Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1970, page 12

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COOL BUYS FOR HOT WEATHER SHOPPERS FOR BARGAINS BIRTHS MURRAY and Marilyn McQuiHin are pleased to announce the arrival of the It Robert Andrew on July 1970 at General Hos pital Grandson for Mr and Mrs Harry Murray Acton and tint grandchild for Mrs R Hamilton FOSTER Gary and Poster arc pleased to announ ce the birth of their son Troy Gary lbs 1 on July at Gueiph General Hos pital Mr and Mrs James ore happy to announce the arrival of their second Marie Knthryn weight 7 on Monday at Gueiph General 1 pita ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Stan Fuller No Rockwood are pleased to announce the engage men t of their daughter Gail Irene to Mr Nell John Baldwin son of Mr and Mrs John Baldwin RR No 1 Erin The wedding to take place August IS 1970 at pm at Knox Church Mr and Mrs Jack Stewart Moncton New Brunswick are pleased to announce the engage ment of their daughter Lynda Sharon to Joseph Gary Ads- son of Mr and Mrs Logan Ad shade of Saint John New Brunswick The wedding will take place August at 5 pm In United Church CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and relatives for the lovely flowers cards and kind enquir ies while I was in hospital and since returning home They were very much appreciated Mrs John patient in General Hos pital A special thanks to Dr HoWbn and nurses on second floor and the Doctors of the Acton Medical Centre Sincerely Mrs Agnes Ware I wish to thank all for the cauls flowers and enquiries while in hospital and since com ing home and the Lakeside Chapter St ACW Acton Womens Insti tute Rev Dawson for his visit and Dr D W VanDerBent Grace The family of the late Ellen Cunneyworth wishes to thank Mr and Dr Thompson and staff of the Georgetown Mem orial Hospital and our sincere thanks to our neighbors for flowers and kindness extended during our bereavement COMING MARRIAGES VLIETSTRA Mr and Mrs Vance of Acton are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar riage of their eldest daughter Beverley Eleanor to John stra son of Mr and Mrs Jan Acton Mar riage take place August DEATHS BAUER Marlon Ainslcy Sud denly at her home Mill St W Acton on Wednesday July 1970 Marion wife of the late Jacob Bauer dear mother of Murray of Acton and Clara Mrs Jack Cresswcll grandmother John Cresswcll both of Brampton sister of Ro bert of Acton Funeral service was held at the hoc maker Funeral Home Acton on Friday at pm Interment Falrview Ceme tery There are big ships small ships and the best ship of all is friendship We Carol Bill and son Harold will long re member our good friends and their many kindnesses We are sorry to have to leave you all The reception held in our honor at the home of Mr and Mrs Moclnnes Jr was the most wonderful and heart warming token of your friendship We thank you all Mr and Mrs Wm Elliott and son Harold FOR SALE to inch and I Inch to inch Moore St Albright micro meters 0001 graduations Al most new Phone after pm FORD Tractor model SelectOSpccd with furrow plow and cultivator Industrial Tractor with front end loader back hoe Texaco Station in Moffat PIANOS We buy and sell new and reconditioned pianos See- our large selection now for some real bargains We also will take your old piano In on a trade for any new appliance Kelly Si Son Ltd comer Wyndham and Sts Gueiph la472429tf BEDS and MATTRESSES Several of various sizes WINDOWS with glass Boat or SklDoo TRAILER Automobile RADIO Automobile TAPE RECORDER including 10 tapes Phone 8782725 lbU 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE PICK your own Raspberries pint 10th Line north of No 5 Side road Erin Township Look for road signs in area Starting July 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE KITTENS free to good home house trained Phone FREE to good home 2 year female German Shepherd good with children good watch dog PUPPIES mixed breed idea childrens pet each No Highway Phone Acton Milton VEHICLES FOR SALE 1967 ton smooth side excellent condition Lie Phone 1966 FONTIAC Door V8 power steering and power brakes Phone Bill Toth 5a32481 convertible automatic condition safety checked Phone 5aM93 Have you guessed the number of golf balls in our Austin Mini See Display Ad on Page 9 Georgetown British Motors TOYOTA BEST LOW PRICED CAR AVAILABLE PARK TOYOTA GEORGETOWN 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE IN MEMORIAMS TOTH In loving memory of dear mother Elizabeth Toth passed away July 1964 Just when your life was bright est Just when your years were best You were called from of sorrow a home of eternal rest Ever remembered by sons Frank Bill and families COMING EVENTS Lena Mary Aged in Devizes District Hospit al England beloved mother of Norman William Fell ham who passed away peacefully July 1970 after a lengthy illness Mrs Feltham is survived by one bro ther John of Newport South Wales and four sons and two daughters IS grandchildren and one great grandchild Catb- McDonald of Rothes Scot land Wlnnifred McDonald of England Henry of