Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, page 10

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PASTNTMB CANADIAN STATESUM, BOWMNLtLI.2,M O".aRIO .T E.1t,18 the icket wicket tobinquire e eamatter of mathematics. Mr. bSr wfl contribute a number whether the Toronto office had Shields also advised that a for the programme. Meeting Fairm U notug e t been able to change my reser-M n r m D s ic minimnum salary should not be closed with prayer. vations for the Maritimes. Yes, seriously considered. Glad to report Bob Stogin I was told, if I would accpm $3 a Trip Port Perry Hospital and Jim- F r a k t n d Ia ethoth sler train. b O n N ew D irectorate At the suggestion of the El-; my Colline in Oshawa Hospital . ý was no t pertubd betop ementary School Boand Earl progressmg favourably follow-1T e fV t a l 1n cauei meante oul stp=Drre, wais also appointed ing appendectomies last Thurs-Tak acov en adt o h getApple Growers' Assn. :::eyforth: osiron as essrs. Earl Dorrell, Leith The Executive o h n noewode o ge Stacrsse wih of d th reat left unchanged, but it was de- Byers, Roy Ferguson, Bill Fer- tario Farmers' Unio efim hudnthstt ovt St.w rec Rve andda hitre- Fa red Morgan, of Trenton, menýt of their product. So the cided that the attendance of- guson, Herb Hooey, Ernest ed their stand,wihrset"n'.Rm bresadyo 13Y DOROH AKRo ub Ct drn h Northumberland and Durham els in New York Stat »fyDIKi fQee iydr h r e. necessary duty trip, edCounty. Ltg in Orono, Mreting Board tF n ln yvtn n" o thirty-minute stop. ApeGoesAscaina "Ithrayadnagin Levy for Street Lights Tueda Dnn clgh r .M r s ipyops h rsn ButbeoreI ot oomen pte 49th rs Annu al tino advriigaplsfyud Harold Crawford Blackstock, Mr. Do icaiMse •- mto o prtng h p wAs ther etra wt tatio ad neny more gave evidence and tribulations of t Mtonatwtscdaa.k 'auaruty eayrsoth i ea t Bt Srn amyv Kzgansad t x tre en prtntyt bid ete way tward Chen daw of a that some sister of the Roman and Wolfe, I decided to také Rtrgpeintis Harry guess" he added. "Do you council. He inquired about the Wheeler attended a Young bers are concerne httemrein bad wl tl n M o e ther athe row Catholic faith had been can- advantage of facilities provid- Jose, Newcastle, while Larry think the things I have talked levy charged against them for People's Winter weekend re- First Co-operative Pces feit new ay r kereeore tri noizedforhervirte ad edforthe"traellr intheim-Burtt, Brooklin, is vice-presi- about can be done without the street lights in Blackstock. treat at Campbellford, Satur- Barrie, have not supre e ThExctvaloasda pon row onl the rear prches her name perpetuated on the maculate Central Station wash dent and Morley Webster, an organization, and without On motion of Bert Gibson, se. day. Hg MoparkeiBadb eouinakn h nai plexs O yfrm a rai in-oblong enamel surface of a rooms. For fifty cents, I was Brighton, was re-elected sec- money? Get out, and let peo- conded by Fred Trewin, coun- Mr. and Mrs. Wallac, Mar- tog t e urchs ebrB dsFrirdct aktn arwe ndv tesenlose star- sreetsignnproidedwitharflffylowelkRewutwboehto toyupstknonwhee yoistad. cladelaretthetermnatin oflow eft unda forFlorda. t apesenrCoaco embes Bord t temorarly asum dwa th lolie do-it- I have cme this ay oftena large a oflsopad t hwe resolutions rongh tt con Senator W. A. Fraser asked the installation charges, which Mrs. A. Sinclair, Oshawa, deliverk their hogs direct to the control ofgecakeof the Ontario Hogverthei hog yvourself incinerator chutes' uigtepstya n e private bathroom. For an hour sting reofun Harry t Crew "an Dr. Brown how he would deal have been paid for six years, spent the weekend with Mr. plant. MreigPasol h clib rail fomground le- ceasgte t bea ascntd by- I luxuriated in the caressing Ralphg o Hl, Northmerland with the problemn of a local and