Brooklin Times, 13 Jun 1882, page 3

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i r i j .,. _______________ 1-il--. Tite lrciokiln 3ILC. Sabbatliî SéIo nol.i versary wiliie be hld Slundsy and 31ondaty, JTneo251.handti h. Itou bils (forparrclara. Servîcos ls the Presbyterlan Church nexi Sabbath evcnng at 0.30 Inast of 230as (E. A. Cox. Esc.GenapratlManager of thei Mîiand FRallway lefs, for Engianti on Thurii day last. Durlng lits îîbaence NW. <ooderham, P£Q. Vlce.Presldcnt, wîll attend to lis dulles' For eholce turnip seeti go ta T. J. Hollday's Ilrooklin. These seeds are grown for andî ioletiby tir Evans, <2iedanan, xoatrealé andfo mny yearti havegîvQa saistuntver- Bamastsaction. Hloward Clftioi antilits Churcb Choir (iomblîîation arc 10 appear lheres tn Masonie hall tlis tTuesday andi Wednesday evenl agu, .iane 13h andi 141h. <;o and lear tise coe-e brated Chiurch Choir Quartette. Firât nighl, free admigsliin. Elghty performers attend ai the rebearai of the Oratorieo f Queen Etither andi are pro_-reaJ,îng favorably. Tie concert wvîll ie held la the.NSisionte hall. Irooklin, on Thora dav evening. 22nd Juno, anti on the evenlal et Dl)nion Day, lstluy. iOeeposters. BORn-At Brookla, on Mloday, te ifé of mr. John lintgson or a6so. Nov Mlic ati Darîngton's. Nov and popular airs for or_-an and iano) just recetved. Alorders promptly fled. Call auI select. L OST on the 6th con, Whilby, beween b.j r. flizlu's andthie ide-ro;tti eaeu a Pair of eia and a Pair of Soderiîîj Irni3. A-y irnformation lendinst ta toir reovery will bc suitabiy rewarleti. 3. McPIIERSON, Tinaimitit, Brooklin, A DJOUINE COURT 0F REVISION. 111UNICPAL TY of Mte TO WN SEIP OF WI7BY. NOTICE ir hereby give-n ihaitheb COURT 0F REVISION fur the Tawitship of Whîitby vili basiteld ai the Toweieî - p 11.11, IIROOKLIN, un !IIN DAY, JUNE !6th, 1882,utai oar of 10 o'eock A. hl. R. T. HARRtISON, BROUCHAM NOTE[L aer Brock and Main 2treet, in lit*, Vllae of llroupham. Firaî-elutis accommodatit ... Bslicat qrs and cagne.. Good St..bliîag and atteutive hortier. T-HO MAS -I:POUCH ER. PROPRI El-Olt, ALSO LICENSED AUGTIgi-tlàER!1 Fui lils CounartîleutYoî1. sud Nui.. taîa Sajulla Oulaiss. Acurnai ak,.uf seul cali faim sîork, &C , atrnded ai muoderato 1tdes . erutL.lkK Box 47, Broagham, Ont Uidland Railwa.y Time Table. Trainu Galiîg1 Trna âcoing. SIaTATIONS i 9 Do 106 f,4;U ltby . t15 7 5t5s 9 15 lU 401 0 ...... .... 8(17 40;i125 1) 3011t W07 Vi5M ..... .T749d- m012 5 1# 40 Il 10 7 20)ý8U nm19....7 417 2 1I2 1 91401, m 7 '4.%)lîî.ht-oter...737 10.12,25 9 61Il130 7 i2Pri nec, Aihrt..7 307 W12j1 1: 712 007T44 Port Perry... 725 7 où1200 12r519 4011XU05,egrave . 7000 4011 10 Io 3012 1l4 810 Sonya . 4 6 Wil00 10 4à.,110 8 22 fa,llI*:..6i440 1à. 104U Il 00 t 40 8 451 )tnrlpoaâa ....602à5821u là Il 12! 200 8 ÏS'Ope ........17 359 W Il 0 i gyJ t....4I i I8530 142078 e235152 ........ .... 4, . Io . ....1446!700 FiéKnelon VUt . 43541 7 :b 1 pal~::îrîs' ......... ....S 420,7 ou 12 &) 3:!5 P LI. ...... 1.. 4 10! 640 741 0,.... Xncoldaby.... 5U0ri820 I4<720!.... Dimart... ... j2456 1 57.30 ,uld's ..........235440 2 00 7 40[. jAr. Halltatêa Ie11.04 » P.M. P.E. P.mi A x I.m .a. <>5. #. coI. A. WIITLP, iea. Manager 1 (en. Traite Agent. BRÎidOOLIN MARKETS. JI.-ported by W. I. Robuon. Broorin milis Jane t3. 1582 Fluur.............. 8300 $3 M Spiîg bel.......1 30 1 35 lsrley .................. 