Ronald of Devize Thomas of Bristol and Norman William of Acton Funeral services were held on Tuesday July In Church of England Cemetery FUNK Frederick Robert At St Josephs Michigan on Tuesday July 14 Freder ick Robert Funk in his year husband of the late Char lotte Arabella Moore Sur vived by two brothers Robert and Edgar of Toronto and two sisters Mrs Mary Armstrong of Weston and Mrs Bertha Wil ton of Port Perry Funeral service will be held on Wednesday evening this ev ening at pin at Dry Bros Funeral Home St Josephs Michigan Committal service will be held on Thursday at am In Cemetery Acton CARDS OF THANKS The group of On cer Society thank who mt and donations go their ft a bug Mr an Mn Harold Forest to aw and shown to them their family at the of Dons sudden death We sincerely thank all neigh bor and friends ft their flow- i of I went mmvi hi the passing of Mrs Marion Bauer Our thanks also to tna Shoemaker Funeral Dont forget the Horriby Ball Clubs Garden Party this Satur day night at Hornby Commun ity Park FOR SALE LLOYD Twin Stroller one high chair Phone DOUBLE Air Mattress sing le Air Mattresses Phone SOD No I nursery John Hun ter Landscaping Georgetown INFANT lounge like new also black vinyl padded car seat MOUNTED Birds each Fish each Ideal for cottage rec room Ia4 ELECTRIC Hedge Clippers one J ear old used twice 100 ft cord Phone CANOES Manufactured and repaired Call HAH White water Canoes after USED Fishing Equipment reels plugs spoons spin ners nets boxes etc Excellent condition Ia4 TV TOWER SALE XT tower installed with all tower Installed with chan nel bead sower with all chan nel bead TV Installed stereo bead IS element color head Installed Automatic rotor Ins Repair of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV But MILTON Phone 87B4949 FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson CHEV OLDS Limited Open till through Saturday pm Highway Milton South 8783812 The boss is away The staff is at play Cars almost a giveaway OLDSMOBILE Driven small mileage with balance of new car warranty Lie FIREBIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP with lots of performance Lie L9S856 1967 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR VS automatic A Safe Buy used car Lie Call Eugene Byrne ACADIAN cylinder automatic Ideal second car Lie 41710 PONTIAC 2 DOOR HARDTOP Another locally owned car just traded on a new Lie L7036 1965 CHEVROLET V8 automatic good transportation Lie FORD 4 DOOR Lie L6901 1964 PLYMOUTH DOOR with automatic original factory finish Lie 747799 We still have Waiting Buyers for 1968 or MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD MS MAIN ST MILTON CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES BIRTHS MATHS Ho ton SALE roil ETC It minimum tor 19 So par Trt no copy M minimum for word e per word dlaeounl aUcnnd for coutho cards or tot im Met Una IN too par line of It par a inch BOX to 1 Sor Bala for Bale Implement Tor Bale 1ft Student Job fc Rant Tandem II Loral DEADLINES CUiilflad ASHliln am Quail lad and ft to may bo paid t II I PHONE 8532010 or The Acton Preii July 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED 1965 door hardtop good condition Reasonable Phone 1965 Cut- law door radio pow er brakes power steering Jet- away console transmission tack 41000 miles excellent condition firm price 8777801 or 8 HELP WANTED YOUNG aggressive teenage boy for full time work this sum mer and parttime in fall For full information phone BABY Sitter required for af ternoons In Glcnlea Area Start ing Aug Phone alter YOUNG Girl to live in and baby sit three children No students please unwed mother welcome Acton 8bIM395 TRUCK DRIVER Minimum Age 23 years Top Solary Day Week Year round Employment Apply to LODGE FARMS LIMITED Line West of Brampton mile north of Steele 16 SERVICES FLOOR now have modern and edger We will your floors or rent you the equip ment to do the Job yourself J Frank phono Frederick St S Acton 16atf WYGA PLASTERING Plain Ortiamcnial Fancy Plastering Stucco Work 2 Acton 8532358 16a3lf WATER HAULAGE COWAN Milton 8784898 16a3 H Stufl Excavating MILTON Call Milton Custom Loader Work Specializing In manure loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small 16aVtf HALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUIRES STENOGRAPHER Location North Halton Education Centre Milton Must be Proficient in Typing and General Office Work Interested Applicants arc invited to call The Personnel Office HALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SOUTH SERVICE RD FAST OAKVILLE 8452501 Extension 52 or if calling Long Distance the call may be made Without Charge by phoning Long Distance and asking for Zenith 2 FURNISHED couple HOUSE Trailer situated at Simcoc sleeps 5 1 14379 ONE bedroom apartment August 1 Phone 1620 13a32486 TENT Trailer plus stove and lantern weekly for weeks Phone RENT a Cascade hot wa ter tank for per month Enquire at Hydro Electric Of fice Alice St Acton 13a392086tl WANTED TO RENT BEDROOM apartment by vlyweds reasonable rent on before August 1 Phone after p HOUSE to rent Acton or