stated that onily the cost and Mrs. Don Sinclair and ,pa alt eev h e elto thel toms apart ent tlae brown acurch, near warmth of a bath, manicured ad Hrold Gibonubendw chain, store advertismng red of maintenance and service Beverley Ann. The Ontario Famr Unqued aoitinhec - -1vl o hetomos aarmet.a littl -rw dhrh solid my nails, applied my makeup a HaodGbo n rin snows at 69 cents per bushel. will be levied from now until ion believes that i lni n lbsie h nai Bits of washing, strung On the tramn tracks, tucked so ith fehvguancag- Cole, Durham, were three ml Dr. Brown replied that the additions warrant a change. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watt, to be effective it ms oe amr'Uinfvuspo a sagging hine, are as famil- ly between two.srcue ed into fresh lingerie. number. Association had had two chain .a Exmto OshMns aw ah, vstedManMs. meall r of h ardcalwn uer-cnrle aktn lar on these back porches as row housing. This morning as We I gd th One suggested that the stores in the courts recently TaExmtofrMns Jck ahSdy•ebrs fac-prtieorsutelvstatn the usuallyv dilapidated gar- we rolled along at greatlyk erel fften ute s toe wit membership fee for the asso- for misrepresentation. He said Exemption from taxation Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor packing plant tobyasteaeofa""vtenthhg bage cans. This mornmng they duced .speed its cross, cake befre fIt co ul s etr ain ciatio should be increased to that tego rshd hewas asked for the Presbyter- visited Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Marketing Plan sesapeeçusin h amPout swaying stiffly in the early red in the early rays of a ris- mm ofhvnsetrimanother that the Department problem. He pointed out that the manse Sunday. shareholders in otepakncorlofhePsnt ln tnorn a pair ofbree . jea ns u . us as we wentto cl mmooth wavanguse Provided Agriculturershoul r The- Sento reare tht th e u m plo Th lrenu as M.adMs akMro st o1ei rutlpouescn cm pehas a child's sleer, ortngfo ely mistoe ass. o with such .modern convenien-e bt rpln ince rsachonectio a great deal of the growers rheferd T he new aessor, anid family, Maple Grove, were isso ictoria hatrnthrora] gailye 4 triped flannelette for arlcess c thereee isnono asreason o- iforpeto-t n.thnefruittoubl dhtrouble ad thisrfeseasonthehad ssbeen, aSaturdayenigevemngguedmnerso guestsia shee ar blache by the Nine hours by train from day's traveller to feel grubby. wh ir young or reeran caused by overproduction. He Mr orlfradcso' of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor group o raie om fst and gai the sweet ao my ineto, n and wa te nh Jue fo a n ens wrkthe don hathe plant g sai th ateal uha the best ing the chann sf ve sg and Di.and Mrs. Everett Cleve- how can ewe expec et arehug otdorsca bost mst cosmopolitan city en the newspaperwomnan, whom I ofpoesn ye fap .chance of success was the the intersection of the Quarter land and boys, Mr. and Mrs. poesn rd oc-pr North Amrcn cnmn-met on the Royal train last Oegorcmene n"peasant farmner", as he des- Line and the Concession LineArhrWeOsaandM atFrYorsvsok I wtchd he a rw he oncure o Cetrl Sa-summuer, flitted across my tilatrsuiohtascribed the man with the smanl west of Blackstock. Correspon- Merill Elford, Camp Borden, in referring to tecmn etet slip by, running diag- tion comes alive at an early mind. She thought the ONR there was no place on the family farm. dence concerning the National SntsfMr hog vote, Mr. Hillsi am hog thought al the saints in I-ea u. Thhfr tra mssedawa uer'ebpo below fancmarradef, tapplit Earlier in the day, George Bidudoewa red and Mrs. Fred Days and fam- ers shoul considenbeSTATESM DN ven must have been immortal- train in Toronto now seemned a baaath?" she asked. If we would be a good idea to put McArthur, manager ,of the study. manner. Producer