Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1970, page 6

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Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else BIRTHS McLEAN Ross and Fisher ore pleased to birth of their son Steven Lloyd lbs on June at General Hospi b Sims di ore pleased to announce the birth of a son William Sims at General Hospital on June ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs James F Hig gins arc to announce the engagement of their Mary to Mr Jock Kenneth Gibson son of Mrs Miry Gibson and the hie Jim A Gibson Wedding July 18 St bans Anglican Church Acton at 4 clock COMING MARRIAGES DE BOER LYNCH Mr and Mrs J Lynch of Clif ford arc to the forthcoming of their daughter Kithryn Vera Elizabeth to John son of Mr and Mrs J C do of Woodstock The ding to take pi ice July at I clock in St Peters Roman Church Ont COMING EVENTS Steak Fry Curlers and their friends will hold a steak bar becue Thursday June at pm the Curling Rink Social lime planned Admission couple Everybody welcome Barn Dance June at Glenn Andersons new barn Campbellvlllc Ullage on Side road old liim orchestra from Shclbumc Re freshments Dancing from to The pupils of Hit Sunshine School ore holding their exercises on even June it 7 pm it Robert Little School Acton We invite you to and the work of the pupils First in Golden Horse All Youth Horse Show years under sponsor ed by Cedar Valley Riders Sit June inning it 10 a it Farm No 5 Slderoad west of Line in Burlington Admission 50c free HYDE SWACKHAMER Mr Mrs C Will Swackhamcr R R Acton arc pleased to announce forth coming their tcr Carol Eliibeth to Mr Ro bert Gerald William Hjdc son of Mr and Mrs Gcnld Hyde of Hngersvillc The wed ding to take place July 18 at clock in Churchill Com Church DEATHS SWACKHAMER At on Tuesdiy June 16 1970 Helena Thiessen beloved wife of Lcs lie Elmer of R R Aclon dear mother of June Kathleen Mine Deb orah of Henry and Ben Thiessen of Gu Mrs Catherine of St Cithinnes Mrs Nellie S of Fills Mrs Nina Wilms of Hepburn Sask John Thiessen of Calgary and Mrs Anne Smith of Grande Prairie Texas and the late Pe ter The will be the Rumley Shoemaker Funeril Home Wedncsdij pm and Thursday 79 Fun service will be held it the Churchill Communii Church on Interment Churchill Cemetery IN HANSEN In of our and father Carl who left us so one June 1969 Until the di The LAMBERT In memo of ir husbind John Lambert who passed June 19 1964 Sidl missed his wife An me and i5l 589 MANN In memor of husband fathii Alex Minn who pissed iwi June 19 We did not close jour Or heir sour list hint sigh We had tone Too late to us renumbered Mann 586 CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank all our friends and rehtiits for the gifts wc recuwd for our Werner and Sandra i51 To all who showed eon for me during recent Illness i sincere end heartfelt think sou to Co Ltd for the rotten aroma coming me home Mrs Sheila ORourkc RR 4 Acton To m friends who sent cards and flowers and sisited me during short in the hospital I would like to thank them all It was much appreciated 1596 Jocc Buchanan C0MINQ EVENTS Sunday Night Jamboree Rockery Fireworks Display by Demonstration in Acton Pork Wednesday July 1st Sponsored by the Acton The Hilton County Milk Committee is igun sponsoring the Hilton Dairy Princess Com petition The is to be held on June 7 it Dr Kunicis mile north of Hornby on the new section of Tnfilgir Rd b74093 St nice Boston Church will be held on Sundiy June i im ind 730 Guest minister Rev Smith music by the choir Guest Mr Ken son Willnm Brush soloist An supper Tuesdiy June from 5 30 to 7 Entertainment to follow Adults children to 1963 CARPET remnants off room sizes 20M off Goo diet Georgetown lb50555 ELECTRIC stove single bed with double box spring with mattress Phone after 5 ALUMINUM awnings canop ies shutters windows doors grills also iron railings custom midc Rcisomble 594 16 IT BOAT Motor Mangle Bumper Pool Bikes Riding Lawn Mower Re frigerator Sofl Bed Clnirs Skates Skis Phone PIANOS Wc buy and sell new and reconditioned pianos Sec our large selection now for some reil birgains also will take jour old piino in on a tnde for any new appliance C W Kelly Son Ltd Wyndham and Micdonncll St 2429tf PRODUCE FOR SALE STANDING HAY top mixed Last side close to Aclon Phone Rock Hill 16 miles north of Orangeville Sites Picnics mem Sundiy June 8 Monster talent show In prizes three Junior Open Instrumental Adults children 14 and under 50c Sundiy July and pm