surrounding area 2bcdroom for young married couple with children PI 8532026 after pm BEST VALUE IN SAAALL USED CARS W AimEa America automatic one owner 9 VW DeLuxc like new guaranteed 16000 miles VW Station Wagon automatic spotless AS VW Bus economy for the large family VW exceptional guaranteed 42J0O original miles 4 Jeep a hard worker for a low 63 automatic refinisSied like new All above cars are safety checked and reconditioned where PARK TOYOTA No West Georgetown PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION Available tofrom Toronto leave Acton Toronto daily King area SERVICES Jennings Excavating 1 8773197 Farm Ponds Treoohmg Septic Beds Fin Gravel Top SoU Estimates Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Servios Free Estimate Commercial Industrial No I ACTON Phone 8532438 DAVIS JEWELLERS 3 ELGIN STREET ACTON Watch Repairs Done on Premises Tucs to 6 Wed Thurs to Fn 9 to Saturday 5 16atf SLAVEN Building Contractors INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CUSTOM HOMES Free Estimates ACTON 16a50tf TREE SERVICE Trimming St Removal of Trees No Job Too Big No Job Too Small North Tree Service Fully Insured Phone 8531010 CEDARVALE SAND and GRAVEL Cement Gravel and Sand Stone Crmhcd Gravel Pit Run Gravel Top Soil Phone Erin 8339751 16a6 PAINTING St Fine selection of Wallpaper colors to suit your needs Estimates free DAVID COHEN 280 Peel Street Acton Call 8532815 Mcmullen Cement Soon Stoops Chimney Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton Dead Stock Removal JUTTED Highest for dead or disabled cows CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith Lie No For ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 8532227 MAIN ST Weddings portraits pan- ports visas Industrial family team pictures 16o25tf GOLF DRIVING Practice Golfing to on Sat Si Sun from 10 am FOUR QUARTERS FARM Just south of Acton 16a51tf Charlton Welding Govt Certified Pressure Welder If your business is industrial agriculture construction or transportation and you need fully equipped and experienced portable welding service CALL Acton 8531634 DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING For fast efficient service repairs alterations new work Industrial Residential Commercial Phone 8532203 Stanley Construction BULLDOZING TRENCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES FILL and TOP SOIL R 1 Acton 8530849 I6a50tf FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horse Top prices for old horses Call Collect License Hour Service 16atf UPHOLSTERING We specialize in all kinds of Recovering and Repairing of Furniture antique as well as modem Tent repair car etc Guaranteed workmanship Special Summer prices from June to August For free estimates call ACTON UPHOLSTERY Earl Jensen New address 37 Mill Sr E Acton 16501 REAL ESTATE Immaculate Condition 5 Room Bungalow newly decor ated new plumbing etc sec luded lot garage Only full price with down An AIMS National Award Sydney K Lamb UUTTBD 1 SL Actoo Acton 8531030 Toronto 3640700 ltd REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted OR SELLING Cull JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER Church St ACTON 5198531650 located beside phone building Listings Wanted Homos Forms Wo offer you our many of experience listing and selling properties In and Wellington Counties Christie Woods 189 Main St MILTON Phones ACTON cllcnta call Roy W Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine PhonB 1725- House for Sale V LA property acre lot situated on 7 mile Ac Ion bed rooms living room dining tire den or bedroom Double paved driveway Schout bus and Grey Coach end of drive way This excellent property cm be bought through VLA or tlic low rate of on first mortgage For further information on these properties call Mrs ROBINSON Royal City Realty GUELPH 8249050 8212823 Evenings LEGAL Terra Conservation Authority TENDERS for Concession and Change House Contract Sealed Tenders Addressed to Mr H K WATSON Manager will be received at the CREDIT VALLEY CONSERVA TION AUTHORITY OFFICE Meadowvale Ontario until pm July 22nd for the construction of a change house of stone masonry and timber construction located in the Terra Cotta Conservation Drawings and tender docu ments may be obtained from the Consulting Engineers Can adian Mitchell Associates Lim ited Road upon deposit of a cer tified cheque of payable to the Credit Valley Conserva tion Authority The tender de posit will be refunded in full to tenderers The lowest or any tender snail not necessarily be accepted Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In lbs of Edward lata- of VOlagsot tat Commit at All persons having claims ag ainst the afore Esta- William Henry George Ed wards who died on or about the fifteenth day of January are required to proof thereof with the imdersjgaod for the Executan or before the th day of Aug ust 1970 after which date the estate foe distributed faming regard to the dainw then fifed Dated at Acton this Ninth day of June C Acton Ontario Solicitor for the 195

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