Brooklin Times, 13 Jun 1882, page 1

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- I s. ~t00IÇUU I __________ .,.VO ....o.26 TUESDÂ Y, Jaane 13, 1882. A mieeing 'Wash eld lit the Masonie hall oFrldav ewening lu lthe Inlorçat of Mr. ..Win. Smith, ai wbl.b Mfr. Arthur Johaton Ut -e (IAýeebwood. and Mfr. J1. S. Larbe of olawajFpok.è ln lthe Intarest of Mfr. Smith; a ndJ. C. Smith,the* Secretary of ihe Refarmn Association, sitoko ln the Interest of Mfr. * *Glen. Tiso Italrman, Mfr. Henry Blckio, * opcuad thme meeting by caling on Mfr, Arthur. .14hu.. to. wbo d>11v'.ýred a vory tomne arl- Adrcss. ana fr-q..niJy iwfos-.sdth bandlin:- lie land rclvesi front Mr. Jury on tise lIionday ilgit previous. M 5r. Smith, (who Iaaarsnerj on talrngtbe plat furrn was loddly clicered. and said hoe appeared an beliali'of XIir. (len. lIeezpressed his surprise ai Mfr. Joboston pursuing tie cous.e lie dincs to-day. and the very opposIte in the Local ciection. Tiien ho lMIrJobusion> supported a Dînfceasiiitl.lryden, and now urged tho electors te support M r. sinith secuNe blsl a farnicr. The nianner lai wbiciî our coîsiiutionai rigbi weru beng sacraliced and our Province despoicd by S4ir Johnu and bis foiiowers iras ailuded te, and the diribiiuwssnce or thie streania Bill, the, refusai yto ratify the Bttdary Airard, Ibo anaquty oflbhe Uerrymandering Act. and ibe deiusioîis f tiivsrec4aied 'national Poiicy were dissected lit a nasner that iOfttbeir "Lthoite fi% a very unenvtabia tioslalon. lu ciosinz bis addrem'uis B Sinltb iîeid uji to the few1ot li tu enuce Gcrryrnandercd Northu Ontario, andl said ti4at "Sir Joitii migiui Eaul siowiî and wursbip IL aodennamit nîo Idoiatry, for taereo n utlmiog ii.e IL ait liîcavcn a or ani the cariai aenesaî*, or tu.itam waters un. uer the csîrab.' On'ta k tg bats seaL the tipùakvrva' loudly eaieered. Mfr. U-rriktftbîiimî ndwd-Yoke fur ïout nue heuor and i tali-maeu tes la defece of the no-railgd Nitticnbgl . Pollev, but touchted ihU! ou liée <lerr*hss.deriii.- Ad. Mie *Ûeanff tie hlih cariff 2r fic, preet Go- Xe~raninei wbieb pr,*idI the stove fmenu- * fiaieurers andi thse etier Industries, and iîîd- * *d.6-pulley irilicll b,Iciiis tbe ricb ai the * exxecoS thifainor. Mfr. Lark was greaiiy *iicreu by*lits Tory fricuds durint tbe de- -. flonder a 15 and a 171 per cent tarlffmn any of tie ieadiug uianufacturera In ibis Domi- n100 bcd accumulatcd fortunmes raugingfÉromt t $ýjro.uiu e$590l,b I yet lamey asked and got mmore protection front tbe praseni Govern- mient. ii~~~~Is~~ 1~~~~ ." an Si. M Br00k liaifi Oaeî. Gratdusa of Bleieue Mseulîcal Hoîspital Colle_-,#, New '-r~ anadiai Liviàiiaio Menèber uf Coileite ni i h>siciaiîu îiand Surgeons, 'Il IL SV!EETAPPLEF. VK:rLtEiN.4RY J' SuRtu:s. G;raduaie (il thei lsarlo Vet. Coile2e. (,'uvera,îneiîlust , bfli li-e Coonly Ui Oitario. i'rnîilitî.ikl Vet. fttegisirar a.tsi -Sectclary lo Iina Ontario Vet. Associalion. ReîideFiî-e, Broukîmo. F AREIVELE. St IUTLE.fE t .j,4Barristeri, Attorneys, &c., 7oliîeii)r #or the Counly -it Ontario. Ofts.-es:- First Door Soutia of lime Royal floiel and in Souths W:ig of Court Houe. A Counsy CroSs Attornaey, JESRUTi.cDuit, B. A DAVID ORM ISTON, B. A 13Attorney-al-Law, Soliciior iu Cbaucery, Cuvoys,îcer. &a-. Oultce- Adj.