Merchant And General Advertiser, 7 Apr 1871, page 1

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" e 0 THE MERCHA:ST AND GENERAL ADVERTISER kin Clarke o.ud Ca1t\\ nght It a a common platfo m ope1 to tl e free discuE1s on of all ques tons n w l ch the general p bl c me concerned TI!lRMS 01 culates Ia.r<0 e1v lll the To,-;nsh. pa of D&rl ng Seventy five cents per annum, m ad vance The Mercha.nt and Obser ver $2 00 R\.'.tl"::-::. OF J.1)\ 11RTISING 0 cooltm1 $.3ti1e · r1n.11s1ent ad~e1t1sen e1 t1:1 v cte per line fin;t 1 Ifolf do Quartet do 10 rn u AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. :±:: l) ......... 5ertion a; l 2c I e 1 ne each subsequent one 'OLU111 II R R LOSCOMBE BO\\ M:ANvILLE ONTARIO FRIDATH~ APRIL 7 1871 - - - - - -- - - -- NLJ\1B1 H _Fi:iC _ _ _ _ xx' II IB IRRJSl'l ll 17 LA ff ' JLIGTOR I1\ CHA YC 'RY <f FULL SUPPLY. srLENl>ID SEI ECTIONS of WEEKLY GLOBE, 1871. POETRY Cruc ftnon of Christ OF.EICE -0 er MeCl \ 0 a Store a ne flat a.. J 1-I :Br macomb s Dental Room;:1 Bowma1n ille Oct 2 th 1868 Iy I ~ T s lie t leave Bowman'\itllc 1e a!'i follows "' 30 n. m 35 p in 35 I in 900pm toes not r n St~t on Bo vn1aJ: \ EST GOI~O ·} xpr~ss ~faxed Pi\l".f!.enger M·il on lriornlay 7 30 ' u 9 20 a..n 3 3.5 p 111 9201m JAMES BIGHAM, t>amte1 m,z er Pape1 Hanger &c A.ll k u fa &c Fall a.nd. Wi:ntel' Goods, A'l f -woJ k ] omptly :l.tten 1 l to a d sat sfact on gua :antec I Res <l~nce Next loor enst of the B ble Cl t :is tja.n Cht rch IY RONE ly1one ~fa cl 8th 18G) 2" tf ~~================= For Sale, Or To- Rent D vV J\!IOLEOD S GEMERAL STORE, xceediu,.,ly bcn.i · FOR CASH DR DAVIDSON, Muta! Life Assura.nce Society l ST \BLISHEO 1840 IJ 1 <I !\.l(flesfor PROMPTLY EXECUTED T H SWEETMAN, o E 1" F'IEEN E s TEA Cl NR IN D \RI JN 't:ON Comm1ss10neI lll the Court o! Common I Pleas Conveyancer &c &c :\hJO ' I E 0.AJ<PDELI c B St II Jn w lHE RoNODAD J .Joi N Hu JLTON Ht yks n el~ ~fo :tage Lea ~ Agreeroe ts &c burg! Ont I '\V...U.TEl SH:-1.NL'.'l Esq Ai I DUNC<> MACDOSALD 1 sq DillE010RS Chauu a.1 j Also \ge t for tl e ell Imo vn lrawn 1th aoc rncy o d lesp·tch ,~ RITI!' U- A~D Boo { E.EP NG lAU(;liT RE~JDENI SECREI \lil JAMES G N 11!ERCR 'N'IS DOOK" POSlllD O '\lte 8 W H o Con SPECIAL FEATURES. 'I HE E.NI lliE Pl OFIT8 1.ielo1 g to !\l d 1 e 1 v 1 el amonget the Pol ryl o!dcrs LIVE~ DECLINED DY O'IHER COMPA ly50 l I WANZER l' FIRST·PRIZEMACHINE, SEWING M JSt go al o nd t1 e uo Ror 0 ms 0 Ol wh cl an extra P1cmium. would be equ red c!