Brooklin Times, 10 May 1881, page 4

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MAGikeBTETE'5 Csu&T.-Had'ley MAcQuain cf lWrtle , *as broucghtbefre the magis- traies qb Thursday.last, ýacenured with eteaiing IL abeep-skin robe, the propetty of té Jtô L&l, f(otn ibe ebeda of'the Globe hotel, on the evening of Jatîuary àd. The evidence oi the plaintiff established the jilentity and owuership of the lobe and proved nil 0 have.been in the pûpïmesin ci MleQua in. "The Platement ofltlcQunain ardthe evidence of John Barnett iti. de- feicq, proyed conclursavely th;aî McQuain waarzoWt gcilty ai tlýe grave charge brought naý4gns hiefr. 'iui-appears by the evidenoe that McQuain was in:oxicaîed oi the nighl of thisre eCtio6n, and thi srtine miecreants tonir bis horme and cuiter and Liddle'- robe lo drive around the country intending no doubt to"turn them, insead of doing sa they jeft the rig onder R. C. Warren&. shed wlaere McQuain and Barnet ound i, shoot 9 o'clock at nsght. McQuain et irsi refused ia taire the robe bomne with bim, but thinkidg the righîful owner would cmli for il, and lie woa;ld by that means jijcover wbo liad nsed his borîe, lie dlf>eîdd ta Ireep the robe. No arie cb'iéd. for ià however, and about tbree week.. al4rwad being in Denison'is holel. Reach, %IcQuain spokre about having Ibhis rcbr when Denisonrequested him ta leave il iitIsis place. McQuaio did s0 and taon ater1 lise robe with other tbîings waq seized for gent and old ai Manche-ster, where a non of Mr. Liýdle'% identmfied il, and claimes i . There being no evidence la criminate the accused. the case, 'if we may b. aliowed go cali il sucb, was dis- mised. i Tise elurn of fine we ther and moon light pigista hkjs causèd large, and nol 100 oderly croaveds, ta coogregale nightly ai tise station to witness thse arrivai snd de- plr.efthtie evenmng trains. We won- der that ormerous accident dosn nots happen tIotise venturaomne lttie chîldien eapscially girls, Wiso makle Iis place fi ir rendezious. Many litti. gir. whdse ages vsry from six to laurteen year, board th. train nightly, and n many cases, before il stops, mocîz ta the annoyance ol the regular pasngers, wbo may be leav- iog or enlering the car. %Ve heard ai ane girl carried south, one night it t week. %te hope il may leach ber, witb many ciliers 10 keep vithin thi. lecorurri of ber sex. Youing girls receivmi a lino rchooling aogsncb association.%, an-i il iheir parents have no regard for uJîir faie tisas.Whisecancut or WiIIcmsune Ce salves. lion. Joisn Godfre% Sprag"e. Chancellor of Ontario, bas been appoiîîmed sueceem to the taie Chiet-Justice Mass. Richard Gram, ci Claremomt, ia in Scolland buyiti,_z horsett. BROUQ*HAM WHOTEL! Ceoner Brack and Mlain Street, in tb. Village aifiBrougham. Firt-clas accommodations. Best lquors ant igarg. aooil Sîabling and attentive hosier. T TOX1A ! PO UC -1ER, PROPRI ETOUK, ALSO LICENSED AUCTIONER! For Ise Caunties ai York and Northi aud Siouth Ontario. Auctîfri stales of reai estaie iarm stock, kec, attended ai moderate charges. Address, T. POUCHER. Bax 47, Braîigbam, Ont STI LL ARýRIVING 'AT THE THE MOST DESIIIA3LIE GOODS 0F THE SEASMT. -India Muslils, Sattin Cloth >ini delicate sh Kids, Black and Cream 1 Cream Lace Barbes, GoId and Silver Headed Tie Pins j Childr Ladies' and Childirens' Hose in forty shade In iact everythiîîg that- is New and Novel cai Whbitb y Dry Goods- Empq ROSS ~THE GLOBE HOTEL- BENJAMIN McQUAY, - PnaaulaTL Besi Liquars and Cugars. A weli aop- tîlieul table. Airy boil-roma. Canfortable kades, Opera muete ace Fichues, WmT ROIBSONI* AGRICULTURAL INPLEMENT DEPNT eSI Prsos Opposite tise Globe Hatel, ERCOOK. es. jDEA LER IN lIOWE, LOCKMAN, SINGER, soid ail other Sewming- Machines n 'be found at the REAPERS, MOWERS, GRAIN DRI LLS, oriur , Straw Cuters, Plo'vs, Iro a rw n ail ieadiiig Agruculfutal impiemrents at i.Cal fic . rý Praces lJrulers by mail BROTH E S. îuiomptiy attenad ni 1 1 LIV'R111.8 lrOj_ ""[tE AT 1 aîY.Cli-A P.è-ÛS 113Ysrtiý GEO. W ARN 1 PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, 1opposile Th e Globe Ilotel, Brooklin.1 REPAIRINO A $PECIALTY 1r Ail' Workl Warranted to Give Satisfaction. A OALL RESPEOTFULLY SOLIOITED.' B. BATTY, Butcher CALL ONI Weekly Route for Winter :-Monday and W M .ll tBU R N S Tbursday ; BrooLli, from Sta 10.30 a. m.; Empire ' ililis andi Cilunhu*, iroro Il a. mo. la 1 p. m.; 0F WHITBY, Satîrmly, Baokin.For Reliable Boots & Shoes. Tise public vilulvimye ind a goiembS mpplv oni :j-FRESI- MEAT. PICKLED TONGUE, &,L., aimd C.ilis C Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap R:nnets nt noir place of t'usiiiei.