Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1970, page 16

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Acton Free Press Wednesday February lfl Teen Valentine dance News and views I nas na i Horse Maybe its because I of the female gender that I have only the greatest admiration for the woman and her abilities and am always ready to advocate loudly that anything a man cm do so can his female counterpart with certain limitations I might add Maybe it also because I am a woman hat I can respect her for all the things for which she stands motherhood inspiration counsellor sounding board and the performer of all the multitudinous and too often mundane tasks which make the female of the species a worthwhile partner in any marital or social sphere Maybe however it just because I am i woman that I resent refute and utterly despise the absolute stupidity of the newly emerging emancipated feminist who is according to news presently shaking up today society Now cliches to me have been a tired medium of selfexpression but somehow the old adages two heads are better than one and behind every brilliant mm a clever worn in over the centuries proved to be full truths but now suddenly someone is pulling the tug from under such ideologies who is managing that neat tuck but an entire group of stupid Itm iks who insist on the advocacy of equality of the sexes through the advancement of social political and economic status or women Woman power today will leave as much of a maik on development in the 70s as Black Power did in the according to one Toronto feminist leader stand today where Black emancipation was five years ago said Mrs Bonnie Our job now is make women aware of themselves is group Mrs Kreps is an attractive year old wife of a University of Toronto physicist She has a year old daughter and a full tune job as a television producer with CTV the television network She explains the new feminist as seeing roles developing out of sexual differences The role based on the capacity to have children is into a function than a she said recently and other things follow with the man acting from a position the rule supremacist which I am against Unfortunately Mrs ins a following of equally blighted and ill informed females who have no claim to the power of their own though Km I convictions So- I low newspapers in their search for something sensational and different have exploited the intelligence of such women who in their eagerness to perform and prove their super abilities have cashed in on cheap advertising to bring the wonderful pedestal of womanhood down to the lowly position of the chwmg female fighting for identity Who the heck wants to be identified with such a crass approach to living No true Canadian husband wants to relegate his wife to the kitchen and leave her there It has always been the dream of the mate spouse to give his wife the moon the stars and all the good things in life that he can attain for her If this true then song writers and poets have been writing vain since the world began Most men would like to present their frilly females with riches silks but it docsn I necessarily follow he can always accomplish this feat nor does it necessarily follow that these things are so important anyway thai his wife actually wants them in the first place Many men too willingly admit that their wives are clever little morsels of femininity who could have accomplished greater things and it would be a much easier role for jy husband to sit back and just let dear take over the responsibilities of the household management costs What these hard bitten females are too dull to realize is tint there is a certain luxury about being a pljin ordinary mother and forgive the expression housewife She can be pampered indulged be creative and if she really is bright enough to set the world on fire she can do so right in her own backyard without having knock herself out in the accompli slime But if she has so badly managed her affairs to have poorly chosen a brute for a husband who forced her into a position to which she rebels savagely well then me thinks this feminist must be a poor judge of character and worthless in the leader role for more clever female types who arc smart enough to manipulate as undercover promoters helping husbands to attain greater heights Try to imagine if you will how much more it would be to get one husband to work in the background towards a wife greater achievements than it is now the reversed situation and consider also how disgusting it would be to not respect the position of one spouse or worse jet to have to lake orders from mother woman Women bosses can be dictatorial petty jealous and callous Take the femininity out of womanhood and you have yourself a humourless and uninteresting female But true womanhood is J wmderful status and it doe mi take special degree to realize that men in then place is head of the family or in a respectful position or as the I leaders in ris and corporations would be like living in a society of Amazons and no one con tell this writer that the females who are total have not under their facade of determination and as pieblem or two with motivations as t their own feminine lack ol same So with the the hammer and saw slip into something ga Tunc out to stir the Ined turn the steak dash on some and and with a quick squish on the nozzle of Shelley s Slow Breeze be the most I cm mine little female in husband Let those wtio will conquer the world but you maid be The St John Church Parish Hall was jumping last Friday night when the Young People held their