Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1970, page 12

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The Acton Froo Wednesday February Editorial Page 1 man cccl Just when everyone was sick and tired of winter along time Ookpiie trie high school winter carnival to illustrate tne coldest season of the yeir can also be tin coolest Activities launched tne week long event by staff and students at school broke icy reserve Canadians traditionally reserve for home grown The entnusiasm of tin students was contagious Almost the entire town and district took part in one of the events Then to whole hung off Y Men Club ran successfully snowmobile race on Like Sunday afternoon tint be stirt of an annual Entnes came from tnt town and district Competition was stiff always adds to of special events Meanwmle at tin new curling local curling buffs were engaged in throwing stones for a which generated a lot of interest and created oodles of fun and some real fine curling A paper Valentine At otner end of town teams were engaged in wan miners defeating the classy Lilian Jets second game of the group finals after suffering a pasting previous from the same team There were who said it couldnt be done There were dances sock Hops skiing sleigh riding skating and all kinds of other entertainment to occupy the winter sports enthusiasts The brightest tmng about entire week of course wis tne ficl entertainment and fun acre by town and district people And had a lot of tun doing it not to mention headaches We know jII tne weeks of the year cant nave a carnival atmosphere but it is good to know taere are those can tiirow off the winter and nave fun in cooperation with the weather rather sitting around complaining they can do nothing about A tip of the editorial to organizers and participants in all events during past week Hope you are back next year bigger and better tnan ever ftc would be remiss if we did not pause in midst of weekly task of editing tins journal to acknowledge congratulations flowed way over prizes The Free Press in annual Better New papers competitions the Ontario Weekly papers Association The editorial and re pleased to win awards but cd like to direit some of messages as of cut cess of any is tied up in the reaction gel readers and the submit for We I nope lo mirror the town and district in the wit lout the cooperation we receive each week Correspondents writers of letters amateur tot hers club secretaries I staff of our sister paper Mil on all wilds making Mis newspaper an award supply some of most modern available I the people in tow did district arc entitled to keep abreast the times Having t ic pre per tot Is simplifies job It is matter of record tnat The Free Press rccened the Highest marks of any new in the competitions this year but tms does not make tne task of continuing to publish a prize winner any easier It is a weekly battle which ends Wednesday one week and starts again next Thursday So we ask your indulgence and support for anotner year We are not above criticism If you feel tnere is sometmng lacking your town paper each week don to tell us We are always ready to listen to constructive criticism and we often receive our share The increasing use of letters to tne editor or Our Readers Write column is an indication that many Ic are more tnan mildly interested in the issues of the town and We welcome these letters believing in publishing free comment provided it is in good taste and docs not libel anyone However we do insist on tne letter being signed by tne writer If or sue does not want be publicly identified we will use a pen name provided the identity of the writer is known So keep those letters coming as Dean Martin says and we go back to the task by the recognition tile extra effort we endeavor to put into tins newspaper each week is reciprocal Thinking citizens whatever political convictions will nut lung but praise for M when they read ins news letter In a strongly worded statement Mr Whiting comes out strongly legally int marijuana The question is one on which every parliament should take a strong public it and and one wnich cannot be decided on party lues We been bumbardeii arguments by tnose who favor legalization Some split iuirs saying that because it is not a narcotic it snould be allowed They do not point out it does like tobacco produce extreme psychological dependence And that unlike tobacco it is a mind altering drug Some deny the proof of experts tnat marijuana leads to use of stronger and still more dangerous addictions Others say because alcoholic beverages were made legal we put no restrictions on marijuana The sort of reverse argument wlncn says because one tmng is bad and legal man should compound ins indiscretions And in background are tne thinkers those who say earn man has right