Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1970, page 18

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The Acton Free Wednesday August Farm in Griffin family for more than years a hull or the Griffin herd held tiRht by his master The shorthorn herd was hero with Smith and the hired hand The bull was a established In 191 by Smith r Griffin and has been bit reluctant to hove his photo lakPn 10 l existence ever since Staff Photo shOUid be CUt Name winner and then destroyed McNeill Raspberries and blackberries have a perennial root system that lives for many years However the shoots are biennial growing In the first season and bearing the fruit crop the following summer Since the canes die shortly after fruiting gardeners should remove them soon after harvest This should be done by cutting them off at ground level with a sharp knife or pruning shears These cones should be removed from the planting and destroyed as they may carry disease It is also desirable to some of the new shoots ex If the plants are vigorous and have produced a large number of suckers Only some of the weak suckers should be removed at this lime The complete thinning Job should not be done now as It could promote late growth and lead to winter Injury If left until spring It can supply the planting with extra winter prelection by helping to trap snow as a naturol protective mulch Prepare soil now for spring bulbs poster contest II J Stanley The Directors of the Farm Safety Council met in the Agricultural office Aug II under the chairmanship of Sam Finnic Sr The Safely Poster Competition open to public school boys and girls was Judged The winners were first David Stanley It Hock wood second Carolyn Bird R Georgetown third Paula Kltching R R Moffat and fourth Richard Stanley Roekwood It Is hoped hat there will be a good number of entries In the safety exhibit class at Milton Fair this year The title is to be Protect Our Farmers of To w To day Acton or Lot It Con cession Erin Township is well known to all farmers of the area This form and surrounding land has been owned and occupied by the Griffin family since law Smith Griffin of Smllhvllle first bought the land in for the sum of BO pounds He settled on the land and raised a family of six children He died In 1059 and left the farm to his son William William retired in 1911 and moved to Erin leaving the farm to his son Smith Griffin who in turn gave the farm over to his son Harold Griffin and Is now operated by his son Smith R Griffin The Griffins arc of Welsh descent Smith represents the 11th generation since his family came to this country and Is the fifth generation to live on the farm Mixed farming Mixed farming is not a com practise for all farmers today breed of cattle dalryorbcef and one commercial crop The Griffin century farm has pure bred beef cattle with sheep turnips and registered seed grain The pure bred Griffin beef herd was established in 1915 by the late Griffin and his sun Harold and is still maintained under the name of S Griffin and Son The herd Is comprised of Scot sdale Sterling and Welfare Sterling breeds Approximately and two bull make up prize herd Each year some cattle from the herd are entered in 10 or 12 of the local fairs Most Teed for the stock Is produced right on the farm and planted cultivated and harvested with their own equipment Feed used for the herd Is hay grain barley corn and oats The cattle pasture out doom all summer but are kept inside during the cold winter months If winter weather is warm the cattle are turned outdoors for a breath of fresh air At one time the herd was always brought in during winter said Harold Griffin These cattle are B McNeill Spring flowering bulbs planted In early fall generally produce better blooms than late planted bulbs Beds for bulbs should be dug well in advance of planting and should be dug deep Bulbous plants do best on a medium sandy loam soil but will do well on a wide range of Mills as long as adequate drainage Is provided Heavy soils may be lightened with the incorporation of sand and organic matter Well rotted manure can also help in raising the fertility of the soil Need time Early fall planting will allow the bulbs plenty of time to produce roots and become well established before winter These bulbs can then start growing at the first sign of spring to give the best floral display Bulbs can be planted until the ground freezes These bulbs however be expected to give their best display as their root systems must develop in the spring before flowering can tor heart saving diet3 ask your Ontario Heart for The Way to a Man Heart and a companion rec pe booklet To help reduce the risk of heart attack the Ontario Heart recommends a diet that uses less animal fats and fewer cholesterol rich foods such as eggs and organ meats John Salmon Country TV Centre SALES SERVICES ghwiay in TV Service to all makes 1 On CLEARANCE SALE Hintons Summer Clearance Sale of ready to wear items contains many articles suitable for back to school wear at tremendous savings for your school budget COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL NEEDS Binders Loose Leaf Refills Scribblers Indexes Duo tangs Brief Cases School Bags Pencils Crayons Ball Point Pens Math Sets