Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, page 13

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- - -r~a ~, - - -- -. - - -.~ - - i - q= - r AnTA UV lanA nVD A v uflt A %1171?ILn VrupiTWAV WEPM ¶lth. lmIS .Z C.m D oaj5 A»dAIA, J TVjm^nvu4&1Wun The Orono News Mrs. James E Richards, Editor Mr. Chas. Cooper, Mr. Mil- tojBirdi andi M .Fred TrUil cHoptai, Peterborougl Ho -ieA hornten, I W c k , oe M n d Y . Mre. Bruce Gustan anti dau- ohters of Bsigden, visited hen, niother, Mrs. McKenna. Mr. anti Mis. H-arny Rowe 'n iDownsview, weîe sup- Sguests of his grandparents, andi Mrs. Hariy Rawc on Sunday. Mr'. andi Mis. D. G. Hooper visiteti Mr. anti Mis. Dean Ilodgson, Bowrnanville. lest Tliuisday r&., andi Mis. Wallace Barra- bail and tarnily, Couitice, wene supper guests of Mr. and Mis. Luther Baniabail on Saturday. Mis. Lloyd Ransberry andi Sheron Alli ana' patients in Memonial HospdiielBewnien- ville. Mi. andi Mis. Chaz. Taylor visiteti Mr. aniM iar. Loirie McGUi, Oshawa. Mis. T. M. Bulpitt, WiUaow- dle; Mr and Mns. Buins Kitt- mer andi sons, St. Mlary's, spent tht weckend with Mi. andi Mis. Wm. Mitchell. Mrs. Bruce Thompson, Cobi- ourg; Mis. M. Irish andi Mis. G. Swanson, Peterborough; Mr. and Mis. W. W. Mutton, Ces- tîcton, visitet Mis. R. R Wad- dcll. Mis. Thointon Wilson, re- tur'ned home Saturday atter spendintg a week with Mi. andi Mis. Jim Lamb, Scaiboreugh. i&. andi Mis. J. C. Gamey, 1&. andi Mis. Ohms. Fioste are leavig this weekend on a mo- tai trip to FloSida. Mis. Dalton Bmrwn, Bethany, visiteti Mr. andi Mis. Chas. Taylor. Miss Joyce Joncs was oven-1 rInàght guest of Miàs Audrey eFletcher, Bowmanville. IMr. Miltan Bircli neceived -word that his neice, Nerma -Cowan, age 17 o! Gaiasbor- tough, Sask. was killed in a car-train accident ncar hen home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimh- iett and Sharon, Maple Grave, visited Mr. andi Mis. Luther Barreball on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mis. Don Goode and farnuly, Laicefield, visited friendr, in Oraoon Sundey. rMiss Canolyn Joncs, Oshawa, 1spent tht weekend at lien ihomne. 1,Mi. Wm. Aimstrong has ebeen a patienit in Mernarial Hospital, Bowmanville for the past week. Mr. andi Mis. Stanley Sey- mour, Toionto, spent Tuesday wiilh his aunt Mis., Wrn. Sey- mour. Despite bad weathcr there Officiai Plan has net yet been was a gooti attendance, ai- appioved by tht Municipal th>oughi smaler than usual, et Board. A member o! tilt exec- thc meeting of tilt Daîlington utive said that tilere is ittile Ratepayers Association helt inl doubt regarding just what is the Cammunity Hall, Hamp- contained in the Officiai Plan, ton, on Satuîday evening. The which may be passeti any day. re sident Robert Trernh4 was "IDRPA A Good Thing" Itht chair, and Reeve Gannet It is a gond thing ta have a Etcka."d, and Councillon S. Ratepayers Association, andi Ooinish turnrished answers to tuis provides thetbest anti most nmre o! tht pressing questions effective way o! reaching tilt which were asked by tiltnat- rnost people and keeping thern payers. intorrned of currenit happtfl- The Controversiai $400 ings Reeve Rickard saiti. There was e lively debate Should Study By-Law es ta wliet to do witil the $400 The Reeve suggested that Paymrents whih lied been col- tht Zoning By-Law lie studied leeted as a landi separatian tex. and rccornmendlations be wnit- Beveral people piesent ativo- ten