Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, page 7

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N. ?KUESMAT, M1. 1, tlm ____TUE___________________ I g~pS>ocia I.&Eersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. Harbley Lewis, Toronto enlaveroity, wus hoe for thc ~eekeid. Miss Edas Bottreil la visitlng her sioter, Mus. E. J. DOPP, Toronto. MUn. R«g MoNîdul, Toron- to,< wu a wcekend guest et *he tister, Mm. M. M. Gerry, Qucen Shreet. Mr. and Mmr. Ai Fletcher vlsted wih Uieïr son O.P.P. '. Chales and Mis. Fletcher, Pletosu, ont. 1 Mis A. L. Thresher, Oshawa, le a gueret this weck et ber son andi daughter-in-law. Mi. andi Mnr. GeorÉ,. Tlurashcr, King Street East. Ni. and Mns. J. Mari, Pal enci Mary Lou, accomimnec by Mr. and Mis. C. Rtoper, Whlltby, spent the weekead i Detroit, Midi. Mis. Walter Sn-Ath nd Mis. Heniry Geissler, Toronto, wcre danner guesta on Tucsday ot Mms L . B . Williams, Temper- vice Street. Mr and Mis. Ralpu Ames and'Mi. and Mis. Nelson Os- borne leit by mator lasI Sun- daoy foi a vacation in Uic Sauthein Staites. Mis. L. B ,Williams was in Oamnpbellvlle for a couple ai deys lest week vlsiîing ber daughtur, Mi. and Mns. H. E. Purdyr and tamnily. Mis. George Weiiy was re- cently elected presldemut af Uic W.A. of St. Aadrew's Unitedi Oluurdu, Oduawa. She la tbc formner Jean Morris ot tuia 1own. Mr and M&i. W. C. Cock- t1hett cf Wlnau.peg,, are VIsitilng her mother, Mis. R. N. .Tsmieon, and ber suait, Mis. D. H. Jaznieson The Order of the Eastern Star, BownMaville, celebrateci lheir 32nd anaiiveusry with a birthdiay party tollowing bbc rogular mneeting on Tuesday, February Mt. Mirs. Vern Powell anýdDo.n- &Id et Columbus, Mis. Donald 'Yellowlees, nd Mms. Gary Glospdi ot Tarunton speat Truenday aflerneon with Mis. I. C. Yellowleca. 'ýPeterborougu Iiwenls Mua- le Festival closlng entiy date lis Mondiay, February 29Ui. Sa- j )teaduers, parents and puPils !get ygur entries la row sud avoid ltie lest minute rush. g Mré. Alan H. Osborne allen- ded a reglonal meeting ai nur- sery schaal directors aI 1the home ai Mm. George Pearce, Blue Spruce Nursery Sdio,, Oshawa' es Friday evenlng. , Mis. W. H. Dcnsem sud Mirs. H. Humpbries, King St. East spens Uic weekend la Toronto with biiei.*!Mer, Mis. W. L. Rowe and Mis. Den- scm's son, Pli.and Mis. Scaott Deasenu. j Sunday evetxmg di1n n er guests with .Mr .and Mis. Gor- don Marin andi Doris were MiW. and Mrs. Esi osbaine, Town, and Dr. and Mis. Stan- ley Osbornre, Ladies' College, Whltby, Ontario. The Central Ontaro Sprlng Show aI Peterborough bas been suspeadeci for Ibis year. Thid action was decideci on Monday wben 21 directors attended Uic meeting. Ternu et current ai- ficera was exterodcd unitil Sep- Little Theresa Kltncy, arnàall daughter ef Police Chiot andi Mis. Kiîncy hb.d Uic misior- lune te tall and break ber arm lat weçk. The accident oc- cijreci while she wes skating ron the rink li thir yard at "Hughbendon". Mis. Wm. ]Roseveer ai Belle- àville bas bceu vlsiting Misses iMay nd Edria Bettrerîl and re- newîng aid acquaintaxices et ber chilcibooci days when sbe llvcd bere. is. Rosevear was thc fermer Mildred Johnston whese ftbler, James Johaston, was a well known employec ai thc Dominion Orgaau & Pia- no Co. before tbe turn af thé ccntrury. 