\n I len.E>Rwelattltcordiia1y tcsoitha Soce,ty MANCE o\.CIUHES PRICE::; Ennsl Hen Nov 21th 187D nStf A.tlubofFv Cle o: ei.:ea Do 'Ien do Do lvent lo Do rh rty BE\UilEU 1EEIH u·der.a·peca<l""U""'" 1 SPECIAL NON FOJUEITABLJ 11 DRUGS AND MEDICINES POLit1l;S llSS ed 'JQ \.nnual P.ay do J M BRIMACOMBE L D S :"lberoft ePentalAseoc atlonofOn der ¥.hich only 10 lo or \r TEE n wm· _ :Romns er J.IcOlung B "()S Stores illc Oct M 18 0 l men\· a e req uxed each 1 ayment ·ecu"' ~ · Pole). fo !lflUII a.esu1ed rroportonate to the I l nunbeiofprem1 ms1rud mlfcefo· payme it W0 0 LEN l t ous c Ifitome s · d lo tl e I ul I c ge c nlly fo I] e Ecch Club paper shall bead I es sed se] arate Prospectuses I rot osal Fo1n.2 &c .5lPl1 cd very liberal su I ort he has rece ~ea su e lua Jy i l nay 1 e fo1 auy Po~t Office 1 on appl cat on at the HeH> l UJ11ce 01 any of co1n ncnc 1 g n l fl nesfl 11 1 1 pe::1 1 y co I J r1er3 a. d Remitta.nces to be addre!!Sed t11 tl c A gene es nued sh cl perRoJ i}l a.ttent o 1 to burlu1ess an 1 !HE GLOB) I RINTIN G CO~IPA:ISY Ordc1""")IOlDf1th n,t1'endcd to I J \MES GRAN I of!ermg r oth ng bt t the 1 urest at cles at tl e 'I t J .... 1 R s most reasonable prices to ensure a oontu uauce oron es ecretn.i) of public patronage -~ - -~ - - · - -- - - - - - - -- - 1 \GENT rOR DO,'IMA~VIILE JR vo llcall pecal attentont hrner Forty Year O B o\.RKER 'l\ll"l'l'I A ! "' J er or stock of 1 .!>d.V°" !<OJ ) 01'6e verOffice King~t GOD'i S LADY S BOOK fm 187l 31 C A M B R IA N __ - - - - - --~---- !"1 ' ~!ODER \TE Pr.EMIUMS a.u l rnost hbc al oo OJ prr! 1u ms MILLS I Clubs al::it f luc:l ;ill le ~f) t to any one v,;ho w 11 npply for 1t by letter or pers I ally at the Olli. \m 0 eISatlbe ty to ~.t up. Club on his o n re5pons1b1hty aud those de l;l OULD n10st respectfully te1 de h s sm :nr ng to do !!O sho lQ sen Lat once for a Cr ff cere t1 anks to h s numero s fr er ls an l I 1 lar sho\\ ng the t~rms Bowmanville Drug Store J HIGGINBOTHAM, And eacl add t ou l cop' over tl rt Dollar and Fifty Cents LSJgc P zes ore g1v·n to part'" vl o get r J WILLIAMS ,.,,., "'ME 'J:'t:!' · """'&f.G. E. I ° First DYE STLJFFS, gi M11.~s. X OU Jt1 \.TI 'Y W.A.NI :i good JOl t I ~meat fit to placl'l bef e y Ul f1 ends cn.11 of at Oa"'l\IVker's~ - -- !_ J Howtn tVllle Tune 24th 18 0 39 wh ch ares rro to t c the 'be t snt1 fact on 0 old ·land Stoll No 1 Market Build ngs Bo"mnn lle Ma ·h !Otb 70 1 >31) I Impenal Fire Insurance Co OF ,.n ,ctectcdstook 1 The Cheapest of Ladies Magazmes Becq,use 1t is the Best LONDON and 24 DRUGS :a. ~mnan 1tnt - .w;;- 4:11 - "'- TA IL OR '"1i'll . _ .ai.· JD! ~ I I Poll "\!all Lonuon G"'ER L ~GRNC> FOI Rae a.ment ).font e..i.l HEAD oFHCE8- -(E·tabhshed 1803 1 011 E l St 100 C<>AD CHEJfJCALfJ p 11 ""JJJC [' 'S · Eli 1 ],£,.,,. "'" BRTTSf'.IE"' St u. COl'B°' 1u .J , ·' Gentlemen s & Boys Garments NEW E's¥ INSTYLES ill ! Subscnbeil n.ncl J ily 2 1869 CHARLES TOD, J DODS\\ ORI H J s1 ecto 11 vestt1d C:fl.11tal and Uei'!El l:ld 7. '-' ..µ " F nd £196o000Starling SUPPORTERS Eto Funds in Sl;Cd 11 Canr.da.