The Acton Free Prow Wednesday April Rock wood News Dance at Centennial School raises money for Quebec trip The Country wore lilt of the evening last night when their roup beat out modem dance tempos for approximately ISO guests at the Centennial School Dame which the Tour to Quebec for Grades students committee sponsored to raise funds for the venture galore were presented and it was fitting that the special scatter rug raffle prize of a gorgeous Fund ma mat the of Mrs Myrtle of Main Street should be won by a gentleman from Mr A who SIGNS OF SPRING were seen last Sunday afternoon when kites flew high the Consetval on Park grounds Pictured is Timmy son of Mr and Mrs H D Alma Street as he takes minutes to reel in his kite from the late afternoon winds- Photo by Lorraine Horse there folks good back the harness sure win the race track slated fer the first Sunday in it geltin km da think about away on the straight away against all them other Dicks got me the roads now an he to pet me over to Vivian track on the line It a real met thar cause track is troo like an it Jiore beau up road a mile of two and to stop to turn a did blasted corner or stop fast auto or kids on bicycle Thais a new wots the dxstiii name of Bill Tio He a nice wot does a lot Jnnn at Mohawk Greenwood and St Catharines I met one I I at last summer too jo he really does get around and just a chance Dick the boys might decide the ohn with me He down from Canvass over top Thirteen young gull put Hie eanvais over the lop this year when they raised the tolled ante from On Hie list of canvassers were Kathleen Barbara Kelly Marion Meredith Wend Gray Cora Coo en Bobbi Ann Henry Janice Wilson Ingle Anna and Mary Ann Milne Peal Hamilton the organizer for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and commended the girls their endeavour North Bay area an him an his family with little kids will be on a farm near an Salmon lies to put in a good track fer his pleasure with his own two horses Sunday slier a day fer enjoyable sprints 1 wu way down on Harris Street an 1 tsc cute little chic Jane split Rockwood Dtdn t get a see if she wuz a a o mine or not but were so many local pals troll in past me in th countryside I didn I have tunc check who was who Shcr is amazm but heard fmm Dick an Marlcnc hel tlur cottage at Be 11 wood has a good foot of snow around it an the is still around a great lime Great ftr guys wots dnvm but wots to do the poor rabbits scared half t death frum the crazy con Just though we arc only a few miles away with spring stickm up all over an only 12 miles north it still winter spurt time the way I sees it is in another two weeks we II all be walk win in sunshine an downs with everybody an out fertilizer an seed into his front lawn Mean lime I gotta attend Urn winter apple wot one the just handed as a little mutt take It mi a last spin up til road so I be Icaviu ycz ier now so hi now Ittsoluik I rend Fair PS Ami it like how trustees is still alio win Department ays rake thantei with Village kids by not on diet dad blamed vjlk on th Mam Street properly indccijltd am t High cross be in there with lib wife their wedding iinnivorwry Hint evening Further were won on off during the with mixed crowd represented by every group and musk to mutch every moot Mr won one prize of crocheted cushion also made by the industrious Myrtle with Mrs B Bruce of Street the proud winner a similar one A pretty chlncsc garden donated by Blue Spring Flower Shop in Acton was won by Mary of Acton as her partner received News and views My LORRAINE dropping in to visit the George Ingle family on Harris Street arc never too amazed to sec a curious black masked marauder peeking from behind hedges or betwixt tree branches Freddy the year old racoon which has completely usurped the family affection and upset feeding schedules and applecarts is the name of the furry little culprit which has found residence at the Ingle home since he was three months old Actually this affectionate creature was a pre arranged adoptive nonentity which all began when box of eliutnlilen Mr mill Mm Bub Noble ui Chair n beautifully railed not of cream and wlikh hud been donated by the White Ceramics of It It At- ton along with a sot book ends which were won Mel Storey partner The Country in they cull themselves In a group music to to with a western flare Although they well known In the Actun Georgetown and Milton irea they presented a delightful surprise to many local p who had never heard them before and with the bund Including Guidon of Guclph Bill of Harris Street with his wife Joyce as vocalist and Pete Inglcr of together with Myrtle chief organizer of Hie evening A further touch which added to the casual enjoyment of the evenings pleasure was when after commencement of the dancing a request from the stage produced a caller for one or two square dunces in Ihc person of Calvin Mclnlyre from the vicinity of Acton Sewerage produce I horn a no up down iiguln I willi the Howling In the I71 league notion vo In top lor weeks now It fur team from with 129 Second with with I fourth The Neighbours lie with Norton with fifth Queen of with sixth our Comers with seventh I Alley Cits with eighth Untouchables with 73 and shows the Whitewashes with points Bob lor the Carney team bowled up ill points Tuesday to make his team victorious over he Norton with a score of to despite Vic Davie and Fred Nightingale point catch Bill Scott for the Untouchables tried valiantly and came up with a treat points but Ins team lost with a complete hull to the highjacking seven points as Sam ran up a score of Dick and Shirley was mean contestant with points Seven to one showed the Whitewashes cleaned up by the Queen of Hearts us Ted Jeitm scalped 767 header and Jest In a 759 Vic bowled over his competitors when his 691 points made the Bcgoodutbegones victorious with to score and Bill Garner grabbed ff points McKersic showed high girl for her team with and Four Corner team made off with a to 2 score against the Alley Cits Concerned about the possibility of River pollution which might result from the new towage system proposed for the village of four representatives of the RAPE committee met with John Root MP for the Wellington County in his chambers in Toronto at which tune authoritative members of the Ontario Water Commission were on hand to answer questions and present clarification as what type of system would be installed and what possible results could be expected Time is running out fait aid lie shuffle will soon be ith the top five I run for it Gray Rockwood are pleased to Nancy Ingle intrigued by the antics and abilities of the tiny coon in the Disney film Rascal decided to contact an animal centre to see if they ever had any such infants turned into their establishment for adoption A year later just when her thankful mother had decided that her daughter rather odd maternal aspirations for coon ownership