1 Mis mnaay fiords will regret lat leara bluat Dr. C. W. Sic- àmon, whflo with Mis. Slemon is bolidaying ah Daytona Beach, Florida, met with a talhi whicb required hespital attention and -severeA stitches la bis face. 1Latest reports state he is com- m ig alonig nnoeiy sud is back tin liheir apartmeat aI 127 Pen- meinule Drive South, Daytona Beach, Flerida. - Caplain Norman Cales bas Dbeesu Ia Peterborough Ibis )week attcnding a medâa work- P!- r REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN ,4REFORMED CHURCH, Scugog Steet, Bowmanvill MORNINO SERVICE - 10:00 .m - %nglish EVENIG SERVICE - 7:30 p.M. - Dutch Suisday School lmmiediately ater Sunday morning service, "Back To God- Hour' Broadcast CRI , Oshawa, nt 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 an. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, BA., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., LKRS.M. il am MORNING WORSHIP ""An Alternative to the Churcli» 7 p.m. - LeVENING W019SHI ""The Stand of Faiih" SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS 11:00 .m. - Nursery - Beginners 11:20 a.m. - Kindergarten - Prinm 12:10 p.m - Junior, Intermedlate, Senior EVERYONE WELCOME St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church SUIDAIT, FEDEAIT 14àh il ar. - WORSHIP SERVICE Wil b. condued by the Pftsbyteriaa mm of the Peterboroug Preshytery WILFRED HUSKILSON of Cobourg wi reh the termon, asslted b.y ether 1rsbyterian man of the ehurch AIL ARE WELCOME Suday, F.bruary 14âm- ai 1:00 p... The Monthly Workshop and Bible Study and Ledermhlp Traning wilbeheldin the ChurchSehool Room. Ail Prebyterian menarerequested to be present. Help yoreiand help your commulnity in the wr fChrist. duap devated to press, radio and television work. The course la bcing conducted by Senior Ma- jor Arnold Brown, Taraonte, who la ia cbarge of the Sal- vation Anny publicity li Can- ada. Major Brown was at anc time la charge ai Uic Bownn- ville Salvation Army Corps. Mr. Edgar Pbllip Emerson, 73 Cettoiwwad Drive, Don1 Milis, Ontýaho, son et Mr. and1 Mrs. Malcolm Emierson, Nestie-1 ton, Ontario, majored in in-r dustrial education and recelvcds a Master et Education (M.Ed.)E degice aI Wàyne State Uni- versity's mid-ycar commxence- ment exercises an Thursday, Fcbruary 4, at the Masonc Temple Auditorium in Detroit. Congratulations to Mi. and Mrs. A. F. Cox et Oshawa, who clebrated their 58th wed-1 ding anniversary on Frlday,1 February 5Ui at thir home, Elgin Street East. Mrs. Cox1 is thc former Blanche Piagie1 and is a sister et Mis. Samuel1 Glanville and Mrs. Jack- Glen- ville. Mi. Cox was borninl Bewnuanviile and is a son et Uic laIe Mr. and Mis. David Cor. The Sunshine Clasm met aI Uic home of Miss Jean Rua-z cite for its first meeting ai 1960 with thc President, Mis.1 EaT Thompon inl charge. Dur- i the cvcniing thc comlngc Cancer Canipaigin was discus-1 sed, and a vote of thanks giv- en te the 5h Pack et Brownies and Group 1 et Triniby W.A. for white cotton colected by themn. A total ai sixty-eigbt dressingis weîe sewn and ad- dcci te the man.y dozens ai- ready mode by this group et nineteen womnen. The Feb. meeting la te be held aI Mis. L. Dewell's home. On Wed. Thurs. Fil. and Sat. af this week thfe Oshawa Little Theatre is presenting Ihie one-act pînys in Uice MLaugh- lin Library Theatre, Oshawa. For the first timne members from Bowunanville wiil take part li Uic presentations as a group. One et the thice plays1 ;wifl. be duiected by Mis. R. .Sheridan andi members ai the cast all frein Eowmmwville, ,are Mrs. John Darch, Miss Hel- en NoUles, Ken Hockin, Jina Clark and Ted Farrow. Auth- Sor efthIis particular play, "Q0v- .erl-aici", la