- 105 000 kept constantly en ban] Imiua:J~ f'JO.gMnatlo:ssl:iy l rea1eeffcctedon OJLC! PAI" the mo·t fa'°raol· terr ' and loe es paid "1th o ~' 1 out reference to the Donrd U1 London COLOR'{ TTAR"/\(JHSES s1·rorrLnER BR 1C'"'S RIN TOUI BHOS C en Agents !vfontrea.l nt the 13 j J3!tEA:O .AND :BISCUIT ~EAi ctncl WHITE .f.,E4D lov-; est 111.Ces R R LOSCOMBE Barrister for Bowmanv1lle and V1cm1ty J uo 14th 1860 36 Horses and Cattle Med1cmes N B-CouJtri,: Sto ehee1e f:IM Ill edo1 moat adi.: nntageous terms .A cl ce 1:1electJ01 of J AMP~ fo rile cl C::tl BowmanV1lle Dec 9 1868 6n1 POST OliFILE BOWMANVILLE <tl " e }' ct oily Attende l lo Oci l · t 18"0 PA.PED BAGS \.T MONTRE A.L PIUCES f Bags wh ch '" c will sell at l\Io11t1eal we R[ e1 18 of q W. itv and :ve gu11rautcc thut 110110 pf t}H' Ba0 s LITERATURE THE CHILD OF THE WRECK THE SAILORS ORPHAN llflareW'eU., Mi:cGee; & B'titledge, BARRISTERS \.TTORN.1£YS .Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public OF Fl OE Ar Bo b NVILLE ~I ~ pos te entra.ucc to Iown H 11 RAVE NOW A COMILEIE WE mcnt Paper P 11 1 the bel:!t l'be follov; ing is the ;M:n1 lllu "'01t shcl together No PRICE LIST PER 1000 \ S ze F eete1 l s Block 01 F OE N () IL\. \.- F t loo r--.te~ orth of th~ Post Office of l lereRt E I 1 >WELL I L B R. McGn B \.. J \ IE:'; li.t:TLEDGE B i\.. !lo u llo Doc 1711 1869 ~1oney to loau nt lo v 3 1 0 t 2 5 b oj " 8} 9, 30 Bo vu 1 30 9 JO 2 00 0 90 J 20 1 oO ?M 0 2 20 80 3 30 '] CHAT X ¥I81!0H8 l.'I THI 11 Can.,da Scaxlet White and GENERAL J. :Fletcher, (:.-HEY FL A.N.l'I EL ,S U S Ii .HLLS 6 7 8 10 12 14 20 25 Ul l'if 16 17 17 2 80 4 2o i ~o ~~ "COY 3 7o 4 35 4 9o 51)() 1 El 11 S 1 OR 18 l 01 e co1y one 1e.a.1 ocopes oue11ea. 5 80 6 <lO 3 00 5 00 ANCHOR Cont n el GROCER, 18 Jg 710 6 60 8 v.5 \G STllE.E1 BOWJfi")i VILL.15 EXI door est of D m~tan e Fa Gj Sto e If) ou re l 1 goo l rtn l chen.1 goodll give them o. call Bu ma i:uile Oct lvtl 1SU9 13 N ro TltE :EO:LIDAYS. U TF. lf \.."\E J i:rt 1e ~ ved a New Ruprly of l' l Bool !:l s1 ec ally adapted to tl c 1;JeaJ:101 a. 1 ~t prices to suit all comers g ve A a c aII W c are resolve l to d sposc f our IO)~ Lt I ricee hat defy all com1 et1t101 30 No 14 23 zi ii 90 14 00 9 $0 1) oO 10 00 AUCTIONEERS C BARIO R 1870 ffi) the Toi~ ,ship H 2 5 10 11 3 25 Sole \ge t between Port Hope and ro o te :N" n Flour ~noJcs u Stock 2 8~ l t Vi HITE TEA JlAG ~ Sze ii/by 8± Tl eo cop cs ope }C8 3 50 .E o 11 coptltS one ye 1 10 00 Five cop cs one JC'O. u d ni ext n co1 y to tlie pe1son getti1 g _p the el b n ak ngsxcopea 1400 E tJht cop1es one .,, em :ind an ex tr' copy to the perl'!on gett ng up t} e C'l b n ak ing n ne cop s 91 00 Eleve1 0011es 011.1 :-, c r a l ai extra cop) to the I erso i gctt 0 p th club mllik tng t-w elve cop es 27 .::iO ~j $1 0 2 lO it fo less Godey 1; Lady~ l Book a 1 H I i; 