Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1970, page 7

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Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else BIRTHS JONG Mike and llhr arc pleased to announce the of a son Geoffrey April at General A brother far Johnny Mr and Mr Leo J Acton are- to announce the birth of their daughter Karen Ruth General Hospital Ken and Edna nee Sharps arc happy to announce the birth of their daughter Lisa Jean IS on at the General Hospital and Mo- Villctnalro arc to announce the birth of their son Enc 171 in Fort kelson Hospital The new grandson or Mr and Mrs A Walla St lb DEATHS Annie At Peterbor ough on Monday April 1170 In her year Annie beloved wife of Charles of Acton of in Peter of Toronto Beth Ann Mrs of Acton Mrs A of Belgium Resting at Lane Funeral Home Funeral service be held morning at 11 IN MEMORIES ARnrt In of a dear and brother away April 1W So to forgotten wt and and In of a dear an father who pawed April One d and passed Since our great sorrow The sKxk that we received that d No one can ever tell He wished no one a last fare well I Nor even slid He gone before we knew And God knows A golden heart stops boiling Two hands at God broke our to to us He takes the best I here without von miss more For life is not the simc to us i were our place on no one can and FOR hid ftviwt prior Phoe ftltet 1 with lull and wheel W turn IM ant nil la4l iiil loot pollster- condition best Mi la4lJ7 nwd Westing- Vim eholec Hardware plume fill Wc miss Too lived to be wife Belts children Jennifer Judith and Michael Ahnn At St Jos Hospital on Fish of S Guclph of hus band of Florence Butler and dear father of of Dun- das alio survived six grand children Funeral ktvux at at the home Acton Interment The be at the home and tod CARDS OF THANKS Vie would to thank our and lor the cards gifts and received our Mane and George I wish in express sincere thanks Jo and neighbors or ail kindnesses flora tributes And gifts a die tunc of sad Mrs Harding I would like to hank and eia vet civ and card hes sent I was And thank he Medical Centre SpeciJ thanks to and Or aid the on h and 2nd Mrs Margaret Cnppi In of our father John Al whi passed a April We lost Dad with a heart of gold Who was more to us than wealth untold Withoul goodbie he Tell as Left memories for us to keep and came the call His passing was a shock to all smiling content and respected went God gave us strength to meet it And courage to bear the blow But what it meant to lose Dad No one know Remembered always dough Bern Fred and grandchildren u to thank all my friends neighbors relatives and members the Golden Age Club the beautiful cards letters and flowers I received was Guelph General Hospital Special thanks to Mr George Simpson Phillips and all the won derful nurses who were so kind to me on Floors and 4 all Woods I wish express mi sincere thanks to my relatives and neighbors for the en quiries card gifts and flow ers while I was a patient in Guelph General Hospital and reluming home Special thanks to Walter Scott Moore and the nursing for their wonderful care These kindnesses will be re membered Ed McDowell To our neighbors and the Acton Agricultural Society wish to express our thanks for the lovely gifts received You can be assured they will be treasured A special thank you to the committee for their work in arranging an evening will always remember To all who assisted at the time of our move we say Thank You Your help wras greatly appreciated Sin Don and Ida Matthews and family I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my relatives and friends who remembered me with cards flowers and other gifts during my stay in the hospital to Rev for his visit and A special thanks to Embree Ma Philips and the other four doctors who assisted in any way during my illness also the nursing staff on fifth floor and second floor of the New Wing of Guelph General Hos pital These kindnesses will al ways be Mrs Geo Simpson In loving of our dear father and grandfather Joseph Alfred nrski who passed Aprd We were not there to see you die To hold hand or kiss good But will remember our whoic lives thru I The last few words we had j with you remembered by daughter son in law Harold and grandchild and Linda tow like new still umlir warrvnt elements throujh Price Phone ltUl2445 VOUR SLLF SERVE MART Flower Mart Greenhouses miles of Acton on North of Highway 7 Datlv Open till 10 Phone 8564712 stock of potted plants seeds fertilizer garden awn supplies pollcry soil etc Sec our