Slight Esquesing mill rate increases Esquesing township residents in the Acton and Milton areas will receive slight tax increases this year while Georgetown area residents will have to wait until a mill rate for Esquesing fire area number I can be established before learning of their overall rate Esquesing council Monday night approved the proposed mill rates for the year 1970 by motion until such time as a mill rate for the Eucsing fire area number can be determined and a by law passed setting out all mill rates for the year Acton area residents will receive a mill increase from the rate of to this years The 1970 rate includes 16 98 mills for county and township purposes 25 mills for public schools 18 mills for secondary schools and 1 53 mills for fire protection Milton area residents will receive a 1 55 mill increase from the rate of 60 17 to this years 61 72 figure Included in the Milton rate are 1 6 mills for county and Ninety Fifth Year No Public School Farm and Residential Commercial and Industrial Secondary Schools Acton Farm and Residential Commercial Indust Milton Farm Residential Commercial Indust G town Farm Residential Commercial township purposes 86 for public schools 17 mills for secondary schools and 4 mills for fire protection Acton areas commercial and industrial rate has been 34 of a mill from 68 59 to 93 while the Milton area commercial and industrial rate has decreased 39 of a mill from 67 to 67 55 A complete breakdown of the budget follows PROPOSED MILL RATE FOR PROP Mill Mill Rate Rate TOWNSHIP Farm and Residential Commercial and Industrial COUNTY Farm Residential Commercial Industrial ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL Pages fifteen Cents Ask Dept Labor look at arena PRAISE FROM Prime Minister Pierre was included in the recognition accorded Acton Citizen of the Year year old Steve Rud Whiting brought greetings and a letter convoying the prime ministers message Sea inside for full story Staff Photo William Coon Acton attendance counsellor Willi im A Coon of counsellor with wards of the one of people who applied was named Attendance Counsellor for tin North it lie regular April meeting of tin County Board ofl ducilion The counsellor will work with the Children Aid Society County Health Unit and us inches of society in his new job At present lie is employed by the Department of Services is a supervisor training schools During his eight Willi the Department he has been in with boys eight to 18 old as well as p and guardians Mr Coon has taken extensive with the Department of Correctional Services and is enrolled is a mature student at Waterloo Lutheran University where he studies course related lo I lie work of an attendance counsellor Mr is active in hockey minor sports in Acton The Department of Labor will be asked to send a representative to look over Acton arena and local contractors will be asked for bids and recommendations Both of council representatives to the parks and recreation committee Orval Chapman and Peter Marks spoke to the rest of council Tuesday about the meeting of their committee with engineer Art Johns Mr Chapman explained the engineer said the building and ice surface were safe but he wouldnt recommend it for crowds He would not definitely say it was unsafe Mr Chapman reported The engineer had recommended they call on the Department of Labor Reeve protested that at council budget time this was not known No councillor is foolish enough to refuse to spend money on an unsafe building he said Council is not stubborn but the information had come out after die budget was set What do I have do to convince you we need the money Councillor Marks Added councillor McKcnzic think this can be done for less if local contractors arc asked for bids If you haven t enough money come back to council Mayor Duby recalled council had the total budget to consider at budget time and parks and recreation board s request for for repairs was just a bit loo much Council had cut the amount to Mayor said apparently Individual rights vs best planning council upholds owners property rights THE BISHOP OF British Columbia the Most Rev A Harrington conferred the sacrament of Confirmation on 20 candidates at St Joseph Church Thursday evening Story and picture of confirmation class inside Staff Photo Hot much encouragement for Canada games here Sports enthusiasts promoting a Peel bid to host the Canada Games for 1973 wont got much encouragement from County Council not yet anyway At the April meeting of County Council in Milton yesterday Tuesday council filed a letter from the Minister of Education encouraging municipalities to put a bid for the games Reeve Frank Acton said no municipality in Halton would be willing to put up to host the games When Burlington Deputy Reeve David Coons suggested Acton might Reeve noted they were the only ones who could Deputy Reeve William Gillies of Oakville cautioned his colleagues not to forget the idea altogether He noted there was a group of sports enthusiasts in the two counties who trying to bring the games to Halton Peel triple Mr Gillies that while any action from council might be premature at this time they miejit want lo submit a bid some tunes in the future He told county council that if the games did come to the district they would be left with rate sports facilities The agreement is tor the municipality to pay to be matched by both the Federal and Provincial governments There are at least six other districts said lo be interested The day has come when weve got to start thinking about the individual declared deputy reeve Ted Tyler as council Tuesday defeated planning board recommend ation for the of two adjacent lots to permit a green belt around the park All councillors but parks board representative Marks strongly opposed the suggestions that Joe Jany lot in subdivision should be from residential to conservation Mr Marks had attended the lasl planning board meeting to ask for the of one lot and part of another in the subdivision Planning board had approved the recommendation and forwarded it to council The partial lot has already been deeded to the town and council readily agreed to the of this lot However the of Mr lot went against the grain of most councillors Mr Jany owned the farm which became Lakeview subdivision and retained this one lakeside lot He lives now in Montreal Deputy reeve Tyler exclaimed This is infringement on a person private properly You can do these things to a man Are wc going to buy his land at market value Mr Marks pointed out parks board was asking planning board and council to consider it on a sound planning basis only It would create a buffer zone and a green belt could be envisioned all around the circumference of the lake Governments arc doing this all the time He suggested the value would be felt by Mr Tyler s