17 REAL ESTATE BUILDING FOR SALE years old new 30 x apple storage bam Must dismantle Block frame construction storey rollup steel doors Steel frame windows Complete wiring Lumber 2 x Take apart for you If wished Can buy all or part of It Call collect night Islington 17a41 WANTED PROPERTY LISTINGS NEEDED FOR WAITING BUYERS Have All Cash Clients for home and garage 2 bedroom home garage not within comfortable walking distance to stores Moderately priced bedroom home to acre building lot north or west of close to Acton Small hobby farm with repair able buildings Acton area Want to Sell LIST NOW Spring enquiries have started Call JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER Church St East ACTON 27900 A beautiful and aluminum home with double garage set on acre of land Natural fireplace in 15 living room large kitchen with din ing area 3 good size bed rooms finished bar room and recreation room with piece bath downstairs picture win dow look- onto wooded lot patio front and back fully landscaped lot and school bus at door Owner transferred and anxious to sell V L A Adjacent to Acton on No 7 home with double garage on acres lot Gray Coach and school bus at door Home has many built in features Contact MRS ROBINSON Royal City Realty LIMITED Realtor GUELPH 8249050 for further information 17a41 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS Id the of THOMAS HAR DING PRICE lite at tbe TowmMp of to County of Halton Retired Farmer deceased All persons having claims ag ainst the aforementioned Estate of Thomas Harding Price who died on or the day of March are required to file proof thereof with the under signed solicitor for the Execut ors on or before April 1970 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed Dated at Acton Ontario this day of March 1970 C QC Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executors 19a42 20 AUCTION SALfcS AUCTION SALE FOR The Administrator of the Estate of tbe UTS JAMES FERRIES Friday April At pm In Hall situated on the Line miles north of Mohawk Raceway A Urge offering of hand tools such as picks canthooks bars block and tackles shovels hoes wrenches broadaxes nuts and bolt bed dresser and many many more small Items all in good condition ABOUT ITEMS IN ALL TERMS- CASH Hall or auctioneer not respon sible for accidents MAX STOREY Auctioneer education bill Councillors unhappy The Acton Free Press Wednesday April You didnt help us but you sure told us why Councillor Ait Gibson observed after Board of Education trustee Tom Watson and Business Superintendent Bruce Ltndley reviewed the townships apportionment of the 1970 Board of Education budget to Council Monday The township will see its mill rate rise for education by while all other municipalities will decrease After a detailed review of how the apportionment of the budget is established Councillor Alan Ackman summed up the discussion explaining were not attacking the board but the system under which you have to operate The municipal division of the budget is by statute Superintendent Bruce went through three pages of calculations to explain how the complicated apportionment is established He also pointed out the township was benefitting this year from a mill rate subsidy amounting to 51643 The only other municipality to receive such a subsidy was which would receive Without the subsidy the township mill rate would have been increased a further seven mills AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FOR EARL GREGOR On No Hwy half mile north of on FRIDAY APRIL At 12 noon head of registered Short horns tractor N H No corn harvester and au tomatic wagon complete line of implements feed furniture considerable good antiques TERMS CASH Farm sold Not responsible for accidents MAX STOREY Auctioneer Rockwood AUCTION SALE FOR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR at Glen Williams Community Hall SATURDAY APRIL At clock Washing machine kitchen sink push lawn mowers bird feeders burner coal oil stove wicker chairs end corner tabic electric floor broom radios treadle sewing machines gold leather sofa boys bicycle girls bicycle pictures goose neck lamp ches terfield bed baby cribs childrens games and toys ski boots skates lamps curtains springs and mattress pots and pans dishes Many other articles too to mention This sale will have something of interest for everyone It is not possible to list every article as all the mat have not been assembled yet Hall Board or auctioneer not responsible for accidents on the premises day of sale ALFRED SPENCE Auctioneer RR Georgetown SHADY HILL Complete Dispersal Owned by Bruce Enn Ontario THURSDAY MAY 1979 12 pjn at Georgetown Sales Arena Georgetown Ont mile south of No Hwy miles north of Interchange No on 401 Hwy at Trafalgar Rd 75 HEAD HERD 30 cows VG GP Balance not classified These will be reclassified and should be GP or better a few more V G Bred These are all by Plus Proven bulls are well grown and will make ex herd replacements Open Heifers and CaUes Again all Plus pro ven bulls These heifers have full pedigrees some calf prospects CITATION Excellent and 20 s selling of these are by Downalane Reflection Excellent One of the best sons of Clt ation GLENAFTON HERDMASTER Excellent and carrying his service Just about the top plus rat bull in Canada with an un equalled pedigree All cattle will be ready for Immediate export to USA Lunch available at sale LBS MILK QUOTA FOR SALE If still available Catalogues and Information in request INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK LTD Box 67 Georgetown Ontario Tel Area or 20M1 BUSINESS DIlT0B DENTAL OR LEONARD Dental Surgeon Suite No Hinton I7A Mill St Acton Ont For appointments phone