Wilon Jennings and the Wilors also Art scry ind his Adults children Saturday Sunday July and Cm first Country ind West cm Festival with free Featuring Nishlllc Geo rge and Skectcr The Stone- Mac in Mid get Wrestlers carnival and a Country Rock Group Adiince tickets adults it gale 00 one price child Tor further on J Hill Shelburne Onl phone FOR SALE SOD No nurser John Hun Landscaping Georgetown 7451 1148 511 tf CEDAR foot of finish 27 Phone lb51 from up Kells Son Ltd la51 597 1958 dinm lenl 25 e ihbre rifle and iteming ku phvpen Phone 1 151612 WASHING machines guiranletd A 1 From 95 Georgetown lb50554 SQUARE snk divine TV TOWER SALE 30 tower instilled with net head Jo 50 tower instilled with head 76 50 50 tower instilled with head 91 JO Extra heads for second TV Installed stereo head Installed 00 clement color Installed Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phone HILLSIDE FARM YOUR SELr SFRVE EGG CENTRE Special This Week Medium EGGS dozen Just soulh of on first fum on Sideroad Flower Mart mi west of Acton on Hwy 8564712 We carry everything for jour flower and vegctiblc garden- PLANTS ill flowers Bulbs seeds fertil Perennial plants Fruit and shade trees All flowering shrubs House plants hanging baskets Evergreen Liquidation Spectal in our field from 95 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE BLOND Spiniel dog Free for eood home Phone el enmgs 3nl2124 12 CHOICE Hereford heifers weighing ipp 500 lbs ilso Hereford heifers ipp 425 lbs Good for future breed Streelsville 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE ONE miwer 7 cut Phone liter pm 4a51 Thompson Motors ACTON LIMITED Clearance Sale NEW HAYING EQUIPMENT Ford Hay Bikr with Chute These Units ire priced for sale VEHICLES FOR SALE MAVERICK Owners need cash to bus home Will take older trade 5a50574 engine Bell housing fit Ford si in transmission 5a51 1964 1967 FORD Chassis ind cab Ready to go no bo for tractor or dump 12 ply tires A clean truck in top condition Phone to p or 593 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES births raoAoruDrrs UAHR1AOES DEATHS Ho Chirp TOR BALK RENT ETC IS minimum or IB 1 minimum or ljwoid Be per Unrulier EVENTS or THANKS 1 S3 tor llnli 10 IN 10c llm of ESTATE Inch BOX jSo CODES Tor I Produce Tor Silt J Animlli To For Tor T Wanted Help or round IS I IT luttlon DEADLINES Jll bt paid at Mill K PHONE 8532010 or 2030 Ths Free Press Wednesday June 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson CHEV OLDS Limited Open till Montlaj tliiuugli Friday in Highway Mlllon Soulh 878 878 3812 Dollar Stretchers V8 and Lie 1796 V8 idiu Ideal for car or mall budget Lie LATE MODEL TRADEINS URGENTLY NEEDED TOP PRICES PAID MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD MAIN ST MILTON BUS OPPORTUNITIES BUS OPPORTUNITIES MEN WOMEN MAKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME How would you like make and more a week by devoting a few spare time hours to the Cinderella Program You do NO selling take no make no buy no merchandise We supply the capital the know how and every thing necessary to start you earning cash in your spare You invest your lime and a small investment of is guaranteed refundable if you don make mo- YOU CAN NOT LOSE Thousands of dollars have been made by people ust like yourself no once necessary age no bar We get you started you how and sup ply to start you earning extra cash n your spare time For more informal on send name address and phone no To CINDERELLA CO 801 AVENUE WEST TORONTO ONTARIO USED furniture limps fmii jars antiques houseful or items Phone 8 HELP WANTED TREASURER Libnr to on 1 1970 Bo 1607 STORE CLERK Established company requires mature woman to as sume some rcsponsibilli in jewellery gift and camera shop n Acton Experience in retail ales preferred Better than av pay scale to right person Apply in writing to Box 515 Acton Free Press 8a52 8 HELP WANTED FIRST CLASS Tool Die Maker First class tool and maker parts mm if in Epir and f working from blueprints to dis medical life paid by company Apply PERSONNEL STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LIMITED St Georgetown HELP WANTED PART tlmt employment Ing lunch counter Riply to Bos Acton I ret LADY do light cann ing or mom Phone 5 MALE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR County of Halton To In provisions of flu Sifilv A in Iil County of Milton s ivl mil in i must to 1 of Act inly will Ik it Lived by tit until noon July 1970 must on S Inspect Apply County of