1\iia.gni z1ne vill be acnt one yea.r on cc pt of 5 50 8 Ru " cce t of uf Dm lingto i t TI~RKBR Gode,; '1 I ly !:i Rook ao l .A ti u 0] THE }!agazrnc w 11 be acnt one y ar on H I PHILLIPb ~MPfOJ FRlEND EVERYTHING 4 oO Godey s La ly a Book an 1 lh Ho tr w ll be ~t one ~ ea,i on rcce11 t of 3 50 Cl ldren fi i\-{ ig~ 1 ou:pi>.; attc ton g1ve1 to sale~ &c on ieaso n.ble tenns IN (;,- ley" Ta ly :-: Book A tl u a H ue ITS ST SEASONtt ~ '\V:m.. Barton.~ ::i.t :rtfr John I\Itu ol<l staud z ne an11. Chil s IIo r ill be sent on "ear on 1ece1pt of 5 00 lhe 111oney u1ust all be sent at ore tine f an) of tho clube un l add t to cl 1bs nt cl b 1n.tes 01 s n a; b6 made E'i!ilSKILLE~ KlNG BOIVV4 \V JLJ E -- ---~------- RICHARD MARTIN l'VllT HOPE LIIWSA Y .;, BE 1 VERT OJI RAILi\ \.Y I rams ill ru as follo" a GOI'l"G SOUTR U T TR ~ In"\ tc the a.ttcnt on of tl c r 1Lhc to the fa<.>t J ea"\c I tndi:iay n. tl a he i 1 rer ared to is PI ly J fl. fa :t ed Arrive at Port Hope nfter tl c moi:it 1.q l IoJJVCd taste 916a111 l lOpm )UXBD PIES JJ Lea ~ L lsn.y GOING NOHTH- M \JJ.J TRAIN Arrive at Port Hore Leave Po t !lope at Arrive ri.t L1nd:Ja1 at MIXED 123opm 4 20 3 00 p rn ft ~"i'".n~n.I wh ch tll be old a.t tl lle I ce lo vc~l I Oil C &lf ]'; D ?iC:ll: z 00 00 Sill Marriage Licenses, JSSUED Dl -- - \ el Clt o Straw 130 u~ts clt<U e 1 &c a.s sual Bowron ville ()ct 1st 18'Q9 tf nl 6 00 8 00 12 00 lG 00 20 00 TARTS 30 AND CONFECTIONERY J Arr "eat Lends:i. ~ ea e Port Ho1 eat at HOI 1' AliD 5 4~· m 10 am of e ery deticnption wh lesale a.nd reto.11 All 1 OR1. per800ij w} o req e goo 1 pAAtTJ v 1l lo"' eJl to g1 e him a cnll PJ!TEllBOllOUGH R!l.ILi\AY GOIN<'.1- NORTH-MAIL Tl~ 'N OL THE BESI rE MfEB.A.l\CE 3.l t"a.ya on band DRI.NKS Leave Po t IIope at .Arrive at Peterboro Leave Port Ho1 eat Ar ve at Peterbo o a.t ' xR 10 10 a.m 12 M I m ROBERT ARMOUR Howmanv Ile Dec 10 186P Vick's Flo~al Guide for 1871 l 15pm 3 2-0 pm boo! lk l GOll:\G SOt:Tll-MAIL TR \IN CASHFoRWOOL GENERAL GROOERIES Leave Peterboro at An1. e at Port Hope "\[ XElJ T HE Hil HESI ca·h l ce 1111e1 "'d for a J a ount of Iir1erch ntable ool :it tl c In hii; lepa. lJ:nent he can pl'l)lllptly n eet the LeA.\'t: Pf!terbri oat Arn"'e at Port Hope ;1.t ants of h s f end!! Don t fo get the pl:i.oe '1Ii.urs old stand I DURHAM "IILIAMS 5 tper n emltnl a Oli a..m o30am \V 0 0 LE N - ~l ILLS ORONO. \11 ou]c e fm Bo ma illc Ai nl 27tl 1300 Oni~ Paper Bags a1 c a.d1 Dtted to be tl e on 1 and A fe11 onlv of lhose spleuchd Roll Carding Spmmng Cloth D1essmg (J, Bl ~ b r IN THE M:ARl\..ET and fresh s ppl s f <l C otl ])ls.nt fact ~n~ I th a.tten<lcd to CROC'!J,Hil Ti: & ( oRr·ON p10 TWEED SHIRTS no! gaod ~toe] every fe" days J 4th 1< 0 o;J u.t S l!' HILLS C BARKER

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