Special up to blooms potted mums Small potted mums 75c and up and many other low cost plants la36tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES KTOar Mm i il i rtl I dm i ml Ar fl It I I lr II I man MtAtM I ii OX in lilt Hid Hi it tii t But VfH Wirt till Mll VfH I I A J I lti IN I III ID A IPlI Hall I It A I I I Ml Arrt jl I It Al I I It Wit fiiiii iV miii Hi i or Iran Wodnwdny April 1970 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE MASSIF 101 Inn 1 in dim lot viiiHlimllitii 419 not 4412212 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1961 Ml I mo- r roloilllii Phone or lJ ill V Imir ton pit klip mini mil utllliMt nitons 172d full lw milt Mim sill pay Income tux Ik Collision rttoiullt linitil iiihIii body job knotk on k oil win lust TARZVAELL In loving it of a dear and Elizabeth Jones who passed away Ap ril God knew she was suffering That the hills were hard So He closed her weary And whispered Peace be thine Ever remembered son Frank Tcen and Bonnie COMING EVENTS Dance Legion Apnl Music by Country Ds Sponsond the Liber Committer Admission couple Acton euchre every Sat at m at the Lodge Hall Crew sons Corners Lunch provided Admission 50c Every one welcome Don i miss ACW Spring and Bake Sale exciting fashion accessory Door Prize tickets 50c this Saturday Apnl 11th St Albans Parish Hall Euchre Fnday April 10 quesmg Community Hall Stew art town Sponsored by Georgetown Agricultural Refreshments Admission Everybody welcome Ml 2223 Friday 17 come from 1 am to The Modern aires at the Acton Music Centre sponsored by Acton Citmns Band 00 per couple Lunch included Tickets ivailablc from band members The Afternoon of tht are holding their Spring Thankoffcnng at clock in the lan Church The guest speaker will be Mrs J McGillivn daughter of the Rev J C son a former pastor All wel come NO MATTER what you need i of our readers probably has Try the Want Ad page first TV TOWER SALE tower installed with all chan nel head tower installed chan nel head tower installed with all chan nel head stereo head Installed element color head Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV 201 Main Street East MILTON Phone 8786949 INFLATION BEATERS CHEVEL WAGON Lie 65503X 699 V8 automatic radio Lie 1395 LATE MODEL TRADE INS URGENTLY NEEDED TOP PRICES PAID motor Sales ltd MAIN ST MILTON 878 HELP WANTED FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson OLDS Limited Opm till Monday through Saturday Highway Milton South 878 2393 8783812 MANAGERESS IDK DISCOUNT IN All TON in mi Box Acton Proas 1 CASHIERS GROCERY CLERKS tl I iiml PART lo work In ihw Supermarket MONDAY 13 1 in m m The Credit Valley Conservation Authority from D LIFEGUARDS for the Summer of 1970 Applicants wilt be depicted to work in Terra Cotu Bel fount or Conserve ion is Minimum age 16 years ints to interviewed on April IB 1970 it Terra Com Conservation Area 10 am J General Superintendent Credit Valley Conservation Authority MCADOWVALE Ontario PRODUCE FOR SALE BALED straw Phone after pm MAPLE syrup Honey Locust 5th Line 1 mile sou of No phone 2496 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE REG black and tan Cocker Span el I old Apply Apt Scncea Apis Churchill WESTERN Hertford black white faced weighing appro 425 lbs Good cattle For the grass Priced right Free Phone collect Strectsville IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE SEE the new bus Schultz SprcadmastCTs versatile hyd rostatic for harvesters Pioneer chain fertilizer spreaders used tractors and manure load Order your Cockshutt re pairs Call Archie Kerr Equipment Acton 4M12234 Liquid Manure Equipment Agitate pump and spread the HUSKY Pump and Spreader Pump is available for pits ft to ft deep Spread is equipped with mechanical agitator Buy direct SAVE Grose Welding ALMA Ont SPRING CLEARANCE 30 Days Warranty or miles whichever occurs first Labour and Parts on Motor and Transmission on all Volkswagens from 1965 to 1969 1969 VOLKS Motion wagon Lie 1968 VOLKS station wagon Lie VOLKS deluxe Lie Lie 1967 deluxe Lie Custom Lie 1966 Lie 705786 1966 VOl Custom Lie K98974 1965 VOLKS station wagon Lie X133I4 1965 VOLKS deluxe Lie SPECIALS Unfit Cars J94551 19M CHEVELLE FORD 1962 MERC sedan Lie There Lie 771429 no licenses on these V MOTORS 199 Street GEORGETOWN ONT Jl 195 995 312 320 219 196 sold as is 877 5286 WANTED USED Tent Trailer Phone 7a41 8 HELP WANTED SECOND Hand Motorcycle or 66 Triumph or BSA Phone 853 before DRIVER SALESMAN Apply Becker Milk Co 243 Main St Acton ALL AGES BUY AVON Why not sell to them