to lus own destiny no no restraints We pray that parliament has a majority Rud Wiiitmgs its numbersiup Men don delude into flunking tney must pussyfoot on a matter which can affect the wnolc future of our country It is a time wuen parliament should be discussing laws instead of rel them The marijuana issue is an excellent place to start The Georgetown Out that pay A man was caught throwing an empty cigarette pack out of his window It the first time he had done this but it was the first time he was caught at it A woman tossed a couple of tissues out of the car window while cleaning out her purse It wasnt the first time for her either Junior was caught ditching a pop bottle He was learning fast They are representative of some of the 353 persons fined in 1968 for littering Ontarios highways and of the hundreds of others who were stopped by the police and warned about the law against littering Cleaning up after Ontario motorists is an expensive business Last year the Department of Highways found that it cost 000 What the family forgets is that any way you look at it its their money that pays the cleaning tab It could be put to better use La honing ill ado Sugar and Spice by bill smiley it odd troubles come batches You can sail along for as many two whole weeks with everything going as smooth as ere Then the roof falls in Ours jlmmi literally did last week when the ice piled up nearly two feet deep behind the and I find anyone chop i off Your run however usually begins with few minor things like a toothache or flu then builds steadily to a crescendo That the way il been with me m my latest bout with the Knobs coming off doors A broken tooth Coming down and finding Hie front door wide open with the temperatures 10 below and the furnace straining to keep up Wipers on the car broken down which is a fairly easy route to suicide the way it been snowing around here this winter Then my car on which I recently spent to remove the problem ol its not star I t in the morning started not starting again My curling knee got and I been limpinc around ever since like a sailor with a wooden leg But these things you ire used to cope with one by one Got my tooth fixed Got a chap luck the ice ofl roof Col the door knobs working the wipers working and the knee wrapped in an elastic bandage thai aits oft the itiou so badly my lace is It the tilings over which you hive no control that hi you right between ihe eyes Like Sunday noon when we call my daughter announcing cheerily tin ugh with a touch of she was calling from the hospital Willi hepatitis You can I say that the kids don dangerously at any rite lefl lor the city at New Yen having quit university I live in a commune again 11 use in society to escape from the I liter A commune is in idealistic Utopia in which everyone shares llic work and the Just one big happy family with no nagging parents and stopping one from doing one thing The commune has vague links with early and the modern Israelis which is nice touch of irony There have been hundreds of attempts to form such in the past The only thing wrong is dial they dou t work unless they arc like the communities Mention it Kim spent i presumably happy week commune then caught hepatitis from one of the other inmates and ly sick semiconscious without eating for ibcul wo weeks She had too much pride feeling she had let us down to call did I have my phone number were waiting lor a letter We finally wrote She slavered out to the emergency ward i general hospital where they gave her a short of penicillin ind threw her back the snowbanks On a night one of the members who id I been getting a bit wciid tunc on i religious kick in Ins went to Ins set the house on lire The others cl into i winter night with tlic clothes they were m not hint else Ik was burned to death house was got hospital All sin saved wis her Christmas present a radio A her some clothes Mr feeling better Bui and there are some hie we dull yet know what damage has been dine liver is Its normal thing lo whatever it does A doctor told her that the worst ise they d ever had in the was SOU then told her that hers wis il you have a THERE T loo many big smiles for the pboioflrapher this day This class picture by Flo Salil Fryer includes back row teacher McMillan Braxia Frances Murdoch Dora Wood Nelson Mary Dora Hanson Smith Marie Franks third row Kon Fryer Austin Gibbons Joe Taylor Sob Mike McMillan McDowell Peter Fritz Sam nolle Neil Anderson second row Margaret Somerville Florence Salt unknown unknown Franklin Olga Annie Marshall Anderson Mary Ritchie Winnie Fern Fryer first row Paul Bleutner unknown Harold Harris Price George Taylor Jack Bruce John McHugh and Pepper Sal Remember when Latin was obligatory subject at high school and complaints were rife about being a dead language Latin might