out and fonwarded ta catet calling a meeting cd council andti t tht Planning those drectly concenned ta Board It was announced that mse if they coultcamne up witil the association wilil act on a solution. Reeve Rickaeds suggestion anti Pose: a Problem will demanti consideration. It w'es saiti that tht disposai Ask Publi'c's Help of the Ian-d separation tuix Tht chairmen stateti that tht xnonty poses a pnoblem ta the public will be asked te senti couincil, cspecially as it wiiS inxditual suggestions regard- ionted eut tilat it was tht ing thie Zoning By-Law te tht tormer Township Council that Daiiington Ratepayers Assoc- instituted tile $400 tax as well iation. Thie suggestions wili be as rescindeti it gieuped andi condensecl by a »o~ve Reproach committee and tht DRPA will *ReevePLickard statcd that havet themn forwardedti t the this Uie tht Municipal Coun- peoper authorities . wanits Vo make certain that Close te 1,000 Members wecr decision is: nched , The, Darliglion Ratepayers aboi reproach. Association lhe close te 1,000, .1Express Difflatiafaction mem.bcrs andi can handly be Dissatistâction was expies- ignoieti, centrai-y te Uice state- scd by membeis of tilt Dar- ment of a deily ncws colunîn- liniten RPA at Vile re-appoint- ist that tht association enly re- 2nent of two niembeis of tht presents a wnil minority, a Daringten Planniung Board menthen of tue executive sta- 'whose tenni had ended. The ted. ser-vice given by these twa Doesn't Plan t. E.esign moen was not such as couid be "The exeoutive dots not in- icplaced, a spokesman saiti. tend to iesign, aitheugli et Tee Much Power? tumes it may feel it ha& a It was remaiked tilat eacil thankless job, but the execu- znemben o! the Planning Board tive nuenbers have undeitaken Is appointeti toreaflire ean their work eut o! e fis-m con- berni, and that a lot of power viction, anid not as a pa.ssing Is in thle hands cf tilt board. wilim," thet member asseiteti. It has got te the point whert FI Two Vacanclee tilt appointeti body has more Two vacancies on tue ex- power than tht elected body, ecutive wtut filleti at tilt meet- and tuis trendtisj bitterly ne- ing. Les CoUlacutt becanie 2nd scnttd it wes stattd. 'vice-piesident, and Isaac Hardy Oniy Temporary 'was named a ddrector. Reeve Rickard informed tht' The cheirman ennounced ]meeting that By-Law 2111. that negulan monthly meetings Vhich concerns zonîng, la a wiil continue ta be held by tempSpory ont as the freezing tile Daningen Ratepayers As- PY-Law has txpired and tht sociatien te give every rate- lnaamucb s ur prescription service top@mur IDît et services to ion, we "keep up" wlth a&H that's new la the pharxnaceutical-medieal world. This enables us to anticipate the newest produets your doctor may eider for iou, For prompt, modern service, brlng us Fenet prescription. JURY &' LOVELL Vour Rexali Drug Store PHONE MA 3.5778 BOWMANVILLE 4NTEGRIY SEVIE SF Y 1payer the opportunaity te voice 1ail shadres of opinion as is their dernocratic right. Mr. Tremble, tht piesident thanketi Reeve Rickai'd for attendmng the. meeting andi pîoviding in- formation as rcqutsttd. BETHANY Tilt Teen Town Club' held 1a successful social evening in tilt Town Hall on Fniday night, with Mi. and Mis. Ralph Per- iy anti Mi. anti Mis. Crcigh- to;n Cari as chaperones. Friends wlllb. pleasedti t know that Mis. Fred Rey- nolds le pnogressing !avoiabiy, following surgeiy in Civ:c