grandchildren Retorted Mr Tyler I want my grandchildren to have their rights Commented Dr Oakes If a man can I acquire land and build on it there something wrong around here It out of order even suggesting this Councillor recalled the decision wasn t unanimous at planning board and members t all there 1 say again buy it first and then I II support it Asked if Mr Jany had been informed Mr Marks said several letters had been written lo him without reply He said he agreed with the sentiments expressed but sometimes a decision made in the best interests of the town is regrettable Mayor Duby suggested ways be found of reclaiming land It would cost as much lo buy as to reclaim a portion he thought Said Mr Marks We did this before when Dills land was rczoncd from and commercial to conservation Several councillors objected lhat case was different As Mr Marks made another appeal for councillors to take the long range view Mr Tyler exclaimed that he feels he represents citizens Mr as well as the guy on Peel Si The recommendation that lot 132 be rczoncd for conservation but lhat lot Mr not be passed with only Mr Marks objecting the parks and recreation committee had expected a letter of explanation from council Our two representatives on the is enough he said can I juslify special consideration for them Dr explained perhaps the misunderstanding had arisen when he was asked by Mr Marks for an explanation and he replied that it could be arranged However he too agreed that council representation on the board is considered sufficient for the relaying of information Saturday accident A charge was laid following an accident Mill and Wilbur Saturday morning after car came out of a driveway and struck another The car driven by Donald Pord Crescent St Acton received damage while ihc car driven by Herbert J Brown was not damaged No public meeting say clerk Hydro Newspaper report of a public mooting for resident called by Ontario Hydro for Wed May have been denied by Ontario Hydro The mooting is between the Planning Board and representatives of Hydro the Free Press was told this morning Wednesday by officials of Ontario Hydro Cat Mclntyre denied any knowledge of a public meeting over the proposed hydro line that has been rumored will cut cross the township I had no instructions from council and nobody has booked the hall he told the Free Press Hydro officials confirmed it was strictly between the township official end themselves Report in a neighboring daily paper said Ontario Hydro called a public meeting In response to a township brief of protest expressing concern over a proposed route for the power line The report claimed that while opposition to the Hydro move has been almost nil to date the pot is starting to boil It claimed many resident were protesting the imminent expropriation of large blocks of farmland to make way for a large project which could be a hydro line international airport or super highway Whiting proposals on desertion create widespread interest MP Whitings suggestion to establish a pool of information to locale deserting husbands has stirred up wide interest across the country as well as reaching lie car of the Minister of Nalional Health and Welfare the Hon John Munro Mr Munro has asked sec Mr Whiting regarding the proposals which Ihe suggested might be incorporated greatest social injustices we have in Canada told the House April 15 Not only docs the husband who deserts throw ihc support of his family on the shoulders of the but he can run around Loitering in white paper on social Inifl welfare which the minister UU Disturbance An Acton man was charged by Acton O with causing a disturbance in the Station Hotel on Saturday proposes lo present to the House of Commons soon Mr Whiting advocaied a pool between the provinces and the federal government to trace husbands who deserted their wives and children In my opinion is one of The first loilenng charges of the warm weather were laid by Acton police this week Two Acton youths were warned and later charged They appear in court next month without responsibilities Now just suppose there were some way to trace these types of men No one would want to force them to return to their wives even if the wives would have them But the courts can and would nuke them bear their financial responsibilities The results would be that welfare costs in all parts of Canada would drop Indeed they would be dramatically reduced since he number of deserted families is much higher than generally realized The Halton MP said he believed some method of tracing the men could be found that would be practical economical and would not run counter to our Canadian way of life or our civil liberties provokes heated discussion between residents and councillors Applications for fall programs J at Shendan College are running dose to three times as many as this time last year college John Bromley reports midApril last year there were about applications On April this year the total stood at much more than double the previous year Two extra have gone to LACROSSE RETURNED to the community work in the registrar office to centre Friday night as the renowned Oshawa help handle the rush Green Gaels thumped the Acton Rams in an exhibition Turn to the sports pages for pictures and story Staff Photo Esquesing council have agreed to consult with the township solicitor about drawing up by laws to regulate drag strips and race tracks in the township as the result of a heated discussion with township residents Peter Bowman Ellis Taylor and Clarence Coles at Monday night council meeting The trio all of whom own property near the proposed Golden Horseshoe Dragway cast of Acton asked council to impose limitations on the operation of the dragway for their protection Mr Bowman Mr Taylor and Mr Coles arc three of eight plaintiffs who will claim noise nuisance and devaluation of property at a trial in May You told me last week you were going to get some by laws Mr Bowman reminded council Reeve George Currle said he think councd were in any posit to do anything while the matter was still in the courts If wc draw up a by law and you win the case what good is the by law the reeve asked Mr Bowman What about somebody else trying to start one up in the future Mr Bowman shot back We re hoping for protection from our council Mr Coles added When Mr Bowman asked about councd plans to erect a fence between his property and the dragway Reeve Currle said the erection of a line fence wai always on a sharing basis between property owners The suggestion provoked Mr Bowman Maybe youd like to come up and spend a weekend and guard my properly when it starts he shouted at the reeve Deputy reeve Tom Hill said he thought council should consult their solicitor about the bylaw but added As far as fencing I don t think we can do anything about it