-i for Cash, by i I1PPOITF W- -R RI1RRN'S R RIST MI'ML Il I IAM B RIN!q I BROOKLIN.I Brock Street, W'hitby. CALL ON W..- HAU LT, FURNITURE ANID UNDOERTAKINO I BROOKLIN, Always a good Stock to Select frovn, at Bottoîîî Prices. Piettîre Fraînes made ta order. Funerals attended an short notice, anîd at ail hotîrs. Chargyes Loir. VT. -EA..7EJIT .FIRST CLASS PHO0TOGRAPHS, ARE MlADE AT A. BARRETT'S OH YES ! YOU.eCAN CET IM. A 0000 FIlTINO SUIT OF CLOTHIES GO TO G ID):ELARS H . . L D D L whrevisru are tzpre ta iret the boit satisfaclion. Gentlemen PHOTOBOOMca e et s saviîmg ai t3n per cent by finmdinir iheir own DOUBLE HARPOON HORSE HAY&Y A.t ot il made op in tise MotFashionable styles FORk AND ELEVATOIL attie lovest 1ices- Cuttinîr don. on thse Shorle.t Notice Tise operation ai tise Double liarpoon BRASKSTRECTS NEW PROCESS T".eh opikmig b s rct attentionaad custaerqandfornas Hors. Hay Forkad Elev.îîor, %wbreverfaobuopsbstittenun1bais,,aiiro it bas been fsirly testeil, bus been ex- QUICK WORK. Workmanship, te menit a continuance of puhlio patiossage. tremeiy saisfactary. No ailier impIe-A. < N D meat evur ataineil suctu aunerai ponpulariîy A~. C D AR isa shoart a ime. Amomma,-the îhnus.mnds A.-AR E T Oppesite J. Warrenls Drug Sîore, Brookliz. visa huve used ut and w itne,,sud au o pera- trotte in tise ater, Mbiddle Suiiliern aud W ds ' ~ ~ s~e sv Weserni Stales. the voice aifaî.prrvalis almost unanimotis. Leadiug agricuituriausm î an e itt fagricultural journal. have G. E. CH4MBERLAIN, hugu taIo form ithe Cîtîzens ai Brooklnansd surrondng country ilsat 1 baie Lumber snd ail oiller aietestified te jus*mnquestionable sapera- àMatestal ilecesmary for lise Manufecture ai sigias èhaebdaraitise Double Cutters, Slei*gh , BD eaà s , WazotTT ng s, &o9 v. li J Harsllay Fort, audi l ropor- -N,.J.JL u VCgJLIi .î .rsls healed upon il, fuliY And arn prspared Io execute alil orders in my lne, wtb pun.tuaitty and ilepalch, and guarastes al vork le b. madlsof tise i-..- ts pre-emineoce. bout materisi. And aime prepareil ta do ail ALD ORBERS PROMPTLY C A I ]L E L --ý M" EMlà i NXT EMU:T <I. t A TTENDED TO. ~cI ~ ~ 5 , In the best si> e cf tise art. D. F. CnasisuiLàAzs Having bail ever tiirly years expsrience un lise aboie branches cf H. W. UDOLE, Sole AgVent, business, 1. feel cooiident of heîng abi. tu mtisfy tise afcet iastitLus Tiserefore, cones, came ail, bring on yeur eiders Brooklmn, Qnt. Shop MScaad ioueofr e eomI Office, Broekii. D F H M ERLNL M ng 18ROOKLIN 'MILLS The Mill la nov in complele runnsng order, iavng juat mutited oaima1p- Graj celebraled oombmned iSepaalarSmulisr and BrusMachine. IKW S& .IliJiis suiplied wzth F.oUR ai tise butl quality 1ai lowest ratles. FLOUR AND ALL KINDS 0F M ILL FEED coNiS TANTLY ON. ilA N 1). HIOHESI PRICE PAIO FOR W1IEAT is dune ueptly, iù# lb. CHt)PPIN G every day for every Imîi bogheI. vises brotiglît iy tise load. Tisenking aur nnierus frimedafor hIle liboral paîruiage beretofure receivi, e hope, b>- strict aittmntion to bus-ities, andI a tletermiation tauileal safaclorilY vils ail parties, to mnirt a continuathion thereel W. B. ROBSON, Proprieter. CARRIAGE AND WACCON SHCPI TeBROOKUIN. - The «Wributr lst il a plemure le thank his c n " urnvs soum amit tissus sies carîîuenriig buinessun I irookln doyen >ears »--o.simd hbuin duhmrminptd ota oiidurLhig huriiness in future ;Is inI le past, for the 'est iiere,4 af is ustcmers. Nov is tise lime la ge% p mur i:GES. CUT TERS. WAGGONS,&. I E-PAINTEO IH 0000 STYLE[I îtel-airin.r pruinoptly a:teîided ta. A Cd I NOAH LUKE. MAXWELL HAMILTON, 1ARCmlrETURLF* Drtawîng soudSpecifbcatian of Buililio prompiliyprepareil vimh visv ta economy in consitruction. Ctt>.WCl & SCF1OOL ARCHITEC- TURE A SPECIALTY. Carresporlsiice respectfisllv aolioitud. MIX WIELL HAMILTON. Baldwin St., Braokiin. WVAIMR PmOe@ B LACOKING 1" TUE BIST LEATIIER PRESERVER. KNOWL la b. applied in t11811111, vay. PRICE 121 Ct& PER BOL je M. ROUTLEYI I Fr m d ~ieT,. odys 9

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