h e ized by having Montreal meeya niet a vrme giIl elhrout a product with well-blen- newly formed.Ontario Apple •Thirteen Cubs and Leaders lieve the Board is digago hn Akt330 reeets named after them. St- caught up in the excitement about the splendid facilities ded juices favorable to the Packers Association told the A letterfrom the Deprt- fromn 14t Pack Cubs, Oshawa, job should vote"esl" of another adventure with a for dunking one's shape in customer. members of the Association ment of Highways was referr- visited Sixer Cubs and Lead- -very deliberate plan for ac- Central Station. More than 100 interested that last August, when the ed to the Road Supermntend- ers of Blackstock, Sunday :f- FARMl SERVICE tion. growers attended the meet. apple -advertismng pro-gram ent for further mnformation. ternoon and enjoyed sleigh- Naturally my stomnach had ing. After the retiring presi- was discussed, there were not Letters were also received ridling and toboggoning follow- DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED first call for attention. Break- TTdent, Harry Jose had thanked enough growers who went from the St. John Ambulance ed by hot dogs and hot choco- FARM STOCK fasting in the station restau- gOIAg the growers for the honor of out and voted. Corps, the Ontario Association late abt the home of Leader¡ Removed Free of Charge rant is like attending a ses- making himn president for the .Last speaker of the conven- of Rural Municipalities, the Harold Miartyn. Immediate 24-Hr. Service sion of the United Nations. Sympathy is extended to past year, he spoke briefly on tion was Fred Corey, secre- Lake Ontario Development As- Prize winners at the L.O.B.A. F r Ask Your Operator For Above the clatter of dishes Harry Beauchamp and family marketing. tary of the Western New York sociation end the Good Roads euchre Tuesday night- High there is a constant humn of on the tragic death of his bro- "We must advertise our pro- State Apple Growers' Asso- Association- lady, Mrs. Chas. Smith, as High ZEnith 66550 mnany tongues, though French ther, Omer, as the result of ducts if we are to get any-, ciation from Rochester, New It was moved by Lawrence gent,_ Mrs. Jim Gibson. ELA is the one most frequently an accident near Kingston. where in the fruit business" York, who was slated tò speak Malcolm, seconded by Merrill Sorry to report Mr. John Ne Tell Charge heard. Warmed by a good cup The Explorer group met on he said. first, but who was unable to Van Camp, and carried that Wotton was taken to Port Per- Nick Peconi - Peterborough o>f coffee, my optimism was Saturday afternoon with six H. B. Heeney, Dr. A. Archi-- arrive in Trenton in time be- the Township Clerk, V. Mal- ry hospital Sunday.= . in high gear as I approached members present. Roll call was bald, Prof. H. W. Goble, Prof. cause of travel conditions. colmn, be inistructed to call ten- answered with the picture of C. B. Kelly and H. Morley Canada and the .United ders for warble grub inspector.W V y an African native. For next Webster then took part in an States could be described as The counicil unaminously re-I mL.eting the girls will make a interesting panel discussion, country cousins, he said. He fused a request from a family N IL Valentine for the roll call. A with members asking ques- had been born and brought to pay for more than the ag- story of Rhodesia was read by tions fromn the floor. up a farmner, he added. He des- reed amount for homemaker Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson,p u Je F. H EN D RSO NMrs. B. Tink. Mrs. Vice led in At noon, members adjourn- cribed the Federal and State service. Letters were received Miss Vera Stmnson, Toronto, the wordhip service wit Joan ed to the Masonic Temple, marketing orders which help- from two cottagers at Scugog visited at the Stinson home.. ty U WELL DRELLER •Westlake reading the scripture where they had a banquet. ed the producer in the suc- Bay about a change in the sur- Mr. and Mrs. Irvmn Puckrmn, passage.. The girls, under the Guest speaker on this occasion cessful marketing of his crop. vey of the roadway at the west Dennis and Phylhis, Whitby. supervision of the leaders, then was Rev. Richard D. Jones, .