B8 The Acton Free Praia Wednesday Juno Fourth annual open house at ARC Industries shop In natural of Approximately people attended annual open house a I ARC Industries Hornby on MayiH The program mutinied sauntering about the watching trainees wink purchasing some of llie hand made articles lor whit home and enjoying a tight lumhaftciwatd Tlie trainees at ARC me who woik at their own speed and assemble tout stools puppets cloth downs chip and ihp men decorative bows and pompom as well a re lawn chairs The trainees have Willi Motor Co and I lectin whereby they do light tor ihc companies supplies the workshop Willi plates which Hie trainees hive to sluk in piles ol Ion matching mid launched holes I Meter I he bums a plastic oil pipe fittings then pnes he old pi oil with a screwdriver mil lie piH can then he used by Hie ittinpan he present workshop ate i is tar loo small Mis Mum A Is in Hie unking ho opt ml ol plans Ins tin up usl ippiO willing govern sho said ho in addition is lobe bull the stilt ol Hit sinkiuie Hie loimei iloinby Public School I he hiseniuit Hie new building tutu taming mil a will be lot no A new loidmg dink will In bullion south side Hie uldiiion Hie oik loo sin ill in Council approves A i Minister to open Credit reservoir Honourable George- A Kerr of and Resources Management will the Reservoir fin Hie Credit valley Conservation Authority tin June 17 at I Mid turned for this inilllitn project in lf7 reservoir when full will contain million pilous of spread over mure than 100 acres mated cast of at Hie headwaters of the rcthl Itiver this control structure will enable the lo hold dining run off gradually for year round even flow of wilcr in the plain for of llie 1 unhide oil Songs fashions art dancing new main wel dont lisi Ha w iu on Road Hie existing hue public IIIO commune bet win S4 and So and will be added lo Hil IiukIhII ins In Councillor Marks the mo or said lilt well would not be needed lor join oi live provided win no Museum Festival big hit I I ink in lie the mayor laUs workshop he first pru residence was made I adults said Mr ill i hi red going he lourlli commend Nix credit counselling not enough demand here of experimental project dealing with Credit Counselling there is enough need Hie program to lie continued Viviiii Deputy Director Social and I irmly old Council in written report al the Miy meeting an addition would he Hie near future accommodate this dream Many adulls have losl their parents and have nowhere to live This is he adults would need reside me before Ihc children A pic school nursery has also been discussed by AMR another new building would be required to accommodate the children lie problem with this is the transportation lo and the building Thus far the plan has been only talked about for morning classes which would be about wo hours in length and the commuting of students would bo Hie main concern Mrs Isham noted Guelph Line remains as contentious issue Over people first annual Museum festival held Conservation Area ind Sunday Young and old dike came out to enjoy two lun Idled days ot Mings and exhibits Warden Allan I ly ollciilly opened he 11 in Saturday Reive Ron is master ceRinonies lor the program I was very happy wlnu I heard he omnium of he 1 Hie Museum said Mr Day lor be the possess talents interests or hobbies hat are related its program should be sought out By sling heir active participation in he work the museum lis development will be more rapid the number ol persons identifying themselves wilh Hie program will increase and its integration to he daily hie ot the community will be strengthened Day also said the museum dedicated people II J Nov had long ay Mr lit Line through outage people for win program is completed is rather small In some cases Hie budget was obtained and because of sulftcicnt income they were advist pay me debts of and ii other the huge or their i ii come irregular that a program was impossible to be worked out the received over lie two months only nine wen dealt with Mr Vivian agreed more lime should be devoted by family counsellors to people with financial problems but no one he lmed for the sole purpose of credit counselling Mr Vivian did however hint Haitian county A people Irom the Lowvillc area Don Wright as their spokesman spoke of heir concern at he llalton County roads committee meeting in May Mr Wright objected to work being done on what he called a piecemeal basis and suggested the entire area from Lowvillc to should be considered Mr Wright asked thai more consideration be given before constructing a new route through Leiwvdle and was assured serious consideration would be given lo the project going ahead During the May meeting of County Council Reeve Cordon a member of the committee said there would be no further delegations allowed on the subject and said he would not debate the subject Bo Re I The road will be examined during a spring tour of roads The subject of the road through the village has upset the residents and some feel lie illage would be destroyed one o I the accepted Museum thanked all he Friends of Museum and everyone present lor making the riniuBtniDiiiiimiiiiatmiflmiiQiimiig FREDA HOFFMAN Georges I I Out Telephone 1 Unit COUNCIL Region Conservation Authority asking the township proclaim June 13Junc Conservation Week the opening the Dam and Reservoir June 17 Ihe Credit Vallej Authority that Hie Cicdit River is undermining the bank ol the proper Mis Mont logs Decided lo base their solicitor hem at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing in connection with the Region Conservation s purchase Crawtord Lake is opposing the purchase Township permits total Building permits issued by Hie Township of Nassagaweya during May represented construction estimated at SI Budding Inspector Campbell Thompson reported The months total brings the toUl for the year to This is slight decrease from last year Residential construction accounted for the majority of the permiti issued claiming SI for the month The balance was agricultural and commercial ORGANS PIANOS NEW USED MADE LOWREY and FARFISA HOME CHURCH Si COMBO MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ORGANS PIANOS ARRANGED IN YOUR OWN HOME WITHOUT OBLIGATION DELIVERED AN WHE RE IN AREA WITHOUT ADDED COST NOW AMPLIFIERS GUITARS GBX FENDER GIBSON GRETCHETC MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE fROM ELECTRONIC ORGAN DROP IN OUR LOCATION AT N MUSIC CENTRE DIM a ill working on o i I I relatively short time illustrating how the pioneers of this county stalled what has continued on into this day and age had hoped to be the last warden of but thai is impossible said Mr Day so now can say that have been the first warden County to ollicially open first annual Museum festival a had lor a long time museum will stand as a monument lor county anil the I ol the Museum accomphshed much to bring everyone in county together Mrs dirccloi also thanked the- of and president Mrs Gordon lor all then The Lome Scots Pipe Band entertained throughout the program Robert Martin Miltons recreation director was master of ceremonies lor the Sunday program included songs and music by Sharon Hume Doug Sheila Penrose Ken Brown Debbie Belly Devlin Karen Sonne Jim Karen Barber and Gordon A special it at Sunday program was a visil from Jim McGllvray of Prime Island who sang lor audience Jim was list pisuug through town when he celebrations and asked if he could participate by singing lor the audience I wins indy and played j duel on their accordions and some of his own poetry presented ah Irish dance Latest fashions were modelled by Paula Jackson Beverly Wilton Mirclla Multan and Commentators were Susan and Carole The Judges the contest were Warden Day county Garfield Brown Members of Iarllamcnl Whiting and Jim Snow Region Conservation Aulhoniy vicechairman Allan Wright Mrs MacArlhur and Deputy Reeve Tom Hill Prizes were donated by members ol Council Several amateur artists displayed paintings on the wall ot he carnage house during Ihc weekend All in all he festival proved lo be a success said president Mrs Gordon Agnew was so pleased ihc excellent response we had the younger people setting part of Hi hush and swamp for a wildlife sanctuary plans will be developed at budget allows Ihc public Is invited to parllcipalc in Hie ceremonies Mr Kerr mid members of the Credit Valley Conservation Authority Due to inadequate parking facilities at Reservoir Site everyone is lo meet at Monora Area A mile north tif on Highway 10 al Buses will be provided lo the ADAMS FURNITURE Br ille Pc ind Sets displayed their modern square dance slcps and the Old Time Square Dancers group I heir oldfashioned An oldfashioned costume contest was held Sunday afternoon Winners were Mrs Major Jim Robertson Milton and Mrs Irene Saunders of Hornby if POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Gftd Engrivlna G2WittrSl HOLLYWOOD ENSEMBLE Coil Spring Spring Vinyl FOBTBEL Pillowed All In CHESTERFIELD SUITE BO Safi and Chair LIVING ROOM TABLES In Rich Walnut Fimth Door Gay Cock ml Tabla Octagonal COMMODE TABLE ram penary 3PC BEDROOM 3UITE GO Rich Wnlnut Coil AG MATTRESS or BOX SPRING 95EA BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ADAMS MMacdonnell St 8322341 SUPERMARKET MILL ST ACTON FRESH CHICKEN PARTS CHICKEN LEGS CHICKEN BREASTS 8530075 55 LB FRESH UAH GROUND CHUCK 75 SWIFTSREADY TO LB AVERAGE Dinner Hams 99 SCHNEIDERS COOKED MEATS CHRISTIE S BUTTE LOAF ISAVE WHITE SLICED j Ftnmhic BREAD 1 GREEN GIANT SAVE 18c PEAS LYONS DISCOUNT ISAVE TEA BAGS 5 JARS SAVE SWEET RELISH PICKLE 3 1 CARNATION EVAPOHATED SAVE MILK BLACK FLAG HOUSE GARDEN OZ TIN Insect Spray S OZ TINS ISAVE Fruit Drinks DUNCAN HINES 19OZ SAVE Cake Mixes PANTRY SHELF 23OZ TINS PEACHES CALIFORNIA 10 LB BAG New Potatoes FANCY BAG MaclNTOSH APPLES CABANA GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS effective June 11-12- IS FIVE ROSES 7 LB BAG All Purpose FLOUR 75 WHITE SWAN ROLL SAVE Bathroom Tissue 4 CANADA PACKERS 12OZ TINS KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 89 KRAFT CANADIAN 8OZ SAVE 17c SINGLES Cheese Slices IB