Hospital, Peterborough hast wcek. Mis. Percy Stewart, Peter- boroughl, spent tht past week with Mr. anti Mrs. Donald Lowes. Mri. andi Mis. Reg. Edmunds anti family visitet i wth Mn. and> Mis. R. MicKnight anti Mrs. M. McDowell la Ouillia on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Kennetil Stur- 1man, Seagrave, werc wepk- 1end guests witil Mi. and Mis. Clarence Rowan. Mis. Harold White andi in- fant daughter, Dawn Eliza- beth, anriveti home from Ci- vie HospitlPeterborough, on William Sheen spent sev- oral deys hast week la Ta- rante. Mis. Milton Wright !a visit- ing with fiientis in Toronto.' Fricnds wil regret te liter O! the illness of Mr. A. H. blank. He lied goeto Sarnie te spenti the winýte, months with hie son Karl anti taxnly anti is now ln St. Joseph's Hos- pital la thet, city. Synipatily e!ftiltcommun- ity la extended te Min. Man- Sel Wright anti her sister, Mis. Orme Miller o! Pontypool, li the death. Of their mother, Mia. T. MicClellenti, in Tara, on Thursday. Mi. andi Mis. Wright anti Mi. anti Mis. Mil- 1er attendeti tht funeral ser- vice on Saturday. Junior Auxiliary 1The Junior Auxii-iary o! St. Paul'a Anglican Churoil, helti their meeting tus wtek ini tht Parisil Hall, with twelve childien piesent. The meeting waa openeti with prayer by the leader, Mis. Noei Wood, andth ie sing- ing et childuen's hymns. Tht offering was receiveti andi the minutes o! the previous meet- ing reat b.y Miss Roberta Scott. Tht piogress chant wes maiketi for tht work that hati been accomplisiledtit date by the girls towauds thc gainingi et thelir strîpes anti badges, alse for thteilandwoîk dtiet by them. Sane splendid woik was tuincti in by thet eider girls te illustrate the topic ,being studicti on Africa. A letter from, Misa Rita Smith, mlssionary in G-hana was reati, telling details o! her werk in Afuica. The girls enjayed a game calleti "Tht Two Friends". Tilt meeting adjourneti with Tapa. Coventry Singer: Entertain The Coventry Singers e! Peterboroughi, diecteti by Mis. Jean Piercy, provitiet an evening e! fine entertainment for music lovera in tht Unit- ed Chuuch at Bcthany an Fni- day evcning. The concert was sponsoreti by Uic local church choir with the proceetis going towards payaient for Uic new electionic Conn organ recent- ly purchamet. Mis. Picrcy ebly demoastra- ted the quality anti tone e! t organ in two sélections anti ccompaniedtheUicopening aumber "The Hallueluiah Cho- rus" by Beethloven, fion tilt oratorio "Mount of Olives". The remaintier of the pie- grain wuastirlty unaccoan- Vancd ant imncludied Guiseppe Peton's "'Cantata Domýino";I King John o! Pertugal's "Cmux Fidelis"; Healey Willan'e "Hal Glatdtening Light" andi Bach's magnificent "Jeau. Jey andi Treasure". P&GM TMwT 1 e werc plalyct. Pnizes were woni by, Lades- lIst. Mis. G. Knox, 2nd.- Mis. H. Shepp- DROP INTO OUR COURTICE SHOWROOM WIIERE OUR aid; Gents, lit., Mi. R. White; 2nd, Mr H. Trew oad Mr. M. EXPERIENCED STAFF WILL GLADLY HELP YOU. Walker. The-oeut was won by Mr. Trew. Lunch was served. OR DIAL MA 3-2130 Mis. Gea. Fowheî, Oshawa, bmMAâM' spent the weekend with Mn. S~~ NUW, and Mrs. E. Fowler and attend- Hm hsSne13 ed thet unieral in Mibrook, Serving Hoeuwners in Ti ititSne13 Saturdey, of the late Mie. Stiardotrd Strong. Mr. andi Mnr. H. Thickson attcnded the funerah et tht * late Blake Lockwood in Belle- along with Mr. W. Dean, Mi. Oshawa. Wood Products inad Mr. Gowlmnda, Garden * u.m