Robertson Davies, :Editor oethUicPeterbarough 1Examiner. Dr. andi Mis. Gea. W. James wcre in Hamilton for thîe ;dlays last week aîtending the ;annual convention et Uic Ont- .aria Weekly Newspapers As- sociation at thc Royal Conn- augivt Motel. Il was over 30 years ago thati bis association was organized, wben Dr. Jam- es was eiected the first secret- ary et Uic group. Less than tea ef the original membership were present at this annuai meeting, but the record attend- suce of and enthusiasm shown by, Uic younrger editors give every assurance thc association will continue te go on to great- ci accomiplishmrenltu li serving their individual communilties throughout the Province.. The Mondray, Jan. 25th., Is- sue of thc Globe andi Mail con- tained a mosl interesîing ar- ticle by Jo Carson foranerly et Port Hope, with tbc head- ing "Flamily Counseling- Psy- chiaîric Training Important H elp". A major part et thc ar- ticle cevers Uic soholastie tralndng and seme experiences of Miss Mary Jury who attend- cd Bowmanville High Sclhool. Miss Jury is a case-workci specializing in faniily couniscl- ing li thc City ef Toronto. She is weil qualiticci foi work .a bner chosen field having graduated frein McMasîei Un- iversity, Hiamilten; University ai Toroni.lo School et Social Work and Simmons Collage School et Social Work, Bos- ton. where she graduated witb a Master's degrec la psychia- trio weltare work. At anc lime she lectuîed at Adelaide Uni- 1vcrsity in Australia. Miss Jury ard'a, Saburday evenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford sud famlly, Part Perry, were iccenî visitersataIN. Black- burn's and Mis. K. Cawliag. 1&. and Mis. J. Pot, Lyn- de, Tommy and Debbie spcnt Uic weekend aI Collingwoec and attcnded the sixtieth wed- ding anndversary et Mi. Poît's parents, Mi. and Mis. Thomas Patta. Sympth* ls extendcd to Mr. n Mi.9M.Sears ia the pass- in ~ <f Mi. Seas' father. le. nid Mis. W. Blackburn and famlly andi Mrs. K. Cow- llng, spent Saturday. evening at Mi. and Mis. G. Shackle- ton's, Salem. Mary Patta spent Uic week- end wltiu 1&. and Me,. Arthur Trcwia and William. Mr.anid Mr.. Waler Rahai Tyrone, wîre Sundimy dianr guesta ai Mr. and Mms Clem Rahm's. ?&. and Mis. A. Genrard and Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Slemon called on Mr. anud Mm. Norman Avery, Saemr, Trday eveaing. Mia. Lloyd Aston sud Ran- aid aI Mi. aud Mis. Harvey McGill'a, be occasion, Mi. and Mnr. M 111llentertaimedthe Emmkmm cg,"~ A flf A IMAA D j'MAWN-UWUWI Beef. Ecters Enjoy Annù'al Stag Night Thc annual Llons-Rotary Stag Dinner at the Lions Centr. an Tbursday, Feb. 4th, saw Nelson E. Osborne holding Uic final, prize winning ticket. Because of a previaus agrce- ment, he iceeivcd oniy $200 la- steaci ai Uic ful $500, tbc bal- ance being aplit amaag Uic final four sem-finalists, Earl M cucen, Ed. Phillips with Ja'k Knliht bcing bis praxy; Fred Gruffla and Howard Wood, who cach reccived $75. Thc 200 ticket holdera sat down ta thc traditienal roast beet dinner seîved by Uic Ladies' Auxillary te Uic Canad- !an Legion. Following Uic deicleus meal, final postlngs wcre made on thc two buge blaekboards and Uic special enterrainer A. W. "Lap" LaPrairie was iabroduced by ce-chairnuan et Uic event, Bill Tbiesburgcr. jMi. La- Prairie wbo bas spoken here on several occasions bas an unlimiîed fund of situation sleîies whicb kcpl the audience îocking in thear chairs with laughteî. Rick Rickaby ex- pîessed bbc gathering's bbanks. Experienccd