Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1970, page 6

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COOL BUYS FOR HOT WEATHER SHOPPERS FOR BARGAINS BIRTHS COUSINS Janet nee arc suit of second daughter en on August 1 ni the Area in A sister LUMBERS Mr Mrs on Lumbers of Terrace arc hippy to announce of a diuflhtu weight lbs Generil at on August A sister for Stephen Mr ind Mis A A on pieced to announce of then Mom Mr Andrew Dc on of Mr Mrs Dm Pool Si At ton Wet ding to he it due Mr and Mrs J D O Rotirkc of Acton in- the of their diughlcr kit to El to Dennis Mirtm son of Mr Mrs Mill in The wedding like on Siturdi September 19 Hoi Rosin Milton IN MEMORIAMS In loving of a dear vih mother who passed August Sid wis the patting no one sin tell sudden tin The i hard the shock severe Tvi with one loved so a lives within hen missed re- hi dmtrhti Edith son SUwirl Jnn ind ANNIVERSARIES FOR SALE Mil III Mill new ninltiwis Ad Moil I171JI liuil must sill Spin ihl ml plugs spoons spin iu PIANOS We sell new pianos See nit laia scleetlon now some renl bntRitlns Wo also will tnko your old pluno In on trade new appliance C Son Ltd comer Wjmlhnm and Mucdonncll St ADVERTISING RATES rain mm w ill I II tSr 1 1 ill Ml I I I or Ill fi l MHMtUttAM l Hi ir II I PMIIAV in it en Ill i mi ODIUM I tit I tjli I I Hi idiml J I II IN 14 W lt It I ID Mivl IT fali f I i a i i l I ION or Mi Mis to their this is their Mil to nil on it the CA downstairs room Sun Aupnst 16 from 7 Tor the of for him i7 COMING EVENTS COMING MARRIAGES LEPAGE Mr and Mis J don wish to innounct the fonhcommp their Mm Mr J an of Mr and Mrs Rhea Lepigc or Ot taw a The will in the First Church it August At Rosdikc you cm samhi in wilcr which is pure ind ion fro Health Unit periodic tests show in average of 5 Drinking is up Rosshkc drinking his no count by tcts Were punlins i6104 DEATHS At Minor Bums in her on di August Gertrude of the late C J dear mother of Edward of Ottawa Mrs Somervillc of lo Richard of Toronto Paul of ipin Tills Mrs of Toronto grandchildren and six trtit and deir sister of Mrs S Ciirns of Albright Minor Funeral was held on at 2 from United Church Inter men Rock wood LEWIS R At Toronto on Sunda August 1970 Lilian R Berwick of lati Stilh Lewis form of ind Collingwood dt mother of Josephine Force the late Is Lewis R Lewis of Tironto ind Frank B Lewis Fills Ontario of the late Don Rodney Force of Jo Ann of Germ the He Min ln R lewis of Tills ind sis- of Dolce or She Fimeril service wis held at St in Chureh Shelbuine on Tu sdi August lltli it pm Shel CARDS OF THANKS I lo think friend and rehtues for fit during nw i Hospital Mrs Bonnie Baxte Gu Arthur W Benton wishes to think all friends neighbors for the cards gifts and enquir ies while he wis a in Georgetown and Western Toronto and since coming home 133 IN MEMORIAMS ROBINSON In loving mem of a dear mother daugh ter and sister Elcan or Mann who passed August This month comes with deep regret It brings back a date will forget She fell asleep without goodbye But memories of her will never Mann Family die a euchre dance de bate flower show auction tur key supper or fashion show List the event is coming ev ents in Free Press classifieds the column everybody reads Phone The fill winter icli on Sundi August in Legion Hall it p New At Rossi kc beach and picnic grounds tiblcs ire equipped with lirge For contact Joe Ross it Lot Con 3 miles west of Georgetown on Ave Phone PIANO with bench Phone iftcr FENCE posts inj Phone UPRIGHT in good condition Phone 1 BABY crib in good on Phone after 500 m SOD No I nursery John Hun Landscaping Georgetown Ia4851I CHALMERS combine Scour ind pick up Ivan Dray ton 5196382258 NEW ARRIVAL at your Birth announcements arc published at no charge in The Free Press 1 lutomatic diver or best offer Phone 1626 530 141 CASSETTE recorder For further inform lion phone Must sell CANOES ind repaired Call H Si H White- Canoes after 5 la2681 1 NEW bricks new hard lire for garage door quantity used lumber and cedar posts 8561344 la9130 ACCORDION black white nail bass excellent condit reasonable Must sell Phone OZITE remmnt sale new shipment runners and room From 95 per square Goodlets Georgetown lbo119 BOAT comp lete with motor bojt other accessories i i portible Phone 2225 TV TOWER SALE tower installed with all head tower installed with all head 50 tower installed with all head Extra heads for second TV set Installed stereo head Installed