EMPLOYMENT WANTED will do in rwn Mrs LOST OR STRAYED 1 MONTH north- pun ftnnl Gti mm vtr No toll phone nils 13o51 LARGE 1 bedroom July 1 PhoiH 13a492122 2 BEDROOM to sublet available Aug I in Call 13a50573 RENT Cascade hot tank for per month at Electric Of Alice St Acton TWO i Two hi eks from corner C ill afar 13 152613 TWO ip mtnts July 1 One woi Jul 1st Apply Supeni i Aparimtnl Phone 13a51610 WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT urgently need by July 1 Phone pm BEDROOM apartment or house older section of town for reliable tenants Good refer ences Contact Jack Holmes Real Estate 14a50570 PERSONAL I STEWART RICHARD SON will not be lblc for any debt incurred in my unless authoru by me after June 8 1970 SERVICES and Alter 64 16a52 595 FLOOR We now modern and We will floors or rent the equip ment to do the job yourself J Frank phone Frederick St S Acton MURRAY EXCAVATING CUSTOM LOADER WORK and TRUCKING Phone 8564733 lfla51 PAINTING Si Fine selection of Wallpapers Si colors to suit your needs Estimates free DAVID COHEN Peel Street Acton Call 8532815 16a34tf SERVICES MOUNTAIN View Farm Rid School Engliili tack Sum program boarded Line Prist Acton 877 ED Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks Stoops Chimney it Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 8531818 Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith 7950 No if Stanley Construction BULLDOZING TRFNCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES TILL and TOP SOIL R Aclon 853 FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Up to for fresh dead disiblcd cows or horses Top prices for old horses GUELPH Collect License 49R67 24 Hour Service 16a If SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Tree Commercial Industrial 8531538 16a44tf Meads Repair Shop Shirpen lawn mowers and also crank shafts Open from to 7 30 daily Sell new St used lawn 49 Mam Street S ACTON Building Contractors INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CUSTOM HOMES Free Estimates RR ACTON UPHOLSTERING specialize in all kinds of Recovering and Repairing of Furniture antique as well as modern Tent repair car bolstering etc Guaranteed workmanship Special Summer prices from June to August For free estimates call ACTON UPHOLSTERY Eirl Jensen New address 37 Mill St E Acton H L Stufl Excavating RR MILTON Call Milton 8789360 Custom Loader Work Specializing in manure loading and moving No Job Too Big Too Small Charlton Welding Govt Certified Pressure Welder If business is Industrial agriculture construction or transportation and you need full and experienced portaole welding service CALL Acton 8531634 ALL Type of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings MAIN ST Weddings portraits pass ports visas industrial family team pictures I6a25tf DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING For fast efficient service repairs alterations new work Industrial Residential Commercial Phone 8532203 SERVICES Jennings Excavating Ltmehouse 8773197 Farm Ponds Loading Bulldozing Trenching Septic Bed Fill Gravel Top Soil Estimates Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE if GOLF DRIVING Pncticc Golfing Mon to 4pm on Sat ii Sun from 10 am TOUR Sideroad just of Acton 16a51 tf REAL ESTATE 4 split level fin ished fimily m tijc Churchill N Tel phone 17a5I600 PRIVATE SALE Owner Leaving Town 3 old briek bungalow miles nonh of Acton on north Living room kitch en with dinette bedrooms also 2 completely finished rooms in basement with vile This brick with home all floors COME MAKE US AN OrFER PHONE 853 Listings Wanted BUYING OR SELLING Call JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER Church St East ACTON located beside phone building 17a50tf Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years of experience listing and selling properties in Halton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods Main St MILTON Phones 878 8782095 ACTON clients call Roy W Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine Phone 1725tf Heyl Looking for a Lot have j beautiful building lot acres ideally located in the Georgetown area on good road containing choice site lots of shade and an ex pond site Call Mr Bill Armstrung or office Country Building Lots Arris building lots priced from Fergus Alma district build ing lots Nice level building lots DREXLER Rockwood 8564695 or Officw 8244830 Roy Griffiths Real Estate Ltd REALTOR Gordon St Out Guelph

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