bands frein both clubs soon had bbc tables ai- ranged and the druin set fer thc draw and the line-up et ticket hoiders began the ex- citing parade. Jack Brougb was tbc announcer, assisted by Robert Kent, co-chairnian et Uic event. Througbeul bbc evening, eveiy tenth number drawn was awarded a $5 prize. Those who drew their own tickets îeccivcd $10 and there weîc four et these, Lloyd Ells, Ron Groundho)g 1: Didn't See His Shadow Oui custamiers wilI b. happy ta Icarn that we have reeelvcd definite cen- firmation that aI least anc groundhog did't seo his shadow last week, and re- tixin underground for an- other six weeks et wlnber. On Saturday, Pcb. 011- smre lime aiter ground- hog day-Calvin Ciago's dog, at hlm faim, R.R. 4. killed a greundbog on their front lawn. Posslbly, Ibis la why we have experlenced such de- lightlul (?) weatheî th. pust few days. Police Report' (Conlinueci tram page' on.) 5. There was a whoppiag la- crease in Crime in 199U. %2.5% more persons wcrc proseculeci durin-g bbc ycar. 92 Tbefts were îeperted (excluding cars and bicycles) and includes theits et bubcaps, theil et a washing machine sud thet of beer. 9 reports of shopliting werc brougbt tea ssuccessful conclusion. Wc invesîlgaleci 23 cases oi Break-las af bouses and business premises. 10 cases et Failure la Remain aI bbc Soene et an accident. 10 re- ports oi bogus cheques. One persen atbempbed te pass a bo- gus $10.00 bîUll hat had been passed on her at bbc post office. Two reports et chilciien left unaîtencled, wbile the parents weie ouI, weic investigated j andi turned* aventetahbbcCbild- ren's Aid Society.9 Que case et Bootiegging and1 two et opcîating Bawdy Heuses1 were invcstigaled and appro-1 prale action taken. Two shoot-1 ng incidents sud a Run-away- bouse accident were investigat-1 cd. One man was cbarged with] breaking eut of bbc iock-up1 sud a 2nd was chargeci wiîb altempting ta break eut. A charge et incest was laid. This was later îcduced ta Having Sexual Interceurse wlth a te- maie ward.' Soin. persan Uircw a tire- crackcr thueuglu tbe basement wladow et a gioceiy store sud staîtcd a fire ameng a pilie ot jute bags. We assisîed two boats la distresa into thc bar- beur aI Bowmanviiie. Another inqulry was staited on a comn- plaint ofia anuout ila aboat wiUi a aumber et childien and Uic wcather uough. He was di- rectcd in and chargeci with baving liquor la a place. other than a residence. one case et Inciecent Assault an a fournie sud twe et Inde- cent exposure werc aise laves- etigatcd and cencludeci. There was a case of theit et a boat 3 it ofbelag in possession ai stolen sgeecis. Two Juveniles who wce caughl sheplifttlag, also wcre tound Inlapossession ot stolen 1outdoar Christmas Tice Lighls. aTwo boys werc abat by B.B. -Gusus. 6. As poiabeci out la para. -graph 1, only 119 et the 374 tpersons chargeci were or are Bowmanvillc ucidents. The day oi thc expert-travelling-crim- s huai. bas been brougbî home Sforceiully Ibis yeaî. We haci one block clcaacd eut af power lawamoweis andi other tbols, anothci block bit b y beuse' breakings. A Lock lippcd b n a piece of celluloid at a local -takea. One cheque aitist atarI- 9 e i laprince Albert, Sask., and -every 15 miles east be stopped sud cashod a cheque. He aver- adabout $05.00 ecdi aoP ,r (cluing BoWmanvilll).4 mma were plckcd Up anc neth m el Cash Today )n Fer Old AÀPPHaâces 4. throuch @TA TES MAN e Phamo MArket 3-3U A. W. "ILap" LaPrairle Hetheringtea, Jim VCrombie andc