You call on customers your own locality have high earning potential and enjoy life as an Avon representative Call MRS BENEDICT Area open around Blue and Corwin Technical and Administrative Officer Required for the Credit Valley Conservation Authority He will be responsible for the and coordination of he Authority programs in conservation recreation for and 1 use wildlife and public rclot He will be required to direct field and office staff and to pro vide information and liaison to member municipalities as dir ected A knowledge of ion of conservation principles ind of general municipal prac and experience in ture forestry or geography would be of use Salary to be negotiated Applications will be accepted up to Saturdny May Apply to TREASURER Credit Valley Conservation Authority Ont FOR RENT bedroom house Call Phono Sat mid Sun day upstair op- Uncut on fiinn In Norvul one hlld welcome Occupancy May 1 Phone HI NT hot wn lor tank for per month I Hydro Of lie Alice St 13nl920B6l APARTMFNT 1 bedroom kitchen room piece private cntrunic 10500 month John Si Phone Erin 13u41 16 SERVICES FLOOR We now have a modern lander and We will rcflniih your tor or rent you the equip ment to do the Job J Frank phone Frederick St S Acton 16Mf PAINTING it Fine of Wallpaper Si to unit y free DAVID COHEN Call 8532815 lfiaMU W J Koski Co Fulton St ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS GLASS MIRRORS REPAIRS 8789452 MILTON SERVICES FURNITURE Upholstery pert rcupholitertng and repairing of nil Unda of furniture For free call Muln Variety phono Acton Jennings Excavating I UmchouBo Farm food Loading Bulldozing Trenching Septic Fin Top Soil Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE CHRIS DUIKER CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL HIS I DENT Alteration Home Aluminum Siding Door and Windowo Serving ACTON St area people for the pail yean 8530284 After p m DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING For fast efficient service re pairs alterations new work Industrial Residential Com mercial Phone 8532203 16a37tf Public Accountant FRANK GRAY George Street Phone 519 8554409 ED Contractor Cement floor Sidewalks Si Stoops Chimney Plastering Repair Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton Stanley Construction BULLDOZING TRENCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES FILL and TOP SOIL R R 1 Acton 8530849 16a50tf Charlton Welding Govt Certified Pressure Welder If your business Is Industrial agriculture construction or transportation and you need fully equipped and experienced portable welding service CALL Acton 8531634 FREE ESTIMATES REMOVAL OF STORM WINDOWS WINDOW CLEANING ROOF GUTTERINGS CLEARED ODD JOBS CALL 8530154 For ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 8532227 MAIN ST Weddings portraits pass ports visas industrial family team pictures Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old bone Call GUELPH Collect License 24 Hour Service EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG mother will do baby itting in her own home will baby week In her own home rentes available Phone 9a41 LOST OR STRAYED LOST hardback binder with important university not Left on bus Sunday night Reward for returning Phone 877 12259 WANTED TO RENT BEDROOM house In or near Acton by June 30 Phone 8532713 HOUSE or apartment elderly couple no children unfurnish ed town preferred Write Box Acton Free Press CARPENTRY K R Lumbers ACTON MILTON Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest cash price for dead or disabled cow and horse CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith 97950 Lie No Custom wrought iron railings Indoor and Outdoor Any design Glass top furniture Walt ornaments Room dividers etc Free Estimates Imperial Ornamental GUELPH Phone 8241157 16a42 MITCHS ROOFING and Specializing in and general repairs FREE ESTIMATES 8531009 RR Acton ACTON UPHOLSTERY Antique and Modern Furniture Reupholstering Repairing and Rerfinishtog Car Upholstering 4 Das Delivery Free Pickup miles radius FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 8530684 Earl Jensen H Stull Excavating 5 MILTON Call Milton 8789360 Custom Loader Work Specializing in manure loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many yean if experience listing and selling properties in Haltoo and Wellington Counties Christie Woods 189 Main St MILTON Phones 8786057 8782095 ACTON can Roy Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine Phone 8532000

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