY W A I , 0eh"jùnmrie, tic Bush". One o! knova as Dr. Arthur Jamixe- Mrs. Addison Scott picsldilug bis sous vas voll kuowa as son, Dentist lu Miilbrook un- for the business sesion. FoU-(n.i.. tAJ O "Red William', and anolici tii bis death. Follovlng inoving the slnging o! the Insti- son enleied tic Ministry, Rev. succession voie Miss Ida Sta- tute, Ode and îepeaiting thec DO IT N O W 1John Falu. His sou, 1ev. pies, David Sommervile, Wes. Mary Stewart Collect the. min- e k n5 and for mn er SpeEnstSebby, Miss Loua Fin- report given by secretaiy Mis. lie puipil in Triuily Church, bey, Malliew Feris, Bet aph Preston, vie aise read ^&P ne&. pki 7to-4AVEL ftAIy RD FOR NFORATIO CAL YOU LOCL t Vancouver, B.C. Nugeut, Eari Hart, Horace burner, Presidest of! F.W.I.O Nainl E pom n fieEnquirles rivoal that thc Grendy, Mie Gertrude Dew- outlining pbns for tRiAs ya.T A W à uf 4 5 National Emplyment Officefamilles living lu the district eil (Mrs. Wni. Bovin), Miss Mrs Thma Jeni rend a 40Off DeaR&ik b-hmaTblo 0 vien the school vas built in- Pearl Whuie (Mis. Perey reor pkgm Mr-Su Godo Mea-ef 22 Abr tet sa acluded lie tolloving: Joseph Stewart), Miss Alice Rafters, Phapor from Mi. eordn Mc-3»P»9 22 Albrt Steet, shawaRoberts, Ralph Lee, JOaeph MWs Joyce Browott, (Mr is presatte co heu Roerel- FA B mcUill., George Twlgg. Mark Harry Gulis) Misa Edin men t. it u oeu- F~ r ne RAndQlpb 5-3581 Graham, James Mui, Johu Irwin (Mrs. Jos. Evans), Miss ment. c..eed tew S.pase . Eeg. phNewPc-BAVE 110 James Sutton, Thomas Bail, O'Brian, Miss G. Sliear- a nev brieicase for th. sec- A IF m o vr d J. Woods, James Failis, James or, Miss E. Grahamn, Miss ietiary. Mis. Ralph Pieston vas CA E MAIRES 3 ,,..z pig leUP> Lyttle, Humphrey Woods, Geo. Gladys Spiers (Mis. Douglas appoiMied leader of lie Girls u AEL Deyeil), Miss Isabel McLean, 4-H Club vith (Mis. Aile Oldo- Loin. Wanan' Miss Cois JOnIs as assitant. .FV Baelcey, Claire gluson, Mrs. Mis. Roiasud Scott flue guesi oo EL CarsLee, Mis. Mervin Smith, speaker, displayed manr o! ber~ C o n d F o Sale Claire Sisson (second term) o~vfl wat.rclor and cil Peint- -A c Mi.Mansel Wright and Mis. lugs. Mis. Scott, vie llved In ^&P Choice QualitRos2 mU&8^g3 Percy Sarginson. Toroato before nx>vlng to Be- Witb the. closlng of lhe thany lied been a tudent aI O A O S3 2- m5 3 molucl, ilvouidseem hal t~ Colege-o Art bu& 1 a .. t 4ae %.. -+i$LI AE là

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