Dr. V. H. Storey wba had a proxy preseat. Winnei's of $5 included Gea. Heath, Wm. Mlibowich, Roy Nichols, Ron McVey, Gord Bur- iey, Ken.Maguie, Jinu Tbomp- son, Jack Reli, Owen Nichol- as, Hcrb Powell, Ait Dcwell, Ernie Rebder, Don Williams, Glenn Lancier, Harry Mercer, Eric Olesen, Bll Buîk, Élan Osbornec and Bob Williams. Financially, Uic evening was a succesa witii cd club clear- ing over $500. with a choque writing machine and a typewiitci. They had inpenbday yissulng cheques la iaday.Tbcy started la Winnipeg. Oue et this four later broke out of oui lock-up, whea be was rc-arresîcd tlwo months later, he had lni bis possession, another cheque writer. A ferged Certifacci cheque was cashcd by a local merchant. (He bas just been arrested inlaBurlington and bas been identitieci by oui mer- chant). One man while an bail frein bere for Breaking sud Entcring witb latent, was ai- rcsted la New Brunswick for being la possession et Burgiar's Tools and lator la Cornwall fb' Aimcd ]Rebbcry (Continued aext wcek) Opening Store jack «Chuck" Chilis A local boy returns home next week toD open a ladies' Wear store here. Jack "Chuck" Childs, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Childs, plans his opcning for Feb. l9th in the store on King St. West, formerly accu- pied by Ken's Men's Wear. He was formerly with Breslin's Ready-to-Wear, and for the past six years has been with Eaton's iToronto. Docflne Requeast (Continued fron page one) Reeve Rickard asserted that he brought the matter up in Countieg Council fine monthu age, and has since been press- ing that the construction of the new Darlington High School be started. He emphasizcd the fact that it la needed to relleve congestion at Bowmanville High Sehool. Transportlng Students In snswer ta a question from Mrs. Budal regrdn transportation, Reeve Rlckarg sald that this is a matter for the Durham County District High School Board and thal transportationi is provided for ail pupils who live mare than two miles from a High School. Decliles Appolntment' A letter was received from A. E. Thompson thanklng council for his appointment to the Lake Ont~ario Development Association, but delinlng the ajppolntment due taotCher du- tles. Councillor »Yed G. Smith was asked by tbe council to take the matter up wlth the legisiation comznttee and sug- »gest a persan at thc nezt coundil meeting for tbis ap. pointment. Daylight Saving Time A letter from the Ontario Plue C u r e d Tobacco Marketini Board requestng appraval. a Standard Time thoughoutth ,year im tobacco growing areas, twus read. In thc discussion that followed it was stated that Darlington is flot enaugh of a tobacco growing area to do away wth DayflgtSvn TMme., Hospital Faclitie A communication was recelv- id fram the Board of Dlrectows of Ohaawa General Hospital stating thc board would 1ke th meet Darlington Council re- garding the provision af hos- pitli acilitlaa. Council agne. 1 1P~au r VALUU M M INESFORIS M E 'M SM1 Money - Saving SPECIALS mcm I.D.A. Brand - ]Reg. 2 for zoo Tol!Tissuse - 2 For 27c eV I.D.A Brad - Eeg. 2 for 29o Cold Cra. Soap -.2 For 27c J.D.A. Brand of A.S.A. Tablets -2001s, reg. 99o e.-Idasal Table!. - - - - 73c I.».A BrandI 4 Grain - 500s, 1,000's, reg. 55c, 79o SUPE STRNGTH Saccharin Table!.s 39c, 59c LD.A. <'UtIlty" - net. 1.99 enw vs. 1~'~ !. 43Jc Bol Waer Bolle - - - 1.59 Nfoxzema SKIN cEAm «-le os. j>r 1.35 ~" Toeu Family's Heath, 20e Off - eg. 980eH E luipriu epssdent Dental Cram 78c FEEL1NG A regular 73o mise tube plus a C3e mise tube TIE VITANIINS Wildroo! Cream-Gil - -73c 1GW! Ile dus NIVEA CREME plus 49e MANI) LOTION &Z ] Vita Diet Capsules $195.