Acto Second Clin Moll Nassagaweya says Hydro line should go in corridor IV Toronto Region nJ line jMOvvvJ iho township J to the oitlinl plan J llli in ironwrviliondiiJuJtii resin jiUuih established It alio COIlilloi lo cj Inns and all utilities would iuh Helton composite iiuii the and ikw lidio Hi using llii suus ssiudoi we old the lake shore communities and mild a billion dolbis the distance Peggy Wilson Eric Wilson married at Grace Church daisies and and while mum- decorated Church Milton double wedding Louise Wilson and Ronald I Ik Wilton Rev ft osier at the Mas The bride is lln of Mr and Mrs Wilson of and the is the son of Mr and Mis Ronald Wilson ol RocUood The bride and groom are both by P I Robertson Manufacturing Co Milton The bride v is gowned a waistcd princess style dress with full layered skirl of rose patterned late The bodice of the dress and long sleeves were of matching lace The detachable train was of hue rat bordered with matching lace Her shoulder length veil fell from a cluster ot white wild roses white satin The bouquet was a cascade of yellow roses and white for pit me of the bride Mrs Vickn Stafford of was rmtton of honor Bridesmaids wire Mrs Nam Wilson sister in law of the bride and Miss Hon me friend They were gowned in full length dresses of flowing yellow tf on gathered at a high waist The was covered with white daisy turn coming up to the high necklines The sleeves were long and puffed with wide cuffs tarried a bouquet of tangerine carnations and white daisies each won a single matching dusy in their hair Miss Rosemary Wilson sister of the groom was flower girl She wore lull length green dicss in design with short pufted Her bouquet was a basket of tangerine tarnations and while shasta daisies In her bait was a band ot malthmg daisies Ronald leslie Wilioii ol brother ejooin and ushers I Wilson ot RocUoodand Kenneth iJiupbillvilli The was given in marriage by latin I atlindid the esmuu at Sportsmen clubhouse Milton wen Milton Rockwood Toronto Cooksville Richmond Niagara halls Ha tit oft The bride s mother reieivcd wearing a turquoise tuft on drtss with matching brocade overcoat and hat Her accessories were silver and the inrsage was yellow roses and white forget me noli The groom motlnr wore a pink sheath dress with matching fluwerid hat and white iceessones Her lorsagc was pink The bride left tor the honeymoon trip to Niagara halls and ape Cod weiring a green linen dress with while rabbit stole and beige atcessones Her corsage was yellow onhids The couple arc m iking their home in the Diplomat Apts Ontario St Milton Both grandparents ol the bride The bride wore a white gold watch gift the groom The matron of honor and wore green sapphire pendants and matching earrings gifts of bride while the flower girl wore a pearl pendant The bride was honored at two showers prior to her marriage Mrs Ron Cannon Fifth Line held a miscellaneous shower at her home on May Mrs Nancy Wilson a miscellaneous shower on May A rehearsal parly was held at the home of the groom s parents in Roikwood on Friday May MR AND MRS ERIC WILSON come down the steps of Grace Church following then wedding on May The bride is the former Wilson daughter of Mr and Mrs A Wilton of Csmpbellville The groom the son of Mr and Mrs R Wilson Rock wood collisions kill 33 injure 2108 in Halton There were motor vehicle traffic in County in Thirty three persons were and 108 were injured Of the total number of collisions for the county 1 763 occurred in the towns of Milton Actwi Burlington and Georgetown The remainder happened outside the town limits and Townships Milton had a total of 130 accidents in which 27 persons were injured with no fatalities Georgetowns total collisions were with 77 persons injured and one killed Burlington had total of I accidents in which four people were killed and injured In Oakville 1 collisions occurred last year Light people were killed and injured Acton total collisions were in which two people were killed and 16 injured The total number of in Ontario for was 169 with 007 of them happening in County Fatal injuries totalled 74 with I 6S3 persons killed in Ontario according to a summary of collision statistics released this week from the Design lor iVvilopment tepoit on the ol the il would lediitc tin number sepallie tinting in tun the tint it would as in any transportation I and lanlitus pipelines as well is as possible Members to J a I in I the TorontoCentred Region rcpoit with litter to Premier John suggesting particular attention should be paid lo tin servni corridor in the Inn proposal A told numbers sin had atlendid a muliiic in rcgirding problems in establishing the new iniLinitionil She mcitinc suggistcd Beverley lowuships would seem relatively high In the 11m ol possible sues While many felt was hater wiled concluded the site more likely lie in Beverley Assets In Included the height of its minimum ruin in snowfall good and the fact prob ibly hid more springs which would etc problems A reported several lirge limy helicopters over the township recently and recalled his earlier observation that in Mnulrciil II was the that did the survey tor new import In the nic maps lor the new hydro line hid not been mo Hydro and council agreed lo arrange i special inciting to the BATH SALTS FOR SALE are displayed by three happy youngsters at Sunshine School on Friday Seated Is Gary Elliott who sold the bath salts Smiling on are loft to right Mark Virus Karen Bell and Shirt Thompson Proceeds from the bazaar totalled 160 Staff Photo Advocate stricter control of quarries Mayor Les of Aetim and Nassagaweya councillor Allan Aekman of are both on the committee to investigate means of rehabilitating in tin province Mr is one oi appointees of the Mayors and Reeves Association while Mr was appointed by the Ontario Municipal Association Both of this are appointees have