Valentine Sock Hop With continuous records playing hot rock regular pops and modern jazz the curfew hour brought groans of disapproval but it had been a fun evening and everyone had had a great time Ingle and partner tick were the lucky winners of the first spot dance and Marie Ellen Saunders and the popular Rick won the second one Robbie Drcxler won the mammoth heart box of chocolates with his winning door prize ticket Rock rock and pop records rolled continuously while Catharine Mendith and Betty bason assisted on the kitchen counter service of cokes and chips Rev Ken Car dwell and Rock wood News Sally his wife chaperoned the dance with Pat Meredith and Ingle manipulating the tape and record player The tremendous success the affair will hopefully result in regular teen dances with Invitations to be extended to other young people groups in Acton and not been actually set yet hut in two weeks tunc the St John teenagers hope to introduce a group of young players during the intermission Glen Noble Anderson and others have been pulling a group together and practicing it lie Rockery in their spire tunc this could something to look ird to plus the added attritions of more Novelty mixing dances to better acquainted FUN IN THE WINTER to those active boys means hockay facing off for the photographer Photo by Lorraine halloo thor folks Thatcher farm Is beglnnin to look reel perspective these days wot with hi ole Apple Thatcher perspcclivc new arrival sometime in May accord In t the veterinarian wot keeps ma kin mure visits around the barn here lately Yew folks will remember 1 in shore that Jim hatchers horse is a Appaloosa so when she arrived daown at the barn the most or name they could think tcall Iter was Apple so she the filly I been about Me in Apple and I reddy the jumper horse to Julie Thatchers brother is ill good fronds now that I back the South country Wjy 1 it is that they just en joy shoulders with big wheel wot travels around a lot and it makes thcin feci reel good tew it taken a month 0 Sundays but Dick finally made it daown see and he seemed reel pleased I d come back safe and sound He even in vested sonic his hard earned in a pair of reel fancy shoe jobs fcr my winter snow an I heir him him that it about time mure wvrkin to begin again Seems all I been lately is runiirn out an with Freddie an Apple in th fields close by but then Dick an some o the guys were tawkin about the llorsmansJiip Clinic last Sunday the Circle A ranch an in the re fcrcnte tliandlin horses they got tlunkin they tawkui about liitclun me up again to the sled and I in all thet mow 1 mfcelin so great One thing wots reel interest in about my southern trip last month All the tunc I was there people kcplcatin kind oranges which wuz supposed t be a between reel oranges and Sum human critters I even eat anything else but an th other day I was yew know htm at Grocery store thar he was broad as life one them mongrel fruits rite out in front of everyone just off the peels so easy like Apparently some folks around here who visit the Flondy country every year wot won eat any thin else for oranges but those brand Just ask Alvin Root I ole spoutln around and hell tell yew now good they is Another thing made me reel mid to sum villagers about how village fathers t even spell proper Seems like street called Road been spelled Quarry Road and the varmint wot complain it looked pretty bad see such terrible Wal I guess I ami one to none so III jest keep quiet like an no one 11 pay any mind to a few o my erf ors Better gel but it kind a re minds me joke wot Man who sits on lack belter off Bye now yore frend Pretty fair Horsemanship clinic held A format including a talk on horsemanship and a demonstration by his young son absorbed the interest of the many visitors to the Horsemanship Clinic sponsored list Sunday at the Circle A Arena sponsored by the Trail Riders with s Pony Club Instructor Bill East way at the reins Horsemen and women from Toronto Weston Burlington Guelph and Rockwood were on hind to view an English horse a working hunter and open Jumper displaying their executing capabilities in a demonstration Peter Cameron of St Catharines explained the showing if a Western plcisure horse and the question and answer period followed the afternoons presentations of equestrian abilities The campaign of the coast Cancer Society support cancer research projects research accomplished education services patients it much more remain to be done Your support the calls is vital New knitting material subject of WI talk The February meeting of the Roc long Institute was held at the home of Mrs V McKay Cambridge Street in Guelph with president Mrs Norman Harris presiding Ten members and five visitors were present including Mrs R Scott district president and Mrs Shoemaker district secretary The roll call for the evening was answered with the first article I ever knitted and many amazing creations were admitted to During the course of the business it was decided to huld euchres regularly every three weeks with the next one to be held on February in Community Centre formerly the old No Schoolhouse with the March meeting to be held in the Community Centre with Mrs C as hostess A discussion was led by the district director regarding the district bylaws and tins was followed by a short thought provoking message concerning the Institute by Mrs Scott Mrs Glendcnning the Institute program convener gave a talk on a new knitting material Mary Maxim wool and how to work with it at which tune she showed samples of different wools and synthetics now available on