Acton dropin centre Continued from page recalled while it was agreed this equipment there no live wasn a very good reason not to mtaiic Just tables chairs and try again free coffee If you students can t even Wo want to groove and run a good school dance how around said one youth How can you run a dropin centre many girls do you find in the one adult groaned poolroom A grade 13 student delighted am a h he concerned parents by saying gride are from when she generally agreed adult Join the older is a special office where hc problems go such as freak outs Mrs Tomlinson explained There are special Trt and gave expressive groans A police officer and s Man fo problems do reputations Various adults were concerned about drugs heir were busy and happy but they Trustworthy young people will help an adult maintain order when asked she asserted but we haven element and bikers yet She recalled a group of young to a drop in centre why not They were concerned who i it not I wcic peep In 0lmlle ran own d k with few Some will always prefer the street corner The Y s Man pointed out a results The Mill has no financial backing and money is always a problem The adult gives authority and is always the one who could call police an Oakville visitor said They want not to be judged in the centre mused teacher Doug Past attempts at dances coffee houses and groups for young Skcrretl disappoint people came out in the open attendance The kids thought again with some soul and there was no It memory searching for the fantastic there are so many reasons for their failure adults here It open the kids Lack of funds gatecrashers You d be wrong if you out of town undesirables thought we wcrcn I interested any more The Acton Free Press Wednesday April Second Mall OK washroom building meeting for proposed dragway council Monday passed a resolution Instructing clerk treasurer Trench to issue promoters of the Golden Horseshoe a mit for a building lo house washroom for the proposed Surveyor Bill Carr presented pi ins for ttio building at Monday night meeting Mr hud previously appeared before the township board When Reeve Curric Shower elections newcomers in news sponsoring group can afford damage Students thought in Acton the 14 to 16 year olds need activities most Older they hive cars and can go elsewhere to shows and restaurants student replied to Mr COUPLE OF clowns at the- carnival Monday it were Suzette and Christine- Ft R Georgetown Staff Photo report Interesting conversation taboo for good drivers cliques lack of interest Esquesing upset about HRCA levy increase Esquesing council is upset about the large increase in levy the township has received from the Region Conservation Authority Under the Authority 1970 budget will be asked to contribute 10078 Last year share amounted 19 A letter from the Authority to council explained that the increased cost of capital projects was a major factor in the increase Deputy reeve Tom Hill said he should send a tetter to the Authority about the thought i expressing increased cost I wonder if the Authority is taking on loo much the deputy reeve asked Mr Hill alio criticized the Authority purchase of Crawford Lake I m against tins Crawford Lake he What good is it to conservation Councillor Ken Marsh ill agreed They t need to buy it at all he contended During the O I reporting week March to April the men at the Act on Detachment while working hours patrolled miles of town occurrences totalled seven in ill and included a robbery which an has been made the stolen property recovered a liquor and five other general occurrences A of 1 1 charges 14 warnings were issued for various infractions of the Highway Traffic and it was an accident free week Due to the hohdiy there wis no court on Monday On Thursday an Acton man received a total of two ycirs for Possession of Stolen Goods In my report last week I tried lo show tint high speed driving is big factor in a traffic ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded Mr Jrcobson MA Interim Supply BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev Brouwer B Acton Ontario Tbursdiy 730 Choir Rehearsal Fnda 7 p H F SUNDAY APRIL 12th am Sunday School am Morning Worship April 8 Baptist Men at Church Guclph Mission Circle the home of Mrs C Lake Ac A Cordial Invitation To All MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 81 Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C Lohnes SUNDAY APRIL 12th Hem our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church am Sunday School All ages II Morning Service 700 Evening Evangel Georgetown CHURCHIU COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The Rev A Walter BA BJ Tidey Ave Phone SUNDAY APRIL 10 am Morning Worship Service and Sunday School am Sunday School Afternoon Worship Service 730 m Teen Meet the church Tuesday evening 7301030 Catechism Classes Come worship and study with us to be better equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome THE CHURCH OF ST ALBAN THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Albana Drive Rev J Dawson BTh SUNDAY APRIL 12th Easier am Holy Eucharist 1030 am and Children PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew H McXenzIe Minister Mr E A Hansen BA Organist and Choir Master SUNDAY APRIL 12th 1100 Service Sermon series The of Jesus No 1 The Parable of the Prodigal Son Visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at the Church on the Hill PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Churchill Road Rev S M Pastor SUNDAY APRIL 12th 1970 1000 in- Sunday School 1100 Morning Worship pjn Service Tuesday 8 pra Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday 8 pan Christ Ambassadors Friday John Jesus said unto her Martha am the Resurrection and the life he that in me he were dead yet shall he live and who soever liveth and in me shall never die thou mis SUNDAY APRIL 45 am Church School am Ministers Teenage Confirm Class vithdnwn this Sunday 10 am Session meeting a Worship and Holy Communion Thursday April 9 ion Preparalors Service Most Welcome TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon Turner BA BJ Director of Music George Elliott MA PhD SUNDAY APRIL 1000 run Morning