advocated stricter control of quarries and opposed legislation which would have given quarries latitude to expand Mayor Duby points to the unexplainable number of water breaks in the east end of Alton as being affected by blasts from quarries He is that responsibility for seismograph readings be taken from the Department ol Mines and put in the hands ot the imimtipalities so quarries would not be notified when readings arc taken Mr Duby also said then his been i laik of loopcration from tin Mr meanwhile thi of the Niayra escarpment and he break up of roads from heavy quarry traffic as detrimental to people living m the area quarries Plans were announced in the Ontario Legislature recently to impose strict regulations on existing quarries and provide conservation authorities with more money to buy Niagara escarpment land for park purposes The legislation would freeze quarry development on the Try Your French On This inform ilion w is liny decided my immediate action on consulting a solicitor is suggested by the pi inning board until the information wis received from Ontario Hydro Members learned reply Hydro liurman George had been by hi Hoard indicating re would advise the township when a meeting could he set up with the Hydro Commission on the route of the line the township Objections to the closing No between lots and 7 were moved from W Mason and Properties They opposed the closing for the Conservation Authority since it would prevent access to their properties Council agreed to defer the proposed road closing and copies of the objections wire referred to the Hilton Region Conservation Authority The Council also declined any action on an offer of SI 9S0 from the Authority in full compensation for township lands expropriated in conjunction with the Hilton Tails project The land involved included I 776 acres Members felt acceptance could jeopardize settlements for other owners involved the expropriation proceedings A report from Hutchinson Thompson and Corvess noted a deferment had been obtained in the Cloverleaf Quarries application lo Ontario Municipal Board hearing for The hearing is expected to continue in September The owners are asking from Quarry I folding to Quarry for their property near the Mohawk Raceway A risolution of objection is to be prepared regarding Bell Canada rate increase proposals members agreed The Council was notilicd of projected increases and filing of its application with the Transport Commission A request that notice of Ontario Municipal Board hearings be given to properties within 1 000 feet in rural areas rather than the present feet was approved by the council The recent Cloverleaf application was cited as an of need since the effect OVER 70 PEOPLE held J lJlln at darby sponsored by 11 Sportsmen s Association in conjunction with I h wmw Conservation Week The con tint continues Milton residents lead sportsmens trout derby if prizes it in wait their jTJiff Photo Of 3 felt JACKSONS 28 Main St Georgetown upstair Only 3 days left at this address SO COME TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EXTRA SAVINGS WE ARE MOVING TO 6 MILL STREET GEORGETOWN NEXT DOOR TO LEGION We hope to be open again for business by June 25th Watch The Acton Free Press FOR OUR GRAND OPENING SALE USE YOURCHARGEX At Hie end ol fust halt the Hilton Spoilsmen Assoti s trout fishing derby Ihiec itsidcnts Milton stand as lie outs to beat next Sunday In the junior division Debbie Newell is leading with her catch a I pound hi and mihcs brown trout A I pound ounces IS and inches brown lioiit and a I pound and 7 ounces and 12 inches brown trout have qualified Larry Newell I llaudlcr as the iders ill Hit senior division The derby continues at Kelso Lake next Sunday June There is no ftt for the derby and prits of fishing equipment will be offcicd in both divisions Hunt eng your dad next Sunday when you come back for thai big one it s I ather Day will ilso be fly tying and casting demonstrations and an antique gun collection on display next Sunday at Kelso Also sponsored by the Sportsmen Association on the weekend was an invitation Sunday at Kelso The winner the Acton Chamber of Commerce Trophy for the highest score in the trapshoot was the Appleby Gun Club first half of the Maple Rock Gun Club and Sportsmen Association trap shoot competition was also held at the same time with the Maple Rock Club presently leading by 14 birds Also at Kelso on the weekend in connection with the Halton Region Conservation Authority s Conservation Week program was a canoe joust by Milton Rovers invitational canoe races and regatta sponsored by Mohawk Canoi Club of Itiiiliiitnii md lolk atliud only the Mm As On June Iheie will hi in mild pincike and wall from ftjttletrufce Point Conservation Area Lake ilion Ana Muling it JO Ihc lion Keir Minister I and Resources Mnijjiment md he lion Allan Minuter Mines as will as federal provincial and local officials and authority minibus will Orienteering instruction will givm Sunday at Kelso and an competition by the Junior I will be held Sunday June it Milton I alls Conservation Ana A folk and will wind up Wick Sunday June at on the hill above Kelso Pool There will hi no charge at the Kelso Gate iftcr 7 Sunday evening lor those who wish to ADAMS FURNITURE air I Per Spec I- inch l IPC CHESTERFIELD Only BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ADAMS 822 2341 FOR RENT Premise Suitable for BAHQUITSDANCIS IK REASONABLE RATES faclhtioi available WRITE TO THE SECRETARY ACTON CURLING CLUB BOX ACTON STRAWBERRIES PICK YOUR OWN 3 for Quart Picking Boxes Only Own Or Patch PLEASE No Childrtn 12 in Patch TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS FRIDAYS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS aamto9pm to BRAESIDE FARMS RJt TEL as Von No a I M AW Hornby Cookavitla Straatarilta to start Jam to fast for 3 weals