the market Several knitted items were displayed and Mrs Kay gave a current events talk and showed some of the work done by residents Milton Manor Mrs Spence also added humour to the evening with her reading of Snell A fun for everyone contest was enjoyed by the ladies and a pleasant evening was closed by the singing of the Queen and social half hour Hope to see church of living spirit The annual meeting the An Church year was held the St Johns Parish Hall last Tucsdiv with Rev ken officiating assisted by rector warden George Ingle and the recently appointed people s warden Monty Riot Also present were lv Ritchie Betty Meredith Nanej Ingle Gladys Ruth Will Lorraine Sandy Hudson John thanks to Mr Meadows repairing many the chairs in the parish hail A new approach was then villi to th leading and program B Judy On Wednesday Feb 11 the girls Volleyball team were proud to say they defeated the teachers for the first time during noon hour On Thursday Feb 12 at noon the girls team were again happy to have defeated springe the first game 19 the second 19 The basketball team also made a strong defeat against with a score of Charlie Allan was helpful to the team with the high point score of points On Friday Feb 13 disappointed by their first loss the staff challenged the girls volleyball team again which the won with a score of 22 the fust game and 1S9 the second On leb Mr Tins Poulx one the bus drivers lor the giadc and Quebec Tour will be showing a scries red slides on the tup and his travels through North America It will be held at Rockwood Centennial School at m SO cents students cents All welcome Please help support our trip On Feb lb the girls team have been challenged by the women s team of the YWCA will be playing a game from followed by a physical fitness test When passed wc wilt be allowed to go swimming in then pool On Monday Feb 16 the girls took second place at Toronto competing against four other choirs pi minutes he as new designed to Prim World Relief Kind with pamphlets to be distributed to nets as J theme wilt on Mothering Sunday Further business was touched on including a Mrs Las Miss Nancy Ingle on their recent weekend at the teacher seminar at he Hills It decided id out a teller No flashers cartrain crash close quick wiltedness and driving know how were responsible saving one Rockwood enthusiast turn a tram crash last Tuesday Driving north at midnight after having delivered in tire Village an auk mobile driver was just about to cross the tracks when a blast Irom the train whistle alerted her that although the signal lights were not working the tram was on the track Fast thinking provoked the driver to jam on her brakes resulting a side spin across the road where she and another passenger sat gaming their composure while the train went on past If the automobile and passengers had continued over the track both car and train would have collided head on II was a close call which fortunately turned out well more fellowship and participation The Vestry meeting held recently hid revealed the luti in of the St Johns Anglic in s and Rev in this reference along with his Advisory Committee felt that such a dedicated society within the church will be missed it could possibly be by a more updated and inspiring group comprised of men and women Although it has been understood that all ladies in the Anglican Church were members of the organization the meetings were usually only attended by a small percentage of the church women and it was generally agreed upon by the Advisory members present that such a new group could set up a program of activities which would stimulate new interests tor all age groups and make the Church of St a pi ice it the living spirit rather relegated DONT MISS OUT The CJOY Millionairess TEN DOLLAR CJ the need money meeting date of March was set lor formulating a Steer to be held it the Hall Rev Ken then adjourned the meeting with a prayer Ken at convention T clerk and James Milne deputy reeve of the township council accompanied by Cat Mclntyte clerk recently attended a two day convention the Association of Ontario Rural Municipalities at Hamilton where they heard a report on Regional Government by Darcy McKcough and also a talk on pollution and control by the Honourable George Kerr Many municipalities from all over Ontario were represented and resolutions on various subjects were presented which if carried would be studied and presented to legislature Eramosa made no resolutions ESS MONEY CHEQUES f CORPORATION Listen to Guelphs CJOY for more information and shop at the following Millionairess sponsors i LI TOW II SHOP North LLMilLR Specdwlc Avenue West BROWN CLOTHING North W 1 1 North CRAWFORD Soulh DON APPLIANCES Shopping Centre EATON CATALOG lit STORES Acton I EVANGELINE SHOPS LTD 132Wyndham Street North FIDELITY MORTGAGE A TRUST CO St George Square STORES Biker Street PAINT STORE Avenue hall hardware ltd 152 Vtyndhim Street North HARRISON MOTORS LTD Gordon Street HOUSE OF WARREN 107 Quebec Street SEATING SUPER VALUE PHARMACY 123 Wyndhim Street North LORRAINE SHOP Wyndhun St reel North MARSH TIRE SERVICE 19 Cordon Street FABRICS Quebec Street MILL END STORE MODERN AGE PAINT WALLPAPER Street North ONE HOUR MARTINIZING Woolwich Street ROOT HARDWARE MUSIC CENTRE St George SEW A SAVE SHOP St George Squire SINGER SEWING CENTRE Street THE BROTHERS THE RED BARN Norfolk A UNITED COOP HARDWARE Speed rile Avenue WALKER DEPARTMENT STORE Street North S St George Squire ft Guelph Shopping Centre LISTEN TO CJOY CJOY FM STEREO or AM

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