had waned and that it was unlikely she would have lo provide a habitat for such an addition a phone call confirmed Nancy original request and a voice said Yes we now have a baby racoon on hand needing a home would you please arrange for delivery A bewildered father unconvinced mother and four whooping Ingle children quickly accepted the already furred masked pet into their hearts but after two weeks of bites at bath times poor toilet habits constant curiosity and con t in mischief the disenchanted Ingle- mother ordered the tiny scamp from the portals of their happy home and he was dismissed through the back door the cold world where it was expected that he would disappear into the wilds of nature That same night however timid scratching outside he Harris Street house told the fori children and their disconcerted parents that the wandering miscreant had returned only to be flooded once more with family affection and fed an extra serving of and raw egg Since that time almost a year ago that tittle racoon has been a part of the family only on a slightly more elevated plane No longer is he allowed to sleep on he foot of children s bedsteads instead he has found a tree across the road with the top cut off to which he has adapted himself He docsn I continually come around for food three or four times a day any more but regularly twice a day he lets himself in by pulling open the screen porch door and scratches softly to signify that it is eating tunc again his terrific craving for sweets makes bread and jam a happy meal along with from the table bananas and a daily raw egg to keep his coat gleaming and healthy He eats his food somewhat like a cat slurping with his tongue but with his front paws looking for any object of which he is suspicious requiring excessive portions of sugar and really enjoying unfrozen raw The wintertime of hibernation period for ordinary coons caused frantic qualms for the adoptive family when in early November one member found the pet racoon seemingly frozen into a furry solid ball in a tree poor little Freddy without a mother to direct him had known it was tune to sleep but t know just where to accomplish this feat He was taken into the house warmed up and a substitute hibernation quarters was assembled consisting of a converted barrel filled with hay into which the worn tired little racoon was placed lovingly to complete his winter sojourn of natural sleep Curiously enough though when guests arrived at the Ingles home insisting that they view the tiny miscreant admitted into his old home admired fondled and played with and then taken back to his bed sometime later to continue his deep slumber Everyone loves Freddy even the year old retriever Heidi prefers an afternoon of gamboling about with he fuzzy coon than hunting with other doggy cohorts He enjoys being coddled and he II roll and play about for hours on the living room floor and only once lately has he broken the rules of the household by being caught at attempting to consume a mottled green turtle another family pet He is not entirely Seemingly he associates this task with the bathtub and no matter how the Ingles attempt to discourage him Freddy seems convinced that this particular piece of equipment is the ideal place for him After his hibernation period between November and March he had Iqtjt considerable weight arid his loss decreased bis pre sleep weight of to 13 lbs which was of great concern to the family However he is now quickly retaining his and no longer is it necessary to worry about his well being He continues to frolic about with Heidi scamper in the house when he s allowed entertain visitors in the garden and in all make life around the Ingles home a continual succession of mischief and minor havoc A slight hope pervades the Harris Street household lately a rather unspoken truth that maybe it about time hat Freddy should just beetle off in the night sometime soon and become enthralled with a little old Miss Coon meantime he continues to persist in climbing through the trees running amongst the scruff and enjoying the friendship of Heidi much to the dubious delight of Harris Street residents and neighbours of the Ingles TOWING RICHS SERVICE CENTRE No 7 HWY EAST OF ACTON 8532940 The exciting piece of hand hammerersculpting shown hero is a product of the combined effort of Drenters and Ralph Verhagen of R 3 Rockwood and will soon bo seen silhouetted against the country It II elegantly decorate the barn roof of A thur Armstrong form on north of The weathervane hand hammered in black iron boasts two hand cut copper figures one of a sower which is at the very top of the centre bar and the other a gleaner holding a sickle ch extends on a welded counter bar and is balanced by an arrow head which with the directive letters E and S ng wind direction are also made with sculpting artistry in copper which eventually green Staff Photo ACTON PHARMACY MAIN ST 8631620 A turn I protect my farm and my future with crop insurance Crop insurance protects you against the hazards of a bad year the weather plant disease and insects Farming is a risky business Crop pro deletion costs increase steadily year by year In contrast crop yields vary depending largely on unpredictable natural hazards which you can control But now you can protect your investment in seed fertilizer sprays etc with crop insurance Crop insurance guarantees your production so you can cover your costs Rates are low Federal and Provincial Government participation means you buy comprehensive coverage for less than half the cost No claim discounts can reduce premiums by as much as Premiums are deductible At tax time your crop insurance premiums can be listed as deductible expenses For peace of mind find out how crop insurance can benefit you Talk to your local agent has listed below APPLICATION DEADLINE MAY 1st SOYBEANS AND WHITE BEANS JUNE MR AND MRS Gordon announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Carolyn h of the Anne to Mr William John son of Mr and Mrs George required Wlngate of The marriage will take place on May J a yawning stretching in Presbyterian Church Freddy all prepared to be Crop Insurance details end application forms available from E TRADITIONALLY NEW FIELD TO INSTANT SHORT CUT New CylinderScreen Chopper New cylinder screen cutting mechanism short uniform chopping on the new GOO forage Powerful blower whips crops lo the back the box or into the silo No feeder apron Unit Is shorter front to back Tough inch diameter shaft whirls cylinder at Six inch long knives 120 in throat area 374 sq in screen area Standard tun pa ten carbide faced knives and built in sharpener Throe attachments available hay pick up one row and a two row that handles both wide and HAY PICKUP fact bar pick up Slip clutch protection Floating auger retractable finger Make us prove it with a Dmoiutrttionl SWANSTON FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED