Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1970, page 7

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A history and of Holton County The history of Hal ton county has been compiled for the county Womens Institutes and just three copies of the finished product are In existence This newspaper has borrowed one and from time to time Items from It will be published After a general history of the county from its Indian days the book deals in turn with the each different settlement Author of the book Is retired Sllverwood area resident Ben Case Mrs Frank Wilson of Georgetown Is curator of history of the county Institutes As curator Sllverwood W I and assistant district curator Mrs H Marchlngton typed out the lengthy history for Mr Case All three are happy to think that through the pages of the local weekly their Information and pictures may be shared DENTAL OR LEONARD Dental Surgeon Suite No 1TA Milt St Acton Out For appointment phone ARCHITECT DONALD E SKINNED BArch Stavebank Port Credit 416 Residence OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON 0 D MILTON Main St Tuesdays and Fridays ACTON Mill St 8532520 Wednesdays and Saturdays Residence phone 8789678 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone night or day Bruce Shoemaker Mgr APPRAISING AND INSURANCE L WRIGHT Wilbur Street Acton Ontario Phone Appraiser and Insurance Over Yean In Acton m The Mutual Life ROBERT S HART Agent Road Acton Bus CHIROPRACTIC RICHARD TELFORD DC Wellington St Acton formerly Buckners office For appointments Wednesday Evenings All Day Saturday Special appointments arranged THE HISTORY OF County la the smallest but one of the Counties of Ontario but it is by no means the least In population or lm portance Bordering on Ontario midway betwen Toronto and Hamilton it is located In a rich agricultural district and farming for almost a century and a half was the main occupation of its Inhabitants and it led all other industries in value of production The Escarpment runs in a northerly direction through the western section of the County and has a certain bearing on its climate and soil formation It is a ridge varying from to 300 feet in altitude composed of a sandstone or freestone base with an overlaying layer of limestone formed of seashells laid down in cons past when this was an ocean floor or seashore These layers vary in thickness sometimes one and sometimes the other outcropping to the surface On the east or lower side of the escarpment the soil Is a heavy red clay to a depth of 1 several feet and after a few miles this changes to a lighter loam which continues till within a mile or two of the lake shore where a ridge formed the shore of Old Lake Iroquois the pre decessor of Lake Ontario From there to the lake shore the soil is of a light sandy or gravelly nature and is Ideal for fruit growing and market gardening especially in the south western part of the County where the land is sheltered by the escarpment and in addition the climate is moderated by its southern ex posure and proximity to the lake Above the escarpment and back from it for two or three miles the rocky formation comes in places close to the surface resulting in shallow ground and considerable swamp land Back of this we find ex cellent farming conditions with the soil showing a good lime content so beneficial for the healthy growth of livestock A feature of this area is the oc casional deposit of huge gravel beds often in the form of ridges left by the receding ice cap of the Glacial Age some twenty thousand years ago Since the Second World War there has been a tremendous upsurge manufacturing in the County Lying more or less in the middle of the socalled Golden Horseshoe extending around the end of Lake Ontario from to Niagara the county lies in the midst of the most densely populated area in Canada with its great labor pool and it Is blessed with cheap electric power from the Niagara and Hydro systems and has unrivalled ROM JOHN JEWELLERS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS MAIN ST GEORGETOWN 8774313 transportation facilities being crossed by two main railway lines two Super Highways and has the Great Lakes Waterway at Its door besides being on the main route of oil and natural gas pipe lines Of this industrial de velopment wo will enlarge later HISTORICAL In writing the history of any particular area or locality one should naturally go back to earliest known records of its Inhabitants and we find hat different tribes of Indians from time to what is now Halton and Peel Counties Their presence had a direct bearing on the early settlement of this area or rather we should say delay in settlement Ac a brief account of their history folloging the arrival of the while man should be of value When visited the in their country around Lake Slmcoo in 1615 ho companlcd them on the warpath against their ancient enemies the Iroquois who held the territory south of Lake Ontario This turned out disastrously and the Iroquois always allied them selves afterwards with the British against the French for possession of the North American continent In 1649 the Iroquois In turn attacked the and annihilated them in eluding several Jesuit