îisî'îîgtt he Pool Office, àlcNlllan's Block, Bonxk Strscet, Whitby. BUSINESS CARDS. T. HARISONPuatt rel-.ttier; lRe Town..tip Cle.k. mmii Comzais- for takiààatr alhitavjil ia B. R. Any amourîl ofi mî.ney lis losîn on finit cIa". anomlaze securiy ai 61 per cent. NiT. MA THEWVSON, Ilaslroasi St., w1 Biouîtlin. lI.,ur-r of MARRIAGE LI( ENSES. rH(IMS H. WILSON, Licrasaa j Auciieer. Sales aio-ded 9n Rcasoiasble Termes. Globe leou, Lit. inaircklii. JM0IN KIRTON. Wel& Ciptera Dig- lg er, Cuoiaîbu%. Oni. Wei'*- *oi Caau tois ois!u n: wathda.par ai Ccmîaeta' I prices. An elleiîtive. xpr:. r. a etlablio hini 10 mrx.ict iell!geniy anrd gjivi msloiaelaot. laformatitn rceei.m; j4r flLr~ I ~i Lm. LJ1 + OF-D. GROCE] Boots anj AND FANOI at the Store lately o4 Thomas,1 I-Javiing juîrchased the above -,tock lo t . la v i nag ro o m ii sM y oth e r sto lj prenj I EjDIIUrScAI E IzIoo-uS A ESShoes! GOOD8, ~upied by Mr. S. M. 3rookHil. veçy low rate in the dollar', an~ for it, I now offer it in tliw abovo AT CREATLY -,RI3JUCED- PRICESI0 ]&1r6h of'it 2ôper d&,tbelow the whole- sale price. This is a gond chanîce to Get Coods niUCh belOW their regîtiar valute. Be wise and lake advantage cof Ibis Opportunity. NOTE Soma o: .Grey Cottonsata 6, 8, and (White Cottons at 6, 8, and JPrieis......... at 5, 7, and 4Lot of HOSI /joweitigs, Tabling, white Coun the PRICEI: cts; worth 8, 10, and Mects. ets; worth 8, 10, and 13cts. cets; worth 8, 10, and-lMets. RYat - Price. ranes, &c.; at wholesale Prices nice dlean (leaf)T at 20e or 61b for $1 very. choice youtig Byson at kc, worth 65c; 1ibs of good dlean rSugar for $1 lbe good grantilat~ sugar for $1; 2lbs good rice for 1,&C&. Corne Early and GEl SOME! BARGAINS, as 1 amn anxious to clear out the4 Goods as soon as possible. stock at these prices wia be 8old for cash only. This To the late custorners of Mr. WARRES, I would say that 1 will b. pleased to obtamn their patronage elîher at this place or atizny regular- plire of business, and 1 promise thent my best effiorts to give thern every sat isfact ion. T.J.HOLLIDAY. Brooklinj, June 3rd, 18S2. CIRCULATION 1000 R EFORM COMMITTEE ROOMS OPPOSITE THIE GLOBE B OTEL, BRO ORLII, May 27th, 1882. Commritiee Meetings wi Il ha held for Polling &Sb-Diviiiions Nos. A t3,-Towae slip af Whitby, for the purpose of further- iag the ieersîsOftP. W, GLEti, M. P., at the approachiag Electibn - for the communs. The. Commillea yl mrtduring tihe oatn1îaiEn k:i. F.VERY TUE.SDAY aiid SATJJRDAY EVENINGS at 8 o'clock. Piret Meeting ilis (Talosday),Evýer.inrg, May 301h. Polliaîg, Tueoî'ay, 2Oîla June next. Al persons favorable Io the eleciion af the Rek.rm Candidate are cordialy iiviied ta attendt. B. P. CAMPBELL, Chairman Polliag Sub-Dtvjsjaa No. 2. *D. HOLLID,Jal., Chairman Polling Sub-Division No. 3. CoootyoIsOntario T S H h-R,.B y ITO WiT 1 1. Given.1hast thp arad l1a? 'CaitmIay 5Jer,'In a andt for -Iho COUNTY 0F ONTARJO, will ho SaIsi in the COURT 1HOUSE, in the TOWN 0F WHITBY, TueJsday, Juite the l3th, 18829 ai the hour ai 10 o'clork, a. mo, Of whiîciiail Justices of the Pesce, Cor- oacas, Con.-iable,,asuitotheru cencsiised, will take notice ait gavera thsmuulve. TIIOS. PAXTON, Sheriff'sOioe skeff Ca. Ontario. Wiiiiby, May 3rdl, 1882. 21 COUNTY of ONTARIO. Sittinga oftJto Divisbon Corrtsfoo' 1889 Published by order of théo Gonora Sessiaaa Whîlby-.-Jan 3. Feb 1, Mari,. Apr 1. May i, Jue 1, july 3, Sept I, Oct 2, Nov i, Broughiam May 2, July 4, Sept J Duflumus CreekÇ Jasî 4, Mar 2, Nor 2. Port Perry-Jan 27. Mar 4, Apr 8, May 16, Jutas 23, Jol7 28, Sept 4. Oct. 10, No0v --0, Dec 28& ijxbride-Feb 8. Mar 14, A pr 19, May 25, June 27, Sbepi 6, Ct 24, Nov 21, flec 29. .1 Catiningon-Feb 9. Mar 15, Api 18, Mayi 26, Jane 28, Sept 7, Oct 25, Dea 6 Bjraverton-Feb 10, Mar 16, May 271, Jund !29, Sept 8, Dec 5. Athriy-.Mar Il, u. 30, Sept 9, Dec 7b 3110. E. FAREWELL, Clerk or the Peuce. &PPOSITE THE GLOBE ]IOTEL, T IHE Subscriber lakogea sr inaforuing tle publiethat hliasiaa A CIIOICE LOT 0F Poultry & Pork!1 Prices AModerate. Parties withuuu t. parchrseby lthe quarter 'viii do weil te çail on the nuem' signed. Te J, COLTQ'E. BROOKLIN, ýUNE 13v 1882. -. q 4- ý i * I i

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