45 98 lvq....................dlà Cf> p................... go 85 Curs ................... 8>8 0alm45 50 Apple%..................<te> ou »ried A pple'....... ...... 7 on Il1uîarui................ .70 76 Blouer....... ........... 12 15 Lard .................... 15- là ... .... ....... 12 0 ................406510 1As 1 haro selectod ibis stock myseîf vithil cars 1 ec OrY.CUARANT EE le îhem te give satisfaction. oRepairing done promptly and accurately as Usual. Don't Sforget the "Place, o iin 'Ielegraph Office, oppostte the Globe Hotel, Brooklin. G. W. WARREN. CR1ÂG- E! AND PAINT 8110?!! -C L . in _1 J. orm tAhe <itizenà ofBroeklinoandt &urruuuding country tai I1 have Lamber and all iter Maleiîal ,aeceseary fer the maîîsfarturo ni oCutters, Sjeigs WAGONS, &o. And smo prepareJ te exceculu al orders ini mnj lite, with î.aritlaal la and de.'pl'.h, CARRIACE PAINTING mii the bexi) Ile i of th e art. D. F CH.,%BEItL.4129. Hsvuîîg lad over thîrly y&ears ea1.erieiîue i n h aboie biancit;ms uti bîsnes, I <cl conifident ai beaiig able lu %ai> )aIl pallies. mnade andl repairet in the bout stylo. âattî4action guarin eed.îvs né a CRUl belore nrderinz elsewhite. Shop oppoite the tiouîh end of te Globe Hotel, Brooklin 0. F. CHAMBERLIN, Manager. T. H. WI LSON, HARNESS MAKER, BROOKLIN. CAIIIAIU AMI TRAM HARNESSI W0D 2TOOHMERL. SPECIAL CAlE PAID TO COLLAR MAKINC. lB EVAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Thaakful fer j'as-t f.voro, vaîl try te rnerit a coattwaance of te sne. Nov is thie turne for the (armera te have their Hane» repared and cîeneand itorse Collans ropaired and ro-fiîted for àpriai we.k. Rememiber the place, GLOBE HOTEL BUILINS BROOKLlN WI{ITI FARM FOR SALE OR TO HENT. O NE f i he best FaÎmu in the Ciardon of Canada, beiiig compoied ofîhe sontit eighty aceres of lot 21 in the 8th cou. of WVhittm, aitated on the Gravol Rond, ight miles tram lise County Town of Outurie. Witin easy reach of grist mille, stores, and close te a railway sta- tion. There are good buildings, lemcs, ns actes of orchard and four acres cf woWt land-geod gardon. aocked with»aiîl fruits, &o. l'ho Farm in well dra;ned andi a running spring creek crosstes oe corner. For furtiter pariculars apply te H. W. ]PAYNE, Myrtle, Olit. OLQCKS I JEFW1ELRY t. in thte repkiring buinees;, 1 begto an- nounce the arrivaI of my stock cf Clocks, 24 HOUR EICHT DAY ALARM, &C. Also'a fine lot cf Jewelry, Chains, Broaches, Bar Drops, Rýings, Guards, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Spectacles, &c. BY MILLS !~ ClothDressing, FuRing, Dyeing, DONiON SHORT'NOT,1ICE,. Hon 1e At L THE PLACEd o ld W a tc h e , J God Chains, ~oId Rings, jGold Locketts, adie's Fine Gold At Setts, Table Cutlery HEPIN TO BUY Charme, Bracelets, Pis, Buttoîîs, Silver-ware, Cake'Baskets, Crîtets, B utter Çoolers, Ice Pitchers, and Presentation Goods ALL AT BOTTO-M PRICES! IS AT STALL'S JEWELRY STORE, KING ST., OSHAWA. ____ -CALL ON W Me BURNS, 0F' WHITBY, For Rellable Boots & Shoes. Ojr- Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WiL-LIAM BURNS, Brock Street, Whitby CALL ON W. HAU LT, FUJRNIITURE UNDERIAKINCI> BROOKLI N,i Always :'a godjStock to Select from, at Bottom Prices. Picture Frameu made to order. Mi Funerals attetuded on short noticé, andi at ail hours Charges Low.,5 aA ý ý weeds, Unions, %IllCloths, ans, UBlankets, &C. %west Prices, or i exchange for wool W. OLLEN Wool Carding,

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