missionaries who had conducted a mission to the Not content with this the Irqquoia also wiped out the who cupied land in which is now Grey County and also the Neutral Indians whose territory extended along Lnkos Erie and Huron The Iroquois thus became sole cupantsof what wo call Southern Ontario for upwards of 100 years The early maps of this period designate this area as the Hunting Grounds of Northern Iroquois They lived in several villages along Lake Ontario notably Teialagon on the now the Baby Point district but there Is no definite record of them having a permanent settlement in the area although they must have frequented the Twelve and Sixteen Creek valleys which were notable along with the and Credit Rivers for salmon fishing the fish furnishing them with a chief supply of food During the early there took place a shift in population of the Indians In the district which later became Old Ontario The Iroquois gradually withdrew to Join their brethren in York Mate as allies or the British in the warfare and frequent clashes with the French and their Algonquin allies further cast Their placo was taken by Chippewa Indiana of the Algonquin nation and a branch of the the Mlsslssaugas from the country north of Manltoulln occupied the north shore of Lake Ontario They no doubt found this area much more to their liking with Its milder climate and fish and game plentiful for food and with fur bearing animals In abundance to supply the wherewithal for trading for the while mini s goods These were more of a nomadic nature living in wigwams covered with bark or skins which could easily be transported from place to place whereas the Iroquois lived in log long houses of considerable size which were their permanent abode and the practised cultivation of the land providing them with corn squash and pumpkins which they stored for winter food The on were to be found mostly on the river flats of the various rivers emptying into Lake Ontario and by the the took possession of New France they wore In solo possession of the north shore of Luke Ontario The Pontine Rebellion of 1701fl on the part of who felt they wire being dispossessed of their lands taught the Government the of making a legal pur chase of lands from those in possession and although by today a they were procured at bargain rates it was done with the full consent of the Indians themselves It was thus important when after the American Revolution the United Empire Loyalists began to come to British territory and settle In Upper Canada along the St Lawrence and north shore of the lake and in the Niagara Peninsula that proper land purchases should be made In 1787 at a meeting of and Government officials at Carrying Place near Trenton the lands forming part York County to the eastern edge of Creek were deeded to the Government In a block of land was purchased at the western end of Lake Ontario including a largo part of the Niagara Peninsula to Burlington Beach and thence along a tine to run fifty miles straight north west starting where the stream drained For convenience wo will refer to this line as Iho North West Line The land bet ween the and this line was retained by the and it will be noted contained the Credit Sixteen Mile Twelve Mile Rivers all good salmon fishing grounds In the Mlsslssaugas agreed to convey a tract of land just cast of the above mentioned North West Line starting from Burlington about three miles by two miles for the benefit of the famous Mohawk chief Brant and comprising acres It la said that ho was to receive as much land as he could encompass in a day through the woods and to cover a greater area he went on horseback Be that as it may can say that the first citizen and resident of note of what was to become was this famous Indian He built a commodious residence facing Burlington Bay whore the present Brunt Museum Is now located but unfortunately he lived only ten years to enjoy this property He visited England on several occasions and was received at court It Is said thai on mooting George 111 he claimed to be King In his own country and refused to bend his knee to an equal However ho gallantly deigned to kiss the hund of the Queen When Lieut Governor decided to move the capital of Upper Canada awny from Newark now the Lake as ho fell It should be away from the American border in tunc of Invasion ho brought his family and to Toronto Bay in 1701 Ho commenced a settlement hire which ho named York in what was then com pic to wilderness and his became the eventual although his wus to locate it later still further inland at London He had a rand surveyed west to follow general direction of the lake but at least throe miles to be lesH vulnerable to enemy attack The survey led south westerly to the present location of thence down the escarpment along Grindstone Creek and followed the base of the escarpment to Join the road from Niagara to the Indian villi He of At this In the settlement of Dun das came into being The surveyed road which was to be called Street after Henry Dun das Home Secretary of the British Parliament remained only a blazed trail for a number of years As time went on the Niagara Peninsula began to fill up and land was required for the