element color bead Installed Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Mom Street East MILTON Phone PRODUCE FOR SALE 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE KITTENS five to good Phone 7665 3a6I26 PUPPIES for file mixed breed idcil s pet each Phone Milton 323B or Acton 3b8 148 NORTHERN FEEDER SALES South Aug 300 sile lime 12 noon Wiarton Theirs Sept 3 3500 sale time 10 im Sept sale time a m Thcs silon Wed Sept 23 1000 time am Sept 30 i m La Sarrc PO at Dupuy Wed Sept sale time 1 p New Thurs Oci 1 500 sale time 1 pm South River Oct 8 1000 time 10 im Wnrton Thurs Oct 2500 sale time m Oct 19 sale lime 1 South River Oct 22 400 sale time 12 noon For further infor nation write S MatDonald Ad Manager Box Huntsville Ont IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Tlio Froo 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED 1965 Newport door hardtop Si power steering radio very good edition Phone MERCURY top 352 automatic steering and brakes electric window radio emergency finshcrs remote control reir window and mirror Tog limps A 1 in every miles Phone pm 5a7142 WANTED RIDE to Retime Industries week Working hours 430 im Call Miss Rocqhi 8 HELP WANTED WOMAN for food service in high school cafeteria must have transportation Reply Box 519 Aclon Free Press 155 A MATURE to work full time beginning the end of August Houn Please con tact management 147 III I IA1II I iiinn nil I silling in 7 am Mnulay to J supply own ill in live In Phone iiler 4 pm SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Malt or reply lo TYLER TRANSPORT J TD Phone Acton Milton 8783519 Ask for Tyler or Tyler Sr Experienced Driver For Tandem Brick Truck Apply CY HILSON ENTERPRISES LTD Bronte St MILTON 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED FEMALE HELP Experienced TYPIST BY LOCAL INDUSTRY Must have experience in die Shorthand not Apply in own handwriting to Box No ACTON FREE PRESS VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson CHEV OLDS Limited Open till Monday through Friday Saturday pju Highway 25 Milton South 8782393 8783812 Automobile Sales IS THE NAME of THE GAME Milton Motor Sales IS THE NAME 1969 Oldsmobile 2 Door Hard Top with three way power Lie 1969 PickUp V8 automatic Ideal unit for camper Lie 1 Models Not One in Stock Have a 68 Be our guest on th deal of a lifetime Beaumont 2 Door Hard Top Lie Acadian with automatic Lie L41710 Rambler Classic One owner car From new Lie Meteor with automatic Lie 75956 Only 1965Studebaker Automatic cylinder which is power Lie 726775 Only MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD 388 MAIN ST MILTON WILL baby sit school child rcn or preschool children in my own home Phono DAY CARE in my own home directed prognm excellent supervision firm setting one mile north of Acton Phone 9a7 LOST OR STRAYED LOST brown Husky dog in Evert on area Phone collect Mil ton 878 1967 A SMALL and tan Beagle male dog in vicinity of Crcwson Corners and Town Line Answers to Nipper Re ward FOR RENT COTTAGE at Dorset Lake of per week Phone 13 i6l 51 1 BEDROOM for rent available August Phone 8531620 ROOM ind board gentleman preferred iccommodat ion meals and laundry Phone Wi nn 11 will I INlp IHl It J SI If TREE SERVICE Iiliiiiuliilt A It In No loo I1 Job loo ill In In Phono 8531010 Acton DAVIS JEWELLERS 3 ELGIN STREET ALTON ONI I me on t Premise lues to 6 Wed 9 to Tliuri to Saturday 16atf CEDARVALE SAND and GRAVEL Cement Gravel Sind Crushed Pit Run Top Soil Phone Erin 833 S FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old horses Call Collect License 64C47 24 Hour Service 16a tf UPHOLSTERING Wc specialize in ill kinds of Recovering and Repairing of Furniture intiquc as well as modern Tent repiir car uphol holstenng etc Special Summer prices from June to August For free estimates call ACTON UPHOLSTERY Earl Jensen New address 37 Mill St E Acton WATER HAULAGE Gardens sprayed Lawns general water purposes CALL ANYTIME 8782516 WEED CUTTING COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ft PRIVATE Phone 853 0359 Anytime 16aS Charlton Welding Gov ik Welder It your Industrial or and you need fully experienced wilding service CAIL Acton If Jennings Excavating It 1 Farm Trenching Scplle Beds Fill Gravel Top Soil Given FIRST CLASS SERVICF 16a If REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years of experience listing selling properties in Halton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods REAL LIMITED BROKERS 189 St MILTON Phones 878 8782095 ACTON clients call Roy Goodwin Ross Ballentine Phone 8532000 17025K RENT a Cascade hot via lank for 75 per month Enquire Hydro Electric Of flee Alice Si Acton PERSONAL HOW TO QUIT SMOKING Some of us had smoked for or more and no how we tried we stop wc followed a certain pro cedure For details send only two dollars cheque or money order to SMOKERS ASSISTANCE Box Stn D Calgary SMOKE CAUSES POLLUTION 16 SERVICES SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Free Estimates Commercial Industrial KAMMINGA RR No 1 ACTON Phone PLASTERING Plain Ornamental Fancy Plastering Stucco Work R 2 Acton 8532358 PAINTING Si Fine selection of Wallpapers colors to suit your needs Estimates free DAVID COHEN 280 Peel Street Acton Call 8532815 ED Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks Stoops Chimney Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 853 1818 Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith 97950 Lie No Stanley Construction BULLDOZING TRENCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES FILL and TOP SOIL R R I Acton 8530849 H Stufl Excavating MILTON Coll Milton 8789360 Custom Loader Work Specializing In manure loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small JohnsonCarney Ltd REALTOR 265 St GEORGETOWN NEW BUNGALOW Move into 3 bedroom bunga low with broadloom living room dining room and bed rooms Large with excellent working irea This is a very well planned home with plenty of closets for and is situated in a quiet area overlooking Fairy Lake Asking down and good arranged For appointment call MURRAY SMITH 8530315 OR Georgetown 8ERVICE8 ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 8532227 MAIN ST portraits fnduitrtal team picture 16a23u TENDERS of STOVE and FURNACE OIL Supply Contnct No SA DISTRICT HAMILTON Tenders on forms sup plied by the Depi for the nine will be received by he District Engineer Do of Highways 1182 North Sin Box million Ontario until cluck noon time Wednesday Sept 9 Specifications Information to Didders Tender forms en velopes in iy be obtained by or mad to the District Engineer at the mentioned The lowest or my Tender not necessarily accepted DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO LEGAL I KENNETH THOM SON declare from this date I not be held responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Marl Anne Thomson Kenneth G Thomson Acton Ont 20 AUCTION SALES Compare These Prices room brick bungalow wil cirport 3 large bedrooms- 4- piecc bathroom shaped living room dining area basement immaculate Hon throughout Owner anx to sell Asking only with good terms bedroom 2 storey home in the town centre close to shopping and trans portal ion treed lot new aluminum on exterior See it now Priced for quick sale at room brick bungalow large living room kitchen with din ette bath hardwood floors throughout full base ment Owner will seriously consider any offer Asking with down I bedroom home situ on a half acre country lot just minutes from Acton on a paved road large living room family with bathroom fin basement with room and beauty parlor This home must be seen to be ap preciated Priced at G Alec Johnson REALTOR 2 Mill Street East Acton Ontario 8532086 RENT IT HERE RENT anything through Free Press ClMtiOed SHERIFFS SALE Chrysler Station Wagon Green with simulated wood sides Completely automatic in immaculate condition throu ghout Sale to be held THURSDAY AUGUST 20th at 1000am at the rear of GULF SERVICE STATION adjoining New Court House Base Line Milton May be seen by appointment Phone Terms Cash A FRANK Shcmff County of Ha tort ALFRED SPENCE Auctioneer 20bl5 Auction Sale Furniture Dishes and Tool Location ROCKERY Station Street SATURDAY AUGUST 13th Commencing 1 Electric Stove Wringer Washer pc Kitchen Suite 7 pc Dining Suite with Round Table pc French Pro vincial Chesterfield Writing Desk Coffee and End Tables Lamps Pine Table Buffet Bedroom Suite Chest of Draw ers Dressers Pine Trunk Foot Stools large Mirror combin ation Radio and TV Pots Pons and Dishes Hall Bench and many other items too numerous to mention No reserve as everything be sold NOTE Above listed sale is complete house contents of Mr and Mrs Reginald Rudd of 187 Glasgow St Guelph and has been moved to Rockwood Rock ery for selling purposes only Auctioneer Phone FOR BEST RESULTS USE FREE PRESS WANT ADS EVERY WEEK

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