Hfill, acteti as pall bearen. Lbi e I Cho, ch services andi Sunday School weîc held. Rev. Wri- 9OHW EEHNST EV O ght had dinner with Mr. and 9OHW EEHNST EV O Mis. C. BeatyD.wntown Showroom Main Office and Showroomi Mi. and Mis. 0. Mercer and LMBob, visited witii Mr. and Mrs. 94 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - RA 8.1617 COURTICE - RA 8-1611 Geo. Durward, Sunderland, 13OWMANVILLE - MA 3-2130 AJAX - ZEith 2-9M0 Suntiuo.. nhe 4-M club girls had 1W11 DOWNTOWN OSHIAWA OFFCE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. t!-AnI-mJANES ers. lbcy fNnlshed thc unit Claim Nearly 1,000 Members Darlîngton Ratepayers Wl! Make Thorough Study 0f Controversial By - Law 1 Ili Ili Ili Ili Ili Ili Ili Ili Ili Ili Ili illlii -- - 1 ýe - c -,.*L ' selection which The Coventry drive for funds, Miss Laura mani YellowlIees, on behalf of; time spent in th'e kitchen. Singers will enter in the To. Morton, in charge of Blod the congregatiion, it was re- 1 T. second fiku, about AW- ronto Music Festival on Feb- Doner .services. cI ve by Mrs. Percy Dewell. ska. was aloo extMenýIY iP j mary 25th. Aller the meeting adjourn- F H DB C O R N ER Ladies Service Club i teresting and in very beau*i Continuing, the group sang ed h oses Usse y 1 Ifui colour. Approximately 150> Jon Bennett's "Weep Oh Mra. Douglas Srnelt, servedBy elnVnlî Hampton Ladies' Service, people attended the dincer and John ntni Icne a i iu uc.ByHlnVnDsnCub held a most successful torugy ioedthe catire Minej Es"AnoiSane-adlcosln.cheider" ie on the 3d-eig lo's "Little White lHen", Pe- Woman'a Association thate, .. u r etN theîhave me evning ter Worlock's "Yarmuouth Mrs. J. C. Cumiskeywas Now tFebruararat the Township Lad. s Servioe Clubealap Fair";. a Norwegian Polk hosteas to the members of the tled in our corner and intro!, idea of thUi ceC we wil Hall. cae ervaliceonCldubya Song '11 Se. You Through Weman's Association of te U i n need. Dininer, served by -Sei vice teReeo arigo on The Wmndow" a arranged by United Church for their meet- dcin have been fairly HÎNTS:- Muffin pans are! Club members, was centred th Ree f aligtnTwn Richard Johnston-, an Irish ing on Tuesday afternoon well covered, let us get work- very good for mixing small, around ham and sliced lunC- shipon7hf aar.T# Folk Song, "Down By the Sal- with 24 members present. ing on aur hobbies. As "«Hob- amounts of different colored i on meats, products of . c H.'1 members of the Service Club ly ardn" rragedby ohn Theproramwit it thmeby Corner" is iatended ta en- 1peints and a piece of wire, Schneider Ltd.. Kitchener, Ont. executive resigned and their Vine. The final selection was "T1%e Spirit of Man la the: courage and help people witli I fastened to a thimble makes After a delicieus d: ostinsweefile b Ms Hugh Robertson's "Dashing Candle 0f The Lord", was i their hobbies, a section of the! an excellent tlny dipperfo films were shown by the Sc arhNddn-ls Vce..s Whit Segeat".chage o Mr. Carece cw- corer îllbe sedforuse-turentine foî ELuke 2nd Vice; Mrs. B. Kil- Whie Srgentl. hare o Mr. CarnceRowfuiornrhintsan uestion se- d uestins ndAnwes eider representative. Life in, lens, Lunch Convenor The enthusiastic applause of an and members of groupfu itadqeiosnd QsinsndA wr: Mrs.' grendmother's day .was shown the audience left no doubt as two. answers. If you run into some T. af Burketon. In answer ta wîtih the trials and tribulations Treasurer