generation of United Empire Loyalists The Mlsalssauga lands on the north shore of the lake looked attractive as they had the advantage over land further west of being easily accessible by water Accordingly on the 2nd of August 1801 a treaty was signed with the whereby they ceded to the Crown a strip of land along the lake about six miles wido from the Etoblcoke to the aforesaid North West line a distance of about twenty miles excluding of course Chief Brants property The reserved to ourselves the solo rights of the fisheries In the Twelve Mile Creek Sixteen Milo Creek the Etoblcoke River together with the flat or low grounds on said creeks and rivers which we have hereto ore cultivated and where wo our camps and also the sole right of the fish In the River Credit with one mile on each side of said river This area was surveyed Immediately using Street as base line and two concessions were laid out north of NOS and parallel to it concessions to the south varying In number according to the width of the land from the lukeshoro to the base line These concessions were Hi miles in width as In York County with aide road each miles It was divided Into three townships Toronto Trafalgar and Nelson the last two so named when news of the Battle of Trafalgar which look place on October 1805 reached Upper Canada The names of the settlements of Palermo Bronte were also named In honor of the great naval hero THAI- TOWNSHIP IN 1H17 A most interesting account of life in Trafalgar Township in 1817 was written up by Hazel Matthews of and appear in the June 1960 Issue of the Ontario Historical Society Quarterly In reading between the linos we get a glimpse of conditions faced by the early settlers and It may be taken as typical of life In the other two townships as well condense her article as follows A Scotsman Robert Gourlay wished to publish an account of the affairs in Upper Canada to stimulate emigration and ho addressed a letter to the citizens In advertising the boss As consumers each of us possesses a powerful weapon to use against advertising that we think insults our intelligence We can vote that product or service into oblivion by not buying it We have the last word Mr Leon President of Labia Groceterias Co Ltd is a figure Canadian business He is also a champion of rights of the consumer and hat spoken on many punch on this subject Here he out on the roie of advertising In the life of Canadian consumer has a lot of critics Some of these critics see advertising as a These critics seem to imply that arc such weak mindless individuals that we are powerless to judge an advertisement Hence they say we must be protected against this strange form of persuasion But of course thats a lot of nonsense I know from personal experience that consumers are well able to judge the merits of various advertising claims And whats more we consumers do have a choice We can use the most powerful of weapons against objection able advertising We can force a badly advertised product or service off the mar kct simply by ignoring it And its a choice that wc can exercise everyday of our lives Protection for the consumer Of course advertising is not perfect But more than ever before I think ad vertisers recognize their responsibilities to us the consumers Advertisers recog nize the necessity to inform honestly They recognize their duty not to fool the public And they recognize the need to police themselves That one reason why the Canadian Advertising Advisory Board was created Its a body made up of advertisers ad vening agencies and media Oneofthcir chief functions is to help protect the consumer against misleading advertising More about this further on The Government keeps an eye on things too Did you know that the Government Ottawa has to approve every little bit of advertising that seen on television or heard on the radio for any food cosmetic or drug Every statement an advertiser wants to put on the air about his product has first to be cleared by the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs and by the Canadian Radio Television Com mission They both see to it that the claims an advertiser makes arc true For instance these departments regu late all references made to vitamins They tell the advertiser for example whether he can claim that his product is a good source of Vitamin A or an excellent source of Vitamin A depending upon the vitamin content Tbey also wdl make sure that the diet cola really is a diet cola That the deodor ant really has more hexachlorophene in it That the weight mentioned on the label is correct That the ingredients are listed accurately That the dishwashing liquid does indeed contain a lotion that is beneficial to the hands Dont con the coosomer may be your wife I Things have changed a great deal since the good old days You cant fool the consumer She is a smart shopper And the advertisers are very much aware of that fact I think that we all recognize good ad vertising when we sec it It is usually the kind that is created with one common sense rule in mind Don con the consumer she may bt your wife Many an advertiser has learned the hard way that if he lies to us well have the last word with him By ignoring his product