- Wen this enabling legisa- end of the 10th Concession visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. No Job Too Lag or Too Smiall began making drums similar to Director, Canadian Council of. tion was passed in New York Line. Ormiston. those used by the young Af- Christians and Jews, who State in 1957, he said, they got The council decided to call a Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oarr and --FREE ESTIMATES - ricans. The meeting closed with spoke on "'Brotherhood." cohesive co-operation from pca meigfr :0pm Brenda, Long Sault; Mr. and a hymn. Duigteatronss am rs f othed fir tie' on Saturday, March 5th, and to; Mrs. H. Adoms and family, Phone Lindsay FAirview 4-6018 met on Thrda"ernon ig"'o en °"ing pff: M ar-serch promotionan dopera- l ecngage, tntbe L.Ccran-s."""°'*SR I T TO 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY ¡r, e reo pAitorerwr tsitiallyt dsakee and e run nt ah TwdpSliebin Mn ad Mr a fn Okyswer"eSeilz n esnlSrie Cecil Pascoe leader. should acquaint themiselves apple growers. asin attendance. week. CORER FM NESRA Due to the unfavourable with the movemnent figures of Eleoeld. D irers fo W 0 NwFr gemn Miss Corsiia Samis and friend, ADFFHCNESO there was a decreasn g teat doubled,Apl rut f se o ap. wil be Frank George, Smith- Mr:ý Harris discusse.d matters is woe,.iie1a h .Sm hn O323 tendanc at Sunday School and plied for certificates failed to field; Russell Osborne, New- pertaining to the new fire ag- There was a well-attended • Church Sun., morning. At the report the movement later. A castle; William Brown, Col- reement concerning the as- social evening in the school re- DoubleSa pD yEvr Tus y COrhsrie Rbr son Nova Scotia buyer wanted borne; Burton Morton, Harold, sumption of the Cartwright cently, when the folk of this chur ervnn cePa ober Osn adut 100,000 last season and was Harvey Brooks. Bowmanville;' Volunteer Fire Brigade by the community played Court Whist -Come Ou0ne u islyo it Gofs Way'. sn willin to charter a boat for Grdon skinn Tentn C e nciit e u eme anch.CEveryo e aolowedg by CompleteLurcto ataR snbePre Is Sure to Please ^ 4"peope an e.°' soca:e- There is not that much cer-.Bowmanville; Seldon Parker, on the board of trustees. In- time, especiaHly the children, ASK ABOUT U PCA PIEO IE . eol ¡tified fruit to offer, said Dr.. Newcasle an Rbert Car - formation regarding the regis - and a committee was appoint- mng in the Community Ha Brown, because growers have thers, _Bowanvler. -- The tration of Redemption Certifi- ed to arrange another get-to- STOE ILA IABE N Seeus f yu wnt sre hin whn i eoes Th annual library meeting neglected to report the move.-Trentomian. cts wa give ttha Tow- geter in a month.AN QU TIY TTH SAIO te eleaning clothes! We guarantee satisfaction lirr tthe n n e A ont Earl. D o r lNae ly$20 foret uni Tfrhe opion of men cnn OPEN EVE IG N U D Y ...yet our superior methods cost you net a the treasurer's report were e help in paying for new goal velation.Mr Baker Edy read. The commidttee to pur- nets in the arena. On noioon of penny more! Try us soon. chase new books for 1960 is r w i ht A s s o Fred Trewin !and Merrill Van Mrs. L. Kellet and Mrs. B.: Camp, councfi decided to don- Hooey. Cartwright Township Coun- Matter of Mathematics Yate $20, one half the purchase During the year 50 new cil at its meeting held in Black- Garnet Shield& the Couny price of goal nets, to the Curl-a books were purchased