well move over in the burial vault to make room for which has undergone rapid changes in the last decade If you re hip to the blest expressions you have no trouble understanding this doggerel written in couplets by an unknown Remember when meant big in the And a TRIP involved travel in cars planes or ships When POT was a vessel for cooking things in And was what grandmother s rug may have been When FIX was a verb that meant mend or repair And IN meant simply existing somewhere When meant organized tidy and clean Arid GRASS was a ground cover normally green When the lights and not people were And the PILL might have been what you took for a cough When GROOVY meant furrowed with channels and hollows And BIRDS were winged creatures like robins and swallows is a feline a kitten grown a you dunk from a When was swings in a swing And a PAD was a sort of a cushiony thing- When WAY OUT me ml distant and far far away And a man sue you for him GAY When TOUCH described meat to unyielding chew And MAKING A SCLNI was a rude thing to do Words sober and It s GROOVY man GROOVY bur not Metlunks that the language has gone straight to POT Day comes and goes and flowers every February but day was observed at one dun lome When FUZZ was a fluffy like lint And came from bakene from the mint When ROLL umbered with several daughters wrapped her valentine up neatly brightly with bows and hearts and placed it in a gift wrapped box Tie contents of the box started some wild speculation that until one daughter undid bun and a ROCK fanc wrapping And HANG UP was something you did on phone When meant poultry and BAG meant a sack Inside she found a brand new tuilet The moral of the story that the hand that holds ihe throne is sed 20 years ago Taken the iss Thursday 150 The of the Imperial Order of on February 13 I J00 was commemorated Acton on Sunday by a golden jubilee service in Knox church Member the Lakeside and Duke Devonshire eh attended a body Armstrong and Rev ise conducted he Ushers were Mrs hail Cooper Mm Mrs J md Mrs Special mu included as lobyMrs J cornel solo by Ljndsbori and duct by Mrs Mann and Miss Margaret Brown The choirs Knox church and the United church also i ix k pari The was planned by a commit ice Mrs Mrs Beany and regent Mrs Wolfe ol the Duke of Devon ili re chapter and Mrs Buchanan Mrs and recent Mrs of the Like ide chapter In Dominie wide lor amateur and proles innal Miss Taylor Acton was the winner ol a prize presented at a formal present in the Roy York Hold years ago Taken from the issue of the I lee Press Thursday February Fremiti rnembei lor Malum we gleet He received I majonly in our ail lion and Georgetown to take the election boosted the Ihe campaign of the Inieichurch Forward Movement has had a winder response Canvassers of hur churches their work llir ugh the week and the tin i r g is a list of objectives and aggregate subscriptions Anglican objective SI subscribed SI Baptist Methodist S3 105 S3 Presbyterian S4 The hindered the completion ot ihe Presbyterian canvass Repeatedly for several months the and Co have been interviewed by committees of their workmen with their request that they open a general to supply the employees wilh groceries and provisions and wearing apparel The firm were frankly not faverable However a petition was signed by almost every man in their employ To this end they have purchased llic store and premises of R Noble Limited where the feed and flour business is conducted They will only stock staples The business will be confined to their employees and general public is requested not to ask for goods at the store The business of Noble will be conducted at the elevator The community lost an outstanding character when Dr John Lawson passed away 75 years ago Taken from issue the Thursday February One sort i l out the generally g kind higher education ha done that lor us a least are old fashioned lace paper air aid fewer sentimental ones eh the heart and dart and love and dose the ingredients excellence has Is seal upon Vale nine Owing loan accident Georgetown high students eie delayed in Georgetown 1 Saturday noon They enjoyed immensely however as the people of were extremely kind and hospitable Frozen portuns of the human anatomy are quite The temperature was down to below leu The snow on Mill St and is ver W is six feet deep in some pltces Hie sidewalks have been kept however The mail from did not reach for two days Those who came to Acton from Saturday were obliged lo walk home as n Irani arrived The road Acton has been a devious way llic past lew days II runs a stielch across mill ponds and a serpentine fashion through the fields with occasional stretch On the highway The bad of the roads was the cause of small attendants at church on Sunday I

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