ARCHITECT DONALD E SKINNER MRAIC Mill Street Suite Acton Telephone Office Hours by Appointment or Stavebank Port Credit OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON O MILTON Main St Tuesdays and Fridays ACTON Mill St Wednesdays and Saturdays Residence phone 8789678 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone night or day Bruce E Shoemaker APPRAISING AND INSURANCE WRIGHT Wilbur Street Acton Ontario Phone 85JO720 Appraiser and Insurance Over 50 Years in Acton The Mutual Ufa ROBERT S HART Agent Orville Road Acton Bus Res 5198531527 ACCOUNTING CO Chartered Accountants Nelson St West Brampton Resident Partners G WILSON CA HUGHES CHIROPRACTIC RICHARD TELFORD DC Wellington St Acton formerly office For appointments 8532483 Saturdays Special appointments arranged The use of a provincial equalization factor in calculating the share the township contributes to education was challenged by Councillor The factor is established by the Department of Municipal Affairs and is based on spot checks and land sales to determine the percentage the assessment is to the market value In the percentage had been expected to rise after reassessment Instead it fell The result was that an on township ratepayers had to be picked up this year ratepayers will be asked to pay for education this year compared with 278131 last year Asked what could be done about the increased township levy Mr outlined the procedure for appealing the apportionment which involved a meeting of municipal treasurers for arbitration Reeve A MacArthur wondered why such a meeting could not be scheduled when it became obvious one municipality was to be hit prior to confirmation of the budget She suggested she would discuss this with the Minister of Education The Superintendent noted the apportionment had been calculated in accordance with the statutes and any appeal was up to the township The reeve suggested an appeal now would make other municipalities think the township was asking them to bail them out Were paying for the number of students we have at a real good price she observed Rural municipalities arc going to be destroyed over a period of time if this system is not changed It is unfair if rural municipalities arc going to have to pay more to educate their children than urban areas References were made to the cost of public school education in Milton at 328161 where there arc twice the students compared with Nassagaweyas cost at The Superintendent pointed out the determining factor was assessment not population Deputy Reeve Gordon concentrated his attack on education as a sacred cow and wondered how such excessive spending was justified The public can only stand so much He complained a lot of students cant even read or write properly now and with computers being introduced they may not even be able to figure He questioned the justification of increases every year Trustee Tom Watson noted the taxpayers complain about cost generally once a year and the remaining months ask for increased services The deputy reeve complained the board could spend per cent of its money in the south He was interrupted by the trustee who noted introduction of opportunity classes and savings in construction costs by use of neighboring urban schools which were benefitting Nassagawcya The deputy reeve later came back to the tost of issues of Education News Mr reported an issue cost about and three special issues had been produced on the budget this year to acquaint the public with the financing in view of last years criticism Four regular issues arc planned He noted a neighboring board had spent 515 on one issue of a publication The deputy reeve complained about a recent move to spend SI 000 to send nine teacher back to school Mr Lindley reviewed the Board had inherited several kinds of leave plans from previous boards it had to honor The polity of the board docs not endorse the type of plans that were in effect he pointed out Mr and Mrs Hugh Patterson and family are home after a holiday in Florida Neighbors and are sorry to learn Mr and Mrs Martin Ann and Carolyn R R Acton ore moving to Orangevillc Betty Cook who teaches at Brampton Sandra Sinclair of Acton and Barbara whos at Cooksvillc enjoyed a holiday in Florida Friends will be pleased to hear Mr Percy Woods Main St has returned home from General Hospital and is recovering nicely from his operation Some from here enjoyed the concert by the Burlington teen tour band and a group of Milton singers the Chaiisonctlcs at the School for the Deaf in Milton Sunday afternoon The program was arranged by the University Womens club of the district to raise money for the annual scholarship Two Acton girls have won the scholarship for academic standing Acton friends were interested to sec Bill McKcown son of Mr and Mrs Ralph McKcown taking part in the Young Miss Can da pageant on television Monday night Bill is having quite a successful career in entertaining and is engaged to Debbie Lome Kay the singer on the Tommy Hunter show Mr and Mrs McKcown live in Williams and he is now principal of school Service clubs hold two welt attended dinccs in town Saturday evening The Lions and their guests filled the Legion Hall and danced to Johnny Tochers orchestra The Men filled the music centre and music was by The Shayncs Man G had sold tickets at a principals meeting and there was a bigger than usual crowd of educators and their wives there including E S Lavender area superintendent of education for the north education centre Well over 120 called Sunday on Charles Matthews in Toronto to extend congratulations on his 80th birthday including some friends from Acton Mr Matthews was raised here and learned the printers