forever after Other Benefits Another important factor advertising contributes to the economic health and growth of our country It helps create new jobs and secure old ones You can do Ml too The Canadian Advertising Advisory Board has a Code of Ethics which must be respected by all advertisers It sets out in black and white the standards that advertising must meet You can get a free copy of the booklet called Canadian Code of Advertising Standards simply by requesting it Write to the Advertising Standards Council Bay Street Toronto Ontario Read the booklet Keep it handy And if you see an advertisement that you think breaks or seriously bends the rules fill in and mail the complaint notice en closed with the Code booklet Its not only your right its your duty to do something positive about adver tising of all townships This look Iho form of a questionnaire and the last question was What In your opinion moat retards the provement In your township in particular and Province In general and what would most contribute to the same replies wore quite frank and raised a hue and cry In Government circles and Mr Gourlay was denounced as on agitator and preacher of disloyalty Ills cause was probably not helped any when ho Bishop a powerful figure In Family Compact as a lying little fool of a renegade Presby terian lie was tried for sedition and was imprisoned and banished from tho country In Ho published his book In London England In 1B22 under the title Ace unt of Upper Canada The report from the township contains the following In formation which extended for miles north of Street contained Iota of acres each but at that time 1B17 there were only houses and a population of H There wore no churches hut there were two preachers who preached alternately They belonged to the tolled Methodists according to stltullon of tho lotc Rev John Wesley There were four taverns one grist mill four saw mills throe schools but no stores or doctors The report continues Wo are situated on the coast of Lake Ontario and thence wc have the benefit of all the adjoining waters Tho mouth of the Sixteen where it empties Into Lake On tarlo Is navigable fur vessels of considerable burden and forms a safe and commodious harbor The settlers from Niagara would thus be spared a long and duo us trip by unbroken roads to reach their holdings As for making a start tho new settler had much to contend with The report continues as follows Know then that the greater number of our farmers when they first settle in wild woods have little more property at all but their axe alone The family generally consists of a man and his wife and a number of small children Unable to hire hands tho whole labor naturally devolves upon the man and hence It la that for six or seven years till such tlmean the roots of the timber begin to rot in the ground so thai he can use tho plough and until the or the children grow up to help him his toll Is Incessant Four or five are all that he Is able to clear and sow In a season and that Is generally put In to late that it produces but llltlo so that tho whole crop will scarcely support him through year but times he has to work out for a part or Ills bread Clothes he must have for himself and family and these must bo got out of the store and merchants goods are very dear in this province and as he tuts nothing to pay with he is obliged to go on credit and he may eventually be obliged to sell farm In order to pay off his debts For those who are so fortunate as lo wont her out the storm of iho first ten years without sinking their plantation generally enabled to spend the remainder of their days in comfort Esquesing to hold meeting A Joint meeting or Council committee of ad Jufltmcnt planning board and a representative of the firm of M is scheduled for Wednesday August 12 to discuss policies contained in the town ships official plan which Is now being drawn up Ilccvc George Currie Indicated Inst night s council meeting Hie off kin I plan may he ready by November MOVE After an accident the duty of ihoHc Involved in to lake any necessary steps to prevent another one Many drivers think wrongly that after an accident the cum must bo left where are until tho police arrive This mis apprehension can lead to other truffle After a collision he mould I moved to the curb or on lo the If feasible Drivers who leave their cars block inn traffic lanes after a minor collision may bo sum for obstruction Canadian Advertising Advisory Board we work for better advertising JACKSONS OF GEORGETOWN MILL STREET NEXT DOOR TO LEGION SUMMER CLEARANCE 3 ONLY UP TO OFF ON ILL SUMMER GOODS Bikinis Cabana Sets All Bathing Suits Shorts T Shirts Straw Bags Etc Etc Etc LADIES SANDALS Beige Brown Tan Atst 48 Sword BLADES Limited Quantity Satin Can Made PUTINS CARDS Shadow Ban BULBS 2 Ltqukf FLOOR 48 STORM LIGHTER Mt Wry Slip Joint Nickel plated Drop Fcroa Steel PLIERS Plastic Outdoor Garbage BAGS PAINT BRUSHES Your Choice In Ml for Bosch Play Bright SAND PAIL SHOVEL Bl HAIR SPRAT Prf Value SI Pads STEEL WOOL For Cleaning Hardwood Floora ate 48 MEN S LADIES WALLETS Value prlctt are for I FORGET OUR DRAW I TOR FAST x BICYCLE GET YOUR

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