- $4.50 Nivea Special 98C - a 98c u Viturra "'Pluse Capsules S6.45 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Parde. . - -,$9.U net.ami se ________IDBA. DIANDS bbl's NEWI Eonchl<a t Regular Prices BohdaCough Syrup 85e g ew BocdaCold Capsules 1.25 rrouchida Chest Rub _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 tIdaphedrin Nasal Spray95 r ayCuhSyrup foi, for ALL Baby C:ugh 31c' 0o y ti~r PaPer Napklns Ise, 2 for37, Minerai ha65<,1.25' t oracle AcId 20t, 45c, 40ce _ __ _ e VALENTINE GIFTS, C'tG EPE FMM% LIPSTICK, Boxed o» lo1 a CAMDES or NUS, etc., are aiways aceept. OHN ahie. Drop Into our store; we'ii b. glad, to 4% @& - ONIT f1 9 .p you la your selectlon for that "Sp.clu 1.1 a PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. Mcregorri 'e- W. Deliver Your Local LDA Drug Store Phone M~ I- MUST puuls 7 Mn& Cub ILLI .iImm ohiu.hI laII m 69s .390. ug S~-w. ~--.-......- ................................................................................................................................................................................................r v. 7 -1 :g met -- ---m le . 1 - - --- - - 0 - -------------- w»Row . - mmo 1- ýýl--.ý-.-,ýl-_ýr 14^ OIITARO ?AM S8Y4 te hold thc meeting with Osha- into havmu, altliough ail the demonstraeai how eaty Itlah n»atet product f eeý wa General Hospital reprisen. pastel shades ane stili popu- to bang prepasted wallpaper. tionsida bily tatives but stated that Darling- . Inl a few minutes ah. huag colours. ton bua ared 10 contFiuti p n, Sprlngtlme" a dalnty mural Fer D..-orei the township's sare of finan bs idinrat apetailik, which l.ipsntd et tstlxs chi assistance ta Mémorial Bellbae daVetruobtainable in cUier coloM -pitdotte hW Hospital, BowmnvieUiM neutrai colours are goad, but M ilo ai.pit av aei b l h spIa ervimg Uic district Io off white in better, ih. added for fsic. 4>~1pins hae mdetil pto b on whcDarlington belongs. In tilflng qf attractive cern- Diii Prise Wlauer by Uic 'do-lt-youruelf rnethod,ý binations end backgrounld The door prize drawlngs ne referred t h imni A letter frorn Uic Tyroean Slxq surprised her lis- were thea made, and Uic for- usd suad tmenc de t Communlty Hall Board sug- tuners iby stating that black is tunete wlnnerswere: Mrs.Ken Sroiand cmcddUe gcsting five people be appoint- fn g aor saasln bs atxpine film of u-,~ cd members of Uic board was clor. Itfavaurs eansa cesaLuxton, LMrs. Gladys White, best LItoe, paint. gud a f Su rcferred ta Uic propcrty com- càur tbors elngdes Gordon Abernelixy, Mri, Lopbe-Kemteofeappichtion mittce. A report was 'rceived net rcflect llght, and br aks Adamis, ira. Cockshott bnscs faplcto il from Uic Central Lake Ontario glare, Uic speaker sald. Mrs. Oswald, MryLew-isquck drying quaities and i Develapment Association, stat- Today ncarly .an papers arc Mrs H. Trl, 'yws durable. lng that a soil judging conteat washabl e, and hius is a boau Mis. R. 0. Cowi, D onh h motnea rpr will be hcld later in Uic scason. to housewives, Mis. Tilisan Allia, Clarence Bell, Mis. PrePuiation i ai surfaces Ior _____________ painted out. Womefl appreci- Clara Hannah, and others. paining wM 6cxphaaleb ate the beauty of design, and Mi. William Pollcy wa.s the Mi. Baine, and he showed tw& clour affcrcd by wallpapers winacr of the beautiful bau- Interesting motion