etc Lunch Kits Vacuum Bottles Food Jars etc School Opening Special Ladles Canadian made Sizes to RUNNING SHOES In Green Pink Orange Reg 29 Value SCHOOL SPECIAL fl Hintons 5 Store THE STORE THAT GIVES YOU A BETTER CHOICE A BETTER QUALITY A LOWER PRICE ffircr-lffrtWr-trnr- sixton Built rugged priced right Whether you re storing or feeding you take the hard work out economically with the Gehl BU610 self unloading box It unloads fast to provide the round trip need to keep big harvesters going Tilt top roof rises to catch the entire stream of material from chopper deflectors then lowers to the height of the box sides Unit features a pawl and sprocket feeder apron drive auger cross conveyor standard safety trip and two and three beater combinations SWANSTON FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 8569512 good foragers and can utilize ruff age exceptionally well During a the herd will gather together under a tree for warmth he added but this la often dangerous as a bolt of lightning could the tree and a good number could be lost President Smith Is president of The Ontario Shorthorn Association and recently returned from a trip to Coalo Rica where two thorn bulls from the S Bennett farm were sold by private treaty The bulls will be used on native cattle there as Shorthorn Drum mo cattle are rare in that country The trip wan a joint effort sponsored by the Ontario Food Council and the Depart of Agriculture aid hood Aside from a herd of shorthorns Griffin also have a flock of 20 Suffolk sheep The Griffin farm has also specialized In registered seed grain and certified seed potatoes for a number of years Seed grain Ib used for commercial planting covering two and Is sold locally to farmers When the root is although on occasion It Is ex one inch long the crop is sprayed ported to the United States The he first treatment of In grain Is grown and cleaned in the foeticide The crop is then left for seed plant right on the farm another month and given a ThclateS Griffin was made second spray Our turnips are a Robertson Associate Mem lfl turnips said Smith The In This medal was early ones seem to have such given in recognition to a grain little taste and such a watered centre Their crop will be work In producing pure seed harvested during the first week of grain This medal made him a November continuously since the show started The original Griffin homestead was 100 acres In but has since Increased to 250 acres The century old house was built by an uncle of the late Griffin In recent ytars they have specialized In growing table turnips These eight acres are cut by rand and turnips arc washed and waxed right on farm The turnip is washed In a largo tub and placed In a grocery cart for waxing The cart Is built with handles at the side so the turnips can be lowered into and lifted from the hot wax coating Where two turnips touch In the basket means the wax coating is not perfect Therefore the cart Is given a flip to ensure an even wax coating on each separate turnip said Smith And have they ever been burned by the hot wax It sometimes splashes on has been seriously hurt The turnip crop Is planted with special machinery the planter a time proximately Ontario Turnip Growers Association for n number of years Is mixed farming a hard life for the Grifflai Not hard just busy was the reply ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRY AND ACTON Professional Directory for DulU life member of the association While certified seed potatoes are no longer grown on Ihc farm they also were used for over years These potatoes won muny prizes over the years as well the grand champion award the Winter Pair in and 1928 A silver cup was given for the honor in 27 a gold pocket watch in Both ore treasured souvenirs at the Griffin homestead Members of old guard Griffins arc members of the Old Guard at the Royal Winter In Toronto having exhibited Smith was also chairman of the POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL High Memo a Memo GALT North Moot the now loader in Big Forage PAPEC 72 Bio nil new cylinder typo chopper peksupor cut and loa is at up to 100 lorn per hour cylinder shear and drum bottom rovers Wo carl Meed shear bar heavy shear bolt protected drives cut change It n sharpener and change hay or row crop attachments are a lew of features that make the year news bio cut your c io to Ip IT ARCHIE KERR EQUIPMENT ACTON Phone 8531959 AB SUPERMARKET MILL ST CANADA NO FRESH ACTON LOIN PORK CHOPS 79 Brown N Serve Chops 991 SWIFTS LB AVERAGES DINNER HAMS 99 SCHNEIDER S RED HOTS 39 LYONS PKG OF SAVE THE TEA 59 KRAFT CANADIAN OZ PKG SAVE CHEESE SLICES 69 KIMBERLY CLARK SAVE KLEENEX 2 59 Facial Tissue OZ TINS SAVE PEARS 3 HEINZ OZ BOTTLE KETCHUP 9 Save 19c DEL MONTE OZ TINS SAVE 58c corn MAPLE LEAF LB TIN SAVE PICNIC HAMS WESTON Pkg of 8 Save Wiener or Hamburg NEW FROM SCHNEIDER MEAT PIES 39 FRESH PRODUCE DAILY Fresh Fruit Vegetables Arrive Daily At Lowest Possible Prices PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG BEEHIVE LB TIN SAVE lie CORN SYRUP 2 MACLEANS FAMILY SIZE SAVE TOOTH PASTE 69 CHRISTIE S BUTTERMATE BREAD WHITE SLICED PI CAN NO FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER 65

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