Worship 10 cm Nursery Sunday School to Grade 1100 am Sunday School Grade Hi C Youth Group Tccns alternate Sunday evenings We Welcome You and Your Family to Take Part in the Life and Worship of Trinity and that Is in my Tins week I show the other I is JNATJLNnON I lint mi lie ion mi List people lost lives in luscd by iniltciilivc driving Many drivers believe llicy ire to on an intcicsliiic with others in or listen iiUuitly to their car still full mention to then driving There arc lots tunes on ihc toads when even just me in mention could result in collisi it When driving mention winder second requires your full the nine So drive as i depended on it could do just Hut By Mis A Denton We welcome Mr and Mis Stum and three link folk I rum Richmond Hill They hive purchased Mi mid Mrs new house and he is Willi the Georgetown The Li me house held their inecling the home Mrs A Denton beginning with a pot hick supper last Thursday evening Hie sudden winter kept a home bill eight mended Mis took the chair for election officers ill year being ret lined Past president Mrs Gishy president Mrs Drown vice president Mrs secret treasurer Mrs Neil Anderson assistant Mis J hit Ni bit Public Mrs I llrown district director Mrs by alternate Mrs v James Noble pi mist Mrs J press reporter Mrs A Denton conveners of standing commit Ices agricultural mil Canadian industries Mrs Junius Noble education Mrs A Denton Imtoricil research mid current events Mrs homo economics and Mrs resolutions Mrs mid fruit Mrs Mrs Noble Mis safely Mrs Anderson Mr and Mrs I Kim tamily and Mr Juries Meredith of Little Current spent I Willi daughter Mis and husband Mi and Mrs Paul Turner rice Yvonne Murdock were guests honor at a miscellaneous shower in Memuiial Mull on evening Mrs Mrs Bert Denton who event helped the open good number of useful A young people group of Misses Diown and and Messrs Drown McDonald Denny entertained with a music progrmn earlier in the evening was served Ihc close let Will ship motel units via township roads safe mention your Cons Roy Wood Isqucsint council has granted Systems Construction Limiled permission to ship motel units on low bed trailers from llieir pi tut on Highway north of Millon to Toronto Shipments will be made cast on I to the Third the by piss road east on ihc by pass road to the Line sun ill on the fourth Line to Avenue mid Ihcn lo Toronto General manager Sidney Dakin appeared at the mcelmg to request permission lo mukc Line south on the Third Line to shipments for Iwo jobs only Ihc Reeve cautions against Subsequent shipments he said will be made by Highway rushing into region iveya Tow ship endorsed Reeve stand County rushing lo county rctjoml government while the position of Burlington is unsettled the location of the jumbo jet airport is unknown Mrs reported to fellow councillors Monday after a county council meeting had discussed pressing the Minister to allow of a Hal tononly unit of rcgiunil government I not against the principle of regional government bul I would like to arrive it it slowly the reeve suggested She noted the Minister in earlier discussions had been sympathetic to retention of the original boundaries attached to the urban area of Acton The reeve emphasised that in no way would buy a pig in a poke She maintained that when the boundaries ire presented and the representation basis settled he township would be prepared to discuss the principle A Burlington resolution for a members bill to establish five municipalities as a regional government with the boundaries approximately as agreed by Ihc reeves was filed Were on File Seven early volumes of Free Press files dating from to 1896 have been microfilmed by the Canadian Library Association during the winter So Ihc copies arc now for sale on reels Hilly get your little brother hat out of that puddle I can t Mu He got it strapped loo light under his chin John Salmon Country TV Centre SALES- SERVICES Specializing in TV Service to off mates RR Guelph how to get ahead in death understand and So Lot tend you our FREE Bib I Count II an system ate study plan you can your SPECIALISTS in INDIVIDUAL HAIR PIECES TINTS J BLEACHES AND PERMS for an appointment CALL 8530290 OPEN EVENINGS THURSDAY FRIDAY SPECIAL NEXT WEEK IPERMsJ15 When you Present this Coupon Milady Hairstyling ANNA MILL STREET The Peel Association for the Hearing Handicapped will be holding its monthly asked council Tor their decision on April IS The Wilfrid Leslie replied program for this meeting will If it lias passed all the cousin of two films A Deaf regulations should be Child and Family and the County film The Man Deputy reeve Tom Hill and the The program LljHc begins at In the junior see any reason why should refuse it he said Councillor Ken Marshall said he no reason why Ihc Jerk on Id t be given permission to issue any oilier building pcimlts needed fur the Russell Miller Council gave permission for a permit before I guess they can ihcud I sllll say no Councillor voted against the issue of i permit foi tin dragway s control tower Janiiuy 1 Iho drug is loudd I Sixth Linus north of Ihghwiy auditorium at the Ontario for Ihc Dear at Milton The Peel Association Ins completed its second year existence It was originally formed to assist hearing indie lppcd and parents and oliurs Involved In of deaf and hard of icarlng Those who are facing problems and have not yet been In touch with is well is the general public are Invited to this meeting If further information Is required may be obtained by phoning J 193 In Milton or8510017il Aclon Doug Copeand named principal Doug vin principal f the school his accepted Ihc in as principal North Wilpolc to In county near Mi and Mrs upclind lair young son will be living in alcdonla Il an 1 1 loom school with gr eight He resigns liom ihc Million system which hid appointed him vice principal of a school for next MILTON show 10 12 hi in MA KRAKKTOA JllJiWlln FROM BROS MEAT MARKET MAPLE LEAF SMOKED DINNER HAMS lm FRESH SMALL LINK SAUSAGE BRAND BEEF CHOICE RUMP ROAST CHOICE BONELESS Prime Rib Roast 119- Shoulder Roast 79 TENDER BLADE Short Rib Roast Ground Chuck LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET Mill AcMn J Diuvnr