trade at the Press before going to Toronto where he became one of the partners in Sampson Matthews printing company Tins company specialized in printing silk screen Board meets Bill Davis A delegation from the County Board of Education met with minister of Education William Davis Friday to re affirm their position concerning regional government as it influences education said committee chairman Bill Law son The Board has opposed any move that woufd take Burlington out of County The B is asking Mr Davis to support their wishes to remain intact with Burlington While it is fair to assume Davis would support the Board as an individual the final decision will be made by the cabinet Mr said Three homes Building permits for construction estimated at were issued in Nassagawey during March according to building inspector Campbell Thompson The projects included three new houses ranging from to in addition to a house and a horse barn Permits issued to the end of March this year in the township now total reproductions of famous Canadian paintings they hang in the schools and library His grandfather was a pioneer settler here in 1845 On Tuesday Mr and Mrs Matthews the former Dorothy Moore and his two sisters Mrs Em Black and Mrs J of Toronto came to Acton to visit friends and refresh memories of years ago A fabulous twomonth long tour of South America and the Orient ended Wednesday for Dr and Mrs A J Buchanan when they arrived home through a typical snowstorm They had been with a group of on a Masonic tour taking a route that apparently no other tour had ever arranged before They went first to Mexico where they were delighted to sec the ruins of the civilisation of the famed Mayan Indians They spent peaceful week in Guatemala the situation has changed since and went down the west coast of South America whcie highlights were Valparaiso and Lima Tlicy flew to fascinating Easter Island where they stayed in tents then on to Tahiti and They drove all through New Zealand and then went along the west coast of Australia over the Banter Reef where they especially rcuill seeing the fish and coral from a glassbottomed boat They phoned a former Acton girl Ella Jany Beer at her home at Armadale Prof and Mrs Beer reported a newborn baby boy Next Indonesia Bah Bangkok and Hong Kong Then five days in Japan where of course they toured Expo It was really wonderful they say and very much like our Expo 67 in plan They flew to Vancouver where they gamed the day they had lost in then home lost bike Police would like to hear from the owner of J small child bicycle they have in their office It was found in the neighborhood of Hit Robert Little school Tripped A young Acton nun explained to police Saturday that he had tripped on Mill St and he had broken the window at A supermarket The window was boarded up and then replaced Tuesday Lets Play Bridge If you ever want to become a good bridge player you learn to a plan before you play any hand You should make your plan before even one card it played from dummy Your plan will depend on the contract that you are In the cards thai you hold and alio what the opponent have told you Now willingly Going to give you So you mutt be tuned In when they make for each information Here a moil interesting hand occurred at the Georgetown Duplicate Bridge Club On this hand declarer must make hi plan before he one Lard from dummy and he listen what Hie opponent hive told hint tail dealt wllh neither side vulnerable NORTH immediately lead a low club Why take a finesse when havo the king If wins he can make no good return Declarer mutt win four club tricks and he can easily develop five Kicks In of the Lets say lhat Last returns a heart Declarer wins and cashes his club Jatk Now a spade can bo led to let Easl make his king Anolhor heart will give declarer two head Perhaps East win lead a spado Now declarer can lead a heart dummy himself declarer makes his plan when ho sees dummy and has alto listened lo bidding he should not go wrong on hand La si week winners at Allan Bridge Club were first Mike Loruiso and Lloyd second Jack Coats and Dili Coals third Duke Wilson and Dick Priest LAST SOUTH WEST NORTH III PASS PASS PASS PASS NT ALL PASS Opening lead 10 of spades North South were using slrong so when North clubs he is showing at Last an opening bid South has a good hand Willi hearts well slopped so he tries no trump which North Isglad to carry to three West felt a lead was futile so he tried a Before he plays a cud declarer should lake slock between his hand and dummy declarer tan card points I ail should have at 13 points for his opening bid thcrcfori West tan have at Hit moil one Declarer knows txLcpt will fail He tan on spade two hearts diamonds at least three clubs if he tan gel them before the defense gelt five tricks declarer playi a low ipadc I ail will win and return a diamond After the club finesse loses Lail will lead another diamond and ultimately bast will take two black kings diamonds and the heart ace should win Ihe first spade in dummy wilh the ace and NORTH END BP 235 Baseline Rd MILTON C W Kelly Son Ltd Color Console TV NOW AT LOWS ACTON ACRES Choice Red Brand BEEF and A PORK I SCHNEIDERS PLANT KITCHENEn i BEAT SUMMER iAVt STEAK PRICES PROCESSED TO MELLOW TENDERNESS AT THE J M SCHNEIDERS PLANT KITCHENER BUY NOW NOME FREEZER SPECIALS SIDES OF BEEF 69 lb FRONTS OF BEEF 55lb WHOLE OR PORK lb FILE THIS NUMBER 8530185 MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM The RCA console color TV offers the finest features in viewing dependability WITH ADVANCED AUTOMATIC LOCKEDIN FINE TUNING RCA COLOR TV6VEAR PROTECTION PLAN AND MANY OTHER EXCELLENT FEATURES CORNER MKDONNELLSTS and Son Ltd