Mrs. T. Chant re. to the appreciatien of every- Mrs. Thomas Jennings gave difficulty with your hobby, let your letter 1 arn, quite sure of preparing mieats, the long, ported $1,516 vas raised dur- one to thîs taiented group. the topic "I Winl bight the us know what it is, and, wC' your ability for needle work tedious hours spent in the kit- îng 1959: expenditures $1,05t. Bethany folk are proud ta Candie of Understanding In will try and find a solution. If ý could be adapted te articles1 chen. Not so today, wîth mneat 83- The ladies were busy dui', two of aur awn singera bclong Your Heart", saying in part: you have any suggestions or: for the Hobby Show. As oi packing plants such as Schnei- ing the last weck of January wit th Cvenrygrop.Mrs"Te srugletoav s s a-,ideas that could be made use scrap books, they are always der's preparing met ftecletng for the "Polio Found'. Muriel Speller, Director of the 1 ways, a istruggle between 101f through "Hobby Corner,"' interestîng, and how about finest quality, kept fresh wihao",$560wsasefo Choir, and Mr. William Duff, light and darkness. .îesus 1wc would be very pleased tO seme slips frem your plants? modern ref rigeration. today's1 Next meeting atrthe Tewl? Uic initerin he nited1 Christ is the true light. Christi hear from YOU. For further information, oswf a rpr easHlFbur 7h Church. is the illumination for everyj We are warking on plans write ta "Hobby Corner" in, with a minmm of fuss and tihis meat worthy cause. Twochoal eadngsby hemoral and persona' problem.1 for the sprin*g "Hobby Show tare of The Canadian Staes-, seni orapls ef igsBethen Only through belief in Him; and Sale" so please do net' man, P.O. Box 190, or phone! sehiorl, dicted Bythrta-y can we have understanding; de1ay ini letting us know the MA 3.3587 between 3:00 andi scher, Mrervin Smhir e and face the mystery of life,i kind of hobby you wish to 6:30 p.m. - acser Much Mernymdth, e ulsdeath, tragedy and an the als mch njyed te ppis.uncertainties of daily lvig. Enoviitd tGibetTd showing considerable talent in Mrslivnin lsdhrtn." HAM TO i cso Snstday.iet d this line of their studies. wMrs.tJenningloed her talkt'.ILUoc nSudy Mr'. James Sommerville in« windheUic folowiheng quotainMr and Mrs. Harland TruIl, troduced the entertamners anti.d h adt i a h r.KnWth'lBwmanville, werc Sundae also expressed the thanks o to et me a ligof tht î rl and children, Brooklil visited ening visitors with Mr. and Uic Bethany choir. Foilowing -gîe art Uic Prescot hoe. kn nMrs. Hosken Smith. iAH the pràgramn, an informaI se-tea alyiothunow Mrs. John Carrigan spent Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Edrdy-, cial heur was held in the Sun- way. A.nd he replied: Go eut Uthe weekend li Toronto visit-venOoondM.a rs day School Hall, with lunchdui an into the akes and ptig eoisfMisMri i-Oliver Hubbard, Osthawa, were: served by the local choir your hashd in to ht hand oi scott and together thcy attend-rcetalrstA.WPr- God Tatshh e a aube-,ed Uic Ice Falles. rcnG o ir e . .Prs membrs.ter than a light anai safer thanl G ots C ar. r.ce t Ladies Gulid a known way.1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fernan-, Mis, S. Kersey accompanied The Ladies' Guild cf St. Mrs. James Fraser gave a: dez and family, Toronto, visit- her daughtex' and son-in-law, Paul's Anglican Church were reading "The Tîcasure of al ed Mmn. S. G. Niddery and Mi. and Mrs. Len Player of We must cîcar