picture, theireasy application and guet of cbrywnthemuxns. an'W aut T Hie Menac care make thcm practical, she The tirst prize wus not n<'atyTLieWU. asserted. élalmed. The holder ai Uic The. use of the Calour Hw.;* N oughtLauda Robert Kerr wianing number, 33, is .aked moxiy Book was advlsed byÏ, Mrs. Trnlsan laudcd 'Robert te contact Miss Velma Gay Mr. Baine, who showed the' (Contlnued fron page One) Kerr for Uic lovely setting ai at the Nurses Residence, Mem- book and said thal il containqo chrysanthemumns' that adora- the stage, and added it was orial Hospital, and receive 1,500 colour àcheme.s. Thfi cd Uic" stage. She announced by fai thc best she had seen this prize. plus value of high glasan- thaI there would be a large inu er w1de erpericace. The Ouest Pa tCompay amels was stresaed by Mr.' number of fine door prizes luttle touches ia excellent Baine and he conducted a re. donated by Uic Canada Paint teste are wbat makes Uic dit- Chester Baine, Toronto, marka'ý1l demtoastration pro., Company, Goodbrand Fabrlcs, ference betwen an ordinary senior salesman for the Can- la? such enamel te resust heat, thc Canadian Walpaper Com- room and an attractive setting, ada Paint Company, Linxited, acid, and alcohol. pany, and two gift certifi- ulie explaîned. pectdtescn at t Ms e ed netaine4 cates give. by Uic Bowman- A number ai Iovely fabrics thc pre«nam. He told the au- all those who had taken parti ville Business and Profession- for curtains and drapery werc dience that this firmin ithUi in the pregram. aI. her resld.- ai' Womcnls Club drawu, later shown lky MS. Tilîsen. There oldest i5aint company li Can- ence, Church Street, following! ini th. evenlng. werc sheers ch.iomespufls, ada, and is Uic manufactuJrer the prescatatien. A deliclou,ý J. L benehy Uc C.nylons, silks, and rayons la ai a comprehêensive assort- lunch wa e urvcd. fer Uic program, thanked Bob Ucdsly c dal Kerr for aîranging Uic parti- ig îsne y~.i culrl efecivesetin a Ui Ms. Tilson. There wce ISEOU ID W IPA staeffec dcrtive dis-g f h squares with adhesive back- E OU WID ISli plays in Uic hall, stalrway m otanbl dfern sud widows.wea&jig inexpensive mta ln.l I In introducing Mis. Lilla With these squares, people' iYullP O Tilson oi the Canadian Wall. can îarmpatteras, the speaker 111 l ar ri s O paper IMianutacturer's Coin- sald. ~ d ll pany, who was in charge et Wallpapers beautifuly de- i1 the first hait ai the program, sigacd for every room in a . for the discriminating Mr. Abernethy stated Uiat she bouse were'displayed by Mrs* a isa well known wallpaper Tilson. One lovely ane was a 111 consultant. He snid that Mrs. plastie coated te shed dust as i,' I, Tillson has been sucoessful well as bcing washable. De- in radio and television pro- signas and textures wcre rnost .Ij!11 grams, bas lectured across attractive, and the correlated 1<AII Canada, and ber advice has colours were cxquisite. ilII, 'been featured ia Chatelaie, Harmony la important U ,Canadian Homes, and other lamnyi most Important, I leading magazines. Mrs. Tilson statcd as -she Deoratlag Can Be PIua showed remaikabie cffccts te i shauld b.eajoycd, MIrs. Tiil- and matching shades. She IIB mnli ~ sonbl te udene.She shoQWed tbe new mural papers '! 2KIgst. W.I 1discuased clour trends, and thaI can be applied ta any size L__ =_ = __ __ «= a-= -,! remarked that rich and pur- wall. J _ _ Lpie hlghlights arc coming.MUn.- Tilisan dexterously-- - --

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