and at stock last week passed a mo- Assesso was present at the ing Club. m iesent there is a splendid tion endorsing a request frornmeeting when the tenders The Road Superintendent M iTEE RCEl C li ic es C l an rs supply of good books on hand. the Ontario Flue Cured Tobac- ne gpresented forms; of petition for a 71 KIG ST.E. BWbIANILLE New members will be welcom- co Marketing Board asking weurei ohpened.He remi as the final road subsidy of 1959. a 71 KNG T. E BO MANVLLE ed and fees of 50c a family will for assistance in returnuing to CII ttahrseed A by-law was passed in this be accepted by the librarian Stndaiýrd Time all year roundiss lng a connection. Accounts w er e au ul, 4 t » --- - - A W I. day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Offla"" RHO call was w' nwered ' Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Knox, eat a.m an whre con radio or T.V. Mrs. Frank Hos- -Case of 24 tins $2.66 - IAVE 349 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knox, Mr , @pa"mp Smt*efd@* kin gave an interesting res- and Mrs. Ken Pascoe, Mr. and gg& ponse to the mnotto- Happy 1Mrs. Chas. Surphlis, Brough- 1Homnes do not happen- they ge HWam; Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, DuBO Plnup M asdi- are the result of combined fam- sup@$'" $$g $$@ljF s Mr. and Mrs. George Knox nue à a dm asb toM m àt- ily effort. Mrs. Murray Byers Town Hall Bowmanville Il of -r andMs ary no rmd««DRO a= reEen- Ms.G;reP-a on Saturday nigh ,- a sur.- o iw mian&n-atior weh p ae an interesting and in- prise birthday party for Harry fer FREM nw "ReM311@1 'formative address on Womeýns whose birthday was on Febru- W81ur, d me Neea place in Farm Organizations. BE O ary 4. Janice Byers played a piano Dean and Boyd Knox spent solo. Af ter the closing exercises the weekend wih their grand- Larry Hoskin showed local O F R D A., FE , 9parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton colored pictures. Lunch was CL D ADE SlONE REMOVIDCR S RBR A T Tik, Ebenezer. served by Mrs. F. Hoskin and . Evelyn H-ockaday spent sev- group and a social timne spent. exal days with her cousin, Bev- Mission Band met Tuesday 8.00 P.M. erley Wright, Bowmanville. afternon with 13 mnembers S O L E Sm Ken and Brian Knox spent prsn.Meigopened by th'e weekend at Ralph Craw- repeating the Mission Band for&s, Whitby. Purpose. The worship centre Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, was set up by Barry Trewmn; Bi ig s in àd · e FUN FO A L F EE PRI ES fi Helen, Pt and NancY were call to worship led by Garry Sunday visitors with 1\bi. and Mountjoy with Mrs. S. Dorrell Mrs. Ralph Crawford, and conducting worship - When New At Thear Boit - Californie, Faney Grade, Naval so;nWitby. Friende helped Jesus- Key MsJonKnox, Helen and verse, which was learned,- REFRESHI M T SERME Pat and Mrs. George Knox at- Let us Love one another for, Itended a baby shower for Mrs. P FSA 0T ELLove is of God. Roll can l o Jack Kiddl at the home of Mrs- ..te E- answered by naming a wild|RN G J. Carter, Oshawa. NO CA NA D anünal from Africa. Linda Mc- 11 Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Millson Laughlin took up the offermng. sesmsea n om :e FREE A DM I SIO and children, Toronto, visited Lorraine Turner read a poem- Fuff of Julee, Ne. 1 Grade, Floride relatie ere onSun.ClubJà CE13I B0 V S. "eied ir" osin RNE o2p PSprak W. . BOWNISCELBRAINGHI 20h YARwill have a Court Whist party by Guy Bonnetta. Mrs. Butt on Fridwy nigt, February 12, PLUMBING and BEATING told the 7th Mapter of Boloji :aliforni, Hand Selected, Ne. 1 Grade AS LOCAL CASE DEALER and not on February 19 as had Division Street South and rev ewed previu e pa romàTOES w-ooube19c Allic nTi dGaate hog Mm and are A 3-561m iOWMAN V le ntine Part to be heMd i

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