these used cars at reduced enteîtained at the home of Quiet Mimd". "The Psaimist' Mariy en Sunday Bowmanville to Toîon4 onpres. .W nedhepa. Mrs. Mervin Smith for their said 'Be stili and know that Mis. Harland Truli. Bow- Suniday and visited her son rcs W nedtepa. meeting on Tuesday night, I amn God'. Everyonc necds ai manville, spent Thursday with Lloyd and wîfe at Weston. with Mrs. Morgan Bigelow quiet mind, a mind that has Mrs. Lorenzo Truil. Lloyd has been on ',11,- pîesiding and leadin~g Uic de- made Uic supreme admission Miez. Theodore Saltier 1: vis- for several weeks and spent 1959 DODGE MAYFAIR 2-DR. HARDTOP votional peîiod. that G-ad is, and that He isi iting her dRughter, Mis. Hil- three weeks in the Humber Iancw car condition. Tht minutes and correspon- love, and that thiS is Hie-, ton Peters, Mr. Peters and Memorial Hospital at Westion. dence were read by secx'etary woild. It le net so m'uch the 1 Ralph, Toronito. He is now convalescing at 198 LMOT 2DR Mrs. Glenn Wentworth. In the' question of wheîe we stand, MisesJaic adLDanMhmeUHmptn îind tus financial- report Mirs. John as in what direction we are issJnc ndDaehm.Hmpo red rs Palmer announced receipt of igoing. We make a living byljPrescott, Enfîcld, spent last he may sean be well. Mr. 6-cyl. Greta. a donation of $10.00 which Winl1 what we get, but we 1make wck wilh. their granciparents, Player also visited his father be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m rtdt u ae ihsfralteb htw i e n Mr. and Mis. Hosken Smith. et Sunnybrook Hospital wlhere 1957 SAVOY 4-DR. 6-cyl. beU t Paris ha kihe.fot future baiwshalda i.Th he is confincd willh a broken the Pais allouncea t fture i i a w hodssomething Mi. and Mis. Ken Cavcrly hip. IRadio, feader mirrors. was lsoannunce. tat her forthemanwhokeeps his' were dinner guests of Mr. a'nd are still some 40 Personal faith in it. Learn to relax and Mrs. Douglas Caverly, Bow- Bryce Raison was a patient Two-toae white and gold. Coo Boks n hndand believe i the G-ad whom yeulmanville, on Friday eveig in Meniorial Hospital, Bow- members were asked ta pro- 1profess. Mi1%. and Mis. Isaac Hardy manville where he had his 1956 SAVOY 4-DR., V-8 mate the sale of saine. 1 Mrs. Car)? Porteous gave a and Stanlcy, Solina, were re tonsils renieved on Saturday.Poe ltrd,2-n bu Plans were made ta assist reading "The Spirit of Appre- cent visitors with MT. and Mis. Little Leah Wilbur, daugh-PocFitrd,2-oebu the Parish Hall Building Coin- ciation". Mrs. Rowan direc- Sid Cornus. tex' of Mr. and Mis. Gordon »mittee in arrangements for a ted a contest on Current Mr. and Mis. Bruce Hog- Wilbur, is receiving care at the 1956 SAVOY 6-cyl. Valentine Euchre Party te, be Events in 1960. arth and family, Pickering, Oshawa Genieral Hospital. held on February 12 and a Mis. James Fraser, vice were receniÊt visitais with Mr. Harry Adcock lies been quite Radio, 2-tone black and turquoise- dance on February 19. president, presidcd for tht and Mrs. Harold Saiter and Mr. iii 1th. past week and spent Following the closing pray- meeting. The financial report and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth a few dâyâ in Memoriai Hos- 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. 2-Dr. SUBURBAN crs, a social houx' was enjo,'- was read by Mis. Gervin Mul- Mr. and Mis. Lewis Tîu>ll at- pital, Bowmanville, rcturniig Rdo cd with lunch served by tht ligan, minutes and correspon- tended tht Boat Show in Tar- home on, Mondeiy afternoon. Rdo hostess, assisted by Mis. John dence by Mrs. T. Jennings. onito on Saturday His many fîiends are sorry Palmer and Mis. M. Bigelow. Mis. J. J. Clark recd the scîip. Hec niany frienîds were plea- te kniow tihat Mr. Winl Wilbur 1954 FORD 4-Dr. Green Metallic. The ncxt meeting will be turc lesson, with Mrs. J. C. sed te sec Mis. Recd out to the is still on tile sick list. He has held at Uic home ef Mis. Rab- Cummniskey giving tile lesson m0rniing church service Sun- been under the doctor': care 1953 DODGE CORONET 4-Dr. ert Sisson. expianation and leading ln day altier an absence- through for several weeks. Two-tonc bronze. Radio Red Cross Meeting prayers. 'iliness ef several weeks. A num'bex- of oui citizens Thtannal eeingo! he Following the closing devo- Mr. and Mis. J. S. Eddyvean, have been the vîctinis of flu, The nnul metin ofthetions, lunch was servcd by the Orono, were dinner gucats ot also, which is prevalent in 1Manvers Township Branch Of hostess asslsted by Mi&s. E. Mx. and Missz. John Carîlgen this locality. J. c4teças a dnd O esd a thrit MsJJ.Faer ison Sunday cf hast week. We sinceîely hope ahI these P alm er IV o for S ales MeKinonMis. C. RoWan, Mr. and Mfrs. Milton Gray, sick people will soon be well night eat the home of Miss Mil- Mim. T. Jennings and Mis. Janetvdlle, were visitais with again. dred Sisson. Carl Porteous.Mian Mi.MrrnMu- A pclfeteofh S- CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT Here i Jakeanremaurer, Mirs. Winnifred Spencer ex- JY day morning churdil service FARGO - SIMCA DEALERS riptdst a s $30.25 ign pressed thanks to tht hostcss M%&. Keith Hadge, Oshawa, was the Dedication of a lovchy 20 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5487 r0ecentpts eqas 31. wth$2.- andi mentherS af gioup two visitcd Mr. and Mis. H. Salter. Allai Drape which was pre- O0set e eaqarei. x-fo ueinpiatEx'prgrmfo.rineyHathea or sntd n eor orM. a -_____________________________ penses et the local level had and dellelous lunch.Mr odyHsigT-setdinm oyofr.N - mcinlucd t1.e purchase of sides _______ for ont o! tht hospîtal bcd s, ao ie il capsules for ahin , .the school childien in the LOING SAULT township and tinancial aid te afamily who had lost their Mr. and Mis. Chas. Pen- hamec and ail its contents warden and tamily were Sun- thîeugh fine. day supper guests cf Mi. and Mis au bloon doatons-ci Orone, frcl ew das. Trn.T 28 persons tram Bethany it" Pergwarden is with Mis. Fna- et the Peterborough Blood 'MssSnde Gibson anid Mr. Danoi' Clinlc.NomnDvswe uda It was decided te purchase Noian Daistwfer. Snd Mrs a second bedsîdc table and supeigsa o i.ed i. d sides for another hespital rsDn ve The sincupor swl were Friday evening guests stockcd with s krooflms Rae mMiad n.T Rrrt pies and now includes fur wed r.Sa rd'ay T.ving ets hospital beds, bedside tables, we tu an M is. obt Caer- wheel chair, rubbei. sheets, o r n r.Rb.Cmr bcd Pans, theimometersY our gowns, bcd pads, masks, taw- Mms Murphy, Margo and els, medicine glasses, etc., ail Trevor visiteti Mis. F. Brooks, available freteof charge to 0O"w8A, lia celebrate Mis. Yu anyone in nced. Supplies are Brook's birtliday. storcd in the Bethany Tewn Mi. andi Mis. J. Parkinson Hall and anyone nceding an'q fmltFeelwecSt o! these sickroom aids have urdaay eveniag guests cf Mi. L dlkBu O

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